How to Finish Strong in The Lord!

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hello hello hello to all of god's precious wonderful people watching me around the world today i have a word really from the lord for you and i have my amazing class with me from bhi and they're all listening in and i want to show you from the scriptures how to finish strong how do we finish well as believers and i was just sharing with our wonderful people from bhi about the reports now in the west especially in this country the decline of people in the church and the decline of those who believe this the word of god to be the word of god for it for for example you probably heard me say only six percent of the youth today in the church in the church who claim to be believers actually believe jesus is the only way to heaven so that is a shock to us that the majority of them of the youth i mean do not believe jesus is the only way to heaven so we are seeing we are now seeing the great falling away happening before our eyes and the bible says before the coming of the lord there will be a great falling away i think we are actually seeing it so to us believers the remnant as we are called what does the bible tell us to do to finish strong and that's what i want to deal with today and god willing also tomorrow so father i give you praise for your word your promises and you're leading us right now that you will lead us through your blessed word and holy spirit that we will see clearly what your word says and how to finish well in jesus mighty name and god's people said amen and amen now look i am determined and i'm sure you are determined we will finish well but what does the bible tell us what does the bible say about this so let's just begin by saying this that i think it's so so important uh people usually do not keep the fullness they begin with they don't keep the end the anointing that they begin with so if you look at the word of god we have seen examples in the word how someone who begins well doesn't finish well well we don't want to be one of them okay let's talk about let's talk about samson okay samson started well in fact let's just go and see how well he began and that's in judges 14. so i'm going to be very transparent with you i'm going to be very open with you i'm going to show you what the word really says about this so judges 14 6 it says and the spirit of the lord came up you know came upon him mightily think about a man who begins with a mighty anointing on him that he rent the line like he was staring apart the goat and he had nothing in in his hand later that same man that same man that we see so anointed and begins with such power on his life such an anointing on his life now you look at judges 16 and you look at verse 20 and 21 and we see a whole different picture here he is with delilah she says the philistines be upon thee he awakes out of his sleep heals that i will go out as a at other times but it says he wished not that the lord was departed from him here's god leaving a man who began with a mighty anointing and it says and the philistines took him put out they put out his eyes brought him down to gaza and now he's in a prison no that's not finishing well saul is another example and that's in first samuel chapter 10. now think with me here how mighty he started i mean when when you look at king saul or even samson that anointing on them was much mightier than even some preachers have today when they started i mean think about someone like a samson with such a mighty anointing on him that it says the spirit of the lord came upon him mightily but he didn't stay and he did not know when the lord left him he says he was i think this is the saddest verse probably in that whole chapter maybe the whole book he wished not that the lord departed from he thought he was still okay as many people today think they are okay it says take heed lest you fall all of us need to to listen to that amazing counsel in the book of corinthians take heed lest you fall so here is here is saul in first samuel 10. and look at this in verse 5 it says now this is samuel talking to saul and says after that you will come to the hill of god with the garrison of the philistines it will come to pass when you are come there that you will meet a company of prophets coming down from the high place with a sultry and tablet and pipe meaning musical instruments and it says and they will prophesy and the spirit of the lord verse six watch this and the spirit of the lord will come upon thee and thou shalt prophesy with them and shall be turned into another man i mean this is a powerful way to start a ministry he begins ruling as a king with a mighty anointing so he starts powerfully he starts well everything is great and then it says in verse 8 you'll go down to gilgal and i'll come down to you there and so on and so forth and it says in verse 9 that when he had turned his back to go from samuel god gave him watch this god gave him another heart god gave saul a heart that was pleasing to the lord so he's anointed with a good heart and then verse 10 says and when they came to the hill behold the company of prophets met him and the spirit of god came upon him and he prophesied he had the gifts of the spirit he had a beautiful heart that god gave him and so on but how did he finish how did he finish look at chapter 16 of the same book first samuel 16 verse 14. and this is frightening this is really scary and this is what none of us want it says but the spirit of the lord departed from saul and an evil spirit from the lord troubled him well he didn't keep what he began with a man who starts with a good heart that god gives him a man who begins with the anointing coming on him and prophesying with the prophets now he ends up where the lord leaves him just like samson and it's even worse than that that a demon takes over now i know nobody no no none of you want to finish like that i know that but how do we finish right how many of you do not want to finish like saul put your hands up high come on okay and i'm sure you and your homes are doing the same thing we don't want to be rejected we don't want to displease the lord on that day we don't want to stand there ashamed of the way we all blew it and messed up we want to finish well there are secrets in the bible i've discovered that i want to share with you that god showed me because i am i'm saying lord show me i want to know for me i want to know for me what do i do lord for my life i've been living in this blessed life nearly 50 years in ministry almost 48 years how do i finish well lord i want to know for me and today as i'm reading the book of corinthians something jumped out of the of the book for me i mean and i think today i want to share this with all of you so let me just say one more thing david king david knew the danger why would he say why would he say to god in psalm 51 create in me a clean heart of god renew renew renew a right spirit within me why would he say that cast me not away from thy prizes because he was afraid that god may do that take not your holy spirit from me why would he say that because he just slept with bathsheba and he knew he was in danger of losing everything so he prays this amazing prayer we all love to read and make it our own prayer i've made that my own prayer i want you to make that your own prayer catherine kuhlman used to say she prayed that every day of her life guess what i do too because i don't trust myself i don't trust my heart i only trust jesus we cannot trust this flesh there there is nothing good in it as the bible says jesus and only jesus can keep us guys i mean think about david saying to god saying to god give me a willing heart because my heart isn't willing so give me a willing heart listen to the words create in me a clean heart of god renew a right spirit within me cast me not away from from your presence take not your holy spirit from me restore restore meaning he lost it restore unto me the joy that i had of my salvation and hold me up with a willing heart and then then i will teach transgressors your ways and then i'll bring seniors to you because we can't hold ourselves up so you look at the word now before i give you the answer let me show you the dangers because there are dangers so say okay this was samson and this was saul and david who slept with with basketball listen what happens to individuals can happen to a whole church a whole congregation example the church in corinth that's what jumped at me today the church in corinth they start good they start good but did they did they continue good no there was divisions among them canality among them fornication among them paul had to deal with all kinds of questions they had about marriage and food offered to you know food that was offered to idols on on on and on because they were confused i guess they did not know what the answers were had to rebuke them for the way they were taking communion it's all there it's all there i read nearly the whole book today and i'm looking at a man like paul crying out that this people would get you know would get things right basically so if you look at first corinthians it's really quite amazing to me quite amazing to me let's look at it quickly please first corinthians let's let's begin with with chapter one and let's look at verse three they start great they start great grace be unto you peace from god our father from the lord jesus christ i thank my god always on your behalf for the grace of god which is given you by jesus that in everything you are enriched by him in all utterance in all knowledge but watch verse 6 verse 6 shows that the way they started was in the past because it says even as the testimony of christ was confirmed in you was confirmed in you so you began right because it was confirmed in you in other words you're not there now it was confirmed in you but look then at this shocking verse 11 he goes from you know grace and peace and so on and so forth and the testament of christ was confirmed in you and you didn't lack anything when you began now verse verse 11 it's been declared unto me of you my brethren by them which are of the house of chloe that there are contentions among you here's this church that begins beautifully and ends up having division and not only division but look at chapter three look at verse one two and three the same people who began beautifully now it says and i brethren could not speak unto you as unto spiritual but unto carnal he says now you become carnal i fed you with milk not with me because you could not handle it and verse 3 for ye are yet carnal because there is divisions among you envying strife you walk as men and they kept going down it didn't get better with them because in first corinthians 5 verse 1 it says it's reported commonly that there is fornication among you and such fornication it says as is not so much as named among the gentiles that one should have his father's wife here's a guy sleeping with the stepmother in the church and paul has to rebuke them for that he said you are puffed up you you you haven't even mourned and repented and then verse three for i verily as absent in body present and spirit have judged already he was already telling them there will be judgment on you if you don't change and then he says in the name of the lord jesus in the name of our lord jesus christ when you are gathered together and my spirit with the power of our lord jesus christ to deliver such a one to satan meaning cut fellowship with him don't let him stay around and pollute the rest how about the church in galatia that started beautifully and ended up in legalism that's in galatians now i'm going to give you the answer so give me a little time here but i have to show you there are dangers and today we are seeing a lot worse a lot worse happening now while you know i'm talking to you you know out there is way worse than this way worse than the church in corinth way way way worse than the church in galatia because today you have millions and millions of so-called born again believers who are denying that jesus is the only way to heaven come on this is crazy you have many in this very country called america that are trying to fit the age you know saying well you know this is you know 20 20 21 we can't do it like they used to no the bible doesn't change the bible doesn't change you do not take the bible and make it fit the age okay the age has to fit the bible not the other way around how many got that put your hands up high we have to take the bible and let the bible fix the age fixed up the problem we are having today not saying well this is 20 21 so let's kind of have to you know maybe we have to change the bible so the no no no no way in galatians chapter 3 verse 1 he starts by oh foolish galatians imagine calling a people that foolish galatians who have bewitched you that you should not obey the truth before whose eyes jesus christ has been evident evidently set forth crucified among you or clearly set forth crucified among you this only what i learned of you did you receive the spirit by the works of the law or by the hearing of faith are you so foolish are you so so foolish having begun in the spirit that now you are made perfect by the flesh what what is that legalism they went from walking in the spirit to walking in the flesh simple you got a lot a lot of people doing that now and worse than that even denying the lord himself all right the answer now let's begin looking at the beautiful side okay i just gave you all kinds of things to look at not all good news exactly but there is good news there is great news in fact on the answer is in the word of god and here's how we start here's how we start let's go to first john in 1st john chapter 1 we have the most remarkable uh revelation about this that many of us just read and don't even understand it says this beginning of verse six that's first john epistle of john 1st john chapter 1 verse 6 and 7. if we say that we have fellowship with him and walk in darkness we lie and do not the truth if we walk in the light as he is in the light we have fellowship one with another and the blood of jesus christ his son cleanseth us from all sin now pay very close attention to what i'm going to tell you here two things that he talks about truth and light he says in verse 6 if we say we have fellowship with him but we walk in darkness we are living a lie and we do not know the truth we're not practicing that word do means we're not practicing truth practicing truth say all of you this word after me practicing truth practicing truth because truth has to grow truth has to grow the bible tells us to live in present truth here's what that means almost 50 years ago i got saved i heard great messages back in the 70s i cannot live today on the truth of the past i cannot survive today on what i heard in the seventies i have to live in the truth god shows me now not the truth god showed me then if you get that put your hands up high i can see you on the screen and you sweet people god can see your hand okay so walk in present truth number one present truth means truth that has grown with you truth that increased you've been practicing truth just like the bible says number two if we walk in the light he didn't say if we walked past tense he says if we walk in the light as he's in the light then we have fellowship with the lord and with each other and then the blood of jesus is cleansing us because we are walking in truth and light so as i live the christian life god reveals more light to me in other words as i read the bible today okay when i read the bible back in 1973 i didn't really get it back then i understood it some of course but i didn't really understand the whole counsel of god when i got saved i was only 19 years old now i'm i'm almost 70. today i can i can explain the bible to you with beauty and clarity because i know it now i didn't know it then i knew some of it then i read you know portions i understood in portions i did not understand when i was 19 or 20 or 21 even even when i began preaching my knowledge of god's word was limited even when i began preaching i had one message back then only one the holy spirit but god revealed more to me as i grew in the lord as i grew in the knowledge of the lord so i am to walk today in the truth i am receiving today not the truth i got then it doesn't help me today i need it now i need the present truth now so it says walk in present truth not in past truth number two walk in present light what is present light revelation truth walk in the light as he is in the light we are to walk in present light so we god's people we receive more light and truth as we read the bible walk with the lord we keep receiving more light and more truth now god requires us to walk in that greater truth in that greater light that's the secret to developing a strong christian life that will not weaken down the road that will not collapse down the road so god spoke god spoke to saul when he started but he did not speak to to him after he began messing up and saul was trying to survive on what he heard when he became king it didn't keep him later he he ended up looking for a witch to talk to him sam said the same thing samson was was actually listening to all these women that that that he liked and then delilah destroyed him you know he didn't hear god he heard god when he started but he didn't hear galileo he was too occupied with all those girls that's just a fact now the bible says very clearly that we are to walk in the light we receive today in the truth we receive today not what happened years ago not what god said to us years ago so we receive we increase it we maintain it i repeat if you want to finish right you receive it now you increase it today what what what you received when you got saved or when you were young now has to increase you increase what you you have received you don't dismiss what you've received hear me well you don't dismiss what happened in the past you don't dismiss what god said in the past it's still a part of your life you inc you build on it you increase it and as you increase it you maintain it you maintain it okay now i'm going to stop because my time is up for those who are with me daily i want to pray right now and then we're going to continue tomorrow for those who are with me daily when i continue now with the class so lord in jesus name use this message what uh what i've said now and what i'll say tomorrow to those watching on all the platforms that they will all finish well in jesus name let me hear an amen okay now you on the other platforms i'll be with you tomorrow it's time to give now okay i want you to give to the lord so he can bless your life so you you know what to do now you can go to our to our platform you can give online you can go to our website you can do it on your phone you can text it bhm four five seven seven seven all right god bless you i'll see you tomorrow now i'm gonna continue with this class and you can see that part tomorrow okay god bless okay you
Channel: Benny Hinn
Views: 23,449
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: v3bxZxtjuuQ
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 28min 27sec (1707 seconds)
Published: Mon Sep 20 2021
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