Tutorial: Human Meta Rig Blender 2.91(Easy Beginners)

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hello guys and welcome to another tutorial so quite a while back i did a tutorial on the human meta rig system in blunder and um i've had quite a lot of comments on that one some people didn't quite understand things i'm kind of kind of revisiting it in this tutorial and by the way this one is also in blender 2.91 which is a little bit updated and i'm also going to be covering like some more details like in my older one i didn't cover the face controls and the finger controls it was just the basic version of the meta rig so i hope you guys are able to learn something from this and by the way this model here is one of my own i am making it available for free in the description below so you can go to my blend swap page just download it and you can follow along or just use one of your own models if that's what you want to go for so this is what it is just a super re cool easy to set up easy to use rig even if you don't know much about rigging at all so um i'm going to be taking you step by step okay so once you've gone in the description below and you've downloaded the free blend file which is this female beige mesh right here or you can just follow along with your own character it doesn't really matter it's just a simple mesh like this it's just one object and we're gonna now go through the whole process of adding the rigofy um system to this character so if you go shift a and you go over to your armature settings um you may not actually see the human metalic settings here and the reason that is is you actually need to go to your edit over here make sure to just go down to preferences and under your add-ons tab here just make sure to click on it you can come up here to the search bar just type in rig and you should actually see the bottom here riggify come up and just enable that box now this isn't blender 2.1 i'm sorry 2.91 so once you've ticked that box you just close this window and you should be able to go shift a go down to your armature settings and now you should see the human meta rig so what we're going to do here is we're going to click on the human meta rig here and it's going to add in the human mental rake now we can also i'm just going to show you this one because you may want to know about it if you also go shift a and you go back to the armature here you're also going to see an option here called basic and there's one here called basic human meta rig and that's essentially just the same one the only difference is you don't have all those extra facial bones and the finger bones here it's just a bit more of a simplified version of this matter right here so for this tutorial i will not be doing this one so i'm just gonna get rid of that and we'll just be focusing on this more and intricate one that has some of the facial controls and the hand bones and i i don't care so much necessarily about the facial controls with this system here but i really do find the finger controls here um really um useful so what we're going to do is once we have placed this human metal break into our scene obviously there's two things we have to do we have to either scale our character down to the mesh um to the rig which i'm not going to do i'm actually going to take the rig here and just hit s and scale that one up roughly to the size of the character now what i'm looking for here as a reference point is kind of where these shoulders the shoulder shoulder intersection lines up with the character so roughly about there and i know so many other things don't line up but don't worry too much and once you've done that and we're doing this in our object mode by the way not edit mode we can go ahead hit ctrl a or command a this is super important and just make sure to apply the scale okay so once the scale is applied we can get into the rest and with this rig selected we're going to come over here to the top and we're going to go from object to edit mode you can also hit the tab key as a shortcut if you want to do that so here you can see now we can see the bones and we can edit them now we could spend a long time here if we have to do both signs differently but if you come up here you can see an option called x mirror we're just going to hit that that's essentially going to allow us to grab one side and it'll mirror exactly on the other side when you're working something like this is perfectly symmetrical you can get away of that maybe your character isn't perfectly symmetrical then you may not be able to rely on that feature okay so let's start over here in a front of graphic view with the arm so i'm going to start by hitting c it's going to bring up this tool here you can roll the middle mouse button to shrink or grow it and we're going to click here and just select all of these bones here then i'm going to hit r in my front of graphic you just rotate it to flatten it a bit then i'm going to hit g and just move it back up here and roughly line it up here and then i'm going to grab these bones here so i'm just still hitting c to bring up the c select tool and i'm going to go g once i have those bones selected just bring them down to here and then deselect all of that then you select all of these hand bones and just move it over here until this intersection here lines up with the wrist so if you hit seven to go to your top orthographic view you can see it's not quite straight so just move these bones over here so the wrist is lining up at least don't worry about the fingers for now and this guy here just select that knob and bring that guy back just kind of line up with the elbow a bit and then we also need to come in here and by the way i am in wireframe if you just hit z you can go into wireframe so you can select these two knobs here we're gonna go g y and just move those guys back just so of sitting there in the arm and then these chest bones or these clavicles i'm just going to select these knobs at the front i'm going to go g y and just move them in till they're embedded in the mesh now if you can't see what you're doing and you don't want to work in wireframe simply just go over to your armature settings here you can go over to your viewport display options and just hit in front and the bones will now be in front of any geometry in our scene which could be useful and you can turn that off later so now that we can see that is in there let's go on to the bottom section here so let's go and select the top of the leg here in fact just select these bones down here these three including that knob would go g z and bring them down until they're sitting here with the pelvises and the hips get your right view and just kind of hit g and move them back a little bit if you have to around there and then we're going to come here and i'll write off graphic view as well select this knob we're going to move it back to where the knee is and then we're going to just box select all of these bottom bones we're going to go g and we're going to go y and just move them back on the y just like that then select this knob here and just g to move it to the middle of the foot so now we can see we have that all lining up on the side but in our front orthographic view we need to actually select these bones down here and just move them along the x a bit now this may be different depending on how you set up the pose of your character but in this case if you're following along we just want to grab the knee as well and just straighten it a bit so this is just a matter of landing these main bones up in the front and the side now the knee you never want to have it to back or in the middle a lot of people make that mistake you want it a little bit forward like that okay that's looking okay so now that we have the legs roughly in place and the arms are looking pretty good and let's just grab these breast bones here i'm just going to move them in a little bit select that knob there move it in a little bit and now we can start refining the hands here a little bit this can be a little bit tricky compared to the rest of the bone placement we've done so what we're going to do is we're going to just hold and shift select these three bones here for the pinky hit r to rotate and by the way this is in the top orthographic view so also just make sure this little knob here is like this so just these guys g to move it over here and then r to rotate and then s to scale that guy up and then just g to move it so we're just lining them up roughly grabbing these guys here including the little knob just moving it here as to scale it up then deselect them holding and shift just select this guy this guy these ones here and just do the exact same thing scale them up a bit g to move them r to rotate if you have to so let's just do the same with the rest of these nothing too complicated just rotating them as to scale g to move just getting the placement right and then selecting these bones here are to rotate them g to move them to about here grab these guys just bring this piece here grab the little knob and just move it here so just trying to line up the thumb from the top here and the thumb um it's very similar but just a little bit different so just like that bringing this guy in here as well now we're going to hit one to get our frontal graphic view we can see things are not quite right so what we're going to do is just box select all of these bits at the front those ones there then we're going to go s z and just scale them down into z and then g z to move them up like that and then r just to rotate them a bit flatten them out and then we're going to grab these thumb bones g z move them up just till they're inside of the thumb there but you can see this guy here is way too high so just select that knob g z to bring that guy down to about there and then this knob as well so we just want these bones to be embedded inside the hand in fact if you go over here to your viewport display again and you untick in front you shouldn't see any bones really sticking out too much in this case i can see this guy here is so i'm just gonna grab that knob and move him down a bit as well just these guys so these bones should be nicely embedded inside of the mesh geometry okay just bring that guy down so you can refine this as much as you want i've i'm just going to keep it at this point here just so i can get on with the tutorial but i recommend you take your time just get the bones nicely lined up okay so once you've done that part now it's for the real tricky part and that's kind of like lining up the facial features here now like i said i'm not really very fond of the meta rig face controls i think like it's better just to do it yourself but i'm just going to show you how to do this anyway so what we're going to do is we're going to write orthographic view we're going to hit c just to bring up the c select tool and we're going to select all of these facial bones here including these two neck bones down here these two i'm going to hit g and y and just move them back till the neck is kind of here in the middle and the facial features are roughly lined up but what we also have to do is to select these facial features without the neck bones and we're going to go g and just move them down a little bit and then r to right and four just trying to line this up with the tilt of the face and then bring it down so you can see here the nose is roughly lining up the eyes here so deselect everything in your right view still we're just gonna c-select these eye control bones here and just these bones around it that make up the surrounding of the eye so these these bones right here and we're just going to go into our front view and we're going to move them to where the eye is roughly so right there in fact let's just go back into solid view and enable in front so we can see properly so just placing them right here over the eye and let's just do the same thing with these ears here so we're going to just simply select these four bones here to make up the ear all right go to your top view and just g to move them in r to rotate them a little bit then go to your right view g to move them down and just line them up with the ear here kind of look from different um perspectives if it helps just trying to line that up and you can spend as much time as you want and disable in front if it helps and whatever whatever you find works okay so we're just moving these bones also just grabbing some of these ones here just the ones that control the cheeks and the fore forehead we're just bringing them in a little bit and now let's just grab these jaw bones down here go to wireframe if it helps just grab these lower jaw bones like that and we're just going to go g and just move them up into the face like that and then obviously you can spend as much time with these mouth controls but i'm just going to select these bones here these lip bones okay and i'm going to go g and just move them forward and line them up with the lip here like that okay so you can kind of see what we're doing it's getting there and then obviously the nose bones are a little bit more simple just select them these guys here and just move them down a bit like that okay so yeah definitely spend as much time as you want with these controls and by the way this control here inside there that's the eye control so you could actually separately parent your eyes to that um as a separate object but we won't cover that for this tutorial just keeping things nice and simple so just make sure that guy is kind of lined up with the eye like that okay so those are our bones lined up i'm just going to quickly double check everything i know it was a little bit confusing maybe a little bit tedious for some people but once you've got everything nicely lined up we can start getting into the fun part so let's just quickly go back into our object mode and what we want to do is we want to just once again just hit ctrl a just make sure to apply that scale if it's been scaled and now what we're going to do is the part that i really enjoy the magic part we're going to go over here still in our armature tab go down here to the bottom and under the riggify button here if it's not open just drop it down we're going to come here and click on generate rig and um you can see here even if my computer blender has to have a little bit of a think here so it's just um loading so let's see what this is going to look like there we have it it's now added in these nice controls for us but what we have here is our original rig still in the um on the characters let's select the original armature here the one that we just generated all of these controls from so just select it and you can see here under our scene collections it's the meta rig we're going to hit m and we're going to go new collection and under the name here let's just call that rig and hit enter and then okay and let's just come over here to the rig system and just click on the little i just to hide this we don't want to see it okay so what we actually want to see is just this generated rig here so this generated rig what we're going to do is we're going to select it then we're going to go into our pose mode and in our pose mode we're going to hit a to select all of these bones so everything's selected and then we're going to hit h to hide it just hit h then over here under your armature settings under the skeleton you want to hold in the shift key and then click on this button on the end here at the bottom right that there so just click it and if you hit z go to wireframe you can see all of these bones here have been added and those are the actual weighted bones this is what the mesh is going to be parented to itself so let's go over here back into object mode select the mesh of your character and then holding in shift select the actual rig itself i'm going to go ctrl p and i want to go with automatic weights now what that will do it will weight these the nest geometry to these bones and blender is going to do its the best attempt and it's usually relatively okay especially for like cylindrical parts like this but you might have to come in there for things like the face and some of the little details to really kind of refine the weight painting if you want it to um look good but for now we won't focus on that part we're just focusing on the metal rig itself so now we're going to select the rig again and we're going to go back into pose mode and holding it sorry and holding in shift we want to click on this button again to remove this but then we want to go alt h to unhide these controls now these controls here are what are controlling these bones that we just removed here these bones here right so what we're going to do now if we select any one of these controls and we move them so if i select the head i go g we can see the head moves if we select the hand control which is this ik control for the hand here and we hit g to move it we can see the hand and the arm now go along we can grab this box here to move the whole body like that or we can rotate the hip we can grab the foot control here and not only can you grab these ik controls here for the hand and foot you can also once you've moved them hit end bring up your properties panel go to rigify button here and this guy here should have sorry go to item if you go up here you should have an ik fk value slider which can kind of control the influence of that guide there so if you kind of like wanted to make a scene where you want your character to kind of do push-ups or something that could simplify that and you can also keyframe that value there now that is a whole nother kind of subject but we won't go into that too much just like i said just about how to actually add the rig itself and here you can see it so have fun playing around with some of these controls the facial ones for the eyes here they're pretty they're pretty good like i said you could refine the weight painting and there's a ton of videos on weight painting and blender so i won't cover that in this tutorial but i hope you guys are able to now kind of understand the riggify a little bit better especially in blender 2.91 and like i said this model here is completely free to one of my own you can download it it's in the description below now i will be um i won't be making this model available on patreon because i've already made it available for free so it kind of doesn't make sense so um yeah anyway i'll see you guys later for another tutorial and i hope this has been useful to you
Channel: PIXXO 3D
Views: 142,637
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Blender, Blender 2.83, Blender 2.9, meta rig, blender meta rig system, blender human meta rig for beginners, blender 2.91 rigging, blender 2.91 HD, blender 2.91 rigging for beginners, rigify in Blender 2.91, Blender Rigify, Blender new features 2.91, New features in Blender 2.91, What is new in Blender, Blender development
Id: tzJ39ZOhfQ4
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 17min 42sec (1062 seconds)
Published: Thu Nov 26 2020
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