Bishop T. D. Jake's Preaching "Shift" At The COGIC Holy Convocation In St. Louis Missouri

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[Music] I'm trying to be a contemporary preacher they got me an iPod iPad and you see what I'm talking about I called it iPod for you know you're in trouble tonight and I'm trying to learn how to be more turd but I don't know whether this was gonna work or not I don't have much faith in it you know and without faith I brought it yeah but if the case the battery goes out off you know it does something embarrassing to me in the middle of the meeting I brought old faithful [Applause] because the work on the Lord must go can you see man Old Faithful don't have no battery I do feel that the Lord has given me a word I am far past trying to make the main or just needing something else to do I have no hidden agenda I come not to make a name for myself and and I will admit to you that there are some times that I have to go preach in and I preach because I have to go preach it's my turn and it's on my calendar and I go do it cuz I have to do it and I'm supposed to do it and I enjoy doing it and I want to do it dr. L if I try to do my best to do it but there sometimes it that you grapple the horns of the altar and feel it though that you have really heard from God and it is in that spirit that I approached this sacred nest today because I feel if O God has given me a word for somebody it may only be one person I'm not assuming that it is for all these masters of people but there is somebody in this august body of believers who has come to mind saying lord i really do want to hear from you for the level of stress and the ambiguity of answers the challenges that assail my soul the times I'm living in right now I want to hear from you and if you would speak to me then my I don't care about the plane ticket I don't care about the hotel I don't mind the traffic I don't mind grass and I don't even mind standing along the wall in the back as long as I get a word that I can go back and use against the assault that have been levied against me for somebody who's saying speak to me lest I die I believe that God have given me a word I want you to go with me for a few moments I will not be before you long but I want you to go with me to the book of Haggai if you would chapter number two anybody blessed in here mmm let the best folk make some noise [Applause] sometimes you have to distinguish yourself from other people and just come on out and admit I'm blessed I'm not gonna hide it I'm not gonna keep it quiet I'm just I'm not gonna camouflage it to fit within the complexity of your comfort zone I'm blessed and I'm blessed and when you tell people you're blessed they they they know what to expect from you as the service goes oh and don't expect me to sit with my arms folded and my legs crossed I'm I'm blessed I'm one of those crazy Wow fanatical praising Christians who does spontaneously combustible reactions like wings my hand and you can't see it I might leap up and you can't see around me and I might jump up and shout but I'm blessed and if God had done for you what he had done for me you would praise him - where are the Blessed people where are their they in in the choir anywhere disability yourself for about 15 seconds in and give God some kind of praise to say thank you for the stuff you brought me through and took me through and did in my life how are you glory to God and I thank you for your goodness to me let let me here we all know I don't have long I have a customer standing for the reading of God's Word we stand for everybody else let stand for God tonight in the second chapter of the book of Haggai about the fourth verse down through the ninth verse say Amen yet Malby strong of Zerubbabel saith the Lord and be strong Oh Joshua son of josedech the high priest and be strong all the people of the land saith the Lord and work for I am with you saith the Lord of Hosts according to the word that I covenant with you when he came out of Egypt so my spirit remaineth among you fear ye not for thus saith the Lord of hosts yet once it is a little while and I will shake the heavens and the earth and the sea and the dry land and I will shake all nations and the desire of all nations shall come and I will fill this house with glory and I will fill this house with glory saith the Lord of Hosts the silver is mine don't worry about the money anymore the silver is mine and the gold it's mine to save the Lord of Hosts my promise to you is the glory of this latter house shall be greater than of the former self a lot of woes and in this place will I give peace saith the Lord of hosts and the people of God said amen remain standing if you will I would like the privilege of praying with you tonight for a few moments I want to deliberate with you and ask you to think with me if you will about the next wave of glory the next wave glory you know you know glory comes in waves the Bible says the knowledge of the glory of the Lord Bishop Angeles will cover the earth as the waters cover the sea all right glory comes in waves and I'm on assignment to deliberate with thinking people about that next wave of glory dr. Kammer oh I'm afraid that if if we don't identify the next wave of glory we won't understand the false waves for every real thing not to have very the counterfeit and some of us are in too deep to accept a counterfeit move of God dr. staples we need a real move of God's glory not to make our services better but not to make our not to make our good not to put our meeting over not far a convention not not for not for our reputation but for the level of devil you fight in the privacy of your life and your family you need a real wave of glory and I don't want to just come to church to say I've been to church I'm looking for something to happen when I come I can't afford to make these trips just to show off an outfit when I come someplace now I want to shake a devil loose off of my life and see the power of God will somebody out there South yes look at your neighbor the left and the right thing the wave is coming the wave is coming father I thank you tonight for your grace and your peace and your power and for your liberty I thank you because you're a real God I thank you because you're auspicious and invincible and immutable and all-powerful that you can do anything but fail and I thank you because I understand that my life is in your hands I couldn't catch my breath if you didn't give it to me I couldn't gather my thoughts if you didn't let me have them I couldn't study my walks if you didn't give me backbone and spine and so how are you because your God and beside you there is no other nobody can impeach you nobody puts you in and nobody can take you out your immutably God you were God before there was anybody there to tell you you were God before the heavenly choir started singing you were God all by yourself take all of this place tonight somebody here wants you take over this place tonight because somebody here needs you take over this place tonight because somebody needs to talk I believe you for a great God that you are in the name of Christ the King we pray somebody who loves him a shout a man who may be seated in his presence glory to God it's a difficult lesson for me I'm not by nature a very patient person patience is having her perfect work in my life and she wears a hard hat when she works on me because it's a real job learning patience I'm learning that I want everything done right now and and that God moves in process and in time and with patience I'm learning that God is the generational God that that everything doesn't work out in one generation but he moves his agenda along from generation to generation I'm starting to understand why he calls himself the God of Abraham the god of Isaac and the God of Jacob I'm starting to realize that one man plants another man waters and and God gives the increase I'm starting to realize that some things you will begin and your children will finish I'm starting to understand that you are the match the catalysts the cause that provokes some things that pass from generation to generation and I'm learning to wait on the Lord because if you don't wait on the Lord some false the Spirit will come along and say it's God and deceive you some some spirit of Ishmael will overwhelm you and give you a soft answer to a heart issue and sometimes no matter how desperately you need God to move you just gotta wait and trust him that he knows wind and he knows how to bless you we're living in tough times brothers and sisters in my way of thinking too tough to have Church as usual too tough to go through routines and religiosity too too tough to worry about who sits where and who stands and who sits to leave maybe it's not tough where you are but it's it's tough people everything is being challenged having to make changes government having to make changes major corporations closing down shutting down downsizing rearranging how they do things to fit within the crisis of the times in which we live universities changing their policies going to online services trying to make the appropriate adjustments to fit within the complexities of the times that we live in beaver these challenging times and and some would suggest that it has been back breaking even denominations are facing challenges people are not as loyal to denominations that say worse were they used to be if you grew up Baptist and you moved to another city you want it to be referred to the to the Baptist Church in your city the AME Church my foot's my father and all of his family was affiliated with you you went to the next AME Church in your city people were really tired two denominations now denominations are struggling a little bit trying to figure out this new generation they just think different they act different they they moved if there are no Givens anymore there are no Givens I just read in the paper the other day a major well-known influential pioneer mega mega church that before any of us could figure out how to Pastor a large quantity of people the forerunner leader filing bankruptcy people are being shaken today you're not so certain anymore there godsends are shaking sometimes too to shake us out of our comfort zone because when things are too stable we get too important we know too much we know exactly what to do and how to handle everything sometimes sometimes I think God shakes you up to make you dependent again to make you to make you thirsty again to make you hungry again sometimes God does something for which you have no answer to make you seek Him again you know if you understood everything that God did you would teach all the time but this is we wouldn't seek anymore we would just teach everybody but every now and then God does something that that you can't teach about because you can't figure out yourself what in the world is going on many people downsizing out of homes and and moving back into apartments and moving back in here you say goodbye to your children and you think they're gone and then they come back like like spicy spaghetti they come back again and there you are in a situation because people are having to me tough choices to survive and in the midst of that there is a silent assassin that attacks the human spirit that says the good old days of God and now people are just trying to get by they're facing age and facing stress and facing crisis and disloyalty and and a strange ambiguity of people's commitment level have dissipated to almost nothing and and now people sit back and wonder what in the world is going on you can look at people you know and now you know you don't know them like you thought this is happening there Dallas I know it didn't happen in your city but I'm afraid what they're said Lord I'm not so sure of the things I used to be so sure about now I'm not so certain any money said i said 'no shaking some time to bring you to a place that you begin to ask me what am i doing because i am always up to something the enemy has never gotten control of your life your life is in my hands your time is in my hands your circumstances is in my hands and if it's if it's shaking it's not shaking because I can't stop it or can't fix it or it's not shaking because the enemy has more power than me it's it's shaking because I'm accomplishing something in the earth and I won't let you shake any more than what I need to make it shake to accomplish what I'm trying to accomplish in my life if I don't shake you you become too stoic and staid if I don't shake you you become too traditional and rigid if I don't shake you you become self-righteous and judgmental if I don't shake you you become pious and look down your nose at people if I don't shake you you won't play like you really need to pray if I don't shake you you'll walk around with your nose in the air and think you know everything but when I shake you it may not look like a blessing but it's still a blessing because I love you too much to leave you're stuck in a state of ignorance I'll shake you to bring you to your knees because I'm waiting on you to seek my face somebody in here knows what it is to be shaking in our text there is a the fringe paradoxical situation two generations coming out of 70 years of oppressive captivity both generations extremely happy to be free but responding to the freedom totally differently they have been in captivity for 70 years it was difficult to to make a free man captive always been captive is no problem but if you've ever been free and you find yourself captive emotionally or financially if you being broke even bad if you never had money I grew up thinking ketchup was spaghetti sauce it didn't bother me at the time but once you have experienced liberty and then go broke it becomes a whole different set of circumstances these men were free and been ensnared by Babylon and brought down to captivity history says that when the Babylonians took over their empire they raped their daughters now I have two daughters so if they rape their their daughters they castrated their sons they left Jerusalem with blood running down their legs bleeding and chains around their ankles and they said if I forget Jerusalem let my tongue cleave to the roof of my mouth if I forget Jerusalem its beauty let my tongue just just be stuck in the top of my head they they walked away from Jerusalem pledging I will never forget where you were in my life and what God showed me through you and no matter where they take I will not lose sight of who I am the challenge was going on in life is if you're not careful you can lose sight of who you are and become who people think you are and lose the rich chance of being yourself they can change our names but we'll still know who we are they can throw us in pits of fire seven times out of it it ought to be but we will still know who we are the Bible says that when they came to Babylon they required of them a song for their entertainment they said how can we sing the Lord's song sing as we are in a strange a bit of a strange place just a strange time and your life strange where where you can't exactly figure out where you know how can we see the Lord's song in a strange land and for 70 years they are in deep and robust captivity for 70 years they are treated like animals have locked up like dogs for 70 years they were denied privacy for 70 years they were denied the intimacy to which they were accustomed for 70 years they could not purchase property for 70 years they could not claim ownership for 70 years they could not choose their own wives for 70 years they could not offer up sacrifice to God they said finally at the end of 70 years when the Lord turned again our captivity it was like a dream sometimes when God streams out something that you've been dealing with a long time you can't hardly believe it yourself and they had to come they said that when the Lord turned to get our captivity it was like a dream then was our mouth filled with laughter and a heart filled was seeing the heathen said the Lord have done great things for us and they said the Lord had done great things for us where we are and then they asserted the truth that I suggest to you today they that sow in tears reap in joy he that go forth and weeping bearing precious seed shall doubtless come again with rejoicing bringing their sheaves with him they were they were out of captivity it was over sometimes you need somebody to tell you it's over just it's over when you've lived in it so long you just have to know it's over some people don't know it's over that's why they keep talking about the past because they they don't know it's over they keep rehearsing the injury because they don't know it's over they keep walking and I'm forgiveness because they don't know it's over they have bitterness instead of peace because they don't know it's over their hearts are filled of rage and hostility they don't they don't know a soul they took them awhile to realize it was over and they came out of Babylon shouting the victory and when we came back to Jerusalem they have this confusing reaction I thought everybody would be Ben Singh and everybody would be shouting and everybody would be rejoicing but there was a confusing reaction because the old men when they when they hobbled back down the road they were kids when they left 70 years had passed by they were little children going down the road they had lost their parents in captivity but they were still old enough to remember what they were going back to it's good to have something to remember about where you're going back to what is right and what you expect a memory can be a blessing sometime but in in the text it is almost a curse because they are expecting solomon's temple can I take my time Solomon's Temple with his porch that was 30 feet wide and 30 feet high completely inlaid and encrusted with gold they were looking for it they remembered it as children if they have melted down for months goal and applied it so delicately to his porch that it was inlaid with animals impress into the walls it was sculptured and design they were looking for it and it was gone they were looking for Solomon see the place where the priests washed which was 45 feet in circumference and 15 feet across and they were looking for the place where the priests would look over into Solomon see and wash themselves as they came into the Holies of Holies and it was gone they were looking for the pillars to Solomon's Temple the marble encrusted gold inlaid pillars had suggested that the son of David had built God a house and it was gone they were looking for the artisans and the Masons handiwork that had handcrafted stones out of the dungeons of the earth and drugged them on mules and camels with ropes of heels and placed him into order so that there would be a glory and it was called they were looking for the splendor of Solomon's Dipple and could not find his porch law his vile snore his trumpets nor his bowls they were all gone and disappear where was Solomon's Temple you remember Solomon's Temple the Queen of Sheba that black Queen from Ethiopia had traveled all the way up the upper coast of the eastern region of Africa traveled with her goal in her Mane to see Solomon's Temple and when she founded there was no breath left inside of her you remember how the Queen of Sheba talks about how excellent it was to be in Solomon Solomon's Temple the place that when they dedicated the building they kill 22,000 cattle as a sacrificial offering for the opening service of solomon's temple a hundred and twenty thousand sheep were led to the altar and offered up a sacrifice for the delicate toy of service of solomon's temple when God looked down the windows of heaven from eternity and stepped down into time and saw a hundred and twenty thousand animals being offered up lambs bang a hundred and twenty thousand 20-some thousand cattle offered up the Bible said that the fire fell from heaven and the glory filled the temple somebody just sleek low red you cannot get God's glory without sacrifice you cannot get God's glory through convenience you can't get God's glory until you're willing to go out of your way and beside yourself and give something up of yourself that you might have something beyond yourself you cannot get God's glory just because you have credentials and more degrees than a thermometer you cannot get God's glory because you're important and people honor you in order to get God's glorious boss you're something you have to give up something you have to lay down something you have to offer up something it costs you something that somebody in this place is anointed but you pay the price for the anointing that you have look at your baby say I paid for this I pay I'm paying right now not just with money with tears and stress and trouble and anxiety and bye-bye [Applause] and the glory of the Lord fell down so strongly that the order that the Queen of Sheba had applauded Solomon for was disrupted by the glory of God itself the God who in the God of order disrupted the order with his own presence until the priests lay prostrate in the floor all ceremonies were broken all musicians collapsed over keyboards singers in the nobody because of glory I want to bring glory to the shut up saturate the spirit [Applause] oh my god the reaction of the older men is indicative of the fact that they were cursed with the memory because see if you had never experienced God's glory if you had never seen Solomon's Temple if you had never dipped in the basin you can never miss what you've never had but these old men knew what it was to have real glory and when they saw this this stuff that was passing for glory now they cried and wept and pour their garments and said lord have mercy take me back have you ever wanted to go back [Applause] [Laughter] [Applause] go back to a better time in my life or younger age in my life or a better job in my life or a better situation in my life and I thought that if God worked the victory victory wants to go back to the place that I remember it requests here take me back take me back take me back dear Lord to the place where I'll take you back or maybe you prayed if I could just do it all over again this time I would do it differently this time I would appreciate it more this time I wouldn't let people sabotage my success this time I wouldn't let people get on my nerves this time I would clap my hand and rejoice this time I would hold on to what you gave me this time I would treat my companion better this time I would spend more time with my children those old men who had left their Spri merely children stumbled back and saw what was left of what they remembered they cried cried where are the pillows the pillows where is Solomon's porch it's all laying in Reuben ruins mats Oh God where are the columns you remember had smelt in Solomon's Temple the Cedars of Lebanon the stuff that you lie on a cedar closet with the whole temple was made out of the Cedars of Lebanon can you imagine the smell in the temple there was no smell in this new place there was no coal in this new place there was no marble in this new place I have they done with the clover him the old men fell out and collapse and this is why the choir because they have fought death off for 70 years hoping to see a restoration of what was lost this is why they cried they had refused to die on the whipping post for Saturday men when they hopped back to see what was left they were disappointed and what was have you ever worked real hard and then looked at what you work for and said mmm I sure didn't think it was gonna be but before I die I would like to see it better this is all folk talk now this is not young folk talking football you're pregnant before I die cannister you your black hair has to turn gray and you have to have to pull up on the chair when you get up before you pray just when you can still leave out of a chair you don't pray that before I die stuff but but when you have to scoot to the edge and pull up on the arm you start saying before that's why I don't have time to worry about what people think of what they say and how they I and how they feel about me if I were 20 it would be different maybe even at 30 I would do it but at this stage in the game I don't have time to worry about what you think be running it behind you ask if you have our old tape I'm gonna do foot job Terry Freeman I gotta get it done I gotta get it done yeah I gotta get it done I gotta get it done I gotta get it done I gotta figure this out I gotta make a move I might not be polite I might not be nice I might get on your nerves I'm a step on some eggs I might mess up some stuff but I'm desperate I'm running out of time for me that understands what I'm talking about tonight I got to get this and they tell me the older men tell me I'm still a young man but Young is relative young is relative it's a relative term and it assumes that I will get to be as old as em that is an assumption that I cannot afford one thing I'm sure a bishop I will not likely see as many birthdays as I have already seen so I've got to preserve the time and make it count I don't go places I don't want to go I don't fool with people I don't want to fool I don't answer the phone if I don't want to I don't have no witnesses in here where are the real people and here make some noise and leave me please sit sit sit I'm just talking I'm just talking you you'll be all tired and everything just said the thing is oh man don't cry oh man don't cry if you can't get old and I haven't buried somebody you love you cry is when he thinks that is not gonna happen he takes his final moments he will not get to this nebulous and descript lease that we call fair in here wants to get there even if I have to come in on a cane I want to get there I want to get even if I got a seeing-eye dog I want to get there even if I have to pop out feeling aspirins at the same time I want to get there anybody in here that still wants to get [Applause] the problem though comes from the assumption that God wanted for them what they wanted for them see they thought that success was rebuilding what they had and whenever you make your success behind you then your vision has to go backwards your your future will never be accomplished by anything you lost in your path we have a God he uses you wouldn't have lost it you didn't because [Applause] anybody got anything left in here let them focus gosh you've been through hell but you got something left give him some kind of praise you lost some stuff but you got something left give him some kind of brain you you talk about but you still got something see this this this backwards glory thing trouble me let me explain I I got frustrated with my children cuz they didn't really seem to appreciate what my wife and I were giving them got on the nerves a little bit we worked like dogs and and I wasn't getting the reaction that I wanted I mean like for instance Christmas first Christmas was a big deal you know wake up in the morning you could smell a dresser I know I'm a bit old but I still know what yeast bread smells like you could smell the sweet potato pies in the lemon meringue pies and it was a big deal and when we had dinner we had dinner every two hours [Applause] you ate you fell asleep you ain't again you fell asleep you ain't again mama enjoyed watching you eat cuz she been cooking for three days she wanted you to eat at least three times or you couldn't leave what brother just talk to you a little bit you you won't get some good preacher this week I'm just gonna talk to you a little bit what got on my nerves is the kids picked up the food and they picked up the food but what made me hot is when they came in the house that afternoon with some golden arches on a white bag [Applause] I said if you and Ronald don't get up out of here it's gonna be best bite reason in this house hard as we've been working and scuffling and you don't you know you're not excited about the gifts they run through the dips like is nothing we were excited about them sucks and then wrapped up boxes underwear we were excited about our school clothes and blue cheese and exercise we were excited [Applause] and so I was so frustrated I got convicted and God said to me in order for them to enjoy the food like you did they would have had to have been hungry like you are you can't raise your children in an environment where they're around food all their lives and expect them to be excited about him because what you call exceptional they call normal and they're not excited about clothes they got all kind of clothes and all kind of guilt they're not excited about that so the kids came to us and said mama then what we what we don't care about that stuff they said we didn't want to spend more time with y'all we don't need Turkey we don't need dressing we don't need cranberry sauce we don't need lemon meringue pie we just need to go someplace where the only people who's calling you mom and dad are your real sons and daughters we want to go someplace where we don't have to ask a deacon can we see our father we want to go someplace I don't want to talk to me I don't want to talk to me about church and what we need to fix and so I yielded to it it was tough we went on our family vacation for Christmas it was tough no Turkey no dresses none of the stuff that that gave me joy it was available we we we was a KFC or something we with me yeah yeah I can't we went to the colonel Oh Chris I know my mother turned over in her grave we had gone to the colonel on Christmas the sacrilege at least five angels must have dropped their hearts that's the sacrilege [Applause] suddenly I recognized that I could not take them back to where I came from or make them be who I was that it was not them that needed to change but me suddenly I recognized that I could not make children living in 2010 react like somebody raised in 1916 and I had to let go of the idol of the idol of worshipping my past I had to open my mind to what in corporate America we would call a paradigm shift a shift where everything changes a shift right oh my god I feel the Holy Ghost a chef where globs going to move in a different kind of way us a chef that opens up my mind in my heart to the possibility that there might be something ahead of me that's greater than the thing behind me when I was praying about preaching here the Lord told me to tell you your good old days are ahead of you I don't know who I'm preaching to I don't know what you're waiting on but the Lord said your good old days are not behind you and if you are expecting something ahead of you that's greater than the thing behind you take about 30 seconds and give God a crazy praising him [Applause] [Applause] yes somebody with the future give God a praise right now somebody wanted expectation give him a praise right now the Lord sent me all the way from balance to tell somebody you're right on the edge you're right on the verge of a new thing
Channel: Jonathan DesVerney Gospel Channel
Views: 3,854
Rating: 4.9120879 out of 5
Keywords: Bishop T.D. Jakes, Presiding Bishop C.E. Blake, Holy Convocation, COGIC, Bishop P.A. Brooks, Gospel, Gospel Preaching
Id: auAeUZAdbb8
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 48min 55sec (2935 seconds)
Published: Wed Jul 01 2020
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