The Facility (Full Movie) Horror, Thriller

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[Music] [Music] at the roundabout take the second exit you have arrived at your destination where is your destination this is knowing this is not my destination are you lost yes i'm completely lost uh i'm looking for a cleaner is it lime brook yeah i'm going there too oh uh do you want to lift please no privacy in these places yet do you often spy on women getting changed whenever you're getting the chance that's what attracts me to hospitals the weak and the vulnerable you know to make a good impression you like spain too i take photos of hospitals of whatever i like bathrooms um some of the other volunteers have already arrived hi uh this is where you'll be staying i'll let you get settled in excuse me excuse me um i need to ask a question could i get the payment on front no you'll be paid on completion no it's just that i you won't need anything while you're here free food free bed you may even get some protein drinks promotional goodies how do you do looks nice this will do good morning morning we've uh booked a suite with a sea view welcome to lambrook as you're all aware this is a phase one trial over a 14-day period and the trial is a double blind so we're all a little bit in the darkness to the nature of your treatment you'll each be administered two milligrams of a substance we'll be referring to as pro 9 with subsequent daily top-ups of one milligram now please don't leave the building eat only in all of the food provided and please stay within the communal areas get a good eight hours sleep every night no smoking no drinking or any other medication no sex no strenuous physical exercise so i've been in my ex-girlfriend's parents house it's all in the uh directories provided and believe you meal have plenty of time to read them okay are you saying no sex does that include masturbation no i'm serious why are we all the way out here it's easier to maintain a controlled environment away from the city we found in the past that people like to sneak out at all hours for a cabal start your confinement then do you have wi-fi uh we'd prefer it if all the dialogue was kept within the clinic uh that's also why there's a phone amnesty so i need it for work this is your work for the next two weeks you could uh use the phone in the dining room between 8am and 8pm just dial 0-9 for an outside line great oh and um i'll need a sample from each of you so uh we now will forever hold your peace we'll start with uh jerome the big dog and uh the rest of you we'll be seeing you at hourly intervals well once you've filled out your forms you can go and relax wait to be called thank you um pro nine the drug to be issued this one our signature please thank you just bear with me that's all right take your time yup just relax your arm that is relaxed that's it is it 409 yeah this is it so how do you don't mind me asking 19 bit young to be doing this aren't you don't i haven't got anything else to do is this your first time doing this yeah it's gonna be a long two weeks i don't know you don't have to hide away in there you know you've got two weeks together in this honeymoon suite oh no no no sorry i'm just gonna get changed hey hi hi how much do you know about this place worried about it good reviews no michelin star though get ready for 14 days of intense boredom speak for yourself place seems pretty decked down you've got pool table computer games nurses all right and can i have the patient number thank you melon okay it's two five zero zero two seven four one three five thank you very much over to you madeleine i'm just going to listen to your heart okay i'm just going to go under your tongue sorry my hands are cold all right all right malin i'm giving you one file of pro nine yep catherine strong number 12b okay and 204 that's all zero how do you kill time in these places playing pool is settling in the treatment room that's me dose number 12b 10 13. is it it's only supposed to be two milligrams isn't it that's correct that'll be two milligrams can i have the time please it's three o'clock three do you using like another clean syringe or yeah that's a fresh syringe and a fresh needle and i'm just going to clean your arm as well and bob's your uncle very good that's all we need for now okay thanks all right we're heading back to the game's room yeah thank you very much thank you good hand see you later on so you're a farmer's daughter eh what makes you say that i can read the signs see on about as farmer as in pharmaceuticals it's just a term used amongst volunteering circle for female guinea pigs one who professionally sacrifices her young supple perfectly formed body for the advancement of medical science joanie the guinea pig when i get home i'm gonna buy two guinea pigs and call them joni and morty i might even do tests on them uh i read somewhere once that people in peru actually eat guinea pigs you know like raw what you ever tried guinea pig tastes like chicken to the treatment room it smells like vodka oh just hold that down might be a little bit of blood but get your plaster is that it yeah that's all we need thanks let's go now yes dude thank you very much all right see you shortly thank you testing testing this is so cool i love retro technology not obsolete lots of people use them so what does your editor expect you to uncover it's for a series of articles called the last resort what's gonna run pieces on core girls and drug dealers i'm honored sorry i can't help you anyway maybe uh rf for adam is your story oi i've got two shots oh yeah we're playing that rule that um yeah playing the actual rules of pullmaking keep up yeah i know i i thought do you do you know the eight ball rule yeah yeah i no if i win before you've potted a ball you've got to run around the whole hospital naked [ __ ] off i'm not kidding derek to the treatment room who the [ __ ] is derrick derrick palmer i could do it getting this up a bit more you know really well you can just sit up for now oh yeah started last time it was pretty normal should be right around about 120 over 80 or something like that like very dependent on me diet or stress sometimes depending on what kind of food you give us today well you're just about dead on there all right thanks then morty that's all we need is that it yeah okay thank you i'll see you next time back to my busy social life in the world cheers thank you very much see you later are you giving me a chance no if you can win a game then win it it's a nice tattoo thank you does it mean something um yeah it does to me huh there we are over to you right is this the good bit yes this is it i'm going in a little bit higher so if you can roll that up as far as it'll go all right i don't think we're going to get much further than that no that's fine hopefully okay that looks madeline i'm gonna tap that before this two weeks is up what about you and joanie what are you talking about are you gonna [ __ ] that i'll sit around cracking jokes for two weeks well i hadn't really thought about it this environment isn't exactly a turn-on of course it's not stinks of bleach it's full of strangers reminds me of diseases exactly but in a week you'll be used to it and you regret not having laid the groundwork groundwork if you visited the north pole it'd be too [ __ ] cold to take a piss never mind do anything else but do eskimos [ __ ] well that's good stuff you should write that down he who lost last mate you know why you're not supposed to exercise during a trial because your heart rate increases speeding up your blood flow and the drug's effects it's not exercise it's maintenance um hi hi take long wait for you yeah okay what we need first is your full name please adam shaw cross is everyone else's all right yeah fine the day's gone quite quick actually yeah save the best to last ever have the others been filling you with panic about what we're doing here yeah it's just mostly just kind of you know them getting it done and me just wanting to get mine done really yeah there you are it's all about the weight i suppose well now you see it's just a straightforward injection and nothing to get excited about all right my apologies i find social dining without a bottle of red rather lacking but there's the rules i'm afraid you should never mix drink and drugs you're on a weeknight anyway indeed well i'll see you all bright and early tomorrow for round two bon app there you go nine what what's your diagnosis then don't play that game that's not spoiler surprise huh what's the worst stretch you've ever done more team um i did some lysergic acid derivative one of my first lsd sounds fun struck an hospital ward which 20 strangers hallucinating for a week yeah but that would never happen now these things are too regimented yeah right well you disagree it was this trial i missed out on across the channel apparently at the time she was a fellow lab rat she got in let's make a style like this about 20 of them or something anyway we're testing this painkiller but the dose was knocking everyone out and i mean people falling asleep upstairs the middle of a conversation that kind of stuff after the first week all the women complained of a less obvious side effect vaginal soreness doctor examined all the female subjects and he concluded it was a side effect taking such a strong dose next week there's no complaints the doctor had sat in the male nurse after examining the women he had raped every single female subject never came out of course every one of them yep well i was gonna propose a first night toast but after good elf to all of us good health hello hi i'll be round patrolling the grounds i just thought i'd introduce myself i'm howard hi howard right sleep well my lovelies okay uh chad you're right mate jed is he all right guys a [ __ ] dog it's you guys you're good what's going on jeff how would you be lying okay ted oh that's with all the knives oh hey jed listen to me try and keep yourself covered why is he screaming oh that's not it's funny wait outside please oh [ __ ] doctor manson to the walls immediately oh my god can you walk away from me just get away from me please everybody out where's he gonna be all right wait outside please the doctor's on his way we just need some space you need to get on the bed what's happened i don't know he's with the doctor now can you clear the corridor please what the [ __ ] is going on i don't know he's had some sort of a nightmare a nightmare he's in agony people act completely differently towards different drugs hope he's okay ah well i've sedated yet he'll be kept under observation downstairs tonight is he okay he was tearing his hair out well he's in the best place then now do any of you know if he was taking any medication he hasn't told us about no has he had any recreational drugs or alcohol since he's been here he exercised a lot well he had a severe reaction to the medication but we've got that under control and that's why we stagger the injections so we can monitor their effects katie how do you feel well i feel okay i think eric i want to go home what right now i want i want to go home maybe in the morning but uh until then right here is the best place you can be everyone get some rest hmm go back to bed try and get some sleep please eric sweet yeah right now it's possible you might feel some muscle spasms aches these are common side effects nothing to get too distressed over okay and if you do feel concerned just come down see more madeline all right don't stay awake all night speculating won't help anyone you okay [Music] huh [Music] [Music] jesus oh arif oh what have you done no no no no [ __ ] come on man i need to sit down [Music] it's not his blood whose blood is it yeah put my coat on aries calm down we need a doctor up here come on darling lie back so much for rapid response eh [Music] i'm gonna have a look downstairs i'm coming too be quick hello [Music] hello holy [ __ ] oh you need to get on the phone jesus christ what's happened here i need you to get my notes from the laboratory seems the pro 9 has dealt with some unforeseeable problems how do you make it what problems what's the code 09 yeah i've tried that it's dead we need the phone doctor yes i need to get out of here what he's in the canteen our mentor we don't know that where's everyone else in this room so is anyone coming we couldn't get an outside line which you mean you can't get an outside line this place is full of phones can we take your car my keys are upstairs i'll come yeah i'll come too i'll stay here maybe someone will turn up can you also get me my shoes i'm mine aries you ready i haven't got the keys they're in my coat where's your coat on arief oh [ __ ] well if everyone's got their bloody shoes on they don't need a car ah we're walking i reckon it's a couple of miles back to the road then i just want to get out of here monty we're not going to budge this without their hands look for a switch behind reception there should be one under the desk here it's not working there's someone out there i just saw something move are you sure i think it's just our reflection well we need a swipe card or keys or something to go here let's just look for another exit hey i have some switches hold on okay break the glass break the glass no wait wait let's just smash it no don't where's he gone come on [Music] [Applause] [Music] hello can anyone hear this uh the pro 9 has dealt as some unforeseeable problems this is going to happen to all of us first jed then arif now it's calm and then me and then you and then you yeah what about me i took the drug before arif well i think we should do one the doctor said his notes are in the lab okay adam adam oh bleeding that's cool [Music] we need to get out of here now katie how you feeling great you didn't take the prone line what you heard you're the control i did the same as you now you took a placebo what this turns out all right for you casey the only survivor just happens to be a journalist better than the story you come in for eh we can all get out of this if we if we work together what do you think carmen feeling positive about our immediate future are you feeling something why are we still talking we need to go and get some help from where from who by the time we get anywhere i could be in the same state as carmen or arif i'm not going anywhere with her and you should be pretty [ __ ] worried about going anywhere with me i'm well bought then look the doctor wasn't the only one that worked here someone will have gone for help if we stay here we need a phone and we've got a pharmacy right here i suggest you start securing the door shouldn't you sleep for an hour or two wait you're not qualified to start giving out sedatives i think we'd be on waiting for the doctor don't you oh what the [ __ ] is going on all right this might take a few moments to kick in so get ready to hold her down what just be [ __ ] ready carmen we're gonna give you something to calm you down okay there you go could have [ __ ] killed her she's breathing technically that doesn't happen when you're dead right one each when the time comes we sedate each other k.a you do ever's last probably adam and then you keep us sedated until help arrives that's your plan sleep for now so i have to fend off two psychopaths on my own while all of you are sedated switch places but yeah i happily would really and then i could be the hero and you could be the one trying not to shite yourself because your body's being poisoned okay and your brain's being pulled apart and [ __ ] sideways thank you if anybody wants to go go i'm staying here we won't survive if we stay in this place adam listen to me even if you do manage to leave the building without bumping into our two friends once the drug kicks in you could be a serious threat to anyone that you meet we can't just run away we have to stay here and deal with this furosemide um i think that's a diuretic you think let's put it in the don't know her we can't put everything in the doughnut pile i mean we have to weigh up the risk and make some educated guesses there i'm putting that in the no pile or pissing ourselves as it is morphine i'll pull that in and maybe pile shower last resort this might as well be in latin computers or locked paperwork's all we've got then i can't relax with her in the room maybe you should have the morphine it's already blood test results from after the injection clean clean hmm hmm don't you think it's important that this is recorded we've gone through it important for all of us no i'm not a commitment without a second procedure look at this over here what's he doing well that's going on is hand it's a glass they're upstairs that'll be a good time to leave oh my god [Applause] this is something else this is [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] i know you're confused and scared if you stay there then where have they gone oh oh my god you see now that's what we're all gonna turn into ted's face was puffed up like a football so top of the shopping list is an anti-inflammatory what the hell have you lot been injected with rf looked like he was suffering from some sort of a voluntary reflex what dyskinesia academia was dyskinesia can't that be a side effect of um antidepressants right okay can you just imagine that you're in the company of two people that have no [ __ ] idea what the [ __ ] you're talking about sorry muscle spasms um restlessness um constant movement of the jaw and tie when you're [ __ ] high on ecstasy yeah anything else yeah other possible side effects can be suicidal tendencies violent you sound like a [ __ ] shrink do you want to know what the potential side effects of brain drugs are anything the human mind can think of an act on that's your potential side effects i've known people who've tested sex and just never come back well now we all do [ __ ] can this be happening it happens rarely are you still desperately clinging to your faith okay so now we've diagnosed the problem what's the solution huh what have been saying all along hardcore sedatives anybody got any better ideas no i thought not she can't stay in here let's just move her to another room [Music] why don't we kill her pour it over misera what killer you can't be serious she's not an animal well if we throw it out we're leaving her to die anyway want to become a killer you can do that you can take responsibility for that yeah yeah i could open the door [Applause] get her out no get off me to concentrate on helping ourselves out i remember forcibly removed from the group and multi beginning to show signs i'm aware of journalists influencing the story killing off one of the subjects difficult situations demand difficult solutions you have that written on a postcard above your desk look i'm as much a part of what's happening as anyone else but while we are thinking of survival you're thinking of 500 wits that's why i came here but you can live whenever you want you should be out there now looking for help are you going to stick around and watch us all die is that your story because i can't imagine how you can put a positive spin on your role in this the sedation plan is off then what was your suggestion again oh yeah that's right you didn't have one i said we should leave and get help and trusting you know what you're talking about not just pissing around with a chemistry set it must be wonderful to be as ignorant as you adam oh well at least i know i'm [ __ ] talking about that i'm on there stuff stop it did you find anything else in the pharmacy morty yeah some benzies for the nerves and some thorazine which is an antipsychotic now i'm going to take a shot of each you can monitor the effects and judge for yourselves it's a shot in the dark yeah i'll keep reading maybe you'll find a ray of light [Music] yes peace answers not the one i was looking for help me out here there is this right yep you're gonna be okay sorry don't be i'm sorry i talked you into staying morty katie there's someone else in the hospital so what we should go find out who it is oh there's the door i went to get the keys and that was a massive success wasn't it clearly you're the man for the job i got your boots for your [ __ ] hat casey make sure you put that in your story adam got the boost will you shut up i could go nobody has to go anywhere yes they do i'll come with you you don't have to do this you'll be fine promise go on don't go make your mind so i'm just shut the [ __ ] door and then there were two don't write them off most not them i'm writing off i didn't take the pro 9 either what adam it's quiet out there [Music] [Applause] oh [Music] [Applause] one [Music] oh you stay i'll go have a here okay ah [Music] [Applause] don't do this jedi [Music] oh let me [Music] oh [Music] [Music] chad [Music] come in emergency may day over come in emergency may day over come in emergency may day over adam shaw crush limebrook clinic over madeleine what happened we need to get someone down here they wouldn't want any of this to get out would they is help on its way over i don't know isn't toby with you what trial coordinator toby isn't here with you no is still here have you been upstairs to the offices no i've seen movement up there a light came on judd and arif toby we know you can hear us there's still time there's still time to help us that there's still time to stop the effects of the drug please toby he's upstairs come on we've got you people need to stop fighting this you can't get off the roller coaster once it started best thing to do is just to try and enjoy the trip come on let's go are you going ahead i can't leave you here with him i can take care of myself take care adam i'm glad you stayed okay uh some things i need to get off my chest ah ah story i told you at dinner i want about the rapes i made that story up it didn't really happen nothing ever happens at these clinical trials it's like the same two weeks of your life on repeat uh do you know a medical trial volunteering is lab writing guinea piggy to people like you normal people it's paid sick leave i've been on paid sick leave all my life damn [ __ ] i see myself as a soldier find a war against a virus and i was in the trenches sacrificing myself for the greater good and now i realize there is no greater good and all this is for some cooperation oh [Applause] oh you [Music] hmm johnny toby told me told me toby toby open the door open the door mate toby come on look i'm not one of them i'm a placebo just open the door okay just just tell us what's happening look we need your help mate please come on do something i can't intervene while the trial was still in progress what what are you talking about toby open the door open the door toby told me you [ __ ] murderer [Music] um what please you can control this okay she's trying to breathe jody tony joni joni joni johnny oh my god hello what i don't oh i think god does some really bad things get the doctor out please [Music] [Music] [Music] hmm uh hmm [Music] [Music] [Music] so [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] you
Channel: Popcornflix
Views: 2,674,582
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: the facility full movie, Popcornflix, Full movies English, #popcornflix, horror movies, the facility, the facility full, free horror movies to watch, horror movies free, thriller movies, full movies free, popcornflix horror, thriller movies 2021, free movie on youtube, horror movies full movies, the facility horror movie, english horror movies
Id: NhGe2TOHo5g
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 83min 4sec (4984 seconds)
Published: Thu Apr 29 2021
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