[Blender 2.8/2.9] Rig ANYTHING with Rigify #5-2 - Custom Rig from Scratch

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I know you guys probably get it starting to get sick of this blue guy but I promise this is the last time we are going to rig him what we are going to do now is we are going to start from a single bone and then basically make a simple biped rig that works with rigify but you know we won't be using the pre-built matrix so I'm actually going to generate a basic human metric just so we have it as a reference and I'm going to move it aside and then I'm going to go ahead and create a single bone let's name it human like a rig copy so let's go to the armature tab and click in front and access go to edit mode edit mode delete this default bone and since we are in edit mode I can see these samples and so I want to start by adding a leg if you click this triangle here it unhides a search field which can be very useful because there are as many as 18 items over here so sometimes it's hard to find the one that you are looking for so in the search field I'm going to type leg and then only the leg will be visible make sure you really click on this item and then click add sample right away we get something that is that's looking very good I'm going to go to side view and align the bones to my actual leg in the front view they look pretty much pretty good I want to again align this heel bone to the to my heel and also I want it to be about as wide as my actual food so that's looking good turn in front back on with this whole leg selected in edit mode josè legs selected I'm going to click symmetrize okay so as you probably remember we don't have to use the add sample field we can just create a new bone with shift a and I'm going to move it up around the spine area scale it down a little bit f2 to rename it spine in the side view I'm going to align it alerce better and extrude three more bones for the spine and I'm going to select the first bone in the chain go to pose mode switch to a bone tab and under rig type I can click over here and I can start typing spine there will be a couple of options available the ones the one I want is basic spine okay so next I want to add an arm back to eighth mode and let's use the refi buttons again these samples I'm going to type arm select the arm and then click at sample the reason I'm always saying that you should select this item is we currently have the arm selected let's look for a leg and if I don't select it properly and click add sample I'll be adding another arm which is not what I want so I'm going to click ctrl Z don't do and search for arm again selected properly at sample I'm going to move it into place again let's not spend too much time on this the next examples are going to be much more exciting I promise you I'm going to add another bone quickly move it where the color bone would be if to to rename it and name it colour dot L and then go to pause mode select this bone in the bone tab I have to make sure that I give it a rec type in this case I need a super copy if you remember super copy gives you a copy of a single bone from the metric to your final rig there will be a special chapter which will serve as a manual and in there I'm going to explain every single rig type so don't worry too much if you don't understand or don't remember the rig types yet okay so we need one more single bone over here that serves is support for the pelvis so I'm going to go to edit mode select the last module of this spine or the first one actually press e to extrude a bone and I'm going to go to pose mode again and I'm going to give it a super copy rig type in in the options that pop up I'm going to turn off control again I'm going to explain these things in detail later on but turning of control will not create a a widget for this bone so I won't be able to manipulate and I don't want to manipulate it so that's perfect so I'm going to press f2 to rename it and let's name it pelvis Dotel now I need a head as well let's go to edit mode and under fi buttons look for head there is the super head let's align it with my with the model and let's say that I do want to connect the despy in the neck so I'm going to click this nodule shift this and choose cursor to selected and then this nodule and shift this selection to cursor and now I'm going to select this first bone in the head chain go to bone tab and in interruption let's check the connect chain option we are almost there let's just parent things and let some symmetrize first I'm going to select all of the bones that need to be symmetrized go to armature symmetrize but then I'm going to select the first bone of the leg select this pelvis bone ctrl P keep offset I'm going to select the first bone of the arm D then the collar bone shift selected ctrl P keep offset I'm going to select the the base of the head and then the for the last bone of the spine ctrl P keep offset then the color bone and this last bone of the spine keep offset and that should be it no I need to parent the pelvis tool to the spine with keep offset oh I don't have x-axis mirror option on that's why ok I'll have to do the parenting for this this side as well ok now almost there okay that looks good so let's go to object mode armature tab he'd generate hide my material copy and the material that I used for reference I'm going to select my mesh oh wait I also have a tail and some ears I'm going to select the metric again go to edit mode and let's look for tail there this basic tail in side view I'm going to align it so another thing that I'm going to explain in detail later is that some presets for example the leg have a rigid structure the leg can only have a chain of four bones and then this heel bone but other types rig types like for example the tail must have at least two bones but then they can have as many as 15 or 100 or as many as you need let's undo originally this from the sample I got three bones but I want four so I just extrude it another one and this is going to work and then I'm going to in edit mode I'm going to select this tail bone and the spine bone and parent them let's go to the options to the rig type options of of the tail and make sure sure that connect chain is not checked okay and then we also have ears so let's use the tentacle preset and the tentacle can also be easily created from a single bone without using the samples so I'm going to create a new bone align it with the years and the tentacle Ric type needs to have at least two bones so I'm going to click right click and subdivide this bone and let's also name it here yo and I don't know ear to Dotel I'm going to set up the Eric type to tentacle and then I'm going to select both bones and symmetrize them and don't forget to parent them all so make sure you have x-axis mirror on so that you don't have to do both sides of the face one by one keep offset and one one last thing that I want to do is check that all the bones have their rig type sometimes I'm not sure why but especially when you symmetrize in copy bones you lose the rig type so let's check and yeah everything seems fine cool I can go to object mode armature tab and the Advanced Options I want to make sure that I'm overriding my rig I make I want to make sure that my generated rig is visible if I hide it I'll have an error when I try to generate and I'm going to press generate now I can hide my metric select mesh select the generated rig control P with automatic weights and there we go my ears work my head works my tail works the feet work everything seems cool so I'm probably even more glad than you that we are done with this blue guy in the next chapter we are going to rig this weird alien with many arms in just one leg the next chapter will be available soon or it may already be uploaded details will be in the video description or just go to cg dive comm slash rigify where you'll find the latest chapters additional resources and information about advanced lessons that I'm working on if you want to support me click like and subscribe you
Channel: CGDive
Views: 21,852
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: b3d, blender, blender3d, rigging, rig, rigify, 3drigging, 2.9, 2.90, 2.90.1, 2.82, 2.83, 2.83.1, 2.83.2, 2.83.3, 2.83.4, 2.83.5, 2.83.6, 2.83.7, 2.83.8, 2.83.9, 2.91, 2.92
Id: tZFnrvsZ-ds
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 11min 35sec (695 seconds)
Published: Sun May 24 2020
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