Bishop Wooden Preaches // What Are We Doing to God's Name?

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ma what are we doing to the low in this day of preaching you know everything has changed seemed like every preacher or every other preacher who gets up now they preach the Lord is about to do this or the Lord is about to do that for us we spend much time talking about what God is about to do for us or many sermons that deal with because you've gone through this or you've gone through that God is about to give you an overflow you know things that people love to hear everybody wants their overflow because I'm telling you one of the things that makes me a little different I've just never and I'm not going to I have I will not buy into this victim mentality I am nobody's victim a man I'm not a victim I'm not a victim everybody in life hadn't beat up on me everybody in life haven't done me wrong and I don't feel like I'm deserving of this great big thing from God because after all everybody has done me wrong and have mistreated me and Oh God is about to kill them and do something for me because everybody mistreated me as a matter of fact I'm do blessings because I did right and and everyone else in the world did wrong so God owes me something victim mentality it's also grown and we're still mad with our parents that woman Dan divorced you and all her third marriage and you steer her for what happened years ago you have to shake that stuff you can't you can't let god bless you sister spare me welcome back you you can't let people do that to you and so the preachers now you know they know how to make us think that this gigantic thing is about to happen because God owes us and everything now is about getting better because we're we're God's in our dead and you know what I mean this this victim lifestyle of preaching I mainly call it calling we con people into believing that the Lord God of the Bible is in their debt and you always hit by what God is about to do I noticed this it's always though it's always scheduled to happen a week after they leave they never real time see no not not by the end of service while they're still in town this after their going three days ten days later that way they don't have to answer for that con job they just did to you so they're gone perpetrating the fraud on the next unsuspecting group of people and so we are all this preaching now because of what we've gone through and because of what people have said about us I've never met I don't think that the African American every phrase we're about to say if the African Americans of the 60s and 50 50 s and 60s would have had the mentality that we have today that would have been no civil rights game because we were not tough enough we label every challenge every headache every setback as going through all a satanic attack all the devil is coming after me Oh God where are you as though Winton as though we're only to expect good I like what joe says he said am i only to expect good from the hand of the Lord and never evil am I actually under the impression that I'm so special that in my life everything should always go my way that I should feel like a champ every day and if I don't that means that there is something wrong and we and when we hear this played out as so it's as soon as something goes wrong we ask God love what about done how about sin have I done you wrong Lord you know what's behind that that's that that implies that what is happening to me I must have done something to deserve it I must have done wrong because you know bad things can't happen to me you know like they do everybody else you're ready to leave your marriage you ready to bail because you're going through a string well don't don't remarry because I don't care you find mr. wonderful he's wonderful cuz you don't know it and you're wonderful cause they don't know you praise a lot but you will you will discover that ain't nobody wonderful all the time no one's agreeable all the time all we're gonna do is you just lay there with your bare just stare at each other's eyes so laying somebody gonna say I got to go eat what you know while we're staring can I take a bathroom break we're being common we're being we're being conned and and so we the outcome is a bunch of people who are so easily hurt and and so we make you we do something in your head because we use smart sounding words now for this season that's about to take place hey nothing is a time anymore everything is a season in this season of the service and they gotta say right in this season of your life god this season and there you go by Nate hook line and sinker the Lord has spoken to me about this season in your life and for the next season the Lord God is going to do it all oh my god we bye oh we just we just feel like we like then we're like the girl we like the women Dracula put a spell we will hook there just buy this stuff and and they're just talking they have learned how to appeal to the base of nature of people the base of nature of everyone is our being selfish wanting something that benefits us you know you sound we like to sound smart one of the smart sounding words everybody to use a nice transparency you know you got to be transparent and you got to be transparent I told the preacher though they spoke to us he talked about being transparent I said come on man I want to give you a biblical word there's a biblical word that you might want to include just a little bill terms you do you understand transparency that's good that's a good popular one I don't give you a good biblical words there was that discretion you can lay yourself bare before everybody if you want to and sit down with all your friends and share all your deepest darkest secrets in the name of being transparent all that will work until you fall out oh that it's all good sister it's all horses because God have mercy until you fall out all until you and your four friends or all y'all running together right you get elevated and the other three don't and they know what you did because you told all of a sudden you know the the the the the secrecy covenant the offers enough transparency will work against you and I and I use a public example a public exhibit no atolan suppose I would have told Earl something that I would not have wanted repeating and I called him by name since it was a public thing he would have destroyed be with him cause he sure would have told me so I'm not saying don't talk to people but I am saying read the Bible proverbs warn poverty chah's of the value of being discreet I didn't say being slick but being discreet not everybody can take what you got to tell well I just want to reveal this stuff to you about me you finished revealing why are you talking to get enough grabbing that grips I got to go I got to go hey man yeah I don't I don't want to be around when we go do battle at the abortion clinic that there some who have had abortions themselves I remember one time someone asks me what process do you think I should share my story that's that's up to you you're not obligated I don't recommend that you do it I recommend that you don't but but you have to be prepared though you have to be prepared for them to take it wrong you have to be prepared for them and say well since you did it who are you to talk about me you have to be prepared if those who are working with you and don't know you don't know how they're gonna respond the truth is if Jesus is story don't save people your story won't either we are called to preach the gospel go ye therefore in Ottawa and preach the gospel they'll do it amen telling them about what happened eight years ago and and God graced you and nobody knew until you told it that may not work for you in in in the future there's something but in this let me get let me get deep let me get back on in this season I got that I got to practice it in this cease of God this season am I saying this exam so everybody's in this yeah you just come out of a hard season and God's close getting me to bring you through a good season so everybody claiming their season and I know what the Bible says do I know the Bible teach you do Caesar and you should reap if you faint not a man Bible also teaches that as long as the Lord is God they're gonna be all season see all of you that see time harvest you all the season some are spraying wondering for all season you never get a blessing where for the rest of your life is just gonna be summer season no no no all season are you with me the point is we're being taught to believe that our relationship with the Lord is that of the Lord constantly doing for us and God constantly giving us things and it and it helps helps explain why there are so many embittered and upset believers because real life doesn't work that way in in the real world good things happen and bad things in the real world you you you get sick and you get well but you get sick again in the real world things happen in the real world people die a man I know preacher who lived in la la lengths are gonna live till you get to be a hundred and some extra nama chol number but in the real world he died prematurely life is that way so you want you want to temper your expectations see because what happens is the Lord didn't save us for us to be self-centered we would never say God didn't put you in the kingdom for all for it all to revolve around you and it doesn't all revolve around me it all revolves around him and we have to find our place in him and and do you know that your place in God varies it varies sometimes the Lord would put give you a place in him that places you on the stage in front of everybody but don't assume that you're married to that stage because it may be his will - next time you sit on the audience one night a tamed they put me on the platform at that set when they told me to man said leave seven chairs I left eight yeah what you sitting two separate jokes I'll sit in a chair necessaries fine with me it's just a seat then the next night they say well I saw empty seat but they said the platform is full I went right over and found me a seat and sat down beside a friend of mine then they came back and said we have a better seat for you do you want to move we said no no no just where we are because life is like life is you got to fit where God places you but that might change those of you you young married couples you remember you said for better for worse richer poorer sickness and health don't think better Richard helped cuz the other side's coming to a man and you got to be able to deal with that and in Mike you might have a just a run where everything's just better just everything's picking for you got your house got dudes you got that everything is working for you and then so you're so this is where to always be and then somehow maybe maybe was that you've seen was that you were late it was it could be that you did everything right but the chief executive office of messed up and when he messed up he lost the contract you been coming to work doing everything on time doing everything right but he messed up next thing you know they're laying you all because he messed up now at that point you got to know that God is still good the Lord is still faithful Lord is still worth serving and couple night it's gonna be a little lean for you but stick together a man then all revolve around us some of you are wonderful when you're being praised but you're not equipped to be checked life gives both you get rebuked and praises praise a lot especially from superiors but from family from parents parents don't just compliment your children pop them when necessary correct them when necessary check them when necessary I treat my child like my child an adult let my child have equal say well you raise a monster y'all not treat them like they're an adult until they become one until they become an adult they're not one as a child praise the Lord and you treat a child like it's a child and you will help your child little if any consideration seems to be given in this day and time to how we make God look we are so involved with what we want him to do for us do we give any consideration to what we're doing to him - what impression we are giving people about him a man Lu lavinia consideration seems to be given to whether or not we cause people to want Jesus love Jesus serve Jesus be like Jesus based on what they see in us the Apostle Paul says in 2nd Corinthians 3 and verse 2 says you are our epistles written in our hearts known and read of all men I'm looking at the Gospel of Matthew book of Genesis book of Exodus looking at Luke John looking at the book of revelations I'm looking at the Pentateuch the Decalogue I'm looking at the Bible while looking at you because many of us are the only Bible that the loss will read until they get saved based on what they see in us what is their impression of the Lord we might not shout today what does our lifestyle convey to the rest of the world about Jesus what do we call the name do we cause excuse me the name of the Lord to be praised it's told and respected and loved by our lifestyle and when I say lifestyle I'm not speaking of social standing I'm not speaking of zip code I'm not speaking of the costs of the suit or whether or not it's a nice car I'm talking about our conflict resolution resolution I'm talking about how we handle everyday life I'm talking about our attitude and disposition speaking of what happens to us when we get disappointed at work someone was sharing with me that a Christian who got who had who had planned to leave a place had planned to leave the place but please let the person go before they gave their notice and in the end the person just got crazy and went ballistic and cost everybody just so bad person couldn't remember what they said themselves and and and and and and and and and and yet all the time that the person worked with those people the person named the name of grace an individual said to me said after all that they said they did to them that they said that they did the question was well why did you go off like that since you you had already plan to quit anyway I don't know so maybe they were gone by that scripture do it to them before they do it to you for those who don't read the Bible that's not in the Bible that's not a scripture let me fix it Bible says you would mean do unto you do unto them likewise but why did you go off since you had planned to do that anyway you went off but you had planned to go literally story goes that a man was caught and charged with embezzlement he gave his reasons for his embezzling ways he said I have two families I have two wives I have two homes and I don't make enough money to keep them up I guess he divorced one and taking care of that one he's got another one whatever case maybe but what he did was he turned to crime and began to embezzle the banker began to embezzle from the bank to support the families and the people was shocked to Hara when he asked them in his parting comments he asked them should i I just want to get your opinion he said to them it's true story should I fulfill my preaching engagements this Sunday because I am a pastor at a local church the damage was done upon the people hearing that the people castigated that church quickly dismissed that church all the members they quickly called all of them a bunch of hypocrites they quickly dismissed the Gospel as hogwash yeah they quickly dismissed his God as non-existent he did worse than embezzling he did damage to the calls of Christ's questionnaires how much that what are we doing to the Lord's name I'm not getting in a mention someone said this if of Jesus Christ their only view may be what they see of him in you what do they see what is the opinion that people have of Jesus when they look at me this is totally different from the normal because the norm is what God is about to give you and how the Lord is getting ready to reward you but before he gives you anything the Lord told me talking he asked about what we are doing to him because all of us are saved with an obligation the other day our people got upset with target target tried to diversify and got in trouble thought they would reach out and from what I'm told if I've got it wrong you'll correct me and and give some business to an african-american card company people who write greeting cards you get hallmark Hagen II get this one today so I understand they reached out and hit another a little up-and-coming company that one of us own in the card for Father's Day recognize my baby day that is the father of my illegitimate child now that is a term we invent but when we saw it in the store it looked so ugly you we saw it for what it was and all we cried racism it I'm not shopping at Target anymore oh I think it was target 5 if I'm wrong with that y'all let me know and then all that but but but but that is a look or sound or something that we brought announcer you can never expect other people to respect you more than you respect yourself [Applause] the pants hanging off your rear walk like you are on the end earth all you talk about everybody else is learning new languages we we are majoring in Ebonics and the faster argue about being disrespected but we many times disrespect ourselves the question is the blasphemous things that are said about the what degree do we only I warned other Sunday that preachers have to be careful preachers now preaching war against churches and church goers then a preacher gets in I was the singer at Sunday's best girl wasn't name the Johnson girl oh she's cussing the church out and our youth all kind of language I guess somebody cares you know the buzzword is church hurt I guess somebody I don't know maybe didn't give her a contract I don't know what happened she may even have a point but I guess I don't know I I'm not a fan of Sunday's best I think it's a failed concept you said quite you got there I mean watch what you want to watch but it is a failed concept it is the Christian is the Christians version of American Idol it is the voice cristiano time all the problem is is that they're not being honest or we come to have church no you it's the same contest be honest we're gonna worship the Lord no we're not it's a singing contest it's a sister contest it's a singing contest to see who can perform the best it's a performance a man that we're gonna say in God's praises we're gonna say in God's praises and about get to know ones will get a first-place competition first place trophy third place whatever I ain't nobody gonna win a contract we're gonna sing his praises cuz we're not singing his praises for a contract we're singing his praises because he's good and worthy to be praised but if we don't make a contest I feel you behind me I feel the resistance but I'm right I feel them they love me but I feel it I told you go and watch what you want to watch go on go on same for my I vote for you when you get back home IV you might interview you number one and mile before you leave but so you don't get these people then I say you don't love the Lord they just know how to sing like it and then name the name of Christ and say all that stuff get on television and encourage everybody at the award show to pray and young acted other day and we were just so happy and you need to pray learn how to pray all that next thing you know in a beer commercial see it's things like that that do damage to the called bible said 'let after me that name the name of Christ depart from iniquity they didn't say that you wouldn't have it but he does say get to come out some of you are looking at me like you wish I would have started my vacation yesterday I'm gonna go free I'm gonna preach to the lights cuz you're gonna go somewhere every now I can read and you send a singing or somewhere you let will you let the preacher know about your expression don't look at me for support and you know what when I when I find out I can't look at you for support I don't look at you that was the support Oh amen if I if I don't get in it I just preach to the lights and now that we have a screen of that while look at the lights I see me and I'm gonna tell me amen amen [Applause] in our text I want to show you something Paul having already criticized the Gentiles he criticized the Gentiles for intentionally suppressing the truth in unrighteousness Romans chapter 1 and verse 18 for the raft of God is revealed against all ungodliness front is revealed from heaven against all ungodliness and unrighteousness of men who hold all who suppress the truth in unrighteousness because they don't want to do right they suppress the truth that is the truth about God that was available to them by observation and interpretation of the world around them God revealed himself to the Gentile world by creation Bible says in Romans 1:19 in verse 20 because that which may be known of God is manifested in them those who suppress the truth for God look at this showed it to them God showed his self to the human race to the Gentile world he revealed that what about people who who lived before God ever revealed themselves there are no people who lived before God revealed himself for the Lord reveals himself right then he shows himself unto them look at this for the invisible things of him look at this of him from the creation of the world are clearly seen being understood by the things that are made even his eternal power and Godhead even his divinity so that they were not without excuse you see that so that they are that it is without excuse God revealed himself through nature and through observations quick minds intelligent could look at all that he created and learn that there is a God that there is all he's a holy God he's a moral God praise the Lord he's brilliant he's eternal all of these things was revealed through nature he gave the Bible says that God never left himself without a witness for he gave them rain in their season sunshine in their City praise the Lord he left the crops grow he he did all kinds of things so in Najma Guardsmen may have never had a reason to not serve him for he revealed himself to the human race long before that was a battle long before that was a long long before that was a Moses God revealed himself through nature through creation through observation nature conclude that there is a God can I get a witness yes he revealed him to man fact romans chapter 1 verse 18 through Romans chapter 2 up to our text Paul deals mainly with God dealing with the Gentiles as a matter of fact he said this about the the Gentiles he says in Romans chapter 2 this is good stuff and I'm gonna wrap it up it says for there is verse 11 for there is no respect of persons with God for as many as have sinned even without the law June Gentiles shall also perish without the law and as many as have sinned in the law Jews shall be judged by the law law of Moses there alright look at this for the heroes is a little telltale here for the hearers of the law look at this before not the hearers of the law are justified before God but the doers of the law shall be justified then he goes back to his point for when the Gentiles which have not belong they didn't have Moses do by nature the things that are contained in the law these having not below are a law unto themselves for when they were Gentile who never heard of Moses and they still did right they never heard the Decalogue they never heard the ten commandments but they still remember the Sabbath and keep it holy they still didn't put any guard before him they went they without the law did everything that was contained in the law that showed that God through nature had put a law in them can I get a witness in that something or the Bible is just something it says verse 15 which show the works of the written law in their hearts their conscience also bearing witness and their thoughts and and their thoughts the main the meanwhile look at this accusing or else excusing them that is their mind became a praise the Lord a sort of debate form and God dealt with them in their minds through the things that they saw this is what I romans chapter 1 is so bad because there was no reason for mankind after God revealed himself to man through nature that was no reason for man to take God's revelation and and go wrong with it it says in verse 21 of Romans 1 because that when they knew God they knew him he revealed himself he showed us a because that when they knew God they glorified him not as God and look at this and neither were thankful they knew it no Moses no law no prophets no Daniel no Jeremiah none of them born yet and yet the human race knew God and they intentionally chose despite the natural law and revelation despite God showed himself to man they chose to not glorify Him as God they became unthankful and and look at this but became vain in their thinking and their foolish heart hear me hear me today when you reject the knowledge of God oh my god it's amazing what you will do and will believe the Bible says their foolish hearts were darkened that is they lost the ability to reason correctly and you know that they lost their minds because they changed the glory all of a sudden that was stupidity became good reasoning in their mind they began to believe stupid things which crap stupid thing the walk movement stupid thing other faiths with false religions perversions came in means thoughtless enough for me stupid things praise the Lord women with women stupid things preach wooden they began to believe that there were other doctrines and philosophies that were either equal or superior to the revelation of God stupid things professing themselves to be wise they became fools why because they turn from the revelation that God had given them through nature somebody shot what a mighty God we serve he revealed himself and look at this the Bible says and they changed the glory of the uncorruptible God into an image made like corruptible man Oh in that foolishness you gonna make something that look like you and worship it I'm not watching with anything I create because I'm superior to whatever I created why would I make us Dutch and bow down to what just means you got to be a fool to do that the Bible says there if their reasoning was darkened they they change the glory of the uncorruptible God made it like it to the image of corruptible man and look at this like birds four-footed beasts and creeping things well for God when they did it gave them up to uncleanness look at this notice that behavior through the lusts of their own hearts Deacon Miller their hearts then have this loss when they recognize God's revelation but when they turn from God their hearts began to long for things that they never would have longed for see when you turn away from the Lord the issue is not that you turn from God you better be scared of who and what you're gonna turn to because everybody gonna serve somebody everybody got to turn to something so when they turn from the Lord mankind their foolish heart was darkened and God God didn't curse them he just gave them over says okay you won't these faint gods you can have you won't guess you get the worst thing I can do is give you over to yourself I don't want to go to church I don't want to do that I wanna do right one I don't want two men the Holy Spirit will leave you alone then you begin to practice self-destructive behavior praise the Lord it is estimated that 123 123 times a day someone commits suicide in this country but 10 thousand times a day me and Seth disco only 123 times a man may take his own life that's 123 times 2 minutes but thousands of times a day me practice self-destructive behavior because they turn from God when you turn from God you practice you you what whatever reasoning you listen to it's not to your advantage hey can I get a witness God gave them up look at this - the lusts of their own hearts to dishonour their own bodies between themselves what did it do who changed where a change here is literally exchanged who exchanged the truth of God into a lie that is they trade it in God's truth and bought the devil's life let's go that's the truth and bottle up Bible says in proverbs 23:23 by the truth Sun at night don't you ever turn away from God's truth the truth will make you free yes I feel something nice uh-huh praise the Lord and he says who exchanged the truth of God into a lie and worshipped and served the creature served the creature more than the Creator but it didn't change the status he still blessed fair see the Lord is blessed whether I bless him enough he's good whether I acknowledge it or not he's worthy whether I praise him enough he's blessed for him somebody oughta bless the Lord who is blessed forever hallelujah I want you to know why you're blessing him he's vast whether we bless him or not he's good whether we acknowledge it or not so I just want to acknowledge the fact that Matt God is a good goal and he's been everything to me thank you to somebody shop he's blessed forever look at this this says for this cause because they failed the blessing God gave them up look at this they begin to change from the inside out inside out Facebook may have a problem with this God gave him up Zuckerberg my problem with divine affections we got a little reprieve right now but they were they were rushing toward outlawing different parts of the Bible as hate speech President Trump with his cousin Wayne represents a reprieve from that we're not running to the left like we were there are plans to label portions of Scripture as hate speech this is why this is why the victory for the Baker was so important you better know what time it is you better know what time it is praise the Lord oh my when they can force you to do things that are against your religion the issue with the people behind trying to destroy the Baker wasn't a cake it's freedom of religion it's the freedom to practice our religion the way we want because that's a problem with Christianity that's two major problem with Christianity in this world today number one the exclusivity of Christ Christ says I am the way the truth and our life tell me coming to the Father but by me the world brother knowledge you can't stand that because the world will not accept all these other religions also but Jesus says that's one way Wow somebody shot wounds and the other problem with Christianity is that the rich has a rich powerful minority in this country they got money they got power they have influence they have better good not good at what to do they infiltrated the American Psychiatric Association they infiltrated the public school system they own Hollywood they've infiltrated the sports arena banking arena and they trying to infiltrate the church they're called LGBTQ and whatever community God God the Bible slap them in the face for the Bible calls their affections their efficacy you have to commit it the affections God called it vine says for this cause God gave them over to vile effects you see why would make a good politician cause if I was running for office my enemy would find this and pull her and make her a make a commercial look at what he said he caught we call it vine they were kicked you five-by-five about their vows they're doing their you know how to do bow he called it vine and you know what you know what church people win both you wouldn't say well we don't want people to think that we're judge but God said by vile affections for even their women did change the natural use into that which is against nature because nature God had revealed himself through nature the natural law women you don't have to be smart to figure out you weren't made to be together and I'm well I'm gonna keep my son I don't have to be I don't have to become grated peachy to teach that uh-uh I'm not gonna be rated on and I'm not going rated edge just rated G rated G if you have the acumen Oh a one-year-old you know crazy law yes uh and then likewise the men leaving the natural use of the woman burned in their lust one toward another I didn't mean to preach all this lame mean with men working back which is unseen [Music] do this see this is the problem with Christianity and when you hear people attacking religious freedom this is the stuff that they want this is the stuff they want our taxi yeah and see some of you you you you you don't know what to do so you just you sitting down you scared to look up you can't say Amen and you're looking down and you're finding out that I'm reading the Bible for beta I'm reading I'm not it's the Bible it's the Bible it's the Bible well some people interpret the scripture different ways how do you interpret that [Music] be brave you come and how do you interpret how else do you interpret I have no to interpretation that's no tan the Bible says no prophecy of the scripture was given for any private interpretation well I know that's what the Bible said but that ain't what it says to me well it's not given for private interpretation the Bible says what it says so yes let me oh I feel my help huh so now he rebukes them because when they weren't I guess back to my text here when I guess God's revelation of himself and they begin to elicit to the devil and he messed up their minds mr. buck folks part of Russia with its four-footed beast people started worshipping statues people begin to come we're all kind of strange religions and wings me and looked at each other it's like a man being turned on looking in the mirror at himself now you know something wrong with that and women the same thing and the world got messed up but then I had him I heard him I heard him I heard him say now I've dealt with the Gentiles let me deal with the Jew he said now verse 17 behold thou I called a Jew the name Jews praise the Lord describe originally used to describe a member of the tribe of Judah to describe residents who lived in Judea over time the words you went to describe all Hebrews all members of the Israeli race all the descendants of Abraham I call Jews can I get a witness so now Paul here that speaks to the born-again Jews in the church at Rome says something to him are you with me he says now you rely on the law do you see that say you rest in the law and the truth is they had good reason the rest in the law because God had blessed the Jews can I get a witness he gave them praise the Lord a tremendous revelation the Jews had a much fuller knowledge of God available to them which they recognized and in which they took considerable pride in they had something that God didn't give anyone else he gave the Gentiles a revelation of himself through nature but he gave the Jews a revelation of himself through writings said they had to understand the Sun but I didn't leave it up to the Sun and the birds for you I had Moses to write it down which revelation do you think is plainer you trying to discern God through the sky or God giving you a book and God giving you prophets and God giving you Moses and God giving you a law and contained in that law was all of God's expectation for human behavior contained in that law was written how to worship Him contained in that law was written how to build the tabernacle contained in that law was the marriage laws contained in that law was a was the explanation for human sexual behavior contained in that law was how praise the Lord to deal with diseases and sicknesses the law had in it praise the Lord holy days and what we needed to put on and how we needed to live all of this contained in the law contained in the law we learned that his name was Jehovah and then we learned he's their Almighty God then we learn he's he always then we learn in the beginning God created the heavens and there all of this stuff contained in the law any way you look at it he gave the Jews a superior revelation and he said yes you rely on the law and you rely on it with good reason because there are good things in the law the law here is a reference to Moses and the Old Testament and say you rest in the law the law was put in place to give us a healthy society the law was put in place we learn the difference between felonies and misdemeanors in the law we learned I shall not steal from the law respect each other's property from the law we learned that you don't remove the old landmarks we learn how to honor our mother and father from the law they had good reasons they had good reasons to rest in the law and there because they had the law they had a good reason to boast in God and both they did they boasted in the Lord because the Lord in the law who you Bible students are there in the law we find the shimmer and the Shema is the most important passage of Scripture to any Jew in the body in the world even to this day the Deuteronomy chapter 6 the Shema says and Deuteronomy 6 and verse 4 o hear o Israel the Lord our God is one Lord and thou shalt love the Lord thy God with all that heart and with all thy soul and with all thy might and when you got that in writing you got a reason to shop and the Jews boasted when they saw gods of other nations they said we know that those are false gods because our God is the true God he's the Living God and the everlasting King we have the law and not only Paul says you boast in God and he says you also know his wheel and you approve the things that are excellent this is powerful right here because it shows verses 17 through 18 shows that the Jews are second to none to boast in God they know his will and were equipped to approve the things that were excellent because they knew his will they were qualified to say this is good and this is not based on their knowledge of the law God gave no other race of people a greater revelation of himself then he gave the Jews he gave the rest of the world nature but he gave the Jews his word but he is a problem here to whom much is given much is required so they had the written word and the Gentile they had a hazy few of God but the Jews had a brilliant light if they wanted to know something about it all they had to do is consult Moses because salt the writings of Daniel consult Isaiah consult the prophets and they knew what God thought but the Gentiles didn't have this can I get a witness the Jews were qualified they were the most equipped to evaluate things concerning God's estimation and comparing things in the light of God's absolute standards but as powerful as the law was there is always a problem see when God gives you privilege unfortunately one of the things that follows privilege I wish I had a prayer in church one of thing that privilege produces that privilege produces a air of superiority now when God privileges you don't get crazy don't get superior don't get a big head keep on walking with your feet on the ground and he'll keep on blessing you but when the Lord give you he gave him a superior revelation and that revelation they knew that they were privileged to have it and it affected the way they are they treated everyone else so they won't being with the Gentiles and they saw themselves as being superior to the Gentiles they saw themselves as knowing everything and the Gentiles knowing nothing they called themselves a guy to the blind a light to them that are in darkness and instructor of the foolish a teacher of beads so yeah because we have the law you sometimes you don't have it so you're just dumb let me tell you something Saints the higher God teacher the sweetie you all become the higher the Lord elevator the more you are to say hello to people the higher guard elevator the more you are to go out of your way to shake people's hands to show people kindness because to whom much is given much is required somebody praise Him in here somebody shall get off your high horse come down come down because if the Lord had blessed er be thankful but stay sweet be thankful but stay loving be thankful but don't get grand and he'll take you higher yeah and another reason noticed a sweet is that no tree grow to the sky no hallelujah tree crawls to the sky no no one goes up forever be careful how you treat foe oh yeah way up but you'll see those same people oh yeah way down they went up they were arrogant they will mean they treated the Gentiles like they knew nothing I take it in heaven and then mess around here and talk about movies hamburger cuz we have the law but what they didn't understand was that the law was awesome but the law was not comprehensive but let me before I deal with that just give me just give me two oka a few more kojic minutes he gets them he said now you can teach everybody else you can instruct everyone else he said but I got one problem I noticed that your superior knowledge of the law I notice that your superior revelation of God it gave you a pride of race proud of religion but I noticed that you had knowledge without transformation you had profession without performance good God Almighty because he noticed that with all they knew it didn't change [Music] now I haven't asked you to say anything to your neighbor today I'd show me your how has your knowledge of God affected you you see I know I know you can teach me I know you can tell me but I want to know what change has it wrong in you I know we can sing about it I know we can cut by hand but what God want to know is what she has it wrong you know what would your husband say about you attitude what would your wife say about the way you handle things what would your co-workers say would they say you have a high talk and low walk or would they say that you're living what you talk about what would they say [Music] oh you go to church why just not in you said you Jews here says now you teach yeah you're good at it you good at it so I'm coming down now go set the top is long must be I don't know this now you you you teach that a man says you teach others he says I mean Paul just he stops shadowboxing he go right for the jugular he says I have a question ah do you teach yourself I know you did a good job teaching me pastor you told it last Sunday but but but what was I like last month hey we can tell it but can we live we can sing it but can we walk [Applause] that was the question says so any balls bad he said now we you know I spend a chapter and a half question to Gentiles but you Jews coming yeah you you teach that a man the night you said you preach that a man should not steal it is he just picked out full particularly I got a question for you are you a thief now the answer was implied in the question oh yeah yeah you've been teaching the Gentiles you did a good job you talking to me all over you going all over the head but do you steal Malachi said this whole nation have robbed God haha how you robbed the tithe and offers you you treat you you love each other you you wanna be wanna preach but do you tithe and supportive how about that missionaries how much how much further do you have about giving to it oh I know you won't I know you want this but God says do you steal he says you teach that a man should not commit adultery do you commit adultery I was one of the right and we talk about one of the famous rabbis who was known as an adulteress so when you talk about it you do you told all the Gentiles to come out of it what do you do you're the best oh I've never heard anybody teaching you Gentile like you've taught it but what are you doing he said you teach that a man should not you have items you can't stay thoughts go oh them false god ain't no good they're not God yeah just Birds four-footed beasts you don't Roma all that all the false god but you go in those temples and are fine those false gods that are inundated with diamonds and jewels and pearls dumb gods that you can't stand and you'll pick them up and go sell them to make that money so now if they're bad bad they're like a saint in the lottery life if it's that bad it was that bad what are you doing he says thou that makest thy boast of the law through breaking the law this onerous thou God he asked them what you breaking it aren't you dishonor in God you know we we don't nobody as african-american to dishonor us but we dishonor our saying we do it is that reason is that I guess I can't say it almost like that word well we can say it McCain about NSA cuz someone else saying is wrong but we we can say it them I mean can't believe we dishonor ourselves it's dishonor when we want to be it's almost like sexual harassment it's not harassment until they don't like [Music] say Matt wish you fill out shoulder okay you know standing in court crime day y'all don't like my preaching he said to them for the name of God is blasphemed time to blasphemies to speak evil of the blaspheme is to put down Nathan told David through your act of being with Bathsheba and killing Uriah you have brought great occasion to the enemies of the Lord to blaspheme his name how we gonna say black lives matter and black lives matter is a big supporter of Planned Parenthood how can that be true now black lives may count but they don't matter you can't have my way you matter but you kill us mosey on preach it like this you know what I'm too friend for many see that was that stuff wouldn't be saying but they don't ever sight what I've said that was wrong it just doesn't suit their sensibilities because the truth is not welcome says we cause the Lord's name to be bashful now the Jews now they they had the law and they cause the laws name to be blasphemy I meant to bring this part down we have we don't have the law we'll have the law no we got the law and the New Testament we have both Testaments at a time Paul wrote this Matthew Mark Luke John alder and other books they were gone right when in existence all they had was the Old Testament the law and the prophets and the Psalms we have the Old Testament we have the New Testament we are the Bible online we have television ministries we have the Bible app oh my lord we got all the social media we have commentaries we have volumes we have Christian universities we have Christian schools we have all astir we have so much more than their hand at the time and Paul wrote what do you know so much more my question is with all that we have what effect are we having on God's name do people look at his 9 Thomas might just go to the Lord bless you that's that problem I'm talking about our behavior do people look at us and won't Jesus or not so why will preoccupied with what we want him to do for us he's asking are you paying attention to what you're doing to me to my name name reputation if people love me because of you although people shown me because of you senior citizens do your children and grandchildren believe you're saved based based on something other than your claim or do they think it's a sham college students those colleagues what are we doing to his name when the world sees us when we're at work and things aren't going well how do we handle that what are we doing to his name we'll always his agent what does I guess what does law enforcement what does attorneys think of us what do people think about who enter into contracts with us what do they think of God Jesus when they enter into the contract with the Christian because you when you assign it you really want them to know that you were Christian you told him about your Christianity you told them about me talk about now the man will you come to the church I wouldn't go to the church for nothing that whole churches mr. what a whole church this on that country one person selling that contract well that's a reflection on the whole church okay do you apply that rule to your family you got a crazy uncle does that mean everybody in the family's crazy everybody everybody got somebody in the family that messed up and does that discount the whole family everybody got somebody all claims we found him what are we doing are we causing his name to be praised are we making him look attractive we have the Holy Ghost we have the Holy Ghost the Jews in the Old Testament did not have the whole Kings had to home the ghost Holy Spirit moved on prophets moved on various ones Holy Spirit moved on saw the old spirit moved on Sam summer but but but but people didn't get filled with the Holy Ghost till the day of Pentecost so we have the Holy Ghost like the Bible now it is now noticed it knows this all this that we have we still need 10,000 ministries we still need all kind of ministry helps and AIDS and we're still flunking out I think that the solution is we got to take our reflection of Jesus seriously college students college students you you are upper room on your campus they draw their conclusions about me about our church about what we stand for through you what co-workers you are up Aroon you are Jesus at work people draw their conclusions about Jesus about Christianity about Christians by watching you in that some responsibility all of us those of us of a darker hue we are representatives of our race look at you well I folk don't respect this watch watch watch spectrum news why should you accustomed pari I was doing something stealing killing but what you know I walk it so what other day later saw me and you know you know to look you know to look she bad goodbye she grabbed the purse and and and and I felt bad till I went home and watch the news okay just right every man I saw look just like me I said oh she she probably thought I was here I had to laugh about it you cry about it but you know what kind of scene signals are we sending people about our Lord men what kind of reputation have we developed we caring a strong reputation by taking care of our families standing by our children standing by our families wives working amen I grew up hearing this over and over no don't work - I don't work - I don't work dog no worked well don't work - I don't work - I don't work so I don't work to her don't work so hard don't work so hard don't work don't work so hard my white counterpart on the other side of town grew up here work hard work hard work hard work hard work what if you work you go get ahead that's all the way to get a you get to work work work me don't work holler don't work hard you know what you discover you can't get anywhere unless you work off you can't get anywhere unless you work hard can I get a witness and I know I'm speaking to generosity but you get the point you get the point not all the Jewish race made God name to be blasphemy but they got the point some of them were living oh this one but they got the point I want to bring joy to the name of the Lord God I can't do for you what you've done for me I can't save you because you don't need saving I can't forgive you of your sins Lord because you've never seen I can't pull you out of a hole because there's no hole that you can get in and if you were in a hole I'm too young too little too poor yeah I can't wake him up in the morning and start him on his way for he never sleeps and he never slumbers he's eternal I cannot heal him well he never gets sick so what can I do what can I do I can at least conduct myself in a manner so as to bring praise on his name and if I don't work up to praise all that least.not goes Lea where they blasphemy I mean we're making progress if they say well what do you think about him as a Christian well I come to a conclusion yet that's better than I blaspheme the Lord because of the way he lives everybody who wanna make God look good meet my daughter [Music] you
Channel: God First Official Channel
Views: 4,908
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Id: NVh3O5xQYP8
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Length: 81min 11sec (4871 seconds)
Published: Tue Jul 10 2018
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