Dark Island | Full Movie | Action Sci-Fi Horror | Killer Virus!

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[Music] hey hmm huh [Music] [Music] [Music] uh [Music] stay away what the hell is going on put the gun down now put the gun down [Music] so uh this is recon one you're receiving this transmission test 48 did not go as planned [Music] my [Music] ultracore's closed-door policy over its military applications for its one-time safe energy programs and now we're getting a public backlash against x doesn't make any sense ultracore is up to 89. spokesman for ultracourt insists that the break-in resulted in the loss of only non-essential files take some money right and nobody knows unable a federal investigation has cleared ultracore of all charges finding no substantiating evidence of wrongdoing ultracore has been unusually silent on the accusations of testing outside of the united states no comment seems to be ultracore's new slogan [Music] [Music] [Music] can i get you something darling yes uh just an orange juice thank you [Music] that'll be two dollars straight up they don't matter bobby oh no really it's okay just do it i mean enough easier than arguism no uh i'm from california los angeles san francisco good luck to my l.a girl as much attitude i don't appreciate it real i'll gentlemen you another if you tell me your name dr miller you made it here fast ray hua houston sophie miller i'm very glad to finally meet you i'm tucker i was talking here first well thanks for keeping your company that'll take it from here my friend let's have a little dance shall we you want to dance with me not that i want it you got no matter stuck always interrupting the fun these are new friends of mine so be respectful clear there's a whiskey i'll say goodbye will kane i'm your charter greetings everyone on behalf of ultracore i thank you for joining this mission sophie this is alan thurston rit specialist tech officer rachel is reconnaissance and rescue with me ex-military right where'd you serve she only talks when needed ideal girlfriend right and you miss miller what's your deal doctor miller she's our medical officer we recently lost communication with our recon teen they were stationed here on mayor island 30 miles west the island has become altracor's principal testing ground how were they testing [Music] their campsite is here no longer in communication the area is a no-fly zone and radio contact is murky at best the island is covered in heavy foliage but is nearly devoid of all wildlife our mission is a simple search and rescue op sweep the island and locate the missing team if that fails we are to recover any data that may explain what happened alan that's you fails it's a little grim isn't it i want to find survivors that's why you're here but the mission comes first mr kane will be transportation to and from the island you all know the rest we start at first light so make sure you get some sleep hello there missy we are we never did get to finish that yet not now i'm going to bed hold on now i just want to talk but um when you said that about the bed it got me a little excited i want to see you push me away you're in no condition to use that thing tuck and i don't mean the knife go home talk before i call your wife wow well i don't know what to say thank you don't thank me i just don't lose my new job before having it paid [Music] you got any room left for the rescue east altracore doesn't travel lightly permission to come aboard captain about to the end of the dock doc well good morning to you too sorry i slept like crap it shows aspirin i get headaches so [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] so [Music] not too loud at a drop point from here [Music] so [Music] hey ray where's the concierge not so fast star trek you want to give this handle your stuff we'll make base camp here ellen you and dr miller set up your station rachel and i have to take the first trip to the mitchell camp we stay in communication here what do you need what is that [Music] why do i expect tribal drums to sound now don't touch it looks fresh two maybe three days old is that oil better question is who did this they're like scarecrows or scare something it's a warning what happened to no wildlife birds come on the wind looks like organic deterioration but i've never seen anything like this once i get set up i can run a few tests that's no bird ray allen stay here help dr miller with anything she needs not a problem yeah before it gets dark the boss is my number well i guess i'll see you when i see it yeah i hope you find your team hey could you help me with this [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] so [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] mitchell [Music] [Music] mitchell [Music] [Music] mitchell he's gone right stay here hey wait don't leave me here um [Applause] ah okay that's our man mitchell it's me raymond you i know you i know you what the hell is wrong with him mitchell just calm down we're here to rest we have to leave hold on it's out there here everywhere get off we have to get off [ __ ] what's out there what happened here i killed a lot of birds well there wasn't enough ah it's okay he's with us we have to get off this island okay mitch we'll leave but first we need to know what happened to you she's a doctor she can help you you're not listening mitch take me off this island now will it's empty i didn't load it that's it we go back to the boat we need to get this man to a hospital you can find out whatever you want as soon as he calms down but right now i need to get everyone off this island you're all my responsibility we haven't found this partner yet walsh dead he's dead everybody's dead all right let's go sophie you are not captain on this island this is my mission we stay right where we are you want to take it to a vote he might be right ray i can care for mitchell here i try and understand all right sophie allen take mitchell back to camp rachel and i will continue the search well i'd like you to stay this is your team clearly not mine i'll be on the boat until you need me [Applause] oh [Music] [Music] oh [Music] [Music] [Music] it couldn't cross the trees the crawl line you got to be kidding me where the hell is your boat man oh what the hell we gonna do now we gotta find it maybe maybe it's around the cove we could swim out we're not swimming anywhere we wouldn't last 20 minutes in that ice water well captain what the hell was that thing what were they doing on this island what the hell are we really here for well well break out the flares you're not telling me that we're stuck here can we use your sat phone to send a distress signal yeah now you're thinking let's get this working if anyone can pick up the signal we're in a no-fly zone no one's listening for a radio chatter out here there's a transmitter back at mitchell's camp it has a direct link to ultracore i'm not going back out there it's getting dark we're safe here we can head out in the morning finish our search your search is over you saw what it did to your man i'm i'm sure his partner didn't fare any better there's important data we need to recover especially now well what do you want to do just sit around and wait for a fishing boat run a 48 hour schedule no one's gonna miss us for at least another 36. look if we get the transmitter working we can get a rescue team out here in about 20 minutes seeing how things are i don't think we have much of a choice [Music] [Music] still nothing don't don't say a word just sit maybe it can't manifest itself with non-organic compounds the sand it it's a dead zone it can't cross the beach or the water that's why mitchell wanted to get off the island it's trapped here just like us pretty neat huh looks complicated for a medical doctor well i wasn't sure what to bring so i packed it all yeah well women do that so level with me you know what it is they're doing out here not entirely you know some kind of biological experiment test 48. rae feared the team may have contracted something so well rachel i get she's she's like a razor but he brings you out here chauvinist too wow you have quite a resonance oh yeah well i am what i am you have what you see you might not like it but at least it's honest but all this all this ray yeah i'm not so sure add paranoid to that these backstabbers didn't make the list me you are gonna leave us all behind call me when you need me i was there when you needed me wasn't i look forget it lady doctor i didn't sign up for this [ __ ] so there goes that family's dream of the future look what you got to get your head straight this is the profession we chose you're his commanding officer it was your responsibility this isn't the first time i've lost a man it won't be the last you seem to be looking at things differently ever since you got those bars on your shoulder you've betrayed briggs i got the rest of us out you should have never put us in there in the first place we had no intel no support watch yourself soldier you seem to be happy stepping out the ladder oh congratulations sergeant never mind the fact that one of your men comes home in a casket could have been worse i could be at your mother's front door right now you can thank me for that don't get in find your own ride [Music] jesus ray ray what happened it was all over him get away ray what was it so sorry we should have never come here there's no way you could have known what was out there that's not true raymond what is it right what's happening here this whole thing's a setup rachel and i don't work for alger core not anymore so what are we doing out here then ray i used to do biotechnology research for our core's renewable energies division i'm a scientist but they cut our funding when they discovered deeper pockets my work was taken from me applied in areas i never wanted to be a part of biochemical weapons far more advanced than germ warfare and is that what's out there some kind of biochemical weapon i don't know what it is i don't think altra court is either something went wrong with their testing out there mitchell had been feeding me information for the past several months test 48 i knew something went wrong i had no idea and you dragged us all into it i had to go back for mitchell you saw why look whatever it is out there that thing it's an accident consequence of ill-intended actions so now you know i am sorry so now what do we do the beach isn't safe and we have no way to defend ourselves we need mitchell's data to see what we're up against first we need a weapon and if it's organic if it's a line in any way then it won't like this one little bit [Music] [Music] [Music] all right let's go make it fast is it workable don't know there's no dish don't need it enslave it to will's sat phone we're good rachel you and will get back to the beach use the generator to power it up get it ready i want to stay with the radio i need you to get that computer you stay here i got it do what you got to do i'm on it what's up nothing keep moving let's see if this works bingo all right look for test 48 i know i know you're receiving this transmission test 48 did not go as planned this is recon one do not proceed i repeat do not proceed guess you never got that message okay can we go now i need to stop we can't stop we've got to keep moving come on i'll catch up with you i'll get some ice in the refrigerator be right back rachel rachel [Music] what's happening [Music] [Music] [Music] oh oh [Music] ah [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] so you think you can do it yeah well mitchell had the original breakdown [Applause] [Applause] forget the torches let's go [Music] so [ __ ] where are they where the hell are they rachel where is she where is she where the hell is she something happened what happens is infected rachel get off me i got it wasn't it she's gone right so some kind of breakup extinguisher it works we're not defenseless anymore i'll get to work on mitch's files see what i can allow she's out there part of it somewhere it'll use her to get to us here we have to stay alert [Music] you think he'll be all right he brought this on himself [Music] did you get everything should be enough to make them think we work for altacore [Music] any trouble with security nothing i couldn't handle what about the files did you get the files mitchell did his part looks like you have a lot of reading there i'm going to take a shower [Music] [Music] [Music] this is uh this is an sos please verify and respond over here distress beacon pulse intervals just keep the channel open so you can hear if anyone in response but stay on it this is an sos emergency please respond please mystery solved yet it seems altogether is working on any type of biological weapon a living weapon one that kills all other living things targeting and corrupting cells like a virus the contagion was to be controlled by an isotope similar to the substance in the spray gun good soldiers can move freely bad soldiers turned black and sticky but obviously something went wrong very the contagion didn't just corrupt the cells it completely took them over a living being is simply a hive of cells that work in conjunction this contagion works the same way only it's driven by its created purpose and what's that to corrupt and destroy and spread relentlessly about sums it up what kind of doctor are you again i'm a toxicologist actually i specialize in reverse engineering science that's a pretty specific field for search and rescue you've been in this from the start haven't you look i didn't know what happened here trust look we didn't tell you for your own safety we didn't know you'd be stuck with us and then when ray spoke out the other night and i saw how you reacted to him i just i didn't want you to think of me the same way alan too look we knew what rey knew that altracor was testing something terrible here something that has to be stopped this is exactly the kind of experimentation that cannot be allowed to continue someone has to take responsibility but look at a cast here i tried to speak up i tried to do something but instead i was dismissed kicked out so they could take my research so they could do this i'm sorry i got you into this will but don't blame her i hired you and god knows i've paid a heavy price but i have to finish this now more than ever i can't let this thing win you know captain ahab said the same thing you're pretty good at taking care of yourself will but how are you at the bigger picture you ever stood up and sacrificed for what was right it's called a cause something that you believe in something that you fight for no matter what the cost because you know it's the right thing to do i believe we're doing the right thing [Music] and you feel you are doing the right thing by coming to me with this information yes sir i do but the mission was successful was it not not for my men sir your man you mean sergeant cutter's men his mission his call any ulterior motives he may have had in your opinion uh just that your opinion but sir he's trying to success in this world is measured by two things perseverance and dedication are you dedicated to the cause private yes sir but it's not just do you think we are doing the right thing here so there it is sergeant cutter betrayed his man when he sent them in enough i am confronted with a dilemma here private your word against your superior officers yes sergeant cutter's been to see me and he's explained his actions and your reckless disregard for his orders i will not tolerate disloyalty not to this army not to our cause you are hereby discharged soldier effective immediately don't say something you'll regret son i want you on the next chopper out do you understand me you are excused civilian what about the crows the residue it's completely decomposed dead to reverse the process i need a living sample i doubt that thing's gonna be too cooperative there might be something at the actual test site we can use we have to try something rachel's still out there she's not rachel anymore she's part of it now infected like mitchell she's not dead that's right if she's been infected by it if she's still alive i might be able to use her blood to create an anti-serum it could work mitch elicit a complete chemical breakdown and i can use the repellent compounds from that spray gun you found so what do you need for me ray let's go find rachel she's out there watching us i know keep moving all right this is it i built a similar device based on their specs it's a subterranean injector it delivers the toxin to the core of the island we should be able to reverse the process if we use an antitoxin well let's keep moving in right yeah now we don't have to share you see anything not yet rachel she's not gonna come right hey [Applause] i got it [Applause] got it uh sorry about that we'll set the delivery device be back before daybreak call us on this if you have a breakthrough [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] so [Music] i've got it it works you're serious i think so i i used her natural antibodies to piggyback on the contagion carrying a chemical compound similar to the repellents molecular like whatever it worked in small dosage we need a larger sample drop it on the enemy and hope it doesn't spread doesn't sound like a masterful strategy from great minds they did plant a form of control similar to the spray found in that gun soldiers would ingest a tablet a marker which would build up a resistance to the contagion but all that changed all that changed in a bad way it's ready maria i know i'm trying rachel oh god rachel what the hell what happened the thing how are you feeling are you all right i don't know what the hell am i tied up for i don't believe it it works rapid but normal you need some water ellen untie her i have to call ray he's okay oh my god alan i bet this comes as quite a surprise right now what are you doing and now we're alone gotta admit doctor i'm impressed didn't think you'd do it now how about the rest oh come on that wasn't the full sample you think i'm stupid let's go into the tent get it all get it where do you want me to look i've got other plans but this might come in handy you ditched the boat guilty i couldn't have anyone leaving before i was finished here i even saved ray's life needed him to complete his mission why i've got my own little test to complete test 49. brand new stuff for the control group keeps it in check you were never at risk nope just good acting now i have one final move to make i have to set off ray's delivery device with my own sample it's my turn to infect sorry about this doctor nothing personal it's just business you know what i think it is vice chairman i know your time is valuable so i'll be brief dr raymond hua has just contacted me for an assignment ray's planning a little trip to mayor island he wants to shake things up not good for you is it mr vice chairman wessler i want to help and i want ultracore's protection and you want money no doubt that would be the polite thing to do i can subvert his operation from the inside and i can get you what you need and what is it i need test 49. [Music] alan's at the radio on a dead band it's working now the sun will be up soon and we can finish this thank you what for well no one's ever saved my life before so how was it it was nice is acs one acknowledging a distress signal on this channel we're here hello this is dr sophie miller can you hear me loud and clear dr miller oh my god we're saved at grid niner alpha you're in a restricted zone prepare for evac eta 20 minutes out we got it hold on we don't have much time to launch the test are you kidding tell the troops when they arrive they won't understand we have to do it now they're going to be here in 20 minutes ray and we're wasting time ray we're going to be rescued take your fight to ultracourt to the media tell them what happened here you don't have to risk your own life risk look at what i've already lost it doesn't mean anything if i don't finish what i started what we started i can't let you do that ray stop it your fault rachel he's got the vial and something worse he's going to the test site the troops will be here in 15 minutes sophie wait here the rescue team will be here soon i'm going after ali will i could use your help yeah you always do listen come on this way come on okay you stop the launch go after out and you go play with the locals [Music] hey there poor shack i'm over here [Music] [Music] one it's over alan it's not over you're finished i say so uh [Music] you should know about persistence ray but you need to know when to quit back to work [Music] through the beach let's go [Music] now [Music] [Music] sorry ray you're just too late oh no right what you've done they unleashed something here something far more powerful than design and now it's mine you can't control it [Music] come to me come to me i feel better what's happening i don't know come on hey where's the ceremony ellen [Applause] [Music] what my turn no wow let's get out of here minute go go go go [Music] [Music] here they come so we're not finished here yet or sophie i told you she's fine just fine she's being debriefed just like you you briefed is that what this is tell me again why you why you can't let me go why am i a prisoner it's a very negative way of looking at it what would you call it combat detainee you've been part of a very unusual event you must take precautions i've told you everything i'm not contagious it doesn't work that way you see it says the enemy i don't blame you for that if i was looking in from the outside i might think the same thing somebody watching yeah there always is whatever you believe or think you believe we're not the enemy good morning my hands tied where's sophie i want to see her there are always sacrifices to be made in this life mr cain for the greater good are you asking me to join up are you kidding i won't do it you'll hear me in there i won't be a part of this i won't be environment you already are right [Applause] so there are no side effects no you're absolutely certain about that none whatsoever mr kane has carried the contagion for over 72 hours with no adverse effects he is completely healthy i wasn't asking about the test subject i was asking about the contagion test 49 is a success congratulations doctor [Music] [Music] [Music] keep [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] you
Channel: Movie Central
Views: 1,274,343
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Action Full Movie, Classic, Free Movies, Free movies on Youtube, Full Movie, Hollywood movies, Horror Full Movie, Movie Central, Movie Central Free Movie, Movie Central Full Movie, Movies, Rom Com Full Movie, Sci-Fi Full Movie, b-grade, bigtime, comedy, drama, films, free full movies, full, hollywood, horror, latest free movies, movie, movies, popcornflix, sci-fi, watch free movies on youtube, Jai Koutrae, Tate Ammons, Mary Christina Brown, dark island, movies like lost
Id: VLMyw8qHMf4
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 86min 55sec (5215 seconds)
Published: Sun Jul 24 2022
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