Bishop S.Y. Younger - "Hearing God Through The Noise”"

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praise the lord my friends and welcome to the ministry channel of bishop s y younger my name is claude gartner and i'm super excited that you've decided to join us today in just a few moments you're going to hear a life-changing word that i believe will absolutely change you in the midst of whatever you're facing so please open up your heart and your mind to receive the word of the lord coming from bishop s younger [Music] god isaiah 53 verse 1 when you have it in your bibles your smart device or you're going to read it on the screen stand with me now and let's read it together who have believed our report and to whom is the arm of the lord revealed you can be seated in the presence of the lord i i'm gonna just share with you just for a few moments and then we'll let you go uh from the topic hearing god through the noise hearing god through the noise all right i'm going to cut through the field on this so i can let you out of church but i just want to talk to you about it for a few moments i might not scream it but i want to communicate something to you because last sunday i stood up and i told you about how i was planning to go to texas and uh we were going to kansas city and that got cancelled but i was going to fort worth and then i was going to go to houston and i kept going back and forth over whether i was going or not and then finally i decided i'm going because to ramp la they're coming and they're already in texas and some people from ohio has already made it to texas so the last person we need there is the bishop so i'm gonna go and i told you how i got in the shower preparing to go brother marlon was on the way to pick me up brother claude we were all going to the airport and all of a sudden when i got in the shower the lord spoke to me and said did not tell you not to go to the objective listener there at least a couple of questions you have and and a couple of those questions that come to mind is did really god speak to him and if god did speak to him what did it sound like can we can we talk about this out loud today because we're in these church services where god is always talking to somebody is it real is it true and if it is what is it what does it sound like and if he said don't go you know and if he said did not tell you not to go how did i miss it the first time does god speak this is a discussion that's been going on for a long time for centuries so your answer will be determined by who you ask does god speak what people who are deists are individuals who says no there is a god that exists come on something outside of us exists in order to create us but this god that exists also created humans with the ability to reason in other words they reject any bible or any other book that has divine revelation the rejection of incomprehensible notions of the deity of yeshua or religious mysteries and they reject any reports of miracles or any prophecies god told me to tell you although dears have some sort of range of philosophical thought the most simplistic way for me to explain it to you so that i don't bore you but inform you is that a deist would say god created this and then he walked off from it and i know you've been in church all your life so there's no way you could be a dears but many of you have dearest tendencies dearest thoughts yes yes yes if you if you're a believer you're not a believer because you never questioned it it's not faith until it's been tested have you ever thought about this stuff have you ever questioned am i a believer because i was i grew up in a christian home if you've never had this experience you keep living because when you pray for people and they say pray for them and the bible says pray for the sick because they'll be healed but then your grandmother dies it'll play with your faith it'll mess with your mind so then the deer says no something outside of us sam created us but then he walks off from it but we who are believers who've been tested in our faith became out we would answer aggressively say no no god does speak he's a personal god well's hand what does it sound like then well what god sounds like is determined by your proximity and your perception two things proximity and perception determines what he sounds like to you oftentimes if the proximity of god in your life is in you oftentimes god will sound like you as a matter of fact when i was in the shower the voice of the lord came to me from my voice and said didn't i tell you not to go because it's very powerful when the words of prophecy come and it's in king james version and if you grew up in a pentecostal uh classical church every once in a while somebody would stand up say thus said the lord unto you and when they do that i'm like oh hallelujah or let somebody come from another country with an accent they could be calling me a dog and i'd still be stirred up because it sounds so powerful but we hear god based upon proximity and perception so i perceive god to be the god of the bible and because i know him through the scriptures when he speaks to me i hear him through the language of the scriptures i read i know i'm and i don't want to rob anybody from any mysticism and and spiritual nuances when it comes to the prophetic and hearing from god but i think what god wants us to know and what he wants us to perceive is that you can hear him for yourself and the question is is not it's the question is not does god speak the question is are you postured to hear him have you ever heard someone repeat a story of situation that happened and their recollection of their side sounds different than what everybody else heard yes bishop i was talking to elder cory and all i said was elder cory do you mind getting your stuff and moving over and then somebody said you didn't say it like that you said elder cory do you mind getting your stuff and moving over it's like when we repeat it we hear it different based upon how we perceive we said it and that's the same way with god that's why you need to make sure you have the right perception of god because sometimes we reject god we reject god because we sense him to be angry or trying to control us when it's really he's loving us and he's trying to save us [Applause] now no not a whole lot of people won't go back and listen to this tonight or you won't share it next week but there's gonna come a time in your life where your faith will be under fire and you're gonna need answers from god and the whole religious system you leaned on will will tumble the pastors and the preachers you depended on will not be available or you will be exposed to their humanity and it will make you question the god that your parents pressed on you when they're no longer together and i want to make sure that you can hear him my i want to make sure that you are postured to hear god for yourself because you don't need to come to a high priest and you need a preacher you need him you need a preacher tell the people besides you need a preacher you need a preacher all of you in here all of you that are watching online you need a preacher you got preachers and teachers who is your preacher who's your rabbi who's your teacher who's your pastor but what is the job of that preacher to always tell you no no no to be the person you run to when you need an answer no no no how can you hear without a preacher [Applause] in other words the job of the preacher is not to get them to lean uh for you to lean on them the job of the preacher is to teach you how to how to hear [Applause] so would would it be so simple if god would just tell us what he wanted anybody ever felt that way i'm almost finished don't don't fall out what would it be more simple if just tell me what you want me to do how many have said that just just come out and tell me this is why some people will flood churches if somebody walks around giving words some knowledge people are packing out as a matter of fact i was speaking to that woman and somebody was in here like me next please tell me you know why because some people just have itchy ears and they like it as entertainment but there's another group of people says no i really want to know because i don't want to waste any more time i really want to know that i'm going in the right direction i really want to know because the last time i made a decision on my own i made a fool out of myself and i wasted three years of my life and i don't have any more time to waste just tell me speak to me about what you want me to do where you want me to go where you want me to work what relationship to be what church just tell me it would be so much simple god if you would just tell me i want to lift to you maybe he has have you ever noticed that if you keep having problems with your phone or you start having problems with your television what do you do you don't what do you do you know before you blame the phone before you blame your tv you call around and say you got service is your tv working why because even you understand with your technology that sometimes it ain't the signal it ain't that the signal is not going out it may be your device [Applause] not a problem with the signal it's an issue with the receptor it's not that it's god speaking it's that are you turned to hearing oh yeah yo yeah maybe maybe he's been maybe he's been speaking intellectual pride tells us because i don't comprehend god that means there's something wrong with him because this is when we get in these funky modes we started i mean god why don't god and god i mean if god we start getting in that oh i'm i'm speaking to somebody's flesh today and i'm speaking to somebody's heart today because god if god would just if god in your mind if you're not hearing if you're not comprehending him and if i can't fit almighty god in my three pound brain that means there's something wrong with god tell your neighbor intellectual pride who can know the mind of god i'll bring this home with this we know what a baby sounds like but the question is what do we sound like to a baby a baby doesn't comprehend what you're saying but it doesn't mean you're not saying anything it means they haven't developed to the level of comprehension that's why some of us always need somebody else to tell us because a baby speaks on a baby's level have you ever seen babies sit around and go over and they do all that with each other but when the dog comes they can't comprehend it it doesn't mean the adult is not communicating but even as they start to develop as a baby you understand babies don't need to understand your words in order to get your message you know better than that they don't buy your tone and your they begin to develop in their conference even though they don't fully understand your words they begin to understand your message and that's what's happening to some of us as we grow in god just like god doesn't need fingers to touch you he doesn't need sound to speak to you he is speaking but it's on another frequency i need you to tell your neighbor get on the frequency of god come on come on tell him tell him did you hear what i said tell him you need to get on the frequency of god he's speaking it's just in another language and it has to be translated and and the best way to learn a foreign language is to immerse yourself in the culture that speaks that language you will never hear the spirit with what the spirit is saying you will never hear speaking spirit and spiritual language if you're always tuned into your flesh he the heaven here let him hear let him let him hear what the spirit is saying the spirit is speaking to spirit the spirit is a talking spirit that's why the bible says the carnal mind cannot comprehend i gotta get out of here the things of the flesh [Applause] so the question is if we are receptors to the voice of then where is our receptor where is it that then it's it's our minds it's our minds and this is why it's so complicated because i've heard god i believe i've heard god and either i really heard god or i was crazy no i'm serious i'm gonna be honest with you and when i was young my mother did think i was crazy she's sitting right there on their own she did she thought something was wrong with me i was in my room and you know how kids can play church when i was by myself playing church you know when you when you got cousins you know they're supposed to be choir members and but i was in there by myself and my mother would say go outside go outside and i was like no i just want to play church and i use my toys and i play church i always paso westgate tell the story i told him that y'all know that green man that had the gun and you get a whole pack of them okay i'm sorry ps4 generation i apologize and it had a base to it and he'd be like this what to me he was a man playing a bass guitar so they were always musicians [Applause] and so my mother was like go outside and i never forget we were living down the street from my grandmother in a little house down a little gravel road and my mother said what you doing i said uh i said we we having a funeral she's at a funeral i said yes we have a dick and walker's funeral and she said don't you ever say anything like that again she said i mean because you have to understand that deacon walker was a deacon in our church to drove the bus and he went dead two weeks later he died of a heart attack in his basement and it freaked my mother out so she went and got my grandmother and my godmother mother home and said i need y'all to come in and help me pray something is on my child and i never forget this night i was in my room playing with my toys and all of a sudden my mother then busted my bedroom speaking in tongues and praying and i was like hallelujah yes i got some help if we have a church over here i'm the bishop of this champion my godmother my my mother name had come out of traditional baptist church and was now in pentecost but my godmother had grown up in generations of pentecost and she looked and she says no no that's that's not witchcraft on him he's a prophet so either god has spoken to me or i am just totally crazy but i believe he has i've had two moments in my life where i believe i heard the audible voice of god and the best way i could describe it is i've never heard anything like it before and since it sounds like more than one voice all at one time the best way i can describe it is i would call it the voice of ages and i don't even know what that means it's just the best way i can describe it sounds like many voices all at one time so but to be honest with you that's not how he speaks to me daily no no it's not and to be honest with you i'm thankful because the moments i did hear god it stunned me it it did i had to recover from being in that kind of presence and the truth is i can't live there because that's what we call a supernatural moment that's what we call them and listen i'm not downplaying if you say you have those moments i'm saying you can't live there because if god is speaking audibly that means when he speaks to you that means somebody outside of you can hear it and how could i ever hear somebody else or ever be postured to hear anybody else if there's a cloud opening up from heaven and god is speaking down to me it's a supernatural moment but supernatural moments are not all the time this is an absolutely amazing word and i pray that you are enjoying it just as much as i am listen go ahead and like and share this and tell everyone that this ministry is happening i also want to extend an opportunity for you to partner with us on another level by giving your seed today if you look at the bottom of your screen the ways to give are already there and you can just put bishop in the memo listen when you're given you're not just given to a man or just a church but you are given to a movement where we are reaching as many possible building a school in pakistan helping the orphanage there in india and even housing with those who have been victims of human sex trafficking right here in the united states so please give today and stay tuned there's more word to come and if i have the spirit of christ not on me but in me then the voice of god should not come externally it should be internal it's in me that's why i have no problem when people say who was jesus praying to he was praying to the father and where was the father in him he said me and my father a woman hallelujah so two my receptor is my mind and that's what makes it complicated you know why because in my head there's a lot of noise if you want to hear from god the best way to hear from god marlon is to get by yourself the best way to hear from god is to go to the park during your lunch break and sit at a picnic table where no one is and get in a quiet place the best way to hear from god is to meditate in silence get under your prayers shawl and rap in it come to the sanctuary when no one is here and sit over in the back somewhere that is the best way to hear from god but let's be honest who can do that all the time who can do that i was sharing with pastor uh gary haywood on yesterday he told me he says i was in my car sitting in my car communicating with god and and praying and i had my playlist planned everybody got a worship playlist everybody everybody okay some of you and he says i was worshiping and i was praying and he says all of a sudden i don't know how it happened but prince came on in my playlist i don't know what song it was it could have been purple rain purple rain it could have been diamonds and pearls don't y'all look at me like that i asked you that you have a worship playlist some of you got another playlist too ever since that brandy and monica battle some of y'all went back and downloaded some old tracks so he says all of a sudden prince came on and he was praying he said when prince came on he went to turn it down and the lord told him turn it back up learn to hear me in the noise [Music] because all of us feel like we would do better if we could just be monks and nuns for jesus but if we're so isolated from the world we will never impact the world you've got to learn to hear god even in the noise it's called selective auditory auditory attention okay you know what it's called selective hearing it's a type of selective attention and it involves an auditory system selective hearing is characterized as the action in which people focus their attention intentionally on a specific source of a sound or spoken words when people use selective hearing noise hallelujah from the surrounding environment is heard by the auditory system but only certain parts of the information are chosen to be processed by the brain i need you to look at your neighbor and tell your neighbor you need to have some selective hearing and then this is why we look at isaiah 52 and in isaiah 52 the bible tells us that god is speaking to the people of israel and he says i know you're gonna be in bondage and your supper bondage and i know you were split up by the assyrians and scattered all over the world but he says i'm going to raise up a messiah hallelujah many people in that day they were focusing on the bondage of egypt and many people at that day were focusing on the scattering of the assyrians and many of us that's where we are in our lives we're focusing on everything that's wrong and we're focusing on everything that's not happening for us and we're focusing on everything that's working against us but isaiah says i'm trying to tell you god is going to raise up a messiah i need you to look at your name and tell your neighbor i know a whole lot of bad things are happening but tell them you need some selective hearing isaiah says you all are focusing on your bills and i'm trying to tell you that provision is coming he says you're focusing on your enemy but i'm trying to tell you that help is coming i need you to look at your neighbor tell your neighbor you need some selective hearing nobody want to sit around and hear you rehearse your bad story and and hurry hear you rehearse your sad story the reason why you saw me praising god is not because i don't have no problems but the reason why i was praising god because in the midst of my problems i still got a promise i need you to look at your neighbor and point to them and tell them the messiah is coming hey yo he says listen israel i know i know you've been scattered and i know you've experienced one challenge after the next but i'm trying to get your attention i'm trying to give you a report and the report is you won't die like this and the report is defeat is not your final option and he's after he went on through isaiah chapter 52 oh help me rogers he told him he says god is going to raise up the messiah god is going to raise up a savior and he's going to change the landscape of your lives god is going to raise up a messiah and he's going to shift the trajectory of your family god is going to raise up a messiah that's going to flip the governmental system and he says isaac says let me tell you who he is and his name shall be called wonderful his name shall be called counselor his name shall be called her mighty god and everlasting father i need you to tell your neighbor i said oh my neighbor y'all got to see it like i said it said oh neighbor so i got good news tell them the good news is that the bad news is not true i wish i had a help here and so he says after he told them how god was going to turn it around and after he told them how god was going to change the situation he got to isaiah 53 and verse number one he says after you've heard the report of cnn and after you've heard the report of fox news after you heard the report of your cousin them i want to ask you a question somebody shall question whose report will you believe we shall believe the report of the lord they say who shall believe i report and to who is the arm of the lord revealed in other words the lord says i'm going to manifest my hand not in the next season but even in this season i'm going to show myself but i'm only going to reveal it to those who are looking for it i'm only going to reveal it to those who are expecting it i want somebody to jump on your feet and throw on both of your hands and shout any day now somebody shot any day now you can't see it if you don't expect it i got selective hearing i'm listening for my jesus i'm listening for the next idea i'm listening for the next strategy i'm listening for the next marketing strategy i'm listening [Music] i got selected here i don't hear that i don't hear that whole lot of noise i don't hear that i'm choosing what i hear i'm choosing i'm choosing i'm i'm choosing everyone stand i'm gonna let you go i'm choosing i'm choosing what i what i hear selective hearing there was a report that came out two years two years ago by a psychological committee they determined that selective hearing is not a mental disorder because y'all know how you tell me you hear what you want to hear you got selective hearing well the board of these psychologists says selective hearing is not a mental disorder they say selective hearing is actually an ability that's an ability how some of y'all be watching tv and you don't hear nothing until the microwave bail goes off yo watch your tv although it's did you hear me i need the keys and you hear that all of a sudden the popcorn said ping like okay tell your neighbor that's an ability and god has been eating i'm sorry god has been speaking [Applause] [Music] but you can't wait for everything to get silent you've got to train yourself to hear him in the noise because if i'm driving and i need to find out where i'm going you know what i do i turn down the radio but i'm not i'm not always able to control the environment around me you got four kids can always control everything and when you're trying to hear god even in your mind and all of that noise that's going on you got to learn how to disciple because god had been telling me not to go for days but i thought it was me because my sofa was so comfortable so i'm like man i'm saying i don't want to go because i don't want to go it ain't god and i i need to learn how to hear him through my own feelings because what happened if i would have got on that plane i would have made it but did you realize they shut down the church service and people were stuck in the hotels with no water when we hear god it saves us from unnecessary pain [Music] and we have it we have it all the time and so all this time i've been sleeping at night the last week and waking up you know with headaches and i found out because it was dry heat all that dry heat in my apartment and uh so somebody says what you need to do is get you uh you humidify it and that shifts and puts motion and i said yeah i need to get one and and forgot the sister jackie britney's mother sent me one months ago but you know why it didn't work for me because i had never unpacked it [Applause] some of you are blaming god and saying it doesn't work god i've been praying it doesn't work when you go unpack it [Music] he's speaking yes in the beginning you need a preacher to tell you that you need to sit in a group of people and get that feedback and sometimes you still will but you got to learn how to hear god for yourself what we're getting ready to do just play softly and i'ma close what we're getting ready to do uh very soon is we're gonna have a service one of our friday night services but some of you in this room you have not uh you've not received the baptism of the holy ghost with the sign of speaking in tongues and sometimes it can become a source of debate uh in communities it can be a debate in a community but not in a church we're going to talk about it because spirit speaks spirit and a lot of times we deal with what tongues is when it means speaking to somebody that is a gift all right [Music] but the reason why you need tongues because you need it as a prayer life [Music] one way i tune out the noise in my head when i'm trying to hear god is i begin to pray in the spirit it's not i don't do it so i can show you how spiritual i am no i do it because i need to connect with god and sometimes i gotta pray in the spirit until i know what to say in the flesh that's why paul says i pray with the spirit and i will pray with the understanding the mere fact that he says i'll pray with the understanding and the spirit means when i'm praying in the spirit i don't understand but i trust that the spirit is praying the will of god for my life [Music] and so y'all listen out you don't have to wait for that day to receive the baptism of the holy spirit but there's some people in your life that you need to bring to church that they will receive i promise you i'm not going to push them down on the floor or anything like that we're just going to speak the word of the lord we'll speak the word of the lord and we want to experience our math because pete the enemy wants to keep us in our flesh just lift up your hands in the presence of the lord all over this place thank you lord jesus [Music] i want to hallelujah you jesus [Music] open the eyes of my heart [Music] open the eyes of my heart [Music] i [Music] open the eyes [Music] [Applause] [Music] i want to see father today i believe it is your desire to have conversations with the creation that you created [Music] and lord many of us are at a crossroads and we have some decisions to make in our lives and is our desire to hear directly from you so lord today we posture our receptors we posture our receptors to hear we posture our receptors so whether it comes by dream or whether it comes by vision whether it comes by a word of knowledge whether somebody comes up or not even my child tells me something i want to know that it's you and even if you just want to speak in my spirit i'm asking lord to ride my thought pattern ride my brain waves that i know what you're saying to me because i don't want to miss you i want to see you i want to hear you i want to feel you in jesus name i really pray that you have received this word in your heart and that you aren't just a hearer but you will also become a doer listen we want to stay connected with you and we want to do that by extending you an opportunity to email us if you just want to check in or if you have prayer requests that information is on the bottom of your screen email us at info also do me a favor like share comment and click this little bell right here so that you are always notified about the ministry of bishop younger again i'm claude gardner and whenever you're in the lynchburg area please join us here at the ramp church international where we are in a revival for real we love you and we'll see you next time [Music]
Channel: Bishop S.Y. Younger
Views: 913
Rating: 5 out of 5
Keywords: Bishop, SY, Younger, Shantae, Ramp, Church, International, Praise, Break, Hearing, God, Through, The, Noise, Preach, Jesus, OWCI, One, Way, Holyghost, Prophecy, Prophesy, Lorenzo, Hall, Apostolic, Apostle, Message, Sermon
Id: 2gTxaf7tD8I
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 39min 52sec (2392 seconds)
Published: Tue Jul 13 2021
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