[Blender 2.8/2.9] Rig ANYTHING with Rigify #3.2 - Prebuilt Meta Rigs (Dog)

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so let's do the same the dog character I downloaded this character swap its cc0 and I'm going to include it in the files let's check the model again especially since we didn't make this model ourselves first in front view I can see that my dog is facing front so that's good its location is not zeroed out I can easily do that by pressing apply location I want the character to be more in the middle of the world from the side view so I'm going to go in edit mode and move it on the y-axis a little bit until it's kind of in the in the middle then I'm going to you check my rotation it's it's looking good scale is looking good now I want to model the scale and this dog is three meters tall which I don't like so I'm going to scale it down until it's I don't know let's say 1 meter I'll need to apply my scale again so I'll go to apply scale first apology is concerned it looks like it's going to work so again I want to keep things simple so first I'm going to make sure that the dog layer is selected then I'm going to press shift a armature we have a wolf rig which could work but it's a little bit too complex for this simple example so let's stick to basic basic quadruped it let's activate in front and axis and again I'm going to scale down the rig until it looks good but now because I am already aware that my skill needs to be applied I'm going to go ahead and apply the scale and then I'm going to go to edit mode and start aligning the head to the head and then this seems to be the study the next song to align it again I'm aware that the neck and head need to be connected so I'm going to press C and select this nodule and then I can move the bone and keep it keep it connected I'm going to move the spine towards the center of the body I'm going to align the tail I need to mention this you can see that if you select the first bone of the tail you can again disconnect it from the spine and this may create problems again so make sure you keep it connected this tail is slightly bent to comply with this rule of heaven neutral pose I think it would be better if the tail is a little bit more straight so I'm going to use this a new tool in blended 2.82 which allows me to quickly pose limbs and stuff like that so I'm going to straighten the tail and then go to the back to the armature and align the armature to the tail and there options make sure you have X mirror activated so if this is the shoulder bone I'm going to move it into place I'm going to align the leg and this is a pelvis bone I'm going to align it with my model a little bit better from the front view the front legs seem to be a little bit misaligned so let's move them a little bit in the in the x-axis the back legs are almost okay so that looks good I can try to keep generate but here's a very important point especially when you have more than one rig you need to be aware of these advanced options right now if I click advanced I will get these additional options and you see that currently it's set to override this means that it will try to override my human rig when I click when I click generate so when we have more than one character you need to make sure that you click on you and now I can generate the rig it seems to have worked I'm going to select the character shift select the rig and control P with automatic weights I'm going to select the character and and and the modifiers I want to move the subsurf modifier below the armature modify and now I can select the rig go into pose mode and give it a try I can see that the legs do not do not deform well but that's to be expected with with the character that we downloaded and we didn't make ourselves but let's see if I can fix that I'm going to go to the back to the little rig and I think the problem is that my leg is currently very straight so let's add another quadruped at just to check what it looks like so I can see that the chain kind of bends backwards so let's try to do that here and see if that helps and then in the front view I'm going to select the whole chain and scale it on the x-axis so it's completely straight I'm going to get rid of this additional metric select the main one and then I'm going to go to to the armature tab and under Advanced Options now I want to overwrite this is my generator trick so I'm going to call it dog rig and it's currently hidden this is another thing that I want to show you I'm going to make sure the metric is set to override and the target trick is my dog rig which you just generated button just renamed and now I'll try to press generate rig what happened is I got a copy of my metric without any error message at all I'm going to press ctrl Z to undo until the the material copy is gone the problem here is that the metric and the rig that you want to override need to be both to be visible if they're not you get this weird behavior but now you know why so again with the generated rig shown in the viewport I'm going to click generate rig I'm going to hide the metric and then go to pose mode and yeah and now she likes behave better that's it for this chapter feel free to click around and try to pose your character as you as you wish there are a couple of options under item that you may want to play with I'm going to explain all of them in detail later on but for now this should be enough thanks for watching the next chapter will be available soon or it may already be uploaded details will be in the video description or just go to cg dive comm slash rigify where you'll find the latest chapters additional resources and information about advanced lessons that I'm working on if you want to support me click like and subscribe you
Channel: CGDive
Views: 45,569
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: 2.9, 2.90, 2.90.1, 2.82, 2.83, 2.83.1, 2.83.2, 2.83.3, 2.83.4, 2.83.5, 2.83.6, 2.83.7, 2.83.8, 2.83.9, 2.91, 2.92
Id: 6LM50gJJOrQ
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 8min 21sec (501 seconds)
Published: Mon May 04 2020
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