Blake Healy | Faith and the Angelic Realm

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but if I realized if I wasn't willing to take that risk and I was choosing to live with broken home [Music] so a couple of weeks ago like Healey was scheduled to speak and we just ended up having a healing service that just kept on going and we keep hearing of great testimonies Lisa Roddy at yours is one of my favorite was a need getting getting a getting fix you've kind of proven that there well by going to Disney World and walking eight miles on pavement twice so that's uh my knees my knees are sore after eight miles at Disney World so you've it's been amazing and and so Blake if you don't know has some written a second book it's called profound good and we're kind of everybody in the churches is having a few weeks of being proud of Blake he was on the cover of charisma magazine and a great great picture and it looked good without being photoshopped or anything it was pretty impressive is it there he is I mean that's a great picture and this book is amazing and it's it's worth the price of admission for just the introduction by Bill Johnson but then it gets even better as you read the body of this and first book the veil has just stayed in on Christmas top-10 list for a year you know just stays there it's not going anywhere we just prophesy it doesn't ever come off that list just stays there it's got staying power and so you are giving of yourself when you write a book because it just goes to places you can never imagine and and as Jen as you've written your book and and the podcast that goes out the kingdom is expanding it's just expanding when you go into the workplace tomorrow and you speak life those words carry expansion and they go they go out it's beautiful day isn't it it's a beautiful day would you give a warm welcome to Blake Healy as he comes [Applause] Thanks thank you thank you thanks for thanking taking that down I was about this part from throwing up so and to prevent you from putting a back up let's put up Hebrews 11 no I it's funny because I am I'm gonna share the message that I was going to share a handful of weeks ago which is ironically about healing it seems like glass instead the Holy Spirit just did a practical demonstration for those of you who weren't here uh was it four or four weeks ago or so three or four weeks we just had a service where is the presence of the holy spirit just showed up in such a way and we just just felt released to start praying for the sick and we had just so many testimonies in just that moment of people being healed and and it was interesting because it reminded me again of what I was what I was about to talk about and it reinforced even some of my own personal journey has been with with this subject and so for for those of you who are new or haven't heard me speak before just bringing up to speed somewhat rapidly part of my testimony is that I've seen in the spirit since I was very young in fact as far back as I can remember so I've seen angels demons and other spiritual things with my eyes kind of like the way I'm seeing you guys right now since I was very little in fact I wanted to just before we dive into what I wanted to talk about to take just a moment to share just a little bit of what I saw during worship if that's okay with you guys we good okay cool so it was neat just because I'm I just saw the presence of the Holy Spirit is pouring into the place and it was the last couple of weeks in during worship it's been a very similar it's look very similar in where it looks like this this kind of thick dense billowing cloud is just kind of pouring in and it's coming in so thick that it's almost like a liquid is it just pours in and fills up the room and it just looks like we're all about you know I I deep in just this this liquid flowing presence that's just made of gold and light and color and and so as that was happening I am I started looking around at the people next to me and it's very typical when when we come into a church service oftentimes part of worship or the beginning part of worship is I see things on people and it's just the normal kind of stuff you pick out pick up throughout the week like sometimes it looks like dust sometimes it looks like a little bit of a weight hanging off someone's just nothing nothing horrible but just the normal stuff you pick up about the week when you hear you know challenging news or someone's rude to you or just all that normal stuff throughout the week and it happens a little bit every time but this particular time as this just presence was just filling the room it almost looked like when you see them when you see videos of like certain metals and things being put into like acid and things like that like it was just like starting to disintegrate trying to start to soften up and I just saw these weights and this dust and this dirt that was on people just started like soften up and and loosen and just kind of become malleable and as we got about halfway through I just saw these um large angels come in they started setting these big metal stakes in different parts across the room and it was interesting because these metal stakes were actually old they were rusty and kind of whether they were they were really big like the top of home was about like you know about as big around as I am as a manhole cover like these really really big tops to them but they were old and rusty but as they just sat in the presence as they sat there standing up stuck in the ground just a little bit all of the rusted stuff started to soften up as well and then as we continued in worship and especially as we started declaring these different promises declaring the name of Jesus I just saw these angels come in with these big hammers and they were hitting these these stakes into the ground and with each hit it was like more of the rest kind of rattled off and more of the rest rattled off until it looked like clean metal and as they hammered again it actually changed where it wasn't even look like it's kind of a normal metal but as they continued to hammer rather than being am like a steel or iron or something like that it started to change till so that the stakes looked like they were made out of gold so I asked the Holy Spirit what that was and I thought like I heard him say these are the promises I've made over you individually and corporately and I feel like part of what I want to talk about today is how the Lord wants to manifest the promises that he has made to you and how we can partner with him in seeing those things manifested that sound good cool cuz it's the only plan I got um so you don't necessarily need to turn here just cuz we're gonna just touch on one verse here but this is this is probably the the verse that I hear the most quoted when it comes to faith because it's one of those relatively few examples in the Bible where we just get what feels like a nice little dictionary definition of here's what faith is you know it's very convenient just Hebrews 11:1 now faith is the confidence in what we hope for and the assurance about what we do not see some some versions say is the substance of things hoped for the evidence of things hoped for the substance of things hoped for the evidence of things not seen the proof of what is not seen is also what they say in some versions and I've always thought that faith was an interesting idea just because it's this it's this can be this challenging thing of you know I think I remember some movie they had this phrase like you know is it you need to see to believe or do you need to believe to see you know this this whole idea and so as a as a person who has you know seen angels and seen the spirit for the majority of my life one question I get surprisingly frequently is people ask me like do you ever have issues with faith or struggle with with faith you know because you're seeing all this stuff and you know inside my head I'm like I could be crazy this could just be you know not real I have to have faith that this is God talking to me and showing me things so yes I think I definitely need faith I usually don't answer that way in a public setting but you guys are family so just know that if that questions being asked that's the first thing that I think so yes need tons of faith but but there's an there's this area in my life where I had a really a just a unique personal faith journey and that's actually around the subject of healing so I I I like I said I've seen the spirit my whole life but when I was 12 years old we started going to a church that was really active about training people in the gifts of the Spirit it was the first time not only that I had a clear kind of context for the things that I was experiencing it was also my first introduction to the prophetic and the idea that we could pray for people and they'd be healed that was something that would be meant for today and so my church had had a real strong had a real strong structure for the prophetic they really good at training people to hear the Lord's voice and tove into that right away but healing was kind of this this thing that we believed in and would go after but just kind of would not necessarily see that often now it was interesting because for from about as long back as I can remember I mean every I remember every single worship service I would go to I would see something in the spirit I'd see angels dancing in the presence of the Lord I would see I would see things like I saw today where the presence of the Holy Spirit was just releasing something on groups of people I would you know see all these different things going on if I looked at an individual I could usually see their their personal angel and see what's going on around them but there were plenty of things where I maybe wouldn't see it so clearly or maybe I would see an angel for the first time they would just be kind of a vague outline and the next time I'd see it a little bit more clearly and then the next time I'd see a little bit more clearly but when it came to healing I always felt like there was just this big cloud of mystery around it I remember just a couple specific examples of you know one day our our pastor just felt like they were supposed to go after healing so we had people hey if you have you know pain in your body come up right now and the helices kind of came up to the front over here in a little group and some people surrounded them and started praying for them and I remember as we started to pray I saw these angels come down and they had these um these you know be I could see their wings I could see what they were wearing but I could see that they had something in their hands but whatever was in their hands was just blurry It was as if like you know over that particular spot of my view like someone had just smeared Vaseline or something like that it was all it was all blurred out and so I could see that they had something in their hand I could see that it was maybe about the size of a you know like a shovel or something like that and I could see they surrounded this group of people that we were praying for and I saw them hold whatever they were holding and kind of push it forward as we were praying to release healing but again I couldn't see what happened at all it was just blurry and afterwards I think one out of the you know five or six people that got up reported that they had no more pain in their body so that I remember another time we were praying for healing and we lined people up in a big row and we were our past went down in laid hands on everyone and some of the other leaders laid their hands and everyone and we prayed for them and I remember seeing this light just come swooshing through and and it swept this way and that way back and forth through this group of people now again I say just a light because it was just this kind of nondescript light didn't have any detail to it I couldn't see if it looked more like fire more like liquid it was just kind of this blur of light that just swept back and swept forth and at the end two or three out of the several people reported that they were healed and so every time I we would pray for healing I'd see something like that like I could see something I could see that something was happening but I couldn't get see any kind of details and healing was just kind of this thing that happens sometimes and didn't happen other times anyone have that experience in the history at all so me being the kind of person that I am I'm like okay what does this what is this data what is this information tell us about how this works well god is good I'm pretty convinced of that but healing must just be this kind of delicate thing you know it just might be this thing we have to everything it's just got to be just so you know this person the person's got to be praying the right thing the person who's receiving prayer has to have like everything right in their heart was just what I was thinking at the time and you know everything's just got to be just right you know maybe someone's just maybe someone's going up to pray for healing and they're just trying to get glory or trying to you know just see something cool and maybe that person is you know dealing with some issue in their heart and maybe that's why they're not getting healed at all these great ideas for why it might not happen it was just the only conclusion I could come to healing just this delicate thing where everything has just got to be just so makes sense right um so a few years later a young guy in our church he's a couple couple of hundred two years older than me was diagnosed with leukemia and it was it was pretty aggressive and got pretty challenging pretty fast and it had a lot of kind of scary moments of rushing to the hospital and doing treatments and was one of those kind of situations where he'd start to get better and then get worst and get better and then get worse and I'd have to just to explain just for a moment about this guy he was um he was one of those guys who is just good like he just loved the Lord and he wasn't obnoxious about it you know he wasn't he wasn't you know what I mean you know it's that person who you know he he wasn't the person who was showy about how much he loved the Lord he just did it you know it's just who he was it came naturally out of who he was he was the kind of person who would be hanging out his friends and then he would disappear it because he'd gone to pray somewhere you know didn't tell anyone that he's going there just disappear to go worship and to go pray he was just that kind of guy and he was and he was kind and he was friendly and he had a good sense of humor about his situation you know he wasn't one to be pitiful about what he was dealing with and you know I remember we'd I'd go visit this person in the hospital and he'd be in the middle of getting dialysis which is not a very pleasant process just getting you know having a machine to help purify his and clean his blood and I remember he was in there worshiping and I just saw six or seven angels just in the room with him just dancing as he worshiped and and even just uh I saw them some of them even like like almost like praying over the machine the dialysis machine as it was as it was working on him and I just remember as we would go and we'd pray for this friend of mine I could just feel my I could feel this gift of faith I could feel this ability to believe this person would be healed just building in my in my heart it was getting bigger and bigger every time that I would pray from and you know this this guy had been involved in other ministries around the area so there was there were these big ministries and big ministers who were praying for this guy to be healed our whole church was just leaning in contending praying for this this guy to be healed and there was just so much faith so much belief that we were just you know just just contending for it it's driving him I remember this um during a period when he was doing doing a little bit better my family was friends with his family and so we went camping together and we were there too sitting around the campfire one day and my friend leaned over to me and said you know Blake I haven't told you this before but I've always just really wanted to be able to see in the spirit I just really would love to be able to see in the spirit would you pray for me now I'll just as a very quick background to this I as soon as I realized that what I was experiencing was the result of a gift I was immediately convinced it was meant to be available for every Christian couldn't give me a good reason back then I could give you several now at a different time but I've just immediately convinced as soon as I learned that this was a gift I just believed this wasn't meant to be available to any Christian who wanted him now because of that belief I would happily pray for anyone to receive an impartation and up until this point I'd probably prayed for somewhere around 250 people and gotten you know zero results um and again weirdly for me in my personality that still that didn't really lower my faith at all just cuz I was I was I just believed that this was something that wasn't meant to be available for everyone although I had not seen it once just yet um and so you can imagine that I was feeling uh you know very confident as I got behind my friend who was sitting in those little folding camp chairs put my hands on his shoulders and said I released the gift of seeing in the spirit well the second I said that I saw this gigantic pair of hands reached down with a bowl and scooped up something like below the surface of the ground in front of us lifted up in this big bowl and pour it over my friend and me and it was full like this oil and spices and things like that and I was shocked to discover that my friend saw the exact same thing at the same time that I did and for the rest of that camping trip he we were talking about the angels that we were seeing around the campground and around that area and he saw in the spirit for for the rest of his life which unfortunately wasn't actually very long it was just a few a handful of weeks later that we got a call from his dad that my friend had passed away and he told me about how he was singing and worshiping in the ambulances they were rushing him to the to the hospital talking about the Angels that he was seeing there around him and so I as we could process that that experience and as our church collectively processed that experience I just felt so confused so so hurt so um just pained because I again I could feel this gift of faith just that didn't even feel like it belonged to me just rise up in me whenever I was around that this guy I could hear the faith and the other people that were praying they were contending i I knew this guy's character I knew his heart I knew what kind of man he was and even though I had this idea in my head that healing was a delicate thing that you had to get it just right that that the bright people had to pray the right prior and the person had to be in the right space I kept running these ideas through my head of yeah maybe some of the people who were praying for him had were coming at it from the wrong direction or had something wrong with their heart but surely not everyone and I certainly didn't feel like I was coming from her from a wrong direction whatsoever and then I thought well maybe he had some sort of secret thing going on in his heart and even though that idea popped in my head it just didn't resonate with the person I knew him to be it just didn't make sense it didn't fit into who who he was and and so I just got stuck in this well then why wasn't he healed why didn't he get healed and in this place of just wondering in question I just came to this conclusion because it was the first one that I that fit at all which was this idea that well maybe maybe there's some greater glory maybe there's some great thing that could be accomplished by by my friend passing away that couldn't be accomplished if he hadn't lived that maybe even maybe you know me anta sizing this idea in my head maybe even my friend had agreed to this somehow maybe even before the foundations of the earth the Lord came to him and asked him would you do this you know you know I didn't I didn't know of course but I thought well maybe it's just that maybe God just wanted to accomplish something and that's just kind of where I hung out so a handful of years later the Holy Spirit go told me to go to this school of ministry called the Bethel school of supernatural ministry in Redding California and I said no no those people are weird and Bill and Bill Johnson and Chris belt and others had come down and spoke at our church and a lot of our people had gone up to the school of ministry and so I was pretty aware of what it was like and it Bend a couple conferences up there and everything and I couldn't help but be a little bit suspicious when I ever heard here all these testimonies it's like and then 20 people were healed and then 40 people were healed and all these so many it seems like too many it seems it just seems like too many just it just does you know it just seems like a lot you know you know I'm like these are probably they're like oh yeah my back kind of hurts a little bit and then you know I stood up and moved around and it feels better now you know man of great faith again it just seemed like a lot because healing was a delicate thing and maybe God wanted to accomplish something by not healing someone sometimes right it's a good home of dissension I like that and so after a long story I end up going up to this school and I remember sitting there listening to these people talking about a different view of healing than I had that that that God always wanted to heal people and was always ready to heal people that that the idea that God would give someone an affliction or or cause you know cause someone to have his ease to accomplish a goal is behavior that we would consider abusive if a earthly parent that did something like that and so why would we attribute that to a God that we declare as good and and I see things in Scripture that I had seen of course but had just filed away because they didn't coincide with my practical experience of ah every person jesus prayed for got healed you know that that Jesus actually commanded his disciples to go heal the sick that that these signs will follow those who believe all these scriptures that you just had kind of set to the side because they didn't fit and as I heard all of these and I heard all these testimonies of all these people all these you know kind of generals who had been who had been fighting this fight of pursuing this gift that they saw as being available because of what Jesus had done and I started hearing all these testimonies pop up in my friends that were in school with me that I felt this little bead of Hope start to grow again in my heart that maybe God just does always want to heal maybe he really does want to do this I started having the belief system I started to make room for that in my heart and in my mind and so it came to the part of school just about halfway through where the school of ministry students were released to be part of the prayer line just like what we do here you know prayer line at the front to to pray for people to be healed and you know what whatever else they're eating prayer for and so I got up there my first my first Sunday you know up front ready pray for folks and I remember the first person came up to me and I hadn't you know I prayed for people to be healed a little bit in class in an outreach because if they don't you get in trouble that's cool um and I you know I prayed the prayer that they that they taught me and this is but this is the first time I was doing it on the prayer line so first person comes up and I have some pain and the top part of my back like oh cool I'll be I'll pray they said you know we just release the presence of heaven onto this person's back and we're just beliefs healing and I said does it feel any different I said no like okay all right a little more a little more authority in the name of Jesus pain go does it feel any different no I'm like and I close my eyes real tight so that it looked like I was concentrating when really I'm like I don't know what to do anymore I am out of things that they told us to do and so as i sat there wondering how long I had to do this before I could tell them to go I heard the Holy Spirit say why aren't you looking in the spirit yeah and I just felt this jolt of pain in my heart and I felt so scared to look in the spirit and we're all different in the way this happens in us all it looks a little bit different for all of us but for me choosing to look in the spirit decide to try to see what the Holy Spirit was wanting to do to try to see look actually look for how the Holy Spirit wanted to release healing on this person for me that was stepping out on the branch and putting and me investing hope in this person getting healed that was that was for me choosing to put something on the line of I'm actually taking a risk and hoping this person gets healed right now and it brought up the pain that I felt because last time I the last time that I hope for someone to get healed it didn't happen and so I sat there for a moment just you know feeling feeling stuck but I realized in that moment as I'm just feeling this pain and not wanting to and not wanting to look not wanting to step out on that ledge not wanting to do that is realizing that by not taking by Choo if I chose not to take the risk of my hopes being dashed again because that's what the risk is right is that I hope again and they they get hurt again but if I I realized that if I wasn't willing to take that risk then I was choosing to live with broken hope in my heart I was choosing to just stay where I was with his broken hope and yes I might be risking getting my hope broken again but by not taking that risk I was actively choosing to stay in a place of broken hope so I said well alright then um and so I looked in the spirit and I saw a kind of vague smudgy light at the middle of the person's shoulder blades and immediately I'm like a blurry thing that I don't understand I don't know what this is he told me his back hurt it hurt you know so this this is not helpful what is this what am I supposed to do with this man of great faith and I just heard the Holy Spirit say ask a question and so I touched the top of this little blob of light and I drew a little circle around it the perimeter of and I said does it hurt here and they said yes it hurts exactly right there and the pain kind of emanates from that area now the second they said that the teeniest tiniest little pip of faith bumped up in my heart of I got the location right so I started with back and you know there's only so many wrong places that you get there but but it was something and the second I thought little pip of hey faith it was as if like the lenses on my camera completely adjust it and I saw this that this thing became completely clear and I saw this little clamp around their back it was this little metal clamp and it had like a turn key like you'd use like twist a clamp tighter it was on their back and I saw this clamp it's clamped on their back it's got a very clear like finger type you know device on the back and the thought pops on my head could it really be that easy and as I heard the Holy Spirit say yes it could and so again great faith that I am I'm like hey I'm gonna do a prophetic act real quick I see this I'm just gonna loosen this I'm gonna pen - - what I said I'm gonna pantomime loosening this thing um so that and we'll just see what happens and so I reach my hands where these little keys are and I you know I don't feel anything under my hands it's not this you know I don't feel anything whatsoever and I just think to myself well lefty-loosey cuz because you don't want to get that wrong and so I just do this motion three times not touching the person all I'm just where the where the key thing is I don't feel anything whatsoever underneath my hands but I see the turn key turn three times and then I go to the person I say how does it feel now and they said it's the strangest thing I felt it loosen then loosen then loosen again and now all the pain is gone and honestly I was just as surprised as they were and so I so another person came to me after them and I prayed for them and they got healed of what they were dealing with another person came to me after that who had been unable to move didn't have full range of motion with their with their fingers and hadn't fur for a while and as we prayed the range of motion got further and further and further to where they had just full full use of their hand and so several people got healed one right after the other and ever since that day I've prayed for tons of people and I've seen tons of people healed I've prayed for tons of people and seeing them not get healed but every single time I've ever seen anyone pray for healing 100% of the time I have seen the healing present and available I didn't see that before I have seen that since faith is the substance of things hoped for the evidence of things not seen I am I remember this one time I was in one of the the most significant cuz when I say that and people like well you know what then why don't people get healed well sometimes I could tell you why and sometimes I can't you know sometimes I can see so much bitterness and unforgiveness and and anger I'll tell you one story I was praying for this one woman and it was a healing service that was probably about as extravagant as the one that we were in a couple of weeks ago where this person after person was getting healed and I was praying for this woman and she had fibro fibro myalgia I think it's called and she had partial paralysis in her face as well and as she was explained to me what the problem was I think about three times in the conversation the the fact that her husband had recently left her for a woman that was half her age came up three times and I could just hear this bitterness in her voice didn't need to see in the spirit to know that and there was this angel standing next to her and it had green fire in its hand and as I said all right let's let's pray for this to go and I said you know just release heat you're healing on this and the angel extended its hand but as soon as the hand got within an inch or two of the woman the flame extinguished an angel pulled his hand away and the flame reignited the second it's it's hand pulled away we prayed again angel reaches hand for the flame extinguished just as it got to the woman pulled my pull where my angel pulled his hand away and it read and after the third time the angel started to cry and I and so I said hey you know have you ever thought about maybe like asking the Lord what it looked like to forgive your husband which was apparently the wrong question um he's got very upset and you know forgive what's there to forgive I don't even know how to forgive that and just kind of went through this this whole thing of basically no and the angel still crying said he would provide for that miracle too if you let him so sometimes I could tell you why someone's someone's not getting healed but sometimes I couldn't I remember this one healing meeting those in it's one of the most significant ones I've ever been in I think a hundred and fifty people got healed out of this one meeting and I had just seen what is currently the most extreme miracle I've ever seen where this woman had been in a bus accident there were a hundred piece of hundreds of pieces of glass that had been embedded in her face and you could tell by looking at her the plastic surgeons had just kind of done their best to work around the damage that had been done in this accident and there there were dozens and dozens of pieces of glass that they hadn't been able to get out because it was just in places they couldn't couldn't get to without causing more damage and so we're praying and as we're praying pieces of glass start falling into this woman's hands as were as just me and a couple other students are praying and there was about a half dozen pieces of glass in her hand by the end of it and her face literally started to shrink and just slowly changed shape to where she looked like a totally different person at the end of the meeting his amazing most extreme and miracle I've seen in a face to face no pun intended and immediately after that you know after that I'm like who's next you know let's let's rock let's go you know who's just lined him up you know and I go to this lady and she is painting her back I'm like piece of cake you know let's get this on the way to the next person you know I'm and again not confidence in myself just like the Holy Spirit's here to heal people like this is you know whatever it is it's not a problem and pray I prayed for 20 minutes with this woman and nothing James and I'm looking I don't see a single thing that would be that would be causing any kind of interruption or or you know impede men to what the Holy Spirit's doing there's an angel here looks excited I just see so much faith emanating out of this woman I'm feeling as much faith as I probably felt my our life for healing again nothing happens sometimes I could tell you why sometimes I couldn't tell you why this other time I was I was leading this trip with a couple students and it was going horribly um I I this place I was ministering was like the intercession group of a friend of a friend so they didn't really know me and I didn't really know them and so we didn't have like this natural rapport anything like that and so and I had a horrible migraine that day so I had this terrible headache and I'm teaching my thing half of people aren't paying attention and I'm like I don't want to be here you don't seem like you want to be here you know and so I'm just wrapping it up ready to be done and that is feel the presence of the Holy Spirit enter the room to release healing on people and I'm like oh no I want to go home but I knew that I would regret this disobeying the the his presence more than I would getting to bed a few minutes earlier so I said all right let's pray for people to be healed of stuff and and people come up to the front and this dude comes rolling up to me he's a big old boy and he comes up to me he's got this big old dirty back brace on his back he said I've had horrible pain in my backs for you know 15 20 years and you know all the medication stuff doesn't do anything to the pain anymore you know and he's like I can hardly bend over yep and the guy's breath smells extravagant and and I my head is pounding and he's telling me this long story about how he can't pick up the remote when he drops it and [Music] and I the meeting has already gone poorly I'm like okay hey I interrupted a little story how about we pray and I reach my hand towards this guy's back the thought in my mind as I'm reaching my hand is they say happening man of great faith I get five inches away from his back and the guy goes oh wow oh my goodness he whips the back brace he bends all the way down and touches his toes which I can actually do he whips all the way back in this huge backbend and he whips back up he's like oh my goodness I all the pain is gone I can't even believe it I can't remember the last time what'd you do and I said nothing I did not do anything your faith has made you well so it seems like it shouldn't have happened that time right there's still so much mystery with regarding to healing there's still situations in my life I I still don't know why my friend died and why someone else would get healed of something that was similar or something that was just a severe but what I do know is that as I have made myself willing to engage with the Lord regardless of the presence of mysteries even painful mysteries that I have seen the manifestation of the God that I hoped he would be time and time and time again and I feel like what the Lord was asking me to share today is to remember that those those the the meeting that we had a couple of weeks ago that wasn't it wasn't a special meeting that wasn't a special Sunday that's that's the natural manifestation of the king of kings who paid the highest price that he could so that he would have access to the darkest places of our lives that is the King of Kings who paid a price so that he could enter the darkest places our lives and bring his presence there that is the normal thing that happens when that kind of God is in the room that and many many many other things and what I what I felt like I wanted to do just to end today is mistakes that the angels were laying in the ground or about a foot or so from going all the way in and I just um I wanted to invite you guys this is kind of a challenging one to stand up for don't worry I'm not gonna make you do anything other than stand up it's just for your fair warning but I'm gonna list a couple things and then I want you to all stand up at once if this is you if and again sometimes the negative effect of an amazing positive miracle oriented environment is when our experience is different than what the declared norm is we can that the enemy has come an open door to throw some shame at us to say well then what's wrong with you or or when we're having these thoughts when we're having the kind of thoughts that has you kind of heard from some of my stories that I sometimes have a lot of what if this doesn't happen or or I want to jump to these different conclusions because of my experience we can shame can cause us to want us to retreat to hide those from people who for various reasons it's funny because I've heard all kinds of different lies that people hear like oh I don't want to hurt their faith oh I don't want to be a party pooper oh hi you know I oh they're just gonna say this I already know what they're going to say you know it's a wonderful life that really what it is is it's all rooted in this idea that we're scared to hope again we're scared to put to take that step forward because part of taking that step forward is recognizing I was super hurt by that by what happened or by what didn't happen so I'm gonna list a couple different kinds of people and I want you all to stand up afterwards is if you were during our amazing awesome super fun exciting healing service that we had a couple of weeks ago if you walked away feeling hopelessness or feeling ally or feeling hey this many people were healed and I wasn't if any any version of that was there in a moment I'm gonna ask you to stand if you're having an attack against your faith right now what does that look like to me there's there's two ways where there's a bunch of questions and lies coming at me or there's this fear of stepping forth onto the things that I believe and stepping out on the things I believe especially with regard to healing but if it's faith in God's goodness faith in God's existence any of those things I don't want shame to cause us to walk away with our questions rather than walking towards him with our questions it's a lie that faith is I never have any questions faith is which direction am i bringing those questions faith is who am i bringing those questions to faith is and I believe that your this but I'm still experiencing a lot of this or I'm still experiencing this faith is not denial it's just belief in the superior truth to our experience does that make sense so if you are any of those things if flat if a couple of weeks ago you walked away feeling a sense of hopelessness or feeling like why wasn't I healed or if you are just right if you're in a season or in the experience of having struggles with your faith either in specific areas of God's goodness or God's nature or just struggles with the idea of God in general I just want you to stand up real quick I can I know it's a hard one I know that that shame tried to tell us like yeah clap for him that's awesome it's awesome [Applause] because faith is a gift faith is something that God gives us it's not us clenching our teeth it's not us working up our ability it's something that we receive I received it when I was praying for my friend and I experienced disappointment that made me not want to pick up that gift again but I received that gift again when I came into an environment that carried that gift and I chose to pick it up again and take a risk with it it's it's a gift that we choose to pick up and it's a gift that the Lord is willing to talk us through and walk us through the difference is whether we're walking towards him with it or we're walking away with him with it and I am proud of every single one of you because by standing up you're saying I'm walking towards him with these things and so if you're if you're near one of these people just reach your hand towards them first and foremost Lord I just release a revelation of love onto every single one of these people they would just experience the loving kindness of the Lord that that they would be a that you get out that grace of love would cover the immense challenge of being in the middle of an environment where breakthrough is happening where freedom is happening where where where people are being set free and they're not yet experiencing freedom themselves and not yet experiencing healing themselves I just release an environment that loves them and a Lord that loves them right where they're at in Jesus name but in that Lord I just released the grace for Hope to grow again I released that voice that invites us to do something scary that invites us to trust that invites us to take a risk that invites us to bring a question to him to instead of away from him and I just asked Lord for those moments I release encounters with a Living God encounters with the Living God we all need a boatload of encounters behind us and ahead of us it's not something that happens once or twice it's not HAP something that happens that time when I was really pursuing God it is it is a lifestyle that we need I've encountered with God and I release a lifestyle of encounter I released the ability to hope the ability to trust the gift of faith the gift of faith and the the will and the desire to pick it up to choose to receive that in Jesus name Amen thank you very much everybody [Music] you
Channel: David Edwards
Views: 12,859
Rating: 4.9099679 out of 5
Keywords: dave edwards, david edwards, revival, revivalists, revivalism, blake healy, seeing in the spirit, spiritual sight, heavenly places, preaching, teaching, speaking, angels, angelic, prophetic, prophet, seer, prophesy, apostolic, apostle, bethel atlanta, bethel, movement, bassm, supernatural school, ministry, charismatic, pentecostal, gifts of the spirit, beyond human, healing, faith, heavenlies, dreams, god, jesus, holy spirit, kingdom family, the veil, profound good
Id: xuwHNSlYtuI
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 48min 59sec (2939 seconds)
Published: Wed Mar 27 2019
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