BLACK WIDOW BREAKDOWN! Easter Eggs & Details You Missed!

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welcome back to new rockstars i'm eric voss and this is a breakdown of marvel studios black widow which finally tells the story of the most secretive avenger and the blood on her ledger really is the first mcu film to release after a two-year gap it's just welcome relief to appreciate all the interesting filmmaking details the mcu easter eggs and other hidden gems that appear all over this film spoiler warning and let's dive into the past or past and before we begin be sure to head over to for our black widow inspired latest obsession shirt i kind of play on the classic hourglass logo super limited supply we got another black widow shirt design you might like as well as some loki designs like the gator loki polo shirt and the loki out of time tea that i'm wearing get it all at here we go we open in ohio 1995 where natasha romanov age 11 played by ever anderson daughter of milo djovic spent her youth with a family of russian spies now these include elena bilova florence pew but here violet mcgraw black widow's long time rival in the comics alexis shostakov aka the red guardian david harbor a soviet counterpart to captain america and molina vostikov rachel weiss aka the iron maiden from the comics but from this dysfunctional family unit we get this film's central thematic conflict forgiving your family because the main events of black widow are set right after captain america civil war in 2016 two years before the avengers would reunite infinity war but in this interim period with her avengers family in this kind of divorce natasha romanov must both forgive and seek forgiveness from her past family so that she can learn to heal the family that she chose similar to the premise of the americans on fx russian spy families are actually a real world thing in 2010 the fbi arrested 10 russian illegals including four couples who had all been living under cover in america for years and you'll notice the opening credits allude to this with a tv report from w-h-i-h that's marvel's in-universe news service about natasha's family being outed evoking those reports that we saw in 2010 but the year 1995 is an eventful one in mcu history as shield was stretched thin dealing with the skrulls and the cree and the return of carol danvers in the events of captain marvel but also elsewhere in the universe gamora was taken from her native people and turned into a deadly weapon by thanos parallel to the girl soldier future awaiting these two young natasha has blue hair covering up her red roots all already foretelling a life of hair alteration and masking her red the sisters exchanged this whistle which they echo to say goodbye at the end of the film and the opening lines of this film are also bookended upside down and i bet you're gonna fall out first and later when natasha finds the elaine on the ground elena says we're both upside down after stealing a secret government disk they have to flee and they play helena's favorite song don mclean's american pie a song about the 1959 plane crash that killed early rock and roll stars buddy holly richie valens and the big bopper a song that many interpret as a kind of allegory for american pop culture throughout the 50s and 60s with all these crazy specific references that don mclean has cryptically never acknowledged what they actually mean but generally it is about american disillusionment of that era but interestingly elena just likes a song for its simple catchy melody not really realizing the darker truth of the lyrics much like the way she sees her life in ohio as just pure and genuine without really understanding the darkness of what's going on notice how the song plays over some departing images of americana including a football game recalling the lyrics of the fourth verse of american pie about a football game halftime marching band refusing to leave the field which some say could have really been about the beatles rock takeover with sergeant pepper and in the shot you can see the marching band on the far end of the field there when they get to the plane alexi clears away by showing some surprising super strength notice how the trailer flips with just a solid thud no bounce just a subtle animation effect showing how heavy this thing is now they're pursued by shield suvs not those of the fbi or even the local pd indicating that they're not being chased because they're russian spies but because they interfered with a shield operation which we learn more about when they arrive in cuba and meet with general drakov and the north institute yes the north institute is from a 2004 run of black widow comics the institute worked on behalf of the gynecon corporation i know it's called the gynecon corporation but they were killing off widow agents after they purchased russian biotech from the red room's successor but in this film it's a similar program but run by shield which was secretly run by hydra at the time in conjunction with their winter soldier program to produce a cellular map of the inner brain for chemically induced mind control but drakov is a familiar name in the mcu first mentioned by loki all the way back in the first avengers film i got read in my lecture i'd like to wipe it out can you can you wipe out that much red drakov's daughter and yes we will meet drakov's daughter very soon but these opening titles are scored by nirvana's smells like teen spirit but covered by think up anger featuring malia j now this song was written by kurt cobain as an anarchic anthem for disaffected gen xers but now through this female voice it's used to convey these girls being converted into mindless assets for the interests of the powerful notice how natasha breaks away to give you elena something folded this was the photo booth strip that she took from the car which elena later uses in the movie to mark her message for natasha the montage shows a close-up of drakov's ring which later is the key that natasha uses to unlock and download all the red room data the montage shows footage of them staging home videos of christmas and other holidays as natasha reveals later that all the photos in their albums were shot on a single day with different backdrops to make them look like a convincingly american family we see a close-up of a red hair bow rotating to become the hourglass shape of the black widow logo now on a human target similar to the ones natasha remembered shooting at in her red room flashbacks in age of ultron but were actually people we see imagery of the north institute file and pigs a clue for how melina will use the north institute data to test mind control on pigs first but then later on humans that are being used as metaphorical pigs for the slaughter and then all these crazy photos of drakov photoshopped in the photos with various world leaders including jimmy carter bill clinton boris yeltsin condoleezza rice and vladimir putin yeah so much for this guy staying in the shadows and we catch up with natasha romanov 21 years later in 2016 right after civil war when she was on the run william hurt returns as thaddeus ross and says tasha is in violation of the sokovia accords she assaulted the king of wakanda yes referring to the superhero registration law that captain america refused to sign and natasha despite initially agreeing with tony stark swung over to team cap by attacking black panther to allow cap and bucky to escape and ross tells her we got barton we got wilson and the other guy the incredible shrinking convict referring to the members of team cap who at this point were still imprisoned on the raft including hawkeye and falcon and the incredible shrinking convict is ant-man scott lang and i love how he uses the hulk's incredible moniker for that natasha brings up ross's triple bypass surgery that he used to explain his absence at the start of civil war but she slips on by actually being on a ferry to norway girl i'll get you black widow in morocco adult elena bulova leads a team targeting an older widow roxanna who sprays the elena with the antidote to the widow's chemical subjugation i like how during their knife fight yelena drops a knife from one hand to the other i love that move natasha actually later uses it while fighting taskmaster just showing some of their parallel training there we first meet taskmaster as they watched footage from the civil war airport battle of hawkeye fighting black panther that was actually updated from the trailer version of the shot that showed taskmaster watching footage of natasha and iron man 2. so in the comics taskmaster is tony masters a mercenary and assassin with photographic reflexes that mirror the combat style of any combatant but this film changes the character too as we learn in the third act of the film antonia drakov's daughter with all of her mirrored fighting not being an innate physical skill but instead based on some fighting analysis algorithm in her heads-up display in her helmet and the chip that's in the back of her head so she's a bit more terminatory now but i'll say this is similar to the upgrade in iron man's mark 46 armor that he used to also predict cap's fighting combat style in civil war in a safe house natasha meets her contact rick mason otf bendlay passports a couple of local drivers licenses fanny longbottom yeah later on in the post-credits scene elena names her dog fanny and then this exchange there's some mail and personals from the budapest safe house budapest yeah uh budapest no it's it's budapest through the past yes natasha is using the hungarian pronunciation calling back her exchange with hawkeye in avengers just like budapest all over again you and i remember budapest very differently natasha looks at some blonde hair dyes setting up how she will change her hair by the end of this film to set up her look in avengers infinity war and she watches the 07 roger moore film moonraker with some surprisingly similar plot points as black widow including a skydive parachute sequence that people definitely should not have survived and a hidden base floating in secret above earth but taskmaster attacks natasha using a shield with a discus hurl that she likely got from watching footage of captain america and i love this detail when natasha crawls out of her vehicle looking for taskmaster notice how the vehicle suddenly stops teetering even though without nat nothing would be weighing down that side of the vehicle telling us that it was taskmaster who had landed on top of it natasha tries to take down taskmaster with her classic scissors maneuver but taskmaster uses it right back on her now within taskmaster's heads up display on the right are the words evaluating defensive measures with on the left a predict percentage and a threat percentage and then various pressure points on her body with percentages maybe to show how effective a blow to that region would be or how likely natasha is to use it and again yes this is very similar to stark's mark 46 text so much so that i'm wondering if a version or an early prototype of it could have been stolen from stark's research they do simultaneous flip jumps to their feet something that natasha remembers as a move she later uses in combination with the downward punch to release the antidote on her and then in the second scan taskmaster's display shows two numbers per arm the top of which may correspond to the likelihood she'll strike with that side the bottom maybe meaning how much of a threat that strike would be and then the directive has changed to redirect to primary target meaning that all of this is being viewed remotely by dracov giving her commands moment to moment natasha lasso's taskmaster to the overhead beam but taskmaster slashes it and swings into this acrobatic flip maybe a move that she got from watching videos of spider-man that we know are on youtube at this point and knocks natasha off the ledge but with her the vials so natasha takes these to budapest where she spars with yelena and then after the fight she asks what bullet does that bullets arrows another reminder of natasha and hawkeyes passed in budapest and perhaps this was some scuffle after their attempt to kill dracob which natasha reveals was the final step in her defection to shield elena didn't want natasha to bring the vials back here she wanted her to give them to her scientist friends of the avengers like tony stark but natasha says they aren't talking just one example of how the civil war really just left the world a less safe place they're chased by other widows one tragically breaks her leg so drakov decides to terminate her remotely from his tablet yikes taskmaster chases them in a freaking tank plowing through the cars on the street as they are fleeing on a motorcycle and with taskmaster's terminator essence it's just hard not to see this as an homage to the chase sequence in t2 judgment day natasha and elena hide from taskmaster in a ceiling vent martin and i spent two days hiding out up here the doodles include a hawkeye arrow some games of tic-tac-toe in a game of hangman it's hard to make out what the word was supposed to be but based on the letters and the wrong letters already chosen i'm gonna guess butterfly a flashback shows that budapest mission with natasha tracking drakov's daughter [Music] yeah that sound effect of antonia stepping out of the car is a modulated version of the sound taskmaster made earlier when she hopped out of the car to confront natasha on the bridge just a little clue telling us that they are the same person elena explains that the reason draykov was able to stay off of natasha's radar or never tried to kill her was to stay hidden from the big avengers wait what are the big ones well i doubt the god from space has to take an ibuprofen after a fight of course referencing thor though thor was off world during civil war but this video was sponsored by expressvpn now that shows like rick and morty are back do you want to re-watch old seasons but your 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clicking the link in the description below elena mocks natasha's landing pose with the hair flip back it's a fighting pose you're a total poser not a poser one of my favorite running jokes of the movie but also an example of how to elena and natasha's family of the avengers seems like a joke a way of hitting back at her for natasha saying elena thinking her ohio family was so great that being a joke later they talk about their parents did you ever look for your parents your real ones my mom abandoned me in the straight like garbage an endgame natasha would be shaken to hear red skull call her daughter of ivan meaning she has some father out there named ivan but back in infinity war he also called gamora daughter of thanos when he was not her biological father just a very hands-on paternal figure so really this leaves this ivan guy a mcu mystery elena says she invented histories for them all my sister moved out west is that right you're a science teacher your husband he renovates houses i like to think of this hypothetical life as natasha mary and bruce banner who does in a way renovate houses elena mentions wanting a dog which she does get in the post-credits scene on the drive elena says see my vest it has a lot of pockets but i use them all the time i've never had control over my own life before and now i do so when she gives this vest to natasha and nat shows up wearing this same vest in infinity war it's not just about the pockets folks it is a symbol of she and her sister having more control over their lives and we catch up with alexi in prison [Music] that guardian's time i grab hold of his shield a test of strength yeah the other prisoner is right to point out if this was 1983 or 84 steve rogers was still frozen in ice and assuming alexia had been in prison for longer than five years it's impossible for the two to have ever met or capped to have any idea who he is and alexi goes on with this story anyway this shield you know that he carries with him like like a precious baby blanket you know i i use it to my advantage i dig it i push him out the window what do you think about it alexi does get a kind of victory moment this way in the final sequence using the shield to his advantage to smash a soldier through the window of the jet his prison tattoos are awesome including a russian imperial eagle on his chest and carl and marks across his knuckles natasha and elena send him a red guardian action figure yeah it sounds like david harper actually recorded the russian catchphrase for the toy and i love that natasha and elena assumed he would be wistful enough to pull that string so that he would find the earpiece in the head on their tablet this prison is called seventh circle prison which is the name of a run of the punisher daredevil comics but also the circle in hell and dante's inferno for souls that have committed acts of violence alexi is strong enough to break glass and kick down the doors but not to climb the second level perhaps justifying why he was unable to escape in the past natasha does her pose landing elena blows the tower which triggers an avalanche and alexis springboard's office shield to make it up finally similar to that moment in the avengers when natasha springboarded from capshield to hop up to some chatari and then after lifting him out yolanda hits alexi for abandoning them and he asks if it's her time of the month to which they respond i don't have a uterus yeah that's what happens when the red room gives you an involuntary hysterectomy yes a much more vivid description of what natasha described in age of ultron to bruce banner they have a graduation ceremony they sterilize you it's efficient one less thing to worry about so they find molina on her pig farm where she's using mind control tech to guide these pigs through a maze like lab rats i just feel so bad for these pigs especially that alexi one the one she nearly suffocates of course not to mention the human test subjects whom she never really seems to feel that bad about torturing we stole the key to unlocking free will the world functions on a higher level when it is controlled which leads to an argument over whether they were true family at any point our family was never real so there's nothing to hold on to please don't say that it was real it was real to me you are my mother you were my real mother but afterwards melina and natasha end up coming together over natasha learning that her biological mother continued to look for her and then was killed off by draco i just feel like melina switch comes a bit too quickly as if she might have had another agenda here like she could have revealed this to natasha in order to gain her trust but really to further incentivize natasha to kill drakov in order to remove him from the widow program and allow melina to step in and take over the operation like i just have a lot of questions about her plan the way she has only one earpiece set which is kind of a weird detail almost like melina wanted all the communication of this plan to go through her and this plan was to offer to help land the red room right into ross's lap even though that could end up with her behind bars and she does this by sneaking into the engine control room of a base that she designed and therefore would know that drakov would be watching her so that she would have to oopsie daisy dos vidanya the engine to crash the whole thing that would conveniently destroy all evidence of her role in this chemically subjugating women program i am just saying things lucked out pretty great for the iron maiden let's keep an eye on that one but back while they're talking elena snaps at alexi the only thing you care about are your stupid glory days is the crimson dynamo and no one wants to hear about it it's the red guardian crimson dynamo was another russian marvel villain for whom in iron man 2 they took the name anton vanko ivan vanko's father and ivan's fake id bore the name boris turganev who was the second crimson dynamo in the comics drakov's forces arrive and elena finds natasha or who she thinks is natasha but in that closet the masks are no longer hanging and the red and brunette wigs are taken away just a clue that natasha and molina must have swapped and they go to the red room a floating base somehow hidden in the clouds now you'll know how draco stayed above the radar all these years kind of a weird thing to say but remember natasha is a big fan of double 07 a genre where the villains tend to declare their plans loud and so by doing this natasha gives alexi details that he otherwise might not have had which might be why taskmaster immediately re-sedates him so natasha disguised as melina meets with dracov who gets right up in her face right away it's a painting my ass yeah notice he inhales through his nose briefly and then shortly after he cuts her off and forces her to sit while gripping her head yeah he may have caught from this moment or even from her scent that this is not the real molina and then just plays along and then as draco boxes her in saying natasha is a traitor the light from outside dims on his face and then the jig is up when you look into the eyes of a child you have raced no mask in the world can hide then yeah yeah spy natasha previously used a similar mask in captain america the winter soldier and more recently sharon carter used one of these in the falcon and the winter soldier in drakov's office hangs a portrait of rasputin this was the mystic healer and advisor to the final russian royal family of tsar nicholas ii reflecting how drakov might see himself as the man with the magic touch running the empire from the shadows but really an empire that is about to topple due to a violent revolution when drakov tells antonia to reveal herself she does so by hitting a specific button on her buzz lightyear panel something natasha notices and then later uses in the final blows of the fight on the ground to pop open her helmet so that she can spray her dracoff reveals he has been making widow agents out of girls all over the world it's kind of impossible to count all them on the screen but by going by the little red square since we know each of them is a face looks like about 48 rows down and at least three times that wide so around 7 000 widows or more which is an insanely huge army of assassins but notice how this map shows no widows illuminated in the wakanda region now this is still right after civil war wakanda has not yet revealed itself as a major world power people just think it's a small poor farming country but really drakov's talk about toppling world empires really would not have upset the global status quo that much if wakanda remains standing and once drakov shows his cards by saying he runs it all from that control pad natasha responds thank you for your cooperation a callback to avengers when she tricked loki into revealing his plan thank you for your cooperation so that dasha severs her olfactory nerve so that she can attack dracov and you can see the moment she snatches his ring when she places her hand on his on the control pad goes right over the ring and as he falls back no ring drakov's glasses fall off as she hits him but when the widows save him he puts them back on signaling how he's back in control but setting up when he dies his glasses fly off after elena blows his getaway jets engine meanwhile taskmaster's fighting alexi showing off some vibranium claws like black panther and kickflips the shield just like cap's big move also notice taskmaster shows that she's been watching footage of the winter soldier as well because she does bucky's signature knife flip natasha fights the other widows as the red light from drakov's world map beams the faces of the other girls onto their own faces just showing how all these women are connected fighting for the fates of all the women around the globe the elena hits them all with an antidote grenade and as natasha downloads the data about the other widows their faces flicker past creating this kind of michael jackson black or white music video effect where they all merge into one just another display of how all their forced servitude connects them in a way when natasha frees taskmaster from the cell taskmaster's heads-up display in the helmet flickers a little sign to natasha that the prediction algorithm is glitching and she might have a chance to break through to her the base explodes and crashes late into this insane skydive battle and to stop her sister from falling first echoing the first scene natasha dives after her with a parachute and then miraculously makes it to the ground safely enough natasha gets a scissor kick that antonia is unable to reciprocate so natasha can open her helmet and punch the vial in the aftermath of all this the family makes their peace if it can work out with the four of us you know there may be some hope for the avengers yes this movie's way of linking the forgiving family theme with natasha's coming conflicts alongside the avengers which natasha echoes again in the final scene it's funny my whole life i didn't think i had any family turns out i got two so one of them's a bit of a mess right now i'm gonna go break a few of them out of prison see if i can't help patch things up with her short blonde hair and yelena's vest she is ready for when we would chronologically see her next in infinity war now timeline wise this would set all the 2016 events of black widow just in a few days during the epilogue of civil war linking back up with cap as he broke the others out of the raft at the very end of that film and then still leaving it a big mystery what they were all doing for two years on the run after this and as she takes off in the quinjet the music is alan silvestri's avengers theme leaving us with the shot of the fireflies in the trees just like in the opening scene but now visually linking with the glows on the world map each glow representing one of the forgotten lives that these sisters have now put on a path to liberation now i broke down the post-credits scene in a whole other video go check that out but that is everything i noticed in black widow more videos will be coming out on this channel about this movie soon so be sure to subscribe to new rockstars follow me at eavos follow new rockstars thanks for watching those vidania douchebags [Music] you
Channel: New Rockstars
Views: 2,737,182
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: new rockstars, new rockstars youtube, youtube new rockstars, Black widow, black widow breakdown, black widow Easter egg, black widow review, black widow reaction, taskmaster, red guardian, avengers, captain america, Hawkeye, black widow post credit, Yelena
Id: NtgcOGA0iJ4
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 24min 53sec (1493 seconds)
Published: Sat Jul 10 2021
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