THOR LOVE AND THUNDER BREAKDOWN! Easter Eggs & Details You Missed!

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welcome back to New rockstars I'm Eric Boss and this is a breakdown of Thor love and Thunder Tiger with TT's follow-up to Thor Ragnarok that delivers all the goat screams From Here to Eternity let's break down all the MCU references visual details and deeper layers of meaning that you might have missed in Thor for poor Gore scores gory tour the story of War Glory lore by Korg I'm sorry that sentence is a belay board chore currently being written in the comics snore I'm done I promise now the best way to support us at new rockstars is to check out our latest Thor inspired shirt at the film opens on cracked desert sand as the shadow of Gore not yet the god Butcher and his daughter trunched through the unforgiving sun now this daughter is actually played by India rose Hemsworth Chris Hemsworth's daughter just a little tease of her Destiny as Thor's Adopt A Daughter by the end of this movie revealed to be an adaptation of the Marvel Cosmic entity of love it's just so clever to open this movie with Gore we think but really introduce here the love of the love and Thunder title but also this prologue establishes the film's deeper question of can God's love is love unique to Mortals as love requires sacrifice humility a simplistic Outlook that normally eludes Immortals but also the question is love a gift from the gods and if so what would it take for the gods to appreciate love themselves because if God's let so many terrible things happen are those Gods really loving or even capable of Love Now the villain of Gore the god butcher was introduced in Jason Aaron's God of Thunder Comics Gore began as a starving being on an unknown harsh Planet whose mate and children all die off his prayers go unanswered by the gods leading them to be exiled by his superstitious Community for when he turns atheistic until two Gods crash land right near him one possessing all black the Necker sword which Gore then uses to begin his de-icidal Killing Spree all black in the comics was a weapon of null the Symbiote deity who used all black to decapitate the celestial that became nowhere all black fuses with the bearer's arm and becomes part of him sort of the way the Symbiote does however here in the films since Sony owns the film rights to the Symbiotes they simply just call this weapon the necrosword leaving out that whole symbiote backstory opting instead to make this broadsword give one entry to the shadow realm now Gore's appearance has been changed Christian Bale is not yet desaturated and they let him keep his nose taikumotiti admitted that making him noseless would look too much like Voldemort from the Harry Potter films now I like how all of this opens in the Arid desert and Elemental contrast to the film's destination the realm of Eternity is seen as endless water and the final shot of this movie is on a beach Gore's daughter finally reaching the water that they sought for so long but notice how here the only element they get is sunlight which is ironic because Gore has been praying to a son deity and now too much sun has ruined him and it's also fitting that our very first shot of Gore is his shadow as his possession of the neck Resort will give him access to the shadow realm Gore's daughter says only two words in this opening prologue I'm tired and she dies leaving behind some paintings she made on a boulder these paintings praising the sun deity that they pray to gore finds an insane mainly flowery Lush Oasis clearly planted there by that beloved sun god whom he calls the bringer of light this is rapu played by Johnny Brew New Zealand actor comedian and Taiko atiti's co-star from the film version of what we do in the shadows but this God Mott score and brags about slain an unnamed foe another deity with an Inky black corpse previous bearer of the Necker sword this guy might be Ka the warlord of the Shadow realm when the shadow realm was introduced in the 1960s Strange Tales comic issue Ka was able to command living shadows as Warriors as Gore does in this film and Gore hears the voice from the necrosword eternity and he sees a vision of Eternity itself so eternity is a Marvel Cosmic entity the living embodiment of the universe itself depicted as a cloaked silhouette filled with stars and planets actually before this there was a moment according to the Galaxy Vol 2 when Star-Lord says [Music] and while James Gunna said quill wasn't really seeing capital E eternity there his trance-like state does look a lot like what Gore goes through here in addition to seeing the face of Eternity he does see the imprint of the bifrost as he turned his heart just a little clue that the bifrost is a mechanism by which they're able to access eternity so Gore now wields the necrosword and stabs rapu through the head and he bleeds gold a color bled by many from omnipotent City and his body disintegrates into gold dust the same thing that happens to Odin's body as he dies in Ragnarok and now that Gore is Tethered to the shadow realm he turns monochromatic color playing a very important role in this movie because Shadow as the absence of light contains fewer colors in the Spectrum a visual opposite to the bifrost the Rainbow Bridge so we have Shadow no color versus rainbow all the colors and Gore vows oh God then over the Marvel Studios title guard Michael jokino's Fanfare music is actually played by your guitar instead of an orchestra this time among the updates to the MCU title card the other characters who appear within the letters Moon Knight appears in the m and Ms Marvel Kamala Khan appears and they are it's her final look presumably from the finale episode that episode hasn't even come out yet Korg narrates to the indigarian children the story of Thor odinson this Legend really forming the framing device of this entire film it's set to Only Time by Enya flashback show baby Thor in a Bjorn on friga's chest mid-battle thorbjorn it really tempting me with this rhyming scheme here this baby carries a little wooden mjolnir and this actor is named Cameron chapek and I am wondering if he might be one of the grandkids of Disney CEO Bob chapik just because every kid in this movie is someone's kid then we see this coming of age Montage showing Thor running through the trees which reminds me a lot of Simba's aging Montage during the yakuna Matata song and I gotta say all the running the wandering the Trekker hats of this movie make this film an interesting companion watch to Forrest Gump also a story about a Wanderer who's a not the brightest guy who goes on a series of Adventures including through war and on boats until he reunites with his loved one a dying woman and ends the film a single father looking after a young kid but back here during this Montage the youngest version of Thor is a cameo by one of Hemsworth's Sons Tristan so along with his daughter India rose this surely is a family film fun fact their mom Elsa Pataki cameo in the post-credits scene of Thor the Dark World as the Jane Foster stand-in whom Hemsworth kissed in the post-credits scene Elsa actually cameos in this movie she is the wolf woman that Thor hooks up with I also like how young adult Thor wears the classic bright blue pants and yellow boots that Thor wears in the 60s and 70s Comics Korg recounts Thor's Adventures on a pirate ship as a kraken swallows another ship in the background all this perhaps and not detective TT's other 2022 title HBO's our flag means death and amazing show what TJ also said that he envisioned this film as a Mills and Boone romance novel covers that would often feature this kind of imagery with a beautiful couple and a hero with its chest exposed as they kiss on the deck of a ship this pirate woman is played by Zia Kelly who is also Natalie Portman stunt for performer in this film Korg also explained how Thor hooked up with a wolf woman on the back of a giant wolf all three howling at a full moon this large wolf might be connected to Fenris the giant wolf enforcer of hella in Ragnarok we see flashbacks from shots in the 2011 Thor 2013's Dark World in a hint at their breakup as Jane slaps Thor in the face and then we pick back up with Thor's weight gain and Avengers end game and team up with the Guardians of the Galaxy at the end of that film leading to this full team up shot showing them walking out of the fire see mantis rocket craglin now wearing yandu's fin after Guardians Volume 2 Peter Quill Star-Lord and Thor in the middle nebula Groot and Drax who is somehow visible here Thor is still in his heavy armor and braided Viking beard from the in-game final battle but Thor loses weight by doing battle ropes with chains on a giant skeleton we don't get an answer to who this was but it might be one of eachery's people you'll notice how Thor wears his trucker hat which originally said The Avengers Thor Ant-Man Hulk and Iron Man but he crossed out the the and the S and then wrote strongest over all the other names except his own name so that it now reads or strongest Avenger which itself is a callback to the bit in Ragnarok strongest Avenger access denied strongest Avenger access denied voice activation required Banner welcome strongest Avenger oh what an overall Thor's look with the hat in addition to reminding me of Forrest Gump combined with his later look in the tank top seems inspired by Vincent D'Onofrio in Adventures in Babysitting when the girl thought Dawson the auto worker was Thor we find Thor meditating beneath this tree on his war-torn Planet he has planted Stormbreaker and when he unearths it fresh Roots come up with the handle because remember stormbreaker's handle was made of groot's arm and Groot has proven that he can regenerate from a single Splinter when it is replanted so Stormbreaker might have actually been in the process of turning into a new tree until four violently uprooted it Thor rides down into the battle riding Stormbreaker like a broomstick which is actually a callback to korg's line and Ragnarok no I didn't ride there the hammer are you on your back no no I I used to spin it really fast and it would it would pull me off oh my God Emma pulled you off then Thor greets the locals as you know we used to live in a peaceful lost but in our gods were murdered murdered and now our sacred Temple has been left unguarded in hoku's Resorts the control of its power it is our most sacred Shrine and it desecrates not for long yes their gods were of course murdered by Gore despite Thor promising to save this sacred Shine by the end of the battle he further desecrates it when it collapses just another example of the Gods of this universe really being incapable of love now yes the tribe against defending are the same people cork was narrating to in the opening story The indigarians presumably named for their Indigo Hue they are led by King yakan played by Australian Actor Stephen Curry and the Raiders are bird-like psychos led by habuska the horrible played by Bobby Holland Hansen Chris Hemsworth's longtime stunt actor and all these Marvel films as well as the extraction films Thor's outfit beneath his robe is inspired by Kurt Russell's look in big trouble little China Kurt Russell of course playing Peter Quill's father ego and Thor's white tank top shows the depiction of the nine Realms in the idrisil the world's no behind the branches of it you can see the pattern imprint made by the bifrost same marking from Gore's Vision that showed the heart of Eternity just another clue pointed to the bipross being the key that unlocks that gate Thor also wears a red vest jacket which looks like a modded version of Peter Quill's ravager's jacket that Thor has be dazzled Thor fights these Raiders raining down on them in a wide shot recalling Thor's God of Thunder Power Up in Ragnarok when he rained down hella's Army on the bridge battle and Thor wedges between two chariots making a Jean-Claude Van Damme post meanwhile Jane Foster gets an MRI scan and undergoes some chemo treatment this movie adapting Jason Aaron's Mighty Thor storyline in which Jane Foster gets cancer before she Powers up into the Mighty Thor gets in next door reads a book Jane Foster theory of space and time and she explains to him Einstein grows and bridges AKA wormholes something she geeked out about in the 2011 film and here references the folding piece of paper and pencil poking through it analogy from Christopher Nolan's movie Interstellar Jane also mentions sci-fi horror Event Horizon which stars long time with Titi collaborator Sam Neil also appears in this film and in Ragnarok as a stage actor who plays Odin Darcy shows up bring her some snacks this is the first we've seen Darcy since one division now notice how while Jane has her sleeves rolled up to get the treatment here these early shots deliberately frame out Natalie Portman's arms since she got pretty toned for this movie and they wanted to save her bulked up appearance until after her transformation Jane also video chats with Dr Eric Selvig her colleague from the earlier films who has also recently referenced for his research and Alternate dimensions in Ms Marvel selvic tells Jane his attempts to do immunotherapy on her blood have failed so Jane heads to new Asgard which now under valkyrie's leadership has evolved into a commercialized tourist economy we see an Asgard themed Old Spice commercial there's also an ice cream parlor called Infinity cones in the shape of thanos's Gauntlet in the port are cruise liners one of which is painted with the face of volstag one of Thor's Warriors 3 who died in Ragnarok also in the town there is a Simonson street named after Thor writer Walt Simonson who actually Cameo as an Asgardian in the 2011 Thor film so he may actually be in his Guardian that they named to Street after there's also an Aaron Avenue named after Jason Aaron now remember in Ragnarok Loki as Odin watched a play re-staging the events of the previous film Thor the Dark World and now this Theater Company restages the events of Ragnarok Odin's death and hella's arrival and destruction of Milner Matt Damon returns as the actor who plays Loki Chris Hemsworth's brother Luke Hemsworth Returns His Thor and Sam Neal returns as the Odin actor Melissa McCarthy Cameo says hella her real-life husband and comedy partner Ben Falcone also cameos as the stage manager that you see when they do the curtain call the broken shards of mjolnir remained on the mound of turf where hella left them it's now encased in glass on a pedestal for tourists to witness this means that the hell of fight occurred right in this spot and the fact that no one can move even these broken shards mean that they still possess Odin's original magic charm a charm that was later updated by Thor to protect Jane which is why these broken pieces now move for her now the tour guide is actor Daly Pearson who played Daryl and Taiko atiti's team Thor short films that came out on the Civil War Blu-ray since then they were considered non-canon but I don't know with Daryl here I'm just gonna assume they're Canon now the production actually shot us scene for Jane's power up moment but apparently was left out of the Final Cut presumably to make Jane's new form more of a reveal the people whom Thor saved reward him with screaming goats named tooth grinder and tooth gnasher these are based on Thor's goats in Norse mythology Tom Green Anton Yost they're given alternate looks one light bird with simple horns one dark bird with spiraled horns as these goats wrecked the Benetar the Guardians bring up hundreds of distress calls that they have received their 3D star map shows the Galaxy divided into red highlighted jigsaw sectors which might display the political boundaries of rival Empires like the cree the squirrel the zandarians something we might learn more about in the Marvels or Guardians volume 3. now there actually was going to be more in this movie for Gore's Killing Spree because Christian Bale talked about shooting scenes with Peter didn't and Jeff Goldblum suggesting Gore would have killed itri and the Grand Master but those scenes were removed and actress Selena Headey actually got some legal drama over payments for a role in this movie suggesting she also would have played some other guy that Gore murdered the distress calls show Gore's various victims including Gods hanging from the Gallows imagery evoking Assad remix art of crucified gods and Jason Aaron's God of Thunder storyline another distress call shows a severed head that is just left on the ground and Korg gasps the horror referencing Colonel Kurtz in Apocalypse Now Thor recognizes one of the distressed calls coming from Lady Sif and he Parts ways with the Guardians human handshake she has Guardian Shake into the snake but you cannot trust yes Thor is calling back his Loki snake story from Ragnarok he transformed himself into a snake and he knows that I love snakes so I went to pick up the snake to admire it and he transformed back into himself and he was like yeah it's me and he stabbed me now not all of us can have the physique of Thor and all of his Rivals but gentlemen there is power and strength in having nice skin we can do our best to match Thor's nice clear complexion leave those dark circles under the eyes to gore the fine folks of geology have some great skincare products that you're going to love geology is the nine time award-winning men's skincare company that creates simple effective personalized skincare products for men just click the link in the video's description and take a 30 second quiz tell them about your skin and their team of dermatologists will design a regimen just for you that ships directly to your door their products are great for whatever you're worried about acne dark eye circles wrinkles they send you a 30-day trial set that's easy to incorporate into your routine whether you're new to skincare or a seasoned expert so here's what they sent me I got some everyday face wash pretty 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including the corpse of falgar the Behemoth Fading Into golden dust the country here taken directly from Rubik's comic art down to the details of the blood trickling from thalagar's nose and they find Lady ziff as she prepares to enter Valhalla teasing the Norse afterlife realm that Jane and Heimdall are in in the post-credit scene but it reminds us that in order to enter Valhalla one must die in battle but that says severed arm might be in Valhalla Valhalla actually gets mentioned at least half a dozen times throughout this film or mentions I think than any other of the MCU films combined all this is to set up the final scene where Jane meets Heimdall in Valhalla Jaime Alexander was absent from Thor Ragnarok which is why she wasn't killed by hella but a form of her did appear in Loki in a mental torture room in the TDA Gore arrives to new Asgard at night moving in and out of the Shadows Shadows that move on their own creeping along the ground looking a lot like the Demonic Shadows that we saw in 1990s ghost a movie that you know a lot of people sleep on but like this movie is a fascinating supernatural horror tragic comedy I'm telling you in addition to watching this movie this weekend you should also go home and watch Forrest Gump and ghost you're welcome I just give you an awesome weekend the children of Asgard actually includes several of the star's children Sasha Hemsworth and then Tay and Mateo watiti Natalie Portman's children aleph and Amala and Christian Bale's son Rex the shadow beasts attack and they actually look a lot like the black Berserkers that are controlled by Gore in the comics Valkyrie rides in her Pegasus from endgame into the fight and Thor helps out until he hears the familiar metallic hum of mjolnir boy [Music] oh really [Music] tomorrow I love the detail on mjolnir bursting out of this creature its eyes bulging out and despite the exclusion of Jane's power up I really like how they shot her reveal here they delayed the reveal of Jane by keeping our eyes focused on mjolnir itself which in many ways is an equally unusual return for Thor in this moment notice how we start with the weapon going into her hand and then it goes down to focus on her eyes and Natalie Portman's face is covered here and then we move further down so that we can see her bulky arms so this just allows Jane to be her badass self as she swings into action foreign [Music] yeah she starts by swinging the hammer from its strap which is how cap initially charges up the hammer before hitting Thanos when he wield it in an end game and here we get a close-up of the Hammer's disc plate with the runes that translate to he who wields this Hammer commands the lightning and the storm The Broken Pieces whiz past Thor stands before the black raven Tavern anata Odin's Ravens from Norse mythology in the earlier Thor films they actually mentioned Raven mail a few times throughout this film Ravens being how they send messages to each other they're very archaic version of email also something was referenced in the team Thor shorts Valkyrie later says her medians could have been Raven male like the this meeting could have been an email Meme and it's just so satisfying to see these broken shards click back into place perfectly like the Shrine of the silver monkey in the first go and broken mjolnir is just the perfect metaphor for Jane herself someone who is in an imperfect physical state but whose Brokenness actually makes her stronger so we flash back to Thor in Jane's relationship which unfolded in the background between Thor the Dark World and Age of Ultron in the couple years after when Thor was on and off world during that period thorless Nick Fury on his phone as Nick Fury which is a callback to a joke in the team Thor shorts Fury what does he really know and is Fury his real name or is it actually pronounced furry I love it the way mid Guardians cannot pronounce mjolnir asgardians cannot pronounce things like Nick Fury and Jane Foster and also based on what we've seen from Secret Invasion Fury is looking pretty furry we see a Halloween party where Thor dresses up as a hot dog while Jane dresses up as Kane from Alien with a chest burster I actually dressed up just like that one year for Halloween we learned Thor asked mjolnir to always protect Jane and we see Odin's symbol fading up on that hammer showing how Odin's worthiness charm extended to include Jane from that moment on all this is said to Abbas Our Last Summer this Montage showing Jane and Thor drifting apart sitting further and further apart on the sofa that came to the classic marriage montage and Citizen Kane where Kane and his wife sit further and further apart at the dinner table as the years go by gory uses Shadows to kidnap the children of Asgard any Retreats Thor and Jane catch up so they broke up before Ragnarok in 2017 the present MCU years understood to be 2025 which is why Thor says it's been eight years seven months eight years seven months and six days give or take however the endgame screenplay listed Jane among the blip victims which might be why to her it only seems like three or four years the parents of adsgard are panicking you see valkyrie's PJs included a Phantom of the Opera shirt which seems a bit random I don't know the Phantom Wars the half mask does look a lot like the way eternity is half-mast in its statue form in its moment Thor only has eyes for Jane the old ex-girlfriend Jody Foster yeah Korg never gets her name right either he called her Jane Fonda earlier and as Thor tries to snatch meal near back Stormbreaker gets jealous jealous Stormbreaker is like my favorite character in this movie now you'll notice Natalie Portman is framed in all of these scenes to look taller than she actually is especially when you see her beside Tessa Thompson because those two actresses are roughly the same height Kevin feige confirmed that making Portman taller is the only VFX they had to do to her one parent in this room shouts half our soldiers are always dead I love this line because it calls back how the asgardians have lost a lot like when they fled Asgard and Ragnarok and then after that they lost another half of them when thanos's forces called them to steal the space stone at the beginning of infinity war and then we didn't see them after that point but when Thanos snapped his fingers another half of them were snapped away so at this point they asked Guardians are down to like 12 and a half percent of what they were I like how Meek takes minutes dressed as a classic clerical worker her blade extension swapped out for a dry erase marker now one of these kidnapped kids is heimdahl's son Astrid who says that his name is Axel named himself after Axel Rose of Guns and Roses actually earlier in the movie we saw a poster in Axel's room for the Guns and Roses album Appetite for Destruction and he wore a shirt for the Guns and Roses use your Illusion album he speaks to them using Hein doll's orange-eyed magic where he can link his Consciousness across the Galaxy we see Thor linking with him as he did with Heimdall in Ragnarok and into this cage Thor realizes it is headed toward the shadow realm and he flips back and notice now that he has some black smudges on his cape showing how Gore's Shadows were beginning to eat away at him Thor describes the shadow realm the atmosphere there has a Darkness like no other this is if color feels to tread it's color we need and the rainbow but hang on he moves through shadows and he's going to the shadow realm it seems like that's always going to be the most powerful are you thinking what I think you're thinking I'm thinking omnipotent City another detail from Jason Aaron's God of Thunder Run constructed by the Lords of the Dawn with trimmings from the clay of creation fired with the Embers of the first sun and here a Thor name drops his favorite Gods he says we can recruit raw Hercules tumatoanga maybe and Zeus and yes he buried Hercules in there setting up the son of Zeus in the longtime rival to Thor in the comics whose introduced played by Brett Goldstein in the post-credits scene ra of course is the Egyptian sun god who did not show up in Moon Knight tsuma toenga is Maori god of war and hunting and Quetzalcoatl is the Aztec creation deity depicted as a feathered serpent Jane smashes her sink as she recalls how her mother Elaine also died of cancer so we got Elaine Foster Meredith quill Maria Rambo what is it with the moms of cosmically powered MCU Heroes dying of cancer and by the way the name Elaine might be a Seinfeld reference because this movie's working title was the big salad which was reference to a Seinfeld episode by the way Spider-Man No Way Holmes working title was Serenity Now which was another Seinfeld reference Thor promises that his Guardian that the return with the children but not for them to Feast on suggesting the asgardians used to eat kids at some point yikes they install a Stormbreaker on one of the floating Asgard tour boats this one named the Egger Egger is the Norse god of the sea and a big partier of the Marvel Comics this boat also has a neon sign reading cocktails and dreams a prop from the 1988 Tom Cruise movie Cocktail I like how Stormbreaker cast this Rainbow Bridge before the goat's feet that disappears behind them and as always love to see the bifrost as an actual Bridge platform for people to walk on and the chunks of this bridge are the kind of glowing fiberglass look that the bifrost bridge was back in Asgard and they arrive in omnipotent City and it looks a lot like it does in the comics and notice how there are various waterfalls just pouring down from higher and higher tiers like an infinity pool sneaking through an aqueduct and this shimmering design looks a lot like a more advanced version of Asgard suggesting that one inspired the other it's kind of like being more familiar with Disney World and then visiting Disneyland and realizing oh it's the same thing it's just a more condensed and cultier Jane brainstorms more catchphrase options like eat this hammer or check out my hammer but it's her first bad guy Thor response never forget you first meanwhile ax tries to cheer up the other kids telling them about how Thor Ford Stormbreaker from a dying star we saw that in Infinity war and telling them how he used that ax to cut off thanos's head and end game meanwhile Gore creepily just appears in this cage and scares these kids away from the whole idea of something being headed by ripping off the head of his serpent meanwhile the rest of the crew sneaks into the gods meeting disguised as emotion gods and there are some amazing cameos of gods here there's a golden dragon that looks a lot like the great protector of talo from shung Chi there's a giant eyeball there's bow the god of dumplings he's actually voiced by Simona paparelli wolf a long time Marvel Studios team member Louis desposito's assistant turn producer Valkyrie mentions a god of magic a god of dreams and a god of carpentry who is off screen by day yeah implying that Jesus is MCU Cannon and hangs out with Zeus we see two celestials peering in from outside the hall based on their appearances the one on the left with the five eyes in the antlered head is a mad Celestial from a 2012 fantastic four-story line when celestials tried to steal Reed Richard's alternate reality viewer to conquer the Multiverse and then on the right that matches the design of a Celestial Gardener from a 2013 uncanny Avenger storyline involving the planting of Life Seeds and death seeds and planets korik spots an old Cronin God who's also played by Tech with TTV and mocap and I think my favorite detail of this movie The Cronin God sits on a throne of scissors like the iron throne but Scissors because you know rock beat scissors you don't need to be afraid unless you're made of scissors just a little rock paper says a joke for you this is all part of a running rock paper scissors gag starting in Ragnarok rock where korg's uprisingly failed because he didn't hand out enough paper leaflets but Meek who is a scissor person essentially was able to defeat sakarins whom Drax previously referred to as paper people their sightings of sycophant gods and Dionysus the Greek god of wine and partying played by Simon Russell Beale there's accredited Aztec god played by Nico Cortez perhaps it's Quetzalcoatl whom Thor name dropped earlier there is a credited Mayan God credited as actor Iman J hajjiti that is the giant figure who laughs from one of the higher Thrones actress Sheila korewa plays a Maori goddess presumably tumatoinga actor Kuni Hashimoto plays the Jade Mori God that's the giant Samurai figure whom Thor has to step over Nicole milinkovic plays the elsh goddess or elk goddess the lady of Elke being a limestone bus that was recovered in Spain believed to be a carthaginian goddess worshiped by the Punic iberians Carmen Boone plays Minerva considered to be the Roman version of the Greek Athena now yeah eternals does make this all a bit confusing since it wasn't apply that the mythologies of Earth were inspired by the eternals likethena but eternals were revealed to be synthetic beings made by the celestials to help them pop planets presumably the eternals got their names and identities from these real Gods there's a crazy little fur God played by Stephen Hunter a New Zealand actor who played the dwarf bomber in The Hobbit movies Clarissa Vicente plays goddess of the Dead perhaps this entity from Aztec mythology and sit in the road directly in front of them is actor akusia sabet who listed herself online as Boston who is the wakandan Panther deity aka the Egyptian feline goddess she is not credited in this movie though this could be an instance of an actor listing on their resume based on what they were told by casting directors and wardrobe people without the producer signing off on it the reality is that actors don't have speaking lines in movies or have some scripted action that they have to do on camera or some specific purpose in a scene they often don't have to be credited but you know what akosia you get yours you are bastet and our headcanon and of course Zeus appears played by Russell Crowe doing a Greek accent he Wows the crowd with his Thunderbolt tricks really the guy's most obsessed with this year's orgy which is very on brand for Zeus from Greek mythology he's always turning into animals and liking things Thor represents himself to Zeus who shrugs off the threat of Gore and uncovers Thor's masquerade oh you flipped too hard damn it except of course the real thing we get some ass notice how Thor has some tattoos on his back R.I.P Loki with Loki's horned Crown the word Brothers a broken heart and a scroll with some runes on it but if you look closely at that those ain't runes it's actually names of people Thor has lost the list reads mother father Hein doll Loki Tony and Natasha yeah sorry Vision you didn't make the cut along the bottom of his back a banner that reads rest in mischief and based off of what we're seeing Loki doing in the TVA in his second life our dude is getting into plenty of Mischief Thor also said you flicked too hard which reminds us of Avengers endgame during the time ice when Ant-Man presented and told America's ass to flick him and if you put the word flick in a comic book word bubble and italicize it the yeah yeah we we know what flick means Zeus says Gore will never reach eternity and Valkyrie tells Jane eternity is a very powerful being at the center of the universe it will grant the desire of the first person who reaches it and Jane asks so it's like a wishing well well eternity is not really a one-time Wishing Well in the comics but eternity might have some reasons to Grant one wish and peace out right now in the MCU we'll talk about that a bit later the guards have gold flesh and they bleed gold make me wonder if they might have been part of the Sovereign from Guardians of the Galaxy Vol 2 but later one of those Asgardian kids says he's the midasian as in King Midas so they might also be that I just love how much taikwatichi is able to embrace the golden bloodbath of this fight because you know if the blood was red there is no way they'd be allowed to do this in a PG-13 movie Zeus Thunderbolts Korg but luckily cronin's get crumbled all the time so as long as their mouth stays intact they are okay so that Cronin that Thor smashed back in the dark world as long as the mouth was intact he didn't really kill him Thor catches the Thunderbolt and Chucks it back through Zeus Valkyrie ties cord's face to the back of her braids so that the braids give him a bit of a mustache foreshadowing his future soulmate Cronin with the handlebar mustache Dwayne on the boat Thor and Jane sees the space Dolphins whom Thor says mate for life in packs of six there's that number six coming back six OG Avengers six Infinity Stones six dolphins in an orgy cork sinks this Cronin courtship song that he says his dad sing to each other and he explains how cronin's hold hands over a lava pit for a month and then produce a new baby boy so all cronons are male Korg references valkyrie's girlfriend who died in their battle with hella that we saw in the flashback in Ragnarok but not really explored explicitly in that movie script taikum TT shot that flashback using Dynamic light technology from the satellite lab and used the same stunning enlightening effect for this coming battle in the shadow realm so valkyrie's coming fight for her at least might be a bit triggering for her and notice that when they fight there's a light source that rapidly rotates around the small planet creating these dizzying Shadows which is interesting for characters who are trying to fight the Shadows like they don't know which the moving Shadows are actual sentient threats and when of them are just natural on this terrain throughout this act it's just visually haunting to see this fight desaturate into monochrome again because Shadows contain no light and thus no color the conceptual opposite of the rainbow that Thor and Jane are bringing and I love how throughout this sequence whenever they use light sources like mjolnir or the Thunderbolts color itself also emanates from that glow there's a great gag here with a goat boat smashing into the planet which is a much smaller Moon than anticipated a gag that we also saw in Rick and Morty let's go down and check her out Oh I thought it was further away Gore ensnares them in his shadow beasts looking especially creepy with his hollow eyes peering out from the darkness Christian Bale's just frighteningly demonic throughout this he rasps and looking ahead the ax being the bringer of the buy for us makes a bit of fitting terminology with Axel being the future Heimdall Gore tells Thor love is pain my daughter is the lucky one she does not have to grow up in a world of suffering and pain run by Wicked Gods Choose Love call the ax if you think about it he's setting up his own choice to choose love capital L Love by the end of this film Thor will be someone who chooses love his adopted daughter in a new reality where this guy's Gonna Get Around by calling Axel his new Hein doll Choose Love call the Axel this fight ends with Valkyrie stabbed all of them having to retreat in the bifrost but as that exit move was a huge mistake by Thor with hella it is also a mistake here with Gore because he jumps into this bifrost stream grabbing Stormbreaker leaving Thor in the rest to spiral off to some other location Jane now separated from mjolnir reverts to her weakened State leaving her body unable to fight the cancer as mjolnir's power-ups do to her in the Jason Aaron Comics Thor gets the Thunderbolt from Valkyrie and uses it to catch up with Gore who is now taking the kids to this eternity chamber it's interesting to see it assembling into place I just think this is what gorge travel looks like from his perspective from the shadow realm anytime he beams himself into a place from his perspective it looks like a room assembling around him now of course these statues are all known entities from Marvel Comics at the center of course is a statue of Eternity but if we go clockwise from that next is Lady Death the skull face representation of death in Marvel Lord it was to woo her romantically that caused Thanos in the comics to embark on his infinity stone Crusade then Eon representing time which is a gross bearded freak that no joke Jim Starlin modeled on a stain on a garbage bag that he saw on his sidewalk then Infinity considered eternity's sister believed to be associated with the Infinity Stones on the other side of the chamber though he was not visible in the trailer footage is a green Celestial this is the celestial form of the one above all another ranking cosmic power in the Marvel Universe then the Watcher the multiversal overseer voiced by Jeffrey Wright and what if and then lastly The Living Tribunal the ultimate the cosmic legal Authority with the three faces of necessity equity and revenge Bolivian tribunal just showed up in Doctor Strange the Multiverse of Madness and appeared as another severed statue head showing up in the void in Loki so these seven entities share the chamber so they might be on equal Divine status kind of checking and balancing each other but it's also interesting that they are tucked away together like this in the center of the universe almost like they've been exiled or hidden or just forced into retirement remember in what if the Watcher was forbidden from intervening and perhaps all these entities are bound by some kind of non-intervention code unless someone knocks at their door the fact that bifrost can open a gate through eternity statue to lead to eternity's True Form in that realm suggested similar door number two or door number three could be opened into the Living Tribunal statue to talk to them or into the Watcher statue to talk to Jeffrey Wright I cannot wait to see live action Jeffrey Wright Watcher in the MCU Thor empowers each of the Asgardian kids by expanding Odin's worthiest charm we get this great overhead shot that actually looks like a tree branching out like idrisil or like the roots of the Groot arm Stormbreaker handle that we saw earlier now among these kids in addition to axel there is that my dassian kid but also a lycan kid a wolf boy this Legend is played by actor Khan Golder who actually played young Arthur curry in Aquaman I'm wondering if this lichen kit might be Thor's illegitimate kid with that Wolf Woman I don't know how long ago it was but I think we should just you know we should we should do a test Jane ends up joining the fight using Val's Pegasus and they're able to break the necrosword and Jane summons the fragments of mjolnir back to catch some of the broken pieces of that sword with it and then blast all of it with the lightning again we see how Milner's broken State gives it benefits that it otherwise would not have Gore goes through the open Eternity portal where we see eternity's True Form they actually pulled it off it's a starry silhouette with the visitorship of bass and it looks pretty cool eternity sits at a zen-like state and interestingly says nothing actually eternity seated meditative pose mirrors Thor's meditation at the start of this film Thor's eyes in that moment opened like the bluish skies and there may be a metaphysical connection between him and Eternity whose eyes stay closed in this final scene so Gore awakens him and those starry eyes glow brighter and brighter I mean who knows maybe eternity needed both Thor and Gore to find him at the center of the universe so he turned the activated both the Lord of Thunder and the Lord of love so that eternity could transform himself are we all simply pawns on the chessboard of space god seeking to give themselves makeovers I mean if they do it in the Name of Love who's to blame them now this watery realm might be based on the dimension of manifestations eternity's realm from the 90s Quasar Comics it actually looks a lot like thanos's Soul realm except with normal lighting I just love how increasingly we're seeing more and more Realms in addition to universes in the MCU Natalie Portman said that they shot one of these scenes at a Best Buy parking lot I am guessing it was this one and remember they described eternity as a wishing well and now here in this hopeful Sunny aquatic space the imagery does evoke that of a wishing well Jane encourages Gore to choose love and after he gets an assurance that Thor will look after his daughter he makes his one wish to Eternity in a blinding light beams from eternity's head and the camera tilts down into the reflective water where now beside Gore's body is a reflection of a girl with eternity's Starry form a girl now that we tilt up is revealed to be his resurrected daughter so love is another Cosmic entity in the Marvel Comics because pretty much every abstract concept is actually a space God eventually in the Marvel Comics love is considered on the tier of characters like Order and Chaos considered on a slightly lower tier than eternity which makes sense because Korg calls her born from eternity but in this case it looks like eternity might have transfigured its life force into a new form the living embodiment of Love who knows maybe what the boundaries of the Multiverse eroding due to incursions this being who sees time as a flat circle felt that what the Multiverse needs now more than a solid boundary is the force that transcends all boundaries an active force of compassion so in a way eternity lives on but now the force that binds the MCU together is love and I kind of love that Jane tells Thor that she finally came up with a catchphrase and Whispers it in his ear we don't hear what it was this mystery Whispers in a way a nod to Jason Aaron's comics is Nick Fury Whispers something in Thor's ear to make him drop mill near and that is what leads to Jane wielding it sometime after we don't find out what Fury said until much later we learn it was the words Gore was right That Shook Thor to his core and made him feel unworthy now in this case I am going to assume the whispered catchphrase is something specific to the two of them like I'll never forget my first time or maybe something dumb like it's Hammer Time the epilogue sequence shows a new statue built to honor Jane the new Asgard notice how the sculptors actually made the effort to Chisel into mjolnir to make sure that it is the cracks version of the ulnir you have to wonder if anyone from the ground level even notices that detail but they took the time to do it and I love it Valkyrie trains the children of Asgard she's wearing a jersey for the new Asgard Kings and she is number one but SIV trains Axel in private sessions so you know we're gonna be calling that ax more in the future Korg meets his love over a lava pit Dwayne which come on has got to be a nod to Dwayne The Rock Johnson I'll fight anyone who says different Thor and Gore's daughter love eat some breakfast the same pancakes that a Thor made for Jane but now he's making some time to eat them with her the girl is reading Jane's quantum physics book and Thor has to uncloke her green Hood reminding us of the reveal of Tony Stark's daughter Morgan in endgame whom Tony had to unmask from the helmet the first time we saw her the two argue over her shoes that leads to her shouting go to hell demon and firing purple optic blasts from her eyes who knows what this kid can do this is like the new Jack Jack of the MCU she's a space god she's an embodiment of love I mean the sky's not even the limit and as a kid who loves to draw she draws a lady face a millionaire and then they charge into this beach battle to intervene in what looks like a clearly overmatched Invasion by one person to another we see their big jump here that actually parallels the earlier shot of Thor leaping alone to defend the endogarians now he is no longer alone Guns and Roses Sweet Child of Mine returns and as I somehow predicted right in my breakdown of the very first teaser of this movie beyond the fitting lyrics of praying for the thunder in the rain to quietly Pass Me By The Sweet Child of Mine of this song's title actually refers to the Sweet Child Of Gore and now this kid is the love to Thor's Thunder that's everything I spot in this movie and hey if you live in the San Francisco Bay area you can actually come see me do improv live with in-game's improv every other Saturday night at 9pm in the mission hit me up on Twitter or Instagram for details at ee boss following the Rockstar subscribe to new rockstars for more analysis of everything you love thanks for watching bye thank you foreign [Music]
Channel: New Rockstars
Views: 2,912,989
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: new rockstars, new rockstars youtube, youtube new rockstars, thor, thor love and thunder, thor love and thunder breakdown, thor love and thunder easter egg, thor love and thunder explained, thor love and thunder ending, thor love and thunder post credit, zeus, hercules, valhalla, gorr, jane foster, heimdall, thor 4, thor easter egg, mjolnir, stormbreaker, korg, thor trailer, erik voss
Id: K1RJdgWGvkA
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 41min 11sec (2471 seconds)
Published: Sat Jul 09 2022
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