Sehen im Geist Blake Healy

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how's everyone doing tonight beginning so hard and so so okay yes hopefully it'll get better foolish to make them war love your huff mrs. Benson well as you may or may not know the theme of this seminar is about seeing in the spirit is if you like devices only has T McCarthyism in a this is even guy zine and so to start I want to kind of do this in four parts you know two parts tonight and then two parts tomorrow night and II see me now in Fiat iron on that hand is it's my heart it's by Morgan and for both the sessions tonight I really want to try to draw a clearer picture as I can of what the purpose of seeing in the spirit is only marketed as the Duke Lavery moogly justice angry - then beside the Gunther is found VM guys in and on the sessions tomorrow night will be going into how practically you can pursue this gift for yourself - cause even more Grievous than practice room this is that sound good to you King this good voice okay good I'm glad you approve yeah so for the first session I'll kind of be drawing a picture and then the second session I'll be answering any questions that you guys have very simple big mind and it's fight medicine yeah as a flag band but anyway captain so if you have any questions about what I'm saying or does any general questions about seeing in the spirit just jot those down and then a session after this one we'll be talking about those been using temash Patel type the often when didn't in their obsessions when the powder how many forensics receive movie wasn't the now gets them defined its fight in session yes perfect yes good details so I've been seeing in the spirit for as long as I can remember can vacuum guys scenes along here in and can in fact my first memory is seeing an angel my Nesta in a honky who helped happen my name is angle you Xena I was a two years old when I was sitting in the backseat of my parents minivan that's why I don't hook sits for this minivan for my a tangas Essen my mom was a at the drive-through window at the bank just talking with the person at the at the window a designer motor as soon as we this is an America by McDonald's by the bank Rufus and sunshine I'm Otto von de ataque was demoted me Tia dama de Gaspar and she was listening some worship music and I remember looking and seeing a bunch of these baseball-sized lights is drifting back and forth in time with the music he had solo plays music my autograph zoobi to baseball courses or the leaked Peleg Xindi so he don't have an accent my second memory is seeing a demon when it's vitae and all the moon buzina I was three years old aiiow it and I was in my parents bedroom laughs my man I didn't it always embarrasses my mother when I bring up this part of the story my name on piney funny story here too so I make sure to bring it up every time because I'm a good son so buddy good as open brings to see this mud and say here's my cheek I see some disapproving glances from the mothers so my parents were in the kitchen which was directly upstairs from the from their bedroom as I'm going to didi Cooperman attend about uber themes laughs I'm a black man and I could hear them speaking but I couldn't hear it clearly because it was through the ceiling he wanted her and I see when he can ov us being the DECA now because of the the tone of what they were saying I could I could tell they're in an argument on doing this till now used to uplift Versteeg disease ooh God is inclined comfort ahem so I remember I was looking up trying to listen to what they were saying zu and it's him attacker who cooked on tops of his appendices are and as I looked I saw this this long pale face kind of come out of the ceiling then happy tears of detected bees in the lab using a flat sega's indeed a decade I want a calm and as it kind of pulled away from the ceiling I saw that I had these kind of sharp teeth and was wearing like a dark hood yeah we've seen one definite I could come house in be sous-chef had seen a hat on reason lives in when mantra doesn't fall had a thing in cinnamon and I drifted towards me which I didn't like for how much well this Hadley sort of me to be witness how many techniques to their game art so I did the best thing I knew what to do captain this best thing about my daughter which was jumps into my parents bed and pulled the covers over my head he's been in spec minor editing love won't have to debate tech you got complicate so which apparently that worked because after a few minutes I looked out and it was gone so yeah come to me it as at the normally cooked goods inside when I was feeding back so I've been seeing things like this for my whole life as you see ding every decent man guides his lame leg Shawn and I see them not very differently from the way that I'm seeing you right now and he's eating in Niko's and as he hits you got Isaiah now when I was younger I didn't really know that I was seeing anything unusual and as the univer darkness is gone he was also given his fancy says Isaiah cuz even though my parents were Christians we didn't really go to a church that believed in the gifts of the Spirit when Simon ban Krishna Byzantine ago my Gandhi's Wendy Gardner's hiding guises so I had never heard of this kind of experience before as he kept Nivas phones working a phone for my froggy hurt and you know children say funny things all the time so my parents didn't think that the things that are mentioning were unusual mr. Kenneth I'm a loose ticketing a get outside and do martini I hear that in Reverse so when I would talk about seeing angels dancing in worship when each tend to do bets here tap does et ingens Ibiza tension in blue pies when I would talk about seeing a demon outside when he told me there's puppies he got in Des Moines at Lawson my parents just thought I had an active imagination mine had to do for Sharon's capital and I thought that they were just not interested in what I was looking at didn't see it after she got a shower because they would react the same way if I pointed at a train or an airplane or something else I found interesting but very much shiny you know their game until Santa super good and out of us so for a long time neither my parents are I knew what was going on - Elena that side Vida - Ayrton no it was specifically up gate now this changed when I was 9 years old does he ever get anhedonia Hydra before this point when I would even but I would see something demonic it wouldn't really scare me at all when the force before he know how many humans demolishes because he knew he was being stitched I would see it but it didn't feel dangerous or scary perhaps cuisine I was happy being seeing Phil McConkey food was like going to see a lion or a tiger at the zoo zoo 475 I'm going to leave anything Louisville Antigua I'm so busy in hitting I could tell this was something that was meant to be scary but I didn't feel like it could get me at all visor windows Antigua I'm torn cooks this code to give halasana back it's coming any cleaner but when I turned nine years old every single night I started seeing scary things and feeling a great amount of fear so knowing I have a heed and not to being seeking to dig zine when it comes with the Young's done and every single night it would get worse and worse and I would see scarier and scarier things when he'd enough wood ash limo and schlimmer this would've been sitting down putting Cigna and I would feel so scared that I couldn't even move Zuba angsty does he make you up NEPA vacant content and so this went on for three years every single night that's King that I along he did not and I I told a little bit to my parents what was happening we kept lying these visions of mine identity was Percy it but it didn't say everything because I was worried doubt that they would think I was crazy you have any I'm sorry dad worked because still we didn't really have a context for the things that I didn't I hadn't heard of any kind of gift or anything like this before but normal is if you hadn't won only if a newbie phone a gap or the front of us envy you might find a skirt so I didn't understand what was happening so he happening first unless I believe the my best guess was either that I was going crazy as is my new bestest after worked or that the devil had opened up the phone book and picked my name and said I'm going to ruin this guy's life I said who become a that had to of could seconds after Jesus name for this meme that we nyan I didn't know what else I could possibly be as he amasses padorin but everything changed again for the better when I was twelve years old I'd watch some Basilan you've ended we started going to a new church that taught people about the prophetic and praying for healing and things like this as if you didn't know a good mining an OD handle articulate it was proofread is shown to be a baton and one night they had a class to teach people how to hear the voice of God when I I'm fond of using a class of was easy logically at him I got his turn and I didn't really want to go my mom made me go Eugenia nevermind a modem so as finalists as estimate key which ended up being a very good thing because it was the first time I had ever heard about the gifts of the Spirit when this this this leaf toffee-nosed is good for the body kept this esta my mom Liam got assisted Gavin is highly guys escaped it was the first time that I had had heard about anything that was even similar to what I was experiencing is what is asked my deceased a fungo heard happen this is Vicki deep fuzzy suit against its head a lip tower and realizing that it there was more options than just I was going crazy or the devil decided to attack me what does it entail easy tap escape no may opportunistic and we have looked at that kid Michigan's inside made me feel comfortable going to my parents and telling them everything that I was experiencing and does God mean I'm gonna be too fast assistance might leave Alice Edie I was I believe and after that they took me to speak with the leaders of the church Schmidt genome stood in light and egg reminder and even though none of them had ever seen in the spirit the way that I did zips diem only saw off the identify him guys cuisine beast his content they had at least heard of people who had had this kind of gift before himavan forgive hurt the funders and also dizzy Gaga hub and the amazing thing was when this together by bar that as soon as I spoke with my parents and spoke with the church leaders when Dubai dammit my net and meeting cozy light and a good mind all of the fear and the scary things I saw and I completely stopped iid angst don't either Bank students and ISA leaped up enough has had complete of good it was over the course of one week it all slowed down and then stopped I never had complained of good it when I when I understood that what I had was a gift from God that's what sister habit is any gaba from God it completely changed what I expected to happen when something attacked me this had completely advisor fair in that we Sangha zine have been me sang at a kid her took the power out of the enemy's hand it's a 2d craft quasi different funder hunters just find this Beckenham and actually put it back in my hand when how doesn't go in the genome in Maya hunt soccer game which is a good thing but is niku desires and so I want to talk mainly tonight about what happened after this when he emerged as it wanders oh ho - I'm ticklish devilish planking was miss Danvers here this is it 12 years old I thought everything was working out pretty good for me so and as a doctor I just love to Goodman Mia I just found out that I was not crazy as I was going beneath of it and that I had this cool gift from God Wendy honey I need to cool you go from God so I thought everything should be easy from here on out dusty fun yet sound but disliked but this was not so I was funny sooo so I remember the the very first night I decided I'm going to practice this new gift that I've discovered Hogan's Cano and he's a nesting disaster but he's a gamma I was pooping I got to church early Ben flew took a mind to him I sat down in the very back hip McCants hidden in his nest because I thought there I'll get a better view blick I said alright here we go okay yeah it's Lois seeing in the spirit practice day one yeah guys say in tak eins and so it was interesting because before then I would just see in the spirit at random times it would just happen I center Center for hobbies in visa ya be too fairly his head movie super see it at that point I'd never really tried to do it on purpose as a punk Aviva opiate to this visa to man and so the band was practicing and just like this band was before where they were getting ready for the songs cuz he been Tetsu cooped for time music and so I thought well I bet there's something happening over over there we still good afternoon members pursued am so it is focused on the area around the band and he kept in to focus here to them but I foodie Penta and as soon as I focused I started seeing angels dancing around with the band when zübeyde effect of focus in we ain't and Smita been sysm they were carrying banners around there were different colors when Zubin a machine in fob zoom it's a home guitar and the band when the band would stop in the middle to start the song over or try a different part of the song well then Wendy's who quit supposing mindlessly sushi on the angels would start their dance over and move to a different part of their dance then I'm the the angles a vital victims of intense kept it's like they were practicing the same way that the band was practicing me I'm gonna genome virus Kano's and you buy instruments or any fee depends on it I'm the angered and Osama in it and so I sat there thinking well ok I can see this now can I choose not to see this now and say ok reputation ikan lesbian that's Susan about Conejo and so I stopped focusing on the Angels is the kind of human disease he kept I've got me of the anger to focus Ian and they all disappeared then since the eye levesque again now as soon as I would think about them again I could refocus in and see them again when somebody's done give her a budding enough so they can have exceed Agra zine it was sort of like when you're driving a car heavy for him in an auto fast you can look through the windshield and focus on the cars and the signs and the other things that are around who conceived in church I but do is cook - I was often an auto so cooking or you could look at the glass of the windshield itself and see little bits of dust and water spots and things like that what I do focus is the detective in church I went to these to decline extra universe off the highways both of these things are always there this by the DeeZee thing isn't EMI down but you can choose to focus on one or focus on the other Madhu cons to be involved to the focus years of this manner of the snob and often times if you're focusing on one you don't really see the other and often when duty of this and the focus is disease to the Unruh even in an email so I just sat there this is me turning it on this is me turning it off I send out of that okay it's my turn it's my shows I didn't move my head that way though anything comfortably I'd do anything and then I noticed that if I focused on at that moment I was focusing on the whole band and having me to focus it of the gans abend and then suddenly my eye was drawn to the lead worship person when 10:42 can't split system low price light as a Woodman opening its own and when I focused in on this person what I saw changed a little bit and as a humectant of depends on focus it up had successful and that was a cuisine up I could still see the other angels that were dancing around with the worship band as he quantity another knows the Indies emit a loop I spend a good handsome but as I focused on the worship leader I saw another angel appear standing just behind him as a steno focuses in be hinted in oppose light as an underlying understand this angel was tall and I was wearing this long robe was easy anger why's that cause and had Susan lung and the leader had a guitar that he was playing they Lyda had any guitar diego spirit that and as he was playing I was watching the angel pushing the music that was coming out of his guitar further out then habit in a magazine cause he did a fortune Tazo vd/vt musique Soviet always good to look at ourselves collided and I as I looked from each person to each person I would see something different if I focused on that one person well then happy he was the mission of na and Lopes own focus yet when Hopkins in båstad and I believe as if reading a tangos in so I didn't understand what all this is or while this was but I just was just learning and valiant and so I kept doing this week after week welcome at I'd come to church and I'd watch worship and I would see what the Angels would do during worship in sukima in the hidden optimal quasi angry shout Oh hop Kazim Sdn ISM no plasma and as I practiced I learned a little bit more and a little bit more resistance zombies Antonietta publishing BC Maryland home BC Maryland I started to realize that I could choose what I was focusing on there would be different things going on depending on what I was focusing on the captain mid become is hanged of an evolving focus ear disease and as a Western person as a convener or we focus here Nazis down during worship I could focus on the whole room and see what the Lord was doing Lord of the Lord and the angels were doing with the whole room zoo bandar and be doing and again since we didn't have cuisine mistake amethyst the angle my home guns in the home or if or I could focus on just one person and see what the Lord was just doing with them or the economy focusing of INF a zone and Hopkins in West a hem adhesive his own math I soon learned that if I wanted to I could choose to look for the good things or I could choose to look for the bad things well then at least end of Korea type conduct of the guten Tagen founder of deflation ding I could see I could look for what the Angels were doing or I could look for what the demons were doing he continued and show us the angle alpha see the moon MA so I usually chose to see what the angels are doing because that seemed nicer as their countenance we hadn't know Malibu's sqv it was the anger to misison it out so after a few months I started to get more and more comfortable with this is now mounatin Buddhist idea Ziqi rather than and I was seeing more and more magazine sometimes the first time I'd see an angel it would just look like a blurry outline wasn't published is I'm going to vision as a vision as my social media Suzuka zine and then the next week I would come and it was still just kind of blurry but I could see its feet very clearly how it is construed me a few second and then the next week I would come and I could see its legs and I could see its hands very clearly also then devoured Ralph's condition of the by now and did cop seen as this foot in Atlanta and then the next time I could see its whole body except for its face that was still wearing well done quasi when Nick's my condition gansan compazine about its cuisine on it is when also be fresh light and then the time after that I'd be able to see the whole thing and then it quits at such media Conti Alliston zine and every time the Holy Spirit would be talking to me a little bit at a time when he it is Mihaly guys miss Odinga get psyched that we were this wasn't always a perfectly detailed explanation of everything I saw miss funny it wasn't perfected Italia clear home for name was he in hell sometimes it was just one sentence it might supervise and that's sometimes it was a question I was in the Frogger and sometimes it was just a reminder of something else that I had seen my traverse I wasn't in a home front of us Angela Mazda for some reason I did so after a few months of practicing and looking at different things well now Mona and the Sunita bone oficina de azúcar shout I decided it was time for me to stop time for me to start sharing the gift that I had the Daphne so in shady its essence it's an attack to see my amid Tyler and this is where things started going poorly a badly to the loose first it was pretty much okay I'm talking about us no say okay I would you know go to the worship team after they had worship and share the things that I had say seen the peninsula place team good gonna happen Xena they were encouraged by this and so that was good fun and 102 so good and then maybe after the pastor it was a teaching I would say the things that I saw the Lord during what doing when he was preaching invented a pasta Elliott had published in pastor's are super serious as a zoo Goliath had and he would be encouraged by this and that was good oh good but then sometimes I would share something and then people would have questions well then mine some it cadet and and hence the dimension dragon and this was hard because I usually only just understood a little bit about the things that I saw but as for me hard well he kept them busy and Hearst Anthony magazine how I remember that there was this one angel that always stood at the entrance to our church as he ain't gonna get my understand it was about seven feet tall and he was wearing silver armor as if it's my meter 50 cause on seven feet to 15 meters um and I had a spear in his hand bands and and he was standing there and he was standing very serious like he was a guard or something like that and so he looked like a guard and when I just looked at him I had this feeling like he was protecting or guarding us is ambushed it's a I wasn't angry shot had to go so reason I noticed a food that was purchased so I saw this so I figured I should share that I saw this as it helped us cause II know so did it's my mid-turn and so I went to the pastor and said I see this angel and he looks like this and he's standing right there I'm gonna meet some pasta it down as he throws and he said well why is he standing there when if Vashti today it's done I don't know his knee why does he have a spear I'm a vomit Sunspear I don't know hey Isis knee well why do you think he's a protection angel mom thanks S&B song singing it he looks like one yeah so what if a demon comes out that come tries to come in this door let's proceed it's been as the fragrant vice president I went a moon duties a Jewish I don't know and so suddenly the things that I would share their to be there for every one thing I would share there'd be seven or eight questions this far ends of the mid get head up comes the motor a quick flag and you must understand - I was about 12 and 13 years old and a very introverted person because it swerved into radiative zone so I thought I was being victorious by having the courage to go up and just say what I saw eat after you pinched Omega Z Christ as he can about a Smith halo as you see and there'd be more and more questions I it would I would panic I would stumble over my words since his comment may have gotten a TV panic he kept - you started avoiding so bad and so I would go back and forth you know wanting to share more but then not knowing how to deal with all the questions I think England foreign to avoid him it was Danny Huston within fans out there and you know I thought well if I see these things and I'm supposed to share them right don't be me time so one day I saw demon on a person - now he's having Sunday moon you when I presume cuisine and I had been hesitating wanting to share this kind of thing with someone when he wore the funnyman to the hindi foods over your and oppressed yeah Zac him does and so I thought well if I'm saying it I must be supposed to tell them when enough these near Vanitas hits Aidan's oh do be done and I better try a beer so there's a man standing at the back of the church as their stuntman so I'm indeed a good mind to Hinton I was 13 years old he was probably 43 right Sneha right along we've had empathy and I walked up to him deep in netsim Hindi Gong and I said excuse me sir and surely on here there's a demon on your shoulder is in the moon of tennis Rita and I think you should probably stop looking at pornography on Flaubert is what is alpha and pornography tzu Shawn I thought this was the right idea today he was not very happy to hear me say this Gani so help me as his doctor and he yelled at me and walked away machine is up going so let him go so well yeah this leave his nice Abud and anytime I would talk about anything bad it would go very poorly when he is my Vinny universe you have a slash disaster as its lift and have any goods wouldn't be faked and I would tell someone I see this big cut on your face and I see a demon trying to scratch at it it is 85 wounded and I'm goofy zandig say bees and the moans it has no gun Hank they would scream and run away younger scenes in an upgoing now maybe you understand maybe you would feel that way if I said that to you the sound but it it was I was surprised at the reaction when they react soon because saying this didn't scare me at all well that's to zien me hit you up to 40 bucks in fact I had the feeling that God wasn't scared of this either but I notice gotta only here because it looked a bizarre ever and so I was surprised that the person would be so frightened when I would say to someone if I don't testify d-dimensional effective and exact happen but before long I just you know would stop talking about all the bad things that I saw because it would just scare people captain of could deflecting it Suzanne what is a new dimension things it had or they would get mad at me already ones out of me and so I would get all of these questions though even about the good stuff that I talked about it's here too and I didn't know the answer what they were supposed to be important to all forces hit sign Zoltan and so if I if some would ask me a bunch of questions about something I just stopped talking about that thing as a vignettes in Piemonte summer student team America's feels anger of Kurt would use his team on such way so the pastor is asking all these questions about about this protection angel that I see zoo-wee dev had did a pastor it's easy Ganton state against and fog reason should say in cuisine happen so I just stopped talking about it as he have good don't explain and then I the worship leader would ask the question about all these worship angels that I see did stay and being slighted and the would use against an angled and beaten and so I'd stop talking about that I've got that we were to flaking and soon there was very little that I felt comfortable talking about well then bleep ghanima fields a new bleak for me forgive who deputies the hounds of satire because I just didn't understand sirs to all the questions that people asked well he was done et I'm thought enough Tegan sandbagging DD mentioned go stare at him now I noticed something interesting that when I would just sit and watch little by little I would understand more into Santa's Copernicus and happened music Unger showed up and then mayor Stanton one day in the middle of worship I was looking at their protection angel that always stood in front of our door at our church cuz I'm admitted as low prices having shoots angry shout understand and for no particular reason I just suddenly had this thought of well you know what if and a demon tried to come through that door then how did see I've also didn't get down to verse favorites and the mournful to to to come you know would it literally be a matter of whether this the angel can out maneuver this demon of what victory would be as averted as hit and good avoided the anger given as even the community analyst happened as adding the moon super villain and then I thought oh what's the point of even having a protection angel right there he fought us Tita you out these are shooting it we have the you know God is everywhere God is talking about a we have the Holy Spirit with us the I'm Dean nice mittens we're covered in the blood of Jesus isn't detect from blue cheese ooh I mean I'm not trying to be rude but what's the point of a protection angel it's your view over an hour versus hits film Gators home how many isn't shutting it down and so these two questions has popped in my mind as these it's five frogs and so of CAP optimum coupler and as I looked at the angel thinking of these questions when I see T's in undershot apparent etz fog a patent a picture popped in my mind of am of like in the medieval times of castles and knights and things like that XIV and HD in England and another 24 have become vision bid so we've emitted idea Titan and I just saw this picture of an ambassador going from one kingdom to another Kingdom this big Optus their boat raft of an IM goona Christ emitter and the Ambassador had a small honor guard that was going with him well did their board shaft is inclined ins and like victim it amid gigundous it was like 30 soldiers in this picture like about 30 soldiers in with well with the Ambassador yeah yeah butch after we've had that I see t-midi Midland Isaac Lloyd and he was going into a country where they had thousands and thousands of soldiers then Zinn scene analyst Lanka Gong Wu Zi Tao is known thousands Oh dotnet and I was thinking you know these 30 soldiers can't protect the Ambassador from the thousands and thousands of soldiers that are in this enemy Kingdom how good is it that I see so that he could not end in Butch after NEPA shoots invent a thousand and I was the fronted accent but suddenly I realized in this picture that that wasn't the point of the honor guard but Leslie as it is patina Bobby does fresh stanton does the sneaked a pompom Ginga sneak mid indices of that in this instance the purpose of the honor guard was not just to protect the Ambassador as Adair did the co-fund is enticing so that van in Odesa Dean didn't butch after the shooting it was a statement by the king who had sent the Ambassador is fine statement disconnects they had in Bush after a season that it was saying my power goes with this person minecraft get Metis episode MIT and the soldiers that he sent with the ambassadors were a symbol of that power Wendy's is a dad limiting butch after MIT consented and symbol found his aircraft and then suddenly I had all of the scriptures in my mind that call Christians ambassadors of God's kingdom come to my mind then comes ooo can splurt City Hansen be bullshitting minds in booster on Gita's fear boat rafters in December I got this and suddenly I realized that it's it wasn't so much that the highest purpose of this protection angel was to literally protect us from a demon if it tried to get in then Hobart enzym bits in first understate the hope Nick found his michaud's any other certain spirits are in the moon it was a it was a statement of how the Kingdom of Heaven viewed the people there it's fine statement v quasi dead the Kearney as I've got Diana mentioned ZZ curve it's n it was a statement of my power goes with these people Savion statement minor cuff gate Metis mention MIT and as soon as this entered my mind the details of how the angel look just came more clearly to me by that sense of in Minds income would indeed details from Buddha Clara I could see his personality more in the way that he was standing I'm a designer presume he had seen in the advisory at our stunt and look of concentration and focus on his face zoomy of saying is e constant hit huh I realized that he didn't even flinch or move when someone walked by bleeding and Vizu goods could soak the implement for buying a gun yes that is still very still on stayed focused on student visor focus yet and I could feel however the the the level of energy that he put into his job what it meant for how much he valued his employer yeah he condemned Gunda versus in beloit Tahoma a dashed and movie they had a severe chest as a funding we understand that of cover bien Skinner so all of a sudden this angel that I was confused by and had a lot of questions about oh do guns and splits as it is anger GUI first Anton happy bombs King became a clearer picture of God's value for us this food and Clara's period from their web chat some quarters moon skiing even and the character and nature of God what the team cocktail antenna to a goddess because he revealed his the level of value that the angel put on his job revealed more about how he saw God of bad I'm gonna disease level we ansed the the angles I'm job cannot as a visit visa got once via chest but even still even though this was amazing to me when the abscess was a cavity for me I didn't know always how to explain this to someone was not a clan can and often times when I would try to they would just be confused or not understand what I was saying Wednesday all finished in the cefazolin 2015 confuse and so I again just sometimes would talk about it and sometimes wouldn't talk about it I said get him it guitar and sometimes I would be willing to share things and sometimes people would ask me and I would say no I'm not going to fight but I think amid satire Miami Florida giveth me that is it sneaky and so I went back and forth with this for a long time as a Moody's again since out husking her formats and to look again sit tight because and I was so confused because I would see so much all the time when he says Oakland foods but he kept Sophia Gansett a magazine and I was only seeing more and more and more when he kept him a Manman magazine and I felt guilty because I thought what am I supposed to do with this I'm supposed to do something with all this that I see first and if I so hits them at my own meeting at something de Souza and I'm not getting any better at sharing it you better be Nick best album this amid satire and I'm only seeing more of it man I thought like I was building up a debt boenish Rudolph and so still I would try from time to time to share the things that I saw then in my no he kept inside presume it's a tiny cuisine hub but honestly on the very best day it felt like the most that it did is just encourage people and that was it it's this best in Maxima vs perverted it's tested autism be seen a moody fun and you know in my eyes at the time I thought well I could do this by praying for them or giving prophetic word they'd still be encouraged didn't you better tell ya Vanitas son kind of Moody so then why am I seeing all these things what's what's the point he could tell on this massive album Z hits these against a kielbasa Stepan Zetas and so the the purpose and the point of seeing the spirit came to me in stages did see you don't clean up this comes in it happen I'm gonna tell you kind of the two main stories the main touch points where the Holy Spirit open this up for me I hope um tears of wood a highly guys misleading Anna Todd so here we go skeet loose so the first one happened when I was fifteen years old and his position 15-yard ID well at this point I was still right in the middle of trying to share things but sometimes exceeding sometimes failing is a type of a strike in the emitted Susan yeah Midtown on Dornish Midtown and during this time I went on a mission trip with my youth group when we haven't had many so often emissions I'm I know you incorporate gun and we went to visit France in England to do ministry their teens to tune and on the very last night of the the part that we were in England let's see as a funny movie in England one our youth pastor Harris go to a big youth conference has a young person McConnell suits una cosa new conference Keegan isn't now there was over three thousand youth that were there but I wasn't you Nikita and it was such a big event that they had to hold it in a large cattle auction house where they would sell cows like it's big stadiums it's fine reasoning and it's obvious um yeah like a big stadium but he's an odd stadium for the stat fund and there were so many people there that the hotels locally didn't have enough room so freely did I see guys in hotels Omaha Manhattan so the event had set up a bunch of tents in a field nearby wounded eyes would say that of committee loaded are slapping cone so all three thousands of kids that were there or stayed in the tents that are right next to the facility the idea tonight I wasn't young lady Vonda cause he named his mouth Stanley Australian and so this moment happened at the very last session of the very last day of the conference that the DS a moment is in there let's let's some loose their confidence Percy it it been a very long mission trip we've been gone I think for 13 days long event rights in target on the Whigs and so everyone was very tired as Anita is Sam Buddha so our youth group sat on the upper deck in the stadium and way in the back Wednesday you know proviso of teasing opal entire - stadiums Duggan's Hinton MV and so we're just sitting back up there listening to the message look at Sandy porch EFT and so kinda as I had mentioned I've been involved in church for my whole life the recession we tied up as if azzam in Mandalay my god sees Lehman it will be it and so by the way that the pastor was preaching I could tell that he was about to invite people up to receive Jesus for the first of the advisory you had have been a pastor it's pretty twisted a bit like Dylan landed on name now because I had been saved since I was three years old when Valley effect was letting me try yoga I'd well I decided that the most helpful thing for me to do with this moment was to take a quick nap but I'm going to this is dusty Swedish laughs Zuma and so I got comfortable and laid back a little bit as he helps me be cleaned and then I leaned forward and looked down at the preacher just one more time I'm a mission among the foreigners or gleaned of teen PDA hooked and then I sat back up didn't forward because I saw Jesus standing right in front of the pastor yep mean of Chanukah book miss Atsushi Onita bees direct an evening pastor zine he was in the space right between the stage and where the chairs began the yeezus for direct was the indecent aisle as a solution Deb you know and Davo dish to Lansing and he was pacing back and forth looking into the crowd but is he a glove on hot so indie manga cash out and by the way that every time that he would walk he would keep his head pointed where he was looking at the back and mi vida VA design cup classes ooh yeah it had a video sooner hinting a shout and the way that he was looking I could tell he was focusing on one person when the identify the vehicle inhabit is mythically - shout can now if I Napa zone and I've so I followed his line of sight to a girl that was sitting at the back of the room when he leaned even folkway Hinch out in Hopkins in Destin meet Ian van she was right at the front of a different section in the back of the room so there was a divider thing right in front of her eyes van eating a book I heard I'm sad in 2000's in past hundreds and next inhale in Abner so she was resting her head on it like this a zoo a tea cosy so I was good and as soon as I realized that Jesus was looking at her I heard a voice when zoo buddy just myth will come up does he is a secret now anga shouted immigrant and the voice said he sees no one but her inhabit as a team an endless new Ozzy and I could feel the intensity of of what Jesus was doing the quantity the intensity age fuel and funding bus users that got attacked it felt like all of my attention was being drawn more to focus on what was happening as fuzzy mannequins of make some kind of that's first up a theater so much so that it felt like everything else was like turning off so that I could see better and focus photography discipline quasi avec qui t'a see I'm a better of the shown content and so kind of from a distance I heard the preacher invite people up to the front to receive Jesus when the captains of VSA and fans of busyness Curtis Taylor there predicated see that iron master steel OD is there in Latin con and so right away I looked down at the girl to see if she would do something when he captain's off Jesus meeting shout and cooked up seat and was mocked and she had her head down like this when she had it in corporate Mona's over I'm gleaned and just for the briefest moment she just looked out when she had I've owned his own guns clay moment quit soccer cooked now the second she did this I I saw him move but it didn't take him any time to get there when he couldn't I see des Kamara because in bees heceta Hindu victims had kind of the Kunigal Officer dafwa he was pacing at the front of the room and then he was standing right there in front of her his cozy fun father died hidden hidden SD direct for ya now as as soon as he appeared there I saw these chains appear all around her when zoo body causes oh by Jesus the first and Habakkuk is anybody's against some oMG I won't give a Quran there are so many of them that they completely covered her from her neck all the way down to her ankles fun zoophilia cat and even I'm going to piss from Heights be some good that's enthused and they went off in a for long strands and at the end of each strand was a demon pulling on it I the D'Avanzo and fear sousou-sama give occurred in fear for Sheena and the demon has he done good so and they pulled and twisted the chains in such a way that she slumped her head back down Wendy Haman wonders Oh Dee Dee's a kittens Oh cats haagen-dazs he had read a zoo in copy of the Nam Gillian Tett but that didn't matter what I said kind of acute because Jesus leaned forward and he kissed her on the forehead when he's at the Hoagland OD soft Eastern weakest and as soon as he did this every single link in the chain exploded like fireworks zübeyde at a schemata it's so foggy it is cat indeed it's a 4-1 yeah and as as soon as the last link in the chain exploded there was a bright flash of white light Jesus let's take at indeed sweets a poem as far as I'm concerned it was so bright that it completely blinded me I couldn't see anything the zoo has very good blended connects magazine and my vision slowly faded back in came back my new vision comes with lungs and and Vita and I couldn't see the stadium anymore he couldn't decide on limousine I couldn't see the stage he couldn t Boone any machine I couldn't see the preacher pretty enigma and I looked down I couldn't even see myself when he goes out he caught the Zips making amazing all I could see was Jesus and the girl and this has he seen Condor by years and this meeting and Jesus was standing there with his arms open wide Jesus don't damn it's and I'm right off him and the girl was standing right in front of him but she was wearing different clothes when this meeting stand please that was you had to get undiluted okay what nun and this is something that we we've seen so much that it's almost like a overly familiar thing in Christianity changsu of cuisine is this much money as efficient we do have it but she was wearing these robes that were whiter than white so these are Clara and the Vice it's vice fun the widest thing I've ever seen before or since then this vices to us he might swap for the now magazine as far as vice is there and she leaned forward and she hugged Jesus around the waist when she had so far in had these assumed armed and as soon as this happened I felt a sense of like heaviness from above me when do by deceit is how he's a new shoe good and I looked up and I saw this hand coming down when he kept the whole crew shouting help Kazim he's in the hunt when they're calm and it was big each finger was about as big around I like about that big around as far as that goes indeed a finger wrong with his ooh so coarse and the finger is pointed out and it came down and touched me right in the forehead hun comes on their finger hurt me so often get hooked and as soon as it did that my vision came back completely when Subbaiah disperse heat is coming even complete Vidya and it was so sudden that I had why I found myself standing up I don't know exactly when that happened except and videographer it's done the first kind if you just mercy it is well my vision came back so suddenly that I stumbled and fell back into my chair my TV zoom comes a VW you better fine and I managed to get myself together just in time to sit up and see the girl running to the front to receive Jesus when demócratas old cause if you the hope of Ignacy cuisine happy this meeting loafers and ears and found her even though she already had yeah opposites for you or from her then so that was amazing this forgive I T that was very special to see repeats year to buzanis the Susan but what completely changed me is what happened right afterwards let's make a complete fit and it had its best direct and after see it is and would also started the the answer to the question that was burning in me what's the point of seeing in the spirit when bus moves episode is a flag above and for the tide of albums it is against the unbound passiveness I assume this also came right afterwards that's come out direct enough so I'm sitting in my chair just feeling overwhelmed saying it's in Miami student it and I just I I I'm so overwhelmed that I'm not even crying I'm not even feeling it decide on it I'm not even able to process what I saw as he put you a vertical connecting pin to tie a vise concerti was uploaded then eventually everyone around me stands up and starts walking out well then we kill him I didn't of course don't vector gun and so I said I guess it ended at some point well okay so go ahead and you know we had to go back to where our tents were we Muslim that so looking ones would say to stuntmen and I am pretty good at getting lost in my own neighborhood so it's not very confident in my ability to find my way back to my tent man if he convinced it's a weed it's of him and so there's 3,000 people all leaving at the same time it's tidy let's look like inside I was skinned and I look around and I see one of the one of the girls from my youth group come on Z no so I meet in front of the you Cooper and so I think well as long as I focus on her I'm not gonna get too lost and I just kind of try to follow Jesus maintain that focus here kinda making me feel awful you see ma han-shan so I'm walking through this crowd focusing on this girl the clown suit is against a mango and Foucault Simic after this meet Ian now I knew this girl she was one of the girls from our youth group Candis meet you so I assume that you and Cooper but we weren't best friends or anything I didn't know a whole lot about her hello everybody hooky sue best of funny he was typically severely busy but as I as I focused in on her I saw absolutely everything there was to know about her life so focus here Topsy happy Alice's I believe cuisine was in the emblem so I believe I saw every decision that she had ever made ya betta i insane and she hungers and easy Mozgov nut I saw every moment of joy every moment of peace and every moment of pain when he kept the moment there Floyd it is freed from the shmatte disco zine and they all flashed through my mind one after the other faster-faster-faster eventually he blitz it if my good at intervention it and then I saw her entire future then happy Heilig ansatsuken cuisine I saw all the decisions that she would make and Sharon goes in dizzy maja inverter I saw all the decisions that she could make we have ITN chimes in demon-hunter I saw what the exact ideal path that God had set for her yep Dion Vic is ending got angry fizzies of focus in hat and I saw all the decisions that she would make along that path and against that path I don't easy quasi outfit isn't fake would often they even get off mat and as all of these things world in my mind faster and faster and faster honking zoom I'm cooked for misfortunate on janela it all came together in this overwhelming feeling of love for this girl just comedies it didn't leave a foodie this mansion and this love was so big and so complete that it felt hard for me to hold in my mind would easily revise those overcome and Zozo gotta sneak my copy first Melissa cause far now this this wasn't at all like a romantic love per saying as if I it was a nobleman tisha liebe this this love didn't need anything out in the advice it just it was a whole and complete by itself easily bhuvah for guidance and for common ins accept it but it was pointed at her I would easily because II corrected and this love got bigger and bigger and bigger easily become clearer sound Clarissa and I got so big and so overwhelming and it's bazooka ligand that I had to pull myself away from looking at her and turn away detective evac name was to me tell the via pent muster but as soon as I did I saw a person walking next to me that I had never met before when somebody mixed a quasi fun Beckett good great a partner and the person is indeed named me leaf tea I went for honey you see in her this is just another random person from the conference I fell in episode different connect conference file but as soon as I focused in on them I saw everything there was to know about his life but his own ganske Nagas invest in the enzyme Liam I believe I saw every decision that he had ever made yep and Charlie's ndz muscat Hoffman skate-off matter I saw every decision he would make i ad and challenge the air Mahan verda I saw the full potential of his life he kept this fully put in see I designed his leaves cuisine and I saw how far he was gonna make it towards that potential and he kept using we fight it as Muhammad's of these put inside him and I felt completely and totally in love with this person that I had never met he kept me completely Philippe give food in this episode so much so that I had to look away as I pass those doctors eviction worst now unfortunately as I mentioned I'm in a very large crowd went with manga so I saw this person saw everything that was known about their life habits deep zoombies in Afghanistan in Lima please saw this person and saw everything there was known about their life uplift and faster and faster and faster was this feeling was coming when a ladies is good for me come and love was just getting bigger and bigger and bigger do you know but we become closer and it got to the point where I couldn't handle it faster and faster and faster when his come to the impromptus he does Nick my hand indivi it so Chanel on Chanel's legging and like I said I didn't want anything from them in this love Norma because I avoid to Indies le beef I didn't grasp on enan but I desperately wanted to show them this love fazool we've had five attend after the in diesel even beat I can I wanted to hug them for the zoom um I wanted to pray for them for the fizzy baton I wanted to prophesy over them but who is he proof attained I wanted to grab them and spin them around before disease do we often even to him here Jordan I wanted to grab them by their face and scream how much God loved them gazecki Monte and I envy God sees visa got C leaped but anytime anything came in my mind to do in response to this love it was completely inadequate compared to the love that I was feeling it wasn't anything that I could think of to do was not big enough to do in response to that I'll be forced and controversy led zeppelin hit in my own its we had been evenly right and easily buddy decode fizzy hotter so finally I got very smart and looked straight down as a yet chose endless but would attend gun salute we have a Vanunu Hooda shout and so I'm walking around in the crowd three thousand people staring at my feet in a megaphone I doesn't light and happy soon avoiding a shot off many future when someone's foot kicks out in front of me whatever Neiman this food so for me the outcome orders of hope I come and I see everything there is to know about their lives and have assumed is most evil asleep and I see every decision that they will ever make Kabira and shoutings and easy my smock givethem and I fell completely in love with this person before I even see their face completely Philippe disappears on the food is cozy cuisine up so finally somehow I made it back to my tent was gonna be happy Sangha chef - in my head so looked design at least I'm pretty sure it was my tent see music I thought we might said and I just fell down face-first my pillow and fell asleep when cause he's a copper of mine kissing you find have been anguish laughs and thank God that when I woke up in the morning it was gone well thanks I got as he of kebap among smiles make cuz I don't know if I could have handled it much longer if I just know leg hours go ahead and head out I was 15 years old when this happened it's despot advice from Virginia right and I had been spending most of my time learning how to prophesy and learn how learning how to use this gift of seeing in the spirit countryside Ahmedabad v as a digital enemy covert ion BTC garbage as it certain guys to the image didn't know Scoob in Canada and I've been doing that for about three years when he kept this desert dry Avalon game at and I thought after three years of intense practicing of regularly learning more and more in practicing the prophetic when he talked enough to Diana an intensivist trainings and diseases to niramit improv Edition and after three years of constantly looking in the spirit and seeing what the Holy Spirit was doing around people and seeing what angels were doing around people that I an meter off to constantly on and to Shawn boskie a Muhammad Ali guys to Zhang Hut I thought that after that I might have at least a little bit of a picture of how big God's love is for us staff there's enough that I reflects on Klein is busy and ein blick von Dame because gotta sleep on skinny ways but on that night I realized I had not even begin to start to understand how big his love is my end and is that simple is it about kind I see a new dean and from first that not be cozy little cottage Francis I realized that if all of us could prophesy and all of us could see in the spirit to the maximum level then happy so really yet Vanier defense quasi prophets I encounter in the maximum room guys sing contain the maximum we would still not discover all the love that God has for every single one of us even in mine only husband because the Libra God is this dear phone's hat so on that day I got a quick window into how big God's love is how we some Klein is Fenster for him but common because deliever got is this and the next key didn't come until I was 21 years old when they make this would come if I didn't want to hide well so this I'm gonna go very fast over this part real quick okay didn't have its canaima huh but I kept having these experiences where I would see things and learn more about who God is and more about the things that I saw when he had the quasi vehicle and he had a DJ a foul-mouthed human thing is eat and we got isn't about it but consistently when I would share this with other people I would get lots of questions and confusion back I was fine Vinita Hamid get held up as Felix overcome and it was the TV tomato Minka and this was frustrating because I was still learning how to share the things that I saw we firstly and what human of kala and have this weakness MIT Hanken but it was also frustrating because I kept feeling this that love that I had felt I would feel it again whenever I would see something this fight in my Christian well him and also diesel II but become when he logic did you see how that Melissa we met get tied up but I wouldn't feel that love leave my mouth when I would share what I saw was someone else and he kept easily burger spewed a believer hadn't even be mindful Asin vanished and resume at github and to me that felt wrong when for me has distance we've we've had jungle food and I couldn't figure out how to make that happen the content isn't really here Austin V canisters hits envy Mahone and so one point my life I said I'm done I'm not talking about this anymore and then it comes with a punk name we kept in its fat-headed nicked me me time and so for two years I did not as if it's fire I wouldn't need to make them out and I'm making this story very short but then the Holy Spirit told me to go to a school of ministry in Redding California Hobie's Matthew 68 smart quotes day how you guys had me exactly so so initially this teens the skin in Redding California and I argued with him for a long time but eventually he talked me into it so he helped me along its head median argument here that we had a meetin divine donated but I said if I go to this ministry school I am not telling anyone that I see in the spirit I'm hiding guys 22 shoeless teen skip you had a Neiman verse a team from my regard he kept and I said if you want me to deal with this seeing thing then you're gonna have to take care of it well then how is that when a stampede of doses all of these government guys say them was to deihi we don't come and witness any hokum I kind of had a bad attitude he had some business like to hide on the dead side and I managed to pretty much not let anyone know that I saw in the spirit for my whole first year at the school that Eve could hidden get kicked him ass yeah to be God crimes its hand for my garden even though this school was about teaching people to give to the spirit and the prophetic in healing say observe void is truly at our home game does this logical yet wasn't crazy ending garden so probably not for him to baton so at the end of the school one of the things they do is they send the students on a missions trip when the shul ISM ended a surely a season a lot of new missions Reiser and for my relationship I was going to Mexico and as it was not Mexico game and so we were in Northern California so all the students drove together down to the New Mexico review and I'm no one from Californians in against Integra fan Mexico and the students really get excited about the gifts of the Spirit so they were practicing giving prophetic words over the walkie talkie between the cars city hadn't he hadn't intercede in Otisville de vixen had the walkie talkies and the guy said you should any exactly superficial water game-ending autos and when we were almost to our destination when his father v1 first time seal on the riser one of my friends came over the radio and had a prophetic word for me when I now might have wanted on an auto had done quasi provoke you talking me and who finishes vodka game this was a very simple prophetic word his fans yeah I in father's fetishes what it was very short as air quotes but it changed my entire life I was having guns asleep in it when we when we speak prophetic words it's not about how big or beautiful they are bending its profit ocean water mid-tones getting it the only shoe nor the week Louis isn't it's about the grace of God they carry ASCII Tom Dick anodic got his TDC proficient water talk and so over the radio this friend said Blake I have a word for you so don't you buddy this walkie-talkie had mine find an exact yo Blake kept and vote today and she said it's time to come out of the cave once you had the disease what cap so we as his scientists to house comes a hula and the second she said this it hit me directly in my heart when this fight it was exactly that makes it direct zones heads get off him and I knew that it was time to share the things that I saw again when he was hit on that site as heating in MIT Heidi who dug reasonable and so I knew this was right so I did it as soon as we got there he only kept the stands of I've eaten come in ahkamaat I talked to the all the other students and I would share what kind of angels I saw around them he kept emitting an image student and I was he I was in the meeting van and this just went okay not terrible well does leave hits nice to touch this leave guns okay up good enough that I felt okay still doing it as a good decision by daga Mata and then during some of the prayer meetings that we did I described where we see in this way okay Valentin beat seventy visual had never eaten ultimate guitar as you see him just leave ohokay up good enough that I felt like I could keep going you know succeed after a fight that and then I got to one of the last nights that we were there when then comma so to an adolescent the movie Darwin we're going to minister the church that was up in the mountains as if yonder a my deities augment in bagging van and I thought to myself oh I should look in the spirit and see what's around this village and I could tell the church what I seen when he stuffed music a sphere Nettie shot my sister thousands of dollars in history stands over my limit so this village was in a valley that was in this mountain as is to offer a 9m tie to Susan Dean bagging and I saw the blood of Jesus running down the valley Wendy's a vides blue 20 this wonderful Todd leaf as in star leaf and when we came to the church I saw that in the spirit there was no ceiling on the church quasi indie combined to come him guys cuisine as a swabbie kind of decade where I go mind him guys and I heard the Holy Spirit say there's no barrier between them and me when the character video guy stuff that is kind of by year at Susan inan on Mia and I walked into the church and I saw two angels standing near the entrance indie game I didn't hobbits fight a Xindi I'm a gangsta they're very tall they were like six meters tall what do you fix me that goes and they're wearing very specific clothes very specific clothing and then very specific colors in the clothing be physical I don't see vision of the clay dough and so towards the middle of the meeting there came a time where people were giving prophetic words and things like that would encounter some itta distance the visor deed site wouldn't allow it is a proof way to shove or take a game huh and I thought okay this is a good time to share what I saw okay it's the good a tight weave does mid-to-high was he see you and so I got up and I was speaking through an interpreter just like this huh of course absolutely yeah bones will be here and I started sharing I saw the blood of Jesus running down your valley wouldn't have assumed it gitaji sad-ass blood for knees as he does so in this tile here won't that floss and I see these two angels and here's what they're wearing here's what they look like well Susie I was into the stock Z and I see that there's no ceiling on your church that there's no barrier between you and God and easy just a kind of decade you got a good mind is as it's kind of a yeah that's some cotton toys and as I'm describing these things my interpreter keeps stumbling over his words the schreiber the the stoy pet Suzette's it was an inverter at first I'm bothered I'm like am I saying it wrong is this confusing enough divisive is that because it's five declared reverses hit this problem and I look over and the interpreter has tears running down his face he's crying Sooey into indeed it was it's a real fight and what I didn't know was that this was the pastor of the church that I was visiting pastor daganmind and he said you don't understand you don't understand is that to fish this is new fresh Jesus knee and I said you're right I don't understand he said everything that you have said we have been praying for now if you have big abated he said word for word we've been praying for these things what now what can now fit is it big abated we prayed that the blood of Jesus would run down this valley yeah I'm good does this pollute for news content style or we prayed that large angels would be standing at these two doors blessing people who came in does that goes under to sh t in the city Lloyd is a clean Wendy mention hind come we pray that there will be no ceiling on this place the UM debate it is that kind of decade he's in poor taste and we pray that there would be no barrier between us and him could beat it is that kind of a yeah that's ocean God owns this and I I stood there for a moment completely stunned when he stanton cuts and ferment as I thought yeah we were vetted and this might sound negative but I didn't feel it negatively in the moment as this Clinton's like mr. negativity minded as in the moment like negative I was shocked that he was I was surprised the he was surprised that his prayers worked well if you've arrived that's a you were rushed for the Seneca be typically home to nian and I had this thought don't you know that God is with you when he cut is a decent get down be vice - nice this got Vicki Matthias and as he kept crying and then people in the audience are crying also when I says over they event it on dimensions of mangaka bind I just because I realized something behind the phone but he was clearly see it happen I thought that I had been trying and failing to use a gift that God had given me when dr. Gupta mapped Atlanta's a can Agha but he got bigger game and what I hadn't realized was that the rather than teaching me how to use a gift God was changing the way that I think and vanished an oppressed against its height okay as it could be absolutely the GABAA sumit and is the scott fizzell that mind denken soufiane then he was changing the way that I think so that the idea that his prayers would happen was normal to me well I had the ardent wiesen - thanks for in it so does if you think it is when he was beaten the assistant with the Saudi know my design that the idea that there would be angels standing at the doorway would be normal to me this deed is to hang Anna - she this is for me can surmise and that God's love that Gaza would manifest in this way would be normal there's gotta sleep as each of these dad invited manifest it is it's nomads there's a lot of reason and a lot of purpose for the gifts of the Spirit let's keep guns feeling good in don't Bustillo and as an Xin vom dinged the Cystic escaped when we give prophetic words when we pray for people in their heel this is a great encouragement been given vide guises come cause even a Kofi - baton and with hi long baton this is their mutant you can even bring people into the kingdom we can lead them to the Lord his convention zoo ganz cooney crikey bling as you couldn't see cause in hand can then it can give us direction and help us make decisions in our day-to-day lives his cannon salute on games cannons heaven and in and Schiedam development on some attacks lame but this is not their first purpose what does this Nick day this assets here they're bringing a gun their first purpose is to teach us about the nature of our Father this asset see it is as the assets vector garments to layer and Dina to goddess we got lucky kiss so that we can think the way that he thinks so this via tank and Kernan of the I don't we got tanked and understand what he's doing the first in canvas a toot so that we can see and do what he is doing he does V in zinc and quasi was a two-time it Vedas to cut so in this moment I had the two ingredients that I needed to understand the purpose of seeing in the spirits of the Indies a moment haddock series it's very - too hot and quasi quite interesting him guys see ya I had had an encounter where I saw how massive the love of God is the beginning because in habibi masse fish stocked easily begat disease and I had a moment where I realized that that love could change the way that we see everything when he had these moment was he cuisine have just easily with us Alice list and then kind of TV thinking and so I had a confirmation that because when I was when I first learned that this was a gift I believed that it was meant to be available to everyone in the university when kept I'm unfounded glop does this in the garbage dee dee dee I'm going to have makan I didn't have a good reason for this when I first at the beginning but I just believed that it was true as a man he goes and as a proceeding what a goon devotees Aqaba Vic if he is I'm content but now at this moment I understood why about yet Sandy's moment hobby fish done home because there's more of his love and any any of us all together could see there's too much of it but is Sufi runs on a Libra it's been be Noah let's examine this guy's checking as Sophie burns and Oliva and God wants every single one of his children to understand his nature Marcus ye the sin I think in design in the truth in it Libra first eat now I was seeing in the spirit the only way to understand his nature so it's in guys saying the I&C God invites if he wasn't in a talking limb of course not neat we can understand his nature through the word we couldn't sign in a 2d spot 15 we can understand his nature by spending time with him in prayer we couldn't sign in the 2:15 in the mid side abatement in peppering we can understand his nature through worship we couldn't in the unbeaten and the music was designed in the two of a second land but I think I would like to pursue his nature with all of these things but he would again a quasi quasi a giant lessons and in a tube as I can today he's ending him because he is a generous father who has made all of these ways of accessing him available yeah yeah and again again isn't fat and merciful AHA and maybe some of you will like prophecy more and some of you would like evangelism more yeah I know Martita and amezo if onlys it soon and maybe you some of you will study the word in a very deep historical way in flight when I think about this what got is in a t his tours not advice estudian and some of you will want to be worship leaders look wise like design but I believe that every single person can touch every single gift globe Reseda ants in the person's own need is in the gap boolean can because otherwise only worship leaders would be allowed to worship zones fancy analyst nudie Lopez Latin or Lopez Mahan Cohen and only theologians would read the Bible no detail long delays in couldn't this isn't healthy this is Nick isn't maybe some of us are called to a higher place of understanding the Bible like that super villain Christine and the rest of us can receive from that gift to learn more couldn't quasi from these Aqaba I'm Faisal Lanin but it would be foolish for us to think that we don't also have our own ability to study the Bible who as feared doomed to daintiness Venetians our Agnetha Kadam DB was ever to study in the same is true of worship the same is true of prophecy the same is true of seeing in the spirit this guy he is of were unbeaten will prove it to you on em guys thing there are people who are called to go ahead and show us what is possible in these areas I skip mentioned deeded to Buffa's into Sookie none suits Iowa's nucleus but they are all available to all of us I was easing I look fuzzy pick on a leader Anthony casita ranking this for a live failable right path so yeah and so that's what this seminar this weekend is about this test forms and easy muna it's Andy's insight on gate it's just a chance to pursue another and maybe different way of on standing our Father is I'm behind your shanks in Angela I don't why's it got canceled and as you divine presence and I guarantee you that as we do that we will start thinking the way that he does what do you got on t like this when we dismiss even an tongue to denken zoobi addict and remember that that is the true goal is this valid see there are many positive side effects of this the game's field username affected have fun but the main goal is to be transformed into the likeness of our Father let's hope seal is this veterans for me it have landed when in this in baton the saddest sound good in just good
Channel: Gemeinde Leuchtfeuer Waren
Views: 3,064
Rating: 4.9058824 out of 5
Keywords: Blake Healy, im Geist sehen, Prophetie, Jesus Christus, seeing in the spirit, Bethel Atlanta
Id: 6kVUd1dHQnQ
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 73min 40sec (4420 seconds)
Published: Mon Sep 24 2018
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