Why the NEW Blender 2.8 is a BIG DEAL

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Glad to see this here. I went from Cinema4D to Blender a few days ago and it's been great! The UI feels similar to that of Cinema 4D but with some better workspace.

πŸ‘οΈŽ︎ 26 πŸ‘€οΈŽ︎ u/sandycervixxx πŸ“…οΈŽ︎ Aug 07 2019 πŸ—«︎ replies

This blows my fucking mind. All of this and it's fucking open source. Holy shit.

πŸ‘οΈŽ︎ 11 πŸ‘€οΈŽ︎ u/[deleted] πŸ“…οΈŽ︎ Aug 07 2019 πŸ—«︎ replies

This got me into Blender a few months ago - worth checking out his tutorials!

πŸ‘οΈŽ︎ 7 πŸ‘€οΈŽ︎ u/Hipster-Rudolph πŸ“…οΈŽ︎ Aug 07 2019 πŸ—«︎ replies

So, basically, I need to learn blender now.

πŸ‘οΈŽ︎ 9 πŸ‘€οΈŽ︎ u/tyrotio πŸ“…οΈŽ︎ Aug 07 2019 πŸ—«︎ replies

I'm blown away at how I spent 13 minutes learning about a software that I've never heard of, will never use, and didn't know existed until 13 minutes ago. Neat!

πŸ‘οΈŽ︎ 7 πŸ‘€οΈŽ︎ u/PimpMogul πŸ“…οΈŽ︎ Aug 07 2019 πŸ—«︎ replies

The cross compatible Real Time and Ray-Traced is pretty massive. I also haven't learned hotkeys in the 4 years I've been using blender so I might as well learn the industry standard ones now.

πŸ‘οΈŽ︎ 11 πŸ‘€οΈŽ︎ u/SniperMarmot πŸ“…οΈŽ︎ Aug 06 2019 πŸ—«︎ replies

I’m expecting major improvements in both release quality and quantity of pornographic animations. Truly a golden age.

πŸ‘οΈŽ︎ 15 πŸ‘€οΈŽ︎ u/DarkRyter πŸ“…οΈŽ︎ Aug 07 2019 πŸ—«︎ replies

I really enjoyed this style of video and how he presented everything. Never used Blender but this video makes me want to.

πŸ‘οΈŽ︎ 4 πŸ‘€οΈŽ︎ u/Blackie1077 πŸ“…οΈŽ︎ Aug 07 2019 πŸ—«︎ replies

I’ve switched from maya/3dsmax. Blender combined all the good stuff together and made it easier to do work in. I don’t think I’ll ever go back.

πŸ‘οΈŽ︎ 3 πŸ‘€οΈŽ︎ u/foshouken πŸ“…οΈŽ︎ Aug 07 2019 πŸ—«︎ replies
blended 2.8 probably looks like a minor release on the surface but it's not it is a major milestone release that they've actually been building towards for the best part of a decade there are so many improvements and changes and new features in 2.8 that it's almost like an entirely new piece of software so if you've tried blender in the past and you didn't like it I would say now is a good chance to give it another old try in this video I'm gonna explain exactly why with six reasons why I think this new blend of 2.8 is such a game-changer for the industry starting with number one it's easy to use so a common complaint of the past is that blender does things differently for sometimes no good reason like for example selecting objects was right-click well that is no longer the case it is now left-click by default and right click does what you would expect which is bring up more options you can change it if you want privacy of your own home I'm not gonna judge but two hits now left by default it's also less reliant on hotkeys by default meaning that there is a toolbar with recognizable icons on the left hand side that actually function the way you would expect you can use the same hotkeys if you wanted to but the toolbar is there if you don't know them there's also a viewport gizmo in the top right hand corner which besides being really helpful for those who are new and want to know how to navigate it's also great when you've got a laptop with a trackpad and you forgot to bring the extra mouse so that's nice there's also Mouse tips along the bottom bar which will change depending on what state you're in or what button you're holding down and there's an industry compatible key map that you can switch to that'll make all the hotkeys change to those familiar in max Maya etc which you know existing blender users won't care about but for those big studios that want to switch to blender it'll make it faster because they don't need to spend as much time retraining their artists and one of the most exciting things is are these workspace tabs along the top there which when you click on them it will rearrange the layout into the most optimal space for that task and also enter you into that task mode so if you click Edit it'll also enter you into edit mode which makes it really fast for switching between tasks which is something the 3d artists do all the time and finally there is a proper dialog box that appears when you try to quit without saving there was one before but it wasn't in every operating system and it was kind of janky but now it's built properly into the software and it's really nice number two it's real-time so one of the most exciting features of blender 2.8 is of course the Eevee real-time rendering engine so if you're familiar with marmoset or Unreal Engine it functions very similarly to those it's got volumetric subsurface scattering everything that you would expect big advantages is that it's built right into a fully functioning 3d software so you don't need to import or export or anything it's right there you can do your editing your sculpting texture painting in real time so this is useful of course because it's really fast renders which is nice especially for things like long-form content like say a kids TV show or for things that don't need to be photorealistic like motion graphics you can do fast renders but also for your creative process so while you're building a scene you can make decisions more faster in a real time environment and then the cool thing is is you can switch to cycles which is the ray-traced unbiased rendering engine the blender also comes with and all your shaders are the same so you don't need to bother like rebuilding any materials you can switch between Eevee and cycles and there cross-compatible which is absolutely awesome number three it has probably one of the most powerful viewports out of any 3d software right now so this is separate to Eevee this I'm just talking about the viewport which is this section right here and as artists this is where we spend probably 90% of our time and we use this obviously to help us understand the 3d scene the geometry and everything like that and when we don't understand that well enough like if we click on the wrong object or we're sculpting something and we can't understand the geometry of the object that takes time away from the art that's wasted time so blender 2.8 basically rewrote the entire viewport to make it better for artists to understand so right out of the gate there's a bunch of little changes in wireframe mode there's like depth so you can understand like which parts of the wireframe are closer to you than others so you don't end up clicking on the wrong vertice there's like little tiny tweaks like when an object's intersecting another one you see like a faint line around it and then in the top right hand corner you've got all the settings you would ever need to change how the viewport looks which you can do on the fly to help you better understand what you're looking at so you can choose your type of shady you've got all the different shading types you would ever want and you've also got a new flat shading type which is very useful for understanding the silhouette of an object it's awesome then you got mesh coloring all those settings including a new one called random which gives each object a unique color which is surprisingly useful to see which objects are actually separate to others and so you can click on the right one and then you've got all the usual settings like ambient occlusion depth of field shadows etc and there's a new x-ray mode which I love as an alternative to wireframes cuz it makes everything slightly transparent you can quickly isolate objects by their type with this menu you can remove outlines and wireframes here and my favorite feature of all is just a quick press enable disable overlays so it'll hide all the outlines and lines and things like that and just show you the meshes and just enable if you like focus on your work and see what it is that you've built and I use that all the time I love it and then finally there's a look dev mode this button here will basically use the evie rendering engine to turn on all your materials and then light it with some built-in HDR eyes which makes it really handy just to preview materials before you do a final render number four it's going pro so blender has a reputation for being a bit of a hobbyist tool and it makes sense because it's free but with all the open movie productions new studios adopting blender and professionals becoming interested in blender it's got features now that professionals need so most recently we got the filmic color space which offers a superior dynamic range which I've talked about in a previous video and in this release we get things like a proper layer system in the form of collections which is of course essential when you've got large amounts of content and you need to organize it you can edit multiple objects at the same time which is amazing and you can also pose multiple brigs at the same time which actually makes me wonder how on earth the hues to animate characters interacting previously but now you can so that's great cloth physics produce better results thanks to angular bending the unit system is more consistent everywhere little changes but it all helps and there's quick faves which offer a faster method for accessing functions that you use repeatedly basically you right-click on something go add to quick faves and then when you click cue when you press Q it'll just pop up and they'll be right there so it's really handy to like speed up your workflow for things that you use repeatedly and thanks to the guys who made the Netflix film next-gen which was tangent animation and they used blender for that whole film blender now has crypto mat which is a superior industry standard way of masking both inside of Blenda and allows it to be exported to software like nuke sidenote as well in the last two weeks alone Epic Games donated 1.2 million dollars and Ubisoft just became a gold sponsor so I would be willing to bet we're gonna see even more Pro features added in the coming 12 months number five it's more realistic so the cycles rendering engine got much needed love as well it got IES support for lighting finally which is of course very crucial for aquas a principal hair shader with dead simple controls for changing the look of hair in one shader a principal volume shader which enables you to render fire and smoke together previously was a crazy node setup now it's just one node random walk method for subsurface scattering which basically produces superior results for thin and curved objects a bevel shader which adds a bevel effect but just on the shading level and not touching the geometry and an ambient occlusion node which offers far more versatile use than the old ambient occlusion shader which is nice and vector displacement is supported as well which basically standard displacement is up and down vector is side to side as well which basically enables like cavity detail and things that you would previously not be able to create and to top it all off rendering in cycles is 72 a hundred percent faster than the previous release thanks to some killer optimizations under the hood and just today Nvidia announced their support for optics within blender and it's very early but based on the tests that they've shared so far it implies that a further 40 to a hundred and fifteen percent speed-up might be just around the corner as well and now the sixth and final reason that I think blender 2.8 will be such a game-changer is it does 2d as well that's right as if everything else that I've mentioned in this video isn't enough but under 2.8 now has a fully functioning 2d animation system so basically blend has always had this grease pencil tool and it was you know it was a nice bonus it allows you to draw on the screen but I didn't really have much of a use case outside of that because blender is open source people within the community loved it and started to make little sketches with it and then people wanted to do like more things with it than what you could so they they broke off and they created this separate branch where they added in all the improvements and things they wanted and blender 2.8 is the release that finally merges into the master which means you now have a fully functioning 3d software and now a fully functioning 2d animation editor so it's got everything you would need it's got onion skinning framing layers all these like effects and things you can add on top and a non-destructive manner it's awesome you could actually make an entire to deep film using blender because they have this one right here was developed at the blender Institute and it was made with blender which is incredible and I'm sure that once word gets out more 2d animation studios are gonna start using it as well and also as a little bonus here this has nothing to do with grease pencil but there is this new node that works in cycles called the shader to RGB node that converts any material into a basically a cartoonist representation and it's incredible it's like a make anim button so you take that combine it with the 2d drawings and I'm sure you could do something really powerful with it so that's very cool and if 2d isn't your thing if you're a 3d artist the other really powerful thing you can use grease pencil for something I've started doing with it is to sketch out your ideas in 3d before you build it so this is something that y'all major oh babe who is a concept artist that works at Lucas Films and worked on a lot of major movies he started using this and he loves it and he's been like really outspoken as to how powerful this workflow is so he's actually got some tutorials on Gumroad I'll put the link in the description if you want to check it out but it's really powerful and it's something that as far as I know not many other applications do so it's really cool now if you're thinking to yourself hmm Splenda looks all right maybe I should learn it well stay tuned because I've got just the YouTube tutorial for you but if you're an existing user of blender I think you'd agree that's the foundation have outdone themselves with this release it's absolutely awesome and in the next few releases they're planning even more like you DIMM support particle nodes and they need your support so I'm not associated with them in any way but I would encourage you to join the blended Development Fund you contribute a few bucks a month and it helps blender grow so I'm already a corporate silver sponsor myself but I want to encourage you to join as well so if you do actually after hearing this let me know in the comments because I'd love to know when when people join now if you want a loan blender that's actually what this channel is all about so if you hit subscribe that'll at least ensure that you see all the future blender 2.8 tutorials and if you'd like to start learning right now then this is the tutorial that I recommend you start with it's for complete beginners and it walks you through through creating a doughnut from start to finish so if you're ready to line go ahead click on that and I will see you in there [Music]
Channel: Blender Guru
Views: 2,161,946
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: blender 2.8, how to, overview, features, whats new, trailer, tutorial, blender tutorial, blender guru, new blender, blender 3d, open source, grease pencil, blender 2.8 new features, blender 2.8 eevee, blender 2.8 demo, free software
Id: MyxWDHy4ppY
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 13min 28sec (808 seconds)
Published: Thu Aug 01 2019
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