Easy Hand Modeling Tutorial In Blender 2.8 Without Using Sculpting

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hello and welcome everybody this is another episode of Englander in this tutorial we are going to be making this hand we are going to be increasing your hand skills from creating something that looks like this - all the way like this we even got be making beyond if we are have time we'll show you how to make this you can use this for anything this is a low topology arm you can make it real quick real easy if you get even comfortable with the techniques you can make it in even one minutes for two so I hope you enjoyed the tutorial don't keep up so we gonna be an opening just new general don't say this good I know how to make it I'm not gonna save it you just gonna be deleting every button which I should not turn could be adding desk you tab to edit mode add and look cut if you want three fingers you go add to look coach if you have one three four fingers you're gonna be adding three new cups select everything a and scale it in the z-axis which reminds me to enable the screencast tools to show you what I'm doing that's arm so he wants to scale it something like this so go to the top view and adjust it like a hand if you look like if you look at you have from the top view you think he it's cold like this something like this and this part we want the middle finger to be at the front so it is gonna be scaling it this like this so this is enough good enough so I'm just gonna be selecting this parts and pastes you don't want this part so now we got this you're gonna be making three parts adjusting it just like ever so slightly so we have some nice apology tour let me do this just gonna be moving this part this part up on this call be the thumb moving downwards good best part let me down don't forget to do this tip because your hands gonna be looking funky okay this you got this so just go B I just think behind a little bit more control one to go to these this people call one rotate it like this because our hands not perfectly flat I'm just gonna be rotating tastes like this interesting it more multiplication I guess just you know move it up and up so we have some kind of curve - okay - part like this so now we got this we want to make the fingers so I'm just gonna be straight and selecting this space extrude it like that so the middle finger is as long as our top so we get this part like this so the dub the link from here so here is equal to the link from here to here so you want to keep that in mind and move it like this so we just need this part so I'm just going to be adding to a to do we just gonna be making one finger then you know adding other parts data so I just they had the fingers too like this so now we have this because we go to the top view and adding an other fingers select this alt e' to exclude individual places like this so quick notes about anatomy around here just you know scale it down this thing very interesting about the same thing even though it doesn't look like it there at the same thing cut this hand is gonna be here going this much now and yeah just do this this gonna be cool add two edge loops for both you gonna be deleting this you just want this for the subset will try to note that we have some kind the geometry around there don't you like this extruders scale it down in the y-axis we don't want this kinda funky looking we want the normals change the transform Aaron tation to normal so we have nice and clean geometry to work with don't scale it like this yes they're gonna be scaling on every single that you have so the thumb is gonna be from here from the center is gonna be going up like this so keep that in mind like this so the price knuckle is inside here move extrude it like this our two thumbs so we cannot so we obviously cannot exit the thumb from the duplicate the thumb for this part of the mesh so we just gonna be using these gonna be making them individually so changes back to the low part there are just some parts if you look at your thumb this part is if the firm is almost 90 degree angle 90 degree angle called wireframe or even called zipped to toggle wireframe mode like this so we just want this we just want this but I think that thumb is you know little bit too much I'm just gonna be moving in like this so now we have done this we want it to look now this kind of thing so I'm just going to be clicking control three or I'm just gonna be adding subdivision surface modifier and you just wanted to keep it one cuz we want to apply this so hopefully you know time to crank it up like this it will look you know if you want a stylized hand this is enough for you to just go to here right-click smooth it this could be enough for you but we want something that looks real but you can even you know go further if you are making a stylus and you want everything to look you know as good as possible so I apply this now we have this so I'm just going to be going ahead and deleting this parts ctrl + till we are there and pick the faces now we have this I'm just going to be going to be you right - graphic D by clicking three on the number pad and making this look like a finger now the first joint is here and the second part is around here so I think we could just you know do this this mode I think this one is sad we want an angel on run like this and rotate it like this you will see what I'm not why I'm doing this in a minute to rotate it and like this go like this click this control click that part so we have selected a thing or just go to C and selected like this now this gonna be moving this upwards to give it test details now in this cone I think this is a bit far to the part so I'm just gonna be looking like this and edge loops same thing around here like this like this part move it up an edge loop around here or eat it like this if you know a way you know we could just you know like this and go Bam Bam and you could just add an cut like that let me know the comments I really need to know that one I'll play with knife tool but it doesn't work it doesn't work to go all the way from well all the way just gonna evil be there's upwards and now we have this so we want to go to top view click this control click this skeleton these axis and the x axis let this control click on local level so I'm just gonna be you know decreasing it and call it much now we have this I'm just going to be consuming you know polish the finger go here G moving like this yep I like this think we can yeah look at your finger is not like going perfectly up and like that so now let's go ahead and make fingers and say it I will ironed go to the right you rotate it like this scale it a little bit you know just a book like this and if you want a longer finger we just click this parts then next now you may look at this and what is this and you can control 3 to add this you know not 3 just go one is cool so I guess you will find something that looks like this it's looking yet already move it up or it's a little bit to have this and the finger is good to talk to you and select this edge like this so you could just you know add some polish around here to make it very realistic and you can do anything you know the sky's the limit now let's go here did you know polished in various left it's more why of to protect view tab to edit mode all decks love it here I think it's so much there's a theory called opposing proposing card stood ed yeah for everything you know that's organic probably use it for everything that's work organic it's just when something you know Krebs this way and the next part of our body will curve inside outside inside outside just always there's nothing that goes like this and again this this is none it doesn't work like that and you can just do this so I'm just going to duplicating this part or the next part type the next finger of course we don't want to do everything by hand so this control plus this shifty move it right here and shift select this part here and rotate it rotate it like this but you know you have this kind of rotation so I should select this because I want to you know go to ask active element so when every what every selected the last part that part would be selected now we want to enable this but you don't want this to go like incremental every time you what this will be advertised you might think you might have to enable this but whenever you move something and control click that thing is good does nothing is going to be enabled so use this to your advantage so I'm just gonna be scaling it like this but you know and I'll test you know we can make it bigger yeah it's about right but let's rotate it a little bit so here shifty I told you this finger and this finger about the same size no control click here yeah make it about here rotate it like this so we have something that looks like this skillett down maybe ever so slightly ctrl-click here G will be here go here should work right now so think this is good think the pinky is to be small but is to scale it up scale it down like this so we have a nice looking hand already so we want you know to make it this part you know doing the kids oh the way to do this is you want this auto merge enabled so you don't have to merge it in by hand so G ctrl click here you control click here you might think this is tedious but it's kind of a fast work you know if you had to you know make this you know by hand sculpted and to apologize it it would take you like us I think if you are being good hand sculptor you can it will take you around I don't know 30 minutes 1 hour it should take you by you know that much time to make this part so I'm just so I'm just going to be clicking here and control clicking this part so we have this kind of geometry I think this is good um keep doing this for it I have the fingers you know just make it so I'm not positive like this we have bus topology done sculpting and pursue this is you know faster just this part it can be to be listen now we are almost done with doing this might think this before you know key control click where you think we should you know click this so now we have this topology should be good for now now we have this kinda geometry I think this is not much yeah to get shirt selecting em and practiced so we have no note no geometries yeah connected so we did this part I think this is good so we have this I just want to make the time to talk to you select this part polish the foam like this control like this I should move this more if you look at your thumb it's very skinny from this part so I'm just going to be imitating that one it's it's very you know it gets very kind I don't know how to face that word but I think it's every thumb hug you know the fact I it's longer this way and it's read this way to basically say now we have to you know make you look more like a boom like this part 3 move it like this polish this I think we should definitely move this part so now the thing the same thing we have done to this we need to make this more like those we don't be a dick I'm just going to disable this for you to look at what we are dealing with let's go make it like this control our say it's it's needed so we have that one I think that's not a way to go yeah but I think if we could you know yeah so let this part may be proportionally the thing he would like visiting should be good control click this move it upwards making polishes here in there go talk to you note this here no thumb around here is gonna be moving like this like this so what we have is at the fingers like the last part but I think this is the far behind I think like that we could just you know move it like this hand does fingernail here instead go top you rotate it a few making you know the females and you could just make everything you know a little bit skinnier thinner it should work and add more fingers nails I guess you know give it a look that you want now don't you look like if you look at the phone and that's me you should you know be aware that that phone is not that it doesn't look like this it's how to phrase it it's you know more to do down so I'm just going to be doing that one now so we have to change it a little bit now before we do anything just go ahead and select is I'm just going to be equal to here let this part shift s in here know this change the pivot point to 3d cursor control based on forecast to Europe there I guess you can do this go to this view point click one and go to the phone bill and rotate it from the sweetie act chorus I wish it click this to move it down here same thing get and rotate it a little bit so we have we know how it works now we snapped quite you know bent for our purpose we want you don't want this much stretching happening so what we gonna do is select everything that we have here so go to this part and we click shift e we duplicate Tom and edge to hide it and click this part the same old procedure and delete this part places so I'll stage we have this so people are gonna be thinking why you are ruining this work but you're not doing that so I'm just gonna be rotating it a bit more so we have it around there I think they should work yeah we want to delete two ages from here and join them so I think this is good just going to be ctrl shift clicking this one between the pivot point active elements in G click here rotate it like this from the active element type increase it rotate it like this so the tongue is run te same parts here so now we want to be these two faces of this part select is X and entices so now also merge is enabled click this G click here we are just tail doing the same thing again we are almost done I'm just going to be ctrl click in here and keep taking here so we want to kill this too just want to move it like this a little bit now we all feel you have this might think we are 10 but just to be sure you know select everything am by distance so nothing is removed okay now we have to just fix this weird thing happening around here I'm just good you know global just go to global and you know put this in words I think there's nothing else is selected I think this is good nice so we want to fix this you could just go ahead and you know it's cops on it shift clicking but I said no sculpting in my you know tell me also you can keep that promise and this part of the geometry is very thing so I'm just gonna be sneaking here in our hand about by selecting you know one last because we wanted we made it the active element little bit much and okay we have this we want some parts of the mesh to be you know having cleaner geometry so I'm just going to click this control click this part and we are going to be doing X and delete the ages we want something geometry around here control click this to join them by clicking J and we want to do the same thing here take this control click this part X and dissolve eight so I'm just going to clicking this to join them make came to look like this so we might think we have angles now this is a bad idea no it's not like this to control ctrl to split this and ctrl click this control B to bevel it and add three locus by rolling viewer you know so we enabled out how much so I'm just gonna be gg gg to move it upwards doing the same thing here to click this and click this click this click this wonderful Dumbo yep we want to do this click this GG hope this from the edge like this it's like WH slide okay we have this do the same thing here so we have this topology so still we have angle and so we have to go fix them j-john those parts now after this you can use this hand for anything you want you just cut to your go ahead and join it I'll go show you a trick to how to join it in a few seconds going this part in this part of the hand control 7 to go to the bottom of you take days control click this no and take control 7 and our bottom part of the hand is almost you cannot see the top part of this one you just gonna be moving it like this in fixing this issues I don't know what I have pressed to does control click click on complete this part oh yeah we did this do the same thing here there's like this because like this so the top part we don't have this kind of you know rough change your big tween this so what business with the back for click this just want to select you know the shortest in control fix the angles join this it is join join and now we have this topology so now the best thing about this is when we have an edge loop the goes around each other so we don't have you know funky-looking topology like this like this click here control click here and we have this this is cool like us this is not bad um so let's just fix this part I don't like it that much do this like this one it so we are almost done with this you just called me moving this part this part like this so I think that is a cool yep yeah you know geometry to work with now we want the necklace around here so upwards oh yeah this and we wanna we don't want this looking like this if we changed the math tab to something like this you can see it spin more better so that's the matter that resembles the section more I like this part smooth down select this part more so we are imitating the hand apology you want something like this we are filming this part down like this so now we we you know click this part and enabled these tactics we see 20 braces around here so whenever you have arm around here it's probably going to have around 16 geometry so I have to remove some geometry so to do that that's pretty easy we just have to do have some with apology skills just click here control not control click shift click here doing this join this join this too and if we go to the edge slit mode clicking number 5 to number 2 the keyboard X is all Vegas now you see we have all odds and the edges are moving to each other so we don't have this much problem around here so we have to do the same thing around here so it's lecture mode click this called click this joint is part join this to join HL let mode select this part X no Bates think we are not supposed to play this area now if we go ahead and select this we see we have 16 Prince's so I'll show you how to join it to an arm so let's create an arm real quick right this part got a cube control three not three add two subdivisions click this part click this point X faces so place X place yep side view go here top view selected thing tell it like this it's election monkey like that's what evil so skeleton the z-axis key moving like this point yes we want something it's like this you extrude it and rotate it a little bit in these axis change this to you know medium point rotators and D y-axis so our hand is going be you know going like this and rotating actually not this much but this come back medium point rotate it in D Y X like this this is something like a hand but it's not rotated Tom much in this and big y axis not gonna be rambling about this just going to apply this and we have two sixteenth inch loop to one here so click this first control system control click this so this is the active element control J select these two eight loops and select this tool right click loop tools bridge if you don't see loop tools in yours it's probably not enabled preferences why is my computer taking time choose you'll see loop tools enable them right click it happened WI no not W goat really mode right click done you got this thing here so we have nice topology going on so speak some parts like this to team them down a little bit H lecture mode PT so we have nice topology won't you just kill like this ever so slightly so that's about it guys so we have made this I don't know in around recording I think there's a short time just want to do just select this place you know just add some adjustments if you want down or something else just make this reactive elements and still just like this so we have better look don't like this part don't do this now just do this or you know to fix it make it look more realistic realistic it's like making your client more like a hand like it's pretty much a very good hand you can use this for anything low poly stylized in this week an easy way to make a hand so I hope you enjoyed this tutorial don't forget to Like subscribe for more content like this if you want me to do something just commented tell me to do this this I'll make it to talk about a play about it so thank you peace out man
Channel: IN Blender
Views: 56,941
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: easy hand, Hand moddeling, hand, blender, blender 2.8, moddeling, no culping, no sculpting, easy, easy hand embroidery, hand embroidery for beginners, hand embroidery
Id: HC7dlP9cRpU
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 34min 38sec (2078 seconds)
Published: Sun Jun 28 2020
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