[016] Blender tutorial - Disintegration

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hello everybody I meet a commercial studio and I would like to welcome you to another a blender tutorial in this video I will show you how to disintegrate objects in blender as you can see in the result right now for this tutorial you will need to just blender and nothing else if you are watching in the future you can safely follow in the blender 2.8 but in time of making this video I've encountered problems with baking the particles so I will stick to 2.79 just for now so let's jump right into the blender and first I will create some geometry so I will have something to disintegrate simple T shape should be sufficient enough with the primitive cube mesh and few extrusions the modeling phase is finished just remember to always give everything some reasonable name now we will need some other object that will carve away the T shape its shape is limited only by our imagination and I am lazy so another big cube with a lot of subserve will do and to remember the naming also when you scale the cube in object mode you should apply the scaling afterwards which control a well let's make the animation just two keyframes nothing pencil in the first frame the Carver objects should be outside of the T shape and in the last let's say Henry tastic State should be completely covering it the caring effect will be achieved with boolean difference so after the boolean modifier to the t-shape set it to reference and pick the cover to actually see what is happening select the cover and in its object properties set the maximum display to just bounce it's already doing what we want but it's really boring some displacement on the cover should do the trick select carver at a displace modifier after this observe and create a new texture go to the texture settings and set the type to clouds and size to something bigger for example one it doesn't look bad but the noise is too static for my taste back in the Carver displace modifier changing the texture coordinate from local to global should solve my problem and I finally have to effect I'm looking for now I just have to ask there particles but now I need to somehow separate the geometry generated by the boolean modifier from the rest of the D shape my approach will be putting it all to the vertex group so go to the T shapes data properties and create one the vertex assigning will be done with dynamic paint select the Carver go to its physics properties and create a dynamic paint brush to make sure all the vertices we won't affect it are inside the influence of the brush set the paint source to volume plus proximity with really small distance now select the T shape and make it a canvas make sure we are painting two vertices and the surface type is weight if you now set the output vertex group to our group that we created earlier the vertices will be effectively added to the group and we can mask the rest away with the mask modifier voila we have just the carving surface now and we can omit the particles from it start with making a new particle system the start and end should be frames where the actual carving starts and ends in your scene it will probably have different while you stand in mind the lifetime can be definitely lower and randomness is always welcome also make sure the particle system is using all previous modifiers I don't really like the falling so I will turn off the gravity and create some turbulence instead play with the turbulence settings until you happy when it's behaving as you want go back to the particle settings emit much more of them and bake the simulation now you can turn off the dynamic paint and mask modifiers everything looks fine but the particles are just dots let's give them some shape switch to the second layer and create ICO sphere with only one subdivision set shading to smooth rename it and we are done all the way back in the particle settings find the render tab set it to object and pick the ecosphere it would be nice if they became smaller and smaller as they fly away so scroll down to the textures tab create muon and jump to its settings the type will be blind mapping coordinates strenght or particle and the influence will be size not time I want exactly the opposite so I will change the size to minus 1 some more randomness cannot hurt so back in the particle surrendering randomize the size the effect is done now we just need to set up some nice materials and render the result I will just add camera to the scene and change the layout so I will have node editor to my disposal also it's nice to pick some frame where we can see all the action happening turn of the Carver object for rendering and just for now turn off also the particles let's start with the easiest material the outside of the T shape as you already know I am lazy person so the material will be just one principal shader choose some nice base color and play with the rest of the values until you like the result I am using the version 2.79 but the daily build so I can use new bellow node and if I can white shouldn't I the boringness of the surface somehow overtakes my laziness so I will make at least some variation in roughness and normals way it's procedural Voronoi texture to see the lighting better we should use some HDR map but it's definitely not necessary for this tutorial now the inside of the D shape we need to create new material slot and new material under the t-shaped object and also put the same material on the Carver you should immediately see the effect on the carved polygons this material will be super simple to I will use the same Voronoi as before but now I will run it through the color ramp to give it directly some color to achieve the molten look the color ramp will run from white across yellow red and finally to black the diffuse shader should be actually enough just increase the color value over one it will not emit any light but it will reflect more light than what's falling to the surface okay and finally the particles turn them back on find the particle sphere and put on it same material as we used on the inside make sure it's unique and change few things we will use the same color ramp but the source won't be some random texture but each of the particles every particle has different life time so just divide the H by the lifetime and we are good to go it's nice but the color ramp needs to be mirrored I let the render settings and compositing up to you just be aware of the motion blur the T itself changes topology every frame so the motion blur can gets really confused just go to its object settings enter after deformation motion blur also if we want the proper spot effect the motion blur shouldn't be so even so play with the global motion blur settings shutter color to give it kind of this shape and it's finally all from me I hope you found something interesting and useful in this tutorial I thank you very much for watching until the next time happy blending
Channel: Wiresoul Studio
Views: 114,936
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: b3d, blender, bledner, tutorial, how to, disintegration, thanos, snap, fire, particles, modifiers, dynamic, paint, animation
Id: wm4rDDRcbDQ
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 10min 21sec (621 seconds)
Published: Sun Nov 04 2018
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