[Blender 2.8/2.9] Rig ANYTHING with Rigify #3.1 - Prebuilt Meta Rigs (Human)

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so let's try to rig this simple humanoid character again this time with the redefine tools first of all let's activate rigify to do so we are going to go to edit and choose preferences go to the add-ons section and in the search field type reify and it should pop up put a check mark next to reify and you should be good to go and then you need to go to save and load locate auto run python scripts and then put a check mark on it as well you need to activate this option in order for rigify to work properly then you can save preferences and I can close the Preferences window what happened after we activated the add-on if we press shift a on the armature there are a few new presets a few new armature types that we can choose from and one of them is the human metric there are a couple of animals and basic human and basic quadruped --it so in this case we are going to use the basic human because our character is very basic the same as in the previous tutorial I'm going to turn on in front and access before we go any further let's follow the workflow that I mentioned in the previous videos step one is to make sure that that character is ready for a reading first of all I want to I'm going to hide the material for now I'm going to make sure that my character is facing front so if I switch the front view my characters face is visible what that means it he's facing front his feet should be on the ground of the of the 3d world that the ground is represented by this red line so I can see that the legs are aligned with the floor pivot point should be in the center of the 3d world so if I go to the end panel under item with the mesh selected the location is set to 0 0 0 so that is good scale and rotation should be applied a rotation is set to 0 0 0 and scale is to 1 1 1 so that means they're applied model to scale my model is it's a humanoid character and in the z-axis its its height is basically 1.8 meters so that looks good the humanoid should be in the a pose so if I look again through front view I can see that my character is standing straight and the arms are slightly bending downwards and this is what they call the a pose there's also T pose where the arms are extended to the sides T pose is no longer in use people generally prefer the a pose and non humanoid characters should be in neutral position I'll show you an example of a dog and then we need good topology in this case my character super simple the topology should be good enough for this exercise so first we need to create a meta rig and in this case we are going to use the beginner workflow which means we are going to be using the pre-existing metrics so I'm going to go in into my 3d view and I'm going to press shift a basic human I'm going to check in front and access let's delete the rig that I've created previously and let's rename this rig base human metric having meta read in the name is not necessary but I name it like that so it's easily identifiable the next step in the process is to align the metric to our character with the metric selected and in object mode scale by pressing s scale D the whole metric down a little bit until it fits our character and this by the way is an intentional mistake that I'm making I'm going to do this often in this course so I'm going to go into edit mode and I want to start aligning this metric to my character a very candid tool that we have is under tools under options there's this x-axis mirror if you activate it any changes that you make on one side of the rig will be automatically mirrored to the other side so I'm going to adjust the color bone the arm the hand the legs look almost okay but let's move them a little bit to the side like this these two bones here are breast bones we don't need them we can actually delete them but I'm going to leave them in this example things seem to be not very well aligned from the top view so let's switch the top view a way to select the whole hand is by pressing hovering over the ID bone chain and pressing L and I'm going to move it a little bit it's nice that this a chain is slightly bent in the elbow but I think in my case that's a bit a little bit too much so I'm going to move it just slightly hand is looking good now let's go into side view I need to align the leg from the front view you need to keep in mind that the leg in a rigify includes this heel bone so we are going to adjust it in a second the heel bone is very important from the side view it should be right where the heel meets the ground I'm going to disable in front for a second it needs to be about as wide as your actual foot so let's make it about this white as the actual food to see more clearly what this does I'm going to go to to object mode then I'm going to select the character I'll go to edit mode again I'm going to select this part of the leg and I'm going to make it wider without mirror I just want one side to be a little bit wider and you can follow along if you want I'm going to go back to the meta rig and I'm going to deselect X mirror for a second and I'm going to make this bone a little bit wider to match a character in edit mode let's turn back on the x-axis mirror option and in the front I think I need to align the spine so let's again with L select the whole spine and these additional bones here and move them so they're more in the in the center of the body even though anatomically the the spine should be at the back it's better to put it over here it allows for better deformations so it is looking good before I move the spine if I undo you can see that the spine and the head and the neck were perfectly aligned now I'm going to redo everything and now you can see that they are disconnected now this is another intentional mistake that I'm making I'm just going to move the collarbone a little bit make sure it's aligned well and yeah that should do it I'm going to go to edit to object mode and I'm going to look for the really five buttons the tab under the armature tab and here is the very important generator rig button and I'm going to go right ahead and click it we get an error the problem is let's let's do this again and look at the error it says boom position is disjoined that's the problem with rigify it kind of gives you an error message and the error message can be hard to read in this case the problem is that the neck bone and the spine bone need to be perfectly aligned and there is a way to let rig if I know that I want my spine and head to be disconnected but in the pre-built metric it is set up so they need to be perfectly aligned so let's align them I'm going to select the last module of the neck I'm going to press shift s selection to cursor and then selecting the last module of the spine I'm going to press shift s selection to cursor and that gives me perfectly aligned spine and neck back to object mode and I'm going to press January trig as you can see it did work however did generate trig seems to be quite a bit bigger than the metric why is that the reason is due to this intentional mistake that I did it at the beginning I scaled the metric down in object mode and this gives me the scale of 0.9 that's why I get a generated rig that is not the same size as the metric I don't want that to happen what I'm going to do is first selecting the metric and then going to object apply scale and now if I generate my rig again we see that it's perfectly aligned with my character and with my metric the next step in the process is to set up bond groups and layers but with the pre-made metrics that's already done for us so we can skip that step then we press generate which we already did and now it's time to test our rig I'm going to select my character mesh then the generated rig press ctrl P and choose with automatic weights and now if I select the rig and go to O's mode I can grab for example this handle and I can start moving my rig around I can play with the legs and you see that we have working I K for the legs we have working IKEA for the for the arms and we can even from the N panel there's this option to switch to FK I'm going to explain all the options later on this is just a quick crash course in reify we have lots of cool options and we barely did any work for them we have bendy and stretchy bones we have these tweaked bones that can make our character really stretchy and bendy so yeah that is the really essential rigify workflow in a nutshell I'm going to select the generate the trick go to pose mode select those all bones and go to pose clear transform all so my Rick will be back to normal [Music] if I select this handle here and choose the rotate gizmo in local mode and if I rotate oh yeah it's this one it's not really visible over here but if I switch to to wireframe you can see it if I rotate it in the y-axis my foot kind of rotates from side to side and let's do the same over here with this wider leg in y direction and you can see that again it kind of rotates as we as we would expect and this if I unhide again the metric this is defined by the width of this bone which I totally misaligned so let's uncheck X Mira and set this up properly you now it should work with my met metric and my rig visible I'm going to press generate rig hide the metric and if I go to pause mode select this handle and rotate it on the y-axis I get the behavior that I expect save your file and proceed to the next part of this chapter there will quickly rig a dog and I'll show you more common problems that you want to avoid to support me press like and if you want to be notified for future chapters subscribe and turn on notifications
Channel: CGDive
Views: 42,620
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: 2.9, 2.90, 2.90.1, 2.82, 2.83, 2.83.1, 2.83.2, 2.83.3, 2.83.4, 2.83.5, 2.83.6, 2.83.7, 2.83.8, 2.83.9, 2.91, 2.92
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 13min 43sec (823 seconds)
Published: Mon May 04 2020
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