Black Mountain Side | Full Movie | Horror Drama | Shane Twerdun

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[Music] oh that's lucky no he has it's a flush kind of flush you're lucky oh it's called being the champ that's what it's called i'm a champ thank you goddamn money thank you very much [ __ ] skipper girls on me tonight boys oh oh getting old boys i could share some of this with each other if you like it is the first november yeah well look at this one month from today i'll be sipping margaritas with a lady in florida every year baby christmas in florida margaritas huh that um this new world or disneyland florida what was that excuse me is it disney world or disneyland in florida ah [ __ ] disney world i'm there for the women dude where am i grown man the women and your girl huh well that's what this money will help me get right well i like a white winner so what's the deal you staying here again this year oh yeah [ __ ] i love it up here you know poor son of a [ __ ] stupid all right i like the double pay man need it after this poker game here we go game on bud [Applause] [Music] so [Music] oh check check all right everyone this is uh professor olson head of archaeology for u of t head of field research for the saa professor francis monroe project director pleasure to meet you likewise i uh did a paper on your university that's drew mcnaughton he's our equipment technician and robert michael giles field supervisor what he's doing here not on set is beyond me i'm on my break and that's uh dr richard anders site assigned medical supervisor pleasure to meet you likewise let me know if you need anything uh be nice to do something around here for a change let me show you the lab you in here yeah all right and this is stephen wells he's here on a corporate internship with a company named calgary uh it's uh been my assistant for the past few months how's it going well thank you you got a very impressive resume thank you professor olson is here to write a report to hopefully get us a grant from the sshrc to get us more funding and more hands hey that'd be great i really look forward to working with you likewise so uh how was the trip down long yeah it's a long ride on that chopper you're lucky it's uh three times as long if you'd ride up during a storm so usually that's colder it's not usually this warm really yeah so i uh got you wondering why they sent you up to a northern paleo indian outpost something like that yeah i'm curious what they told you unusual clothes findings that's how well they were pretty vague with the details yeah we're pretty stingy with the details ourselves that's pretty standard right yeah i'd say a standard clovis culture yeah last three years we've been stationed here that's all we dug up 11 000 bce clovis it's uh pretty interesting stuff nothing too exciting though right two weeks ago we found this pot eleven thousand bc clovis pottery it's interesting but not impossible yeah that's not what's interesting though we found it on the sediment dated to 14 000 bp 14 000 bp clovis pottery nope ocobus pre-clovis pottery mezzo-american i mean it looks messy american it got similar symbols and markings we're over 4 000 miles from the nearest mesoamerican site there's a hundred different reasons for this being here early trade activity in this area ceremonial burial of a more recent culture something like that right but 14 000 bp you know that radiocarbon dating is not always accurate right we've uh also started unearthing structure structure a week ago we began unearthing a large object that we think is the roof of a structure that goes down well really far how far maybe a meter maybe 10 meters we don't know we don't want to jump to any conclusions here i mean it could be nothing it could could be planted we don't know right but this is the real deal that we're looking at one of the biggest finds in the past century we are right in the middle of the ice-free corridor and this could confirm that theory over the past three years we've covered over two square kilometers of ground know going as deep as 12 000 bp of sediment have a good night any of them speak english all of them they speak dog rib with one another but they're all fluent in english any of them have experience with archaeology not one of them now they're all from a reserve about 100 miles south of here we just pay the band council and they give us workers usually finish this early you don't get much sunlight up here when the sun isn't up it hits 50 below sun goes down real fast yeah i get stuck out here for longer your blood will freeze i wouldn't want to be the poor son of a [ __ ] to have to experience that okay gentlemen thank you again how many hours of sunlight do you get well this time of year i don't know like five five and a half you know we try and use as much as we can but come december and january we barely get any at all so we do the other 19 hours drink mostly well's more asleep there that's my office and uh there's a communications cabin that's where jensen is and mcnaughton and giles they have their own cabins are over there and uh this is us home swing home that's me remus the uh site chef he sleeps in there it's pretty small cozy it's a [ __ ] you're upstairs come on i'll show you and finally your room bed's kind of shitty but it'll do the trick that heater takes about an hour to start to work so sometimes you gotta smack it around a little uh you're gonna need blankets pillows there's a stack of that stuff in the laundry room it's the next room over by the way it gets kind of loud wonderful yeah it sounds shitty but there's a little vent there that siphons hot air from the machines into this room so it's actually not that shitty believe me in a couple of days you're gonna be thankful we gave you this room enjoy [Music] gibson get off the table gibson okay uh beat it right boys we're out of eggs all right anything else now we'll be out of milk soon okay i'll radio it in tomorrow how many more sites like this are there there's a side like this one every uh 100 miles or so two dozen spread across the whole area any other ones have anything like this nothing we've heard of we're at a radio range i was reviewing some of the photos last night if you look here these kind of look like symbols of a trajana it's a mesoamerican period of time it's similar but it's faded so it's hard to tell maybe a simplified version now if you look over here that's it's nothing that's just an image maybe a hunting ritual something like that i'll pour it down do you think he goes no clue based on the depth of the bedrock in the area i'd say three feet maybe as many as 10. outpost ntc 291 calling station nine over outpost ntc 291 calling station nine over this is station nine what can we do for you two nine one over hey how you doing station nine uh when's the next supply drop at this location over hold on a minute let me check that 4291 sunday november 10th in three days okay great um can you add uh let's see hang on one second here milk cigarettes and eggs to the list please over sure great thanks a lot over and out hunker down with a yeah bottle of whiskey and a box of porn yeah well it's much deserved anyway huh whiskey and pork whiskey and pork whiskey and you tomorrow what while we're on this subject how about a toast mm-hmm to the crew yep we'll be remembered for the greatest archaeological find yeah possibly ever all right i like the sound of that there it is gentlemen cheers and you'll be remembered as the guy who sat on his ass the whole time it was happening um i'm okay with that so what do you think doc what do i think about what about that temple out there what i think who gives a damn what i think i'm a doctor not an archaeologist it doesn't get old no oh man jesus christ it's just olson yeah what do you think about the temple it's probably not a temple whatever you know how uh how far do you think it goes down just based on experience if i was looking at a similar structure in the amazon based on shape size some of the defining characteristics i'd put at about 20 000 bce which is well not possible well you know what i think yeah what do you think aliens hey you laugh now but right wait till we start pulling up little green bodies you're a goddamn idiot where's the file on alpha 226 alpha 200 alpha 250 is listed under 59. and this one's labeled 100. red files are 100 blue files are 200. [ __ ] this is giving me a headache why don't you just call her today come in jensen over what's up giles can you come down to the site i think you're going to see this yeah i'll uh be right down over what the hell what is that it's ramus's cat jesus christ who did this i don't know one of the workers why would they do it this is [ __ ] up mcnaughton yes why would mcnaughton kill a cat i don't know you saw this happening yeah okay okay i'll look into it you can go back to work this makes no sense hey mcnaughton come in yeah did you kill ramus's cat no well then who did navron just came into my office he said he saw you doing it that's what he says [Applause] okay uh just get it up here mcdonald i'll tell you everything when you get here okay hey doc wake up i need you out here right now what the [ __ ] is going on jesus christ oh what's going on three of our guys are gone the other two weren't looking for him three the workers yeah john's still here yeah why are you gone i mean they're gone what the [ __ ] do you think about i have no idea why guys the workers are all gone [ __ ] yeah all but two what about giles not giles you didn't hear him leave no i did there's some tracks from the cabin going to the reserve they're going back to the res i don't know i guess so what walking apparently this is [ __ ] great three weeks before rap you think they'll send more guys i doubt it why would they leave in the middle of the night was 50 below they got spooked spooked i don't know i believe in all sorts of wacky [ __ ] maybe someone spooked them yeah like what cat yeah maybe the cat you know it's possible they are pretty superstitious people so they see the dead cat freak out and leave and then wait till the middle of the night i know maybe it was the cat in combination with something else you know an animal sighting or something what do you mean in animal sighting the animals have a lot of significance in dog rib mythology they can come in the form of demons gods or whatever so these guys see a moose in the camp and run for the hills well regardless we can't work without more guys i'm gonna call it in well i wouldn't say no to an early winter break oh five months alone here is more than enough what happened to candy what the hell is wrong with he's them no fever what did you eat i don't know the same [ __ ] you guys ate all right let's get to my office take a look at you jesus christ come in station nine over station nine come in over [Applause] station nine come in over station nine are you there come in please over [Applause] so what's the word be going home or i couldn't get ahold of anyone oh what the hell is all this wells threw up is he okay thanks son so what do we do go back to work until we can get ahold of someone all right keep those walkies tuned to the workers channel that's channel three and keep it nearby the two-way if anyone calls we'll be back before dark all right yeah go to station nine tell them to send an evac yeah yeah look i know it sounds trivial but it's important i don't care if you have to take those radios with you when you take a [ __ ] just stay by them all right okay still feel like [ __ ] eh yeah and you've been feeling progressively worse throughout the week yeah any conditions anything not that i know about all right not even sleeping i'm not open your mouth okay my best bet is you get real bad flu how did i get it well sometimes uh someone has a virus but they have the antibodies so they don't even realize they're contagious right then they give it to someone else and they don't have the antibodies and then they get sick i'm going to give you some new painkillers and some traslim it'll help you sleep all right i think they went home just doesn't make any sense i mean they don't have any of their stuff they got no supplies they're not gonna make it very far not in this weather [ __ ] it's cold yeah what's wrong has anyone else been up here why well we lost we're not these trucks aren't going to the reservation they're going the complete opposite direction no one's been out here as far as i can tell these trucks are headed north reservation's south well if they're headed north are definitely dead it's not in bad condition considering it's 11 000 years old yeah well nothing comes up here on top of that it's all untouched buried beneath the snow and ice the reserve where the workers are from they don't come up here ever no the town they all took off just to know the most town for hundreds of miles really yep we're the northernmost outpost 291 out of 291. stop that lost northern outpost by about 90 miles so what comes up here then nothing so why are we here same reason 290 is there in 250 26 215. some surveyor found some scribble on the rock and figured it was important enough to waste years of people's time government money yeah nothing comes up this far north through these mountains except for the odd charter plane and even though it stopped coming up here after that one went down about 50 miles from here engine failure from the cold so what motivated me to build a camp here rock pile formations usually stuff you can see the initial reports here jensen got him in his office and like stop that same old stupid [ __ ] anyone pass me that can this one guess it's empty good three more cans back in storage how long can we go for i said we got supplies for two weeks at the most supply drop was supposed to be three days ago yeah [ __ ] okay we're on for now [Music] just put it down there is it on yeah okay i told you the thing works fine i just want to see test i turn the dial dial test test try 98 test test see it works so that's turned off or they aren't there maybe there's a storm on the other side who knows well just rig a loop to 98. okay yeah there are stone fights like this one every couple of miles or so they're all about a mile from my initial dig spot where we found most of the clovis points you think this means the dog rib knew about the temple nope that's likely just a coincidence stone pies like these are really common among native cultures they're used to mark important spots like um ceremonial burial grounds or recurring settlements our theory is that these were used to mark uh a hunting spot for uh deer or maybe bear a lot of bear in this area yeah but you don't have to worry about that this place is covered in bear traps and those will really [ __ ] you up they're traps yeah but down the third is by the dog group um these stones were put down maybe five six hundred years ago see the natives they kept a close eye on the spot for a few thousand years along with some other spots um that we haven't started to excavate yet no markings nothing just boring old stones your specialty is clovis yeah this is grad school graduation year oh two you ever seen anything like this i never even heard about anything like this you don't think we're uh if we're trying to pull some sort of elaborate hoax do you nah the radiocarbon dating head done on the structure places it near the end of the ice age yep that's a solid structure right people didn't stay in one place during the ice age carbon dating of the artifacts suggests that these people were here for a span of a few hundred years that's what doesn't make sense maybe they found ways to adapt to the cold and why they leave where'd they go south to form early mesoamerica if they're going south they would have gone south for christ's sake would you cut it out i'm bored go to work you're still on the clock what clock there's nothing to do why don't you try fixing that radio you are the equipment technician aren't you that [ __ ] radio is fine all right everything on it works except the part that lets us talk to other people it's the ranger stations radio that's [ __ ] all right nothing i do here can fix that well if you aren't going to go to work knock it off with that goddamn ball what are the cream yeah that's fine look at this you see here it looks like a simplified version of something you'd see on a mayan or aztec wall really simplified right what's strange is it all of these symbols mean nothing in any mesoamerican system of writing and aesthetically they look mesoamerican but there's nothing here to suggest that that's what this is they think that a similar aesthetic is likely just coincidence so uh what does that snow from well it doesn't look like anything from south america so it's out of my expertise i do believe however that what we're looking at is not a writing system but a systematic series of drawings a lot of them are animals maybe hunting ritual cave wall kind of stuff but just with more of a coherent style so maybe a culture that was here before the ice age they built this structure to survive in the cold but they didn't make it to the end of the ice age because of the cold so so mcnaughton you in there not i'm coming in okay hey why didn't you answer the door sorry i was just reading right we saved you some lunch you missed breakfast too are you okay fine you need me to get you anything some in a drink fine okay your lunch is in the kitchen screaming what's going on huh doc heard screaming you want to go check on wells and uh is he all right i don't know it's [ __ ] up let me find that just look what the it's okay well it's it's healthy holding down what the [ __ ] are you waiting for [Applause] oh oh [Applause] hold almost [ __ ] [ __ ] ugh uh anyone ever been sick like this before yeah all the time i'm serious putting this in your report wouldn't everything in the report well this has nothing to do with the site the report's not just about the site it's about the entire camp look professor we brought you up here to check on that structure and get us more money you want more money you have to address the issues issues what issues the guy's secret has nothing to do with the operation you weren't properly equipped to deal with the situation that's [ __ ] cauterized his arm with a [ __ ] shovel yeah well we weren't exactly anticipating a goddamn amputation you're ill-equipped you know what fine do your report maybe we can use the grant money by a [ __ ] cat scan machine she's [Music] do you see it ah right ah wow so oh jesus [ __ ] christ what jesus christ not anyone come in come in everyone is anyone there is anyone there is anyone is there anyone there your guys lost it not exhausted coming down i worked to launch it county got his [ __ ] head get drunk just calm down tell me what's up what's happening it's gonna be okay okay just relax [Applause] oh [Applause] [Music] come on hold on mcdonald's it's probably safe to assume you've never heard of anything like this is he going to make it i don't want to sound pessimistic but i doubt it not as long as he stays here and mcnaughton i got him on an anti-psychotic what did it work we'll see i'll keep a close eye on him until we can get him out of here but he's probably gonna lose the rest of that arm he made a real gnarly mess out of it christ good this way follow my voice open your eyes good i can see you jensen any symptoms feeling sick dizziness headaches no no i feel fine i'm just tired have you been sleeping there's some i i uh wake up and then i can't get back to sleep how long's that been going on for a few weeks it's probably stress you uh have any heart palpitations shortness of breath no just waking up for no reason yeah pretty much i have been having this uh dream though well sometimes when you dream body releases adrenaline wakes you up is it a nightmare no it's not a nightmare i mean it's not like i'm afraid or anything like that what's the dream uh i see this person these people i guess um they're like us but they're not it's very strange um i just feel like they're watching me i don't know all right well i'll get you some sleeping pills to help reduce rem sleep you got any uh allergies heart condition no okay all the artifacts were found within 30 feet of the structure they all have animals on them being portrayed as god-like creatures that much is fairly evident right now based on the sheer amount of effort that went into making all these artifacts and the structure and the consistent use of animal imagery on all of it well there's no question that this site was extremely important to them probably a place of worship right like a shrine right now one recurring theme in a lot of these pieces is the deer this deer god is very important to them maybe a creator god like a caculkin in mayan or iacada in aztec religion all right yep just thinking yeah that's where they went to look here a lot of early tribes and civilizations were wiped out by disease obviously they had no medicine back then and they had no understanding of the concept of germs and bacteria now this piece this is our youngest piece by about 100 years so far now if you look here these resemble people but what's strange is that they're disfigured and all the other pieces their portrayal of people it's fairly accurate they're standing up arms legs heads but that's not the case in this piece people are missing appendages they're slouched over i believe this depicts illness uh plague as the ice melted the bacteria could have been unfrozen i mean the timeline of our pieces ends near the end of the ice age it's just a theory it wasn't the cold that children was the cold protecting them in a way exactly so everyone dies then no one comes through for thousands of years and the thing get buried beneath sediment and ice interesting that's interesting but it's not what i'm worried about what are you worried about i'm worried about wells wells you think what he has is uh what this artifact is showing it's happened before curse of the pharaohs so we're looking at a bacteria that's 10 to 11 000 years old frozen deep in the ice along with that structure and these artifacts someone was sneaking around the outpost last night who you tell me i don't know maybe it was an animal for christ's sake that was no animal it was speaking words i heard it outside my room look i'm hearing things we're all hearing things okay but there's no one out there we're in the middle of nowhere this is just stress it's not stress there was someone outside my [ __ ] window speaking [ __ ] words to someone else what are you suggesting huh it's one of the crew i'm suggesting someone in our crew is sneaking around snatching up all our supplies and is going to leave us with nothing and then we're [ __ ] that's insane is it yes is it incest is mcnaughton slicing up his arm insane is all our workers waking up one day and deciding to walk 100 miles in the arctic winter insane just look into it [Music] look as hard as you can don't look at the trees or the mountains look past them look i just found him here like this he must have untied himself and taking my rifle oh that's just wonderful do you have a family ex-wife and a kid yeah a divorce though still doing an autopsy let's see if you can find out what was wrong with them anywhere to rescue not yet ah wash your hands i think i'll take a shower are you gonna watch me cut them open thanks i ran some tests on the tumors that were forming under his skin the cells aren't human what are they they bear similarity to the cells of a cephalopod octopus there were traces of human cells but they were weird in the sense that they were in the process of changing into what into the octopus-like cells or squid or whatever you're trying to tell us that wells was turning into an octopus well sort of the cell formations that we're building on this muscle tissue they would detach once they reached a certain size i ran some blood tests earlier and the invader cells were present in his bloodstream and more than likely in his spine too wells is turning into an octopus more like thousands of tiny little ones what the [ __ ] does that mean it means that he's really goddamn sick okay i can't dumb it down for you more than that yeah that's not possible oh really tell me more professor guys guys what are we gonna do well i've got them on every antibiotic i have hopefully it can stop the invader cells otherwise you have to get a [ __ ] aquarium what about mcnaughton i found the same bacteria mcnaughton's bloodstream and his spine which leads me to believe that this bacteria it spreads like tertiary syphilis okay it starts in the spine it moves to the bones the muscle tissue the skin and then eventually as in this case the brain so the bacteria drove him insane well it's a bit of a stretch to make that kind of diagnosis based on the fact that i've never seen anything like this before i mean he could have had a mental breakdown due to isolation sickness or a schizophrenic episode brought on by stress or or the bacteria i mean he was exhibiting signs of schizophrenia sudden temper depression but i'd have to see his family's medical history and i can't access that from here all right so what do we do we need to get wells to a hospital or he will die i can keep him pumped up with uh antibiotics but hopefully he can fight off the side effects is it contagious probably first thing tomorrow i want that structure re-buried i want the artifacts quarantined i want the whole site sterilized what you can't reopen this site until you've quarantined tested and surveyed all the wildlife in the area that'll take years you're already responsible for the death of one maybe two crew members you started excavating before the site was deemed safe and now you're dealing with the consequences it's to rebury this way we're not dealing with a dangerous bacteria that we know nothing about what i saw coming out of well's arm i won't have you or anyone else objected to i'm not gonna throw away three years of work okay this is foreign to anything i've ever seen before we don't know what it can do we shouldn't [ __ ] with it this is [ __ ] [ __ ] francis come here did you see it saw you what else did you see nothing there was nothing there they're talking about you the others why they think you're going mad am i they think you've got it do i that's right good hey you're up late oh first thing tomorrow we're gonna quarantine these artifacts start a report so we can get the ball rolling and reopening this site okay are you okay yeah i mean i see some [ __ ] before but nothing like that cinco sauer no one has to explain it to his parents for rescue doesn't come in the next few days i think a few of us should go hike up to the reserve sure weather's gonna break next few days i think it might be smart to take advantage of that but we can okay you need anything no sure yeah all right ugh stop hey stop why he's okay i put him out of his pain he's in pain his face i've never seen anything like it it was horrible step back all the way to the walls step back just stay the [ __ ] back what what the [ __ ] did you do he couldn't die he wanted me to kill him i didn't want to but he wanted me to he made me do it he made me do so so i i caught his wrist but he didn't die so i i got his throat but he kept screaming so i thought if i take off his head and i kept heading back he didn't die now he didn't die and i didn't know what to do i kept crying i tried to stop his heart but it didn't stop it didn't stop it it was horrible i didn't know what it was so horrible it was it was he made me do it i swear to god i swear to god he made me he jesus what the [ __ ] is going on i i didn't i want to go home i would like to go home he made me do it don't try anything or i'll [ __ ] shoot you please i had no choice i'm going to be out in the room right here so don't try anything well let jonah rescue you guys oh listen to me i had no choice just he made me do it john john listen you did a good thing your blood pressure's good liver checks out kidneys are fine thyroid it's all fine hey dog come in go ahead uh yeah look i'm down at the supply shed i just need a hand i gotta get a bunch of these boxes inside can you uh can you come down copy i'll be right back uh who's there hello us [Music] um shut up only liz is in humans why are you telling me this five million are here to propagate its species shut up such tiny insignificant creatures it was speaking to me i i i swear it was it was speaking i was saying something about maggots it wouldn't stop i had to stop it i stopped it when was the last time you slept i'm not sure you're hallucinating no maybe i i don't know it seemed real i'm gonna give you some sleeping pills so you can get some rest lack of sleep it triggers hallucinations it seems so real i'm gonna give you some xanax too i want you to take these and get some sleep i'll take care of this oh yeah i brought you some soup we're gonna hike up uh to the reserve tomorrow what the hell happened to you do you not see him there's not much of that left so you just make it last please tell me you see him you see him right i don't i don't see anything what should i see he's here now listening watching he's watching me jensen i can't move without him watching me i can't move calm down okay it's all right i can't do it anymore he wants me he made me do it okay just tell me what you see he's behind you what's he doing watching you touching you watching me he's angry with me he's going to do something i don't who is he a deer he's a dear it's i no i don't know don't leave me this is all in your head i don't want it anymore i'm gonna see if doc has something for you okay no jensen please stay no dancer come on [Music] where are you going i think we should hike up to the res the weather's gonna be nice in the next few days yeah looks like you already thought about that i was gonna tell you guys really because it looks like you were about to leave us here i was not gonna leave you guys well we're just gonna take the rest of our food with you two i'm not ditching you guys just making sure you got the map and the flashlights but you got the batteries there too hey there's other maps and there's other flashlights i'm not [ __ ] ditching you guys i know you're type jensen [ __ ] sociopaths acting all respectable and altruistic until your opportunity pops up to get ahead and bam there you are pushing the rest of us out of the way well guess what what if i see you touching any of our [ __ ] i'm gonna shoot you and then i'm gonna kill you and i won't hesitate and i won't have no sympathy because people like you got it coming people like you have it long coming don't think i don't have my eyes on you scared me when was the last time you slept oh no yesterday day before okay i'm taking over why so you can sleep no i'm fine worry about yourself well you don't trust me why should i what did i do what did mcnaughton do what did he do you know what's gonna be a long winter if you're gonna spend it up here by yourself not trusting anyone well if that's what i have to do then that's what i have to do brought you this i don't want it when was the last time you ate no no eat it no i can make my own food thank you it's not poison leave me alone [ __ ] hell man it's freezing cold you're not gonna eat you're not gonna sleep you're gonna die in here then let me die worry about your [ __ ] selves i'm fine oh uh um yes ugh okay oh he's dead thus dead jesus christ ah this is bad it's not that bad oh you're losing a lot of blood this is probably some internal bleeding oh [ __ ] oh ugh we need a doctor i don't know what i'm doing oh you got to get to the reserve you can't go anywhere like this you got to go i'll stay here you'll die i'll be fine there's a trail behind the site it goes all the way to the reserves boat it's 90 miles if you uh hurry you can get there in a day and a half so it's just okay the sun's coming up an hour and a half get down the mountain in i don't know five and uh it's gonna be a lot warmer than so has a map in my room now i should have said help okay ugh stop him scarf him no stalking jensen ugh uh uh huh [Applause] uh uh you you're not real what do you want from me when an animal looks up at the night sky what does it see thousands and thousands of tiny points then a man looks up at the same points and sees millions of stars galaxies within which are billions of planets do you want to know what i see were you there when i created the stars no space time no but still you think you deserve understanding i've done nothing to you i'm leaving your home you don't really think i'm bound to that structure do you artificial carvings on a stone certainly you don't believe that i can be omnipotent omniscient not not omnipresent you're not god god isn't cruel he doesn't kill men like this you no do you believe that if you are god tell me why tell me i have to go why don't you stop me because you're in my [ __ ] mind that's why don't you think i'm real because you're a [ __ ] parasite i'm not here to take you or to make you believe in me ah i don't give a [ __ ] what you want where you came from what are you [ __ ] doing here yourself [ __ ] where are you tell me god damn it uh uh aah [Music] oh my god [Music] ah you
Channel: Movie Central
Views: 755,474
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Action Full Movie, Classic, Free Movies, Free movies on Youtube, Full Movie, Hollywood movies, Horror Full Movie, Movie Central, Movie Central Free Movie, Movie Central Full Movie, Movies, Rom Com Full Movie, Sci-Fi Full Movie, b-grade, bigtime, comedy, drama, films, free full movies, full, hollywood, horror, latest free movies, movie, movies, popcornflix, sci-fi, watch free movies on youtube, Black Mountain Side, Shane Twerdun, Carl Toftfelt
Id: xQtw9XBONX4
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 98min 58sec (5938 seconds)
Published: Sun Apr 24 2022
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