Nuggets detected on Bedrock at my Dream Claim.

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[Music] [Applause] [Music] well hello everyone dan here with gender prospecting here welcome back to my channel and if you're new welcome i hope to earn your subscription today i'm back here on my dream claim today with the metal detector we're gonna find some nuggets we're walking way upstream like a half hour from the trucks to some hopefully point virgin ground where we have found nuggets before but i'm going to the other side of the creek where i've never detected wish me luck and i hope you enjoy [Music] crossing the creek is no easy task but this is beautiful absolutely love this there's mike and pete on the far side they said they were crossing but i think they wimped out oh they're gonna cross right there the calm water so i got to where i want to get to right across from where we found all those nuggets last year but i don't see what i want to see i want to see exposed bedrock over here and i'm just not seeing it in amongst the boulders so i'm going to explore with the metal detector right now but um not quite what i want i may have to cross back over to the other side so i just went for an hour and a half walk up river hoping to find more of that exposed decomposed bedrock that we found on the other side found one okay looking deposit but metal detector didn't set off at all anywhere around it and most of the area was just shale slides from above so this side seems to be a bit of a bust right now i'm heading back over the other side see if i can make up for the lost time and maybe flying some gold so unfortunately i had a bit of a glitch on my camera and the microphone stopped working so i have about a minute worth of footage that has no audio and now normally i just throw this away except it is the most exciting part of the whole video so i'll have to do some voice over here now i crossed over the river because there was no gold on the other side i came over to see mike mike wasn't doing very well so i started detecting and as i was detecting i found a signal and i ran up the bar to get my camera no pete made a joke that when i run for a camera that fast it must be good and yes i found a very nice signal here it was jumping straight to the gold range it sounded perfect beep beep beep it was an absolute perfect sound and i just knew it was gold so put down the deck there pulled out the pick started picking around i have found before at this bar when uh i just pick into the broken up bedrock here i often find the signals that the metal detector is setting off and uh they're usually not very deep because this is all broken up bedrock and it's very very shallow a little bit of picking and i didn't find anything so rechecked with the detector bit more picking still didn't find anything put down the camera for a second and then as soon as i put down the camera i picked in and i saw just a flash of yellow so pick up the camera real quick and there it is there it is it was an amazing little nugget luckily my close-up camera still has audio three that's a piece of gold yeah that's probably a three grammer nice there it [Music] into the is bottle it goes but my good camera still doesn't have audio now i took out the metal detector and uh went back over the spot where the nugget was and there was a second signal right there right on top of where the first signal was and it wasn't nearly as bright or strong but there was definitely a weak signal there so back at it checking around where that nugget was picking through again and looking to see what it was because there was one nugget there i basically knew there was going to be another piece of gold it wasn't going to be garbage it was going to be gold and sure enough what do i see another piece there it is just a small one though very very small nugget let's get on my finger so you can see it better there we go it's only like a point one or a point two but because it was sitting right beside the other nugget definitely need to spend more time right here and see what else there is and then the audio started working so i had a small weird signal it was gold it was iron it was gold it was iron back and forth mike had his pan handy so i said mike scoop this up and go pan it out he didn't even get to the water before he wahooed in there he can see it right in his pan there it is a nice flake of gold let's get out the close-up cam there we are there's mike's first piece of the day [Music] well done mike yay me so we've cleared a fairly wide swath here and found one good nugget one good picker one large flake and a couple of small flakes no other large nuggets though so i'm not sure where i'm gonna move to next i definitely have to move back to my backpack to get some water so i have another really nice signal [Laughter] looks good let's see what her is what her is what her is i speak good english right in here that quick here it is whoop there it is nice big flake she's a beaut there it is just a big flake this time not a nugget a very very big flake very thin but very large flake of gold i like it well that was just the first few feet of this area cleaned found a flake let's continue and see if the rest of it has anything and then have an app got another signal let's see what it is water is okay what's with me in my english let's go find it [Music] you see which way still going both ways [Music] [Laughter] it's a rock or something it's in that it's moving it's going gold yep i see it i see it it's another one there's another one there's the next piece of gold i'm having a great day detecting loving this it's got some character it's a ruffin into the suffer bottle and see if we can find some more and another signal [Laughter] let's see what are let's see what it is never mind that was my camera it was detecting my camera nicely okay [Laughter] over there somewhere if i don't see it picking around like this i just take everything throw in my pan and go down and pan it out but it's much more fun seeing it come out even if it takes longer and i'm not seeing it this may be going into my pan this may not be gold at all let's throw it all in the pan so there it is it was just a little flake nice thing about the gold monster 1000 is it can pick up those little flakes so nicely should take this opportunity right now to thank the guys at kellyco for supplying me with the gold monster 1000 if you need any metal detecting equipment there's a link below for kellyco for us citizens only unfortunately if you're here in canada there's lots of great metal detector dealers that you can deal with and pete just found a nice flake so this was another one that the signal was questionable so we just had pete pan out everything around the area and the questionable signal turned into a very nice flake of gold well done pete thanks dan here's mikey's take for the day nice thing about the gold at this claim it's all coarse even the small stuff has thickness to it she's chunky well we had a blast today i'm guessing i found three to four grams metal detecting when i get home i'll clean it up and weigh it and show you right here here's my gold for the day just under three grams detected on that bar absolutely loving it that's sitting on a piece of jade if you're wondering what that green background is i hope you enjoyed our a little adventure on my dream claim metal detecting too bad there wasn't anything on the far side but this side still showing some pretty nice gold thanks everyone for watching and a big big thanks to my patrons out there because of the support of my patrons i get to offer weekly episodes of dan heard prospecting if you'd like to learn how to support my channel head off to hope everyone's having an amazing day i am loving this sunshine yesterday it was snowing today it is amazing i hope you're having a great day and until the next one bye [Music] you
Channel: Dan Hurd
Views: 68,479
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: nugget, gold nugget, detecting nuggets, detecting gold, gold, metal detecing, metal detector, gold monster, gold monster 1000, gold detecting, nugget detecting, using a gold monster 1000, using a metal detector, how to use a metal detector, where to detect for gold, prospecting, gold panning, panning for gold, video, bedrock
Id: ALpLixnt2xQ
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 11min 45sec (705 seconds)
Published: Sun Apr 25 2021
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