Bishop S.Y. Younger - "Release The Arrow"

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hi my name is morgan mosby and i'd like to welcome you to the official bishop sy younger channel thank you so much for tuning in with us today i pray that the word that you hear in just a few moments will transform renew and empower you to keep on going just a little further second kings chapter 13 is where the word of the lord is coming from today second kings chapter 13 and we're going to start reading at verse 14. and i know we've been standing and sitting a lot in service today but if you would just stand one more time for the reading of god's word and if you don't have your bibles you can follow with us along on the screen now elisha was fallen sick of his sickness whereof he died and joash the king of israel came down unto him and wept over his face and said o my father my father the chariot of israel and the horsemen thereof and elisha said unto him get a bow and arrows and he took unto him a bow and an arrow and arrows and he said to the king of israel put that hand upon the bow and he put his hand upon it and elisha put his hands upon the king's hands and he said open the window eastward and he opened it and then alicia said shoot shoot your shot and he's shocked he said the arrow of the lord's deliverance and the arab deliverance from syria for thou shalt smite the syrians in aphid till thou have consumed them and he said take the arrows and he took them and he said unto the king of israel smite upon the ground and he smoked thrice and stayed and the man of god was i like king james version he didn't say he was upset he was wroth kind of let you know what that means right he was wroth with him and said thou should have spit five or six times then had his thou smitten syria until thou hat has consumed syria whereas now thou shalt smite syria thrice and all of god's people said amen look at your neighbor and then you can sit down tell them release the arrow release the arrow so i have a tendency uh and i was sharing with the uh elders today i don't really study preach i really study to know god and i love the word of god and so many of y'all realize that if you've been following our church uh recently rob we've been kind of circling around the prophetic leadership of elijah and militia we've been talking about that double portion anointing on the ministry of of elisha and something that the lord speaks to elijah when elijah wants to die because the weight of his assignment is too heavy god says it to elijah you can't die because you got some more to do you can't die without fulfilling uh your assignment and there's two things you got to do there's a there's a jehu that needs to be coronated and there's a haziel who's over syria that needs to be anointed king and there's an elisha that needs to be anointed to be a prophet so i don't overwhelm you with a bunch of names and a lot of scriptures because i realize most people get their bible knowledge from a facebook post but if you would just have a little patience with me i want i want you to see this god tells elijah i want you to anoint your successor i want you to anoint the king of my people and the enemy of my people you could have taken notes i want you to write this down god doesn't just anoint you but he also anoints the trouble that keeps you anointed it's all anointed yes even your opposition even your challenges the very thing you think is trying to kill you is a very thing that keeps you close to god and i have peace about that because when my trouble is anointed that means my trouble has an assignment and it only can go so far so when we look at the book of kings and uh robert williams and i have been discussing this book of kings the book of kings can be a little complicated we know it's broken to first and second kings but it's not only broken up into two books it's also broken into two kingdoms we're looking at a time where israel is split north and south and so when you read the book of kings it gets a little complicated because one moment is talking about the nation or the kingdom of israel and it talks about the kingdom of judah so the northern kingdom the israel is split into 12 tribes with the first but the 10 tribes of the north that's called israel and the two tribes of the south which is judah and benjamin is called judah and in second kings chapter 13 we're introduced to a king of israel called jehohas name your child that for the sake of pronunciation and for the sake of preaching i'll call him jeho like i do everybody else i give them a name jeho is king of israel he's fresh to the throne but the bible says he's continuing in the ways of the first king of israel jeroboam was an evil king and he's continuing in that way how is he continuing in what way the king of israel because the kingdom is split he didn't want his inhabitants to go to jerusalem because jerusalem is in the southern kingdom he wants to keep everybody close so what he does since he doesn't have a temple like jerusalem he'll create his own system of worship he'll create his own system of work instead of going by the way god has established he creates his own system of worship and he worships golden calves and he sets up an altar in the region of dan just to keep the people close what was it it really wasn't a religious move it was a political move you that are writing make sure you write this down don't allow your american politics to shift your kingdom posture just because we're in the region of damn the temple is still in jerusalem there are some people who have made an idol out of their politics in your way of trying to be anti-abortion in your rep trying to be anti-same-sex marriage in your way of trying to be anti-anti-anti-you have shifted your posture from being kingdom minded that you now have built your platform on what you are against instead of what you're for i'll move i'll move in the nation of israel in this time they built an altar to politics and the bible says they had what you call groves when you read around the thinkers around verse four verse five grayson they had what you call groves oh okay that beautiful landscape right what's wrong with that no it was a shady place it was a place that was open to sexual immorality and what we see in that ancient day of israel is what we see now where there are platforms set up for politics and pornography we are digesting so much pornography even through commercials that we don't even see it as pornography i'm so glad y'all talked about how wonderfully anointed i am before i started this message a platform that's lifted to the point if you challenge people on their pornographic facebook profiles they'll say you're being too spiritual and spooky things that should be left to be seen by one's husband or one's wife has been displayed for the masses i just need five people to help me preach and i'll be good [Applause] we have an all-time politics and we have grows for pornography look at your neighbor tell your neighbor god is delivering us from shady places but israel now has been oppressed by the syrians and because they have been oppressed by the syrians the bible says even though this king was wicked he pleaded to god even though he was messed up he called out to god i want to say this to you no matter how bad you have messed up you are one prayer away from redemption i'm going to say it again no matter how many mistakes you've made no matter how many wrong turns you've made you're really the devil don't want you to know this so i'ma say it again you're really only one prayer away from redemption the sad thing is you are one step away from it and some people still won't pray some people still won't repent some people still won't ask for forgiveness this wicked king cried out and the bible says in first kings chapter 13 that god spared them because he had pity for the people now look at this god spared israel because of moses god saved jehovah's because of his love for the people ultimately what really saves is god's love god delivered them he prayed and god delivered right yes uh-oh he he prayed and god gave them another chance he prayed god gave them another chance read first kings chapter 13 and they went back to the shady places god delivered them but they kept operating in in shady places god rescued them again i'm talking about when it could have hit the fan and it really could have got bad but instead of them turning to god they went back to the groves they went back to shady places what is it about us that after we've been given chance after chance after chance we still choose to live in the groves [Applause] building an altar to our ideologies and hanging out in snapchats hanging out [Music] and whispering hanging out and sneaking around hanging out in shady places if nothing should challenge you to repentance it ought to be the love of god because when you didn't deserve it come on when you said you weren't going to do it again but you turned around and did we always talk about how we got pulled away but what about the moments we made plans what about the moment that we were so self-centered that we did what we wanted to do even when we knew the consequences i know y'all don't like this message but i got to preach what god told me to tell you i need you to look at three people tell them come out of them shady places because it may not be this way next time you never know when god oh my god y'all don't hear me you when god gives you a chance to come out you better run for the door hallelujah tell your neighbor don't stay too long don't there's some people i don't judge people who ended up in prison i don't judge people who lost their marriage i don't judge people who lost their ministry and sometimes we look at oh god is so cruel you don't know how many times god gave them a chance you don't know how many warnings they get you talk about how god flooded the whole earth but noah was preaching for over a hundred years mercy upon mercy grace upon grace and if i tell you about god's love and i don't tell you about god's judgment then i'm not giving you the full counsel of god's will screaming somebody tell them i'm coming out of shady places come on all of us no don't you don't you i know i said look at your neighbor and y'all was good but i need you to look at your name and tell on yourself say i'm coming out of shady places god did not creep me and create me to operate in shadows anything in darkness is sin come on over here into the light i need some holiness people in here to start hollering back at me even if you're guilty shout i'm coming into the light jesus is light and he wants me to walk into life because i'm tired of bumping into stuff and tripping over things in darkness it's too draining to live in darkness i know y'all said it's hard to live right it's hard to live wrong the way of the transgressor is hard i wish i had somebody here all the sex you haven't still come out empty come on somebody all the drugs you smoke and you still got stress [Music] [Applause] oh god coming out oh somebody oh coming out of shady places i'm coming out of shady places i said i'm coming out i'm talking to somebody that's watching i'm coming out of shady place i need somebody to scream come out come out god is speaking to somebody come out come out come out come on you better praise god for covering you while he gave you a chance to get it right come on [Applause] that's god's love [Applause] that's god's love and so then we all be seated i didn't mean to go up that loud but the bible says when when the chapter maneuvers and it comes to a different place in the text we start seeing the the reign of joe ash and i know some of you gonna follow behind me and read it later and you're gonna see two joe ashes in the text because at one time there's a joe ashes ruling in the north and there's a joist ruling in the south at the same time but this joash in israel even though he's new at the seat he's doing what the other kings before him did kept worshiping at that altar kept hanging out in shady places but elisha is sick and because delicious sick he runs to the bedside because it seems like he honors elisha but he doesn't honor illicit god there are some people who respect the preacher but they don't respect god [Applause] you you respect your parents but you don't respect god somebody special what are you talking about because when you're more concerned about them finding out but the god that sees all you not moved [Applause] he honest elisha but he doesn't really honor the god of elisha to the point he goes to elisha and says unless i hurt you sick the chariots of the lord the ch the chariots of the lord what did he what did he why did he make a reference to the chariots of the lord because they knew when the chariots showed up before it was a sign that elijah was being taken up so he saw the signs of the changing of the guards he saw the signs of a kingdom shift i need you to look at your neighbor tell your neighbor i'm in church on saturday because i can feel the signs of a shift i'm sensing i know it doesn't make sense for some people in here you think i've been acting strange lately but i can sense a kingdom i feel like a door is getting ready to open for me and i don't want to miss it i need if you're near somebody you came to church with them tap and tell them don't miss the move of god don't there's a there's a door that's open and i don't want to miss it he said the chariots the chariots because the chariot josh and josh the chariot was not elijah's right it was elijah's sign see some of you gonna miss it because something is your that is your sign you gonna try to jump on it [Applause] his transportation was a whirlwind the chariot was just a sign so okay he looked up and he says the cherries of israel are the cherries of israel he said my father my father because he respects elisha but alicia's sick is about to die elisha yeah yeah anointed prophet elisha anointed prophet the one that can cause food to multiply the one that raised a dead boy off of his death bed that alicia operating in the supernatural doesn't keep you from experiencing natural challenges experiencing experiencing natural challenges does not negate the fact that the supernatural is operating in your life so you can be anointed and still battle with depression you can be anointed and cast demons out of other folk and then you got to fight your own you can be anointed and got faith for everybody else and then you got to struggle with your own doubt you come on i'm trying to help you because some of us are trying to wonder am i really anointed am i really called because if i'm called why would i be dealing with this the only reason why you are dealing with it is because everything god said about you is right and it's the enemy to try to make you doubt it just because you anointed don't mean you will never be annoyed you'll never be frustrated you'll never have to deal with your own proclivities or your own challenges it doesn't you don't you don't get to escape a human experience because you're a supernatural being helicia is sick and it doesn't seem like he's worried about it let me hear me marie don't allow people to make you anxious about something you're not nervous about i'm serious have have you ever got some news or something happen and all of a sudden you was like i mean are y'all ain't experiencing yet y'all better come on a little deeper than i'm talking about have you ever got something and people are one and they tell you something and they stand back to wait to see how you gonna react you're like well i can't change it i heard they gonna lay us all off i mean i'm still going to eat my bills are still going to get paid and if i lose this house god will give me another house i wish i had somebody in here it's called peace that's a passive all understanding have you ever taken something so well that it made you think you were going crazy am i really numb no baby it's the peace of god god will give you peace in the midst of a storm that should be making you go crazy i need you to look at your neighbor and tell your neighbor peace peace peace be still i need somebody to praise god because when you should have had a nervous breakdown he kept you in perfect peace it doesn't mean i don't care it means i'm not gonna carry [Music] sir i gave it to him i gave it to him how can you be so happy how can you be so light because i'm not going to carry it it ain't i'm preaching to somebody in here i don't know who it is but god told me to tell you it ain't your battle to fight hallelujah i it ain't your bad on a fight push your neighbor tell your neighbor you ain't got to carry this one have a piece about it [Music] y'all excuse me i got a little stirred up in the middle people people looking at you they'll start doing stuff to you to get a reaction out of you yeah write something on social media to try to get a reaction out of you [Applause] they'll walk in the room and treat you some kind of way to get a reaction out of you but sweetheart if you want to carry it you can carry it by yourself that thing ain't on me no more come on somebody i'm not carrying it you can hate me if you want to i'ma still love you look at your name and tell your neighbor i'm not anxious about what god has already taken care of i'm not worried about what god has already worked out i need about 50 people to open up your mouth and shall i let it go i let it go i let it go elisha you sick are you not worried because this is where the election has a revelation god can do it however he wants to do but i'm settling the fact that he does all things well don't don't worry about me my account is subtle you you the one got an enemy just trying to take you over you worried about my sickness you know doesn't talk about people who in everybody else's business while you looking across the street the devil coming through your back door [Applause] my business is straight with god he's you you better be concerned about them seriously he said get you get you a bow and arrow that's what he's saying he says i want to give you all strategy right quick everybody said number one you need another man's hand come here pastor bruce oh i see you getting sick you bout to leave that's not the subject right now you worried about the wrong thing you worried about who gonna be over the prayer ministry you just need to be concerned that somebody coming to pray you worried about the wrong thing you wrote about he said give me bring me your hand he says i'm gonna put my hand on your hand and i know what some of y'all gonna say all i need is jesus i don't need no pastor i don't need no preacher and if my family don't like me i don't like them either but you're gonna need somebody in life [Music] yes you need jesus but you need jesus in somebody we are the lord's hands oh y'all didn't got quiet on men here we are the lord's feet you need another man's hand he said bring me your hand i'm gonna guide your hand hallelujah i come to prophesy that 13 people that will receive it god is getting ready to guide your selection hallelujah because for some of us every time we put our hand on something instead of life coming to it look like death comes to it and look like our hands are slippery look like our hands are shaking but god says i'm putting my hand on i'm bringing people into your life they can put their hand on your a prophetic hand then there's the number two everybody said number two you need an open window he said i want you to i want you to look i'm gonna put my hand on your hand and then you have an open window an open window is an opportunity and let me tell you you don't create the opportunity you just gotta be prepared when the opportunity comes hallelujah thank you joaquisha help me preach i need you to prophesy to somebody in your section tell them god has given you a window oh no no don't help them run on because they said it like they were over at the moss hall on liberty's campus i need you to scream at somebody tell them this is your season of an open window i come i need somebody to praise god because you don't need windows all you need is one window i need you to scream over yourself shout this is my season of an open window i want you to take 10 seconds and shout for an opportunity that you didn't have i need somebody online open up your mouth and shout for an opportunity that you did not all right your bow and arrow get your get your bow and arrow in other words i'm giving you something to work with put something in your hand all of you just keep sitting right here waiting for something to happen you're going to miss it he told him you get a bow and arrow put something in your hand for god to work with you need another man's hand you need an open window you need a bow and arrow and then this fourth thing is you need to be able to point it in the right direction let me rogers he said point the arrow eastward from where they would have been eastward is where the messiah would come also eastward is where the sun would rise in other words he's saying if you're pointing in the right direction you're declaring this is not the end of a dynasty this is the beginning of a new day this is in other words the sun will rise and the bees will fly i'll talk about that another day turn it eastward in the right direction maybe some of us have not experienced victory in our lives because we're exerting our energy in the wrong direction maybe this wasn't the right message but i really feel this in god [Applause] it's opponent in the right direction and uh he said now what i need you to do is release these arrows on the ground release it all right illustrate bishop lift your hands open up your mouth shout hallelujah this job is not your career it's your assignment gotta go to work on mine [Applause] this is not just a marriage it's a ministry your food is in there on the table he did just enough going through the motion maybe he didn't think it meant anything but i want you know it all matters what you thought was practice is really purpose it it matters how you handle where you are right now [Applause] some of us are missing out on our future because of how we handle our now you can't mishandle this season and expect your next season to give you a great harvest [Applause] [Music] i don't know about you but this word is meaty it is blessing my life and i pray is blessing yours and guess what right now at this moment no matter where you are you have the opportunity to go to the next level in your worship by giving the ways to give are at the bottom of your screen so go ahead pull out your smart device or go to it on your phone and go to that next level of worship and give and let me tell you what you give does go to some causes all around the world we're building a school in pakistan we have missions in guatemala india and all across the u.s we have mona's house helping those who are victims of human trafficking your giving is not in vain so go ahead go to that next level [Music] sowing seeds without being intentional he he halfway did it he had everything he needed he had another man's hand he had a window he had the right direction and he halfway did it and the prophet rebuked him he rebuked him some of you need to write this partial engagement produces short lived victories this is how you can come to a good prayer meeting and come to a good service and be like oh hallelujah yes y'all y'all pray over me y'all anoint me y'all scream over me y'all lay hands on me now we tell you that go home and release the hour of the lord's deliverance i'll read my bible one day i'll pray half of the time i might fast and then you experience or shorten their victory and then you start questioning does this work partial engagement halfway obedience halfway trying will only produce short-lived victories listen what the prophet said if you would have kept striking with some sort of diligence [Applause] if you had kept hitting it [Applause] keep knocking at it keep striking it oh my god i come to tell somebody who's been dealing with your own bondage just because you prayed one time don't mean that thing is all for you you got to keep striking it [Applause] you got you got you got the business idea yes you got the book idea but all of us some of us in this room all we got is a bunch of arrows but we haven't released any of them well you know what i've been thinking about yes that's all you've been doing is thinking you know what i'm about to do oh you you've been about to long enough i'm about to go back to school i'm thinking about you got all these arrows but those arrows are not going to work for you until you release it until you release it i know this might not be one of your favorite messages but it's one of your needed messages it's one of those messages to tell you if you're going to experience breakthrough in your life if you're going to experience deliverance in your life it's more than one prayer service you got to keep knocking it down every time it comes up [Music] what elisha says ryan he says now because of how you handled what i put in your hand it's gonna only hit it three times and it's what some of us do all we do is stir up our opposition you make all these strong declarations oh i'm over it i'm past it [Music] don't you let down your arrows hey hey i'm past it and i'm getting past it we when we read the military strategy of god in the old testament danielle becomes hard to explain to atheists and agnostics and those who question the faith they say why would this loving god tell you to kill everybody come on patrick you're a scholar why would this loving god allow people to be created and then give a military commander the assignment to kill everybody every man woman boy and girl why would almighty god say kill the babies this is the god child syrup with this bible where he says saul kill all of them how cruel how gory how almost schizophrenic the god you worship that one moment he gives life and then he says destroy all of them even to the innocent children because god knows something that you haven't got a revelation of if you let any part of it live it has the potential to grow up and come after you again and god says i want you to destroy some things in your life not just for you but for future generations hallelujah that's what happened some of our parents some of our grandparents only hated enough to do good in society they only hit it good enough to stop drinking so much that they were drunk every week they only hit it enough to suppress it but they didn't hit it enough to kill it [Applause] so they'll tell you about their younger years but left enough of it to grow up to plague you [Music] [Applause] why am i preaching so hard because god told me to keep hitting it god told me to keep striking because we came out of a deliverance service and we came out of a delivery service the other friday night the spirit of retaliation came up strong it came up and started attacking marriages in our church it's not attacking people psychologically i come but i come to tell the enemy i'm not coming off of it i'm coming to the enemy's camp i ain't got to have everybody some of you stay in the days but i need about 50 warriors to stand up with me and declare satan in the blood of jesus saying the blood of jesus i'm coming after the spirit of promise security i'm coming up to the spirit of molestation and incest i'm coming after the spirit of divorce i'm coming out of the spirit of division come on come on i bind it i bind it up i grind it up i push back the hand of the enemy i push back the hand of the enemy i slay the giants that defies the armies of the lord come on in the name of jesus said that we're not afraid but god has not given us the spirit of fear but the spirit of power the spirit of love and a sound mind come on release the arrow come on delicious and we decree and we declare to the atmosphere we come against every principality every high place every generation of curse every religious spirit every demonic system that tries to conquer and tries to divide i come against the felicia spirit the spirit of the philistines that will try to shout and declare and try to cause us anxiety and cause us fear and we declare that we get up with a sword a sword of the lord we stand up with the rock who is jesus and we take it down somebody release the arrow come on release the arrow i'm doing it for generations i'm not just doing it for me i'm doing it for generations i'm striking the target i'm striking the target i'm striking out of the motion i'm striking the target all that indication i'm striking the target come on come on come on come on hey there's an army you got to take that there's an army in the spirit you got to take it down in your chat if you're not accustomed to this type of church i don't apologize this is the way this is how i fight my battles come on in the library come on release the arrow come on release it that's it that's it come on warriors come on worry come on the enemy is fighting because you're closer the enemy is fighting because you're closer the enemy is taunting because you're tapping in come on tap in not another generation not another generation come on ralph i need you to release that arrow so our children will have to deal with it come on release their arrow so our great children won't have to deal with it if you got a prayer language open up your mouth and release center of a horse leader something is breaking i feel it don't you pull back don't you don't you run from this fight don't you run from this fight you want to pray harder than you ever pray you are not worshipping you ever worshipped come on tear down the groves count out the shady places come on cut out the groves we come against the yolk of pornography we come against the yolk of pornography now we come against the idol of politics come on tear it down tear it down we come against fear we come against depression we come against oppression we come against anxiety we come against incest we come against molestation you suicidal spirit you suicidal spirit you suicidal spirit take it down release the arrow release the arrow release the uh a bipolar disorder back home of disorder take it down take it down dose of divorce take it down agnostic dogs atheist emotions take advantage is a leper to my feet thy word is allowed into my pain release the arrow no weapon no weapon trumped against me and my children me and my family me and my minister me and my marriage no evidence formed against me shall prosper release the arrow the enemy will come i'll give you one way but he gotta flee seven ways release the arrow that the weapons no the weapons release the arrow release the arrow i'm breaking it one time and forever i'm breaking it one time forever open up your mouth because there's a sword in your mouth oh that's a strong man there's a strong man there's a stronghold that's been trying to keep you down like come on release and i'm not talking about a breakdown you had a breakthrough point and you got them you got to take the next step or something for what you know go go when god when elisha told the king to strike and release the arrow he misinterpreted that what he was doing was just something natural [Music] that some of you when i said lift up your hands and open up your mouth you thinking it's something natural tell somebody this is spiritual you better hope it's spiritual because what you're dealing with that's not natural that's why that thing don't want to let you go they don't want to let your blood hit it [Applause] i'ma tell you i'ma tell you after that god told me to do that deliverance service i was in florida and i was preaching on a tuesday night and the lord says when you go back to lynchburg call a deliverance service i got back here on wednesday and says friday we gonna have a deliverance service and it was a crowd of people in this church and we began to pray and demonic spirits were uprooted out of people's lives but right after that there was a spirit of backlash start coming every direction and if the enemy can't get you he will attack the people around you and the enemy spoke to me said it will be in your best interest to pull back [Music] and let me begin to try to taunt me say it will be in your best interest hallelujah to pull back just do your little prayer service preach a good message don't ruffle no feathers because if you keep talking about demonic influences the religious community gonna attack you and that's spiritual i'ma tell y'all it was so real it was one thing after the other and i never forget the night i was wrestling in the spirit and i got up out of my bed i said you are not gonna have a foothold you're not gonna have a foothold because you know how you sit still and then stuff start playing in your mind everything that's coming i should not go ah no no no no this is the lord's treasure these people these people god gave me is the lord's treasure and i started i started seeing y'all's faces and some of you i knew some personal things you were going through and i began to pray in the holy ghost and then i came to the church and i'll be i said i'm gonna get up to the church i got a meeting and after this meeting i'm going to the sanctuary and i'm going to cover the seats in the sanctuary i went to come outside to get in my vehicle to the parking spot that's designated for me and my vehicle was gone my and i know the i knew the payment had been made and i'm saying where's my vehicle where's where's my vehicle come to find out they towed my vehicle out of my spot they said they didn't know the truck was mine you have to realize i'm the only person that lived in the building for several months so my car is the first car so all the stuff started running through my head everything from racism i'm gonna get y'all i wanna try to hear me i start thinking racism i start thinking all these reasons why you would have told my vehicle then i realized i said oh no no no this is spiritual so instead of exhausting myself on trying to fight a spiritual battle with carnal means i went on my my phone and got on the uber app and said pick me up cause i'm still coming and i got on the phone i got on the phone with the with the people of the building i said i'm going to church and i'm going to pray and when i come out of prayer what you took i wanted to be in my parking lot at my church i couldn't tell somebody in this room this is a spiritual battle but everything the enemy do command the devil put it back in what [Music] somebody shall put it back no you you don't know ask for permission shout put it there [Music] so this is what the enemy will do if he can distract the captain the captain will not be able to release instructions so he'll get in the head of the leader make you feel nobody's going to support you you're in it by yourself he'll get in the head because if i can consume the head of the leader then they won't be sober to release strategy and instruction [Music] tell your neighbor the devil is not after you he's after what you're carrying because some of you got the destiny of your family down in your belly oh but i said some of you got to somebody lay hands on your belly and shout right now shout for your destiny [Music] that's what i'm telling you you need to confront everything in your camp everything at home you got to come hey hallelujah you got to confront everything in your camp that's if you got to turn the arrow to people that you love i'm not coming after you as a person i'm coming after that spirit because i can't give space to it in my space okay see some of you been giving a courtesy to people who've been leaving the back door propped he wanna he want to get a hold to the head to the captain and i'm gonna i just wanna help y'all from a church structure all right from the church structure because we have an administrative structure and in the administrative structure of our church we have the bishop and the executive pastor administratively and then we have the church administrators we got the leeson claude and enoch and all in the working church that's administratively right okay spiritually we have bishop and pastor marvin and pastor esqueda and the elders and the deacons right that's the spiritual care the pastoral care of the church prophetically professional prophetically it goes from the prophet of the house to the musicians of the house and that's why i've never settled for y'all to think y'all was some gig in this church because it goes from the prophet to the musicians i say it goes from the oh i got scripture for this song you're going to leave my presence and you're going to fall among prophets and musicians second chronicle says and the family of asap prophesied with their instruments oh my god in the new testament it talked about whatever sound we released prophetically would tell us either retreat or go forward so the enemy would try to poison the mind of the prophet and then he'll come after god's mistress i don't care how many people talk about how bad you play you better make sure you got the cadence of god and the cadence of god in your sound is established in your life why because the destiny of israel is leaning on the sound that you release and that's why when the enemy gets ready to attack us administratively there's one strategy then when he gets ready to attack us spiritually that's one strategy he gets ready to attack us prophetically that's another strategy and we're not ignorant concerning satan's device hey my i'm telling you you better know you got to realize in your house when the enemy starts operating a wedge between you and your spouse and where there should be conversation there's silence and the silence is speaking louder than the words you got to be careful doing this pandemic that you're in separate rooms on your phone talking to other people more than you talking to each other oh i know i'm in the holy ghost hallelujah you got to be careful that you got to keep taking your smart device to the bathroom and staying long and it's necessary the enemy will wage he'll wage war and we hear wage war and we're accustomed we're accustomed to demonic manifestations of the vomiting and the rolling on the floor but it takes discernment hallelujah when he weaves himself in our lives hey and when you pick up a serpent's spirit i said when you pick it up when you pick it up in your when you pick it up you say i gotta strike it i gotta strike it until it's destroyed because if god has given me a chance if he heard me the first time and he brought me out god forbid if i return to the groves because what you don't destroy becomes your safe haven what you don't destroy ask me how i know cause in my own life i gave courtesy to things have y'all ever seen the vines at the denver avenue house there were some vines from the other house next door they were so pretty they were they were pretty beautiful vines and we didn't we didn't cut them we didn't destroy them because we were distracted by their beauty until we looked up and what we labeled as beautiful started to take over our property and how did you cut it now where do you cut it from it's so entwined there was one time i thought i was cutting the root and i was really cutting a branch now what i want to get into i'm wrapped up in it and it's taking over the worst thing you can do morgan i'm speaking to everybody and to you the worst thing you can do is to look at other people's lives and consider what's okay for you go somewhere else in the stand it won't be so hot standard won't be so high but because of what's in you you'll die did you just say it yes because i know what it is to be out of the will of god and although i was walking around i was dead i was i was dead i'm past my time i know i am i know i am i know but i know what the lord told me released it this is why because some of you that arrow you it is it's a god-given idea some of you got a god you got a god-given idea you got a god-given purpose you got this you got a you got an innovation you got an idea and for some reason you're willing to carry it around but never release it the enemy has none to you [Music] and now you looked up and five years have gone by how many can be honest with me you wasted some time [Music] oh man how is this how wasted a whole lot of time and you know what i said god give me another chance lord give me another chance lord i'm gonna make good on it he let me out i went back to the heel of idols i went back to hanging out in groves but out of his love when i cried out he rescued me again and i'm rescuing you and you got a pouch full of arrows i'm guiding your hand [Music] maybe the king felt he wasn't worthy enough maybe he felt like something this simple could not give me the results that i need something this let me guide your hand and strike your target and don't halfway do it don't do it enough to stir it but not to kill it [Music] this message was because friday and some of you you've been praying and you've been coming after your giants but in the book of esther [Music] there's a haman the injury that wants to kill all the jews he wants to kill all the jews he's weaved himself in the king's court he said i'm going to destroy all of god's people i'm going to cause a genocide he's haman the descendant of a gag [Laughter] danny the only issue with that is all of a gag's descendants are dead don't y'all remember the other front seat god told saul to kill all of them and he killed all of them but but one king again but don't worry when samuel got there the next day he took a sword and he killed the king again so if all of them were dead and the king died the next day how in the world are we in persia where there's a queen esther and there's a descendant of a gag trying to kill all of the jews because samuel did not kill him until the next day jewish tradition says between those two days king agag laid with the woman and she ran away with this seed i'm coming for the runaway because it got a little distance on me i can't grab it with a sword [Music] hey there's some stuff i should have brought closure to and i gave him credit to him i can't put my hand on it but i got an arrow or not to release [Music] that's some stuff i should have dealt with last year and i didn't deal with it there's some things that some people i should have cut off and i did oh but i got an arrow [Music] because you will not plague another generation of my family [Music] [Applause] just lift your hands in the presence of them lord i thank you for the words you sent to me [Music] [Music] is your word that shows me where i am and where i should be going is your word that aligns me [Music] so teach my fingers to battle teach my hands to war hallelujah sober me from the spirit of sedation make me alert and aware make me alert and aware make me alert and aware strategy and precision i can't do holy living without holy strategy and precision lord those who don't have the holy spirit filled them and baptized train us for holy war that the kingdoms of this world will become the kingdoms of our god tell down every altar [Music] i feel the ultra ministry i don't know about you but who my feet feel like and i feel like i can run on and see what the end's going to be after that message but there's a few things i want you to do before you exit off of here i want you to like i want you to comment and i want you to share share this message with your friends your families your co-workers share it and bless them too okay there is a way that all of you can connect with us and that is through info at the if you have a prayer request if you have questions about the ministry email us there okay again that's info at the oh one more thing i almost forgot look down here and there's a little bell turn on the notifications so you can know the next time we're gonna be on here blessing you with more of this meaty word okay have a great day [Music] everybody
Channel: Bishop S.Y. Younger
Views: 1,782
Rating: 4.9384613 out of 5
Keywords: bishop, shantae, younger, sy, ramp, international, church, OWCI, praise, break, wisdom, keep, going, encouargement, book, tour, prayer, holyghost, pastor, podcast, praying, speaking, one, way, churches, lynchburg, virginia, building, preaching, prophet, prophetic, cogic, cooljc, new, years, eve, message, the, release, arrow
Id: afx-11H7kMo
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 66min 59sec (4019 seconds)
Published: Tue Feb 09 2021
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