Black Adam Pitch Meeting

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[Music] so you have a movie for me yes sir I do so I was thinking we could get the rock to Star as Black Adam ah which one which rock yeah the The Rock Dwayne Johnson oh okay you know that makes a lot more sense I thought there's like about a rock collection you had or something you thought I wanted to make a stop-motion Black Adam movie starring a rock from my rock collection listen I'm very embarrassed and if we could just move on I'd appreciate it I guess so anyway there's gonna be this evil King 5 000 years ago in this place called condac right right and he makes this freaking crown that makes you powerful using a rare mineral called eternium those all seem like they might be words sure thank you and this little kid wants to oppose him and so some Wizards give him the power of Shazam and he becomes a big old hero oh boy that's good that's what we want in this movie actually no because Black Adam is not a hero oh yeah that's right and so how are we gonna show that he's not a hero he's gonna say it constantly oh my God anyway later in the movie there's gonna be a big reveal where we find out that this kid actually transferred the hours to his father and then was killed so the father became Black Adam oh they killed black Adam's son that is a big reveal I'm gonna put that in the trailer oh please don't do that it's gonna be good in the trailer all right so anyway 5 000 years later condac is now being oppressed by this gang called the inter gang that's a terrible gang name I don't know what to tell you sir they're good at gang stuff not creative writing that's fair and so this lady Adriana wants to stop the gang from getting this Crown so she goes to get it before them how did she find it by driving up to the entrance of this cave and going in and it's just kind of it's floating there oh so how was this lost for five Millennia don't worry about it but then some inter-gang people show up so she says some words that make Black Adam show up oh boy here we go and so then he shows up and starts killing all the bad guys which is a big deal you know because Heroes they don't do that they don't kill that they pretty much all do hey shut up so he's not a hero he's pretty much a villain if you think about it he's such a bad guy is he killing random people no just like mean evil guys that Direct quickly attack him so he's pretty much a hero no he's not no he's not because he could remember he's going to keep saying he's not so he's not oh right okay yeah no okay that's my bad so does he speak in like an ancient language or something no he's just gonna speak in Dwayne Johnson's normal American accent how does that work that's actually a really good question it's kind of a combination of magic and Dwayne Johnson probably not being able to do an accent for a full movie that makes sense so anyway then Amanda Waller's gonna send the Justice Society to stop Black Adam and so who's the Justice Society exactly oh well there's Hawk man and he has like this long history friendship with Dr Fate who loves to dramatically remove his helmet that does sound fun he does it in every single scene he's in and then there's also a guy Adam Smasher and this girl cyclone and what's their deal uh well there in the movie as well oh sick it's a little big chunk of the movie he's gonna be the Justice Society following Black Adam around and being like Heroes don't kill people and he'll be like I'm not a hero he freaking loves saying that he loves it he really does and we're also going to find out that that eternium stuff can actually like weaken and injure Black Adam oh boy I bet that's gonna come into play later nope and then so also the leader of the bad guys Ishmael he's trying to get the crown he wants it real bad very rude and at a certain point they actually kidnap Adriana's son uh-oh kidnapping yeah Black Adam tried to stop it but he failed and so you know they got him oh he didn't get there in time no he did but instead of taking him from the apartment he was in and flying him far away he just flew him to a different floor in the same building so they you know they took him yeah it was a decent strategy but I could see why that totally didn't work at all yeah and then they catch up with this bad guy who fires a bullet at the kid but then Black Adam jumps in and stops the bullet but makes a big explosion at the same time I hope do people die only the bad guys and the kid is kind of unconscious wow so then Black Adam turns himself in and gives up his powers what why because of how horribly that just went he saved the kid and got rid of the bad guys that went fine well he's gonna turn himself in because we're at a point in the movie where something like that should probably happen oh okay gotcha so they lock him up in this under water prison inside a water tank with a thing covering his mouth because if he says Shazam he turns back into Black Adam feels like the Justice Society is going to need his help immediately but then the Justice Society needs his help immediately oh my God yeah see they're in their fancy jet and the Jet detects that the demon sabak has appeared their aircraft identifies Demons by name yeah sure okay and so it turns out the bad guy actually wanted Black Adam to kill him because that's what would turn him into this big powerful demon being and then Dr Fate is gonna sacrifice himself oh why because I was thinking of Pierce Brosnan for the role and he'll probably only sign on for one movie that makes sense but before he dies he telepathically helps Black Adam escape from his little water pod so all he's got to do is say Shazam and he'll get his powers back exactly so he's got to fight all these guards and then get to the door of this prison thing and then swim up to the surface and remove his mouth thing and say Shazam why doesn't he just remove the thing from his mouth and say Shazam as soon as he gets out of the Pod because this is slightly more dramatic so then he does say it and he flies in to help oh wow wow wow but then also Adriana's son has to convince a bunch of people to rise up and go fight because the whole City's going nuts man it's gonna be hard for a child to get the attention of a bunch of screaming adults actually it's gonna be super easy barely an inconvenience oh really yeah see he stands up on a little thing and talks to all of them at like a normal speaking volume and they all stop what they're doing and listen to him and that works it does yeah and so then all these people are like hey let's listen to this very quiet kid and rise up together and what are they all gonna go fight exactly oh yeah I forgot to mention there are skeleton zombies now what yeah yeah some little skeleton zombies showed up so they all gotta fight those and regain the control of the city from the skeleton zombies that appear because in the city being run by a gang wanted to make more sense to rise up against them well they're human so that could get messy if they die so no it's gonna be a soulless CGI Army so there's no like moral implications when they kill these being smart so Adriana and some other characters are going to be fighting these skeleton zombies and then the kid rounds the corner on a skateboard with all these people behind him and he's like yo mom oh cool 90s kids are tight it's not the 90s sir he's just a cool skateboard kid who says yo mom and wisecracks with Black Adam like he's John Connor from Terminator 2. that movie from the early 90s yes all right and so then Black Adam kills the demon guy and everybody's very happy about it amazing and then in a post-credits scene Amanda Waller sends Superman to talk to Black Adam she can send Superman places I guess so sir and so what does Superman say he says let's openly talk about this scene and interview so people come see this movie I love that I love that and so yeah that's about it what do you think well it sounds like a lot of fun I say we get the ball rolling on this right now oh yeah oh yeah we're gonna fast track this one [Music] hi everybody Ryan George here thanks for watching that pitch meeting I hope you enjoyed it I hope it made you laugh I hope it made you cry I hope it made you cry you hearing me I hope you cried [Music] all right I'll see you around go wipe those tears away
Channel: Pitch Meeting
Views: 2,532,847
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Black adam, atom smasher, cyclone, dc, dc comics, dceu, doctor fate, dwayne johnson, hawkman, henry cavill, pierce brosnan, pitch meeting, ryan george, screen rant, shazam, super easy barely an inconvenience, superhero, superman, teth adam, the rock, tight, warner bros
Id: HfrmzSX4J-M
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 7min 9sec (429 seconds)
Published: Thu Oct 27 2022
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