X-MEN FIRST CLASS (2011) BREAKDOWN! Easter Eggs & Details You Missed! | X-Men Rewatch

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welcome back to New rockstars I'm Eric Boss and this is a breakdown of 2011's X-Men first Class the fifth installment of our X-Men Snick snicked rewatch as we break down all 13 of the fox X-Men and Deadpool films ahead of Deadpool 3 this movie was a prequel SL reboot to the X-Men films that came before and so it recasts some high-profile roles for a look at the start of Charles Xavier school and its friendship and subsequent rivalry with Eric linster Magneto let's break down this film scen by scene for all the Easter eggs the links to the MCU and as always if you want to avoid any potential dead three spoilers I will leave all of that conversation for the deaner room at the end of this video and to celebrate this X-Men rewatch we are doing a special X-Men themed merch release which is really the best way to support new rockstars grab one of these designs by clicking the link in the description the film opens in Poland in 1944 director Matthew vau recreated the opening sequence of the 200000 X-Men film shot for shot with different actors this time the sequence continues after young Eric lyncher is knocked out the camera pans up to show Sebastian Shaw played by Kevin Bacon watching ing out his rain soaked window while sipping a cup of tea like the K the Frog meme but you know a Nazi we're also reminded of the American officers toasting with champagne during Wolverine's origin story Matthew vau had been hired to direct The Last Stand originally but he backed out due to some time constraints and he said later a Fallout with Fox Executives over a bogus fig script designed to trick halib Berry but he was thrilled to be brought back for this film he actually came on in this movie having just finished directing kickass a movie known for having both quick Silvers in it Aaron Taylor Johnson and Evan Peters hey remember in W Vision when w said kickass and we all lost our minds around the same time Eric lyncher powers are manifesting in Poland a young Charles Xavier sleeps in his lonely but cozy Castle in Westchester New York next to his bed are a baseball a book and frame photos of Charles Darwin whose namesake appears later in this film and Rita Hayworth in a still from the film You Were Never Lovelier and Albert Einstein though this particular photo of Einstein wasn't taken until 1947 3 years after this particular scene is set we all learned exactly what Einstein was doing at this point in his life from the movie Oppenheimer also in the Last Stand Kitty Pride discussed Einstein with professor Savior and he responded Yes but Einstein was not a mutant as far as we know the actor playing 12-year-old Charles is Lawrence Belcher who was cast after Charlie roow dropped out due to conflicts with shooting the film Neverland young Raven future Mystique breaks into Charles's house looking for food and takes on the form of his mother he immediately knows is not really his mom since she'd never be this warm to him his quick distress is something in line with their relationship in the comics after her husband's death Sharon Xavier remarried Dr kurtt Marco who had a son from a previous marriage Kan Marco Juggernaut who we saw in the Last Stand Dr Marco was abusive and drove Shar to alcoholism and depression so she became neglectful of Charles so yeah she probably wouldn't be in the kitchen making him hot chocolate Charles is thrilled to meet another mutant and Raven is thrilled that he's not immediately afraid of her in her natural blue skinned form he essentially adopts her as a sister kind of like Wendy did with the lost boys and Peter Pan and without proper legal or parental permission in the comics mystique and Charles's relationship varies sometimes their childhood friends and sometimes their enemies they were technically married at one point but that's been pretty much ignored meanwhile Sebastian Shaw plays Lai on Rose by Edis PF on the photograph like the photo of Einstein this would be anachronistic that song was actually recorded in 1946 2 years after this scene takes place the song though is about seeing the world through rose-colored glasses finding the positives or beauty in everyday life other Ed the PF songs have been featured in Loki Agents of Shield Falcon Winter Soldier this song featured in Inception Shaw will later play the same song later on in the hellfire club in 1962 ironic though that he's playing it there which would be the most awful setting possible seban Shaw offers Eric some chocolate this is something Nazi scientist yoseph mangala would actually do to children before conducting horrible Eugenics experiments on them and he says the fite there is an actual X-Men comic series called Uncanny X-Men the new age written by Chris Claremont in his return to the X-Men world he was responsible for creating a lot of Magneto's backstories so this line about the new age might be the film's way of paying homage to him unlike the first X-Men when Charles opened the film talking about evolution of mutation as a natural occurrence Shaw is trying to force mutation through any means necessary while the Nazis want to use Eugenics to breed traits like blonde hair and blue eyes he wants to use it to create more mutants there's a really cool reveal when the camera flips to show that this whole conversation has been taking place next to a lab with various weapons and medical torture devices it makes the audience realize that sha has just been doing this whole act offering chocolate distancing himself from the Nazis with this looming threat negating everything Shaw tries to get Eric to move the coin using only his mind and in a true check off's gun moment this is the very coin that Eric will use to kill Shaw later after he shoots Eric's mother and activates his powers Shaw actually hands him the coin to keep the instrument of his own destruction the image of the coin in Eric's Palm flips up to reveal the title of the film and then we fast forward 18 years to Geneva Switzerland in 1962 Eric now uses his powers to move the coin through his fingers which is reminiscent of him keeping the Newton's Cradle ball swinging using only his mind in the first film it's the sort sort of mental busy work that successfully shows Mastery over his powers he has a board with all the Nazi players he wants revenge on and some string connecting them all there's a handdrawn picture of Shaw which Eric presumably Drew himself and black and white photos of some other people the fact that there's no photo of Shaw makes me think that he keeps a low profile we find out later that his powers keep him young so it would make sense that he doesn't want photographic evidence of his seeming immortality Eric drives the coin into the photograph for shadowin Shaw's death at the end of the film at a bar in Oxford University a now 24 y- old Charles Xavier played by James back boy uses his knowledge of mutations to hit on Amy a co-ed with heterochromia a mutation producing two different colored eyes Jason Striker William Striker's son had one green eye and one blue eye just like this woman does I wonder if she's somehow related to him she's played by Annabelle Wallace who played Grace on pey blinders and was also the lead in the crazy horror film malignant James makoy was the first actor cast for this film and after he got the role he shaved his head before learning that it was a period piece that they wanted him to have 60 style hair so they had to give him hair extensions for much of the film before it grew back he would shave it again correctly this time for X-Men apocalypse after Charles orders Amy a drink he touches his Temple indication that he's using his powers to see what she likes Raven bristles at this flirtation and at Amy who obviously isn't real mutant saying that they should reclaim the word and coining the phrase mutant and proud mutant and proud are settling with pretty mutations or invisible ones like yours but if you're freak better hide this actually comes up a few times for mystique but it connects to X2 which it tells Nightcrawler that they shouldn't have to hide who they are then V not stay in Disguise all the time you know look like everyone else cuz we shouldn't have to X-Men has always had parallels to both the civil rights movement and with the film starting in 2000 LGBT rights and the phrase mutant and proud is similar to Sentiments like gay pride or other LGBT slogans like we're here we're queer get used to it Raven asks Charles if he' date her as her true self and it's definitely hurt that he avoids answering this sets up how much it means to her later on that Eric wants to be with her in her true form and helps explain her loyalty to him over the years although she does sell him out in the Last Stand after she gets shot with a cure and he abandons her the Swiss bank manager that Eric goes to get information from is played by James Falkner Randall tle from Game of Thrones his photo is actually one of the ones on Eric's spard in his hotel room Eric is able to prevent him from pressing the bank alarm because he's wearing a watch with metal in it big mistake melting down gold fillings was horribly actually something the Nazis did Eric turns it on the bank manager here and we get a shot the metal filling flying out of his mouth from inside his mouth Sebastian Shaw's club in Las Vegas is called Atomic in the comics Children of the atom was a phrase used to refer to mutants there was even a video game with this title released in the '90s Moira mctaggert recast here as Rose Burns Stakes it out Matthew Von wanted this film to be sort of a soft reboot of the franchise if necessary so he told the actors not to study or base their performances on the actors who came before them he nicked Mo as Scottish accent that she had in the animated series and in The Last Stand when she was played by Olivia Williams this is also why James McAvoy who actually is Scottish has a slightly different accent that Patrick Stewart used morira isn't a scientist here she's a CIA agent keeping tabs on some major players is that Colonel Henry yes it is that's three mob bosses the Italian Ambassador and the CEO of Lockheed they can all be Communists it's hellfire club it's got to be something else this is the first mission of the hellfire club in the X-Men film franchise in the comics the hellfire club was a secret society introduced during the dark Phoenix Saga and Uncanny X-Men number 129 over the years they worked both with and against the X-Men depending on whether their interests aligned Colonel Hendry is played by Glen morer who also played General Jacobs and Agents of Shield and has a recurring role in the Transformers movies General morer he plays a lot of military guys Emma Frost greets him at the door she's played by January Jones who when this film came out was better known as Betty Draper from the madman series and while perfectly cast in my opinion in that show she really doesn't bring much to this role or really to most other projects as Sebastian Shaw big dogs Colonel hindry to pressure him into putting jipper missiles in Turkey he once again plays Lavon Rose so this is clearly his preferred music to hear before doing terrible stuff Henry's been drinking champagne like the military men during the Weapons X procedure and Wolverine's X-Men flashbacks there's also a bowl of M&M's on the table and there are blue ones in there even though blue M&Ms weren't introduced until 1995 hey maybe we're just in an alternate timeline where you know everything just kind of got jostled around a couple years in the room with them is also yanos casted AKA Riptide we saw this character briefly at the end of X-Men Origins in the comics he can spin his body super fast and he has the ability to generate bone-like growths that he could release when he was doing that hurricane thing for the film The growths were taken out and now he can just spin hurricanes from his hands he also wore a lot of purple in the comics and the suits he wears in this film often has a purple tinge to them Moira finds Russian documents that translate to something like report contains strategic missile forces defense capability preventative deployment Emma Frost's Diamond skin looks different from the effect used for Emma Silver Fox with the diamond skin from the end of X-Men Origins visual effects designer John dictra said that this was because in origin she was only seen briefly and didn't move much for this film they wanted to make sure that she had a full range of motion and facial expressions if you're looking for an easy way to pamper yourself revamping your daily hygiene routine is a great place to start in geology is here to help geology is a 29 time award-winning skin hair and body care company recognized in men's health OA daily hype Beast birdie Esquire and GQ geology's products use just a handful of powerful proven ingredients that have been trusted by dermatologists for decades geology can help you fight acne reduce 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Rockstar 100 to get started Frost whistles for AEL and he teleports in he's played by Jason Fleming who has been in a ton of stuff including the League of Extraordinary Gentlemen as Dr jeo and Mr Hyde the character Charles brings up later in this film as well as the guy Richie Banger Lock Stock in two Smoky barrels which also starred Last Stand Juggernaut actor Vinnie Jones and was produced by Matthew Von Von considers fliming something of a good luck charm because the movies he puts him in have historically done better than the movies that he's not in in the comics a zazil and Mystique are the parents of Nightcrawler clearly he got the teleporting from his dad and the blue skin from his mom Simon kinberg who wrote this film said that he and Brian Singer wanted to make a zazil mystique's father in these films but it never made it into the finished product in the War Room James Remar plays the unnamed US general he was also an Oppenheimer and he played Dexter's dad Harry on Dexter the war room looks very similar to the one in Doctor Strange Love that was also a movie about preventing nuclear war with the Russians the guy on the phone even kind of looks like the president in Doctor Strange Love who of course was played by Peter sers Charles gets the title that everyone knows him by in the first film professor of genetics Charles Francis Exavier in Argentina Eric catches up with two more men on his Nazi murder board they're played by ludgar pistor and Wilfred haker who also played Nazis and Eng glorious bastards which also starred Michael fast bender and had a similarly awesome scene set in a bar now a deleted scene would have shown Eric arriving at the Argentina airport and flashing back to a memory of him with his [Music] mother he actually bring this memory up later in this film as one he had forgotten after Charles unlocks it so it makes sense why they would delete him remembering it here this insanely tense scene in the bar where we're just waiting for something to happen is absolutely awesome but unlike the scene in a glorious bastards where Michael Fender is worried about Nazis finding him out theyve turned the tables now and the Nazis are now the ones who are sort of undercover but not really we just haven't really seen Eric kick ass in this way yet since in the earlier films he was mostly using his powers or relying on the Brotherhood to do the physical fighting the guy who claims to be the pig farmer says in German we were under orders a common referring to people who have done horrific deeds and it's interesting that these men are playing checkers whereas Eric lyncher is almost always shown playing chess like they literally cannot compete with him on his level and like he did with the cops and X-Men 2000 when he turned their guns on them Eric forces this bartender's gun to the man claiming to be a tailor and mentally pulls the trigger we get a point of view shot down the barrel of the gun just like when Eric pulled out the Banker's fillings I just love that in the midst of all this Eric takes the time to finish his beard like you can see Eric playing out the fantasy that he had played through in his mind for years and just savoring every moment of this and once again we get a contrast with Eric's life and Charles's life as Eric is hunting down Nazis drinking a beer after a kill Charles is drinking and partying in a bar definitely shows how these men were just on separate paths long before they met Charles again is hitting on someone by telling her she has quote a very groovy mutation James maoy said that he was playing this Charles almost like a different character than Patrick Stewart and here he's a little bit of a dog like he used that line on Moira even while the woman he used it on earlier was sitting a couple feet away clearly waiting for him Moira ain't buying this crap though she's all business in Miami Hendry turns down Shaw's offer of champagne this time much like Striker refused to drink an X2 these are both men who've seen some crap they know better than a drink around mutants a deleted scene would have shown hindry arriving to find Shaw casually hanging out with a bunch of Cuban military leaders cavos made Colonel Henry oh tro trano everything's fine we can all be friends here good to see you again Colonel Shaw's boat which we saw a photo of at the bar earlier is the Casper Tina Matthew Von also named the flying boat in the film Stardust starring Charlie Cox the Casper the names are a mashup of Von's children's names Casper and Clementine Charles meets with some very important people at CIA headquarters in Langley Virginia but this Langley facility wasn't actually built until 1968 but you know it probably felt more cinematic to show than the random series of buildings where CIA headquarters were before then also you know the timeline just got like shaken it up it think got all kind of an acronis whatever mat Von clearly just doesn't care as Charles gives his presentation on human genetic mutation the graphic image on the left hand side of the slide actually looks like the X-Men logo this is an x-ray crystallography image of the DNA molecule Charles shows off his powers I didn't really expect you to believe me given that all you could think about during my presentation was what sort of pie they were serving in the commissary it's Apple pean the other man in the room is William Striker senior Papa of future Wolverine creating billain from X2 and Xmen Origins to convince him that he's telling the truth Raven turns into Striker senior just as she would years later into his son when he was played by Brian Cox and the way that she turns into like half the people in the US government the one other guy in the room who's excited to meet the mutants is played by Oliver Platt credited only as man in black suit Oliver plat I love this guy he's been in everything FX Fargo series The Bear he also played the general Council on The West Wing Charles mentally communicates with Mor after freezing everyone else around her a trick that he pulled an x2 in the museum and with the president in theal office at the end of that film back at Shaw's boat Eric half emerges from the water and this entire sequence is very reminiscent of something you might see in a James Bond film composer Henry Jackman actually based his score on John Barry's work in the those 007 films in the 60s another connection comes up in the end [Music] credits the parallels between Shaw and who Eric will become are evident in this scene both have strong female bodyguards standing at their side protecting them Sean says we don't harm our own kind which Eric has also said and obviously both of them did and do harm other mutants there are a bunch of other similarities throughout the film that I'll go into more Charles saves Eric from drowning and reveals to Eric that there are other mutant and the relief on Eric's Face Bass Bender is just such an amazing actor and these two guys are really like a perfect pairing I mean it's hard to match the skill and the chemistry of Ian melen and Patrick Stewart but I really think they're doing it here I thought I was alone Eric you're not the man in the black suit brings the gang to a covert CIA research base he's kind of like a fox Moulder type if you ask me investigating the Paranormal to getting made fun of for it now he's got a team of mutants so screw the haters is it Weir to be the cia's new Mutant division yes something like that New Mutants is the name of a mutant team also created by Chris Claremont as well as one of the movies we'll get to later in the series from 2020 it featured an all new all different cast of X-Men including canol Mirage Sunspot and wolf span similarly this film features an allnew cast of X-Men many of whom hadn't appeared on screen before producer Lauren Schuler Doner said that they originally started to talk about doing a young mutants movie while they were filming X2 with the idea of it being that the characters we'd already seen like Cyclops Jean Gray storm in their early days at Charles's school when they were still teenagers after after delving into that idea she decided it wasn't really working and instead they needed to explore New Mutants with new powers the audience hadn't seen yet she agreed that the ones in first class don't really go together at first glance but the way they and their powers interact just make it work we meet young Hank McCoy played by Nicholas Holt and Charles immediately outs him to his boss how wonderful another mutant already here heck you didn't ask so I didn't tell this is kind of a reference to the don't ask don't tell military policy that Bill Clinton adopted during his presidency which is was considered somewhat Progressive at the time but in hindsight not really Hank shows everyone what he can do Raven has a Mary Jane Watson moment you're amazing you are amazing Hank later flirts back in the most nerdy scientist way possible taking a blood sample while enjoying a romantic meal of Twinkies and Coke but he's flirt blocked by Eric did I hurt you kinky by the way if I look like you I wouldn't change a thing and Raven's interest starts to shift Magneto was always very supportive of his followers celebrating their mutinus and of course in the original movies Mystique was very comfortable in her normal appearance so we're starting to see the seeds of that getting planted here the helmet Shaw Wars was designed by the Russians and keeps pesky telepaths from reading his thoughts and influencing him it's black and gray here before Eric will give it his paint job Eric steals some CIA info on Sha and tries to leave like a thief in the night but Charles stops him I felt your Agony I can help you I don't need your help don't kid yourself you needed my help last night it's not just me you're walking away from here you have the chance to be part of something much bigger than yourself Charles makes a similar offer to Wolverine in the first film if you remember Logan it's been almost 15 years hasn't it living from day to day moving from place to place with no memory of who or what you are shut up give me a chance I may be able to help you find some answers around here there was a deleted scene that would have shown Charles unsuccessfully hitting on Moira again this is my job Charles I completely respect your decision read my mind now right yeah probably best say left that one out in the original X-Men 2000 film Charles said Eric helped him build cerebro but here it seems like Hank did a lot of the word they call it cerebro is in the Spanish for brain yes the spherical room calls back the design from the original movies it also kind of looks like the spaceship earth dome in Epcot Hank asks Charles if he won't let him shave his head one of several references throughout the film to the fact that he'll later be totally bald there are a few familiar mutants when Charles uses cerebro the first time including storm with her long white hair and cyclops wearing sunglasses and playing with a baseball the girl with a ponytail and same shot of Cyclops is maybe supposed to be Jean Gray but it's not clear there's also this little kid sitting in a chair reading a comic book and we looked and we looked and we looked and we tried to figure out what exact issue of comics this was all I can really tell is that the guy in the red suit with the mutton chops kind of looks like the early versions of Sebastian Shaw so the first mutant that Eric and Charles recruit is Angel Salvador played by Zoe Kravitz she also played Leta L strange in the Fantastic Beast films and plays Selena Kyle and Matt Rees the Batman in the comics she has the power similar to a housefly including the ability to shoot digestive acid at people out of her mouth which we actually see her demonstrate later a deleted scene here would have shown Charles using his powers to make Eric appear like he's dressed as a woman it's good isn't it what in Days of Future Past we see a screenshot of Angel's autopsy which puts her death at around one week after the events of this film oh next the GU recruit Darwin played by Eddie gei Dev from For All Mankind he has the ability of reactive adaptation like he should be able to adapt his body to Fit changing scenarios and environments but we'll see later this movie doesn't FL then they meet Lucas Till playing Alex Summers AKA havoc in the comics Havoc is Cyclops brother he has the ability to transform plasma energy into energy blasts till played mcgyver in the recent reboot of that show then they approached sea Cassidy AKA Banshee played by Caleb Landry Jones in an interview Jones said that given his red hair in his freckles he always knew he'd never get to play Batman or Superman so when he heard what they wanted for first class he was so excited to finally get to be able to play a superhero the visual effect of Banshee scream was done through a digital ring likee structure based on renderings of sound waves then we get what is many people's favorite part of this movie this awesome Cameo from Hugh Jackman as Wolverine excuse me I'm Eric lentra tell Xavier don't [ __ ] yourself Jackman said that when he was approached to appear he knew that this movie was PG13 was excited that he was going to get to say the one and only [ __ ] in this film The scripted line was [ __ ] off but he did one take where he improvised a slight variation and that's the one that made it in this Cameo makes him the actor who played the same comic book character and the most X-Men films and since this is in the 60s this would be before James howlet ever came across team X or William Striker notice how over his shoulder there's a neon sign for Marv's beer which is a reference to Matthew Von's production company Marv films Charles and Eric play chess in front of the Lincoln Memorial they play chess many times throughout these films also the World War II Memorial is visible in front of the Washington Memorial even though the World War II Memorial wasn't built and open in the public until 2004 at the research base the mutant youths give themselves codeen names they are comic monikers it's a cool scene that shows the characters goofing off and having some fun and revealing the identities that they've had to keep secret for so long but also just a nice way of showing us what everyone is capable of gives us some context for the action that follows Alex demonstrates his powers with the others watching doing this sort of peeking around the corner stacked heads thing that is very John hugheses get back Lauren Scher Doner has said that when the concept for the film was still teen mutants in school one of the reasons it wasn't working was because it just felt too much like a John Hughes movie but we would see in the MCU John Watts totally used John Hugh's Inspirations to make the Spider-Man trilogy as good as it was Alex has trouble aiming his power this is part of his Arc in the film and is also shown in the comics you can actually see some Scorch marks on the side of the building from where he missed his Target with one of the blasts they immediately get busted for partying and general teen shenanigans on their way to the Russian military Retreat Charles uses his powers to make it seem like there's no one in the back of the truck this is from an extended scene that was actually cut down the deleted part would have shown the dog knowing they were there can't you control it doesn't work on animals too stupid I think another deleted scene would have shown more of Eric using his powers against his soldiers than the military Retreat Charles gets uncomfortable with Eric's brutality as he uses metal to choke Emma until she shifts out of her diamond inform form Charles uses his powers to see what Shaw is planning an extended version of the scene would have also shown Shaw sitting in the White House Shaw's plan is pretty Bonkers folks he's assuming that mutants are children of the atom created by radiation and therefore that they are impervious to nuclear radiation this seems like a wild thing to just assume is true it's also kind of reminiscent of Magneto's plan in the first movie when he was going to use a device to either mutate or kill all humans yet another similarity between the two men in the vision there is a logo of a blue flag which is presumably the Hellfire club's logo that would become the new one for this new world it's similar to the one from the comics just with the two vertical lines that make up the H removed it seemed like the filmmakers wanted to link this one more closely to the Nazi flag so it just kind of combined the designs these two douchy CIA guys mock the mutant group and Hank shows them his trademark restraint by just closing the curtains on them Shaw attacks with a zazil teleporting people high into the air and letting them drop until it's basically raining suited bodies it's just brutal it definitely reminds me of Nightcrawler taking out the Secret Service agents in X2 but at least those guys survive Shaw gives them the hard cell there's a Revolution coming each of us will face a choice be enslaved or rise up to rule Shaw definitely intentionally looks at Darwin when he says be enslaved but again lots of parallels to Magneto here politically they have a lot of the same goals and are both very skeptical when it comes to humans and mutants peacefully coexisting the only big difference is that sha lives as a human not revealing his powers unless absolutely necessary and he has never really faced oppression whereas Eric was oppressed for being Jewish and knows what it's like like to be on that side so he comes from a more experienced and compassionate perspective that's why Shaw wants to live like kings and queens But Eric just wants mutants to be free he pulls out the old if you're not with us you're against us attitude that's a favorite among dictators and just generally terrible people he also says you can stay and fight for the people who hate and fear you or you can join me this mirror is something Wolverine told storm in the first movie the whole world out there is full of people that hate and fear you and you're wasting your time trying to protect them I got better things to do angel joins sha and Darwin steps up and is done dirtier than any other character in all of these movies adapt to [Music] this adapt to this that's so mean to the character and talking about the filmmaker was mean to the character in the comics Darwin survived some crazy stuff and it just sucks that we didn't get to see more of this character it's also not a great look Matthew blond just as for Darwin at the CIA Emma Frost is in custody and there's a cool series of shots where we hear the men talking about her as the camera stays on her and spins around then it's revealed that they are not in the same room she is using her powers to listen in on everything that's been said at Charles's Mansion he starts training the titular first class and the comics the original students that we met were Beast Gan gray Cyclops Iceman and Angel there's some real archival footage of John F Kennedy and Nikita kushev in the days leading up to the Cuban Missile Crisis which lasted for 13 days during October 1962 this is intercut with training scenes at the mansion and the team is being outfitted with sweet new gear Eric tries to get Charles to shoot him in the head saying that he can deflect it we saw him control a bullet this way in the first film pressing it midf fire against a man's head a lot of these scenes had extended sequences that were cut down in the edit including ones of havoc and Banshee training Alex for God's sake don't just stand there pick up a fire extinguisher and help me why you yelling at me I warned you I'm sorry Alex but in the field you could have killed one of your teammates he asked me to cover him Alex that's not what I meant I'm sorry I didn't want to get involved it's not my fault promise me one thing when I die jumping out this window you got to bury me in this pulling yourself together there only one [Laughter] story Charles quotes Dr Jackal and Mr Hy to Hank and summarizes Hank's struggle as one to conform versus one of accepting his true nature and the literary references particularly apt given his eventual transformation which which comes from his desire to be normal Hank laps Charles during their run a move that Steve Rogers does to Sam and Captain America Winter Soldier although Hank catches up to Charles on his right while Charles is helping the rest of the team Eric helps Mystique if you're using half your concentration to look normal then you're only half paying attention to whatever else you're doing Hank explains that Raven cell's age at half the rate of everyone else it seems like it's this movie's way of rectifying why she was still so young looking in the other films whereas Charles and Eric were like old men and Ed version of the scene would have shown Hank trying to recapture their earlier interrupted romantic moment and failing beautiful on the inside huh and the outside well this isn't really me though is it Hank I mean you might as well be complimenting my shoes the training sequence culminates with Charles asking Eric to move the Satellite Dish calling back the beginning of the film when Shaw asks Eric to move the coin Charles of course uses very different tactics ICS and Shaw does and it contrasts the two men nicely Charles unlocks an old memory of Eric and his mother celebrating Hanukkah when Charles says that there's good in Eric really what he's talking about is his capacity to love his powers first activated when his loved ones were threatened behind all that anger he felt it was love that started it all and this is what Charles is able to help Eric connect to Shaw on the other hand said it was anger that activated his powers because he fundamentally misunderstands love Hank presents Raven with a gift a serum created using her DNA that will make them look quote normal but she's starting to accept who she is and urges him not to take it Hank pulls an absolute dick move telling her that her natural blue form will never be deemed beautiful and damn dude that's cold he basically shoves her into Eric's arms Eric and Charles play chess again Eric criticizes Charles for thinking all humans are like Moira and Charles gives it right back saying Eric thinks all humans are like Shaw this shows the inherent flaws in both men's approaches to the mutant human conflict of the years then we get this line killing sure will not bring you peace peace was never an option and an instant classic that has turned into many many memes involving Angry Ducks and just like Jackal Hank injects himself and it goes horribly wrong turning him into the Beast everyone is familiar with when Raven attempts to seduce Eric she transforms into Rebecca Roma who of course played Mystique in the original films But Eric says he prefers the real raven and you know she's been waiting her whole life for a man to say this to her he's also the one who encourages her to essentially go nude likening her to a tiger and saying no one would ever cover up a tiger Charles as kind of horrified though as anyone would be who found their adoptive sister naked he asks if he has to read her mind to figure out what's wrong and she says he promised her he'd never do that all of this helps explain why Raven ultimately chooses to go with Eric in the end a deleted scene after this one would have shown Charles and Moira sharing champagne in a kiss it is very beautiful you know what the mutated mcr1 G or hair it's very beautiful it's a it's a beautiful mutation mutation took us from single celled organisms to the most dominant form of life on the plan Hank creates uniforms for everyone and they're blue and yellow like the original suits worn in the comics from 1963 until Jack Kirby's departure BEAST's appearance in this movie is done with makeup over CGI unlike the Last Stand which was done with just makeup and Prosthetics the situation in Cuba heats up but Charles intervenes just in time influencing this guy to abort the launch this is actually similar to two different real world events the first took place in Cuba during the 1960s when the United States Army detected a Russian submarine off the coast of Cuba and started firing upon it the Russians out of contact with Moscow thought a war might have broken out and wanted to Nuke the American ships however one of three men whose responsibility it was to launch the nukes basil aripov refused to give permission to launch Upon returning to Russia they were reprimanded by Russian officials until they should have gone down with their ship rather than risk Discovery by the enemy the second event happened in the 1980s when sinos laav Petro the man monitoring the Russian nuclear detection system saw readings that indicated the United States had launched nuclear missiles at Russia however Petro determined that the readings were in equipment malfunction and did not alert his superiors after the fact both of the these men have been labeled the man who saved the world but neither of them were ever rewarded or thanked by their government as the Blackbird crashes Eric uses his powers to hold Charles against the ceiling to keep him from being thrown around the plane this is a fake out moment which leaves the audience wondering if this is how Charles will lose the ability to walk the effect of sha absorbing the energy is really cool it looks like his body is dividing to contain all of that power the two sides face off an angel is firmly on team bad guy now showing No Reservations about fighting her old friends Eric Gets a showdown he's wanted since he watched sha kill his mother Sha bust out every mental manipulation tactic from the villain handbook I'm sorry for what happened in the camps I truly am but everything I did I did for you to unlock your power to make you embrace it Eric tearfully agrees with sha that he made him stronger sha is the Creator and Eric is Frankenstein's monster Eric gets his helmet off and Don it himself to block out Charles like blocking out his conscience and then we get the sickest moment of this movie if you're in there I'd like you to know that I agree with with every word you said we are the future unfortunately you killed my mother later on the MCU will Echo this moment when Iron Man tells Captain America that he doesn't care who the Winter Soldier is just that he wants revenge because quote he killed my mom and then Eric counts to three just like Shaw did before he shot his mother and the way makoy just screams in pain during this it's like we can feel the coin going through our head but previously when he was training Eric Charles told him that he could feel what Eric felt when he was inside his mind I think that's why he's really screaming here because he can basically feel what Shaw is feeling as a coin is driven through his head this has communicated really well with match cutting back and forth between Charles and Shaw like the framing is just perfect as the camera Glides to the right also I think that Eric does this really slowly so that Shaw can't absorb the energy out of the coin pushing against him or maybe he's just doing it to torture him more Striker senior wants to take out all the mutants at once and he's even willing to sacrifice Mora to do it yeah like father like son they're whole family a dead and just like Eric will do with the guns outside that train station he slowly turns the missiles in the WarHeads back on the ships Eric tries to get him to stop by saying the men on the ships are just following orders and dude you know he could have picked a different way to convince him because that's exactly what those Nazis in the bar said you know it's not great as they fight Eric uses his powers to fling the others back so they can't intervene and notice that he doesn't do this to Raven he already knows that she's on his side Moira shoots at him he deflects one of the bullets which hits Charles's spine Eric digs it out but it's too late this is how he loses the ability to walk Eric says I want you by my side we're brothers you and I all of us together protecting each other he always saw mutant kind as his family which is why he eventually goes on to call his group the Brotherhood of mutants Eric tries to recruit the others Raven Angel Riptide and azil all go with him Beast Banshee and Havoc stay with Charles producers said they wanted the audience to see Eric throughout the film is not necessarily being wrong in what he was trying to do so that when some ments ultimately join him you can see why Charles gets his signature x- wield wheelchair despite the fact that he trusts MOA he still makes her forget everything about where he is and who he's with so the CIA can't force it out of her Eric breaks Emma out and he's now in his red outfit fully embracing his Magneto moniker the animation over the end credits is based on those in the opening credits of Dr No continuing with the James Bond connection established with the score it's also worth noting that Stan Lee did not have a cameo in this film and it's only the second time in a Marvel film since X2 that he doesn't show up there's also no mid or post credit scene in this movie okay so first class holds up pretty great movie Matthew Von seemed more about the style and the tone of going back to the swing in60s but didn't really care about nailing down the details still a lot of fun up next in the series we'll be breaking down James mangold's The Wolverine from 2013 but first let's go into the danger room where we're going to discuss some possible Deadpool 3 spoilers so Matthew vaugh in recent days said that he actually saw Snippets of Deadpool 3 and he said that it would give a jolt to Marvel Studios and basically said it's going to save the whole franchise but I am asking why would V get to see parts of this movie it kind of seems like stuff he made for X-Men first Class is going to be featured in Deadpool 3 somehow what from X-Men first Class could come back in Deadpool 3 at the top of that list Kevin Bacon Sebastian Shaw maybe we'll get a call back to Wolverine's [ __ ] you in the bar maybe we could get a restaging of the events on that Cuban Beach because notice that location that we've seen in set leaks that is a sand covered ground we might be looking at a beach of some kind thank you so much for watching this video big thanks to G Belo for writing this script come check out our live show in Los Angeles on February 15th at brain dead Studios tickets still available in the description below I'm Eric boss thank you so much for watching and I'll see you next time [Music] bye
Channel: New Rockstars
Views: 564,145
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: new rockstars, new rockstars youtube, youtube new rockstars, X-men, x-men scene, x-men breakdown, x-men rewatch, x-men new rockstars, wolverine, hugh jackman, deadpool, deadpool 3, deadpool 3 trailer, deadpool wolverine, patrick stewart, First Class
Id: lIBe13W6W8Y
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 36min 51sec (2211 seconds)
Published: Sun Feb 04 2024
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