Bishop Wooden Preaches // "Don't Slip"

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[Music] today's message is an admonition to the believers and by admonition I don't mean to insult the intelligence of any and admonition is both a word of encouragement and a word of warning all at the same time so the Lord wants to encourage us and to warn us and this particular message be honest with you is not as evangelical because this particular message even though I pray that the loss gets saved today this particular message is not the Hebrew writer wasn't writing to the loss it was this letter was written to the believers and and you see in verse 1 where he uses the word we you see that it says first clause we ought we are obligated if and you ought to do you're obligated to do it we ought to give the more earnest heed now know now notice just just bad with me as I lay this foundation notice that the author does not in verse 3 use the word reject but he uses the word neglect he says how shall we escape if we neglect so great a salvation see sinners have rejected the word when the sinner he is the word of the gospel and they fail to accept Jesus Christ you've rejected it we opened the hall to which they come to Jesus today and you say I'm not ready well I don't want to well I'm not ready yet I don't want to give up my good times and I don't know why sinners believe that you have a better time in sin then you do in Christ a man well we have a good time you get to drink you get to smoke you get to do drugs with all the things that weak people need to have a good time we have a good time we don't need any of those things a man in Christ have a good time sober praise the Lord in Christ you I can enjoy a movie without drinking I can enjoy our evening with my wife out and we ride together and we don't need marijuana we don't need any kind of alcohol to spice things up amen when you're a Christian you don't need that stuff you don't need pornography to spice up the bedroom you don't need the world see we don't we'll stay away from these things and begrudge them we're in a place where we don't need them we have someone and something better and it's so important for Christians to let the world know that we have something better I've been in the club before I've been in the club I've been in the club I know what clubs look like I know the club sounds like all of my dog the music is loud the hair is thick with smoke people are there with evil intentions praise the Lord you might be there with your neighbor's wife you might be there praise the Lord looking for your neighbor's wife whatever case may be most time people don't go to the club looking for salvation looking for a drink you're trying to get it on trying to score drugs whatever and the music blasts and there's artificial stuff decorated everywhere to make you think that you're seeing what you're not to create an atmosphere that's not real hit a button and smoke comes out the floor you think there's something you're impressed by that hit another button and the multicolored lights go to flash and you say wow this is real none of us this is good but none of it is real then you meet Jesus you find out that you don't need any of those things to have even greater joy than that to be happy I love being a Christian I'm happy in Jesus I'm a proud save black man amen amen [Applause] I was awakened to the walk movement I was awakened in 1977 when the Lord saved my soul and I hadn't been asleep socially since because God the Lord the Lord blessed you to know what's going on keeps you on top of things so the sinner rejects the gospel the danger here was that the Saints as a result of the manifold sufferings and temptations that they were going through they were in danger of neglecting Christ neglecting their salvation you know life can if you let it make you put salvation on the back burner if you let it that's that's what that's what that's what the devil want you to do when you're going through your trials you're struggling financially last thing you won't hear somebody to say is pay your time a man when you're going through and you won't you won't you won't relief and sometimes Satan offers relief but that relief can be at the expense of your faith you can be in a situation where you you've been alone and and lonely in the devil can offer you the solution to your loneliness but it comes at the expense of your faith amen have you ever been all for something the Holy Spirit said you know that any right host of God says God said you know that's not me at that point you have you have a choice you can either accept what the Lord is saying and and in going or you can you can neglect hiraman not here praise the Lord so this is what the danger was the danger was of the believers to whom this letter was written the believers ignoring their salvation that happens more and more now in the world Christians when it is when when Christianity seems to me seems to be inconvenient it's easy for us to ignore the tenants of the faith the Lord wants us to hold to him when we're out of season everybody is in with him when it's in season but what do you say when you're out of season when you're the only one who believes what you believe only one in the department where you work on the one in the community where you live the only one in the classroom where you attend school the only one in your department who believes what you believe and you believe the Bible amen if you're not careful if you're not careful the devil will talk you in to try to neglect it we can't allow life are you hearing me life challenges we can't allow the world careers family we can't allow ambitions goals or anything else to cause us to little by little as a leaky vessel Allah I hope and faith in Jesus Christ to slip away the text where it says don't let them slip one way to say it is like a King vessel there's a little link in the bottom of this class and water is seeping out just a little bit at a time yeah see it is the will of Satan for this thing not for you to leave Jesus broadside because some of you can say you too long to do that but if he can just get it put a little leak in there just a little leak before before you know it you have empty before you know it you're empty are you with me allow me to digress for a moment and keep in mind that the book of Hebrews was written to suffering Jewish Christians who had given up Judaism which came at one tremendous price because in the Jewish community if you walked away from Judaism one of the things that would happen to you is that you would be excommunicated from the temple well what does s communications me when you were excommunicated from the temple that means nobody in the town would do business with you so if you own the business you're gonna go out of business it means that people in this city where you live would stop speaking to you now you're being ostracized all of a sudden you know you're no longer invited over for dinner you're not invited to the parties you're not you've gone from being a part of the in-crowd to being on the outs that's what Christianity would do has it seemed like to me since I got say I have fewer friends ain't no seem like oh yeah that happens and and and and in some ways it's a compliment to you because when people see that you've really changed if they haven't and they're not ready to change they don't want you around you're in the way I'm still I'm still trying to drink and there you go sit down sanctified they put them putting stuff in the refrigerator and hope that you will leave after dinner but you want all guests and after dinner you still sit down and after why they're looking at you and look at each other and look at and they want to get to it but they're trying to respect you see when you get saved salvation changes you and it's and it changes people around you you remember when the man was healed who was congenial blind the question was asked who healed this man the man said Jesus did it the authorities wouldn't accept that Pharisees went to his parents the Sanhedrin went to his parents and they said is this your son that said he is well was he blind at Birth yeah he was well how did it get healed they the Bible said fearing the Pharisees being afraid of being excommunicated from the temple they said well he's grown that's him let us speak for himself they were afraid to say jesus healed my child even though Jesus had in it amazing the things that we value more than Jesus they valued being able to have access to the temple which gives them access to commerce and access to the community and keep them into a part of the in-crowd that they valued that over just speaking up and saying that jesus healed my son of blindness even though Jesus had opposition ears you took the blood you took the healing didn't you a man if you accepted the healing you should accept the healer phrase alone and my right brother Lord the Lord saved me so I accept everything that accompanies being saved not just the parts that the world likes that there are some things that Christians do that the world like but then there are other things that Christians do that the world despises the world doesn't like it when the Christians veer into politics when Christians make that voices heard when Christians weigh in on the issues of our time and then when we weigh in you know what they tell us well we said well we'll tell you what the Bible says and the world is quick to tell the Christians will leave the Bible out of this no no if you're a Christian you can't leave the Bible on mmm now a real true Christian can't leave the Bible on when when you leave the Bible out you leave the truth hey man you can't get us to weigh in to no discussion about the lbgtq community and let's talk about it but let's not get religious well we can't talk because it was the God of the Bible who said that's a wicked lifestyle and I hadn't read anywhere where God changed his mind so then I'm not gonna change mine when God changes his mind I'll change my mind amen see well that sounds so harsh you're so judgmental no that sounds biblical what has happened is the world is getting you to allow it to leak is that's the manifestation of the leak I was talking to a preacher one day and he referred to Caitlyn Jenner as a sheep and I said that's a he that's Bruce when they were born his parents called him proves everything about it is Bruce and the man told me accused me of trying to be deep us I'm not being deep I'm being truthful you know that's the leak oh my oh my oh my see when you when you stand for for Christ's Christianity comes at a price it comes at a price and so the Christians to whom the book of Hebrews were written these born-again Jews had been excommunicated from the temple and o'mine they went from living the high life to suffering a little bit they were thinking about going back I am somewhat intrigued as I watch and I'm gonna preach in just a minute the evolution or the seeming evolution of Kanye West's I said last Sunday that if he is saved I'm not going judge his heart but if he is saved if the Lord has saved him the best thing that he can do in terms of religion the best thing that he can do is sit down go somewhere and be taught because he don't know the doctrine and he's not ready to be on the front line because the world will rip you to shreds and you know and the true test will come record sales would determine the whole thing and a whole lot of them have gotten saved and loved Jesus until the record sales came back and sales dropped Dolphin ticket says that the concepts went from playing concerts of 10,000 folks next thing you know you go down 500 shoulder the next day and the next day you know the man right back out there with the same group singing the very song they said it wasn't saying any more time tails because this thing comes at a price and say something everybody's happy but when it's time to pay the price the question is what will you oh my you don't even hear what I'm saying but I'm as I'm his right is ringing and this is the context of the book of Hebrews this is the context of it was believers who were paying a dear price for their commitment to Jesus Christ but I will say this about Kanye then I'm gonna move on I may offend some of you I do however like much of what he has to say politically I find him I find it quite refreshing to hear a brother just tell the plain truth about certain things you have to admit that it is if you're not disturbed you should be I said this in leadership a white person can be a Democrat or Republican or a independent and their whiteness is not questioned Hispanics Democrats Republicans and independents and their ethnicity is not questioned at all as a matter of but if you're black if you're black and if you're anything other than a Democrat people want to know what's wrong with you now the empirical evidence shows that it is not to our advantage to vote ninety percent one way but when you vote 90 percent one way you tell one party there's no need in pursuing your vote because you're not going to vote for you tell the other party you'll have to do anything for black people because they're gonna vote for you anyway and that's why we are Kanye is right about how we have the he says when acts I want to read this when asked about his infamous support for the US president Donald Trump West took a swipe at Democrats commenting will throw my black Americans brainwashed out here bro come on man this is this is a this is speaking of himself he says this is a free man talking Democrats had us voting for Democrats with food stamps for years what are you talking about guns he says what are you talking about guns in the eighties taking the father's out of the home Plan B lowering our votes making us abort our children you have to admit that for those who don't know blacks make up 13 percent of the US population women black women make up 8% of u.s. population and black women are responsible for almost 40 percent of the nation's abortions eight percent 8 percent for 40 percent of the nation's abortions that ought not to be we don't have we do not have we do not have and abort our children gene there's nothing wrong with us our women are not it is not that our women don't make good mothers nothing wrong with our sisters it is however it is a result of listening to the wrong ideology the people who we trust the most political politically are the ones who every one of them support abortion the people who we did distrust they're the ones who support life and nothing if there's no life I said all the time preacher will you ever get tired of saying I'm tired of saying it but since it's going on I can't stop it would be nice if I had a little more help it when you don't have life you don't have anything the power of a people lies and it's numbers if you if your numbers if you do not multiply you have no power and that is what is going on and so here's this brother who some of the things he said I wonder and he watched the broadcast because I could not I couldn't agree with him him more on on certain things we need we need to live and we need to we need to we have a right to live a man and and it would be to our advantage it would it would serve the african-american community oh so wonderfully if our vote in our support was up for grabs but if we didn't pay attention to the color of the politician but to their policy whether you like their personality their bolster or whatever their policies the last time black unemployment was as low as it is today under the current president we were slaves and that ain't by accident that's a blessing that's a blessing you won't hear that in most places that's as tough true abortion under the current president have dropped precipitously and when the brother was in who looked like us it was peaking at all-time highs in the black community because a half a billion dollars of taxpayer money was being given to it annually and what they took that money and aimed it at us now if if that is not racism what is see so the world wants the Christian to be quiet a man and if the Christian speak up then there is a price for the Christian to pay the book of Hebrews is written to say pay the price yes that's the book of Hebrews just pay the price a man says God the tech the context of the book is that before the price gets too heavy and a little while he that shall come will come and and and will not tarry now the just Hebrews chapter 10 shall live by faith glory to God faith faith and he says we're warned not to draw back so this particular book is a warning to the believers to hold on but allow me to digress just a moment are you playing with me oooh to digress and bring out something that I want you to know about the god you serve our God is ageless how God is the timeless God nothing changes him nothing weakens him father time has no effect on him at all Jesus is the ageless Lord and Savior in chapter 1 verse 8 says remember we study this Thursday night but unto the son in the context here is that the Hebrew writer was shown that Jesus is superior to angels but unto the son said he thou God O God is for ever and thy sceptre and that your throne is for ever and ever a scepter of righteousness is the set two of thy kingdom and here he was actually quoting the Hebrew writer was quoting from Psalms 45 and where it is teaching that the king is gods co-regent then in the that the thinking of the Israelis is that the king was God's man and that the king ruled in a region is a ruler who takes who takes over on the behalf of the sovereign so if the first if the sovereign if the leader is the the pastor and in the pastor's absence the first assistant steps up then he is acting as the region well the the context of Hebrews of Psalms excuse me chapter 45 where it was actually written in verse 6 and 7 it says thy throne O God is for ever and ever the scepter of that kingdom is a right scepter says thou lovest righteousness and hate its wickedness therefore God even thy God hath anointed thee with the oil of gladness above thy fellows well the Hebrew writer took this text and applied it to Jesus Christ when he mentions the scepter when he mentions deceptive a scepter is a worn a stick that symbolizes royal Dominion its size and its shape a varied in different times and different cultures but it was often associated also let's listen to this with military power so you speak of the Lord's scepter you talk about his power and in some cases the scepter was actually a military weapon we all know that in ancient times if you came before the king if you walked into the royal court if you spoke before he he extended his scepter and gave you permission to speak your life would be taken Jesus still carries the scepter what a mighty God we serve a man so we see in Hebrews chapter 1 verse 8 8 and 9 he's quoting from Psalms 45 verse 10 says and thou Lord 10 of chapter 1 and thou Lord in the beginning has laid the foundations of the earth the heavens are the works of thine hands look at this with all that you may they shall perish but thou remaineth that is you will always be they shall wax old as doth a garment and as a viscera shalt thou fool them up and they shall be changed but thou art the same and thy years fell not nothing changes I'm God he's timeless he's ageless he doesn't he doesn't lose a step you know I'm a sports fan and overtime athletes lose lose a step the boxer is not as fast over time as he was in his heyday so forth and so on well we serve a God who is ageless a man so he's he's the same God no wonder the Hebrew writer wrote a little later on in his writings chapter 13 and verse 8 he says Jesus Christ the same yesterday today and forever more earthly leaders may come and go but Christ remains the same says put your faith in Jesus Christ Bishop's pastors commingle but Christ remains the same people reach their peak inefficiency time causes all of us not to be as good as we once were but Christ is timeless amen overtime no matter how good a person is at what they do or no matter how beautiful the person may be no matter how handsome a man may be or how beautiful a woman may be in time you will see that she's past a prime he's past his prime they're not as sharp not as quick not as able not as fluid not as good but I'll call remains the same this is why you have to put your faith in the Lord you thank God for a good pastor you thank God for good leaders you thank God for good and elected officials you thank God for great parents you thank God for great friends but none of these are in your life forever life is transitory things change but Jesus Christ is that he's that one constant glory to God he will never leave us and he will never forsake us and he never loses his shine he never loses his touch he's never passed his prayer somebody said the law is not moving like he used to yes it is people may not be believing like they used to but but the Lord has never passed as fun praise the Lord praise already he's he's ageless as it as the the centuries rolling he's still God hallelujah in that wonderful then the writer in verse 13 and 14 goes back to the subject of angels he says bow but to to which of the Angels said he at any time sit down at my right hand until I make thine enemies thy footstool the answer is none of them Jesus didn't give this to any of the Angels are they not all his angels they not all ministering spirits sent forth to minister look at this for them who shall be heirs of salvation God's angels are ministering spirits who are sent forth to minister for us they work on our behalf but we do not pray to them we do not make requests of them they get their marching orders from below and God knows how to send an angel brother Wilson was that to stop like the other day while traveling for business and a18 Willa hit the back of his car but God sent an angel and no danger came his way angels are fast they do the Lord's beatings and and we studied earlier last last week we study that God makes his angels spirits and his ministers a flame of fire that is angels are interchangeable beings angels can appear to look like animals angels can come to you in the form of a dog angels can come to you in the form of a person the hebrew writer said be careful how you treat strangers for some have entertained angels unaware you weren't even aware that that individual who may have been dressed like a bomb may have been dressed like a fireman may have been your color or not your color but was an angel of God be careful how you treat God's ministers jesus said that his angels that our angels do always behold the face of the Father in heaven they they are waiting for the father to say go and take care of this person or that person don't let that plane crash and they move and we're where we are today because God sends angels and then concerning the Messianic angel the angel of the Lord which is a which is a theological messianic designation which means Jesus Christ the Bible says the angel of the Lord and campus that fear him to deliver them thank God for His angels thank God for His angels but we're not to pray tour with a pray to Christ we're not to worship them I remember you I've read in the Bible where angels showed up and Men fell at their feet and angel says get up get up get up I'm your fellow angel I'm your fellow worker get up you can't you save that for Jesus Christ save that for the divine in our text let me close this out up preach it I want you to notice something I want you to notice the consistency here let me before we go to verse 1 I want to show you something in verse two of them gonna go back to verse well I know I'm preaching a little crazy today but that's something that I want you to get the Bible says in verse 2 of chapter 2 I'm skipping first one for a moment will you follow me it's as if the word spoken by Angels was steadfast and every transgression and disobedience received a just recompense of reward notice the consistency of the message and and and the comparison of the message now one of chapter one follow me now verse one of chapter one says God who at sundry times we talked about this Thursday night and in divers manners spake in times past unto the father's by the prophets now in verse 1 of chapter one he's talking about how God spoke through the prophets in verse 2 of chapter 2 he's talking about the word that was spoken by angels you see that the writer is saying if the word spoken by angels to whom Christ is superior was steadfast that is was legally binding if the angelic if the word that angels delivered were legally binding if what was the word my brothers and sisters that the angels delivered well the angels were active in delivering the law to Moses Acts chapter 7 and verse 53 says who have received the law by the disposition of angels and have not kept the angels gave the law when Moses on Sinai angels was involved in the law going from God to Moses Galatians chapter 3 and verse 19 says wherefore then serveth the law says it was added because of transgressions till the seed should come to whom the promise was made look at this and it was ordained by angels in the hand of a mediator the mediator was Moses the ordination of the message was given to Moses by the hand of angels from God Deuteronomy chapter 33 in verse 2 says and he said the Lord cut the Lord came from China and rolls up from Sierre unto them he's shining forth from mount Paran and he came when the Lord came he came with ten thousand of his Saints and his right hand and from his right hand went a fiery law for them angels were involved in getting the law to the believers the same law that calls the Hebrew recipients the Jews they were serving God through the law in Judaism now they have moved stay with me from Judaism to this new way called Christianity and so the comparison that the Hebrew writer is making is he says if the word spoken by angels were legally binding what word the law and every time the law was broken and every disobedience received punishment for breaking the law that was delivered by angels then verse 3 says how shall we escape if we neglect so great salvation which was not at first delivered by angels but which was at first spoken by the law who is superior changes so if the law that the angels gave to Moses was legally binding how much more the gospel which Jesus brought himself are you following me oh my the words of Christ certainly have to be taken seriously if we took the words of angels seriously the big question is how shall we escape not if we reject but Saints if we neglect so great a Salvation to neglect my brothers and sisters is to show no concern to neglect is to be careless about praise the law we must stay careful that we remain Christians no matter what in every situation in your life God expects you to come down on the Christian side of things you can't let anything you fail the test when the test causes you to neglect your Christianity even if even if you won the lottery prayers Lord you got the ticket you went for the ill-gotten gain you went for something for nothing and you got the 250 million dollars praise the Lord but it came at the expense you had to neglect your faith I'm not getting a man I must have a lot of lottery ticket buyers Oh Lord glory to God and do you see what I'm saying it is it is it taking shape oh we've got to be careful that we not neglect notice what he calls it so great salvation that is this is the salvation that Jesus brought will superior to all other salvations offered in the world Islam offers a form of serving other religions other doctrines other disciplines offer a form of salvation but there is no salvation like the salvation that Jesus offers the salvation of Christ is the greatest salvation it's the greatest deliverance and the salvation that Jesus offers is superior salvation in this life and in the world to come as a believer you shouldn't envy anyone because the salvation that Jesus gives us when you're saved by Jesus you're saved to the utmost I wouldn't leave this discipline and go into any other doctrine in the world all the rest of them can have their salvation because I'm in the one where you get saved to the utmost Bible said brother Rick the Bible says to the utmost Jesus saved praise now see when you get saved through Jesus you'll see demons have nothing off ah the root worker the palm reader sister Mary you drive pass the palm reader go pass the root worker keep keep going past the crack house these things have nothing to offer because you have the best how many realize that you're in the greatest movement there is praise the Lord there's no point in a Jehovah Witness come trying to win me I've I've had him to try it was amusing was amusing then they come with that false doctrine trying to get me out of the sanctified Church praise the Lord they are the seventh-day Adventists who believe that when we worship on Sunday and folk down the street open on Saturday they believe when we worship on Sunday that we commit blasphemy there is nothing blasphemous about gathering together on the Lord's Day lifting your hands in the sanctuary and giving the God of the Bible the glory due to his name ah we have the greatest salvation I wonder could I get about for just a few folks to shop we have the best yes I see you got to know what you have is what are you trying to show those those Hebrews and I know you're suffering but you better know what you had you better know what you have if you you choose the world over Jesus you lose you choose that girl over Jesus you lose praise Allah you choose the sports world you choose the entertainment industry you choose whatever over Jesus you lose I want to tell you my Christian brother who pledged to go Mason and you got on your knees and you said that you were a lost traveler in search of the life now if you were saved and then you claim that you were lost just to be a part of the Freemasons you lose because you had you already had salvation you had the greatest why would I pledge but I've already made a play I already told Jesus that it would be all right if he changed my name so why then would I go and go and join something else something less yes Stan what I'm already in most folks don't want Cristobal's folk don't want less thing most people won't at least they won't greater than whatever but see when it comes to Jesus there's no greater thing everything is less than see Jesus I view Jesus like the Jews view sign hallelujah you won't read anywhere in the Bible where they went down design it's always up the cost of the Jews ayan is the talk hallelujah always up well I got Jesus and in being saved and feel with Jesus that means we're always up look at somebody and high-five them and tell them we have the best now if you're not saved you can't say that but you need to recognize today born-again Christians don't you give this up why would you give up why would you sell your birthright for a morsel of me why give up the best to get something less than the best hallelujah that's what he's saying to him and why was it the best he gives the credentials for this religion he gives the credential for this salvation one of the reasons he said that it was the best a man that was great it was the greatest ally called himself the greatest but Jesus is the greatest this charity is the greatest why is it the greatest praise the Lord number one is because it was first began to be spoken of by the Lord hallelujah I know the Angels and Moses gave it a law but grace and truth came through Jesus Christ Bible says in Luke 19 and 9 and jesus said unto them this day if salvation come to this house a man for as much as he also is a son of Abraham you see the law was already in place when Jesus said this day hallelujah Moses had already been around when Jesus said this day the Sanhedrin was already there when Jesus said this day the world of Judaism was already but in place and they were still offering sacrifices on the altar when Jesus said this day that's what John meant when John saw the real sacrifice John said we've been offering billions of sacrifices down through these but one day John was preaching and said that's one coming after me who was my dear then and John said I'm not even worthy bag his shoes and while he was preaching he looked younger way and here comes Jesus and I had John say behold look over there here comes the Lamb of God he comes a take away the sins of the world or the word this is the one that I've been telling you about look at the way he walks look at the way he carries himself he's bringing us something unlike anything we've ever seen before Moses talked about him the prophets talked about him that John said we're looking at him good God about in Saints I'm glad but he's coming back again thank you Jesus he's coming back to get us said Jesus came and Jesus spoke of this great salvation hallelujah he's the son of David Luke one and sixty-nine cezzah and have raised up a horn of salvation for us in the house of the of his servant David that whole of salvation that God raised up is Jesus Christ and then Luke one and seventy one said that we should be saved from our enemies and from the hand of him of all that hate us I want you to know that he's still able even in this day in time to save you from the hands of enemies somebody has enemies a lot but you can shout right now because he's greater then your enemies ah hell is a no weapon that is formed against you shall prosper and everything that's all rise up against you in judgment he said thou shall condemn so this is the heritage of the servants of the law for their righteousness is of me saith the Lord but serve a God whose greater than all my trials and he's greater than all my fears the devil can get mad because Jesus is able to deliver me from the hands of my enemies we serve the God any good isn't is so good I can see my enemies sitting all around waiting for me to starve to death oh mama they're waiting for you to go down and while your enemies are waiting for you to starve I see God he's just like the kitchen committee he's just like sister Johnson and mother Morgan and those who serve in the kitchen committee the wild awaited them just like Darlene while they're waiting for you to go down here comes Jesus preparing a table before you in the presence of your enemies Wow they'll win for you to starve to death the Lord prepares a smorgasbord [Music] praise Allah why don't you lose your preaching [Applause] what a great salvation what a great salvation yeah [Applause] thank you Jesus it's a great salvation it's a great salvation Jesus he talked about it but that's just one that's that's one reason that is great and then I had himself reason number two it was confirmed in us Bob Lim that hurt him the writer said Peter James John the twelve all of them who heard Jesus they were eyewitnesses of his majesty they were eyewitnesses of his glory and they went out and they began to preach others and to tell them about Jesus I remember as a young Christian took us to southern plant we were act but the Milton I believe and they and they was Andre Crouch la at Carnegie Hall why they were playing the album a song came up that said this somebody told me of the job that's a hand and somebody told me in sorrow they could be [Applause] [Music] Jesus Jesus Jesus then God the Father God bearing witness [Music] we've seen the law right here we've seen the law we've seen enough ah Jesus enough enough [Music] you can tell it let me tell us what is done for me hallelujah you can't make me doubted now to match about him seen too many things work too many miracles this is why I get in troubles when I try to protect the sanctity of this house because I've seen demons cast out right here I've seen sicknesses triumphs in here in the DNA the DNA of this altar in the DNA of this altar their demon DNA cancer DNA this DNA hallelujah what a devil was conquered why the devil was knocked about there's the sweat from the Saints that have been poured out on the altar good God Almighty we have so much proof and not only did God the Father Jesus spoke about it they that heard Jesus they preached about it God gave them signs and wonders and number four the Holy Ghost cannonball look at the text it says the whole Eagles Landing witnesses giving them gifts how many have spiritual gifts how many know that the Holy Ghost active in your life that the Spirit of God have given you a spiritual gift but your appraisin forgive you praise him for what he's done hallelujah hallelujah now with all of this with all of this the question is with all this how shall we escape if I have been I just showed you how you gonna neglect this if I all that just preached about I went to the top how did I go sucking around there I go off the scale huh a time I meant to I own it like this so then there fall to keep from neglecting it he says we ought to give brother California the more earnest he that is pay closer attention to the themes that we have heard less any time for any reason we should let it drain out lest at any time we should let it get away because it's too good it's too important God went through too much to get it to you hallelujah praise the Lord it's yours and it's gonna it's gonna keep you forever and you're gonna be over in glory when this life is over gonna be over in glory oh my god sing it is shouted and rejoicing in Jesus and we're gonna live forever and ever and ever and all we had to do is accept them by faith and just serve Him and hold to him and when the winds of life blow and and the devil come impressed us come you just keep you stand your ground and because you realize the value of it and even before we die while we're here he brings us out he lifts us up even if you're going through right now you won't go through for long because he's going to fix it if you're saying preacher it's taken too long the Hebrew writer said no it's not taking too long you just have need of patience that after that you have done the will of God he says just slow your roll you're gonna receive the promise or in a little while he that shall come will come just slow down and whatever you do whatever you do don't don't let this go the world is gonna challenge us you ought to tell the world I'm not giving an inch and you and you know when you know what you don't want to let it slip in you don't want to let it slip and things that matter see sometimes we strain that a net but with a swallow him ah you can't you can't let it slip and things closer to God glory to God today the Lord told me to pray for you to pray for the Saints to pray for the believers to pray for the Christians who are under pressure some of you are the only saved person in your family some of you you'd only say person on your block some of you too devil coming after coming against you with everything he's got everything is gone people go through things on the inside people go through challenges people people people marriages get tested hallelujah cables get strained the Lord told me to tell you I'm going to deliver you but today's prayer now listen to this you might want to go back to your seat when I tell you today's prayer is not a prayer for deliverance today today's prayer is a prayer that you don't lettuce me why because he's going to deliver [Applause] it's it's not that it's not that we need to petition him to make away he's already promised to do that he just says what I want to know Jesus said what I want to know is I'm gonna come back speedily he said but what I want to know is when I do get back well I find faith on the earth well because I'm coming yet worried about when I'm coming could eat come on lock no no you got to put that for he's coming when he gets ready the issue of will we be ready my 8th grade English teacher Miss Campbell I've no forget it you remember the good ones the good ones are the ones that let you have it I was sitting in class one day not paying attention and I asked Miss Campbell what time is it miss Kim was a tall beautiful lady african-americans sister said to me time will pass the question is will you I didn't ask Miss Campbell I didn't ask Miss Campbell what time it is ever again to this day but has such truth in it Christ will deliver God's gonna come through for you the Lord will bring you out the question is will you wait on him will you be faithful to him will you hold to his hand because he's already promised he's gonna hold to yours don't slip don't let it don't let your relationship with Jesus being neglected because you're going through a hard time past I read my Bible in six months because I'm going through that's the reason to read it that's the recent obesity that's what he's saying that's the reason that's the reason to zero in only hallelujah because times are tougher that's when you want to turn to it because that's when he that's what he's looking at the bigger mark that's when he's looking he oh he know Satan said that Saints that man to the Lord and and and you know what he what he would have want but some of us say it said to the Lord no one the job is of course Jove is serving you of course he's faithful of course look at what he's done for you what you've done for look at what you've given him of course said about tell you what you do let me touch him let me afflict him I'll make him squeal let me afflict him let me do that let me take what you've given it you made him rich everything is going as well of course you would serve and that's what that that that that happens the Bible says in the book of Joel lo these things happen oftentimes with men these kind of proffers and things go on in the kingdom all the time and Morphin than not it's not that God failed the tests it's that we did the tests wasn't the things you were going through just the Rayford the test was I bet you I can't stop him from reading the Bible that was the test now I'll make a mess over here see this it's the game I mess up over here she been reading the Bible instead of just using you read the Bible study oh I'll stop there just let me mess up over here guarantee you she'll close it and get distracted and all the time we'll go to this and I'll pull up on my consecration I'll pull up on Bible study then you look around and you neglected your Bible six months Henry since the last time oh I get him out of church why you being system seen along too well I've been going through where is staying home because the trouble written in the back I haven't found that book and found that passage and yet it works most the time 99 times I won he knows how to get us to neglect oh my not maybe a few more might want to come to the altar if you know that you been you that you've neglected coming don't go again ready to pray come on be honest come on walk down praise the Lord praise the Lord praise the Lord because once we start to pray now you can't make your way down here because then you're trying to do sleight of hand I don't nobody to think anything I would get what they thought God Cindy bless you God is sending a serious word because that happens more often than we won't bless you my sister the devil knows how he knows how to get you off your game he uses everything sickness death disease praise the Lord a bad report family you name it relationships ties he use all those things to test your commitment come close we're getting ready to break getting ready to pray oh sweet Jesus sweet Jesus sweet Jesus lord we come before you in this solemn hour bring in a normal tone glory to God hey Carabas first of all the Lord we repent for every time we've neglected this great salvation we put that upfront Lord we bring that before you right now for every time every time every time life pulled us away Oh God calls us to compromise caused us to lower our standard say things that we shouldn't have said behave in ways that we should not have behaved in do things that we know better than and we did these things for convenience or for perceived necessity we did them for pleasure in the name of escapism various reasons the reasons of many but none are justified so Lord we repent for every time that we have been guilty of neglect of faith neglect of faith neglect of doctrine neglect of standards we were painful we repent right now in the name of Jesus Oh God but father we are grateful that we have not allowed those instances of neglect to be translated in our lives of us having full-blown tripped away for had we slipped we wouldn't be here today thank you that will yet say thank you that we come bringing you all God come bringing you something to work with in the name of Jesus hallelujah Jesus hallelujah Jesus we lift our hands we lift our voices and we cry out to you Lord God keep us Lord Lord give us strength give us strength to hold even tighter God we pray for that anointing but we believe you - unknown us for everything we want you to unknown us to give the more in his heel God we're gonna put forth our own effort in the name of Jesus and Lord where we fall short God help us out hallelujah if I stumble while I'm trying don't be angry but let me stay so I'm willing to run all the way thank you Jesus stop the leak stop the leaks stop the leaks we're not gonna let our salvation little by little leak out but God with drawing closer to you we're trolling nearer to you because this thing is great it's a bias a wonder to be saved it's a privilege to be born again it's an honor to be in the army of the Lord oh Jesus Jesus we thank you for this great salvation we thank you because you brought it yourself hallelujah Mary didn't give birth to an angel but Mary gave birth to God the Son who brought it who Rock yourself / oh you walk the dusty streets of Palestine never went more than 200 miles from where you were born dad on the cross fire season God the Father raised you up when you said is given unto me before in all the world and preach the gospel to every creature something wonderful has come that the Savior that brought salvation and you saved us from our sins we stand here today oh now wait a heaven we stand here today sanctified we stand here today without sails forgive and we stand here today with victory around the corner with the neighbors around the corner the triangle hallelujah won't we know we in the name of Jesus Jesus we're not going anywhere we're gonna save you we go wait [Music] [Music] again do it again do it again [Music] [Music] come to the gun show with you go over to your name now Lord we thank you we thank you we're giving the more in his need I'm going home how do you give the more in his he I paid more attention I go home and study what the pastor have talked I attend church more regularly I get in the prayer I share my faith yes I get to work I give up my gossip buddies I stopped going to see him get out of that environment somebody loses they'll keep your Connell they have no spiritual power all they talk is noise but they have no anointing can't preach their way out of a paper bag they have no anointing you have to cut folk like that off so you can have your power and not slip glory to God slowly above Chicana terrible saw somebody worship Him right somebody worship him right now [Music] [Music] [Music] God is doing something he's doing something on the altar for everybody who wants something to do something see you got to you got to sometimes sometimes I want to explain something to you sometimes it's intentional when I pray and I don't come down and lay hands some people do all the time and that's all right let me tell you why I don't at times I need you to be able as your pastor so I'm not a visiting evangelist I need you to be able as your pastor to get into the presence of God on your own see you you need to be able to do that see you need to see some of you while the prayer going you're standing around looking but you're on forehead looking at me no you need to be able to lock in and you know why I'm like that see when the Lord saved me nobody's hand was on me so I got I got mine different I advocate I had already to set up a fortress that Ella Turner was going he wasn't getting through to me and when I got to him he told me he said you get on the altar you talk to the Lord for yourself and he your daddy I went to pray for other folk at that point everything including where I am right now everything was on the line what will I do I opened my mouth and I say save me Jesus and I fell nothing and I said it again save me Jesus and again I felt nothing then I heard of us say to me ask me and minute then I say save me Jesus [Music] [Music] begin to break up with me begin to break up all in my soul yes you've got to know how to get in his presence you got to get in his brother you gotta call and meaning [Music] [Music] get it get it get it for yourself can you play yourself let him touch you let him let him let him let him get him I won't be with you always Jesus Christ is the one the same yesterday today babe where the Lord it as tangle I'll get on the cable by Jesus [Music] [Music] the blessings of God be only in Jesus name maybe you can go do sense crazy [Music] you
Channel: God First Official Channel
Views: 3,500
Rating: 4.8333335 out of 5
Id: PO3qUlV7Dlc
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Length: 87min 55sec (5275 seconds)
Published: Mon Nov 11 2019
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