Yelena Belova - Fight Scenes (Black Widow & Hawkeye)
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Channel: geek marcus
Views: 1,007,754
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: marvel, mcu, kevin feige, iron man, captain america, thor, hulk, black widow, hawkeye, captain marvel, ant man, spider man, doctor strange, scarlet witch, wanda, winter soldier, falcon, shang chi, nick fury, quake, daisy johnson, kate bishop, yelena belova, xialing, stan lee, avengers, infinity war, endgame, loki, kang, young avengers, vingadores, homem de ferro, capitão america, gavião arqueiro, viuva negra, all scenes, best moments, fight scenes, powers scenes, daredevil, kingpin
Id: Rsq0bOcxHxU
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 7min 53sec (473 seconds)
Published: Mon Apr 10 2023
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