Bishop Wooden Preaches // It's Up To You

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[Music] I want to preach from this subject today it's not a Christmas message it's up to you it's up to you Father preach me today may I preach that which become sound doctrine and gospel may I do no damage to your word and Lord save the soul that's near as hell today in Jesus name Amen it's up to you the soul that sinneth it shall die allow me to take ownership of this phrase and says it's up to me hey man it's my call it's your call this message today that the Lord has placed upon my heart to share with you shows the role that individual responsibility for righteousness plays in our relationship with God and with life in general and I want you to let the word individual the phrase individual responsibility sink in deep because this message was single every one of us he speaks to Israel as a collective as a nation but he has something powerful to say to the individuals a man god bless you elder chase he's going to football practice now thank God that he has mine to come to church and be here as long as he can on those Sundays when you see him slip out like that NC State practice praise Lord I'm just glad he come in and get as much of a service in that he can he probably could have had a little more preaching he did not give me all these announcement today's message will free some to be all that they can be that will show you that you are not under a generational curse in fact all who were born before the book of after all who were born after the Book of Ezekiel was written actually have never been under a generational curse never as popular as the generational curse message ears and walls at one time of just a I'm not a fattish preacher I don't I don't jump on bandwagons I preach what I preach preach what God gives me a man if 10 if 10 more preachers in the city's keying on it let them do it but I seek the Lord not what's popular so consequently we never preached here we never joined that generation of curse fed because from day one we knew better this message will show that the sin punished inheritance can be aborted and has been there by clearing the way for every one of us in here to make the most of our lives you can be somebody if you want to be you can make some wonderful things happen in your life if you want to a man we'll talk a little bit about the role that nature and nurture plays in our role in our lives and development because it plays a role but it doesn't play the role that we give it credit for a man so on one hand someone today is gonna be free to be all that God would have them be on the other hand others will find this message to be a depressing message because this message will remove the excuse that you've had for years some are still blaming mom and dad although you are grown with gray hairs show yourself and it's still mom and dad's fault you won't say men praise the Lord we we blame mom and dad we blame blame our grandparents great-grandparents and others for our current failures some of us are still blaming slavery you know we will want slaves you weren't you were never slaved your mother was never slaved your mother's mother was never slave you know we were in changed you've never been in changed unless you've been on the chain gang they've been jailed but you were never in change hmm well we don't have a legitimate claim to that most of us in here over we're majority especially all of the young people you were born in a world where you've always had the right to vote you've always had access to any counter you never saw a legislator a history book a sign up that says whites only or blacks only you've never marched in protest of anything unless you you know join in that hands up don't shoot thing which was proven by Obama's own attorney general to not have ever had even have even taken place it's a big hoax formed on the american people according to attorney General Eric Holder his investigation showed that Brown the young man that was shot never said to the police officer hands up don't shoot that was made up and the man who made it up recanted it and yet people took to the streets took to the streets before they found out for sure that what they were taking to the streets for was worthwhile gotta be careful when you jump on these bandwagon number of pastors had a hoodie service after LeBron James and Miami Heat decided to put hood on after the Trayvon Martin [Music] situation young man lost his life was tragic and churches begin to have talked about bandwagon now hoodie services the next year LeBron left Miami so much for that you have to be careful who you follow and what bandwagon you jump on and and how will quick to blame someone else the two most blamed entities ah and I don't know which order they the devil was three the devil society and everyone else praise the Lord yo you follow me amen see I'm not I am the way that I am we say because my ancestors did the sand so or because they didn't do thus and so it's not my fault it's their fault but I'm the way that I am it's not my fault that I am the person that I am that I've squandered my opportunities it's my mother's fault that I squandered life's opportunities or my grandmother's or that church that I went to or that person who did me wrong 40 years ago today Lord is taking that excuse away amen there's no cover in that you you know you have to rise above are your brand for me things like that because you can't live your life under the shadow under that shadow and you can't do this do that to your loved ones grown man standing there tiring over his mother saying to her I'm a loser because you raise me you've been out your mother's house 40 years know your loser because you're a loser nothing now the good news is you can change it that's the good news that's good that's good news see Bible says let's hope for a tree and if it is hew down it can sprout again the good news is you can change it but you can't change it with that mindset hallelujah we love to blame white people for all our ills it's always someone else's fault I stopped to get gas yesterday after I left the clinic and when my we preached and worked and was in a very celebratory mood but my words were few because I was trying to recuperate and and I wasn't talking loud and sometimes you can sound a certain way when you're talking low and and so young man stopped and he complimented me on my automobiles I said thank you brother and then he says you know man me and my friend here wish if you could just give us I said brother stop right there stop right there the bottle in your hand gives you away I am being saved so long they all know to look about look like in a plastic bag now if you had money that I mean in a paper brown bag paper bag now if you got money where you can brown back it and if you if you're still hungry how about taking the liquor back into well not every everybody won't say no everybody oughta you want to help him let the world tell him no because the world don't owe him let the world tell him no until he stops drinking now if you stopped drinking we can help if you gonna take your money and buy alcohol you won't take my money and buy anything it's his call and I was why I could happen hurt me to help him and if you know me you know that I'm quick to do things like that but had I given him money I would have heard him well somebody's gonna help me it's his his becoming a man now is the responsibility of somebody everyone else Society who is society let's time you seen Society never met the man next time you meet him bring it to my office I want to talk to society you can't touch him you it's abstract it's meaningless it's a cheap cop-out it's like saying bad things about a dead person you have to work you have to worry about a rebuttal Society never talks back that's why it's so easy to blame him this message today if you're still watching it shows that each person is fully responsible before God for his or her actions and are not punished for the sins of others God holds me responsible for what I do God holds you responsible for what you do so adult offspring stop blaming your parents and parents stop feeling guilty let that go well what could I have done maybe I could have done more well you could always do more the issues also you could have done less have you been the best father that you can be no I've been the best father that I've been but I haven't been the worst father you can always do better you can always do worse I don't know of anybody who's had a perfect father but Jesus I don't know of anybody who's got a perfect mother but there is such a thing as being raised right then it is your responsibility to take what you have been taught and apply it praise the Lord I told you we probably won't shout today but let's look at this the prophet Ezekiel gives a proverb that show that Israel had indeed taken on the characteristics of her surrounding environment matter of fact her surrounding heathen environment if you look at chapter 16 and verse 44 it says behold everyone that uses proverbs shall use this proverb against thee saying as is the mother so is her daughter he's if you're 16 and 44 as is the mother so is the daughter now when Israel heard this proverb this proverb was a description of what Israel had allowed to happen to them they had allowed the heathen world that surrounded them to influence them look at how we've allowed the world to influence us if I had a hammer I'd hammer in the morning I'd hammer in evening all over Italy I'd hammer out hip-hop oh look at how it has adversely affected us it is fashionable for us to walk around with our pants hanging off our rear ends that's black fashion that's that's now considered cool it's a swag guess the world with no shame no shame no shame oh I'm making someone good comfortable I'm going to pull your pants up there ain't no you want to fight about that pull them up in no society in the world has that been acceptable behavior no way the Irish have never accepted the English the the they are Asians the Japanese the Chinese the Russians you name it but us with us it's a fashion statement it's so bad that in every Hollywood production the black you can tell the black guy he's the one who calls everybody NMS he's the one in the movie or she is the file mouth person see we've been tight we've been tight cast as being the most vicious the most vulgar the most inarticulate oh my we and the thing about it it's one thing for some rich Jewish person who owns a movie theater to portray us in a mood in a role like that it's a much it's much different for us to act it out and do the things ourselves we won't shop today hey man we won't shop today see already we hear this kind of talk will it be easy but we need to hear this if we're gonna survive as a people if we're gonna be respected as a people if we're gonna make it as a people we've got to do better and we got to stop blaming everybody else the proverb was one you think you said it it will be spoken against you as the mother so as the children that is you've absorbed the environment around you do you know as believers we're not called to be sponges as believers we're called to be rocks as believers we're not called to reflect the world as believers we're called to reflect Christ's light as believers we are called to be separate will not call to blend in we're not called to be like them we're called to show them the way more and more today we see the Saints and the church reflecting more behaving more like the world than the world behaving like the church this negative proverb that was spoken against Israel was however not to be received as a permanent theological on alterable assessment of their current condition they accepted it well will like the world and there is nothing we can do about it this proverb was a description of our Israel had allowed to happen well what is really had allowed to happen to them it was not a sentencing however that's how they took it now we see in our text God using Ezekiel to piggyback on the proverb of chapter 16 in chapter 18 he says the word of the Lord came to me saying look at this what mean ye and you could tell right there just by the language it's offensive what do you mean and time you start to send us off with that argument is only what are you being coming in here that later what do you mean God says what do you mean saying using this proverb throughout the whole land of Israel the fathers have eaten sour grapes and the children's teeth are set on edge let me explain this proverb that is they claim that their teeth were dull that their teeth were so dull that they couldn't cut food that their teeth were diseased and cavity feel that their teeth were bad because they inherited bad teeth from their parents so now parents eat sour grapes and the grapes made their teeth Bay so therefore our teeth Oh bad see and you can't blame us for having bad teeth praise love you can't blame us for that because the reason I our bad is because our parents hey bad teeth and there's nothing for us to do about our bad teeth we can't change our bad teeth because our parents had bad teeth oh my are you with me it's a matter of inheritance they reason that the thing that have come upon them is the cause of what their parents did now from a natural standpoint one can inherit gum disease amen one can inherit calcium deficiencies that can lend itself to bad teeth you can inherit or have a greater propensity for developing a condition that could lead to oral problems praise the Lord tooth decay bad breath you name it you can inherit things that can make these things more likely or create a propensity but the inheritance is not a guarantee that you will have these conditions for there are steps that can be taken see that can prevent your mouth from becoming a young mouth because your parents minds walls are you see but you got to do something go on an airboat somebody tell you got to do something see see now now you you can you can you can mimic your parents bad behavior mom brush your teeth once a month once a day is anything new a much difference and IRA my mom did didn't floss we don't floss either and we don't we don't go to the dentist until it's time to get our teeth a tooth pulled we don't have regular check-ups and never done anything like that now if they didn't and you don't it makes it much more likely that they're sour grapes will put your teeth on edge but it's not because of inheritance it's because of nurture look at what the guard did it is that all of y'all practice the same behavior prays alone we have a tremendous weight problem in the family but we I was raised in the house someone may say well our main course the the appetizer was starch the main course was starch that his aunt was starch starch in the mall scotch and nudie and starch at night thinking of late at night again another starch meal sugar sugar sugar sugar starch sugar no dessert no no Wester star shook sugar stars okay now we're gonna see what that does to mama but if the child follows the same behavior then it will look like that it was an inheritance because it's a family trait when it's not an inheritance its nurture I'm trying to preach it it is the act of picking up bad pass from one generation preach wouldn´t to the other I mean Israel had gotten so bad about it that when they repented of their sins they blame their parents lamentations chapter five and verse seven says our fathers have sinned and are not and we bore their iniquities they're saying our fathers have sinned and our fathers are dead and now we're being punished for what our fathers did but they weren't being punished for what their fathers did they were being punished for what they did they did not own their role in the punishment they do not accept any responsibility lamentation five and five and seven they did not accept any responsibility for for the punishment that came their way there are people who accept no responsibility for their current situation I'm in the hole because won't nobody help me well everybody else is saying why don't you help yourself give us something to work with nobody feels sorry for you their common this is hard preaching there , time there comes a time when a person has to decide I'm going forward yes sir now to be fair to be fair I want to be fair to the text exodus the Decalogue does say this Exodus 20 and 5 says thou shalt not bow down thyself to them nor serve them for I the LORD thy God am a jealous God visiting the iniquity of the father's upon the children unto the third and fourth generation of them that hate me also Deuteronomy 5 and 9 says thou shall not bow down thyself to them talking about false gods nor serve them idolatry for I the LORD thy God am a jealous God visiting the iniquity of the father's upon the children unto the third and the fourth generation of them that hate me God said to the father's look you're hurting your children you hurt down to the third and fourth generations remove it is true that an obvious that parents model for their children regrettably children frequently practices practice the same sinful practice as their parents they also suffer the same consequences and punishment for those actions what the father's does what the father does affects his children but righteousness and wickedness are not human today this is the crux of what I want to say what father's do what Dad does what the father does are affects the children but righteousness and wickedness are not hereditary you can't no matter how righteous you are praise a lot bequeath righteousness to your child you can be the most righteous father mother grandfather grandparents the most righteous person to have a little but righteousness cannot be bequeathed to the children conversely you can be the most wicked dad or parent ever but the wickedness that is in you cannot be bequeath it cannot your child cannot inherit that wickedness from you that's good news because if not everybody here comes from a good family not everybody's mom was a first lady her dad was a bishop or father was a congressman or or senator some of us are just here and souls don't talk much about our pedigree because truth be told there's not much to be told but it does not mean how you got here is not indicative of what you can become now that you are here oh my this really really this is good preaching I'm preaching better than you're saying amen amen the Prophet wanted them to see is that each person each precious lives each person lives excuse me and dies according to his or her own actions it's on you it's on me hallelujah the Prophet Jeremiah prophesied he actually prophesied the cessation of the proverb Jeremiah said this in Jeremiah 31 29 through 30 he said in those days in those days they shall say no more the fathers have eaten sour grapes and the children's teeth are set on edge but everyone shall die for his own iniquity and every man that eateth sour grapes his teeth shall be set on edge God said we're changing this you ain't gonna blame everybody else amen God says I'm looking at you looking at you so you might get over that anger with your parents job still upset because she was never there for me let that go because God has let it go Amen cuz the Lord is not weighing your actions on what she did or didn't do 30 years ago Lord is weighing your actions on what you're doing today and see the thing about whole and stuff against people youuuu see you got your eyes fixed on them but you don't see what that's doing to you so you can make yourself a monster while hating someone else for being a monster the preacher was in the bathroom he had his robe on and he saw some young folk in the car at church while church was going on and while trying to look through the window to see what the kids were doing in the car the preacher looked down and his robe had got in the commode so you have to watch your own roll see the car why are you trying to see what someone else is doing your role might get in is pretty long the commode say Amen John I'm left to preach are to get out of here because I don't think they like this today but I'm trying trying to set you free so you can be what God would have you to be and then not carry guilt that you are not the Catholic I did not not make excuses that y'all not to make everybody ought to be glad yes the book of ezekiel was written between 593 and 551 bc while he was living in Babylon he zq died in Babylon he was thirty years old and spent the rest of his life there and he was a part of Jehovah Kim's deportation then the second group and when he wrote this book that means that since 593 to 571 BC since then no one has been under a generational curse all that money you gain in those generational curse services to get your generational curse removal you got hey oh we're not going to listen to Pastor because pastors don't always talking about every since this the tenth says you that you won't have the occasion to use this proverb anymore anymore now you ought to be glad praise the Lord that you're not under a generational curse praise the Lord Amen see these are fans they catch on because of our sin but sinful behavior who wouldn't want to claim a generational curse if at the crux of the curse it means that I'm not responsible for my misbehavior I'm not responsible for my misdeeds my dad daddy is my old elderly mother is oh yeah I'm curse that's why that's why I've been acting the fool because of what mom and dad did oh yeah I accept that because it doesn't put any responsibility on me on me but you know what God says all know it's you I'm looking at you let that come a time where you got to break the mold and then it can't take forever either you can't you can't take forever getting delivered and don't take forever to get delivered it just takes a made-up month soon as your mind is made up the Lord comes in right then and there and set you free nothing it's too hard for God some of us act like certain ones are tough nut for God to crack Noah is a tough nut for God to crack what's what it is is it just takes people a long time to come around the way they're ready to do right now I've told you before while people aren't ready to do right we blame God well the log on saved him after a while when the Lord gets ready he's gonna say them so their sinful behavior it's because God's not ready the devil is a liar mm-hmm and let me say this is someone you better hurry up and get right because people are going into judgment every day amen see these things relieve us of our own personal responsibility for our actions I call it the old blame it on mom and dad trick it's always mom's fault is always dance for and we act we acknowledge today both nature we acknowledge nurture it plays a role but the Bible has always held man responsible for his own actions Genesis 2:17 the God said but of the tree of the knowledge of good and evil thou shalt not eat of it for in the day that thou eatest thereof thou shalt surely die Genesis four and seven says if thou do as well then thou shalt not thou be accepted and if thou doest not well sin lieth at the door Deuteronomy 24:16 says the father shall not be put to death for the children need the shelter children be put to death for the father for every man shall be put to death for his own sin preached wooden second Kings 14 and six says but the children of the murderers he slew not according unto that which was written in the book of the law of Moses wherein the LORD commanded saying the father shall not be put to death for the children nor the children put to death for the fathers but every man shall be put to death for his own sins all of these scriptures show that a son is not bound to be like his father and the father is not bound to be held responsible forever for the behavior of the son you know when I first got saved you know and got into the Church of God in Christ and begin to see the role excuse me that pedigree plays in this church I felt bad for a minute because my daddy was not a deacon my daddy was not a pastor my dad was not a district superintendent and my dad was not a bishop my dad was not the headed for any general board or anything else my daddy was a pusher man my daddy was a real gangster my daddy didn't mean a spiritual inheritance now don't feel sorry for me now I love my father I remember the two times no that I recall him in my life I don't have a sad story uh my father I think about my father every day died in 1974 Here I am in 2018 September of 74 I still think about it I can still see in my mind's eye the first time he pulled up with those big muscles and Prison tattoos on him driving in a yellow Camaro with a cigar that long if I went save I'd be a singer sucker yeah I would cut my dad a war god I've never never will forget a man by the name of Phil Jackson I was walking up the street around oh my just a young lad and they said boy do you know who this man is and I said no sir yeah I bought a set for my daddy and but I was scared and he said by setting those ladies apart is that your daddy when he got out the car like he went all well to the sky and he spent a day with us and all those biceps I'll never forget and we had pictures one time of me and him and Tom we were we were only either side of him and it was big arms and we were standing there and what a man he was in a house burned in the pictures burn but don't feel bad they up here I see him all the time oh my then the next time I saw him the muscles were gone but he had on a bad suit a man a big hat driver a long Cadillac by the time it gotten into the drug game the muscles were gone because you know heroin takes your muscles and the next time I heard from him I came home one day it's a beautiful day in school never forget the look on my mama's face when I walked in school home from school that day oh it was a beautiful day and my momma stood there with a look on her face like I never seen before said to me I got something to tell you about your daddy and I said he's dating me and she said yes son yes your father is gone and that was the end of that but every day I think about him but then I got into the church and I saw the role that pedigree plays in the church and I'm not criticizing I think it's wonderful and because you see the role that pedigree plays in the back so this is not a swipe at that but I'm just showing you something but I found out early because when I got saved back in the day when you get when you get saved you required to read the Bible and I read and I stumbled across Ezekiel and I stumbled across when I heard him saying the son shall not bear the iniquity of the Father neither shall the father bear the iniquity of the son I found out that I didn't have to be that kind of person that I could steal under the banner of his name I can still be somebody and I can make the name mean something that it didn't mean when I got it oh and I thank God that that thing set me free so we find here in the text the Creator speaking he said I know that you all have heard about these proverbs can I get a witness and I know that you've been blaming your parents a man for your failure and he said you can't do that no more and then the Creator stepped on the stage and made a bold declaration what nobody qualified to say what he said but him I heard God the Creator say all souls are my word so that brother saw you means persons God said I owned all the people I made everybody also I want to tell everybody that you're not beyond God's hands I want to tell the billionaire tell Bill Gates and all of them God is still in charge hallelujah and the God of the Bible will still have the last say because he made the world and everything therein and some time to reach and powerful they behaved as though their God they behaved as though they're not subject to the same elements as the rest of us and every 9 then you know what God does he just let him die and he lived it was this and he was that but he died that's the Lord's way of showing us that there are no superhumans doesn't matter who it is sooner or later we're gonna leave here good God Almighty and you know what happens when they die the world marches on things keep going people keep living because the Lord is still in charge so the maker of everybody stepped out on the scene and he said let me set this straight all souls are mine the soul of the father is mine the soul of the son is mine and let me let me let me designate this thing the soul that sinneth it shall die hallelujah so that's God's Way of saying to me Patrick you you have a chance it doesn't matter what your momma did that matter what your daddy did but if you were just turn to me and don't do like they did but do what I'm telling you to do then you will live and you will be blessed of the Lord and highly favored I challenge you today when you go home read the rest of Ezekiel chapter 18 he gives scenarios showing that what if there's a son who had an evil daddy but the son did right guess what what happened to that son in his righteousness he shall live he'll be blessed in the city and he'll be blessed in the field I won't hold over his head what is that it did I'm so glad that God don't hold over my head what my daddy did I've never sold drugs I've never been a gangsta I thank God that when I said Jesus save me that when I said Jesus set me free he didn't look at me and say that's our soul son but he looked at me so I'm gonna give that wave in here [Music] I believe some people pray the Lord who didn't necessarily come from a good place did it come from a good family did it come from good pedigree but when you wash you are blessed you are Wow you are going you're coming meet a few people to praise Him [Music] yeah baby's birthday party but ain't it good to know that God loves us all all you got to do is go for yourself hallelujah I've raised my children the best I could tell them about the Savior and now it's in the ball is in their court if they serve God they'll be blessed if they don't they won't be blessed hallelujah that ain't on me that's all veal can I get a witness when you go home today forgive your parents your mother I'm sorry I've been holding things against you but I realized today that I'm free to be all that God would have me to be that I'm free heal heal heal punch my mind you'll take those things away you'll give me power to be somebody I just got to go forward I've decided that I'm not gonna have told teeth I decided that I'm not gonna let the devil mess me up I may have to break the mold I may be the first one in the family who don't have dull teeth but I found but I don't have to have them I don't have to be like that but if I just serve the Lord I can be like Jesus I found out but even though my daddy smoked marijuana I ain't got to smoke even though my mama was a hoe everybody in my family have been to jail I can still be somebody I can work my ways because it's against me [Music] I think I think with the time that I have left I think despite my mistakes I think despite my shortcomings I think I'll make something out of my life I think I'll be somebody I think I'll let God take me and remake me on the wheel going down to the potter's house and I shall show you something thank you Jesus I'm not going to be the stereotypical anybody praise the Lord I'm gonna be God's a man I'm going to be God's a woman a man I squandered a whole lot of time threw away a lot of good things but God says if I didn't read this part if the wicked turn from his wickedness and commit righteousness God said the wickedness that he has so done read it when you get home shall not be mentioned but in his righteousness shall he live say when you turn oh my god I got the clue but when you turn God knows to just change things [Music] let me tell you something let me tell you something you you make that hard turn and following the Lord you know what God will do God will bless you so that that who gets embarrassed for bringing it up its oppressor who brings up where you used to be what you used to do for them going that they look like the fool because look at what the Lord have done faith my god you live in your life making your clean saying what the Lord have done and why the Lord has brought you from oh you know how it is that's always when you go back home go back home where you live there's always somebody oh who always try to bring you all the way back they're gonna reduce you or you can be the second assistant president of men's department ordained elder and all that but when they address you they go try to find some demeaning old nickname or something and you're grown married with children it's always that person but when they do that they make no sense look babe Hey didn't they tell you what I'm saying this to you so you won't forget where you come from you ain't you ain't having no memory problems then they're having the problem what is their problem they have a problem with what God made out of you never problem with how the Lord Hey she was gotta praise the Lord for God reason you look and don't even apologize for the live blessing yeah I might oughta shout something in here the law bless me so you have to watch these you have to watch these proverbs that's not scripture well you know yeah I tell somebody I want you brother only you brother cords Harry I wanted to work with me I wanted to work with me then you come to me and say well you know you might not want to use him why well you know they tell me his uncle always daddy always mama dear so-and-so and you know they say the fruit don't fall too far from the tree your dog that's what they say but that ain't scripture that ain't Bible the Bible says if any man be in Christ [Applause] because that's Bible if any man be in Christ he's a new creature that's Bible you can't hold me back there you can't hold me where I've come from cuz I came from that I decided brother Keller that I angle let ancestry a pedigree bind me up there people who were right you all because you're folk with nothing hey I know that Allah praise Lord I do better than they do on a bad day or a bad day because if you served alone if you serve the Lord the Lord God of the Bible is a great equalizer oh the other hand shame on you if you take a good pedigree and blow it what's wrong with you don't you do that and if you've done it she turn from that wickedness because God gave you a break now there are drawbacks though on both sides when you come from a good family the pressure is on you to be good the expectations are there for you to be good now they are reasonable they're not necessarily fair for that reason because you come from a good place you had a good opportunity good home good upbringing so all this good or that good right good good good then you ought to be good how you gonna be bad not much good but sometimes coming up and all that good puts pressure on you and then if you listen to the wrong people they will cause you to resist to receive the goodness that God provides so then you try to become you trying to go ahead like somebody you're not Orvis are you trying to be a foe all of them and you rebelled against goodness because you don't want to be anybody's a shadow see you got to know how to handle being blessed you have to know how to handle if God have given you a godly heritage you have to know how to handle that but first of all being thankful then secondly embracing your heritage it's a blessing and no I told brother Kenneth Jefferson one day long time ago is Bishop woola's grandson I know I don't know if a young man that I respect anymore I was watching him one day and I was looking at him from afar I saw him but he didn't see me and and all the girls were standing around because very handsome young he wasn't married at the time and just and I watched how he with great dignity and respect handled to himself and I went to him one day and I said to him let me tell you something don't you let anybody talk you out of your heritage don't let anybody criticize you or make you feel bad for being Bishop Leroy Jackson Willard's grandson so let me tell you why so why was that sir everybody would love to be his grandson who would everybody would and the pressure who's criticizing you want to take your place so you embrace who you are life won't do a better job with this day perfect but they do a better job with this than black people so all of us we believe that we got the Charter our own course be our own man make our own way you still being your own man you just walking on the road somebody paid for you hey fun do you remember you this administrator I didn't do this I had it done I had it done we brought it out to the floor I didn't do it myself but look at this and I find that if I could only walk on the portion of the floor that I did I can't come in here praise the Lord if I have to drive on the road that I paid I couldn't have gotten to church I just got on the road that someone else paid for me and came on to the house of God and if God has blessed you but someone has to pave the road why aren't you driving on it let make you less of a man I tell her it does it makes you smart even though that may be pressure listen nobody has a life devoid of pressure no one in life has it made even people that you look at and say they have it made LeBron don't having me the people who earned a living who make a ton of money and their job description is criticized LeBron he's called 50 ports he's sure to score 51 if you make three free-throws he should have made four that's there that's how they get paid how would you like it if you had somebody your life like that you actually do you just don't know it we all have oh I shall have my that's what they do that's how they get notoriety you live in their head rent-free I like it that's I'm praying for you a prayer a good one cuz I'm a happy man you got to walk on the road you are where's uh Karis where she go she she's in children show the children go for choose your bra trip when they got ready to go to school so look your Williams you go down and you Bill Williams you act like you got like you you're somebody I talk to the ones that bring the children to my speak blessings now you you don't bring them to me I can't talk to why didn't say anything about did you bring the child I don't want it him down say man speak a word of blessings be somebody everybody today was it preacher the word helped me today him I'm done word help me freed me I gotta carry no Gil well what I didn't do and he freed me law cuz I realized I'm not bound to mistake to me repeat the mistakes of my family so default anyone visiting you ought to go and leave the car running when you have to come go in a man don't cut the call just go in just go in hey how y'all doin hey Bri the law it's just high five and everybody ain't going right back in your car and go get with somebody with some sense cuz are they gonna try to do is pull you down all they're gonna do look at what how bless you all and yet stop stop stop this stop trying to look less blessed so someone who's not blessed will feel better about themselves god I bless you your to look like you're blessed well I don't want to I don't want I don't want to think I'm trying to flash then do you remember when you didn't have it you were saying then God if you just bless me you just bless Milan then the Lord bless you and then you take the blessing and put the put the blessing in the draw then garnett a thief come in and steal it and so I get it again woman thief although television with your blessing [Music] that's not anymore because you are ashamed of the goodness of God Lord bless you and you get finally got you a nice car well I don't want to drive at the church I'm scared of what the Saints might say what were you afraid of them seeing you get off that bus on the corner but the Lord have blessed you you better display God's blessings preacher today a different kind of message but I heard something that set me free a man of God I want you to pray for me a weight has been lifted not bound to my pass and I'm not blaming anyone else I'm going forward if I'm talking to you run to the altar right quick come this way I'm going for what God has for me glory to God going forth and dropping that stuff I'm letting that stuff go hallelujah I will not be bound to those things glory to God I gotta let him go how that I'm not cursed and I found out today that I never wore all this time and see I want you to soar seeding to give you a generational curse remove wasn't even occurs you enlist all someone who probably just didn't know I played that well just be nice they all don't know don't preach it a man y'all don't know at a certain point I'm talking about a babe in Christ that's different don't tell my high-powered evangelist they bring in town and got to have all the amenities and then get everyone Oh [Music] bless the Lord lift your hands to him on the altar did Jesus did Jesus we thank you today we thank you for your word we thank you that there are many parents in today today who can breathe a sigh of relief I raised my children I'm not called to raise them twice I did the best that I could and I can't go back and undo anything that was done I can't say what wasn't saying and I can't do what wasn't done I can't take back what was saying oh my and I can't undo what was done but I can move on in my life as a son or daughter my parents weren't the best but that doesn't mean I can I can't be the best I can raise my family I can show them what I wasn't shown so it depends on how you respond I can make sure they don't feel what I feel hallelujah oh I can go the wrong way and let them experience what I've experienced no I'm gonna be a different kind a person I'm gonna break the mold in the name of Jesus because I found out today that it's up to me it's Michael and I've decided to go forward in the name of Jesus who Oh God will thank you right now we give you praise and we give you glory thank you Jesus thank you Jesus thank you Jesus Oh God we give you all of the globally and all the viana thank God Amy lift your hands all over the sanctuary and worship the God of the Bible be somebody in Christ and I hear the Holy Spirit saying I'm so pretty ask them to forgive forgive forgive mom and dad forgive that aren't that uncle forgive forgive them let it go let it go cuz to hole it is to only is to bind yourself and you came through there you have too much living left to do too many good things to accomplish too much good that God wants you to do we just let it go in the name of Jesus you can praise the Lord [Applause] you
Channel: God First Official Channel
Views: 3,583
Rating: 4.8974357 out of 5
Id: Jai2nSsts6w
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 75min 5sec (4505 seconds)
Published: Fri Dec 07 2018
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