A salute to the Late Bishop J. Delano. Ellis at CCC in Fort Worth, Tx, Pastor, Bishop Allen.

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[Music] [Applause] father we're thankful we're grateful we don't have to think of anything in particular just thank you be glorified in these few minutes thank you for your servants here at shiloh pray that your hand will be here you'll manifest yourself one more time before this day shall have ended we'll give you praise through jesus christ we ask it amen you may be seated now reach over and shake hands with somebody nearby and just simply say to them please celebrate with me because every day something has tried to kill me but has failed and that's the truth that's the truth and that's the truth [Music] [Applause] [Music] have half of y'all half of y'all didn't open your mouth that's why you can't get your deliverance you don't obey shake hand with somebody and tell them celebrate with me because every day something has tried to kill me but has failed [Applause] [Applause] now if you don't have anything to be grateful for you don't have anything to celebrate just celebrate for me if you didn't have disease to try to kill you if it wasn't blood pressure if it wasn't the bathtub where's the little fella he said in the bathtub if it wasn't a bathtub it was your crazy kin people [Applause] they tried to wear you to death i ain't trying to play the dozens i ain't trying to play the dozens hallelujah but you know most of your kin folks is crazy i know mine uh hallelujah if it wasn't that it was something trying to scare you to death trying to aggravate you on your job [Applause] but every day something is trying to kill you but fail let me let me sit down y'all let me honor bishop uh elder allen dr alan and his wife on this [Applause] 23rd pastoral anniversary celebration for him and i think this is sister oh tanya's first year in the anniversary celebration and in the 40 years of his ministry i'm with the alderman or councilman i forgot what it is huh commissioner county commissioner uh i'm with him 23 years a long time to do anything hallelujah but i honor you dr allen and i appreciate uh the fact that you've always been the same in the years that i've known you and seen you i didn't know you're close up i didn't know you real close up i don't have very many friends i don't want many new ones it's too much maintenance i don't want to be bothered too much too much mainly yeah it's too much to try to keep up got to call them and send cards i got to remember to remember birthdays please jesus just worry me just worry me too much look at somebody say it just gets on my nerves and tell the truth you uh you um you fall around and forget one birthday you got an enemy but i've observed you over the years and i appreciate your constancy your consistency in holiness pentecostal churches of christ presents you this apostolic tribute unto all to whom these presence shall come greetings in jesus name by the grace of god and with an eye single to his glory i jesse delano not delano i don't look italian to you it's delano delano ellis presiding prelate of the pentecostal churches of christ along with overseer sabrina j ellis by this testimonial celebrate with dr sherman c.g allen senior pastor shiloh during your 23rd pastoral anniversary celebration and 40 years of ministry to the body of christ the certificate is granted his testimonial of personal regard for dr allen's dedication and faithfulness to the ministry in the fort worth metroplex of texas given on this 27th day of august in this 2016 year of our lord david would you hand that to dr alan for me thank you thank you thank you thank you very much it's just but it's another piece of paper for you to hang around somewhere you know men hang everything on the wall women put everything in a drawer my wife she won't hang stuff up i put stuff up just put a nail in a hole in the wall and she come along fussing about her wall like i didn't contribute to the wall i missed my wall too i paid for the ball hang what i want to on the wall i'll just keep right on going with this story you know but i appreciate you i appreciate i appreciate sister oh tanya i have known her we came along in the same church and i've known her since she was a child and i can't even remember what age i would have met her and her dear mother i don't even remember how old you might have been i know you were you're eight years of age about about eight that's a long time you did have to hold up that many fingers to remind me of how old i am but i appreciate you and when i heard that the two of you were going to marry i i gloried in the spunk of sherman cg allen he went to headquarters and took the chief apostle secretary that's a nervy little fella there nervy nervy nervy i'll tell you what i used to kind of call you behind your back we used to call you the high chair bishop somebody said they was going to lunch with you i said get a high chair [Applause] the shortest man in pentecost in that low down well i've confessed it now thank the lord i can be delivered i mean he walked right up to the gym bishop's office and got the woman off the computer dragged it back down into hell as hot as hell out there hot hot i got off the plane came out the terminal and i said to the man the brother that came and picked me up i thought i saw him a minute ago he moved around i came out i said oh it's rehearsal for hell down here soaking wet before we got to the car jesus jesus i might be that as it may i appreciate the invitation to come here to fort worth it's been a lot of years since i came to fort worth the last time i came here was love sanctuary the lay down the battles was the pastor i preached there years ago and elder battle's widow is sitting here she's my mother-in-law uh mother elmira battles henderson battles right here she and her daughter and her son played hooky from their church to be to be with her son-in-law and i'm sure that their pastors don't mind and if they do they will recover we're uh we're a close-knit family i'm married to her oldest daughter her eldest daughter she likes for me to say it that way and she's at home preaching today and she preached this morning at eight o'clock and she should be about finished now the 11 o'clock service and she preached he is the god of the valleys and and i'll give you my subject in a minute my sister-in-law candy uh morton and my brother-in-law george are here with my mother-in-law i think i'm one of the most fortunate men in that most men that i talk to groan and grumble about their mother-in-laws or mother's in-law i don't i have a good one i have what i classify as the best mother-in-law what makes her so good is not just that she is good by nature she minds her own doggone business that's right that's right i had no trouble all right no trouble she'll have no remarks no comments she'd come to my house she'd go to her room come out whenever she feel like and then go to her room whenever she feels like and she don't create problems she don't get with her daughter against me amen because i don't give her nothing to get with i just you know i know how to stay out all of them's way when they get together and let them just talk and talk three or four conversations going on i just stay out of it i know that don't come before me that's them women up in there in the kitchen talking but i remember everything they say and talk about them like a dog when they leave and lastly i have deacon david cottingham who's traveling with me from cleveland uh he is my traveling adjutant and my son in ministry i am i'm not supposed to travel alone much anymore when i say celebrate with me because every day something has tried to kill me i've had cancer four times over the last eight years i started with prostate cancer and i encourage you brothers go get checked go bend over don't don't don't start oh nobody no just shut up and bend over take your proctology let the doctor find if there's anything to find cause that thing creep up on you it's not painful it doesn't hurt so you don't know you have it you don't know until one day you go to pass your water and you can't pass it as fast you know you're full but you can't empty then you start feeling like something is wrong the problem ain't in the front it's in the back go get yourself checked it is a generic thing it is a genetic thing rather it's genetic it's part of the black culture and black blood system it's in our bone marrow so go get checked sit down look at me if you want to call your doctor make your appointment and if it's just your prostate slightly enlarged then give your stuff to kind of shrink it stop the problem stop the problem head it off every man in here look at another man and holler go head it off because it will kill you it'll kill you before you know it y'all don't pay me no mind if you want to and then you'll be trying to get elder allen to pray pray you a smaller prostate and your prostate big as an orange and it ain't supposed to be no bigger than a and then a a nut you know a walnut yeah you got orange in the back of you get it checked y'all laughing at me some of you some laughing some trying to be all embarrassed and y'all looking all down your wife wants you to get a check [Music] you ain't no service if you don't get it checked now don't make me just go off we got children in here oh they should have warned you that i say whatever's on my mind whatever comes up did y'all tell them that yeah i usually say whatever i'm thinking about so be careful don't go off and get all snooty because i'll tell you where's that go and get checked that's what i did i went and got checked but i went too late nobody told me and so i had prostate cancer in its worst stages and they took the prostate out and i thought i was getting all right you know getting all right after six months of radiation they radiated me they cooked me until from here from here to here i was as black as this suit i'm normally brown but i was black in and ashy scaly you know ashy anyway because of my color but scaly you you pull your your your drawers off and and and you still in your drawers your skin is all in there they laughing why are you all laughing say y'all low down y'all say that's what y'all y'all down laughing but but skin peeling daily got to shake my stuff out in the garage or outdoors and just i can't believe it couldn't believe it six months but the psa went down but not flat it just went down and it was still readable and they kept checking kept checking kept checking kept checking finally the psa went down but all of my energy went up walking from that chair to here i'd get up to preach i'd be so tired i just leaned over i said you know i'm so tired i don't know what to do i just said i'm telling folks i'm tired i'm gonna start this message and then i'd start a message i said i'm tired and i'd start and go i just go sit down anybody feel like preaching just preach this i said that's a terrible feeling it feels so inadequate and all of a sudden i start growing big lumps under my neck and under my armpits at first under my arms i thought it was bad deodorant i said oh i wanted to change my deodorant it wasn't deodorant mom when the doctor said does it hurt i said no nothing hurt it's just all big i had to get a bigger collar and stuff he said i hate to tell you but you have cll i said who is that chronic lymphocytic leukemia i said what does that mean he said cancer everywhere now you get that get ready to die pay up your insurance and get ready for death because normally normally there is no relief or cure normally unless you have bone marrow transplant which for most people of color or people who just don't have means you gonna die because you can't afford it bone marrow transplant they don't give you with food stamps it starts at a quarter of a million dollars and who has a quarter million dollars laying around i didn't now while they are treating me for the cll with chemo now for a year every day except saturday and sunday i'm laying in the hospital one hour or five hours on monday and one hour and a half to one hour and 45 minutes every day that means i didn't have a life i'm laying there while they put that drip drip drip drip drip stuff in my veins sleep a while talk a while crack jokes keep everybody in that who was dying with me keep them laughing tell me if you're gonna die laugh don't lay up in looking like you in the mall don't do that you all straighten out till the folk it got so patience would ask to be in my room tomorrow i don't want all these white women in the room with me what's the trouble you get me lynched don't do that but the cancer cells kept showing up in the tests they did bone marrow biopsy when they drill into your hip it is called the biopsy they went into the hip they put you to sleep as much as they can and then they they take a drill and they drill down into your hip and when they hit it right you start kicking you can't like you're being electrocuted but they tell you don't move how do you not move and then they pull it out and watch the blood come out and they catch it and the first time it was like syrup sabrina my wife stood there and watched it and usually she she faints over dead roach but she stood there and watched it she said but then well i'll tell you about the last time they did it and and and and they did that and they put me on the chemo and they got me ready for bone marrow transplant but they kept finding this cancer cell and behind the back of this kidney on this side there were two carcinomas the size of a hen egg attached to my kidney they were cancerous so they cut me open from here all the way back here made a big smiley face on my side raised the shades reached in turned my kidney around cut the carcinomas off put them in a dish took them to pathology turn my kidney back around so not so they wouldn't even so they stapled me back up 73 staples big stay i'm not talking about little paper staples from your office on your desk i'm talking about them big you know whole cardboard boxes together you know they they stapled me for shipping and packing you could have put a label on me and mail me they stapled me i kept bleeding though you know they leave a tube in here a straw so that whatever fluid is gathering there can can get out and it just keeps running out but i but i didn't i did not emit plasma i kept emitting live blood cells and i did it for like eight or nine hours and the doctor came back and said something's wrong he won't stop bleeding that kidney won't stop that said he's got a pocket of blood here my whole stomach was full just blood everywhere so they the doctor i heard the doctor when he cussed he said get that d thing out of him and they went to pulling the staples out i felt every one of those staples and i but i couldn't holler i just said how how oh oh they took them out they pulled my flesh back open they hadn't even anesthetized me and i heard blood running into a pan just like somebody had turned on a spigot and i heard the doctor say we're going to lose him and i said to him you better find me he said knock him out because see i'm in there talking he said knock him out you see it's hard to anesthetize me i can i can stay awake a long time you put me to sleep and i'm still awake when they cut me the first time for the prostate exam i heard them cutting me and felt it and i was up there tapping and singing jesus he brought me all the way doctor said knock him out if you have to use a hammer i tell him god's going to get you when i wake up if he don't i will he still laughs about that today i told him i'mma get you they took the kidney out so i only have one kidney now the next day they come up into the room and they said to my wife and me i was listening but i wasn't paying much mind you know i i didn't you know just go away please leave me alone nurse been waking me up all night checking my blood pressure seeing if i'm alive tapping on me and god said i told her if you tap me one more time when i get better well you know i gave them the blues doctor came in and said i want to tell you something the carcinomas that we took off the kidney were in a leather-like shell they were in skin that was like leather we sent them the pathology and when we cut them open they spread out like octopus and they were so wide with so many fingers and tentacles if they had burst while inside his body we'd have a different story here today he would be dead we don't know how long those carcinomas have been growing on his kidney but i guarantee you it's at least five years and nobody lives through this and so they asked my wife to sign so they could keep these carcinomas in their lab and they're still at the university hospital in cleveland they wanted them to show to other you know students of medicine and whatnot said it was very unusual but the doctor said there's something we notice about these carcinomas they were growing for five years but they could never get bigger they had to have something to eat on so i said to them well what were they eating my kidneys said no they used your kidney for blood life fluid they needed blood to live because they're alive he said but what they ate was themselves they kept turning and eating itself it would eat itself and grow and then eat its own growth so it never got any bigger when i say every day something was trying to kill me i know what i'm talking about and so when i got ready for bone marrow transplant the doctor said well you've had cancer four times and you don't need the transplant i said whoa i've had cancer three times i had prostate cancer i had cll and i had renal cancer where did i have a fourth cancer he said you had lung cancer but we wouldn't tell you about that because that was the least important the other three were gonna kill you faster than the lung cancer you were still breathing so we didn't worry about that so i said well what about the the transplant said well the good news is you don't need the transplant and we can never tell you because we don't know how to explain it but in your body there is not one cancer cell [Applause] not one we've tried everything we've tried everything we've tested you we have tested we have taken blood blood blood of course i told him yeah you ain't lying the vampires have been sucking blood out of my arms say yes we were doing it because i know you had cancer we wanted to make sure we didn't make a mistake bishop ellis not only are you in full remission you are cancer free you need your blood cells built back up because we kill them all with the chemo look at somebody and say god is a healer that's it i'm finished testifying sit down [Applause] what does all that have to do with your anniversary i don't know oh no i don't know i don't know i do know that in your role you are called to be a healer and a healer because you've been wounded wounded healers are the best kind listen to what the scripture says for we have not an high priest who cannot be touched with the feelings of our infirmities in other words we don't have a jesus who hasn't been where we are and who has not felt what we feel let me read the text that i have in mind and then hurry up and sit down because i want to go eat i'm hungry i didn't have enough church for the day i'm listening to y'all and already been to the water and all them that was the raggedest bunch of women i ever seen in my life i got so tickled i said all of them is homeless everyone i'm home and they got joy that's what got me the homeless women with joy jesus lord leave it to the saints we can just make a show out of anything i want to read from first kings chapter 20 sabrina preached he is the god of the valleys and i want to preach he is the god of the mountains first kings chapter 20 verses 11 23 and 28 you stay with me and i'll let you up i'll let you up in a few minutes thank the lord for brother lint picker over there him standing in the hall he picked a piece of len off my suit and i said what was that he said lent i said put it right back can't have lint for you verse 11 and the king of israel answered and said tell him let not him that girdeth on his harness boast himself as he that putteth it off it'll make sense in a minute 23 and the servants of the king of syria said unto him their gods are gods of the hills therefore they were stronger than we but let us fight against them in the plane and surely we shall be stronger than they verse 28 and there came a man of god and spake unto the king of israel and said thus saith the lord because the syrians have said the lord is god of the hills but he is not god of the valleys therefore will i deliver all this great multitude into thine hand and ye shall know that i am the lord you may be seated i was reading the bible and the story caught my attention when i noticed the language of king ahab as he come contemplated the impending war with syria and 30 additional kings who had minute arms first of all it was ahab who gives good advice in this preparatory board meeting before the fight listen again to his advice as he talks to the captains and lieutenants of ben haydad verse 11 let not him that girdeth on his harness boast himself as he putteth it off in other words what does that mean what does that mean brother ellis i don't want a one of you men who put on the uniform and gear up for battle to think that you will return back to the barracks bragging about your conquests you got it it's sort of like the old lady in professor clump she said you may walk over but you're gonna limp back and as far as i can tell this may be the only wise thing that ahab has ever said you know who ahab was he's married to that heifer jezebel the daughter of the king of zidonia a witch now it is believed by josephus that ahab really didn't come up with the saying himself but rather he used a proverb that was commonly used during his time but his warning to king ben haydad proved to be the truth and even with that truth his own stupid behavior in going up to raymond gilead where he ultimately died showed us how easy it is for us to even forget our own good advice [Music] he gave advice and then got in another fight and got killed now shiloh please recognize that we all have battles to fight i know you're wondering if i can preach let me hurry up and say to you i used to be able to i'm tired already i'm gonna do my lesson and sit down i ain't here to impress you i'm here to give you some information and then you know chill we all have battles to fight christians have inward battles along with your normal human scuffles you got stuff going on in the heart and in the mind insecurities fears you don't want nobody to tell you you're insecure but you know you you know you you looked at you in the mirror this morning are you following me and it's called usually it's called a battle within a battle coming to christ means are you listening it means right away it means peace and war at the same time coming to jesus christ and i want us to stop fooling people at the altar just come on to jesus everything's gonna be all right it will be eventually but coming to christ means peace and war at the same time the peace that we have is with god but the war is with the world system it means that we're at peace with god but we're at war with the devil at peace with god i don't have to go to the devil i don't have to go to the world system we're at war with our own flesh and because we have wars to fight we are given harnesses the word in the old testament was harnessed the new testament word from the greek means armor to where we have armor to wear now because our enemies are spiritual and not each other we really need to quit with the fighting with one another because the sister you know susie is not the enemy your enemy is spiritual your enemy is unseen you're talking to one another but you're really talking to the wrong person the enemy is spiritual because our enemies are are spiritual so must our armor be the armor is divinely prepared and provided or issued and it's divinely adapted to its purposes it's not flimsy stuff but nothing can substitute for it if you want a bird's-eye view of the armor it's in paul's letter to the church at ephesus there's a helmet there's a breastplate there's sandals or feet shot meaning shoes that go with it there there is a uniform for the battles that we must fight which are spiritual now the weapons of our warfare are not carnal but mighty through god to the pulling down of strongholds what is a stronghold stronghold is a soldier with ammunition at the top of your fort that's the one who captures whoever captures the tower owns the city whatever you permit to preside in the tower he commands your whole town wait wait wait wait wait wait you'll get that in a minute they had a news they had some kind of a science uh overview the other day on on on the radio and bishop douglas was driving home and he called me and i turned to it and they were talking about they were talking about depression and despair and fear and doubt they were naming all this stuff and they kept talking about it and then this other scientist said but there is proof that wherever gratitude is fear leaves whenever there is gratitude he said if you can just think of anything he wasn't spiritual at all he said if you can think of anything to be thankful for even in the middle of fear and doubt and depression and all that goes with it if you can find a sense of gratitude gratitude always trumps fear it trumps doubt now it took science all this time to discover what god's been trying to tell us since creation for the joy of the lord is your strength see don't misunderstand strength as soon as you say strengths we think of popeye no put your arm down not talk about your biceps joy is a mind thing and the strength that the scriptures are talking about is straight to overcome the enemy that sits in your towers wait a minute wait a minute the divine armor must be put on if you decide to attempt to survive the fight without divine armor you'll do so to no avail now the next lesson from to learn from ahab's stupidity is he never did learn humility in the face of an able god ahab misunderstood the prophet's promise regarding god being the god of the plains he only heard the prophet mentioned that he was the god of the plains see he missed the point the point was not that god was confined to a valley experience he's got everywhere but the prophet was being specific about a circumstance and talking to some people who were in valley situation this fool said well he's the god of the valley no no no no you missed the point you missed the point he jumps into a battle foolish enough to think that he was invincible and that god would fight for his puny causes see you and i are in trouble when we try to appropriate god for our causes and our causes alone nothing used to get on my nerves anymore than these jack-laid prophets you make them mad or you disagree with them god's gonna get you guys i see i say oh you see nothing always and the biggest one is die die die you know cause we scared of death die die i see that he died she died she died dead she gonna die shoulda died go and die and say one of them did me like that down in rossville tennessee and i got up says sound sister granberry everybody gonna die including you sound no you die you drop dead you you yo [Applause] [Music] i know some of y'all say oh that's so insensitive i i don't want to hurt to upset the church mother over there mother i don't mean no disrespect but you know paul told the saints to drop dead he did he got so disgusted he wrote a letter and said i would to god that he would even remove some of you out of our midst you know what that means drop dead in english that's drop dead y'all gonna be trying to remember that scripture next time somebody get on your nerves i would to god that he would even remove [Laughter] give him bible for drop dead leave me alone we're always trying to scare somebody always trying to spookable somebody spooking peekaboo no no no god is too big for that god doesn't preside over the earth just to take care of our little puny junk who are you i'm in trouble now when the truth of that whole thing was that god usually fights for his own glory and for i agree with that i support that he fights for his own name see god doesn't just fight for your cause now if your cause is within his plan and cooperates with his will and and brings glory to his name well then you you know you in the fight but but but but but otherwise the overriding and overarching purpose of the battle of god is for his own glory and his own name hallelujah he fights for himself he fights for his honor he'll give you everything in the book he'll give you a day out of the week he'll give you all of the days and just ask for one he'll give you all the money and ask for a dime out of every dollar he don't ask for much but when it comes to glory he don't give you none of that my glory i'll not give to another because all the glory belongs to him and he'll fight you for it if you don't believe it ask herod in the fifth chapter of acts he sat up on a chair with his crown and his robe on and he made a speech and the folk hollered go ahead but that was not bad but when they turned around and said to one another he must be a god and herod didn't correct what they said god said i'll show him who god is god spoke to a gang of worms under the ground and said go get him and while he sat there worms came up out of the ground and ate his hind part out from under his robe and when everybody looked again there was nothing left but a skeleton with a crown on and the scripture said the reason it happened was because he did not give god the glory [Applause] never forget beloveds whatever god does he does for glory in paul's letter to the colossian church the apostle tells us whatever god wrought on our behalf he did it for the praise of his glory in three places in the first chapter every time it was for the praise of his glory one of the faults with personal victory is that we can be deceived into believing that we attained it when in reality we we may have just commenced the conflict i mean no you're just getting started when i got out of high school i wanted to be jumping and going on and i had to get older and realize that the program was called a commencement exercise i hadn't finished anything they were just telling me you're just beginning now we've not come here to suggest that conflicts have no honor and i'd certainly be the last one to put forth that life itself does not seem to be mountainous at times even though god proved himself in this conflict and divine and defied the 31 heathen king's logic there is that one element of truth in their assertion the heathen who thought that they would whip the people of god because they thought he was confined to the valley they listened to old silly ahab but after ahab got himself killed and they got their backsides whipped in the fight it was the wicked that said their god is the god of the hills in other words their god is the god of the mountains ahab told us he was the god in the valley and we tried not to mess with him in the valley we that's why we went up in the hills but he didn't tell us that their god lived in hills too what ben hayden failed to understand was that it takes just as much grace to survive climbs as it does to weather falls scrambling to make it to your peak takes just as much out of you as it does when you fall into the doldrums of your valleys nothing comes easy there's no vacation climbing requires energy and effort reaching the summit requires the use of all your faculties in the climb your legs your arms your biceps and triceps are put to the ultimate test one's eyes and thought faculties must be at their keenest you don't climb for the fun of it in this christian warfare but you climb because you recognize that turkeys cluck around on the ground while eagles live in the rocks above you're climbing because it's needful if you're going to live above the level of mediocrity you're slopping about with chickens is all you look forward to then mountain dwelling is not for you if you like picking up corn off the floor in the middle of chicken feces help your nasty self but if you're an eagle you climb you don't eat garbage on the floor you fish your stuff straight out of the water and you eat in the rocks high above the ground i'm gonna bring this discussion to a close but i want to remind you that he's in the mountain experience during the climb and at the summit god has always chosen mountain peaks to speak to humanity in profound and certain thunderings he didn't make a rainbow watch this give you a couple examples and i'm finished he didn't make a rainbow until he set the art down on mount ararat and let noah and his family out for some fresh air after a year and 10 days of solitary confinement god made a covenant with the father of the faithful on mount hebron when he called abraham to offer his son isaac on an altar but because abraham believed god during the climb god snagged a scapegoat and lose the talking angel to tell him to stay your hand god has provided a ram but but that one scene in the old testament became a precursor for a new testament event because it was at the foot of that same mount hebron that somebody planted a little garden one day and named it gethsemane and it was there that another son was being asked to drink from a bitter cup it was there that another angel was sent go and give this son strength how shall we forget god's mighty axe in arabia the jews had just come out of africa and were enroute to a land that they had only heard of but they had to pass through the land of the arabs their first cousins and their a mountain there was a mountain that god decided to use as his pulpit it was in this mountain that god called moses to receive the commandments and the law was in this mountain that god revealed his hinder parts to moses it was in this mountain that god thundered and sent fire enough for the people on the ground to start thinking that their pastor had been burned up mount sinai the mount of god the place where the jew and the arab acknowledged the god of abraham isaac ishmael jacob and esau he went there it was just a place yes and esau i thought that i'd better mention before i do that i thought i'd better mention mount pisgah and while i'm there it's the mountain that i call lookout mountain in the old testament it's where moses looked out and saw the promised land it was just adjacent to and subordinated to sinai but after looking moses had to go to another mountain called nebo and it was there where he preached his own funeral and then went behind the rocks and laid down and died without an earthly audience it was on nebo that god sent the upper takers angels y'all to carry moses body away so that nobody has been able to find it but one day on another mountain some several thousand years later moses showed up at a board meeting with god in the flesh and another fellow that had gotten away by mysterious circumstances in a fiery taxicab named elijah it was there on a mountain called transfiguration that i hear peter getting happy and shouting lord it was good for us to have been here i'm coming to a close in a moment but i have to mention the one mountain that became the place for our salvation it never meant anything until uh your lord and my god went there it was before he went there it was just another ignominious place of death and human destruction before he went there it was just a place next door to a place called gahena or or hell where bodies burned and the stench of human flesh was so torrid into one would have to cover their faces to pass by it this mountain was just another place where disemboweled people were left to hang on a roman tree fashioned into a torture chamber you know the place but i want to tell it to you again last we forget it's called mount calgary it was the place where god allowed himself in the flesh to die it was the place where god who had fashioned himself a body like mine dared to defy his own immutability by emptying himself into human flesh and then suffer crucifixion just to save me from the wrath to come it was at mount calvary where jesus changed the calendar from bc to a.d it was at the cross at the cross where i first saw the light and the bad end of my heart i'm getting happy rolled away yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah it was at mount calvary where blood became an inoculation against sin and death calvary was the only mountain that i've not been asked to climb because he climbed it for me somebody say glory but but one of these glad mornings i'm i'm finishing up now i'm finna yeah yeah you can help me if you wanna i i'm one of these glad morning we're gonna meet on another mountain with its summer peak it's summit peak in the second heaven all of the blood washed trophies of grace will be called to come to a place called mount zion where the lamb is the light they'll be shouting on the hills of glory when we reach the land of which we've heard the story they'll be shouting on the hills of god we're gonna get out of here one day it'll be soon saints it won't be long [Music] yeah the sooner he comes the happier i'll be yeah zion the mountain of the lord's house zion the home of the soul zion the land of rest for the weary traveler zion the place for which the jews sang and long for zion the city of the great king i heard david crying now let mount zion rejoice let the daughters of judah be glad that's it he's god in the valley he's got when you're in the down time he's got when you can't see above your shoe tops but he's also god of every mountain yes he's guarding every downward slope and he's guarding every tedious climb if you want to know where i'd rather be i'll tell you exactly where i'd rather be i'd rather be anywhere so long as jesus is there if he's not there it's hell anyhow hallelujah yeah i'm finished y'all but he's the god of the mountain he's the god when it's hard he's got when it's smooth he's got when it's uptime he's always gone pick your face up stop falling apart stop all that crying and bellyaching quit all that griping and moaning you have a god that's able about somebody say abel [Music] i ain't supposed to do all that i'm tired he's the god of the mountain he's the god of the mountain dr alan i'm going on back up north regardless to what comes within the next 12 months you're about to be tried i can't explain how i know it but there's a storm coming there's a stone coming and you ain't got to run from it the reason you don't have to run is you've already learned the behavior of an eagle [Music] eagles don't run from stones i'm working my way to my seat eagles don't hide when the thunder roll chickens stick their head up on any mother's wing but when the eagle hears that a storm is coming an eagle gets near water find this food get something to eat and sit there and wait a minute he plucks out the dead feathers you might have to pluck off some dead weight you may have to get rid of some jackasses holding on to you he takes his feathers he cleans his nostrils he picks his nose because where he's going the air is thin and just when the rain starts falling he doesn't cry about the weather but he runs into the storm he goes into it and uses the wind in the storm to lift him above the cloud yeah and while it's raining he's up in the sunshine yeah hey alan go to the mountain stay there hide until the rain come yeah [Music] [Music] you
Channel: Media Group NETWORK Tv
Views: 5,606
Rating: 4.7477479 out of 5
Id: 0CAdwYKVOgw
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 75min 16sec (4516 seconds)
Published: Sat Sep 26 2020
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