The Abandoned Anvil ~ DISCOVERY, RESTORATION, & REPAIR with a Custom Built Anvil Stand

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Channel: Salvage Workshop
Views: 2,421,729
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: anvil, blacksmithing, blacksmith, restoration, tool restoration, tools, metalworking, woodworking, metalshop, woodshop, welding, grinding, welder, old tools, craftsmanship, Salvage Workshop, rusty, handmade, repair, hammer, workshop, Power Hammer, asmr, antique, hardy tool, rust removal, anvil repair, mounting an anvil, fixing an anvil, smithin, anvil mount, Hardy, forged in fire, Anvil base, quieting an anvil, finding an anvil, anvil rebound, Peter Wright Anvil, coal Forge, bladesmith, metal stand
Id: P_wZ5a-OlWQ
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 38min 52sec (2332 seconds)
Published: Fri Mar 13 2020
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