Bishop S.Y. Younger - “I’m Facing My Demons”

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bless the lord all my soul and all that is within me bless his holy name listen it's another day that the lord has kept you and i want you to rejoice and be glad in it i am j.e harrison and i wanted to welcome you to the official youtube channel of bishop s y younger if you are a returning visitor or first time we want to say welcome or welcome back so listen while you're tuning in make sure that you like you share you comment and you subscribe acts chapter 16. i'm going to read verse 16 through verse 18 and when you have it say amen and it came to pass as we went to prayer a certain damn so possessed with a spirit of divination met us which brought her masters much gained by soothsaying the same followed paul in us and cried saying these men are the servants of the most high god which show unto us the way of salvation and this she did for many days but paul finally being fed up turned and said to the spirit i command thee in the name of jesus christ come out of her and he came out the same hour and all of god's people said amen you could be seated in the presence of the lord i want you to share this message with the person beside you tell them i'm facing my demons many of you that follow our church and are part of our ministry know that as a body of believers that we do not wait until january to come into a new year it's not that we're not in this world we're not of this world and we believe the time clock of god is seated in jerusalem not the gregorian calendar but the hebrew calendar and according to the hebrew calendar calendar that our messiah yeshua jesus the christ would have followed the class to us that the new year came actually last week the year 5782 a celebration called rosh hashanah so it would be befitting that anytime we make any fresh commitments or any uh fresh covenants or renewals is that our new year time right it's it's at the beginning of a new season so we during this time as a church we prepare for what we call holy consecration it's a time every year that we spend in prayer and fasting and we pull off of social media and some of the other secular things we do not because they're evil all the time but because we want to turn our focus to god facing my demons oftentimes when we have discussions about spiritual warfare or spiritual dimensions demons devils goblins ghosts oh wow we're coming up on halloween right but it's time we have these discussions people are either on one polar end of the thought um of one extreme or the other you either have people who blame the devil for everything or people who don't acknowledge the enemy in anything now let's be clear we are born with the sinful nature all of us are we're born with the sinful nature and this simple nature is bent towards sin and then we live in a world that caters to that sin come on you live in this world it's not hard to live wrong and it's not hard to find something wrong to do sin is convenient for a little while anyway right so we're born with the sinful nature that's bent towards sin we live in a world that caters to our sin and we we are connected and we are surrounded at times by demons that lure us into that sin i know this is a lot for sunday morning but i got to get you all i got you our sinful nature is not the world and the world is not the devil but it seems like we almost set up for failure in many ways right that's why we need jesus look at your neighbor tell your neighbor not y'all but we need jesus all of us need jesus we need the grace of god but let me tell you you don't have to believe in demons for them to exist and you don't have to acknowledge them to be bound by them demons are real i don't care what you saw in a horror movie i don't care what you saw at the haunted house you went to you need to know that demons are demons are real not something that hollywood produced but i'm telling you that the realm of the spirit is even more real than this natural realm [Applause] now i know i know some of you heard stories about places in africa it has witch doctors and i know you've heard the dialogue about concerning haiti and voodoo and black magic and the largest pagan worshiping country in the world is india and so it's a given right that those places are full of demons it's almost a given that witchcraft would be strong in those areas but not here not in our westernized community we're too smart we're too intellectual too much light in order for there to be demons here but i want you to consider something we are less than five percent of the world's population but over 50 percent of the world's opiate usage sound like demons to me with all of our degrees and our six figures all of our modern technology we are dealing with stuff that cosmetics can't fix we're dealing with things that only pills can sedate but not deliver [Music] [Applause] fear is not a feeling fear is a spirit for god has not given us the spirit of fear that's what anxiety is anxiety is the consistent oppression of the potential of something happening everything is not demonic but some things are i said everything is not a devil but some things are i'll never forget in my uh in 2003 2004 coming to school at the university and we started experiencing god having prayer meetings and i never forget one day in the prayer chapel this young lady by the name of laura from west virginia got filled with the holy ghost and she was walking with god and and on fire for god and then we didn't see laura for like three days and we were calling her laura you good you know she wasn't responding and finally when she came out she said she says i just had to lock myself in my room i said why she said because the devil was after me i said really she said yes sir i didn't come out of my room i said laura i got to tell you something she said what i said you locked him in there with you the mere fact you couldn't come out meant you would be in control the mere fact that you were fearful meant that you were oppressed demonic oppression or possession is often seen when moments where you immobilized you can't operate you can't function you can't think straight i know y'all waiting for somebody to crawl on the ceiling but demonic oppression and possession is often seen through self-sabotaging behavior this is where you are making can i just say it how i feel it and y'all forgive me if it don't come out right this is when we start making stupid decisions we we no different and i know you said when you know better you do better but not always not when you're dealing with demonic oppression that's why it's so frustrating because you can know better y'all don't y'all leave me out here by myself you can know better you know the consequences you know what you're putting in danger you know if it hits the fan how bad it's gonna be and you still find yourself operating like a zombie moving with no control all of us got stuff we deal with all of us got temptations but what happens when your struggle starts having you it tells you when to get out of the bed it tells you where you can go to sleep it makes you get in the car it has you going places you should go doing stuff you shouldn't be doing [Music] and screaming somebody tell them and i'm not ignorant concerning the consequences and so what you start doing you start listening to your uh life coaching and positive thinking podcast and hear me i'm not trying to attack those things get you a life coach if you wanna if you need a life coach to help you start your business you know you know speak your positive affirmations i am somebody i am beautiful say all of that i mean it's nice cute stick it notes and you know nice soothing voice there's nothing wrong with that but you can't coach through what you need to cast out [Music] [Applause] the last time i preached like this the devil fought me with everything was in him but i'm coming back to go shove on you i'ma hit you harder hallelujah before i pull it back i'ma hit you harder look at your neighbor and tell your neighbor we're not afraid of any ghosts we're afraid of no demons today i am facing my own demons [Applause] behavior it don't make sense why am i up doing this i got what i pray for and i'm sabotaging it with my own secret behavior i'm putting permanent things in danger with temporal gratification [Applause] depression is is not an emotion i know it comes it can be because of a chemical imbalance in your life in your in your brain but you have to realize demonic depression is is demonic don't don't accept it is that this is what it has to be for the rest of my life because well you know god has given us all something well that's not something i would pray for anybody in this room you've ever dealt with depression before you know it's demonic because you can't move you can't think your way out of it hallelujah your friends around you they take it personal but it's not you there's something going on with me demonic oppression or possession can manifest hear me in special giftings and abilities every time you gifted and talented is not because you're anointed by god [Applause] the enemy will anoint you for his purpose [Applause] and even if you have a gift from god the enemy can come in when there's a breach and he can pervert what god gave now the gift that you have to connect with people you're using it to lure people into your own lust you're using your own gifting so you can control people for your own agenda [Applause] not you because you got a good heart but every last one of us in this room i know you can yeah you got a good heart but every last one of us in this room if our heart don't stay submitted to god the bible says your heart is wicked your heart is deceitful y'all don't want to be honest because you want to put it on everybody else and everybody else tempted you and everybody else pulled you away but you got to be honest at some point when you look at your past patterns in your life and said no it's me i got a wicked device on the inside of me that's telling me that i'm all good but i got to be honest i got some demons that i'm dealing with y'all praying for me [Music] i'm dealing with my own demons so then how do you deal with demons ephesians chapter four first oh y'all be off you see that ephesians chapter 4 verse 26 it says this be angry but sin not and don't let your st don't let the sun go down on your on your wrath neither give place to the devil will you hold that argument over another to another day you've given the devil a place in your marriage will you try to withhold your body as punishment to your spouse you've given place to the devil in your marriage um hallelujah when you're talking to them about him you're giving place to the enemy in your marriage well you don't know what they did you don't know what they said be angry but don't sin [Applause] [Music] anytime you start whole carrying bitterness toward people there shouldn't be anybody in your life that you gotta dodge [Applause] there should be no one in church that you can't sit beside there should be no one who sings and you have to shut down your spirit that should be anyone that preaches and you have to put your hands over your ears because you never know who has your answer for your problem don't give place to the devil that stuff will take rooting you there are people who are so mad and they've been mad so long that they have forgotten what they are mad about come on bishop and some of you have inherited anger from your parents some of you have inherited anger from your friends just because my friend is upset with somebody i refuse i don't have any time or space for extra weight in my life [Applause] tell your neighbor don't give splat don't give space to the devil tell them don't give space you'll give space don't hold on to it don't hold on to it stop rehearsing it it's not good for you because after a while a route where that root of bitterness gets in you you start looking at everybody through the lens of your bitterness you start looking at everybody suspiciously and then you start saying stuff like that's why i don't fool with people i'm just gonna do me and you end up building all of these walls to protect yourself from them until you look up and find yourself in a prison a prison that you built with your own anger and your own bitterness nobody can connect with you nobody can penetrate it because you've built up so many parameters [Applause] don't give don't give place to the devil be angry don't sing i mean don't don't act like it didn't bother you be honest it hurt it made me mad but i ain't gonna let it make me sin tell your neighbor it made me mad but it's not gonna make me sin i'm gonna watch my mouth how i handle it because i could say some things to flip their life upside down but i'm not gonna sin because the moment you try to get even with somebody else and you try to tell somebody's secrets just because they told yours what's gonna happen not only will people look at them different people are gonna look at you different you can in order to sustain your character you got to maintain your character and sometimes maintaining your character is keeping your mouth closed where you would defend yourself you cannot fight with people in the mud and come out clean one of the hardest things i've had to do in my life in ministry is not build this church is be silent in the midst of it one of the hardest things i've had to do is beside because you can't fight a lie [Applause] the only way you can fight a lot is to sustain your character and it's hard because you want instant gratification my you got to keep living so even if the lie was the truth people still wouldn't believe it because that was a moment and not my life okay i'm sorry so um so i don't want to give place to the devil because that'd be a breach so how do we how do we how do we face our demons through sound teaching listen y'all i have i grew up in this pentecostal way so hear me i have seen it all and have experienced the authenticity of it i've seen a young lady that was only uh maybe 100 pounds had to be held down by four strong men and her voice came out as a strong man i've watched peop i've watched the trash cans and newspaper of people i just seen all that stuff that y'all play with on horror movies that's why i don't watch them because i've seen it in real life i've seen too much now if you grew up in church and you ain't never seen it i'm not judging you but okay i'm not gonna say what i want to say hear my heart i've seen it so i understand the rolling in the floor i haven't seen it we we have done it here at the ram church but i'm i'm not coming for the demons that are loud because when them demons start screaming we know how to come for them but i'm coming for the subtle demons the manipulating manipulating deceitful and the only way you're going to expose those kind of demons is through sound teaching listen what it says in first timothy chapter four but the holy spirit expressedly speaks explicitly unmistakably that in the last days many people are going to turn away from the faith so don't y'all be shocked when it happens you know all of this wokeness and they still sleep don't be shocked when people start well all of it but millennials leaving the church don't be shocked many will leave from the faith and not just leaving the faith going home sitting down but giving heed to seducing spirits oh help me holy ghost cover me god cover me hallelujah seducing spirits well when people start changing the definitions changing ideologies oh hallelujah seducing spirits start making start saying well jesus didn't talk about this why are y'all preaching against same-sex jesus never said nothing against it you got to be careful giving heed to seducing spirits well well what's uh well actually if y'all read jesus was actually a man that and you didn't set up all night and watch the youtube video and now you're sitting at the looking at the preachers and those who have been trusted voices in your life and now you bring it into question everything you are ever taught anything you will ever learn cause you then gave heed to seducing spirits and where these doctrines come from they are doctrines of devils my god all of this new age thinking and consciousness and higher planes and vibes and energy y'all better be very careful and all of these things you're opening your spirit unto you got to be careful because those portals through your eye gates and through your ear gates these doctrines will come into you and lay a new foundation in you and you'll end up thinking a way you never thought before believe in a way you never believed before and then start questioning everything you thought you knew [Applause] because and the reason why i preached so hard about it because i know what it is to grow up with people in church and then you talk to them now it's like a and nothing you can't penetrate it let me tell you how let me be honest with you kobe there's some things i don't understand and there's some questions i have about to god i do i really do there's some things about god i don't understand but that that i do know [Applause] cause all this other stuff ain't proven hallelujah all these other all this other stuff can't bring me out but at the end of the day it was jesus it was jesus i'm holding on to it [Applause] [Music] because i've seen it i know it is to talk to people and like that the person i knew is no longer there and they call it enlightenment but if you ask them what they really believe nothing is solid oh really you ask them they're so enlightened so so what is it you believe see i don't believe see that jesus is the only and see church you don't realize no i didn't ask you what is it that you don't believe what is it that you do believe because if now all you can tell me is what you don't that means you have replaced what you had for nothing and you can't build on nothingness so what's gonna happen when cancer get in your body what's gonna happen when your children get strung out on drugs who you calling because what you held on to now you have torn down so what who you calling what are you pulling from [Music] [Applause] doctrines of devils doctrines doctrines of devil you're so busy arguing uh between calvinism and arminianism and there are the doctrines of devils y'all so busy debating how about what's once saved always saved and they're real doctrines of devils i'm not saying that stuff don't matter but at the end of the day i'm not fighting over nobody over how they were baptized and i'm not fighting said did you speak in tongue or did you not speak your tongue i want to make sure that you got a doctrine that i know you got a doctrine on the inside of you that will hold you in the midst of a storm what kind of doctrine the bible says we continue daily in the apostles doctrine in other words the teachings that came from the apostles that was given to them by jesus all right let me finish i gotta go to dc listen i can't testify for you but i am so excited about the word of god and what we want to do is we want to take this time to allow you to sow into the work that god is doing through this ministry you'll find those platforms listed below and know that when you sow you are sowing into the glorious gospel being spread all around the world so what we're going to do we're going to get right back into the word of god it's how we how we're going to do it how am i going to deal with my demons how am i going to deal with my demons how am i going to deal with my demons james chapter 4 verse 7. i'm telling you sound teaching we'll drive out the devil so i appreciate the way we dance and we dance in every service and we don't apologize i love how we sing and we lay on our face and we cry but if you ever want to get rid of the demons in your life if you ever want to expose subtle things in your life you need sound teaching you need sound teaching oh yeah i know y'all want to say none of me in here i need the women's bible study the men's bible study come on i need all of it i need sound teaching in my life because thy word [Applause] thy word is a lamp until my feet and a light unto my path somebody throw up here's a short said lord shine the light shine shine the light in the corridors of my heart come on lift the hand shine the light if there's anything in me that's not like you if there's anything that's hiding in the shadows and the cracks and the premises of my spirit shine the light [Music] bring the enemy into atmospheres that's not comfortable for him that's why i said bring your stuff in atmospheres that they won't be comfortable with i hadn't seen people oppressed or possessed by demonic spirits and they couldn't sit through a service a two and a half hour movie yeah but a church service more than 45 minutes don't you tell me you scared in a sanctified church service and you ride roller coasters you bungee jump you do all of that but somebody screaming jesus has made you scared there might be something else on you [Applause] put bring it in there let me tell you what atmosphere you need to bring your stuff into it it exposes it submission listen what it says in james chapter 4 verse 7 submit yourselves therefore to god resist the devil and he will flee from you so he was like get off of me devil get deep behind me satan you have no power with your voice if you're not postured in submission [Music] there's no power with your words when you're not submitted because when you're submitted under god that means you're standing in the authority of god when you're submitted to under god you're taking on god's ability so when you're speaking it's satan the lord rebuke you you have no authority within yourself without the power of the holy ghost submit submit all right my last scripture now let me tell y'all let me tell y'all how how real demonic oppression was everywhere jesus went he was casting out demons everywhere i mean he he pulled up to a cemetery and the man started screaming the demons why have you come to torment us before time because they knew there was a time coming even the demons know one situation jesus looked at a man says what's your name he just said carl what's your name skyler no my name is legion for we are manny isn't that something how is it we don't have we don't see that stuff anymore when we talk about gospel preaching gospel preaching encompasses the death the burl the resurrection the return the healing the casting out of demons the spirit of the lord is upon me for he's anointed me to preach and set at liberty those who are captive in other words it's not god's desire for us to be saved and bound i don't know about y'all i really want power with god i'm not saying i'm trying to be perfect i'm saying the bible says count it all joy will you fall into diverse temptations if i'm still dealing with the same thing that i've been dealing with for the last 10 years that means i'm not growing that at some point the devil must try to come back and try something different because i conquered that devil [Music] i'm ready for consecration because i'm ready for confrontation [Music] i want to prepare y'all cause the closer we get to it some of y'all gonna go through some warfare some of you have already started going through some warfare and everything is not the devil everything is if you're tired oh the devil got in my tire it may have been a nail just got in your time but it's not about what happens it's when it happens and how it happens this is hold on that's not that's not normal not just my tower went my tower went flat my my my door got broken into you know it's multiple things that you say hold on jesus we tried to uh we tried to cast the demons out and they wouldn't come out why why we couldn't cast the demons out we was over there we just slung oil and said all the right things and the demons won't come out and her you just showed up and said come out and it came out he says because this kind this kind of demon your own personal demon that knows your pattern that thing that some of us have to deal with for my childhood this kind this kind of knows the points and the triggers this kind come on put it put that scripture on the screen it's matthew chapter 17. this kind go without 1721. this kind goes out only but by okay i like this verse because i like how this verse says it it says this kind goeth not out and we always say faster than praying but it says it like this prayer and fasting because if you fast without really praying all you're doing is opening your spirit up [Music] prayer and fast so when we go through consecration and you taking this time fasting if you're fasting but you still on the ps4 [Music] if you're fasting and still gossiping [Music] if you faster than watching reality tv shows it's praying fast i'm posturing my posture myself in in prayer so this ministry is going forth in god paul and luke they travel around from place to place god is moving powerfully among them the hand of god is moving among them and the bible says they were in one area and this woman came up from behind them and says they are anointed y'all better listen to them god's hand is on them y'all better listen to god has sent them to our city god has sent them to our region you're so wonderful you're right you're right everybody else is wrong everybody is jealous of you because god's hand is so powerful on you it's never you it's them that's why i support you because i see something in you you're so wonderful you you're so beautiful look at you and he's just a minister and she just a talking he they kept preaching and she kept talking until finally paul says come out of her what huh paul didn't you hear what she said yeah i'm sober you got to be careful about getting intoxicated off of compliments don't let your discernment get numbed about people's affirmations she was saying the right thing but it was coming from a wrong intention why because she had a spirit in her and the devil knew that they were anointed just because somebody tell you your future don't mean it came from god just because the horoscope did get your personality right don't mean it came from god keep opening up your spirit because you hungry because you want to skip prayer because you want to skip fasting you got to be careful the bible said he rebuked her and says come out of her devil he didn't do it on the first day though he didn't do it on the second day the bible says she was doing this for many days i don't have her patrick i'm sorry i'm glad to have you here today and uh and um i thought since y'all were here i would take this up like this at the end i'm gonna drop it right in front of you how long are you gonna deal with your personal demons at some point paul you gotta turn around listen you gotta turn around around because many of us don't want to turn around we don't really want to turn around because marla if we turn around we're going to realize that there's a pattern to our dysfunction we don't want we really don't want to look we really don't want to look back because we get overwhelmed by it can we just have an honest conversation we'll get overwhelmed by because we like to compartmentalize and says yes this was this one time situation i just got weak i just got pulled in but when you look over you say hold on no no no oh man oh oh okay i forgot about this time oh oh yeah and this oh this is what i really opened the door and you realize it's been a it's been a pattern different characters same demon so paul turned and said if i'm going to go forward in my ministry i've got to confront what's been following me oh if i'm going to go forward in my marriage i got to confront what's been following me if i'm going to be successful in my assignment in other words i refuse to keep traveling with the same weight i refuse to keep traveling with the same affliction i refuse to keep traveling with these same demons [Music] if god has done great things with you paul with her behind you how much greater can god use you if you allow him to remove the distraction you've been used greatly by god and it's undeniable halfway surrendered halfway submitted halfway obedient which is disobedience and still you've been so graced what do you think you'll be able to accomplish for god if you conquer this one because the first aspect of deliverance is not rolling on the floor it might happen you may roll i've had to roll before it's not it's not crying and i think you sure you should be broken amen but repentance is not when you cry is when you change and this is why it's easy for some of us to carry our demons with us because we just float around from church to church place to place because the enemy don't want to be confronted you know where it's going to start you know where your deliverance is going to start with the decision i'm tired of this in my ear i'm tired of this in my ear i'm tired i've given a courtesy to it too long i've given a courtesy to it too long i'm tired of it what have you given a courtesy to what have you made excuses for what if you may say well this is just me but it's always in your ear it's always in your ear what is it that when you're in a good moment you start having a panic attack considering if your demons started coming out how many have ever been afraid of messing up good things i said it i said it i used cast it for an example of the sunderland says no some of us pull back not because we don't have the ability it's because of them and so my mind is if i just keep going and if i ignore it i won't have to deal with it it's a bad time for me to tell the story of my mentality i would never get i was living in a house with one of the church mothers and she lived in an old house so i was always afraid of spiders or anything in the house and uh i was in the bed one night and sleep and i said i felt something rub across my leg i jumped up and ran through that house as i felt something rub across my leg it felt like a snake so i jumped up and ran but it was still on me and i was like get off baby get off of me you know what i found out it was my arm had fell asleep [Music] so as i was running away from it it was attached to me so everywhere i went it was going with me stand on your feet with me all over this place the only reason why god will say this to you because there's an assignment on your life god brought you into this system god brought you to that school god connected you with that family he brought you to this occupation he's called you to this place he's called you to this marriage and i'm tired of messing up good things that god has brought me to so it's not about them lift up your hands and lord it's about me [Music] you can't confront demons that you act like you don't have if you're a holy ghost-filled believer ain't got no one in you not if you're full of the holy ghost [Music] but it's possible to have one attached to you i'm not telling you you're not going to have battles in your life and you're not going to have struggles but when those things start having you it becomes hard to walk worthy of the vocation hallelujah so all over this place lift your hands i'm going to pray over you i'm a prayer deliverance in this room [Music] now [Music] the mere fact that you lifted up your hands are saying to god god i'm open oh i'm acknowledging i'm acknowledging the dysfunction the toxic pattern [Music] the yoke of the enemy tainted perspectives [Music] lenses of bitterness roots of unforgiveness [Music] demonic doctrines and ideologies that have been sown and planted [Music] polluted perspectives [Music] things that came with me things that i inherited things that followed me from past seasons lord i confront it right now make no more excuses for it i give no space to it i give no more space to it so lord right now empty out the chambers of my heart from any residue empty out the chambers of my heart from any residue the things from the past [Music] uprooted now uprooted now uprooted now in the name of jesus lord i confront it for what it is it's no it's not my thing i confront it for what it is it's not just my way i confront it for what it is lord i thank you now i don't just receive you for salvation but i receive you for deliverance right now everything that's been my struggle everything that's been my conflict everything that's been causing me to live one way in church and be another way outside of touch lord i'm asking you to bring me an holy alliance i'm asking you to bring me to holy oneness in the name of jesus for your worst as a double-minded person is unstable in all his ways so lord right now with my hands lifted my mouth opened undeclared shaded the blood of jesus is against you my gifts have been yoked my talent has been yo my perspective has been your my vision has been advantaged but spirit of the living god release your arrow release the hour of deliverance right now in the name of jesus every stronghold every thought pattern that's been built up over time we break it down right now we break it down right now we break it down right now i need somebody to go to war in the holy ghost confront your demons every vice of the enemy every secret habit every secret pattern break it break it on another side break it break it come on as you fill this room with the sound of heaven it gives no place to the enemy as you fill this room with the sound of heaven it gives no space to the enemy the enemy doesn't have a voice hallelujah will we disappear in the atmosphere oh god [Music] my way of thinking my way of thinking changing now my way of thinking changing and every high place hey hey hey every high place whereby every high place i feel it now something is breaking something open your mouth open your mouth open your mouth open your mouth something is breaking with the testimony of deliverance things you thought you would never be delivered from things you thought you would never conquer patterns that are in your family generational curses that are in your bloodline i speak that it's breaking now i'm not just bringing this for me but i'm bringing this for my children i'm not just breaking this for me but i'm bringing this for my siblings i'm not just bringing this for me but i'm bringing this for my thesis and my nephews i declare healthy marriages in my family i come against the root of idolatry i come against the root of adultery i come against the root of promiscuity i come against root of pornography and i break it now in the holy ghost every addiction we break the back of every drug every substance abuse every pill copy we break it down every imagination that will exalt itself against the knowledge of god we break it now every sexual confusion we break it down in the name of jesus clean it up a clean heart and give us the right spirit break it down i need some warriors in the holy ghost i this is not about a preacher this is not about a singer it ain't about your title is about being free of the sun for whom the sun has set free it's free indeed so i declare and i confront every demon that's been operated in shadows i come against every suicidal spirit that's been flagging the mind of believers and somebody that's watching online you've been battling suicidal thoughts did you battle with suicide before i need you to open up your mouth and i need you to remind the enemy that he is suicidal thought i break it now in the holy ghost and the suicidal thoughts i break it down now in the lord to the people who've been dealing with depression that spirit of depression that's been keeping this from moving moving has kept them immobilized i'm asking lord now but straight to their legs one another by you just skip to their legs distribute to their spirit to the person who's becoming anxiety in the name of jesus lay hands on their heart self-sabotaging i refuse to be hindered any longer i refuse to be bound any longer i refuse to be set back in the long run will you put your hand on your brothers and sister's shoulder and begin to pray in the holy ghost that whatever's been on their back whatever's been hindering them from the past as you lay hands on their back you're speaking to their past you're speaking to the things in their past that still hurt them you're speaking to things to their past that keeps them in guilt you're speaking to the things in their past that keeps you in shame that robs them of good moods and i suffer you now from the things of your past i every connection that was made in the natural and every connection that was made in the spirit every connection that was made in the natural and every connection that was made in the spirit i shut down portals portals in your bedroom portals in your car i shut down portals that have given the enemy access we repair the breach in the holy ghost we repair the breach in the holy ghost we repair the breach somebody changing their mind right now [Music] [Music] will you put that hand back on your neighbor's shoulder [Music] and tell them i don't have to know the details of your demons tell them what i do speak over you today whatever was on your back whatever's been following behind you today when i shout i'm declaring you are coming into a new season come on open up your mouth and shout for you [Music] make it prophetic make it prophetic make it make it repetitive come on all over this place lift up those hands and open up your mouth and release the sound of heaven out of your belly let the river flow let the river flow then the river i haven't wanted to be like this i haven't been wanting to be stuck here come on go ahead and test out your freedom in the holy ghost some of you are dropping weight off of you right now you're jumping way over your mind right now hey your mind has been cluttered you've been overwhelmed psychologically oh but today you're making space space [Music] deliverance is my portion [Music] deliverance is my portion you believed it for everybody else and you don't know their details [Music] but receive it that deliverance is your portion deliver hallelujah deliverance [Music] [Music] um [Music] let's do what the woman did when she got delivered when paul said come out she worshipped because now i don't just know god as messiah i know god is deliverer of our deliverance is an unpacking of the work of the lord and the grace of the lord on our lives but will you lift up your hands and worship him for right now [Music] hallelujah [Music] wow here we are again at the conclusion of another life altering transforming word of god listen we don't want you to miss anything that is going on within this ministry so what we want you to do is make sure that you follow bishop s younger across all social media platforms and log on to the website and make sure you stay connected until next time god bless you hey this is bishop s younger thank you for watching this video and now what i need you to do is like and subscribe to this youtube channel so you can continue to get more inspirational motivational and gospel content in your direction
Channel: Bishop S.Y. Younger
Views: 124
Rating: 4.7333331 out of 5
Id: LgD--NV_NuU
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 63min 36sec (3816 seconds)
Published: Thu Sep 16 2021
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