[Blender 2.8/2.9] Rig ANYTHING with Rigify #4 - FRANKENSTEIN Meta Rigs

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so in this chapter I'm going to show you what I called the Frankenstein metric workflow and this is using the predefined metrics and then trying to edit them in some way to get more complex behavior and that is without understanding how reify works so here we have this horse with six legs and even two tails on the back this will be an example where the this Frankenstein workflow kind of works and then I'll show you another one where things start to break down so to save some time I'm not going to check my model I already checked and it looks good so I'm going to go ahead and press shift a and from the armature animals I'm going to choose the the horse metric there we have the new metric I'm going to turn on in front as always let's go to side view switch to edit mode make sure that we have x-axis mirror activated and I'm going to start aligning the bones from the side view this here is a breastbone I'm going to move it a little bit inside this these bones are chest bones they are just support bones so move them inside the body align the the chain of the spine to be in the middle of the body of the the horse and here I disconnected the tail from the from the spine so I'm going to connect it again by selecting this last nodule setting my cursor over there and then selecting the nodule of the tail and pressing shift s selection to cursor okay if this is a shoulder bone so let's align it with the shoulder these bones here are hair bones in this simple example I won't need them and it's safe to delete them but if you're frankensteining your own rig there is always a little bit of a doubt whether it's okay to delete something or not so in this case I'll let I can let you know that yes it's okay to delete these bones do not delete these bigger ones daughter D they are the ears if you pay attention to the names so we don't know what want to delete them I'm going to move them into place here is something weird about the horse trick there is a bug in it if you if I switch to pose mode and select this ear this left ear moves with it some of the eye bones this in my opinion is a bug it's easy to fix just go to edit mode and select all of these bones these small bones and then shift select the big head bone and press ctrl P keep offset and now everything should behave properly oh actually this mouth this jaw bones it also needs to be connected now let's start aligning the neck and make sure not to disconnect the spine in the in the neck select all of these bones remove them where the head is I'm not going to be super precise I'm going to align the the legs in front of you as well everything looks good except that we have one pair of legs which do not have an armature and also we have one tail when but we really need to the way we're going to fix this is to select this bone at the shoulder bone and also the whole leg bone and inside view I'm going to just copy them over to the side and I'm going to align this new shoulder bone a little bit and that should be OK for the tail let's move it to the side let's line it with the left part of the of the tail and I'm going to select the whole chain and press ctrl f2 or you can go to edit batch rename I'm going to switch the data type to bones set name suffix is good and I'm going to add dot L and that will add dot L to each and every bone of this chain I can check that it's weird that this tail is called spine but anyway its spine dot L and then 0 $3 so on and so forth so I'm going to select the whole chain with L and go to armature symmetrize and that will give me two two tails so now if I go to object mode and rigify buttons I can press generate and surprisingly or unsurprisingly it worked I'll hide the matter rig I'm going to select the horse mesh then the newly generated a rig I'm going to press ctrl P with automatic weights and then if I go to pose mode woohoo it works the tail moves the other tail moves this pair of legs is controllable this one as well this one as well amazing we can have very weird creatures but okay so my goal with this course is to make to take out the guesswork of this process so let's let's move forward and then I'll show you an example where this this kind of workflow that won't work it will create problems that you simply cannot solve and then we'll move to the next chapter in which we will start to explain the proper workflow I'm going to hide the horse layer and I'm going to unhide this one which is men with tail and this is our base mesh that we rigged two times already but this time he has cat ears and a tail so what do we do select this layer to be active then move the 3d cursor through to the center by pressing shift C and then I'm going to press armature and since this guy is very basic still I guess we can use the basic human as a base as always let's activate in front and now I need a tail and some years let's see what we have we have animals cat horse shark wolf I guess the wall finished in the cat could work I'm going to go with the cat I'm going to go into edit mode for the cat and I see that I have a tail so that should work so I'm going to hide that and also the cat has ears so I'm going to hide that as well and everything else I'm going to just select and delete and then I'm going to unhide the hidden bones with old age and while I have them selected I'm going to press m to move them to to the first layer back in object mode I'm going to shift select the a human metric and that way when I press ctrl J I'm going to combine the two now the detail and the ears disappear that's because this layer is currently hidden the first layer so I'm going to unhide it and there we have it now very quickly I'm going to align the human part of the meta reg I'm really going to be you know not very precise here because it it won't work and III want to finally get to share with you the proper workflow so now we want to cover a tail so I'm going to align it then maybe for the top view as well and now I know that the bones of the spine and the tail need to be aligned and currently they are not one thing I guess I could do is grab this nodule and another way to align them perfectly is to switch to vertex snapping that doesn't quite work yeah now it works if I go to local view so now detail is snapped to the spline if I go back then maybe let's turn off snapping then maybe I can line the rest of the of the this tail to my actual tail and I lost one bone so that's not good but at least I have the bone chains connected and now let's do the same with with the ears Oh and I need to parent things as well because I got these parts from other from another rig they're not parented to anything I have to find the base bone of the of the ear which seems to be this one because it moves everything in in pose mode so back to edit mode I'm going to select this bone and the ahead and compress ctrl P keep offset and the tail needs to be parented to the to the spine so ctrl P keep offset and let's go to object mode and try to generate and while it worked almost let's hide the metric I can see that my my tail seems to work but the ears are gone there's nothing here and that's unfortunate the reason there is nothing here is because the ears cannot function by themselves they are part of the face structure and so when you disconnect them redefine just ignores them one way to solve this is to get rid of the years I'm back with editing the metric now and let's grab this breastbone and I'm going to align it with the with the ears and again I'm going to parent the these new ears to to the head and now if I generate the rig you see that I have some sort of controller control over there so I'm going to select the mesh then the newly generated rig I'm going to pairing it with automatic weights and now if I go into pose mode I can move my ears the tail works more or less and so when I was starting this chapter I told you that it won't work and that's because when I was testing this workflow I got some completely unpredictable errors and now that I'm doing this while I'm recording I did not get those errors the point is that when you use this workflow you may get completely unpredictable errors and also it's very hard to know what will work and what won't cool that's it for this chapter let's finally move on and start using redefine properly the next chapter is going to be exciting we're going to learn how to create custom building blocks without relying on the metrics this chapter is coming soon or it may already be uploaded if you have any questions regarding rigify just put them down in the comments the easiest way to keep up to date with this course is to go to the hub page cg dot-com slash ratify and if you enjoy this channel please click like and subscribe you
Channel: CGDive
Views: 35,631
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: b3d, blender3d, rigging, character rigging, rig, rigify, blender rigify, blender 2.8, characters, 2.9, 2.90, 2.90.1, 2.82, 2.83, 2.83.1, 2.83.2, 2.83.3, 2.83.4, 2.83.5, 2.83.6, 2.83.7, 2.83.8, 2.83.9, 2.91, 2.92
Id: OjM_Sc9hhTQ
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 12min 36sec (756 seconds)
Published: Wed May 13 2020
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