Bishop S.Y. Younger - “You Get To Eat Too”

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grace and peace and praise the lord everybody it is je harrison here and i wanted to take a moment to welcome you to the official youtube channel of bishop s y younger if you are a follower of bishop younger you know that he is a prolific and profound pronoxicator of the gospel so i want to invite you to lean into what god is saying and while you're doing that make sure you like you share you comment and subscribe luke chapter 10 verse 38 through verse 42. now it came to pass as they went that he entered into a certain village and a certain woman named martha received him into her house she had a sister called mary which also said at jesus feet and heard his word but martha was cumbered about much serving came to him and said lord does thou not care that my sister have left me to serve alone make her come in here and help me and jesus answered and said unto her martha martha they are careful and troubled about many things but one thing is for sure mary have chosen that good part which shall not be taken away from her and all of god's people said amen in the last 25 minutes of this service i want to share with you the message entitled you get to eat too you get to eat too now pastor westgate said to us that when it comes to our uh praise and when it comes to worship for us not to get overwhelmed and being overly analytical to the point that we don't embrace worship but it's okay for you to be a little analytical when it comes to preaching as a matter of fact you need to be so i'm gonna say something today that it's okay for you to chew on it and if you decide that it's not proper theology just take a napkin and go like this don't go oh that's not right now just take it out i believe in original sin i do but i don't know if i believe we're all born innately evil i believe we have a sinful nature but having a sinful nature and being born with a wicked disposition i feel is two different things born in sin yes but i believe that there is a level of sinful activity that is not necessarily nature but nurture the environment for example i don't believe people are born racist kids don't see each other like we do you know so what i'm trying to get to i don't approach people whether they are believers or unbelievers with the idea that they are bad people even if we are born as sinners and we are we still have a god-likeness yes even sinners they may haven't confessed jesus yet they may not even be baptized in the holy ghost but there's already in their dna some sort of god consciousness yes we are selfish people sin nature but we are also selfless god conscious we are takers seeing nature but we're also givers and that's god in us i feel that if the credits are going to roll at the end of the production of our lives the part of us that self-sacrificing would have to be attributed to god almighty but it's possible to function in a good attribute but did not come from a good place i remember growing up in the little town of gretna that was a bubblegum machine at a restaurant called renee's cafe you put a quarter in it get some bubble gum until one day we discovered that without putting a quarter in it you could turn the lever and the bubble gun would still come out don't you judge me you see although it was good gum it was coming from a malfunctioned place it was free to us that was taking it but the gum came at a cost to the owner of the machine yes you have a good heart but sometimes you're serving and you're doing for others is an attempt to overcompensate for other areas in your life i see this in parents that are trying to overdo it for their kids because of something they lack as children they're even parents who are in bondage to their kids their husbands that are enslaved to their wives because they're trying to pay penance for a mistake or an offense due to an abandonment or infidelity often say this our human relationships also reflect or affect our relationship with god what am i saying most of us many of us our proximity to god is at a seemingly reverent seemingly reverent noble position of servant i'm just a servant hear me angel i'm i'm just i'm just god's servant yes we are we all are servants of the most high it sounds right and it is right but just like that bubble gum machine just because it's putting out gum don't mean it's working right many of us stay on the level of serving god and never embracing being a child of god and could not ever fathom being a friend of god i'm almost finished the servant posture is easy for you because all of your life you've served but sitting is complicated why because i don't deserve it and how will i ever deserve it if i don't work for it how i don't deserve it and how will i ever be loved if they don't get to see what i bring to the table how will i ever be accepted if i don't earn it serving puts you in the room but it doesn't always put you at the table this is why communion is so important because it's constantly reminding us that we get to come to the table and jesus says i'm washing the feet i'm passing the bread i'm pouring the wine all things already you have one assignment sit down we who have always tried to earn everything have a challenge with just accepting many of you who cook for the holidays you never get to eat you bake pies and then all of it is gone and then you get to the end of the day with a headache and you says why is my head hurting have you ever got so busy in a day doing doing doing doing doing and realize that you forgot to eat and i'm not telling you not to serve i'm telling you to know when to sit and receive receive what you serve to others and more importantly receive what jesus is serving you i'm sorry my message ain't fancy but it's what god gave me you have given forgiveness to others now you receive it you preached about grace but you get to have it too god is a god of mercy not just for them but for also for you i want you to look at the person beside you tell them you are not just used by god but you're also loved by god we we need to know that because we're so accustomed to being disposable to other people as soon as they get all of our resources as soon as they get all of our time then they no longer desire us but god is not like man many people never receive from god because they don't believe they can actually receive it because they have to actually earn it and trying to earn god's love is exhausting look what jesus told the disciples receive ye the holy ghost he didn't set fight for it he didn't say begged me for it he said receive we see in matthew jesus is feeding 5 000 then the next chapter he's feeding 4 000. the number five is significant because the number five deals with the torah four is significant because it deals with universal when he was feeding the 5 000 he was feeding jews when he was feeding the over 4 000 he was feeding gentiles he was communicating even before the cross that the bread hallelujah is being multiplied is not just for the jews but it's also for the gentiles he was telling the gentiles you get to eat too [Applause] you're not going to serve your way to heaven you're not you're not you're not you can feed the hungry hallelujah you can wear long sweeping skirts hallelujah you can try to pay penance for your sin for the rest of your life but servant won't get you the way to heaven is not servant the way to heaven is jesus i serve hallelujah because i'm a son i serve because i have relationship i serve hallelujah we are we're going to work we're going to work we're going to serve we'll remember this is a family business all the workers are family and you get to eat you get to eat too saul had a descendant that had been displaced it's one thing to uh to desire something that you've never had but it's another thing to lose something that you experienced it is it is it is because when you have been there but you're no longer there you experience something called loss and loss comes with grieving and agony mephibosheth was a grandson of royalty i'm not going to work hard i'm finished now ain't got no more notes he was a son of royalty that means he had attendance from the time he was born probably wasn't even nursed by his mother they had women who would nurse for the queens and the princes but something happened during the reign of king saul his grandfather something something happened something he didn't ask for something he didn't choose something that was not a part of the projection of the royal itinerary war happened i want you to look at your neighbor and tell your neighbor whether you like it or not tell it whether you plan for it or not life will happen and that's why it's important to you for you to have a relationship with god for yourself because mephibosheth although he's of royal birth one battle takes out his father his mother gran everybody he knows and everybody he's ever leaned on and everybody he's ever depended on everybody who's ever undergirded him anybody who's ever protected one battle took it out you can wake up one morning and everything you ever leaned and depended on can be taken from you hallelujah look at your neighbor tell your neighbor you got to know god for yourself i know i know your preacher no god i know your mama know god i know your dad ain't no god but some of you are in a place right now where you can't reach mama and you can't lean on daddy and although you had a praying grandmother grandma can't pray you through this you've got to know god for one day and one battle robbed him of everything he knew [Music] and in haste this mephibosheth in haste his nurse grabbed him because she's running for her life and she's trying to protect his life because if a monarchy goes under siege that means anybody that's connected to the monarch now becomes a threat to the new reigning king i'm not boring y'all with the story i hope but this is what i got so what the bible says she grabs the baby and she runs with him but while running she dropped him she dropped him he was dropped by someone whose whole job was to protect him he was dropped by somebody who their whole assignment in life was to make sure he's taken care of what happens when you're dropped by the people who were assigned to carry you hey it's me again i'm so sorry to interrupt this amazing word but i would be remiss if i did not give you an opportunity to sow into the kingdom of god below you will find all the platforms where you can take part and sow into what god is doing all over the world through this amazing ministry so now we're going to let you get back to the word of god and let me tell you and if you're going to ever heal from the drop you got to stop seeing your nurse hallelujah for what that nurse is a human that was running a human that was trying to survive everybody that dropped you it wasn't their intention i know i know your father i know your father abandoned you but you may have to consider that he dropped you because he didn't have the capacity to carry you [Applause] and as long as you rehearse the trauma you never get to triumph because now you're dealing with an affliction and you need somebody to blame for it because she dropped him he's now lame and he's so lame that he doesn't have a limp because in order to have a limp that means you got to have one that works right but the bible said he's now lame on both of his feet in other words his mobility has been afflicted and now he's far from jerusalem he's far from the place that he grew up he's far from the palace he's far from what he experienced he's far from the pleasures of royal birth he's been left in a low place for his safety called loader bar some of you have hid some of you are hiding not because you're humble you're hiding because you're afraid you sing so good cassie you should oh no i'm fine oh no no no i'm fine i'm fine she's so humble no she's scared she's scared because if you put me out there in the middle by myself who's going to protect me because i've already been dropped before [Music] this is somebody's healing service right now i'm not i'm not pouring oil on your head and i'm not slapping my hands all over your head but right now god is healing somebody in that mind because somebody has been so you you've been afraid and you pulled back you're in lotibar and where is loader bar the word load about means the place of no pasture and he's not just there for a few days he's there for a long time everybody else you ease drop but i'm talking right now to somebody who's had to deal with something for a long time maybe it's different people but it's the same story maybe it's a different city but it's the same pattern did you always find yourself stuck not moving rehearsing the trauma never getting a testimony a new king comes to the throne this king's name is david we call david a type of christ we call him a messianic king in other words there's aspects of david when we look at david we see jesus and in david's administration as soon as he gets there he says is there anybody that's left of the house of the first king you can imagine his attendance uh-oh you can imagine his soldiers is there anybody left anybody is there anybody left david said no no put down put down your sword is there anybody left from saul's administration that i can bless see this is when you know you have the heart of jesus not because of the way you dance or prophesy or speak in tongue the way you know you got the heart of jesus is how you handle your enemies this is how you know you got the heart of jesus and how you how you think toward those who hurt you and i want to speak to somebody stop feeling bad about it stop trying to explain yourself to family members because you gave him another chance because you can still speak to people who stab you in the back people call that weakness that's not weakness that's strength it takes a strong person to know what they say look at y'all the way you're looking at me it takes a strong person to know what they did and feel no kind of way about it i don't have to stay in regret when i got a revelation look at your neighbor and tell your neighbor if you ever get a revelation you'll never be stuck in regret again i dare somebody right now i'ma give you a chance i want you to praise god for everything that afflicted you i want you to praise god for everything you're hurt i want you to pray i'm gonna ask you to do something crazy praise god for the last mistake you made praise god for the last setback i know what i can't praise god yes you can because romans 8 and 28 says for we know we already know that all things work together will you put the three people in your section tell them it's working it's working it's working it's working is there anybody is there anybody left is there anybody left that i can bless why why david would you want to bless the descendant of the man who tried to kill you listen to what david said because i made a covenant with the father all of you who are saying i don't deserve it you don't but because god made a promise i need you to i i'm let me close now because i'm passing my time and i don't mean to raise my voice but i want you to put your hand on somebody's shoulder and tell them i get it now i get it the only reason why he kept me alive because of the promise because he made me a promise he made my parents a promise he made my grandparents a promise and when he made a promise to abraham he found nobody to swear by so he swore by his older name and listen what he says my word will go out and it will not return void but it will accomplish everything that it will set out to do you should praise god right now because the god we serve is not just the promise maker but the god we serve is a promise keeper push somebody tell her he keeps his promises he keeps his promises to a thousand generations he keeps his promises to dead men he keeps [Music] [Music] he keeps his promises he keeps his promises men will lie and even men with good intentions will fail at keeping promises but send the word down your role tell them he keeps his promises look at somebody behind you tell them he keeps his promises the grass with us and the flowers fade but he keeps he keeps he keeps his promises that's why the bible says abraham staggered not at the promise of god through unbelief not even considering that time has went by but the promise still stands i need about 50 people in this room you ain't got to praise him for the fulfillment praise it for the promise because the promise is a done deal the promise [Music] scream at somebody tell them it's a done deal everything is coming out my marriage is coming out my children are coming out i'm coming out my destiny is going to be revealed yes it's a done deal and all of a sudden all of a sudden cedric here here's king david pulling up to load a ball pulling up to section 8 housing i want you to know when god get ready to bless you he'll find you right where you are tell your neighbor god is not intimidated by my mess i know we when other people come in y'all oh oh don't come in you try to keep people at the door but have you ever went to somebody's house and they was like oh excuse the mess you like this ain't nothing you should have seen my bedroom two weeks ago you should have seen the clothes all over the place but the reason why i can come in this house is because i'm not intimidated by the chaos i'm not intimidated by them how many all know you're glad that god is not intimidated with your mess you said i'm gonna wait till i fix myself i'm gonna wait till i change myself jesus says i'm the cleaner why are you gonna clean up before i get here i'm the cleaner it's what i've been called to do i'm guilty i'm guilty i'm guilty i am so guilty because i travel all the time you know that somebody has to come by and clean because clothes are demon when they're not well they're not submitted clothes can be a demon they just keep coming and i've had to wash clothes the same load more than once y'all look at me like that put clothes in the washing machine forget you put them in the washing machine then you come back home at the end of the next day like oh my goodness i got to wash these clothes all over again then the clothes end up in the dryer for two days and some of y'all don't even take them out you just start taking the clothes out the dryer to put them on i'm guilty that before people come to my house to clean i clean up why because i don't want them to judge me by the condition of my mess because i have this image of myself that i need to keep up with and that image is i'm good i'm good oh i'm good but you know what have we ever seen mephibosheth get up and walk he's always with his legs under the table because in our mind if it can't be seen that means it ain't happening out of sight out of mind and so we end up covering our affliction hiding the fact that we're stuck and then when the one that comes to get us unstuck comes fear comes on us and imitation is given for change and fear comes on us i'm afraid to trust again when david is knocking on the door but phil you got company at the door who me it's king david and what does he do he slides out of the chair and gets on his face and said i'm a dog i'm a dog i'm a dog i'm a dog i'm a dog i'll serve you don't kill me because in our minds that's the god we serve there's always standing by waiting for you to make another mistake that's the god we serve we don't come into close relationship with him because we're so always afraid of disappointing him and if i can't do this perfect i don't want to do this at all i'm just because we keep telling i say i'm a dog i'm just a dog i'm a dog and david looks at me and says no i didn't i'm not looking for you to punish you i'm looking for you to bless you he said out of all the attendance and royal court that i have at my table mephibosheth you get to eat too i didn't messed it up with my father i am the mere fact i asked him for my inheritance before he's dead was communicating to him that i wish he was and if anything is even more worse he didn't fight me he gave it to me and now i've wasted it and i've ruined my family's name so i know what i'm gonna say i'm going back i'm gonna go back but i'm gonna say to him let me just be your servant and while i'm calling myself servant the father looks at him and calls him son and the messiah finally comes to and not only this the messiah comes he comes to my house the one they said raised jairus's daughter came to my house the one that said multiply food came in my house let me make it presentable for him [Music] because jesus is here let me go to working because jesus is here let me work let me work let me let me work let me earn it let me by his love let me gain his affirmation and there she is sitting at his feet [Music] don't you see what i'm doing for jesus don't you see how i'm working for jesus don't you see how i'm slaving for jesus and you got enough nerve instead of helping me you're sitting at his feet [Music] jesus i'm trying to make things right for you tell her to help me i'm trying to make things right for you tell her to help me in jesus head martha marth you got a good heart but you focusing on the wrong thing right now i don't need nothing from you [Music] i don't need nothing from you mother [Music] come on here [Music] cause you've been cooking you've been shrimp to everybody else you've been strong for everybody else and i know it's hard for you to believe it mother but you get to eat too [Music] so i want to ask you a question are you tired and thirsty within overwhelmed by the way of your sin jesus is calling leave behind your mistakes and regrets come today there's no reason to wait jesus is jesus is called jesus stand on your feet oh come to come to the water [Music] the father's on [Music] was [Music] [Music] y'all can turn those lights down i want to pray um if if you're here today or maybe you're watching online and you need someone to pray with you i want you to call that number on the screen the king is saying i'm bringing you to my table how will i get there i've been afflicted i've been wounded [Music] he'll carry you some of you been trying to get back to jerusalem you've been trying to get back to your place in god it's one thing for you to have never tasted and experienced it but i want you to know this is not the moment for you to run this is not the moment for you to work this is the moment for you to sit i was in church all my life trying to earn god's love but now i want you to lift up your hands and receive the fact that you are loved with the fruity lips will you worship him for loving you even through your mess wow how quickly time flies when we are diving into the word of god listen we thank you so much for tuning in with us we invite you to stay connected with bishop s y younger through all of his social media platforms and make sure that you visit his website hey this is bishop s younger thank you for watching this video and now what i need you to do is like and subscribe to this youtube channel so you can continue to get more inspirational motivational and gospel content in your direction
Channel: Bishop S.Y. Younger
Views: 79
Rating: 5 out of 5
Id: oP9LaBWVuPk
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 40min 1sec (2401 seconds)
Published: Thu Sep 16 2021
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