Seeing the Supernatural: How to Sense, Discern and Battle in the Spiritual Realm Part 2

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you can go ahead and be seated I'm so glad that your you are here tonight well we had a wild 11:00 a.m. service it was good God was good and you know he just proves himself to be king over all you know what I'm saying and and really what I was a sharing with you is you know I'm in the middle of a book a book number two seeing the supernatural how to how to a sense discern and and I forget the title now what is the title of my book since desert and battle in the spiritual realm that'll come out I believe next fall and so I'm smack in it you know so that's what my heart is filled with us that my mind is filled with and it's really about the gift of discerning of spirits and I'll let you in on a little secret I didn't know that we had come into some truths that are not widely known that we actually have been given an edge we've been given revelation a lot of that happens because of life you know when you are looking for a solution you are looking for answers and you you just happen to go go deeper in the Lord because you have you have to survive and you have to thrive right and you go deeper in the Lord you begin to uncover things you begin to discover things about the Word of God about the things of the Spirit supernatural that's pretty much been my life story I'm not going to repeat what I what I shared this morning and and so we have a book coming out of the house it's actually going to be a pacesetter it's going to set the set the pace and and really the goal is there's a couple things we need to understand that we you know we live in a supernatural realm you know we live in a natural realm obviously but we live in a supernatural realm and we can't discount that we have to actually understand it because you know everything starts in the in the spiritual realm everything that you are dealing with first started in the realm of the spirit somehow someway and until you can see the spiritual realm sensit discern it whatever you really don't know what you're dealing with you don't know how to rest your heart you don't know you don't know really what's going on just your your being impacted by something outside of you outside it feels like it's outside of your control and you can't diagnose and you can't deliver you know what I'm saying and so so this is one of the one of the things that that the Lord's really serpent's seen especially for things that are to come you know 2017 it's a year to have to get a hundred year vision for for for yourself as well as for our nation I know the Holy Spirit is going to breathe on that and I had shared this morning you know but naturally the question comes up you know well isn't Jesus returning by then and and when I asked them that aren't you returning by their you know andum and really what his response to me was that without a vision the people perish number one so we need to have a vision if you don't have when you're going to perish and number two that when he returns will he find faith on the earth so in other words he plans to interrupt his plan so we need to have one okay and and not and not back up from having a vision for the generations after you actually having a legacy what what is God establishing after you what is your what is what is your mark on this planet and then as well as having a vision for our nation because he has a future and a hope for our nation and that's that's collective it's every every tongue every tribe you know in our nation he has a plan for and so you know and you have to also trust the holy spirit will breathe upon us what he is saying that he will he will give us the ability to see afar off you know I'm those those who are the pure in heart they will see the Lord okay and you will see afar off you will see long distance you know I had shared I can't remember when how I had a dream I had a dream and I saw our grandson okay I saw our grandson and I was like that's interesting because I saw all the kids before they came I knew their genders I knew their names before they came before I was ever pregnant with them and I thought it's interesting that the Lord would show the grandson the great the grandbaby I don't have a name I'm supposed it one of our kids will well we'll do that you know and and but I saw the grandson and I'm like it's interesting that you can see afar off you can see if are off and then one of the keys to that is really is those those who are a pair of heart you know they will see God and this whole emphasis on on purity and purity is an internal job first right it's not external its internal your life will reflect the purity that you you have on the inside and and that you know the Lord's really doing a cleanup work so that we can see because when we have darkness of soul we can't see where there's darkness in our heart we can't see because the lights are off and so there's a real cleanup job going on he's also equipping his church with the get discerning spirit so we can deliver the ones that will be coming in and that's because the church gets more glorious gets more light we get more committed he's coming back for a brilliant bride you know not a broke bride you know not a not a not a you know a half-hearted bride he's coming back for a glorious bride that is what that is our destiny and but the world does get darker and darker and so people come in you know who give their life to Jesus as evangelism increases uh you know there's going to be an increase of deliverance there's there's no getting away with that and we have to be experts at that okay we will have to and part of what fuels that is the gift of discerning of spirits and I'm going to explain more about that and and so anyway you know a sharing all of that this morning just kind of getting you primed that that we need to have some teaching as a church it disappears to me like the Lord is going to have us for run this and teach teach the planet you know just because of who we are and in what we learn and how we how we apply these things and we have so many people visit anymore you know it's just kind of natural becomes our DNA begins to be shared with them just very naturally but you know I had shared that I had been delivered from a spirit of sorcery and that was connected to my occult past you know just different things I was engaging in I was never a witch I was never in a coven or anything like that but I did participate in in various things and and it had to be dealt with and shared this morning that if that's you it has to be dealt with you have to you have to come and receive prayer you need to repent renounce it break the power of it off of you and how somebody help you do that and our prayer team is available to help you through that and I actually was delivered of that but because the Holy Spirit is good everybody say the Holy Spirit is good you know he gave to me something from him to to you know replace that I mean he just filled me with himself and he gave me the gift of discerning of spirits only I didn't know it I know I had it all right and I've been working this thing out for years I just didn't know I had it and you know I'll share with you a story you know my second year of college I was invited to serve on a campus ministry leadership team Ron was was as well and I was really thrilled to be asked you know as a brand new Christian and and just getting my life together I was on now I'm on leadership it's not cool when you get to be on leadership you know for the first time and so I think I can't remember the the timeframe exactly I just know maybe if you know a few months later there was a gentleman on the team and you know basically the the campus director gathered us and and you know we basically this this person on the team needed prayer needed prayer is an emergency situation and so the situation was this that he was having a demonic spirit visit him at night and what made it even more difficult for this young man is that he came from a paradigm that you know you don't you don't have those experiences you don't you don't have supernatural spirits like that you know you read about it maybe but it's really not something that would happen to you and yet it was happening to him so so laying all paradigms aside you know he was in he was in a spiritual battle and so while that was happening I keep in mind I'm a new Christian I've had no teaching no training I want to think there isn't training for it like this back at the time but I've just been led by the Holy Spirit I knew the outcomes he sets the captives free I knew that but you know just being led by the spirit and I just asked him I said can I go in your room now keep in mind there's a bunch of us there I said can I go in your room and and he says okay and the campus director he was funny he's like he wanted to test me if I was really hearing God he's like okay do it but I'm not telling you room he's in because he was renting a room at the campus director's campus ministry director's home and so but I'm not going to tell you what room it was well I just walked straight in and you know and I kids you know I went right into his closet now that's not normal you know you should walk into people's closets without permission you shouldn't do that you know but but that's that's what I did okay it's just where was that and so I went right smack into his closet and I grabbed a bunch of I keep mine this was like late 80s I grabbed a bunch of his LPS his relic LP LPS that he had and I pulled him out of his closet and I just said I think this is your problem okay now you keep in mind what were we listening to back that can't remember their names okay really I mean these were bands that were like really occultic and really sexual and you know I like really like the worst of the worst at the time and so and you know he had these these classic you know LPS you know from from these bands and so he starts grabbing the LPS and records he's breaking them and you know all of that and he's just breaking him in half and getting rid of it and you know and that's the spirit never came back after that I never came back no I just thought that was fascinating it really leaves us some questions to be honest with you you know you know it leaves us some questions like you know how could some LP some old LP sitting in your closet be the cause of a demonic attack and you know could that happen to me I mean that that would probably you know my question if I was here this story for the first time and here's what I want to tell you is we've got to expand our paradigms to include and not exclude the spiritual okay we have to do it friends okay you can't ignore the spiritual realm because you don't like it you don't understand it you know we are spiritual people special these things affect you they impact you if you don't understand the Bible and if you don't understand spiritual laws that are very clear in the Bible okay and and so one of the things we find out is that when we honor God's Word it creates conditions for us to really experience natural and spiritual blessings but on the other hand if we are violating God's Word it nullifies his promises to us I mean it just flat-out does and you know it doesn't we lose we can lose our protection from harm and torment can you bring up Romans chapter 2 verses 6 to 8 can you bring that up please do you have that not we'll just move on that's okay well anyway okay you know and it says I'm a you know who will render to each one according to his deeds verse 7 says he turn alive to those who by patient continuance and doing good seek for glory honour and mortality verse 8 but to those are self-seeking do not obey the truth but obey unrighteousness there will be indignation around visitors saying you know if you don't honor the Lord you know there are consequences you know whether whether whether we like it whether we don't like it you know that that's what the word says and we have to honor his word his written word is him okay and so we honor his word and so this this young man he had violated God's clear word about sexual impurity and false religion through his choices in music the Apostle Paul he commands he says but among you there this is Ephesians five three but among you there must not be even a hint of sexual immorality I'm going to say that one again but among you there must not be even a what a hint not a breath not a whisper not a scent of sexual immorality I'm just telling you what His Word says it was tell me what His Word says and then it says in 1st Corinthians 10:14 that we are to flee from idolatry flee from it okay and so you know what had happened with is you know is he had he had compromised there and ignorance or dismissiveness about the spiritual it doesn't absolve us of the consequences it just doesn't and when we violate God's holiness it's like leaving the front door to your house unlocked that's what it's like now the thief might not be in the neighborhood for a while but eventually the thief comes to your neighborhood and he finds the unlocked door and he comes in to steal kill and destroy because you left the door unlocked and that's what happened to this guy but fortunately for him it was short-lived you want to know why because God is merciful and someone in the room had the gift of discerning of spirits I just think that's fascinating I think you know mercy does triumphs over judgment you know being the right place at the right time we need to have this gift in place a man and so a common description I'm gonna back up a little bit hey where's Tyler he's gonna kill me where's Tyler okay he's in the back all right we'll leave him look he won't mind this okay and if he does I'll apologize later okay years ago Tyler was in junior high thing maybe maybe freshman he was a junior and so he had a family member came to live with him and the family member was you know in some in some things and somebody came running I guess and said there's there's a girl in the sanctuary all alone sanctuary and she's acting weird okay and so it she was probably in high school and I remember coming in and the sanctuary is dark and there's this girl here and I could feel that she had demonic spirits I could feel it and they felt a cultic to me because I know what that feels like because I've been delivered of it and so it took about ten minutes but but you know just cast those spirits out of her and you know she came back to herself you know because she was completely not herself and so she came back to herself well by that time a Tyler and his mom were in the room because they all live together and somebody shouted emergency and I hope Tyler hears this and so anyway when when she was delivered you know all of a sudden Tyler begin to manifest he was like in the chair and he started to manifest and it was a really bad manifestation and so you know what we found out the root of it was the root of it was his music that was the root of it he too had an occultic a band that he really enjoyed it's very a cultic band and so so he didn't get delivered till that came out okay violate God's Word this is to flee from idolatry again you know the thief comes looking for the unlocked door we might go for a long time and the thief hasn't come to your neighborhood but eventually d-day comes lady dacon so this is why we want to shut the door on all those things we want to be very very diligent we don't want to violate God's holiness okay we don't want to be ignorant about this we don't want to be dismissive about this and and holiness does grow in our life okay it grows because we've actually engaged in a relationship with the Holy Spirit and you will go through layers of this you will go through layers of of you know just just pruning things from your life and you might think well well what is there to like then is there any fun at all absolutely absolutely I'm having the most adventurous time of my life ever okay but I've noticed there's been just a lot of deep cleaning in my heart you know and in the largest he'll go in there and he just he'll roto-rooter it and here's the thing at the end of the day blessed are the pure in heart for they will see so the advantage is you see things before others do the advantage is you're in the know before others the advantages when deception comes you see at first okay you don't get caught up and swept away with things that other other people are getting swept away with how many of you have seen people church people get swept away with stupid stuff okay it drives me up the wall and I'm just like and it seems like everybody can see up with them all right want to know why because there's issues in the heart there's darkness in the soul that hasn't been dealt with okay and so so I you know that was for free okay and you'll have to ask Tyler for the details later oh so a comment description for the gift of discerning of the spirits is that it is a supernatural ability from the Holy Spirit okay from the Holy Spirit to distinguish between spirits divine demonic and human okay so you get to see everything it also enables us to discern the hidden motives of the heart now since this gift it embraces the hard to explain everything hard to explain and the intangible zobrist a intangibles of the spiritual realm it has been historically difficult to teach because we have lacked adequate language to explain it properly now we actually see this in the Bible the Apostle Paul you know he went to heaven you know two or three times can't remember but he to heaven and he said that there are things there that were inexpressible okay some of that is like it's just too breathtaking to communicate I believe another facet of that is he just didn't have words for it there passed his language past his ability to describe he didn't have language for it you know the Apostle John he writes the book of Revelation okay and I believe that he was trying so hard to give language to the visions that he was seeing and because he lacked language this to this day you know we we don't know what in heaven or on earth he's talking about in some of those passages alright because he lacked the language okay and so you know this is one of those gifts that that up until now and this is where I'm really really stepping out there you know to find language common language you know a plain man's language to explain the intangibles and the the inexpressible 's of the spiritual route so we can actually understand it and and walk in this gift more fully okay there are a lot of examples of the gift of discerning of spirits in in both all the New Testaments and remember this gift is sees past the natural realm to reveal the spiritual realm so you know how to rest your heart you know how to respond my favorite one the prophet Elijah you know he is in a battle or actually has the Syrian army looking for him because the prophet Elijah keeps revealing the Syrian army captain's plans to the king of Israel supernaturally he would hear it supernaturally and he would reveal the war plans to the king of Israel so the king of Israel was avoiding you know what the Syrian army planned to do to him and so they got wind of it and so they decide they're going to kill the Prophet I call that prophet problems and he decided to kill the Prophet and they surrounded him and and Elisha's servant was freaking out because he knew the worst was about to come and they don't kill you like normal people they kill you like crazy psychos they make an example of you okay you know they're going to shred you tear you everything and so he knew the worst was about to come but Elisha prayed to he says open the eyes of my servant so he can see because Elijah was calm because he could see the spiritual realm he could see what was in that realm that I'm telling you about that invisible realm and his servant you know we can read into the story his servant that actually happened for his servant God answered that prayer and really what was in the spiritual realm was an army of angels you know just a vast army of angels you know just just all across the horizon that basically the enemy army the the human M&E enemy army was outnumbered you know they were there more for them than there were against them and so they could rest their heart they could rest their heart they didn't have to they didn't have to fret okay we we see how this gift operated in the lives of in the lives of lot you know when he encountered those two angels sent by God to rescue him of Samuel when he heard the audible voice of God with Saul's attendants who saw that an evil spirit was tormenting him in the New Testament Jesus not only cast demon spirits out of their helpless victims he could actually identify them you know that's when he was saying oh that's an unclean spirit that's a spirit of infirmity that's a deaf-mute spirit he was actually identifying what was what you know that you know these spirits that were where he was casting out and and later the Apostle Paul he does the exact same thing he identifies the spirit of divination if you read in the con to common Terry's it was actually a python spear is called a Python spirit out of a young fortune-teller in Ephesus and when he cast that spirit out the whole city went into an uproar okay you know if you cast the spirit out the whole city shouldn't go go rogue on you and throw you in jail all right so you know you're dealing with spiritual things you know you know you're dealing with something much stronger and you know that's what happened with him and then later the Apostle Peter knew by the gift of discerning of spirits that a husband and wife Ananias and Sapphira had brought to him a deceptive offering okay and and they had pretended to sell some land at a certain price but had secretly held back portion of the proceeds you know and they could have just been honest about it and so what he did is he actually addressed their sin openly because somehow someway they had lied to the Holy Spirit they actually dropped dead and you know it's pretty serious okay it's pretty serious but they get discerning of spirits will tell you about the deceptive offering okay it will tell you about the deception and it is the deceiver and so all of that are they show us you know the gift of discerning spirits in operation but here's what we don't see we don't see how the gift operates okay we don't see the process we don't see you know how you get from A to Z and it's the process of discerning that's misunderstood okay it's very misunderstood it's ignored it's rejected and that's because this gift is a sensory process before it's an intellectual process can you say that to your neighbor it's a sensory process before it's an intellectual process and so in our Greek thinking culture you know we elevate logic and reason above emotions and the spiritual we've inadvertently shut down that internal mechanism by which this gift flows okay and so the writer of Hebrews shows us shows us how Hebrews 5:14 I like in the NASB it says but solid food here we go let's read it together but solid food is for the mature who because a practice have their senses trained to discern good and evil let's read that again but solid food is for the mature who because of practice have their senses trained to discern good and evil in other words this gift from the Holy Spirit causes us to discern good and evil through our own physical senses all right that would be our eyes our ears our smell taste touch as well as through our emotions now when you are mature you've learned through practice how to accurately sort out what you are sensing so you can actually respond to that information appropriately okay so that what does that imply it implies that the gift of discerning a spirit has a learning curve to it has a learning curve and it requires community you unity and accountability to grow in accuracy now remember you know that that young man that I shared about just just you know just a moment ago well about that same time my neighbor her name is Patricia she's she's actually gone on to be with the Lord she had invited me to her home and this is a neighbor that had prayed for my family for years you know and she felt like the Lord had put her on assignment to pray for us and she lived right across the street and so um you know she had invited me to her home and uh one of the things about Patricia is that she was a gung-ho avid garage sale shopper okay anybody like to do the garage sales anybody okay and so she was a garage sale shopper and so she had decorated her her home was you know all these objects that she had purchased at these garage sales and so what was happening at Patricia she began to to recognize that I'm I might be walking in the gift of discerning spirits and she decided she's going to put it to the test I appreciate people who would do that so she says to me she says um she's uh she says look around my kitchen here in my living room and she's look around and she says is there anything here that is spiritually unclean that's what she asked me okay I can't remember that's the exact language but that's the way I heard it and so I looked around just those small areas I picked out like four or five objects that just irritated me and there was no reason for it wasn't like there was a picture on it there wasn't I mean they just seemed like goblets I remember you know like goblets or a little glass things whatever and and so I picked out like four or five of them and they just irritated me that's that's all I had you know they just irritated me well this is what she said she is hmm she says I bought all of those objects at the same home and so what she did is she just prayed you know that anything unholy or demonic that was still lingering on the on the objects would be removed and then she asked for God to bless and there's something about asking for God's blessing on your stuff okay you know praying for God's blessing over your meal things like that I mean it's very legit it's very real and you let's seem for her the right way to handle it and then also around that same time I had a friend who suffered with diabetes and one time when I sat near her it's like I suddenly had this strange physical sensation I became uncomfortably warm I began to not feel well all over and so I you know when I voiced my physical you know when I voice my feelings my physical feelings well she explained that that's how she felt when her blood sugar was going the wrong way when I was doing the wrong the wrong thing and so I put all of this together like a lot later much later date that what was what I was experiencing was the gift of discerning of spirits eyes Experion Experion seing it in operation I was sensing the presence of a spirit specifically a spirit of infirmity but I detected it by feeling it in my own body as if it was mine and you see Jesus he once described a woman as having this same kind of spirit a spirit of infirmity and that was the reason she was bent over she couldn't get up she couldn't stand straight and here you hear me in this you know a spirit of infirmity it doesn't just cause one kind of physical illness it stands behind many physical ailments and so Jesus cast his spirit out of her and she stood up straight again and what we don't know again near this that's the the issue with this gift is we don't know how jesus knew the info we don't know how he distinguished it was a spirit instead of let's say a physical condition because there's there's both there's both okay and that it needed the holy you know that that he could distinguish what was what but having had that experience with my diabetic friend and and others as well I believe he felt the problem within himself and he was able to diagnose it accurately because he felt the problem within himself Hebrews 4:15 it says he is touched with the feelings of our infirmities are you putting this all together and so it's important to point out the gift of discerning the spirits it's it's not just the discerning of evil it's not just the deserting an evil eye you know it's a supernatural ability to discern both good and evil and what it is evil in the demonic they stand out to you because they're they annoy you they aggravate you they they you know they just feel wrong to you and so they stand out to you you know but but really you know Steve Schultz the elijahlist member Steve Schultz he was here okay I'll be like he just shared this with me he said he said that while reading something on his computer it was it was a prophetic word it said he suddenly felt the fragrant he suddenly smelled the fragrant scent all around him okay he smelled this fragrance and he thought he thought he it was soap on his hands oh he's checking his hands and he's like snot my hands and he realized through through his sense of smell okay that he was um that he was experiencing the presence of the Lord how many of you smell the fragrance of Christ before right how many of tasted tasted sweetness okay and totally in the Bible talks about the aroma of Christ it talks about a Psalm 34:8 says taste and see that the Lord is is good how many of you have ever felt like goosebumps or electricity on your skin in a worship service that's the presence of the Lord you're sensing the presence of the Lord okay others they've heard the voices of angels singing they've felt the wind of the Holy Spirit on their person okay my you know this is a very multifaceted gift multifaceted expression but what it does is it works through our sensors to reveal the spiritual realm and so you know keep in mind the gift of discerning of spirits is listed along alongside the other power gifts in first Corinthians 12 it's like that's like the gift of prophecy you know the gifts of healings you know the the gift of faith the gift of miracles okay and we all know people that flow and those gifts really powerfully really strongly we've seen them on TV we've seen their ministers we know people that flow and those kind of gives very powerfully well think about this what if God gave the gift of discerning of spirits in that level of strength to some people what would that look like is that possible is he doing that okay is he released that gift in that level of strength and if he is what does it look like okay and I'm here to tell you the answer is yes and I'm also here to tell you it's very possible to get that level of anointing and not know it it works through your senses you think it's you and you don't even know it and it's disturbing so after I got delivered I went into this kind of spiritual and sensory overload that's a little hard to describe you know and I had shared that I've heard voices you know heard things I've been connected to spirit around my entire life okay but it just went into something else after after I got delivered and it's like like this hearing voices thing it got into really unmanageable proportions it's like I heard voices everywhere in the air on my mind on object like this would talk to me you know mirrors would talk to me I mean you know I go into a hotel room the mirror would tell me what the other person was thinking that was in the hotel room I mean it was just bizarre you know people talk in the mirror you talked to the mayor Javier talked to the mayor well people like me would know what you would say okay so keep your secrets all right don't talk to the mirror alright and this is very positive you know you know I am beautiful I am happy I am joyful yes okay okay but uh you know things like that my emotions was shift really erratically you know just all over the place depend on who I'm sitting by depending on what building I'm in depending on what place I mean I I just have this massive mood shift thing that would happen and it was like crowds shopping malls classrooms they became the sensory Avalanche against my mind and my senses you know so I wanted to be alone I wanted quiet spaces and you know I I did think that that I was I did think for a while I thought okay this must be what happens to people who just got delivered this is temporary that's what I was thinking you know so you kind of just kind of you know grit your teeth and bear it and you're like okay this will this will leave well it didn't leave it didn't leave and so you know you're trying to cope with it but you're getting desperate and you're wondering if you're losing your mind on top of it the symptoms mimic those who have schizophrenia those who have bipolar disorder I had a family history of that so you know you're wondering these things there just happened to be an emphasis in the body of Christ at that time on spiritual warfare they're all these fresh ways of teaching about it you know how to pray and combat the devil what to do if you're under demonic attack how to deliver people from demonic spirits and because of the emphasis and because there was some teaching out there about spiritual discernment I grew to accept the idea that I might not be crazy okay because I was seeing demons I was sensing demons so so I had a little bit of a connection and a validation there's a couple other things as well I was like I'm getting some kind of validation that maybe maybe I'm not crazy but I have again but at that time the gift of discerning spirits is more geared toward discerning Devils okay that was pretty much what it was geared toward and not much else and you know so what about the rest of it you know the mood shifts the hearing voices seeing strange things feeling strange things all the time nobody was talking about that side of the gift nobody okay and so for years it became a secret strange bizarre world where I knew information but I can explain to you how I knew it how many of you are feeling this how many are like okay I yeah all over the room this is this is very common all right and and so it's only like the last few years four or five years maybe that I've been able to start finding language and engineer some Burbidge so that we can actually put this out there so you understand what's happening with you you know Melissa hi Melissa wave your hand listen listen yeah Melissa okay and you know she has this gift and she told me she's it's the gift is overbearing at times it's overbearing on her emotions it's overbearing on her physiology and what happens to Melissa is she we'll feel literally what another person feels she'll show for example open up a news article about somebody who attempted suicide and she'll find herself agonizing in their anguish you know and and you know in in the pain that they couldn't see past and of course that pushes her into a place of deep intercession and she says that she says the gift is not a it's not a feel-good gift it's not a feel great gift but it's a gift that goes deep because that's where our Heavenly Father is he's in our deep places cleaning it up amen amen and that's how it works to her another guy some of you know him his name SID he described himself as having an awareness about people and a sense of t sensitivity of the spirit realm you know pretty much all his life and so what happened in his 20s he said he said he's in his pastors office all the time emotional and stormy overburdens about the charge burdens up people in the church and it turned out he would know all this stuff that nobody ever told him okay because he would feel it as if it was on and so he just made him really emotional stormy out of you know out of place that way and he finally realized you know about his 30s that he started to he realized that he was discerning things through his emotions picking up things in the spiritual environment processing them through his feelings but for a long time he thought he was bipolar and not stable that's what he thought about himself and then now he's starting to notice patterns okay making mental notes about when he shifts in his mood and what's going on and what spirit does he believe is there he started connecting the dots and now he's turning into an intercessor and these are the people we want to help these are the people we want to give identity to because they think they're crazy but they're gifted and they're very needed in the body of Christ amen want to keep going a little bit more a little bit segment okay now the fruit of this gift is just as important as learning how this gift processes you know you want to ask yourself are people being set free is the kingdom of God being established in greater measures because a lot of times this it has been credited for shaming and blaming people or falsely accusing them and because this gift works primarily through your senses it really requires practice it requires maturity it requires community to know what you are sensing and why and it needs a redemptive application ok it needs a retentive application so here's some reasons you have three quick reasons why this why we would wrongly discern something the first reason is having a loveless heart you might want to write that down having a loveless heart the first thing the Holy Spirit told me when I begin to realize that I was operating this gift first thing he told me is to not judge first thing now when I say you know to not judge you know be aware that not judging something does not mean we ignore something okay I just want to clarify that you know but but a proper response requires a right heart condition in order to be effective okay it requires that right heart condition and so he was directing my heart towards love and redemption especially when I encountered negative spiritual information about people or circumstances now I read this from Francis frangipane he says there is a false discernment that is based on mistrust suspicion and fear you can recognize false deserve it by the coldness around it false discernment maybe packaged in a type of love but it doesn't originate in love it comes out of criticism true discernment is rooted deeply in love okay so whenever you are discerning something about another let's say it's negative you know and you don't have evidence yet for what you discern but it really feels like a point of discernment what you need to do first is you need to discern your own heart am i and am i operating out of mistrust am i operating out of out of criticism am i operating out of you know trauma you know what am i operating out of and then if if you pass those heart tests and you want to ask the Holy Spirit what does love look like in this situation what does it look like okay and the answer is going to depend on context there is a no one-size-fits-all solution a set to be led by the Holy Spirit and wisdom and you know I said this this morning when you discern something by the Holy Spirit that's negative about somebody well that's a secret God just told you a secret and most of the time you are only going to pray like most of the time and you're just going to leave it there and we don't we don't share it with with people we don't tell other people I have no problem the Lord tells you something about me just keep it keep it a secret pray for me pray me pray me through it and that's what I'll do for you how's that sound I won't get up on this pulpit and say you know what catherine has a problem Holy Spirit Chuck you know what I'm saying oh no it's really important that we do that okay and but again I I'm a person who deals with things I'm not a person who sweep things under the rug but this is some good protocol don't you think a second thing is is what a contributes to wrong discernment is looking on outward appearances you know the looking at people's our president presentation presuming a spiritual condition good or bad now our presentation over time does communicate a few things but you know it is still outward presentation jesus said John 7:24 look beneath the surface so you can judge correctly all right so the discerning of spirits goes deeper than the outward appearances it bypasses intellect it bypasses logic you know it reveals what is imperceptible to the natural eye it de cloth it discloses the spirit of the matter and the real motives of the human heart we see that at play mariya Bethany and and when she's pouring out the oil of spikenard on Jesus's feet she's wiping his feet with her hair judas comes in and he gives us really severe terse compliant he says why wasn't this sold and given to the poor and really Jesus knew what was in their heart he knew that Mary was being moved on by the Holy Spirit to prepare him for his burial it was an anointing for burial he knew that Judas was a thief that's why he was complaining why didn't you sell this for her you know so we can give it to the poor really Judas wanted to steal it jesus knew that you know what he did he honored Mary he responded because he had right information isn't that amazing okay number three for wrong discernment is being inexperienced with the spiritual okay being inexperienced with the spiritual just before Jesus went to the cross you know he was speaking to the people around him about his impending death he's really troubled he's really vexed and you know he had determined that to not ask his Heavenly Father to spare him from the cross that was just amazing that he could actually ask that but he chose he did not do that and and you know he asked his Heavenly Father you know don't spare me from the cross I'm paraphrasing you know but be glorified in it and when he said that our Heavenly Father responded audibly in front of the crowd okay and he says I have glorified it and I will glorify it again that was John 12 29 I have glorified it and I will glorify it again now what's amazing to me is the whole crowd heard it they heard it but they couldn't distinguish it okay because they're inexperienced with the voice of God some it sounded like thunder others it sounded like an angel Jesus knew his father's voice because he was experienced with his father's voice so he could distinguish it so we're we miss it where we have wrong discernment is where we are our inexperience with the spiritual and this is why we need to we need to grow in our experience okay so there is a learning curve and walking out this skin it's like learning a new language only it's a spiritual language it takes time it takes practice it takes commitment but you will become fluent okay because the Holy Spirit he is the best teacher in the world and this is what he's doing friends he is teaching us this again so that we will see in the dark so that we will be in the know and so you know we will know how to respond to things because we see what is past the IMP we see was in person what's not perceptible to the natural I Amen I mean I'm going to invite you to stand did you learn something tonight all right okay a man a man a man Heavenly Father we just thank you we we worship You Lord we thank you God your for your goodness and we just thank you Lord you see one of the things about this gift Y is coming stronger and stronger on people's is God gives to us the gift in in the strength that we need for the assignment in the strength that we need for the season in the strength that we need for what's ahead I'm telling you what's ahead there's going to be a lot more deliverance but you know what you'll see a lot more of God okay because when you have the skip working in your life you see everything you experience everything you sense everything and so so so you know I'm hoping tonight this will this will this will open your eyes awaken your senses to to the possibilities and what God is doing and get you on the road to where we can start discerning and what you're going to love is you're going to be the only person in the room who sees the deceiver and doesn't get duped and even though your friends are like what's wrong with him show some grace come on this pray and you're like you know and you're like no no no I do pray I do bless but no no I'm not getting in that deal I have nothing behind us if I don't feel it that's the gift of discerning spirits okay Lord is so good he's so good to help us to see what others can't see so we we can minister much better because of it we can live life much better and there is some persecution with it because others won't see it but you will I just let the Lord sort that out okay how many you want to actually receive an impartation of this skin how many you want is to go deeper in your life just raise your hand just raise your hand mr. agent yeah it's an awesome gift just an awesome gift we just got understand it Heavenly Father just pray for everybody in the room here come on raise your hands get ready for an impartation get ready for an impartation from the Holy Spirit get ready for for this Heavenly Father we just thank you this is a good gift we just we just ask you well you said earnestly desire spiritual gifts oh we desire it and you said those are those who asked shall receive so we are asking and we shall receive this Heavenly Father I just release an impartation of the gift of discerning of spirits on those who sincerely desire in the room those who have their hands praise those who are who are craving this in their own heart and in their own life I release that impartation for the upon their lives now Holy Spirit come upon them give them eyes to see help them to see into the spiritual realm activate their senses activate their emotions Lord Lord and give them wisdom teach them Spirit of God what they are sensing and why give them give them that knowledge giving that information make them fluent make us a house that is fluent in the gift of discerning a spirit that we have rightt deserve it and not wrong to Zermatt Lord and we thank you Heavenly Father this is the your goodness this is your kiss to this earth God is people like this who can you can say delivering heal we thank you Jesus never said amen amen
Channel: Harvest Church
Views: 19,266
Rating: 4.8499999 out of 5
Keywords: HCC, Harvest Christian Center Turlock CA, Ron Eivaz, Jennifer Eivaz
Id: opyKWQ0mJMQ
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 47min 44sec (2864 seconds)
Published: Sun Nov 20 2016
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