"Is The Church of Christ The Only Church Going To Heaven?" Evangelist Willie B. Williams III

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man here we are in Luke chapter 16 beginning at verse 19 this morning I want to deal with the subject that maybe some of you have heard maybe some of you have not heard some of you may have come across this particular question and you may have had to defend it in your own faith we are continuing our series dealing with is it Christianity or is it me is it Christianity or is it me the purpose of this series is for us to really identify and understand what in the world is our faith you say you believe in God you say you believe in Jesus then why is it that you take communion has anybody ever approached you and asks the question why is it you take communion why why does the bread taste that way and and how come we don't have kool-aid why is it the same juice every every week and why is it that we pray and why do you bow your head and do you have to bow your head why do you attend the Church of Christ for what and is it ok you go somewhere else do you have to be baptized or can you just pray about it do you need to be sprinkled what is it that you said that you believe I'm trying to figure out is it Christianity or is it just me is it is my faith just something I have come up with did I really get it from the Word of God are we are we really supposed to celebrate Easter it's Easter really biblical have you ever read it have you ever studied it how do you know that it's truly the Word of God or is it do you have to come home Sunday are y'all just here because y'all like the air-condition like wow why do you come on Sunday how come you don't show from Saturday or Friday why don't we just have service on Thursday why Sunday the name but if you never studied it sometimes you'll go your whole you'll be doing things that you think that are biblical and because you didn't study it your faith is not concrete and somebody's gonna meet you somebody somebody's gonna come to you and they're gonna share some stuff with you and if you have not studied your faith it'll rock you you'd be like you know what I've never asked the question before somebody says well well what are you some I said what do you mean what are are you Baptists are you Catholic are you Methodist are you what's a Protestant have anybody ever study what a Protestant is somebody says I go to a Protestant church what is that and are you a Protestant are you are you a Christian or what's the difference between a Protestant and a Christian and a Catholic and a Methodist in a Baptist and a Pentecostal and nondenominational a lot of seem like a lot of words and they're a lot of hours don't even know what that is we never will cover all of that today but I hope by the time that we leave that there's some clarity one of the one of them one of the the notes of my job is to make sure that you hear the truth what you do with the truth is between you and God but my job is to be able to explain it so I want to put this question up I want I want to put this question up some of you may have been presented with this question it's the Church of Christ the only church that's going to heaven some of you say you know what I don't have even heard that question before that that never even crossed my mind there are some of you who say thank you brother Williams I have been addressed with that before I don't know why people say that I I don't know why I was approached to me but I didn't really have an answer I did I didn't really know how to break it down I kind of gave him and here's the thing when people ask you Bible questions and you don't give them you don't give them Scripture you're cheating them well it's just what the Bible says were you just wrong telling somebody that they're wrong is not showing them the way if you're a Christian and you're a child of God it is your responsibility that was somebody asks you about a question you are supposed to take the time to sit down with them and show them through the Scriptures how you have come to your faith the problem is if you have not studied for yourself you may not know how you came to it's just something you've accepted so my prayer this morning is that we will address this question my prayer this morning is that we will address this area so that there can be clarity amongst our faith so that when we leave here we all can say okay now we understand what the Bible says I want to begin in Luke chapter 16 and dealing with this question so here we are in Luke chapter 16 and beginning in verse 19 the Bible says there was a certain rich man which was clothed in purple he had fine linen he shopped at the Gucci store and fair sumptuously every day I want to make this note in verse 19 it does not say that this man has sinned in verse 19 it does not say that this man is ungodly it doesn't say in verse 19 that he did anybody wrong the Bible just says this man is very well-to-do he dresses nicely and he eats good wood every day it's a good he fared sumptuously every day the Bible says in verse 20 it shifts to another individual and that was a certain beggar named Lazarus which was laid at his gate he was full of sores and desiring to be fed with the crumbs which fell from the rich man's table moreover the dogs came and licked up his sores the Bible says here in verse 21 it does not say that the beggar was a righteous man it does not say that the beggar did anybody wrong matter of fact the story starts off with just two men who are living two completely different lives the first gentleman he is very very well-to-do he is rich he dresses nice he wears purple and the Bible says and he eats whale every day then the Bible mentions another man the next man that he mentions is that he's a beggar he's poor he doesn't have a lot and there are sores all over his body he is not pleasant to look at this is a man that is struggling the Bible does not say that both men are going back and forth with one another it doesn't say that there is any conflict it just states to individuals in two completely different states here we are in verse 22 and it came to pass that the beggar died and was carried by the Angels into Abraham's bosom and the rich man also died and was very so it states a point where both men eventually passed away verse 23 and inhale the poor man deported the Bible says the poor man died and he went to hell the rich man also died and he also went to hell I need you to understand something about our faith from what we and what the Bible teaches everybody that dies goes to hell hell is not a bad word people in the world use it as this is a bad word the Bible says both men went and both men are in hell hell is a place it's a holding place it's not a place where bad people go get that out whoever taught you that wherever you heard that from that's wrong that's not what the Bible teaches everybody that dies goes to the same place the goes to the same place but in that place there's a distinction so notice what the scripture says and in hell he lift up his eyes being in torment so the Bible's talking about the rich man being in hell he lift up his eyes being in torment and sees Abraham afar off and Lazarus in his word so so this is this is the poor man this is the rich man the Bible says there both inhale I want you to get the image there both inhale but but turn the rich man can see the what the poor man with Abraham y'all know who ate VBS graduates y'all know who y'all know who Abraham is Abraham is inhale so here can't be a bad place because that's father who we got five or eight of em in hell hell is the place so here's what we understand when a person dies and we have the funeral we don't say that a person goes to heaven and hell is not the opposite of heaven hell is the holding place there is heaven or life eternal and then there is everlasting punishment so if if after Judgment Day you don't do right you go to everlasting punishment are you go to life eternal but after Judgment Day nobody will be in Hell ever again because hell is just a what it's just a holding place because we're all waiting on who to return there is a Judgment Day don't skip Judgment Day sometimes in funerals we like to skip Judgment Day and ship people straight to heaven know that you can't skip Jesus when Jesus comes back he's gonna do what he's gonna judge let the judge judge and sometimes we like to condemn people before Jesus you don't know on Judgment Day Jesus can come with an abundant amount of grace that you didn't have man you say good riddance and Jesus says no I got some extra grace that I can give there's a Judgment Day so the Bible says when they both die the rich man could see Lazarus the rich man could see Lazarus here's what you need to understand when you die you still have your consciousness you still have memory when you die in Christianity our tears are different at death you know what because we know it's not over it's not over we we know that those who pass on are still cognizant they can still remember and the Bible says they could still see each other am i imitates my interest was in his bosom I'm gonna be able him be my brother no so anyway he was in his bosom he was being cared for next verse the Bible says in verse 24 and he cried the rich he cried and he said father Abraham have mercy on me sin Lazarus sin that I want you to go into the land of the living to stand out there in the land of the living he's in the land of the living the rich man is asking Abraham to tell Lazarus if he could sit Lazarus that he may dip the tip of his finger in some water in the cool of my tongue for I am tormented now they're both in but because of the way that he lived his life he has no peace the way that he's lived his life he has no comfort because of the way he lived his life Abraham is comforting him so the rich man is asking Abraham tell Lazarus scene you know he rich because he's still giving orders after this who give orders after them tell him Abraham tell Lazarus to dip his finger now what do we know about Lazarus when he lived he was poor he didn't have anything so why are you still giving orders the Bible says this for I'm tormenting this complain verse 25 but Abraham said son remember you in your lifetime you received good things and likewise Lazarus he received evil things but now he is comforted after death all that volunteers all that struggling you went through all the ups and downs that you went through god don't forget about that he says listen in your lifetime you were good but now he he had a hard life I'm comforting him now and you are tormented that's that's just what it is the next verse the Bible says in verse 26 and besides all of this he says there is a word between us there is a great word there is a great gulf fixed so that nobody can pass from one side to the other neither can they pass to us that would come from this so he says listen even if we wanted to can't go to you and even if you want to you can't come over to us because inhale there's two so it's only two things that's this art and that's I do you know what do you know that there's not 15 20 different areas inhale there's nothing that's not the place for the Buddhist and Catholic and the Baptist and this and that and this and the that group in this group in that group and that group do you know there's only two there's only two prices that you have to go either you can be kicking it with five Abraham good place to be or you can be on the other side where because of how you live do you have no peace other than that there are no choices and notice this in hell you can't cross over in hell you don't that's too locker rooms in hell that's too locker room and you're not allowed to go back and forth and you're waiting notice you're in your waiting place so when the rich man realized wait a minute I can't get any comfort here and I can't get any peace here and I can't cross over I can see I remember I know who you are all the people that you've done wrong if you pass today you're gonna remember them in the afterlife all the things that you should have done and you should have been better you're gonna remember them if you pass it don't go away your memories nice white clean you can you won't bring all of that and to the and to the afterlife so you can't cross over and so that so there's this goal so when the rich man realized wait a minute I'm just gonna have to sit here and wait then he has one more suggestion the next verse the Bible says in verse 27 then he said I pray thee father that you would send him to my work you see them chillin in the land of the living now in the land of living here sitting under this in the land of the living we don't we don't see who has passed over you know what we focus on right now some of y'all right now y'all focused on how you don't get this money back from these presents cuz and you and you can get these deposits and and whether not this check on cut your mind is focused on other things it's funny in the afterlife his mouth his mind now is evangelistic oh now he want to be an evangelist or we need to we need to send men to my father we need somebody to go and tell my brothers I passed on but my brothers are still living and as my brothers that still living I need somebody from the day to go and talk to my brothers because maybe I'm aware of how my family is living some of you some of you you know how your cousins are living you know what your sister is doing you know your brother ain't right you know your aunties and your your uncle's you know that you know they're not walking with the Lord right now you talk to me you seal but y'all say nothing to you you don't you don't say notice while he was living he didn't fight nothing he didn't mention anything about God to his brothers not his brothers I still living the way that they live it and I'm not saying you may be very well this is example but now all of a sudden since somebody from today to go talk to my brother's notice Abraham's response verse 28 for I have five brothers that he may testify to them lest they also come to this way all of a sudden he says Oh God I now want them to hear the word of God because I don't want them to come to this side let my brothers hear the testimony of God so that when they come to hell they'll come to a place of comfort and not in a place of torment I don't want my brother's coming here how many of you have the love of God so much in your heart you're nobody that you know to lose a soul well if you have that much love you got to open your mouth and share Jesus with them just suddenly where they gonna hear because you can't do it in them you can't do it in the afterlife have you ever have you ever stepped in something and you said oh my goodness this is not the spot and you tell everybody I'll go somewhere and you don't want to come to this one why have you ever have you ever went to a restaurant and got sick you have anybody ever had food poison and somebody says hey I'm finna go to uh you know okay say hey I'm finna go there and he said hey a dead ain't that a listen if you want a good holiday you want a good holiday and you don't want to be on the throne all weekend you don't want to do that you don't want to go there he said listen now that I know God is real know I'm ready to listen now but it's too late so please go tell my brothers I got five over he said I got five brothers go tell my brothers about this word I don't want them to come up to this place to tour me the Bible says in verse 29 Abraham said no we go nowhere you you know who your brothers have your brothers have Moses and the prophets read your Bible why do we have to come from hell that's life when they already have the world just tell them to read the same word that's brought us here to this place of comfort is the same word they have access to so just tell them to read and they have Moses and a prophet he says let them hear them the Bible says in verse 30 and he said no father Abraham mm-hmm I know my brothers they not gonna not go hit it but if one would come from the day head I know they will work they have repent if they could if they could just experience somebody coming from the day and tell them and give them a testimony I know their repent they hear not Moses and the prophets neither will they be persuaded though one rose from the dead this is what happens when we die when you die you go to work hail everybody goes to hell how you live you either on one or the other nobody can cross over and nobody can go back y'all hear that when everybody dies everybody goes to work everybody goes to hell but how you live you either go to one side or you go to the other you can't cross over and you can't go back you got one life to live and you make sure you live it right in Matthew chapter 25 and verse 31 when the Son of man shall come in his glory and all the holy angels with him then shall he sit upon the throne of his glory and before him shall be gathered what all nations and this is what he's going to do he shall separate them one from another on judgement day what's going to happen is that everyone that is in hail is going to be brought out of hell and anyone who have not we'll also be brought before God so now you're gonna have all nations standing before God and what Jesus is going to do is Jesus's job on Judgment Day now Luke talked about before Judgment Day Abraham the rich man everybody was waiting that's this was waiting now that Judgment Day has come Jesus shows up and he's here to separate he said to separate and he's moving everyone out the crowd to a particular side the Bible says verse 32 and before him shall be gathered all nations he shall separate them one from another as a shepherd divides his sheep from the goats and he shall set the sheep the sheep on his right hand but the what wait a minute I don't see no ghost no chickens no cars no ducks no no there's only two categories do y'all see that again there's only there's only two categories and in hell you were either with Abraham are you in torment in 1st John chapter 4 they said well either they or us us and then there's our two categories here in Matthew chapter 25 he's talking to my judgment they everybody comes to God and all one group velocity and y'all are different the Bible says he identifies the goats and he moves them to one side he identifies the Sheep and he moves them to another side on judgement day only two groups brother Williams what what should we be concerned about listen I'm only concerned about the route that's going with Jesus the group that's not going with Jesus nor my ticket and going that way I don't know I don't want to go that way I won't go with Jesus either your sheep are you away you know what the difference between sheep and goat you could tell a sheep come here you know what the goat would do come come here come come excuse me you got to go goats do what they want to do how many of you know right now it's hard for anybody to tell you what to do cuz you're gonna do what you want to do some of y'all even talk that bigger boat hey ain't nobody gonna tell my mother I mean I'm grown I buy my own socks and I know I do I do whatever I want and you talking about she go wherever they hear the voice of God when was the last time you heard the voice of God and you moved our gold here's the same voice but doesn't move that's the difference of the King say unto them on his right hand come you blessed of my father inherit the kingdom prepared for you from the foundation of the world I was hungry you gave me me I was thirsty you gave me too I was a stranger and you were you took me in I was naked and you clothed me I was sick you visited me I was in prison and you came unto me then shall the righteous answer Lord when saw we hang gree and fed thee or thirsty and gave you drink he says when you saw wind saw we thee a stranger and took you in or naked and clothed you or wince always sick or in prison he said they said Jesus when did we do all these things to you in the King shall answer and say unto them verily I sent you in as much as you have done it unto the least of these brother and you have done it unto me then shall he say unto them on the left hand so he says listen to those on the right hand I want that guy I'm just using yoga as the right hand hey you won't thank y'all so much it's been it's been wonderful so y'all gonna come with me eternal life I got I got a house prepared for all of y'all I could tell your excitement so it's good and I asked first of all I want to thank y'all I want hold on one second goats hello second I want to thank y'all because when I was hungry y'all fed me this cool I'm gonna thank y'all y'all fed me and when I was sick I appreciate y'all coming to see me they're coming to see me and I remember when I was naked y'all gave me clothes I don't appreciate I want I just really want to thank y'all for the life you lived so get on the bus we all know on our way to heaven before we leave I just gotta make one more now so just hold on one second listen goats it's only two groups he said hey listen get away from me he says depart it's time for y'all to go he says he says depart from me you cursed into everlasting fire now that's not everlasting fires not he'll they're all out of hell now everlasting fire our punishment is the final place hell is not eternal hell is temporary eternal fire is everlasting so he says depart from me you cursed an everlasting fire prepared for the devil and his word he says do you know the devil and his angels are also waiting on Judgment Day but they're also waiting he says you're gonna go to the place that I've prepared for them now you're all going and it's hungry and you gave me no way I was thirsty and you didn't give me any I was a stranger you didn't take me in and make it and you didn't clothed me I was sick and in prison and I don't remember any of y'all coming to see me before I move any further when was the last time you gave somebody something to eat when was the last time you donated your clothes engage somebody close you got to understand Jesus is watching he knows who gives and who don't give he know who holds back what was the problem with the rich man the rich man was living good but he never gave anything it's not that you know what it's the sin of nothingness somebody said but without bother nobody I don't mess with nobody well the problem with that is that God requires for you to do something so when you say at the end I didn't do anything that's sinful because I blessed you with all these gifts and you didn't do anything you saw me sick and you even come see me you knew I didn't have and you didn't give do you know everybody that's on the list that's called she all of them are givers they're all givers they gave their time they gave their resources they gave their clothes they gave their attention just by visiting he said notice this Jesus says I know whom visits who I know who came to see whom and when I checked the roll who came to visit I didn't see your name on the list oh you were so busy in your life and you had other things that was going on oh you don't have time for any other person you don't have do you know the sheep gets into heaven based upon how they treated other people how do you treat people somebody said I don't bother nobody that's the problem you know you don't even have enough care for people to invest in people's lives and don't get me wrong it's hard to invest in people are people can be mean and you know what if you are sheep you probably Minister it to a goal but how you minister to a goat determines a few sheep because God knows who cares for who he says the reason I don't want you around me and the reason why I don't want you with me for eternal life is because you're selfish gee I'm gonna be around the givers but you only thought about yourself you only brought yourself to worship you never buncher you never brought your brothers you never brought your sisters you never brought sure you never brought your your in your neighbor you never brought your coworker with you you you never gave you knew that they were hungry you you know they were hungry and you never gave them anything to eat God God showed it to you and you close your eyes as if you didn't see it and God says I saw that I made you aware and you did nothing about it bob says here verse 45 then shall he answered them saying that is so much as you did it not to one of these least of these you did it not to be and these shall go away into everlasting punishment but the righteous into life eternal very quickly in Romans 8 verse 1 there is there is therefore now no condemnation to them which are where there's no more condemnation if you we're in Christ hey either you're in Christ are you not in Christ so in two groups either you're in Christ are you not incorrect now if you're in Christ there's no condemnation you're good there's no country there is therefore there is now no condemnation for those who are in Christ the question is well how do you get into Christ how do you get into Christ because if I'm in Christ then no condemnation now if I'm in Christ then I'm in his body right so the Bible says no condemnation to them that are in Christ who walk not after the flesh but after the spirit so it's twofold it's not enough to just be in Christ but you got to walk with Christ at the same time I know a lot of people who baptized and they don't walk with Christ so it's - it's just it's a two-part thing you have to get in Christ and you gotta work then you gotta walk and you got to live your life as a good then Romans chapter 6 and verse 1 what shall we say then shall we continue in sin that grace may abound god forbid how shall we that are dead to sin live any longer therein you should have died to sin we in verse 3 verse 3 is a very important verse no you're not that's so many of us as where it would baptize we're in - Jesus Christ I don't know of another way to get in Christ you can't pray your way into Christ you can't sing your way in the Christ you can't give your way into Christ the only way to get into Christ is you have to first hear the gospel you have to believe it and you have to be baptized into Jesus Christ now to be in Jesus Christ is to be baptized I don't know anybody that's in Jesus Christ that's not baptized so somebody says well I'm a be with the Sheep I don't know how you can be with the Sheep if you're not because everybody that's in Christ is its baptized now if you know another way please show me I've been looking for another scripture but I have not found another scripture on how to get in Christ I don't know in the description so the Bible says that we have baptized into Jesus Christ you're also baptized into his death 1 and verse 22 I'm gonna read this number go to chapter 4 in Ephesians chapter 1 and verse 22 and have put all things under his feet and gave him to be had over what all things to the world Jesus is the head over all things to the church which is his one body now the Bible says that Jesus body is the church and his church is the body so whenever I say body I mean the church and whenever I say Church I'm also talking about the body so here's the thing somebody says how do you become a member of the Church of Christ you become a member of the Church of Christ when you get baptized into Jesus Christ and when you get baptized into Jesus Christ you are now a part of his body which is the now how many bodies does Christ have it's only one how do you get in it the only way that I the same time so here's what happens in Baptism the same time that you get baptized it's the same time you become a member of the church which is why we don't say place membership you know you don't play members you don't place a membership in the church you place what commitment to work so if you're going to be at an address you're saying I'm placing the commitment to work here but my membership was already solidified the day I got baptized right so the same time that you get baptized it's the same time you become a member of his body because you're in Christ now Ronny's in chapter 4 Ephesians chapter 4 verse 3 endeavoring to keep the unity of the Spirit in the bond of peace verse 4 there is what there's one body there's only there's only one charge when somebody asks you what church do you go to that's a great time to teach them said that doesn't make any sense doesn't make any sense if you ask me what church what would the nomination amount part of I'm saying I'm so sorry that doesn't make any sense which is the question that you asked because I've studied the Scriptures the question that you just asked doesn't make any sense to me because there's only one way just just like say it's like somebody saying which Michael Jordan did you go see today you said over don't know me no st. because there's only wood there's only one Michael Jordan there's only one Michael Jordan how many how many woody Williams the third preacher did you see this on I can't make the connection with Michael Jordan and me there's only one so you see how it doesn't make any sense if there is one body don't ask me what body I belong to because either you're in the body are you not social groups when you come to the stadium you for that team with a team that's it when you die you either go in here you go in there Oh Jack's everyday he's either gonna divide you to the right or to the left have you noticed from life to death there's still only two groups there's not multiple groups he's not going to what your affiliation order there's only two groups either you're in Christ are you not in Christ so if there's only one church whose Church is it it's crisis Church in a marriage church st. John's Church a named Eric Church at a Phillips Church it ain't Devante Church the church that I belong to the one who owns it is the one who died on the cross so Christ period I'm not Church of Christ I'm a Christian and I am a member in the Church of Christ I belong to him when we say of the word of it means ownership this church belongs to him is there another church that Jesus is gonna recognize is there another church that he cuz listen either were all in him or not in you I don't care what names we come up with to divide ourselves either we're in him or we're not first Corinthians chapter 12 and verse 12 for as the body is one right there is for as the body is one and have many wood has many members now the church has many members but there's only one there's only one body the only one body for as the body is one it has many members and all the members of that one body being many is one church just one church so also is what just as there should be no divisions in the church there is no division in Christ the church is a reflection of the unity that's in Christ yeah I'll see that so when you study the Scriptures the scriptures never refer to multiple churches so we need to stop talking in multiple churches our language shows that we don't know Bible how we talk well I'm a part of this denomination or I'm under that talk shows that we don't study the Scriptures so let's start talking the way the Bible starts talking I'm so sorry that doesn't this conversation I'm confused because there there is no such thing as multiple chart there's only one no no you're gonna have to explain it to me what are you reading that makes you talk that way because my studying matter of fact you could tell if a person who's been studying the Word of God you can listen to their speech you know you know you don't come up you don't come up with words like Zakaria Jehoshaphat somebody well somebody said your host of that you've been studying you've been studying the Bible you've been Novacek Nisa you've been in the word you could tell by person's speech if they've been in the word and our our language all needs to be the same if we're studying the word together there's more Lord there's one faith there's one baptism spirit are we all baptized into what do you know it's impossible to be a part of the Church of Christ if a person has not obeyed the gospel and been baptized into it it's only one body and to get in that one body we all have to be baptized into it which means we all have to hear the same thing the steps to get in are all the same it's not different for you and different for me whether we be Jews or Gentiles no matter what race you are whether we be bond or free doesn't matter about your social status or what's going on in your community we have all been made to drink into one spirit which means to be in the body of Christ means that we're following the Word of God and we should be able to show book chapter and verse we should never show book and if you can't show book chapter and verse then something's wrong if a crunches 12:20 seven six now you are the body of Christ now you are the Church of Christ did you know that you are the Church of Christ but you are members in particular if I come to you in isolation you are a member you're a Christian and you're a member of the Church of Christ but collectively all together if I was to speak to all of you in a group for all of you who hold the doctrine of Jesus Christ he says you are the Church of Christ you are the body of Christ sometimes we shy away from that and we don't want to offend anybody you ought to be a proud member was the Church of Christ that's what my Bible says my Bible says you are yes I am yes I am a proud member of the Church of Christ and I don't know of another church to be proud of and I cannot and I cannot say it doesn't matter what church you go to get that out your speech we don't matter what church you go to as long as you that's a lie because there's only way when you say it doesn't matter what church you go to what you're saying is the body of Christ is the same as other bodies that means you're comparing Jesus to something less than him and you're saying it's all the same and Jesus says no there's only one of me and either you're with me are you what are you not anything else that I've said please remember this verse the issue verses first Peter chapter 4 and verse but let none of you suffer as a sinner or a murderer a thief or even evil do it gives this list of things that you shouldn't suffer if you're going to go to life and you're going to go through hard times at least go to hard times as a Christian but don't don't go through life and suffer and you're doing wrong at the same time because when you pass over you'll have no peace at least of your suffering and life didn't work out the way you had really plan on at least I can be comforted in the after so the Bible says if you suffer don't let none of you suffer as a murderer or thief or evildoer as a busybody and other men can stay there for a second get out of people business get your tape man get out of people business that's not your business that's not your lane and that's not your lane please give me my key back shut the door that's not sure nothing in that closet is your business verse 16 that's that's Bible that's Bobby you can you put that on your Instagram it's yet if a man suffer as a Christian notice what the Bible calls you notice that it doesn't call us Pentecostals do you know Pentecost is another religion Pentecost has nothing to do with Christianity Pentecostal has nothing to do with Christianity it is a Jewish holiday it's another religion actually Christians calling themselves after another religion you got a study notice that doesn't call us Baptist or Methodist or in the listen if you really study the Scriptures you let go of all those other titles they divide us anyway if you study the pure scriptures and you follow the teachers and obey the gospel purely at the end of the day you will only be a Christian that's it either you're Christian or non-christian that's it's only two groups then the Bible says we'd let any man If any man suffer as a Christian let him not be ashamed but let him glorify God on this behalf 417 for the time has come that what now what are we talking about without my judgment I'm at the end that judgment must begin we're at the houses of God is that what it says it didn't say the houses it's at the house okay either you're in the house are you not in the house man I hope you get in the house because when Jesus comes back the Bible says that judgment will begin where he's coming to his house first judgment must begin at the house of God and if it first begins at us what shall the end be of them that obey not the gospel of God everybody that's in house obeyed the gospel everybody that's in the house obeyed the teachings of Christ now when Jesus comes back he coming back to the house first well what would be the end be with those who didn't obey the gospel see the us Sarris it them now you know what I pray on this morning I pray that I have rightly divided the Word of God I've given you all of the scriptures that even on Monday morning you have the opportunity for yourself to wake up wake up without me in the presence and go back to these same scriptures and study them for yourselves if what has been stated is meant to be true than they're true then I want you to live by them if you find any discrepancy and what I just said please don't hesitate whatsoever to bring it to my attention it is not my intention to preach my agenda but it is my intention to preach the pure Word of God so don't think that we've done is we've gone chapter every going what verse by verse you have the opportunity on your own to go back and read those things for yourself as well so that we can all be on the same page and we can all speak the same thing that is my prayer how you live in this life God is watching I don't know where you are this morning but I pray that you've evaluated your life are you not only are you in the church but are you walking according to his teaching are you doing those things that Jesus has asked you to do he's watching how you treat one another do you know he hears how you talk about one another he knows who visits who and who takes care of who and who ministers to whom and on Judgment Day he'll give you a full report he'll say you know what I thank you for how you love don't mean through those who are next to you maybe you realize right now you know what by the Williams I've been so involved in myself I hadn't even been worried about anybody else do you know that sailors trick is to get you so involved in yourself that you don't hear nobody else and every day you wake up it's just all about you taking care of you and you get into a better place that's not what blessings come from a strong Christian of those who have problems themselves but they still have enough love in their heart to reach across the aisle and help somebody else that's what it's all about you can't tell me Christianity ain't good for the world you can't tell me that if we all start following this we can't make the world a better place that we can bring more joy into people's lives this is one of the happiest but also the heaviest times of the year it's a dichotomy is it has such great excitement and you know you know what it feels like it feels like all the children are excited and all adults are depressed this is this it's a split spirit in the house Oh Christmas and the parents yeah all right pick up paper okay nice um get all the toys back in the time then go to sleep Ramadi weary how you live how how you conduct yourself let's be pleasing on to God
Channel: North Colony Church of Christ
Views: 44,502
Rating: 4.6527619 out of 5
Keywords: Church of Christ, Gospel, Acapella, North Colony Church of Christ, Willie Williams, Preaching
Id: SA0X4Bvny0w
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 52min 45sec (3165 seconds)
Published: Mon Jun 03 2019
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