Thor: Love and Thunder Pitch Meeting

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I enjoyed the movie but this pretty much sums up what didn’t work for me.

I also think this guy walks a great line between criticism and humor. It’s not angry or mean like cinema sins and it mostly plays at aspects of suspension of disbelief that all films utilize.

Every movie when broken down like this would sound crazy

👍︎︎ 16 👤︎︎ u/InItsTeeth 📅︎︎ Jul 14 2022 🗫︎ replies

This is a perfect analysis.

👍︎︎ 2 👤︎︎ u/Eruannwen 📅︎︎ Jul 20 2022 🗫︎ replies
[Music] so you have a new thor movie for me yes sir i do and let me tell you he's dumber than ever oh okay yeah just real he's not smart at all this guy all right well i can't wait to see him team up with the guardians of the galaxy you know we kind of ended end game with them taking off onto adventure together oh yeah let me tell you sir the guardians of the galaxy are gonna be in this oh boy yeah just ever so briefly what so we're gonna meet this guy gore right and all his people have died and his daughter too even though he's been praying to their god okay and then he meets his god who it turns out is a big old jerk and then he gets chosen by the necro sword and kills the god oh wow wow wow wow yeah so now gore has become the god butcher and he's just gonna go on a rampage he wants all gods to die why well he thinks they're all selfish and they only care about themselves dang well it's gonna be crazy to see him going around butchering gods oh yeah except no that is gonna be happening off-screen but he's the god butcher yeah so he's off he's off doing that we're not going to see that i would like to see it no ah dang it anyway so then we're going to meet up with jane foster and what's going on with her she has stage 4 terminal cancer oh my god that's terrible yeah but don't worry sir everything's still gonna be hilarious all the time that's that that wasn't my concern still plenty of jokes per minute sir don't even worry about it right okay maybe there shouldn't be in some parts we're gonna be cruising at a furious jpm all right you know those screaming goat videos from the internet from like from like 10 years ago yeah yeah we're bringing that in a bunch of screaming goats the whole time all right i mean that was really funny 10 years ago i guess it might still be funny now well i hope you do like it sir because if it doesn't land the first time it's certainly not gonna land the next seven wow will gee so anyway thor finds out from sif that gore is butchering all these gods in amazing ways that i'm never gonna show you and he's on his way to new asgard next oh no yeah new asgard has become like super touristy like they have an ice cream shop called the infinity cones it has like an infinity gauntlet theme that kind of seems like it's in poor taste no it tastes fantastic i mean it's ice cream i mean the infinity gauntlet was used in like a worldwide tragedy that's kind of messed up for a theme yeah nothing a little ice cream can't solve that's a good point yeah okay so thor shows up to new asgard and he sees that jane is now also a thor what do you mean well turns out back when they were dating thor had asked mjolnir to protect jane so that's what he's doing here wow well it's gonna be cool to see her transform for the first time yeah except no that's off screen that's off screen too okay all right dang it so anyway now she has this super cool thor outfit because that's what happens to you when you wheeled mjolnir that didn't happen to captain america when he had it they shut up and so then gore steals all these children and runs away oh super rude so his plan is to lure thor cause he just knows he's gonna come to the rescue of these kids he believes that all gods are selfish and only care about themselves so his plan is to capture people that they care about because they would definitely come help them yes well okay then so thor goes to the city where a bunch of gods live including zeus and he tries to get them to help but they're all scared of gore oh man all these gods in one place that's the perfect setup for a gore the butcher attack scene oh you know it sir anyway oh so then they impale zeus with his own thunderbolt and steal it and run away oh impaling people and stealing their belongings is tight oh my god that won't hold up in court by the way that wasn't an official admission of guilt or confession all right so then they go fight gore and he steals stormbreaker why well it turns out that stormbreaker is the key to the realm of eternity where eternity will grant one person one wish oh what's up it just seems like maybe it would have been easier for thanos to just go there instead of trying to gather all the infinity stones yeah or for the avengers to go there for that matter instead of inventing time travel yeah well see the thing is i'm gonna need you to get all the way off my back about previous marvel movies okay let me get off of that thing oh thank you so much oh thank you very much so does thor just summon stormbreaker back that's a thing he can do right yeah no i guess it's not within his summoning range she needs to change service provider and then they find out that mjolnir is actually draining jane's life for so if she uses it again she'll die i thought mjolnir was protecting her now it's killing her yes sting it mjolnir what the heck so thor is like alright well jane you can't come fight with me and also valkyrie got stabbed and korg is just a face he lost his body man well it's gonna be hard for thor to fight gore on his own actually it's gonna be super easy barely an inconvenience oh really because he's not going to be alone actually what do you mean well he lends his thor powers to all the kids which is a thing he can do now so they all fight gore in his monsters oh wow wow wow wow so then our hero you know the guy with the army of child soldiers attacks the bad guy who's you know the guy who thinks gods should be nicer to people that's uh i don't maybe don't phrase it that way right okay the good guy fights the bad guy yeah definitely keep it vague that sounds better anyway then jane shows up to help too but she'll die she does yeah but then gore is so moved by their love when he makes his wish he doesn't wish for all gods to die what does he wish for he wishes for his daughter to come back to life but then he dies so thor kind of has a daughter now very cute and cork has his body back and he falls in love how did he get his body back i don't know and so that's about it what do you think well it sounds like a lot of fun but do you think maybe we're going a little too hard on the marvel humor sir it's impossible to lean too hard on the marvel humor trust me hi everybody it's ryan here thanks for watching that video hope you liked it don't forget to hit the like button the subscribe button the please uh comment please like click like subscribe uh share also share click like comment subscribe like comment down below anyway that's it for me don't forget to click and uh comment like subscribe
Channel: Pitch Meeting
Views: 2,502,958
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Thor love and thunder, chris hemsworth, christian bale, gorr the god butcher, jane foster, marvel, marvel cinematic universe, mcu, natalie portman, phase 4, pitch meeting, ryan george, screen rant, super easy barely an inconvenience, taika waititi, tessa thompson, thor odinson, valkyrie, zeus
Id: FGgaYSk28IM
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 5min 32sec (332 seconds)
Published: Thu Jul 14 2022
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