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i know some of it may be a bit beyond or taxing but your spirit will have received a whole load more than necessarily you think and it will get released when you need it as you need it and again as i say if something doesn't resonate just park it but pursue that which god really stirs you to pursue you know pursuit is the evidence of desire and if we really desire sonship if you really desire to come into the fullness of who we are in god then we need to pursue it it won't chase after us you know let's draw near to god and he draws news to us so after my dark cloud experience that i shared this morning you know i became untethered from just having to be on earth or in heaven so that i could live in both realms and eventually live in multi-dimensional realms at the same time because we're in him and he's everywhere so we have access to be everywhere but we need to be it doesn't mean we have access to be everywhere we want to be but where we need to be because god gives us seek first the kingdom and he will give us all the things we need not necessarily all the things we think we need or might want so then things he gives us are in line with our destiny to help us fulfill it so my soul and spirit became unified i became so connected with heaven and earth and that is where i've lived from 2012 february the 20th till now in learning how to live in the realms of heaven engaging the romans but what do you do then you know that's the key it's like we can go to heaven and is the point there's something to do you know so my spirit could stay there and i became then a channel for heaven to touch earth through me and around me and you know what i've learned to do is just completely gone beyond what i could have possibly imagined thinking i could do back in 2012 because 2012 i knew no one anywhere other than a few friends i had no contacts around the world what i'm doing now and mentoring people around the world and you know through the grading goal program i think i wasn't even a thought in my mind until i started to get closer to the father and the father started unveiling my destiny to me so that you've started to write it on my heart because i've asked him to every day i'd go to the ark of the presence of god and at those times i wasn't engaging in the four faces or anything like that i was just engaging what's my mandate for today and of course what's in the ark is a pot of manna and tablets of stone and aaron's rod that budded and obviously what's on in heaven was reflected on earth and is now reflected back in heaven because jesus went back in there so in in essence when i started to do that jesus said to his disciples my food is to do the will of him who sent me you know have you had i have food that you know not of and he was talking about heavenly food that enabled him to do earthly things so i used to go and i want to eat that manner i want to know your will today and i'm like opening my heart lord that you can write on the tablets of my heart because he doesn't write on tablets a stony logger he writes on the tablets of our heart so i want him to write things there for this day which my destiny will connect to and it will motivate me and draw me and then i can be drawn over here and not go over there because that's what it does it helps you avoid things that you shouldn't be into and going into the things that you should so the whole expanding the kingdom as a gateway of heaven into the earth became possible because we're supposed to be joined to the lord and one spirit with him so it says two is it one corinthians 2 corinthians 6 17 it says that you know and that's about intimacy of being one and then from that position of oneness being like who's making this decision me the spirit my spirit the holy spirit sometimes it just i just do stuff and but i know it's part of what i should be doing and i don't have to over analyze it so dual realms living is really about multi-dimensionals living being able to access the physical realms and this there's a physical realm here but there's also a spiritual realm here there's angels here there's a spiritual realm around us all the time that we may not be aware of unless you learn to tune into it and there's all sorts of multiple realms of heaven and then there's a realm on the inside of us where god dwells in us so all these things become accessible heaven the atmosphere under the earth beyond beyond those things dimensional things eternity outside of time and space all sorts of other things and the reason is god wants his kingdom his will on earth as it is in heaven and we're called to be involved in the as it is and i think that's awesome that he's called us to be co-heirs yeah he could have done it all himself he could have done it all through angels if he wanted to but he's calling calling us sons he made us to be sons to be involved in the family business um and that's really important that we're part of it and we're not bystanders we're not observers it doesn't just all happen to us it's not fake it's not all agreed and then it's automatic yes there are things on our destiny are good works prepared for us before the foundation of the world all those things but we have to cooperate we have to engage and the more intimate we are the easier it is to engage so we're seated in heavenly places we're accessing those blessings to bring them to the earth so the more heavenly preparation takes place the easier it is for those spiritual blessings to manifest on the earth you know i spent years calling for god to pour out heaven on earth you know to come down you know he never did sometimes there were manifestations of his presence and they're awesome but it was never what i was really looking for because i was looking for him to do it and i could just sit back and say oh this is amazing which is a little bit what revival type things are like you know i've been involved in probably eight or nine what you would call moves of the spirit in different ways five or six of them at home several of them around the world that i've gone and engaged in and they were awesome times but it always felt like this isn't quite here it's like i'm going to observe and i can experience and the wonderful experiences but it didn't feel like this is what it was really supposed to be it was almost like this is trying to get us somewhere it's like all the stuff in toronto in the 90s and things like that was like father looking to say hey i'm here there's more for you come back into the father heart of god discover more not this is it you know and some people are still doing the same thing 20 30 years later stop there you know and you do have god do amazing things you know i was a church in america i was reading about where on sunday morning the power of god came and split the plastic lecture and right through the middle and god started to move he showed his power and people were like whoa that lecture and is now in a glass case you know they remember the days they never moved on you know we really need to sort of move on into the things that god's really wanting us to go into so the more active you are in heaven the more easy it is heaven to manifest through you now jesus said this to to uh nicodemus john 3 13. no one hath gone up into heaven except he was come out of heaven because came down to heaven the son of man who is in heaven and this is from um the young's literal translation that's why it doesn't read that well because it's just literally the words it says so basically you know you won't find that in some english translations because they left that bit out because it didn't really fit so yeah jesus came out of heaven but it didn't say he's in heaven always home is in heaven now and what he was saying is if you're gonna do the things i do you need to be able to live in do your realms like i do so jesus says i want to do all the works that i do and greater and we try and do it our own way rather than learning how he did it he had a constant communion with the father that's what enables us to do all the things that we're called to do when we're constantly in communion fellowship intimacy joined to the lord and this is what quantum entanglement's about it's a scientific principle particles can be in two places at the same time and instantly connected so jesus said john 5 19 you know i only do the things i see the father doing i can't do anything else because i'm so submitted because i'm gentle in heart which is that i know who i am and my authority yet it's totally submitted to only do what the father's doing so he was humble in heart because he knew who he was but he didn't have to demonstrate it prove it to people even when they were trying to get him to he knew his identity and flowed from that identity with the father so quantum tag on is a physical phenomena which occurs when pairs of group particles are gener generated or interact in a way that the quantum state of each particle cannot be described independently of the state of the others so in other words they're joined they they function and when they've tested this they can have a particle which is two million miles away or a billion miles away and actually you engage one and instantly the other one reacts so whatever i'm doing in heaven should have an instant effect on earth my soul if it's in cooperation with that resonates in agreement and then begins to manifest what's going on in heaven so let's uh move on so soul and spirit in heaven and on earth but instantly connected flowing also in time and space and there's all sorts of opportunities for us to be translated from one place to another you know how did philip who was talking to the ethiopian unit find himself miles away and asia to us instantly he didn't travel at the speed of light you know because actually traveling at the speed of light is impossible in this dimension the way we think about it you know star trek didn't travel at the speed of light they traveled at warp speed which was bending space so that you had two things which were billions of light years away and you bent the space so they were closer you know and if you knew that but they're working on warp engines today scientific communities are looking to develop warp engines you know they're looking to develop photon engines they're looking all that stuff in that science fiction it really isn't fiction anymore for most of it you know they are teleporting things you know not humans i don't think i would be volunteering for the first one of those having if you remember the film with the uh the fly that got into the transmutation chamber don't fancy that one quite happy the way i am but these things are beginning to take place from a technology perspective technology always copies what's spiritual and what's available spiritually we have organic way spiritual ways of doing what they're now developing technology to do so philip didn't wasn't transported in a transporter beam and transported somewhere else he went into the spiritual realm and came out of the spiritual realm somewhere else it's actually called quantum tunneling and you know they fire electrons at a lead screen no electron particle should go through alex through a screen photons nothing can get through it's lead but they put a measurement system on the other side and they actually measured things on the other side so they knew it was impossible that they went through the screen so so how did it get to the other side so what they discovered was that particles are in and out of a different realm all the time that's drawing energy from another realm to keep this realm in functioning and so at some period some of those particles were in another realm and they materialized on the other side when they came back into this realm which is what quantum tunneling is about you actually don't tunnel through something you go into a realm and come out on the other side you know now these things are just scientific fact now it might sound a bit odd and weird but actually these are the things that if we understand how the universe works as our creator created it and the laws of the universe the laws of the spiritual realm the laws of the natural realm we can also learn to do some of those things to control the vibrational frequency of matter of energy to come into that jesus turned water into wine now i wouldn't have turned water into wine if i was him so i don't like wine yeah my wife loves it yeah so you know i don't like it never liked it so i wouldn't do it but i might turn something into something else what would you like to turn it into oh let's turn this water into gold perhaps or diamonds or other things which were quite useful you know so if he did that which is just transmutation he changed the vibrational frequency of that matter changed its atomic structure to vibrate at a different frequency and have a different atomic number and mass that it became something else now i look at my wife says i don't need to know that can i just do it well i said well have a go how did you get on well i couldn't do it well maybe you need to learn how to do it then we have fun like that with each other yeah when i first engaged this stuff and i came out of my fast and i was like sharing with her she was just like whoa too much overload overload overload i can't cope i can't cope with all he's saying me a little bit at a time please so i felt a little bit of time so this is the world well how do you do some of these things well i said well this is what i did i practiced this no i don't think i want to do it that way so i said well that's okay that's fine you don't have to do it that way try and try and find a way to do it yourself so in a few months later i said how are you doing well not so well i said well maybe you maybe maybe just practice this to start with until you find your own way do i have to well i don't know why you're being so stubborn well i'm not you well you don't have to be me just learn and eventually she a bit of humble pie and actually learned and now she can do this just as well as i can but you have to kick start it somewhere and a forerunner just opens the door of opportunity and says hey this is possible hey you can do this which is what i do i'm not expecting you to be me there's only one of me praise god there's only one of me but the reality is there's only one of you either and you all can learn how to do these things as sons of god because you're all sons of god you all have authority as sons of god to have authority in creation and that means the laws that establish creation and how creation holds together so we can be involved in those things now ultimately we want to bring an agreement between heaven and earth so we can be a gateway of heaven into the earth so we can be heaven forming you know people talk about terraforming and there's a sense of terror forming as in okay we want a planet to be habitable or whatever but actually i want of heaven to be on earth so it's heaven forming rather than terraforming because i actually want to see the garden of eden manifested on earth and fill the earth so that heaven and earth because the point is we should be bringing heaven to earth you know so it's about what is heaven like how do we get that on earth so when we live under an open heaven on earth and we're living under the laws of heaven on earth we're living as an embassy of heaven on earth and then we're ambassadors of that embassy and all of you are ambassadors of christ your title everyone has that call to be an ambassador of christ to represent heaven on the earth to represent heaven's government on the earth and to operate from the authority of heaven on the earth by being in heaven and actually being in two places at once ultimately that's the ideal now we have to learn you know i don't expect everyone just to be able to do that took me quite a long time but we did have a go at severing soul and spirit and reintegrating it so you could be free to do that so and then earlier on we went in engaged on the mountain and on the throne in heaven so you could do it so we're gonna do a little bit of practicing in a minute of well you're there and you're here so how does that work so yeah you go you can think about there you can think about here you think about that you can think of it here now think about here while you're there and think about there while you're here because that will get you used to doing these things it's all a little bit like you know ian clayton stepping in stepping out that was just to get us activated you know it wasn't that was what we had to do for the rest of our lives it was this is to get you going and when you learn how to do that then you can learn a bit more and i'll learn a bit more and i'll learn a bit more so yeah the ability to shift dimensions consciously is key so we have to practice hebrews 5 14 says that we learn to discern things because we practice training our senses to discern so our senses become trained to discern different things by practice if you want to be good at anything practice some people are really naturally talented at certain things at certain sports but if they don't put in the effort and practice there will be people much less talented who will beat them because it does take discipline to put the get the best out of your talent you know i mean i can play all sorts of ball sports i'm a natural racket sport player ball sport player golf anything with a bat ball or something that hit a ball i can do i can pick it up and i can play it but i would never be able to beat someone who's been practicing and playing for a long time no matter how good i was until i practiced enough to be good at that particular thing well now i used to do i mean golf i used to play golf when i was a teenager and you know i got to a single finger handicap and i practiced a lot and i was good at it now i played golf the other day for the first time in about three years i wasn't so good at it i still beat the other two i was playing but i wasn't good and i was thinking oh i wish i could do this like i used to so i had to adapt my game to compensate for my lack of certain capacity of doing things but if i practiced a little bit more i would learn i would get it back because you don't forget it you just have to practice so in all these things practice practice practice practice and you will get better step in step out engage in engage on the thrones do all the little activations that we've done in these times don't let them be well we did them then wasn't that a nice conference pursue it so it's your lifestyle learn how to do it you can do everything that i do and more if you are as disciplined as i am if you're not you won't i am really disciplined when i want something i pursue it you know when i wanted to be baptized in the spirit i pursued it until i got back to the spirit three years it took me but i didn't give up i kept going and kept going you know when i wanted to go in two years i was trying to get back into heaven from 2008 to 2010 every day did everything i knew what to do and tried everything to get back in there because i had a taste of it and i wanted more because that's my inheritance and i knew it was my inheritance but i couldn't do it but i kept going at it and that was preparing me because god saw the desire of my heart so when i had this prophetic word that said god has seen the desire of your heart i'm like yippee i know what he's seen then and in this prophetic word it said the thing that you're longing for is near god has opened up a door and a portal for you to ascend where you've been and i thought yes now then it was like well how do i do it i didn't know but i made myself available god showed me and then he taught me how to live that way and now i live that way it's my lifestyle i don't have to practice anymore unless i have to learn something new so if i go to somewhere new in heaven i go there a few times so i'm familiar with it then i can think about it and i'm there so all the things i was sharing to all the different courts all the rounds the tabernacle and the temple you know and the throne room and the fire eve river and the fire stones all those amazing places the corner the upright and the man and white linen the court of angels all those things i have practiced going to to learn where they were so they become part of me now i just think and i'm there the throne of grace the tree of life father's garden the waterfalls the heaven the river of life to me that is now an instant connection because hey my spirit is already in that realm and all i have to do is shift where i'm thinking to be there you know and anyone can learn how to do this it's not that difficult but it does require practice and discipline and i think we've been sold short by the whole charismatic community in you can get this easily you don't really have to work at this i'm not saying you earn it but you discipline to practice so you can do things better so what are all the realms well we can engage all the spiritual realms around us we practice doing that meeting god here mean god on the inside meeting god in the realms of heaven and other dimensions so what we're going to do we're just going to practice just trying to shift focus from where you are here to where you are there and where you are there to where you are here now remember we separated soul and spirit and by faith you can engage well i want to be in two realms so where where did we go this afternoon to your mountain to your throne now there's no reason why your spirit still isn't there so make the assumption that by faith my spirit is still on that throne in heaven and i'm going to shift my consciousness here which is at the moment looking at me but when you close your eyes you actually begin to shift from the problem solving i'm analyzing this room and taking all the information from this room my mind is analyzing it turn it into an image so i can see it to i'm going to relax and allow my mind and my imagination to begin to dial down so it becomes to a place of rest so that then you can just think about that throne and engage it so close your eyes we know heaven's open and if you have not think well i don't sure i'm there well then just step into it you could still step into that realm whenever you want and engage with your soul and your spirit in that case but in this case okay your spirit is on that throne you're seated on that throne now start thinking about being on that throne again so just shift from being here to your soul being there to join your spirit and be seated you have a crown you have a scepter you have a mantle you're seated on the throne so just sort of re-center your thinking to be where you are on that throne in the round seven now while you're aware of being there now just consciously shift your consciousness back to here so that you become aware of being here you can keep your eyes closed or you can open them it doesn't really matter but now be aware of being here but you're connected to being there now jesus is going to speak to your spirit there but you're here in your consciousness so whatever he says there has got to be transmitted to here so that you can hear him or sense what he's trying to communicate to you so let jesus say something to you and just see if you can tune in what he's saying from here to where your spirit is hearing that in that realm now just shift your consciousness from this realm back to where you're seated in that heavenly realm on that throne and become aware consciously of where you are there [Music] now just shift your consciousness back to here just think about being here and become aware of being here now while you're learning to practice this every day you become more sensitive to being in both places and that being in heaven your spirit can flow through to you on the earth without you having to think about it because you're expecting it so heaven has solutions the earth doesn't and those solutions will come to you from the place where you're sat on your throne [Music] and your spirit can be framing your life minute by minute bringing the kingdom governing engaging angels you don't have to always be conscious of what your spirit is doing you know i sit and listen to people ask me questions every day i never know what they're gonna ask but my spirit is already i'm not dredging up the answers from my memory i want it to be a fresh revelation that's coming out of heaven and sometimes i hear myself saying things that i don't know so i have a pad in front of me that i actually write down the things that then become conscious and aware of and then i wow i need to engage that because that's going to open up a whole different realm i didn't think that way before well my spirit has received that and is imparting it because it's there and i'm here now it's going to take a little bit of practice to develop that and you have to persevere and it may take a bit of time but you become sensitive to be on a flow of heaven into the earth and things from heaven begin to start manifesting around you much more easily because you're connected to both realms at the same time so it's just a little bit of practice but i'd encourage you just keep going with it so my journey progressed from visions so i could see into heaven and see things to going there and coming back there all the time until i was living there and living here so all these experiences i had were involuntary to begin with in 95 2008 and 10. they took me beyond the veil but i didn't know how to go back but when then i went back in in 2010 jesus took showed me how to stay there and eventually how to live in both realms at the same time so you know i was tutored i was trained the holy spirit engaged me jesus engaged me wisdom engaged me the seven spirits of god engaged me i wasn't having to learn it on my own i got taught i got shown how the court system of heaven worked you know it wasn't like all of a sudden i had a download and i understood everything i went there i was shown i learned i went back there i learned a bit more i observed i went there i started to do something in those places so i was being trained in that way so you know this process of learning you know servant steward friend lord king son co-air co-creator and on you know it's a process it takes time i don't know how long your process will take it depends where you started from remember i started as far back as you could go i couldn't hear i couldn't see i was left-brained analytical logical i didn't believe in the holy spirit you know being in us to start with i never even dreamed that any of this was possible so if god can do it with me which is why he chooses the foolish things of the world to confront the wise because i wouldn't have chosen me if i was god you know i think well there's people who are quite good at this stuff they'll be easier but actually way chose me is because if i can do this now there's hope for anybody seriously because you might think oh it's easy for you it really hasn't been it took me five years to learn to hear the voice of god speaking to me in the word of god and then outside of the word of god it took me another two years to learn how to see and experience and engage in you know the first time i did that it was just awesome you know i was i'd learned to picture things and see things and visually engage but then i wanted to engage deeper so i was thinking about jesus i would love to see jesus talking to his disciples and i'd love to listen in on the conversation so i started to if i found a scripture they were sitting on the hillside and i sorry when pictured that as jesus he sat there and so i go and sit with him and then he looked at me i really looked at me straight in the eyes and i thought he can see me no i never really thought about it like that that i was actually there in whether it was a vision of being there i don't know but he saw me and he started to talk to me and to start with i was just woo i was somewhat challenged by that but then i learned that that was just the way it is you engage in it the door the word becomes the doorway your previous experiences come a doorway so you can go back into them you use your imagination to open the door and you walk through and then what happens happens and you continue to grow and mature in it you know so this spiritual realm this atmosphere is filled with things the angels their portals there are other things when you when you learn to see you can begin to tune into the frequency of those things and they become information that you interpret you know the very first time i saw angels you know in the spiritual realm again i was i was shocked i was trying i was practicing closing my eyes what can i see nothing nothing and i was at the back of the room when our musicians were doing their sanchez which took ages yeah as usual for musicians they want to get right fell back turn me up you know i used to do the pa desk at times and it's like they say oh can you give me a bit of this bit of that i didn't touch it yeah that's better it's just like come on yeah so we bought we bought a pa system that is is controllable at their own fallback with their own little thing and they can choose what's in it bliss so for the sound man it's bliss no one can complain about their fallback because they're in charge of it so i was there watching them and i was just watching them and i thought i'd close my eyes i wonder if i can see them with my eyes closed black black then i closed my eyes and i could see i still thought my eyes closed and i thought whoa so open my eyes close my eyes look i can still see them what is this how does this work so i closed my eyes and all of a sudden i could see a whole lot of other things other than them i thought all the angels and the things that were going on in the room and i was like whoa and then i could see the atmosphere around people and i could see the colors and the fragrances and their sound i could see it in a way which interpreted something and then i didn't know how to turn it off so for a few weeks i was overwhelmed by it i just like oh i don't want to see anything anymore it's just like oh let me give you some peace so i said to god well how do i turn this off he said well stop engaging your spirit with it oh oh yeah that makes sense so now i can turn that off or turn it on and i said well how do i describe how this works to people he said use sonar you know and i used to watch war films with submarines and you know you'd have or you know voids to the bottom of the sea you know anyone remember voyage to the bottom of the sea good one well anyway he's there and his phones you know or it's stingray you know a stingray was a puppet thing we had in our country in the early 60s but they had this guy on the on the phones stuff and you send out a ping of sound in through the water and then you record the echo of what it hits and sends it back and it will determine how far that thing is from you because water sounds travels in a consistent distance through water and speed therefore you can have this little screen and you go ping and you hear all the sound in the submarines of the sound effects makes it sound really cool but you can see this big whale out there you see it moving you know and if there's a big rock you avoid it so god said well send your spirit as a little ping to engage the atmosphere and see what gets reflected back then tune into what that is so if you want to practice it's easy practice with your own angels to start we start talking to them so i'm going to engage my spirit with the angels now i can see all your angels you know no no i'm not describing them to you yeah because you need to engage them for yourself but i can see them most of you have got at least two no no i'm not gonna turn it off i'll be tempted to start telling you and i'm not going to but you can learn so every day when you get up in the morning say you know welcome father thank you holy spirit you know open your first love gate hi angels they're always behind you generally because they don't want to draw attention away from you and gone but they're there so hey hi what are your names can you tell me what you're called how do i dress you you're just whatever you feel led to do and just close your eyes and become a little bit sensitive are they speaking to you are they giving are there thoughts i mean if you get an audible voice i mean that's pretty good but generally you get thoughts impressions in your mind of what that is yeah right we can still ask questions yeah okay yeah so i just i did that when i when i asked um i want to know my angel's name and the answer actually came through three movies in a row and then um a confirmation through a child that but she didn't say anything about angels um so i'm pretty sure the answer was right but i've tried to ask yeah there's been some other confirmations yeah um is that have you heard of that is that well god will's goal gets you to any way you can so that was more god doing that than my angel like manipulation well maybe maybe the angel was trying to communicate to you if you learn to hear the voice of god consistently in conversation it's easier to hear any other voices of angels yeah usually yeah so it's just their thoughts you know okay i'm going to talk to my angels i'm going to receive an impression of what they're saying or a thought of what they're saying and then the more i do it the more i get familiar with their voice and the more it's easier to communicate so then you know then i send my angels on assignment and you know sometimes they keep me out of trouble you know i mean some people you hear stories of people tripping and falling in in front of a car and they're being yanked back and there's no one behind them that will be your angel trying to keep you safe because they're guardians there they're there as ministering spirits on behalf of those who are heirs of salvation so it's no problem communicating with them they really want you to it's just learning to tune in by practice and then if you close your eyes and you say i want us i want to see what you like you know so then begin to see what forms in your imagination so you can usually see they've got particular way they're dressed or they've got colors you know as i said mine's a white winged horse and the other one's a warrior you know but i see other people's angels some of them are very feminine looking some of them usually those associated with people who are worshippers at heart they could have particular angels that you can really sort of see you know some people have angels with spears you know it's just like you know some people have angels with bows well that's usually those who are who are really praying for things at a distance or looking to engage things because it's symbolic of who you're called to be and what you can do you know no it sounds all a little bit weird but the reality is it's like everything spiritual is weird isn't it if you look at it from that perspective it's in a realm that you can't see with your natural eyes so you know a fiery sword spinning round with two cherubim who've got four faces and six wings is pretty weird from our perspective is not normally what you see on the street corner or walking up the road unless you learn to tune in and see it in a spiritual realm then you'll start to see all sorts of things now i'm not interested in the dark side of the force you know i'm just interested in what god's doing if you focus on the dark side you they will take over what you see i made a decision i do not want to see or nor am i interested in what the enemy enemy's doing because i know if i focus on what god is doing that will deal with anything that the enemy is doing so i you know some people say they see demons and see things it's like okay i'm not interested in that i will tune that out in any way we don't have any demons in our meeting because they are left at the door because we rule our atmosphere we have no demonic manifestations because we don't want them we don't want them distracting from what god's doing or what people are doing in worshiping god now in a private setting we will minister to people and sometimes there are manifestations of deliverance but most of the time now because we've taught people to know their authority deliverance is simple it is not what it was you know four hours trying to get things out of people and then screaming and puking up in a bucket i used to keep a bucket in my office because i had so many people puke over my carpet i was fed up of getting it cleaned so i kept a bucket in there but none of that happens now because we know our authority and they know we know authority and we teach people to deliver themselves you know it didn't have to be a big history onyx and all because most of that is demons just playing up trying to draw attention to themselves and keep you off focus and you know i think some of the demons we delivered were the same ones over and over and over again because they were never really delivered in the first place because people never learned to live free they're just time wasting keeping us going wherever ever around decreasing circles until it was a waste of time now people are not manifesting things because they've learned to know their sonship you know not that i wouldn't deliver people if god said but the way i would do it would be very different from what i used to do so there are all sorts of the cloud of witnesses you know as i said esther has been here there's been a few others observing what's been going on while we're here now you know you you just learned to become sensitive to a change in the atmosphere if something turned up or someone turned up i would feel it generally unless i was so focused on doing something else that i was distracted from the general perspective but i would i would feel it then i would look to see you know when esther turned up at our meetings and she came to a two or three of our means and she's been around followed me around a little bit when i've been going and i'm i'm i am aware of her frequency so when she appears i know it's her just because i've experienced it a few times therefore i'm now sensitive to that frequency and i'm aware and there are a number of other of the cloudy witnesses that are like that so just become tuned yeah do you see her i feel it because if i close my eyes and i tuned to it then i would begin to engage it that way but actually i've learned to do most things with my eyes open because it's not it's not dependent on what i'm seeing with my physical eyes or even the eyes of my heart because my spiritual eyes i now learn to discern what my spirit is showing me so i'm i'm more sensitive to it but sometimes when i'm looking around let's say i'm looking around the room now and i engage what is going on around the room and the spirit i am sensitive to color and the frequency and fragrance that people give off and you know i can describe it so although i'm not it's not like i'm seeing it superimposed over you if i close my eyes then i could but i'm act i know what is here because my spirit's engaged you know and therefore it's able to communicate and i've learned to discern practice train your senses to discern by practice keep doing it and keep doing it you get better at it but we all operate slightly differently so some of you may have a more visual thing but it doesn't really matter the end of the day is actually knowing you know i perceive what it is that's the key whether it becomes visual sensory in any other way or you just know the point is that you know whichever way you communicate so just keep at it until it gets better you know so there are portals you know that open sometimes you know and that's why feathers drop down from the ceiling in some meetings because portals open and angels come through and feathers get knocked off and i think it's a little bit of a sign to point to something and a wonder that makes you wonder that's what wonders are i wonder what that is where is it pointing oh god you know the spiritual realm yes just that's what it is you know so i practiced until i could see you know and this whole spiritual sonar thing sort of made sense to me so that's how i engage it now then i found i could travel in those routes you know so i learned to travel in the spirit now first of all it was involuntary god took me and that is physical transfer relocation you know the first time that happened to me i was driving to a meeting i was late it wasn't a meeting that i needed to be there on time it was with friend lindy and we were just meeting up for the day and i was probably about half an hour late um because i i'm eating run over so i got in the car i wasn't fretting i wasn't concerned i just drove normally i drove around the corner and i found myself somewhere else i thought i'm sure this isn't what's around that corner i'm not driven right in that corner i don't know how many times this is near now funnier enough i was actually measuring or keeping a record of the mileage and on the way back i kept a record of the mileage and it was seven miles different i don't i didn't feel anything i didn't sense anything other than well i seem to be somewhere else but that was the testimony that god think well this is possible this can happen so a few weeks ago i was driving my daughter to a train to a train station which was about 45 minutes away about 35 miles or so and we we said i allowed 15 minutes traveling time so we'll had an hour we set off we got three miles up the road and there was this huge traffic jam and it's like a tailback five miles long so it's virtually you know i was just like okay my this daughter was like oh no we're gonna miss the train we're gonna miss the train i'm gonna miss the train i said calm down it'll be okay we'll we'll be okay and if you miss the train i'll buy you another ticket but we'll be okay i can't afford to buy another ticket you know it's okay we won't we'll be okay so eventually we got through this jam and we had another 30-ish miles to go in 20 minutes on a road that had all these cars all going so it was just like okay they're not going very fast so i drove as fast as i could but in peace my daughter wasn't in so much peace as me but i maintained you know an atmosphere of peace and so we drove and i didn't really notice the speed or the time whatever but we got to i think seven miles of the place and she looked at her watch she said we've only got three minutes before the train goes i said okay right i need to do something else so i just chose the reality that we will be there on time it was just like no that's the reality that we're going to experience now i can do that myself when someone else is in the car with you with a negative thing you've got to really rule over it so i did and we drove and i don't know what she felt i didn't feel particularly anything but we got there with two minutes to spare now there's no explanation for that naturally i didn't drive at 120 miles an hour because i couldn't even if i tried because there was just so much traffic uh but we got there and i said there you go here's your train and she was like how did you do that i said i chose to you know as simple as that i did i chose to i've done that with airplanes i've done that where i needed to be somewhere to get a connection flight took off an hour late hour and 20 minute flight we're never gonna get there i chose to we are gonna get there and i do it in different ways in that time i sent out an angel i thought oh i'm gonna do some sci-fi i sent out my angel to create a warp field in front of the plane you know we took off that time we were in the air all the air stewardess and things not looking at anyone not wanting to make eye contact because everyone was in the void because they're all going to miss their connecting flights and so you know i was in just peace no problem eventually they start perking up and smiling so we want to inform you of all the gates for your transfers to your flights you know because they looked at their watches and they realized that they were about to land when they should have been three-quarters of the way back i don't know what they thought but we got there on time you know now you know you have to rule don't be subject to circumstances when you're a son of god take authority over the circumstances and choose the reality that you want to see created and accept that reality and you can do miracles like that i was in auckland and i was just teaching in a session like this there were a few people there who weren't believers yet it was a sick lady a couple of others and i was talking about angels and supernatural engagements and we got outside it was raining really hard and i it ran over a little bit because there was questions and whatever so i was the last one out and i got out and all the cars in the car park were waiting at the gate because the caretaker unlocked the gate so it's like okay so i walked up to the front car who had these two ladies in so i said what's the problem he said well the gates locked so so they it was a twinkle in their eye they said well can you ask one of those angels to open it for us and i thought instantly i thought no i don't need to ask an angel i'll open it for you so i chose the reality that i would open the gate so i walked up to the gate and i opened the paddle without a key now they'd all tried and it wouldn't open but i chose the reality where it would open my choice as the son of god because i didn't want them all the queued up i didn't want to get the caretaker out i didn't want all the hassle i wanted to go home and go go to where i'll stay and go to bed so i chose that and i did it now they were like how did you do that i said i just chose to and they smiled they didn't know what to make him i said well i've been talking about supernatural stuff here's an example now so you can do those things so you can travel in those realms now we're going to do an activation now this i i had some real fun with this up in winnipeg and some amazing testimonies afterwards but if philip could be trans relocated if he and claim to be trans relocated you can so you might not be physically translated if you disappear then we'll know where you've gone but actually your spirit can go because your spirit is not bound by earth anymore is it because you're untethered from it so you're able to travel in space and time time travel well the latest scientific thing is that consciousness can be traveled in time not necessarily a physical body so i have done this lots of times when i'm available and i'm not thinking of anything else usually in times of worship when i'm not responsible for anything i say hey any adventures going anything you'd like me to do because there are people calling out on god all over the world right at this second asking him for help there may be people calling out in time asking for help now for him remember it's all now when we engage him in the now we have access to anywhere in time and space so i have been used in time to minister to people and things did i change time no because i don't believe you can change time but was i always used in time yes but i only now became available it because i stepped into the now of god to be available first time it happened i was just minding my own business enjoying worship and yeah i was like open and i found myself back in 1756 i think it was in some place in the middle of the u.s with a cabin isolated and i'm standing there thinking where is this so i go and knock on the door they open the door like they were expecting somebody they go in as a little child who basically is dying of some sort of pox or something so they said we we've been we've been calling out on god so i said i know god sent me to answer your prayer now they could have thought i was an angel and i could there could be an angel who does that sort of thing but actually i did it so i went in ministered to the child child got instantly healed they said so grateful i said no problem i walked out the door and i was back where i was aware of where i was yeah i did the same thing in uh somewhere i always seem to go into the u.s although now i've been in russia and china and very early but in the time ones it's always been in the u.s in time once so i went into the now of god i go back into 1824 some really posh house in the u.s like gated mansion thing go in there there's oil load of family they're all crying go up there's a newborn baby and the mother's died so i'm like okay i guess i'm sent here to do something about this so i sort of okay what have i got amanda to do raise her from the dead oh how do i do that i've never done that before okay what did what did jesus do what did i say i remember a few i'm going to lie on her so i lay over her lay over and i reached out to her spirit went into the court of the upright and called her back i said your time is not done you need to come back with me and often they don't want to come back but this lady just had a child so it wasn't that difficult to convince her so i took her by the hand and pulled her spirit back into her body i got off her and she woke up they were like i said well you've been calling out on god this is what god can do yeah my physical body i went soul in spirit i didn't go in the spirit alone i went soul in spirit i was totally conscious of everything that was going on now i do do things like that in the spirit that i'm not conscious of and people tell me that they've seen me in places and other places around the world because your spirit can manifest physically just like an angel can actually manifest physically because it says be aware of hospitality because you might be engaging with angels unawares because they look like people when they engage physically so i was touched i touched it was just like i was there physically although i asked people in the meeting did i physically disappear and they said no but we were aware that you seem to be not there you know so i went there so and i came back and i said to god what was that about he said that lady is going to have another child who is going to be extremely significant in the kingdom of god she wasn't done yet now he didn't tell me who it was and because i don't need to know i didn't ask i was ever so tempted to google 1824 to find out who was born to see but i didn't because i'm i'm much better now than i used to be but all these things become possible you if you make yourself available translation spiritually in time and space is possible and actually it's more than that it's probable because god is answering people's prayers where there is no one physically to answer them he used to send angels but now more and more people are engaging in in heaven and engaging in god more and more people are getting to do this stuff so we'll do an activation let's see what god takes you about those yeah and you know like timelessness when you could fix something it fixes something this way in that way and remember the women haven't stripped naked and without you um yeah no i did i mean there's lots of applications to this you know it can be can be outworked in lots of different ways what you you can engage obviously in things generationally in your own family lines which when you deal with something in the past actually has an effect in you in the future because you're free but also on the effect of wherever they are because when you release forgiveness to your generational line you also allow god to actually do something more in their life so now that's other whole story but it does these things can happen in winnipeg when i did this i mean it was i just had some awesome testimonials just like wow you know and it was a simple thing it was just like okay close your eyes some of you are still in heaven is your spirit but again just choose to ask jesus to take you on an adventure just make yourself available to him just set the desire of your heart say here i am lord send me so you may be on your throne and jesus will take you from there you may just become conscious of being here but we're just going to ask that jesus would take you on an adventure through time or space to engage in helping someone somewhere else in the world or in time to answer the prayer or the cry of someone's heart so just say to him here am i send me and just allow him to take you wherever you go [Music] uh [Music] [Music] uh so [Music] so so [Music] uh [Music] [Music] uh [Music] uh so uh so [Music] if you're in the middle of something and still doing something feel free to continue with that you know sometimes time in those things is different from here in a few minutes you can do things which are seem to be an expanded of what time is some people's like did i just make that up did i just dream something it can feel like a little bit like a dream sometimes [Music] but don't over analyze it if something happened great if something didn't your probably spirit was doing something you've not just learned to tune in with your mind yet and you'll find when your spirit is living in dual realms you'll be on all sorts of adventures like that people have talked to me and said i talked to you last night in heaven we had a conversation about this i said oh that's interesting what did i say and virtually whatever they said it'd be like me i know i would have said it like that so these things can happen you know don't don't stress if you didn't sort of think but you know and they can happen in lots of things i mean in that encounter i i thought i'm available i'll go and do something so i went into the discovery room of heaven i went into the discovery house and i found some schematics for a scientific principle and then went back in time and deposited it in the head of someone who was meditating looking for an answer to something yeah yeah just then three weeks ago i'm telling you that three weeks ago um i was doing a hangout with the washington group and there was only a few of us there because i think it was fourth of july or something or some other people were doing stuff so so it was like we they ran out of questions so well let's do something let's engage so we did that we basically said hey let's make ourselves available and let's go and then we'll feed that what happened and each of us fed back and although it wasn't exactly the same experiences the experiences were related you know again i went into the discovery house found a plan of a map and went into a village in africa collected all the tribes elders and showed them where a water source was and then showed them how to irrigate their crops i don't know where it was and whoever but that's what you can do you know it's there's way way more i mean it's so fun wouldn't it be fun to do these things think well why would god do that well why would he send an angel why would he do anything because people are calling out on him and he wants to help him he wants to demonstrate himself to them he wants to show hey there is more to life than just the natural realm so he will use us if we're available you know this is just a question so you go um like you go back to the 1800s or something where it was saying earlier um that's in that time so you actually change what happens in that time what happened in that time or is it well i didn't change it from the perspective of something happened and then it was different i was always used in that time i'm only available aware of it now because this is when i stepped into the now you see what i mean yeah it's like i i'm only aware of what i've done now but for them it happened in 1824 because i stepped into the now of god now god has used me in 1824 which is always 1824 but i'm only now aware of it and i may not be aware of it if i'm doing it spiritually and not consciously because i mean think of how many people are crying out to god every second of every day you know i've never seen that film bruce almighty you know he has really good fun when he has all these powers and then all of a sudden the reality kicks in and he has all these voices in his head help help praying for this praying for that and he's like i didn't sign up for this this is what i'm like yeah so somebody 20 years from now could be affecting something yeah yeah absolutely now i don't believe that the future already exists from the perspective of it's already happened that way but in time it would only be now for them if they're in the now of god they were they're doing it in 20 years time but actually 20 years time doesn't exist yet but in now 20 years time is still connected to now any or any time and it it it works i mean a friend of mine george watkins who's up in washington state area i actually know george but he's a great guy and he's uh i know how sure old he is but he's been at this stuff for a long time involved in the prophetic movement or whatever and he's really tuned into these things so he remembered he was engaging god he remembered when he was preaching many many years ago he cried out for god for help and actually he went back to help himself oh isn't that cool because he knew he knew exactly what he needed because he'd already experienced it but now he went back and actually helped himself and i thought wow that's really cool but then he remembered how he felt when that happened because he sensed help but it wasn't like an angel appeared he just felt he was strengthened and encouraged so you know there's more things in heaven on earth horatio which is a famous quote from did you want us to share what we did if you'd like to there's no problem because i was found myself in a place all by myself and i was a little girl about four but i didn't think it was me i felt like i found her and she was lost and she was she was really close to not making it i picked her up and i just held her and all of a sudden we just went through light and now i'm in this train station where when i was a little girl at four i was lost in there and i thought was that dream about me or was that me helping someone that was feeling like i did at that age well it could be awesome it could be either i mean in the testimonies in winnipeg there were lots of rescuing people and helping people particularly children and things i mean it was fascinating just to hear all these experiences because it's like this is fun hey the christian life does not have to be boring you know we have access to the spiritual realms and the realms of heaven you know this is supposed to be fun and enjoyable and a little bit out there yeah read some of the stuff in the bible there's ezekiel sat by a river and their god comes along and picks him up by a lock of his hair and takes him out of his body and then shows in jerusalem and heaven and all sorts of stuff now if anyone says this is all wrong well there you go there's a biblical proof text if you need one these sorts of things happened and if they happen then why not now we're just actually learning to be more consciously engaging it and involved yeah yeah because he was taken in the spirit and he was also shown all the kingdoms of the earth he wasn't on some mount everest looking over physical kingdoms he was taken into the atmosphere to see all the spheres of government including yours and mine yeah because the devil has access to that realm that's why we have a court of accusation and he can come and accuse people so the devil was called the prince of the power of the air in that time because jesus had not yet defeated him on the cross and through the resurrection so he had more power then than he's got now because jesus took back the keys of death and hades so he now has more authority and he has given the authority that we gave to the devil back to us because he took it back from him overcame him resurrected brought us back into life and has now given us the authority back so this is why some of these things are possible because we now have the authority that adam had in the beginning and he was able to do a few interesting things as well you know because he was able to engage how do you think he was going to rule the whole earth from a little garden somewhere he was able to see and move and engage you know and we're just rediscovering who we always were who we always have been from god's perspective but we're now understanding a little bit more of our sonship and the authority that we have in the kingdom yeah well you know there's there's all sorts of you know how people talking about people and that type of thing so my question is is can then can you as a kingdom person go and clean out those those negative words in the atmosphere or do you have to leave them there i mean they do create right well the fact that jesus has overcome the enemy he's given us the authority to continue to outwork that and there's revelation that's been given that indicated a lot of these things and if you go back into the 70s no one was talking about principalities powers and stuff like that they're all talking about speaking in tongues and learning stuff you know and it was just like prophesying and there was a restoration of things but then you move on a little bit and all of a sudden there was revelation about these things principle and obviously the whole demonic thing you know no it got like you know as a demon under every bush and everyone's blaming a demon and it always swings too far you know but and people saw hey there are things in the atmosphere that are affecting us on earth they're called principalities and powers and rulers and you know wicked forces which is the things that occupy those places and so they discovered that now what they didn't have the revelation was is that they could be above that in heaven and have the authority to deal with it from above and it was a a big stepping stone but of course people tend to go overboard and it becomes everything yeah bind this by that and everything's gonna be okay and you know there were things like the transformation videos at the time you know there weren't cds at the time they were videos so we're going back a few years but there are awesome stories of things that happened in various places around the world you know where things change where there was place where there was a supernatural size crops and carrots the size of you know things i mean all sorts of amazing things the problem was that that became everyone tried to do what those people did to get the same results and that wasn't mandated for them it's the danger of the christian thing something happens someone writes a book about it someone reads the book and then they try and do the same thing thinking they have the same authority getting disappointed that it didn't work because that was the authority that was given the person who received the mandate what he should have been saying is i received this mandate to do this why don't you go and ask god to give you a mandate to do what he wants you to do rather than here's the here's the solution just do this and some of the things where they were doing things about dealing with the atmosphere and then it became spiritual mapping we need to find out everything that's going on in our communities we'll find out all the freemason we will find out all the witches coverings we'll do this we'll map it all out we'll see what was done in the past no there's there's value to that i'm not knocking it because we did it and i still have information about what we did then that now i can take in the realms of heaven and i can actually finish the job because i only did the stuff that was on earth not the stuff which was above and then we expected revival because we bound everything in the heavens and we're all waiting and disappointed because nothing really much happened sometimes things did happen and then people attributed it to what they did then everyone else tried to copy what they did and most of the time it didn't work you know i was when some of the brownsville revival went on in pensacola you know it's like lots of people i went because someone someone said they've got a transferable anointing there and you can go and you can bring that back so i thought that sounds good so four or five friends we flew over we stood in the line you know five o'clock in the morning and then we actually discovered if you put a pastor badge on you can get in free straight away yeah so no i would not call myself a pastor but i was a church leader so i did it without feeling any guilt or condemnation whatsoever so we avoided the lines for the next week and literally i experienced amazing power and the sense of the conviction of god to want to live a pure and holy life and i was running to the front like everyone else didn't know what i was running to the front most of the time i was just woo and i remember someone praying for me linda cooley it was it was the worship one of the worst it was there he put his hand on my stomach and i literally flew in the air i flew in the air about 15 feet and i landed amongst a whole load of bodies in this little space with my feet in the air and i felt his handprint on my stomach for three days i felt it still there it was that powerful but when i went home i didn't have that anointing because it was his and it was operating under what they were doing there and everyone wanted brownsville's wherever they went and most people got upset because they didn't happen because what you were supposed to learn was the principle they cried out on god and god did something there because of his heart reaching out to them or whatever the reason was now of course they all messed it up because they all fell out and as usual and it ends up stopping and you know people look back reminisce over over what went on and it was genuinely powerful and people were genuinely set free and they were genuinely engaged god for the first time people were drawn there it was an awesome thing but that doesn't mean that god wants to do that all over the world it's a demonstration of what is possible that nothing's impossible with god an impossible situation the the book was written when heavens are brass because john kilpatrick was praying and crying out to god and it seemed like heavens were brass like in other words no prayers are going anywhere they hit in the ceiling and he described the cry of his heart and he would go into the church sanctuary thing and he would call out on god and call out on god so it was as much to do with his desire and his passion and him not giving up even when he felt the heavens were brass that god answered those prayers it was like sometimes the bowls of heaven get filled up and they get tipped out now some of those things i don't know why i know the hebridean revival in 1948 two old ladies or actually relatives of donald trump i think from what i've heard actually cried out on god and cried out and god and they got into their in their barn and they got on their knees and they cried out on god and cried out god send a man of god send a man of god we need we need god and then duncan campbell comes and he comes into an atmosphere that he can't believe and he didn't do anything and i've heard him preaching it was pretty dire it was boring to say the least then to be honest i didn't find steve hill that inspiring either some of the times in brazil because it was nothing to do with what they were doing or saying it was god was doing something and they were just there and available and he used them didn't validate that style of preaching it didn't validate that's that sort of church none of that is what it's about it's about actually engaging god and experiencing what god did but actually we need to go beyond why did he do it and what can we learn from it we had a move of god in 2011 which lasted three months every we did meetings every night and i had hundreds and hundreds of rec people came from all over traveled some of them were traveling three or four hours every night just to come because it was powerful it was a really powerful time and there were people getting baptized in the spirit people get physically healed people get mentally healed people get set free people given visions and dreams engaging heaven all sorts of stuff was going on i recorded them all i've got a whole list of every testimony that went on and there were hundreds of them and it was awesome and what god was showing us look what's possible because we were like how can a few of us manage to keep a meeting going for musicians were like every night well they learned to be strong and redraw on god rather than just their own strength yeah so we did for three and then god said i want you to stop the meetings on this day okay we'll stop the meetings on that day and then god say i'm gonna be like this you know so i thought no i hope it isn't i don't do something every night however good it is because that's not real life and that takes the emphasis on we're responsible every day of our lives to be jesus to people and demonstrate a supernatural lifestyle and bring heaven to earth and be a gateway of heaven that's all our responsibility you know we don't can't sit back and say oh god will you save everybody well he already has saved everybody this don't know it really the reality is he's done everything necessary for salvation on the cross nothing else you can add to that people just need to be awakened to realize what he's done for them that he's forgiven them so they can experience forgiveness but we're responsible we have the message of reconciliation we're the ambassadors and if we're sitting back waiting for everyone else to do it or for god to do it sovereignly nothing much is going to happen i want to see a harvest but i'm not expecting a harvest to come through those revival things that's happened in the past and yeah there are awesome things cambridge revival you know in the us amazing i mean i love reading about it i read god's generals and all the books about the revivals i mean i want to know what god has done but i'm not expecting him to do the same thing because he told me he's not going to it's through us every day being a light and drawing people to the light because we're now the light of the world we can't look for a formula i know everyone would like a formula because it's easy in there abc here's a wonderful result awesome he didn't like that that's not relational that doesn't mean you have to hear god and depend on him and seek him for things that means you can push a button you get a microwave meal it really doesn't work like that and we need to get away from that we're involved so if we want to see our community transformed let's start taking authority in the heavens let's start establishing something on earth that demonstrates heaven and then we can clear the atmosphere then we can start seeking a strategy for what god tells us to do and then don't try and export it to someone else because someone else will be disappointed if they try and do what you do because you were supposed to do that yeah um yeah i mean you have to practice to train to see clearly generally people get impressions or senses things or get sort of outlined sometimes and you and you but you know what's going on but it may not be a hollywood production you know if it's an involuntary encounter where you're taking off in a trance usually it very much is it's like life is suspended i'm there this is reality whatever was before but when you're first starting you've got to learn to hear you've got to learn to just perceive in the way that you do and don't get upset if you don't get everything all in one go just keep at it as i said it took me about five years to learn to hear god speak to me i just don't give up you know some people give up too soon the breakthrough might just be around the corner you know i remember i remember ed silva telling the story of you know looking to see cities taken for god he said when you pray it's like you know it's like prayer is like a hammer and you're hitting it in a wall and you hid it once and you hit it twice and nothing seems to happen you hit it again and you read it again you hit it again and you hit it again and it's like here 39 times you hit it then you think oh i fed up with this 40th time it would have come down but you gave up sometimes you can't even see what you're doing then a little crack appears and all of a sudden the next thing bam everything comes down we've got to learn to be perseverant you know be diligent persevere don't think it's going to come like magic sometimes we have blockages sometimes we may have things in our imagination that cause us to fear therefore afraid of opening that door because maybe something's happened or maybe we had night terrors or maybe when we all those things can be contributory to us not seeing very clearly or perhaps being a little bit afraid of pursuing this for what won't we see or i don't want to be led astray you know you know it's like don't fear the enemy god is more powerful to keep you safe than the enemies to harm you but it does take a little bit of time yeah if i see um but um each time i see a glimpse of a dragon in the sky and then it goes away and it's not that i'm scared of it but it appears every time okay well if you're seeing that there's an indication that that is what's trying to stop you seeing so a dragon okay um there can be dragons in this spiritual realm i mean you know when i know ian clayton talks about this some mountains some volcanoes and stuff seem to have dragons attached to them think of it as a spiritual entity you know a demon what is a demon like what's a fallen angel like well they're sort of described as dragons in a sense so it's a sign that the enemy has do is doing something around your life to try and block who your identity your authority is trying to remove that so it can create a oh every time i try to see because that's trying to stop you seeing so when you see that you'll probably take your eyes off what you're looking at and you get distracted because that's why it's disappearing if it stayed there in the vision you could go and deal with it but it's coming and it's going which is what hit and run it's like guerrilla tactics so hit and run hit and run you can't catch me but i'm going to disrupt you and now you're seeing this and then you're taking your eyes off what god wants you to see because you're focused on it just a tactic of the enemy i would if you know how to do a court case or ask one of the guys here how to do a court case go to court ask to see what the accuser says that gives this a legal right to do that because there will be a legal right it won't just be able to do that without some reason it may not be something you've done it may be something generationally that that's happened in the past and these things are are able to do that are attached to our generational line but it may be it may be something you saw as a kid or maybe some sort of fear that once happened and you may not even remember it but the memory could come back and then you can deal with it because god will give you the authority then to dismiss it you know because you have the authority to say get lost yeah you're not interrupting my time with god anymore and if it then manifests to deal with you know it may be that that will get rid of it because it's just trying to afflict you if it's something that you have to deal with then what you do is get the verdict that becomes the sword of the spirit then you go and chop itself with that verdict that says i have authority over you you have no right to afflict me i am going to deal with you and then when you split open its belly out will come all the things it's been robbing you off which is awesome when you get it all back you know but don't sort of don't preempt what it might be just just seek god or engage a court to find out what the accusation is deal with that then you can do it and in a sense the good thing to do even before you go into any sort of encounter just consciously say i'm going to take authority of every hindrance that's trying to block me here and i'm going to forbid you to attack me you know and that then you'll start to see that you'll probably rile it up or you'll probably bring it into the light or it will stop because sometimes these things just do it until because they know you don't know what they are or how to deal with it so they just hey i can do this whenever i like but you know this everything that the enemy does is to rob kill and destroy so he's just trying to rob you of intimacy with god and your ability to be able to engage and see you know but don't be don't be worried about it because you have more authority than any dragon you just have to find where that is get the word that gives you that authority which is a verdict if you do a court case sometimes god gives you a scripture and you you know you just know i have authority this is my sword um yeah but without obviously you know taking you through a court case you know i don't know but i would suggest that you find out what the why it's there okay i think we'll leave it there i think that's sort of a good place to stop um please take summer stuff
Channel: EKKLESIA with Anna Wingate
Views: 9,780
Rating: 4.8827839 out of 5
Keywords: Mike Parsons, Seeing in the spirit, supernatural, revelation, multidemensional
Id: 909-iN7DAEk
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 92min 39sec (5559 seconds)
Published: Tue Sep 01 2020
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