[Blender 2.8/2.9] Rig ANYTHING with Rigify #5-1 - "Rig Types" EXPLAINED

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so in this chapter i want to finally stop messing around with the pre-built meta rigs and i want to explore how we can make up the custom matrix i have a new scene here in blender the rigidify add-on is enabled and you if you followed along you should have it enabled too if you don't please go back and enable it and so i'm going to select everything in the default scene and delete it and i'm going to press shift a armature and just create a single bone i don't want to mess around with those metrics anymore and so to create our own materials first we need to explore where all the options for rigidify are as i probably mentioned earlier they're all over the place that's what makes rify a little bit unintuitive and difficult to work with but once you know them it's not so difficult most of them especially when it comes to working with meta rigs are over here in the armature tab you can kind of move these fields around but if you didn't your rigify fields should be around the bottom and so you can see everything that is labeled with rigify is part of the rig if i add on do we have some bone groups layer names and refi buttons which we already worked with a little bit um and there is one more regify option in the bone tab however it is only available in pause mode so when you switch to pause mode you should see this rigify type field and it this this field is extremely important but unfortunately it's kind of hidden that way something similar happens in the armature tab as well right now we are in pose mode and under rigify button we see these generate rig button and advanced options if i switch to object mode we see the same thing but if i switch to edit mode suddenly there's a list of items and a button and another part of rigifi is over here in the end panel however right now you probably won't see anything other some riggify dev tools over here but mostly the options that you'll get there are options for the generated rig not for the meta rig so once you generate a rig and start pausing and animating it then you will work here so for now we are going to leave the end panel alone also uh the rigidify bone grubs and refi layer names have to do with usability they can help you make your rig more user-friendly but we can leave them alone for now to keep things simple so really the only two areas that you have to pay attention to are these riggify buttons and in bone tab when you switch to pose mode there is rigify type so there are two areas and you have to be aware that they kind of change or disappear depending on the mode you're in if you remember earlier i said that rigify works with building blocks these limps and spines and basic another well if i go to edit mode under armature and look at this this list of the under rigidify buttons these are these building blocks that i was talking about this is one way to get those building blocks so i'm going to select this bone this standard bone and i'm going to delete it and let's select the first item in this list and click add sample and as you can see this chain of three bones appeared now if i go to pose mode and select the first bone and then switch to the bone tab under rigify type you will see that this bone has the rig type basic copy chain so again if we look at the mind map that i showed earlier i said that meta rigs are nothing more than standard blender armature with a special property and this rig type this is the property i was talking about and so if we click or select the other bones we can see that they don't have a rig type but that's how rigify works it only needs the first bone to have a property and then it figures out what to do with the other ones believe it or not this is a meta rig we have a metric so let's let's call it my meteric okay so now if so if i switch to object mode or even pause mode and go to to the armature tab i can now i now have the generate trig button i can click it and let's hide the meta rig and you can see that i have this generated rig with with a root and three very basic bones that i can manipulate let's unhide the metarig height degenerated rig so this is one way to create the building blocks another way is again if i go to edit mode and just press shift a i'll generate a new ball move it a bit on the x axis and then i'm going to subdivide it a couple of times so i have a chain that looks basically identical to this to the one that was generated by the edge sample button however if i go to pose mode select this bone move to the bone tab i can see that it has no rig type none of these bones has a rig type so i'm going to select the first bone in this chain and on the rig type i'm going to select basic copy chain and now i'm going to unhide my rig if you remember if your rig is hidden you will have a regeneration error so make sure you unhide it and now i'm going to go to to the armature top and click generate trig hide my metaric go to pose mode and as you can see the this chain of bones was generated by the sample that i added and this was completely made from a new bone and so you can see that it it makes no difference the result is the same if i go back to my metareek there is nothing magical about adding a sample just just like there is nothing magical about adding these meta rigs the only kind of magical thing happens here when you add the property which tells rigifi what to do with these bones as an exercise let's delete this generated rig and go back to the meta rig as an exercise i would encourage you to go to edit mode in armature tab and generate all of these samples click the next one basic pivot and then go to pose mode go to the bone tab and see the rigify type okay next go back to edit mode create another one go to pose mode and check out its rig type and this could be can be a little bit boring but i really encourage you to do it i've prepared this blend file that you can look at it's called triggify samples organized i'm going to open it now and you'll be able to access it too and in this file i've done exactly what i just asked you to do i have created each and every one of the samples and i have also organized them a little bit i told you that there are four groups of building blocks and i've organized them in this file in the in this way the basic group the limps the spines and the other also above each of those building blocks i have their name so what you may notice is that the names of each building block follow this pattern of something dot something and the the first part before the dot is the name of the group so basic limbs spines the second part of the the name basically explains what the building block is supposed to do however i have to warn you that these names are not logical i'm not sure why for example why is this super copy i have no idea this all this super copy does is copies a single bone from the metric to the final rig in my opinion it should be called simply copy here is another one simple tentacle why is it simple tentacle there is no special tentacle no super tentacle why is this one simple i have no idea some of them do make sense for example this super limb is a preset that combines the arm the leg and the pole in in one in one building block so it's a it's a workflow improvement the super spine is another one that kind of makes sense so we have the basic spine and the super spine what it does if i go in here in pose mode and check out the rig type this super spine preset creates a basic spine a basic tail and a super head oh and by the way why is why is it super head why is the spine basic spine and the tail is basic but the head is super i have no idea but the super spine combines basic spine basic tail and super head in one the super chain okay it's as opposed to the normal copy chain this one is a super chain the face is a super face so i'll just my advice is not to pay too much attention to today's to the super and so on in the names another thing that i want to point out is that all of these bones that you see were created using the add sample button so there are 18 of them however not every one of them actually is a rig type but i already showed you on one example the super spine which can be created from from the samples is not an individual rig type it's just three rig types that appear together so it's just a workflow improvement so this one i can kind of remove from the rig types another one like that is the rear pole again the naming is weird it's called rear paw but really what it is is a paw a palm and a couple of tentacles why is it color here paul i have no idea so i'm going to move that one away as well another one is the super limb it combines the arm preset the leg preset and the paw preset all in one but there are no additional options so this is also just a simple workflow improvement i can remove it so even though there are 18 samples functionally speaking there are 15 building blocks that we can use in rigify and so you know you can either use this file and go through each of these building blocks and try to find their rigify type or you can of course make your own single bone go to edit mode add the samples and then look for the rig type another exercise that i think would could be useful is i'm going to create a new file delete everything and then shift a armature let's add the human meta rig go to pose mode and again try to find the rig types i can show you with the humanoid the rig type property for the leg is in the this top bone for the arm is also in the in the top in the first bone of the chain this one is a super copy so it's a single bone this one is the same this one holds the property of the head so the hip is actually head and neck uh if i select the top most bone uh you can see that there is one more bone hidden beneath it so if i select it you can see that that's that's what holds the property for the super face so yeah you can keep adding for example an animal and like the bird and you can find out that it has a super limb sin that the type is set to pull yeah i would encourage this exercise so that's it for this chapter let's move on the next chapter will be available soon or it may already be uploaded details will be in the video description or just go to cgdive.com rigify where you'll find the latest chapters additional resources and information about advanced lessons that i'm working on if you want to support me click like and subscribe
Channel: CGDive
Views: 25,449
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: blender, b3d, rig, rigging, rigify, 2.9, 2.90, 2.90.1, 2.82, 2.83, 2.83.1, 2.83.2, 2.83.3, 2.83.4, 2.83.5, 2.83.6, 2.83.7, 2.83.8, 2.83.9, 2.91, 2.92
Id: v8Vb0Jp6vjE
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 13min 44sec (824 seconds)
Published: Thu May 21 2020
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