[Blender 2.8/2.9] Rig ANYTHING with Rigify #6 - Custom Alien Rig

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in the last chapter we recreated the human metric starting from a single bone and the goal of the of that exercise was to get rid of the notion that these pre-built metrics are special in any way so hopefully we've accomplished this goal ultimately though my goal with this course is to allow you to rig anything using redefine and this character here is the first step in this process I wanted to keep him fairly simple but at the same time make him weird enough so by rigging this character hopefully you will start to change your mindset you you will start to believe and understand that you can rig anything using reify so before we even start adding bones let's look at the character and try to imagine what kind of building blocks would fit him so let's look at him and here you can pause the video and maybe try to imagine for yourself what kind of building blocks you would use to rig all of his features okay so I assume you did that or maybe you didn't either way is fine so I'm going to give you my personal thoughts first of all I see that he has a leg which is there's nothing special about it it seems fairly human he also has arms which are also quite humanoid except for having only two fingers and also if I look at the fingers closely I can see that they only have two digits or I think they're called phalanges where an actual human has three of those so for the arms I'm going to use the arm preset and for the leg I'm going to use the leg preset for the fingers I'm going to most likely use tentacles and this is a very common workflow in radio fight if you check out the pre-built animal metrics most of them are using the tentacle preset as a finger or as a claw as for the body of the character I'm definitely going to use a spine for this part of the body for the upper part I think I'm going to try to use a head preset and see how that goes if it doesn't work well then maybe I'll experiment with something else and for the tentacles I'm going to use the tentacle preset that's very straightforward and I also want to make sure that I can control the rotation of the eye and for that I'm going to use a super so-called super copy or just a single bone we can start I'll press shift a single bone as always I'll activating front and access and I'm going to name our my armature let's call it mr. I'm going to copy this name mr. three hands metric so I'm going to go to edit mode and delete this bone and he ran under a defy button in edit mode I'm going to search for a leg and edit to my scene and so reify assumes that you want to rig a symmetrical character like a human with two legs but in this case I only want to have one leg so I'm going to move this leg to the center and inside view my character has slightly a cartoony proportions so I'm going to adapt my armature to that and that's looking good this heel bone needs to be where the heel meets the ground and if I look in front view if the width of this bone should be about the same as the width of D of the foot and as I explained in an earlier chapter this helps with this sideways rotation of the foot back to edit mode the next thing I'm going to do is add a spine so let's add a spine preset basic spine is the one I want I want and I need it to be a little bit longer my character is not symmetrical and he's bent a little bit to the side but really if I can handle that I'll just make sure that my spine follows the same curvature let's see how it looks it in the side view I need to align it a little bit but it's almost there next I want to add the arms I'm going to look search for an arm selected and click add sample and first I'm going to align this sample that I got to the top left arm like that and let's make sure that it's aligned from the top view as well and so next legs let's add the fingers which as I said will be tentacles let's add a simple tentacle sample move it to the side and I only need two bones so I'm going to delete the very last one make sure you don't delete the first one because that's the the bone that holds the rig type this no one needs to be a left alone of course you can always sit ddproperty manually but let's let's just delete this bone and that will make our lives easier also this I need I want to rename this bone to finger and this one will also be finger and now I'm going to move it into place from the top view as well and now I'm going to select these this finger-bone and shift it or duplicate it over to the other finger now that we have a full arm with the hand and fingers I can select everything and press shift E and I'm going to undo I'm going to make sure that my orientations are set to global I'm going to shift E to duplicate and constraint the movement to the z-axis then I'm going to rotate it a little bit so it's aligned well and that looks decent so now I want to rig the arm on the other side so for the this part of the arm except for the fingers when you add a sample from here rigify automatically adds the else suffix so that means that I can simply go to armature symmetrize and I'll have the arm on the other side now my character is not symmetrical Soumik I want to make sure that x-axis mirror is turned off with that I'm going to align the hand or the arm and the hand and now I want to also copy the fingers to the other side one of the best ways to do that is to actually add the dot L suffix to all of these bones and symmetrize them but I'm going to do it another way just intentionally in a slightly more difficult way but I want to talk about something that I so far haven't had the chance to talk about which is the controlling the bone roll so I'm going to whoops let's undo that and I'm going to make sure that I've selected all of the finger bones then shift T and move them on the other side and now I'm going to start in the top view rotating them so they fit my fingers and let's undo this the rotation and do it once more and pay attention to how the bones rotate slightly on their own axis on the y axis and that is not good that can create some problems we can visually see that the bomb have been rotated on the y-axis but also that that's one of the main reasons we have these yeah we activate the access via viewport display over here so that we can make sure that we control this alignment properly so let's align the fingers and then let's say with what we can do about this rotation on the y-axis I'm going to select one of the bones and go to item you should see this role property that you can control here and if you play with it you will see that the the bone rotates on its y-axis let's move over to this side which is set up correctly and see what we have so I can see that on this side the z-axis is pointing to the side so I want to do the same same thing over here so let's let's play with this raw property until the z-axis is pointing to the side and when I do that you'll see that the bones the orientation of the bone is looks better as well so let's do that for all bones and also instead of playing with this property here you can in the viewport press ctrl R that will have the same effect so the fingers are all set now I'm going to go to front view again and edit mode and and the rigify buttons I now want to add a head let's search for a head there is this super head let's move it up a bit and make it a little bit bigger and now by default the super head sample has two neck bones and one head bone but really you don't need two neck bones you can only read if I can work with only one neck bone I think you can also only have the head bone but I'm not completely sure I'm going to check that and in the later chapter chapter which serves as a manual I'm going to have the exact rules but this will definitely work heaven just one neck and one head so let's make the head quite a bit bigger below the eye and the neck will be much shorter in the side view I'm going to connect the neck as we've done many times so far so I'm going to snap the cursor to this nodule and then snap this nodule to the cursor and then let's go to pose mode select this bone and make sure that the rig type is there and then under options we can check connect chain let's rig the tentacles as well start from a single bone so I'm going to go to edit mode and press shift e to add a new bone line it and I'm going to rename it by pressing f2 let's let's say we'll call it tentacle L I'm going to extrude two more bones in this chain and then with the first bone selected I'm going to go to pose mode before I forget I'm going to set the rig type to tentacle grab all of those and I can I can simply know I'm going to copy them over to the other side with shifty and this tentacle is a little bit longer so I want one more bone in this chain and also this tentacle is kind of bending backwards so let's let's line the bone chain to the to the actual tentacle now almost everything is in place the last thing I want is a bone to control VI and so I'm going to press shift a again and that will give me another bone I'm going to press f2 to rename it and call it AI in pose mode I'm going to set its Ric type two super copy under options I want to uncheck the form for this bone the reason is this I if I go to object mode now and I'm going to select the eye and I can see that it's a separate object I'm going to simply parent the eye to this bone instead of controlling it with bone weights I'm going to select the eye and press shift s cursor to select it and now the cursor is snapped to the pivot point of di and now back to my metric I'm going to go to edit mode select the eye bone and press shift s selection to cursor and that snaps my eye bone to exactly the position of the pivot point of the eye and that's what I want but then I'm going to go to to the side view and move this bone down a bit and the exact position of this smaller nodule doesn't matter I'll just kind of make it as big as s di we are almost done with our bones the last thing that I want to do is add some support bones so I'm going to select this nodule here and press e to extrude a bone and call it pelvis dot L and I'm going to go to pose mode set it make it make sure that Ric type is super copy and I'm going to turn off control I don't need to to create a control for this bone and with that done I'm going to go to edit mode and symmetrize this bone and then select both of these new pelvis bones and move them shifted to duplicate them and move them up I'm going to use them as chest bones as well I need some support bones in the chest area as well because if I didn't have this support these support bones of the hands over here will have too much influence over this areas and the deformations won't be nice let's add those chest bones I'm going to make sure they kind of point to the arm and I'm going to make one more copy with shifty and point that copy two to the last hour and then select all of these bones go to batch rename and let's name them chest okay and I may actually need some skull bones as well so I'm going to add them and I'm going to point them towards the tentacle and with that I have all the bones that I wanted to add let's go to post mode and make sure that the rig type is there yeah looks good so the next step is to parent everything I'm going to start from top to bottom I'm going to parent this identical to the scope to this skull bone and the other identical to the other skull bone the both skull bones should be parented to the head the eye should also be parented to the head the neck will be parented to the this chest bone and also all the chest bones will be parented to this spine bone so the arms will be parented to today are corresponding chest bone let's also parent the fingers each finger pair should be parented to to the closest arm and the one on the other side these pelvis bones and the the leg bone will be parented to the first bone of the spine and I think this is all I need to do okay this looks good so I think I can go to to the armature tap in object mode and click generate rig I'm going to hide the metal rig select the character and then the the newly created rig and ctrl P with automatic weights and now we can quickly grab the ika control of the arm and move it around a bit to test we can move the pelvis and this dis control and the shoulder control and everything looks not okay everything looks okay except for this I so let's undo all the deformations that I did and I'm going to go back to object mode select the I then I'm going to select the armature then I'm going to go to pose mode and make sure that only this eye bone is selected and then I'm going to hit control P and instead of automatic weights choose bone so now my eye will be directly parented to this bone and so if I rotate this I bone I don't know I'm not sure why but it seems that it has been used for deformation which I didn't want so let's go back in object mode and hide the material go to pose mode and select this eye bone and yes for some reason I don't have deform unchecked I want to click and uncheck deform and I'm going to regenerate my rig ok then I'm going to go through to my character and over here and the vertex groups delete all groups just in case and then I'm going to reparent my character with automatic weights hide the metric and now yeah now this bone rotates the eye but doesn't affect the deformation of the surrounding area that this will be all for this chapter in the next book in the next part of this chapter I'm going to go over if I go back to the metric these rigify bond groups and layer names I mentioned them very briefly before I said that they have to do with making your rig more user-friendly so I think this is a good time to see how those work if you want to support me click like and subscribe you
Channel: CGDive
Views: 38,131
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: b3d, blender, blender3d, blender2.8, rigify, addon, rigging, 2.9, 2.90, 2.90.1, 2.82, 2.83, 2.83.1, 2.83.2, 2.83.3, 2.83.4, 2.83.5, 2.83.6, 2.83.7, 2.83.8, 2.83.9, 2.91, 2.92
Id: O7sEj3cSuug
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 19min 39sec (1179 seconds)
Published: Mon Jun 01 2020
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