Blacksmith Tools Shop Tour Part 1

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[Music] that's the that's the mic yes external mic hey we made it over to Andrew Alexander shop here in Dallas Texas and finally excited man finally made it here it's been a long day but I've been excited to come see his shop for a long time he's got a heck of a place I just did the nickel tour now I'm gonna take you on it he's got a lot of cool iron a lot of cool old machines I mean just all kind of cool stuff let's go so let's go check it out this is a pretty rare piece here this is a double coke bottle steam engine on one stain usually you just have you know one single team engine first first and this is two on one this is cool cuz when it's spinning this the governor yep and as it as it spins you know these balls push out and that's where that same balls to the wall came from okay four balls out or balls away oh I never knew that yes cars yeah yeah and that that controls the speed right yeah okay cool did it yeah what did you get him I was wondering if you got a chopper or some kind of Harley or something like that out of BMW cool so something that Jesse James owned there was more suiting for him oh yeah absolutely what is this a blower and it's uh you know with two wheels and then it would be a belt went here and the gear reduction if you will really made the fan motor spin fast because you'd have a belt that went from here to here and a girl went from here to here yeah okay cool yeah he's got a lot of stuff like this that's just old you know 1800s technology and he's got it he's got a bandsaw out there that what didn't even they went out of business in 18 years old uh yeah yeah it's cool you know I probably went in in the business like in the 20s 1820s yeah so it's gonna be 1820s 1890 I mean it is legitimately Oh yeah well check this out man I mean this is sort of one of the this is one of the rooms I was really excited to see but look at all his anvils I mean he's just got him everywhere and he's got he's got even more in other places so I know that he has the is a Richard postman yeah collection okay so this is not the collection here okay Pardo all right Richard postman wrote this book ambles in America okay and this is regarded as the anvil Bible if you will it covers all the anvil manufacturers you know how the ambles were made where they were made all of the literature about that's an excellent book I need to get one of those so I can learn yes so Richard postman the author acquired all these anvils to write the book to be able to get the knowledge to you know to look at them and see the composition of them and all that kind of stuff and so I very fortunately last year got the chance to buy all of the animals in this book yeah I remember that whenever you've made that post yeah so that's very cool yeah that's gonna be pretty cool I was asking Andrew about that earlier so he plans to have it set up sort of like a museum here eventually where you can come in and touch it feel yeah and get to see him in person Wow these are these all the all on the side is the Richard postman yeah pretty much okay like 300 here okay this one right here now this is a these are cool-looking ambles I've never seen one like that right so that's uh that's called bridge amble and you see those they were all used in the oil field and in shipyards rail yards and things of that nature yeah and they're the only animal that I can tell you historically that people beat the crap like just absolutely just destroy them I mean if you looking like this slow just how rough they are mean big people were just to them I think back then people use them for what they were made for and a lot of everybody these days seems too they want to take care of them then not well abuse them anymore there's an argument there both ways I mean if you treat an animal properly it's not gonna do this I got you necessarily yeah but that also could have been done because of the composition of the implement I'll be great you know these bridge animals are cast okay whereas a lot of able to see or forest or a wrought iron you know solid pieces so you see there's a lot of variables there if you booth is that booth booth Boyd and company are booth & Company Boyd mill Wow you know all you could about anvil manufacturers is like another 50 show up yeah yeah I've seen a couple of these that like in the like the so late steam yeah machine shop they had a couple of big fishers sitting there on the ground yeah so these were Sawyer's ambles there that are used for working with saw blades all right well here's some more of his uh this is more of the collection right here a lot of cool stuff in here man tabletop planer man like where do you start there's just there's just so much sin here but check this out it's one of my favorite pieces that is cool man what's great about this I mean think about this this machine was made before there was like a dude or a chick sitting there on a computer going you know typing in all the gear like all the mathematical equations and stuff to figure out the gears and how the thing worked if this was made with pencil and paper yeah you know the thought of it was and I just love her and the whole bed goes back and forth when it gets all the way back it trips this mechanism here and it goes forward and then when that dog hits right there trips again and goes back I let you go over there just yeah yeah that's pretty cool man so you plan on getting this thing yes operating yeah do you know what the make is yet the Wilkinson Wilkinson very cool super rare to find this size yeah I've never seen one before now there are smaller ones that were made there's a book that Kenneth Koch Cooper wrote called shapers planers and something else it's an amazing book and it covers all here Lucy actually I think I have her over oh I think you just showed me that the other day I ought to get those books oh great I need to get that oh yeah I showed it to because it has the 48 or 42 and 48 in shape free head like a monster haul that's one of those that I don't think anybody's seen in the wild really yeah it's been like you know we've seen catalog pictures of a 48 inch Cincinnati but I've never seen a picture of an actual shape or that big before I'm gonna have to find one yeah you're gonna have to find a force that we can all see it man you'll be the man find it here it is right here yeah there's that the 48 I'm gonna do is like a Clydesdale mm-hmm this is cool man and he can tell this one's old it was flat belt there were shapers that were made they were quite a bit smaller than this one - mm-hmm I know you got a little you got atlas you got small yes I'm in plan yeah I thought the pointers smaller yeah okay a couple out of the sevens well I'll see a lot of star plate that's a pretty cool way Stark lady it was it was really designed for the hobbyist you know the shop guy home so it's all it's all a manual that's right this is the largest French Pig amble known to exist it's 800 pounds I know why they call them pigs complete and the pig handles are my favorite you even got a Thor hammer in here man yeah yeah it's a Thor hammer hey Bom sighs you have a look at this guy look at that man that's a 680 pound Peter right really so that's like the one I have just a lot bigger that's pretty cool okay is this an anvil - yes does that go down in the wood yeah it's sewn like 27 pounds I think so that's cool this is called all these parts on this later either you know pretty ornately cast or or hand-forged okay cool man and I love the old precision drill presses the old twist back mm-hmm so the belt will go through here and then come out both sides and twist down to the motor yep it's neat stuff a lot of this oh look there's one of these little micro flat yeah yeah it is and Tom Lipton actually had a standards granite start reproducing these oh really yeah he's had probably Alma 150 200 of them made already and I got one oh that's cool pretty neat just uh yeah it was a Salesman display but he actually has them lapped but I think it's Double A oh why they're they're flat you could use them this is a really rare animal this is a Dale and and will this marked on there's one of five while the French Pig yeah here's a pretty rare ten pound button amber one of five in the world exist cool these are quarter white fringe pigs very desirable they looks just like a pig no hit the feet in the horn I just got this this is a master pattern from Holland's Spice Company which is just I can't tell you how mind-blowing is to own this and how I mean this is like it's extraordinary the Rafi that's what they would use to make the molds yes yeah so back in the day you had sales and samples and then you had patent models right yeah so when you went to apply for a patent at the Patent Office you had to take an actual model of your piece well and that's what this is a patent model of a power hacksaw and it's uh so it's functional then huh it hadn't been fully functional yet and that's how you find all this stuff man you had to need this collection of iron I've ever seen I found this a long time ago yeah how long you been collecting now 20 years years I've never seen an actual patent model of anything other than that like in person yeah that's really like that this was an old rasp yeah the farriers rasp and my favorite one is this one cuz I'm gonna see it was forged weld it really well together nice I mean this was back in the you know the day when it was you made stuff because you had to mm-hmm the wooden wooden bandsaw right there for some kind of screw press press Y press there's a Hardinge bb4 that's nice man I think it's clean - there's this little shaper this one's just an atlas [Music] no I enjoyed your little Instagram video because you tagged me in it and he was showing that and yeah that's cool it is there's a lot of home hobbyist that love this so seem like things cool yeah there's definitely been a resurgence in the warrant for a lot of this old iron overs I'd say the past you know I'd say decade maybe is starting to get a lot more popular there's a brownish art that's an old one there man very clean nice condition okay he was telling me he plans on doing a big shelf system on this wall here and that's where you're gonna put your bicycle bicycle ection there this is a big Charles Parker 958 vice came out of the Union Pacific rail yard nice what's cool about this is is the base I mean the bicycle is massive you know it's over 300 pounder but the base is amazing this is the original railroad base they made three different styles of it and the base along with a thousand pounds and they made this for the Vice it's great looks like it's casted and that is cool super heavy yeah there's only like 11 or 12 known out there and I've got seven yeah seven of these yeah all the talk to you later about that [Laughter] is that the big starett that we're looking for for me yeah this is the one that he told me I need to keep an eye out for right there yeah for sure so this is another style okay this one sits one inch lower this base was so that's four eight inch pipe is 4 9 inch wide jaw line okay and I have an 8 inch Joe vice on there at the moment but that is cool man but you see how show this one does not have a gusset underneath yeah it's all solid okay it has that big gusset coming off the back these are bad to the bone right here like this is this is zipper burst uh-huh do you know where that came from I don't know where that I mean I know where I got it but I don't know that one's marked okay I've got it another than that came from the actress until Peter said if a rail yard now what is that big one down then they're in that basket what's that big boy oh that's a 8 inch read it's a 208 oh yeah that's another one I really like it I think Michael Brant that's I think that's the size that he had at his chakra so you see how that one has a round base on the swivel base is round yeah so I like that I really like that but my favorite is the square and then you see how this has a flat nose on it yeah so this is newer this is like mine this is one like they call this a bull nose okay and there's a there's a flange deal inside here that locks this spindle on to the device to where it opens and closing in on this newer style they had this this piece that inserts in here and screws in and then you put a set screw right there okay I like the older style better there's a really cool voice behind that one the Studebaker oh yeah yeah those are pretty cool I just seen you you had another one that you just a foot-operated right like like this that's pretty cool man those are very interesting because your hands are free all the time and you have an incredible clamping power with that that is pretty cool material racks really cast iron material racks yeah Wow and these are not like incredibly uncommon if you will but they're not like you're not gonna find them everywhere yeah so it was just for you know it's mine yeah pipe and angle iron they stuff pictures I've seen have three of them in a row okay there's a power hacksaw yeah it's in the middle Pratt good ol Pratt they made a lot of machinist tools idiot for like craftsman they made craftsman machinist ability that's cool this is a neat cherry picker right here there is there is one there's one just like this we're on that in Pensacola that's been in this fenced in area as long as I remember it just sits right there it's completely rusted up but it's just like that dude I don't know if it's the same thing but it looks just like it do you know this is like a Holy Grail piece seriously really they're so uncommon and so sought after I've been eyeballing for years when you dive on it's not yet we need to find out who owns it get in there make an offer this is a bris a Weaver 28 months group rest yeah it's cool that you can get 28 tons of pressure out of a screw press you know and this is the high speed version or you can you know advance it down pretty quickly and it's ratcheting and then you can go forward and backwards the way this little tooth is made you can lift this up in the ground I've never seen this before oh yeah but think about it there's no hydraulics do this well that's it's similar to mine you're seeing my screw press yeah yeah Kent Kent more and then it's got a pulley on it you know electric motor hook to it so it makes the screw go up and down but it's a it's a nice press I love these things are grabbing that Weaver made a 20 ton 28 ton and a 60 ton in this bump in this bird there's a piece that broke off on this right over here oh okay I got you right okay so it would it would stop and then go to them that's why I was wondering is it advanced okay I just found another I bought a whole nother press just to get this piece okay but the other press all this was broken off of it yeah so it worked out great and then this one moves it up and down song yeah here's either says high speed yeah so you can bring it down where you want yeah set it and start it and then start your your pressure Weaver manufacturing company this is a great life this is the German supervise it sure is that's a big boy it is a bench vise even though it's over 600 pounds with 12-inch wide jaw you're gonna have a low vise I mean a low bench to be able to reach that so I looked for I've been looking for one of these for like ten years okay found this one right came up for sale and it was in it was in Germany that's called the German supervise and I bought it and I paid a fortune for it because I've never been had the chance to I was just like so giddy you know I had in like two weeks later another one popped up oh really German supervised okay they're very few of these in the US a handful or so probably so I see a spring in there to help retract the yeah moving job back oh yeah that's a big screw that looks like it's at least two inches are bigger that's crazy yeah these are both 9 inch Hollins the Holland's 19 Holland's 29 which are very rare hauling devices and then there's the ever-so-popular 8-inch Wilton bullet yeah those are sweet vices - yeah you got some more hiding back here yeah you get some more vim spices yeah they're all on display I have like I think 12 or 15 baskets full of bench rises like this Wow you have any idea how many you actually have there over 700 over 700 bench boxes these will call the old Wilton rear swell jawans so I started well I started collecting animals I started buying handles first but I think I started collecting vices like really it seriously collecting Bisons before I did animals and I've got you know 500 something animals but I got way more vices here's here's one like I have this is this is a parker but I have a I have a Morgan Milwaukee yeah yeah there's some business actually yep we've got two of them just like it at work that they bought brand-new I like seeing all the Reid vices man yeah yeah I love those I love the big man as a tense that was just cool another basket full of vices right there that's a really rare piece there too 610 count cute swage block mm-hmm and then that animals upside down but it has a side one on it this is that that's a solid anvil there just this oh okay I got you there's a really rear of one of one Thomas Benny Cutler example right there underneath it and some more bridge ambles there there's Andrews welding welding rig angry mister angry yeah sometimes you get mad fellow hey you need I like the Wilton but you need to put one of those eight inches on the other side because that's really gonna draw some more attention you know what's funny is like okay I have all these vices and then I put this little one on here like this is the one where you like I think it's gone who cares I got ya I got 800 more inside that's a nice set up this so let's see how many hours 94 hours mm-hmm this welders like I think maybe three years old really it's glitter shifter knobs he definitely got a nice place here man I love the I love the old building and we've got we've got more to see okay this is a really exciting piece for me it's it's made or was made by the roll stone machine company and they were in Pittsburgh Pittsburgh Massachusetts roll stone went out of business this is crazy they went out of business in 1890 right they were in business from 1826 1890 that's it so this is a very old machine it's just awesome to see like you know the casting mm-hmm they ornately did back in the day and this I mean just look at the design of this thing how it kind of swoops around it's just it's beautiful it really is something else so this is the tensioner right for the belt so that screws and move this up and down elevates it and then you can move these two can't the wheel in or out to get it to track properly okay I mean dude just think about that back in the day they just all right well we need this we need that we gotta have this and then you know there was no computer and they made it it made it made it happen this is awesome just so you got your idler pulley right here yeah and then you'd have you know you switch your belt over and it would pick the whole it up in a way you would go that's where you have the lever up top just switch your but move your belt over right right and so that there is no electric motor on this I mean it yeah this was the machine in its entirety driven off the line shaft you got your oil spot here you know that's cool it's just built right into it's not a separate piece just to cap is attached to it I think there's one more well there's the bearing caps up topper open okay so you would pour oil in there you know banned solids have cool what you know referred to his cool blocks and these cool blocks are made out of wood so the blade would travel in between those you know to keep it aligned but they were made out of wood I mean same thing back here there'd be a wooden felt dark right that attached to these two okay and but the belt would travel inside this piece of wood yeah where I make you know yeah that's cool man beautiful piece really really cool I you know I do Instagram of course but I don't do a lot of Facebook but somebody sent me a link on Facebook to this hammer being for sale it's an AJAX and it's a 300 pound Ajax it's extraordinarily uncommon hammer to be in the US and the kid listed it for 250 bucks really I mean I could not get it pay for it fast enough right what's awesome is it's a two piece cameras of it the ambulance a block is separate from the main frame of the hammer okay then the anvil itself goes subsurface 18 inches okay right so you have to have a hole in the ground for that to go in and then everything else gets set up around it and so I'm in the project wow look at this this is this is all part of it too this I think was kind of a afterbirth if you will okay because it is just kind of a smorgasbord of craziness it's a cont watch system yeah right so there's a shaft that will attach to the universal joints down to that would have a foot-operated lever that you know engages and disengages a clutch it's it's a it's a koan clutch with jack shaft system yeah completely unnecessary because before the hammer would have run just off of a flat belt one flat belt off of that blue flower all that side over there yeah and there's a weight it got bent during shipping Buster this weight is a break there's a pad on the front here so when you push down on the treble before would it would disengage this brake and allow that flat belt to spin you know okay and then all this is eccentric here look at the leaf spring yeah so what when I say 300 pounds it would be like holding a 300 pound sledge hammer and repetitively hitting metal with it I mean it's just a very aggressive very awesome machine I'll bet man one thing I love is to get machines going like this sitting forever like this get had it in pieces so I got it all back together got it here I got to see it run you know yeah I did have to I was like I was that way when I got that shaper you just couldn't stop ready just ready to see that thing it's just so uh it's so fulfilling like when you get to that point where where you turn something on that hasn't been on ever yeah it's like okay this is amazing yep I know the feeling man [Music]
Channel: Abom79
Views: 150,740
Rating: 4.8829002 out of 5
Keywords: abom79, blacksmithtools, anvils, power hammer, vise, reed vise, holland vise, parker vise, vintage machines, vintage iron, old anvil, blacksmithing, forging, littlegiant, knifemaking, old tools, vintage machinery, antique machinery, steam engine, hammer, machine shop, blacksmith shop, lathe, mill, wilton vise, big vises, big anvils, andre alexander, dallas, dallas texas, texas
Id: _gqn6EBwPFk
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 30min 24sec (1824 seconds)
Published: Wed Dec 05 2018
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