Blender 2 81 Rigging of an insect

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you in this video I will show you how to rig an insect so we will rig this that beetle that here we have in Europe sometimes I can find it in front of the trees not far from home so you can see this model is fully textured and has proper shader for Eevee and cycles you can use it as you want for you for your purpose your projects or whatever you can see that it's fully here quiet so yeah nothing to worry to worry about good quality if you do what you want with it after what we would like is to rig and start to animate so maybe I will make two videos about that the first one will be about rigging because reading it's already a little long and then after we will have a look on how to make maybe a walk cycle with that something a little realistic now let's come back into the normal shading over there view shading viewport shading and here I will deselect my object with a and in object mode I will just be sure that I will have my cursor in the center with shift C you will can see the shortcuts that I will make during the video here and I will add here just now match your single bone okay so by default you have a single bone like that that is that you can not see over the mesh so just to put it with the good visualization you go into the viewport display and you enable here the where is it pupil display in front okay and like this we can see directly over the mesh so what we will do now we will create a basic shape yeah of the spine if we can call it a spine I don't know if insects has a spine but we will create one we will go in edit mode we stab and then just with air and G we will just put our first bone over here okay so it will be the master of every one this one and we will put it over there until the joints that are already into the model then I will make just an extrude and have here the the head then I will come back to that one and many and extrude over there to have the entire abdomen and then after what I would like to do is to add here the bones for the legs and to do that I will use the mirror the X mirror option into the armature itself and to use that you just have to go there and use the x-axis mirror over there then after I will need some joints one that will go here so starting from here one that will start from here and one that will start from here so what I will do to do that I will just supervise my bones by just clicking on it and make a subdivision like that a right click subdivision and I will put two subdivisions like this I will go into side you and rest with G I will just put it above this joint over there around around there and the same kind of moving over here okay and we will have now what we want I would like a subdivision here as well so with right click the divine I will can add a subdivision as well over there then I will so I did never enable here the x-axis mirror now I will just can select here the joint going to top view over here and what I will even do I will put my object in the center here and by going here I will search that the cursor become become cross and when it's become a cross you can just do a right left click and drag like this okay and you will have a double view like that so what we want here is to have the top view and here we'll have the side you know here W with seven and here the side view with three numpad 7 number three and when you want to make an intersection here with X and y-axis mirror egg into the x-axis Miro you just to a shift e instead of doing a shift e will make you an intersection like that okay and then after you just have to select here and with G you will put it into the right place okay what we will do to see a little what's what's under that we will do control seven like this we will really see where is the joint and just by moving it into the right place and moving it over there we will have more or less what we want okay then after I would make an extrude until the next point again what you can do to change the visualization of your of your armature you can go here and to stick like this you are sure that it will not disturb you and just with GZ because here I did manage X and y-axis and just cheesy will can manage the rest of my axis now just with an extrude I will go over there okay with E and again with GZ manage it until the right joint and it will be the same for more or less all the subdivisions that I will add okay so I will go over there over there make an extrusion to have a kind of like that and with Jeezy only I will put the joints exactly where I want it okay this one will need us to divide so I will just divide it okay and I will make a GZ again good this one is not in the right place this one will need a subdivision as well so it's not the value a so it's it's the 2.79 shortcuts this one and with Jeezy you can just go there and put it into the right place over here and then after move it here to have exactly what you need then when you did one entire leg like that you can see that everything is going fine into the other side and is exactly the same and we will do more or less the same for all the legs so let's do a shift again to make the first intersection with Jeezy we just go into the right place over here somewhere above around here another extrude until there another exclusion and here there and then extrude extrude etc etc you know a little process already and yeah which is too like this for or the for all the legs like that so I would just select and be sure that it's the right one that I own that I want to use here so to not make mistake yeah you select to bone an intersection a joint you are sure that it's here okay so with GZ you can just go there and maybe make the old selection like that with GZ over there like this you have less to move after and it's quicker ok so just put everything inside the right place okay just with GZ each time and like this you are sure that you are good to go and that you have more or less what you want okay good now we will make exactly the same for the last leg and we will we will be good to go shift e to make an intersection again with GZ we go there okay when you know the process for one it's not crazy to do it for all the rest it seems quite simple and then after we can go through until we have everything ready again an extrusion then I have everything that I need everything is flat here so I will have to manage it with cheesy as we know a little already will be I select all this part GG I put it down into the right average and then we are okay to continue that okay so don't hesitate to go a little faster into the video if it seems a little boring because it's a make it's the same process for all the bones and all the legs so it shouldn't be a problem to reproduce that for you it's quite easy now we have the antennas we have the kind of yeah big shape here to that we have to rig and to do that we will just make an extrude go into sorry we'll make a shift e double extrude okay first intersection will go until there and we will try to take everything there so to take everything there we'll go and get here until here yeah make kind of fork like that okay same way with here numpad period I will go to my selection and I will can just tell where is who who is where I am with GZ just put everything in the middle of the geometry okay so this one has to be here you can turn around a little to check if everything is right okay so with all of that maybe this time GZ going to ride you this is what is good is that when you made everything in top view or into into the bottom view as here you can just after adjusted a twist it into one angle and here I just only do GZ on that side when I'm in side view yeah side you like that okay and I will do the same kind of process for here the kind of I don't know if you can call an Tina's here small as this so we shift e I will make a double extrusion go into the base of this and make an extrusion an extrusion and an extrusion okay good then here seems into the right place more or less just a little and then after we just managed managed with joints and when you do this you are sure that all the joints are well into the three angles and you are sure that it will not cause problem after so I just take the center here and we shift II again I go into until there to take the shape of this kind of antenna that we have here so a lot of little bones over here with G I can manage it like this okay make an extrusion again make an extrusion until here maybe I will even do something like that to be sure to take every one there and to not have too much problems after okay so don't hesitate to ask to add some joints enough joints to to take words the geometry inside sometimes what you will do is that you want to simplify your your bone system or things like that and yeah it can be good but in some cases after blender doesn't take the geometry and I will show you that it's sometimes easier to add bones compared to paint weight things and I will show you that just after so here again with GZ we just can manage like that okay so here where is that one okay it's the two here so with GZ I put it here and this one here okay and we continue the process just of moving the right joints into the right place and after it should be good to go what we have now is quite enough to make the first test okay and I will show you something a little interesting now let's say we would like to use this armature as it is and use an automatic process and not use the white paint to paint the influence of the bones inside the mesh because for me really usually it's a pain and and I try always to go over this process and to escape from it by adding some bones here and there if the deformation is not what I want let's make an illustration of that okay maybe I will come back with a more simple interface like here I will go there and when I have the double arrow I just go there and I make here join areas on the right and I guess I have only one view now to manage good so now I would like to parent my object into object mode here I make tap to come back in object mode then with double selection with shift left click away can select the both object and then with ctrl P I can make with automatic weight just before doing that be careful of one thing is that here into the item section when you select your object here as to be 0 0 1 ok it as always to be like that means that your object is in the center no scaling or rotation and to be sure that if you if you have some localization or rotation values here you just make your ctrl a and you apply what you want to have here this at 0 if you have if you don't have the proper scale of the proper rotation it can create a mess after so don't hesitate to verify that just be following this then after you go back into your here armature and with control tab you can access now to a new port to new mod it's the pose mode okay and when you do a rotation you should have the deformation of what you would what you want so it seems that for this space for example we have some deformations some extra deformations that we would like to like for example here the share of this space of the thorax creates a problem when I make a rotation like that so more or less we have two solutions to manage that the solution that is painful really painful in blender I would say here it's to go into the mesh here with control tab you go into the mesh and then you go into white paint okay and then you select your bone the bone name that you have here over there into the into this one like for example here you can see the influence of some bones over there so we have a lot of bones here like for example that one that one is not really a good example but this one is a good example like for example here it's that bone and it has some influence as well here so I will have to go into the paint here options and enable here the tools and select here the right tool and yeah make exactly the same into the other side for all the bones it would be a pain a lot of time to spend on that usually I prefer to use something a little quicker and a little more efficient what I do usually I add some other bones okay to escape from that so I come back into object mode and now what I will do I will add some bones that will take what this one for example here doesn't take this one shouldn't take here this space okay so I will add a bone until there like this another bone will take it and and this bones after if it's too much into the interface we just have to hide it and like this it will not disturb us into the 3d view too much so basically when you see that when you make a rotation like that it deforms the head or when you make a rotation of that one it will deform all the shell here it just needs sometimes just some bones it's quite easy and simple to add so let's go over there and we'll go into edit mode again into our just in pose mode with select everything and man make art err to be sure that we don't have any rotation on that we go into edit mode and we will add the bones that we need now so more or less it will be simple I would just add from this from the center over there with shift e I will just have a bone other bone here and make an extrusion over there and make an extrusion over there okay like this it will take where the shape of the shell here and it will not disturb anymore the other then again from this one I will make an extrusion here and an extrusion there sorry just a shift here sorry and an extrusion there okay to have another shape like that then again here from here on top view I will make a shift II and it will go until here and like this I'm sure that this bone will not take this space now I'm sure that this one here will not take the space here okay so just be sure that it follows well the geometry and that you are well inside and like this it should be it should be enough death death bones to to not create a mess into our rigging system we just hide it I dam after so let's continue this kind of process by just make an extrusion oops sorry there's shift here over there and a shift ye over there as well kind of cross shape here okay then here we'll have the same kind of situation we make adjuster extrusion over there and just another extrusion and maybe another one okay to have well the shape of the head so maybe what I will do here I will just put it a little like that okay like this it should be okay to take everything here I guess we will see that in the next step I hope everything everyone is good in the right place maybe with that one maybe a little cheesy to put it well and yeah it should be enough I think we will just check everything now so what we will do again we go into object mode here with ctrl tab and then after we select our object and then the armature and with ctrl P we remake with automatic weight and it will remake the weight for the weights for everyone here so now I can check and go into pose mode again and make the proper rotation that I want and you can see that now the share is doesn't here move anymore and it doesn't have any bad deformation like before okay here again it works pretty well compared to before it doesn't deform too many head as well here it was good from the beginning here it was more less good even here maybe sometimes you could but yeah mall as this one we don't have too much to worry about it works pretty well so that's it just check everything into everything that you should move into this armature if it will deform correctly more or less then after we just have to be sure that it will be good for the rest we will just hide everything that we did addressed now so we see I will just select all the bones that takes a lot of space into the interface let's say so this one this one should be taken as well and I would just not hide it with H but put it into another layer into another bone layers with em I will go there and go into this layer and like this my interface is clean but the deformation is still the same I can enable the layer that I want here so here is my hide it once and here it's my global armature so for now we have a proper armature that is ready to use but it will be a little tricky to manage this as an animation and we would like maybe to make some to add some constraints into that so to be sure that I will just have the right constraints maybe I will just put I will just put some bones yeah I will do this later I will hide more maybe after because this takes a lot - but for now let's just focus on what we have here so I would add some constraints that will help us to manage the bones for animation like for example here if I want to move my leg properly his leg properly actually here it will just I just have to make this and then after maybe make another like that and make after another like this and another like this and another like this and another like this me I would like to do this it was so it was five actions to do this kind of shape okay and I would like to do this into two actions in there instead of five so what I would like to add is some I just make art err to put back everyone there I would like to add here a controller that will help us to manage the legs like a butt like a puppet a little okay it just like you will have a controller like you have a purpose with some controllers with some some wires into you know into an articulation into a joint and you will just manage it like that it will be more or less the same process that we will try to achieve here so it can be a little tricky for people doesn't know anything about about this kind of constraint but I will show you how to do that so how to manage well some constraint we will use two kinds yeah two kinds of constraints during the constraints session that we start now we will add some inverse kinematic and I will explain you what it is and we will add some copy rotation so more or less and invert kinematic what is it what is that we go into octahedron to make you understand this here you can see and I will focus I will focus on that maybe I will go into object mode here and deselect that one like this yeah it will not it will disturb us less and here what you can see here is that you have the arrow like to say just this one is the parent of this one and goes into this direction the arrow goes there and this one is a parent of this one that is the parent of that one Exeter extra and just after 2 to understand that it means that if I move that one into pose mode here if I move that one all the others would follow me what I would like is to have a controller there that will invert this kind of shape this kind of arrow direction like that ok and will go and here that joint to create the right movement that I want how to do that we will go into V bond this time be born as a very good as a very good thing in size that you can manage the size of the boun as you want so we select everything and with ctrl alt s we will can manage here the thickness of the bones just like this to make it really really fine almost like a stick ok and what we would like here is to go into edit mode and we will start to add here the controller to do that we will just duplicate this bone by doing shift D and right click to keep him there and then ctrl alt as to make it bigger okay so we have here this bone that is bigger than the others and but we have two bones we have the original one that is here and here this one that will be the controller so this one and it will be the controller we don't want any parents on that one so because it would be a masters or no parents and we will go into edit mode into the bone section into the relations and remove this the first step is that remove the parents of the controller then we will go here into the normal view here and with control tab will go in pose mode again so we select that one and that one because I will add a constraint this one will be the controller this one will be the one with constraints and I will be and I will add with control shift C with my selection like this double selection control shift C will allow me to add an invert kinematic here inverse kinematic and I will go here and I will find my IQ here constraint okay well now I select only this one and I move it you can see that a lot of things are moving because here I didn't define the chain length and the chain length it's the number of joints starting this one so one two and we stop there one two and we stop there now if I move it I have only the leg that will move and it is this is exactly what we want okay so what we would like to is that with this one when I make the rotation all the rest of the leg will follow like this just with G and make a rotation like that I will make everything very good I don't have any other selection to make so just to manage this properly I select this object and this object and I will take this one to control to follow the rotation of that one by Mickey ctrl shift C and this one will be a copy rotation okay no options to change for the first one and you just have to make a rotation like that and now everything will follow what I would like to is to add a kind of system that will help us to make a rotation very quick like for example let's say I would like to do a kind of hook hoop shake hook shape like that very quick just in one click and to be sure that I can do that I will just go into the normal shading view this one - that one with double selection ctrl shift C copy rotation and here we'll have to make add with here local space and local space okay and we will do the same for this one - that one ctrl shift e copy rotation it will be a pad local space local space and again this one to that one control shift C copy rotation and it's last one it would be a ad and it would be a local space and local space again so what it will allows us this it is just not know just a rotation with that one we created shape directly one click okay just one click so what I want what I wanted to achieve was to make this in two clicks so here first action I move this one second - Ian I make a rotation of that one and that's it very quick very efficient I don't have to manager a lot of things a lot of clicks I can really play with that easily and so I would just make art air and algae to put it back in the right place now what we would like to have it have this on all here the legs that we have so I will make it myself because it will be a little long if I make this in front of you and when it's finished I come back to you okay good so now all the legs are ready I have two controllers for both legs I have this one to move the entire the entire leg and this one to make a rotation and kind of hook shape here for the kind of folk that we have over there and it will be the same for all here the legs as well okay so works pretty well very efficient method after to make some nice animations so what it allows you it's for example just to select here there's two bones and just by moving it here you can see that we will have just the body that is moving but the legs are still stick are sticking into the ground and it's exactly this kind of motion that is very interesting like for example from here to there okay this kind of motion that would be totally impossible if you don't have those kinds of constraint it will be possible but it would be a mess to manage and now what I would like is to manage this with only one bone because here it's separated from this one to that one so what are we doing going to edit mode and take this one and this one and with ctrl P I will make here parents and I make keep offset like this this one will be the master of everyone okay so it's a first thing now for the rest of the body of the of the head and everything as it's only this one and this one that will be used I don't want to change a lot of things maybe those ones here I will hide them and put them into another layer like this it will be easier to manage this ones as well will not be used because here it's something that is rigid that will not move so I will put it into another layer as well and like this I will have something a little more clean like that so just by selecting what will not move and hide it I will just have something cleaner into my interface okay and this is the goal is to not get crazy with bones everywhere so with em I put it here on that one and now we have even this one I will not use it this one so all that one's here over there I will not use it this one too I can not deform you normally or the all of these the shape will not deform so I will just move this into another layer this one as well normally I don't use it okay so this one to manage the shape of the head oh yeah I want you to do something so I will go into the armature enable the two layers who select those ones here they control all s to see a little what we have okay and I would like to parent them into that one here so this one at last I go into edit mode make ctrl P and keep offset okay like this just by make a rotation of that one it will move all the hair just like this without any deformation and again what I don't want to have it's some lines everywhere like this so just to be sure that I will not have them I will go here and it will be that one sorry and I will just disable relationship lines just like that so like this I have this one to manage the abdomen okay this one to manage the entire body then I have the control of the legs that I did show you already and then I have this one to manage the head as well okay and those ones to manage here all the rest of the shapes here okay so that's it for the basic things I would like just to add a final master bone that will just be the parent of everyone and for this I will go into edit mode be sure that I have this in the center by making shift C and I will just add with shift 8 will Padma bone directly and I'm in edit mode inside my armature let's be clear and I make a 90 degrees just to put it here near the near the chrome and with ctrl alt as I make it a little thinner just like that so this one will be the master and all the controllers here and the master of the body that is here okay will be parented to that one and I will make a ctrl P not a ctrl P into pose mode but ctrl P into edit mode like that and I will keep the offset as well like this if I select this bone now I have the possibility to move it so really something really easy to use after because you just have to take the controllers and to make just a kind of another pose like that it will be easier to manage very easy you just have to play a little with it to be used on all the all the controllers and you will see that it's quite handy because for example if I want to put this to very quickly I have the shade that I want if I want to make the kind of motion that it's there is a weight over that I just have to make a rotation little rotation over there and yeah it will give something really easy to use same for that one if I want to make a kind of motion like this I can things that I thought I didn't it was impossible to make before so really a good and interesting one to use and I really recommend you to to be used of this kind of techniques if you want to have good readings after so let's say I would like to open this what I can do too is when I have something that I like I just make ctrl-c and ctrl-v and it will just open it like this okay so here it's kind of maybe a rotation over there and control C control V and here it's kind of yeah fight mode let's say ok so he wants to fight over there yeah something like that so it's not happy it was to buy he wants to buy it something and yeah that's it for this rigging over there in case you are interesting in more trainings or more tutorials don't edit a to have a look into all my videos but over there recently I did release full a full training to show you how to model this model it is beautiful rifle it's with blender and substance painter so you will see all the all the process and the workflow from beginning to the end and just to to be yeah be aware of that if you want to have a look at it I just put a link in in to the video as well so that's it for this video into the next maybe a video I will make an animation and show you how to make a walk cycle with the stag beetle so thank you to follow this tutorial see you soon you
Channel: yojigraphics
Views: 16,355
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Blender, insect, rigging
Id: K45LuDJv_hk
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 38min 47sec (2327 seconds)
Published: Sun Nov 24 2019
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