Bishop Noel Jones - Sunday Morning Worship - October 17, 2021

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we extol you our soul right now says yes lord god we're asking right now that as we prepare for your word that you would give us a listening ear give us an understanding heart and then give us courage to live what will be deposited thank you for all who are assembled we thank you that we have experienced your presence we thank you for coming through here like a mighty rushing wind and we ask god right now that you let the fire keep burning until we get better and better and better god burn in this place until we act right burn into this place until our family changes burn in this place until our lives change like no other thing in the name of jesus thank you in jesus name we pray amen come on give god some praise god bless you you may be seated in the presence of the lord amen thank god for worship in song thank god for worship in melody thank god for a praise break i i i i just need a break sometime i just don't don't y'all start nothing don't do this right now but thank god for a time to just lift my hands and tell him thank you for all that you've done in my life amen amen certainly we honor christ we honor the bishop of this house give god a praise for bishop noel jones come on come on come on awesome teacher amen to you out in facebook land social media world to my church rock of faith we're doing our live at the same time y'all doing y'all live so they looking at me now thinking i'm supposed to be at home teaching but i'm here preaching amen but everybody's still getting the word amen amen so certainly we thank all of you for having us to the officers uh minister perry all of you god bless you amen there is a word from the lord in the book of acts chapter 4 i'm going to read verses 13 through 20 and then i'm going to skip over and read verse 33 acts chapter 4. it's very interesting that y'all were just excited about the name of jesus this morning maybe we all in the same spirit amen acts chapter 4 beginning at verse 13. now when they saw the boldness of peter and john and perceived that they were unlearned and ignorant men they marveled and they took knowledge of them that they had been with jesus and beholding the man which was healed standing with them they could say nothing against it but when they had commanded them to go aside out of the council they conferred among themselves saying what shall we do unto these men for indeed a notable miracle had been done by them is manifest to all them that dwell in jerusalem and we cannot deny it but that it spread no further among the people let us straightly threaten them that they speak henceforth to no man in this name and they called them and commanded them not to speak at all nor teach in the name of jesus but peter and john answering and said unto them whether it be right in the sight of god to hearken unto you more than unto god you judge for we cannot but speak the things which we have seen and heard verse 33 and with great power gave the apostles witness of the resurrection of the lord jesus and the great grace was upon them all i can't shut up about it don't ask me to shut up if we talking glory to god mercy lord if we're talking about jesus i can't shut up about it that's what i'm talking about look at somebody tell them i can't shut up about it i i can't i can't shut up about it you you you may have your protests luke writes and he uh gives us assurance of uh what is believed about jesus christ and so what we have here in the book of acts is we have the church in her infancy all right and as a result of the lame man's healing in chapter 3 what we have now is the aftermath we have the first account of suffering for the church the church began to suffer all behind a lame man being healed peter and john are arrested and and and they're now being questioned by the jewish leaders and and the question is simple by what power and by what name have ye done this that's in verse seven and and peter and john simply explained to them in verse 10 they said be it known unto you all and to all the people of israel that by the name of jesus christ of nazareth whom he crucified whom god raised from the dead even by him the this man stand before you whole right now in other words in other words in other words this lame man is healed because the jesus you killed and crucified is currently alive forevermore the stone the stone that the builders rejected has become the head cornerstone verse 11 peter and john are basically proclaiming that jesus has all an absolute authority and it is because of his name that this man has been instantaneously healed i want us people if you will just for a moment i want you to really consider the boldness of the early church i want you to really think about it because here we have recorded one of the greatest demonstrations of courage and it is spoken in an audience of the wealthiest people of the land this demonstration of courage is spoken in the audience of the most powerful and the most intellectual people of the land which tells me that peter and john knew what kind of trouble they were getting into yeah yeah this was this was this was not a reckless kind of boldness this was not you know that kind of courage that just you know runs out their head long into danger and and and the courage is not aware of the danger that it is facing but no listen look at the courage look at the boldness this is a cool boldness they being real cool about it this this is a group of men who who who who have forseen the perils before them they know very well what comes with preaching and teaching jesus after all we just saw them kill jesus so they are very aware of the dangers that they are facing but they refuse to be daunted by the danger i want you to i want you to see this i want you to see this the bible says that when they saw the boldness of peter and john they they perceive these are some ignorant boys but but but they sound like they've been talking with that jesus dude that we just killed well i want you to i want you to want you to see they they marveled and they took knowledge that that they had been with jesus and they knew that they had no technical uh educations in the uh intricate regulations of the law and and yet and still they sound so awesome that we marvel at their boldness and their speech listen people let me help you right here there are some things that academic achievements cannot give you i want you to listen i don't care how much okay how long you've been in school i don't care how many uh degrees you have how many hats you wear educationally there are some things that academic achievements just can not give you the benefit of it these boys had spiritual power i want you to listen consider consider the the the history of the jewish leaders the ones who are questioning them right the sanhedrin this is a group that was consisted of with about 71 members and and all of them were practically sadducees now the interesting thing about the sadducees is they are known for being a group of people listen who have denied the resurrection in matthew 22 jesus uh had defended the doctrine of resurrection and he basically put the sadducees in check and and he was telling them listen you have errored and you do not know the scripture neither do you know the power of our god and he says you have read it you have read it it was spoken unto you by god saying i am the god of abraham i am the god of isaac i am the god of jacob god is not the god of the dead he is the god of the living and so if he is abraham isaac and jacob's god that means abraham isaac and jacob are still living somewhere as we speak and so jesus had already vindicated the resurrection of the dead and here now in acts chapter 4 we have this same group of people still denying the power of the resurrection this same group of people still in error about the scripture and ignorant about the power of god listen let me say this before i continue that it is a very sad thing for people to have leaders who do not believe in the power of god uh i don't care i don't care what leadership position you in if you are in a position and you preside over people it's a sad thing for them people if you don't believe in the power of god i want you i want you i want you i want you to notice the insanity of wickedness and these jewish leaders they chose not to believe it when they had the evidence right in front of their faces they looking at the lame man they see him with their own eyes and they can't deny yeah that's the one that be at the gate when we walk in and all of a sudden now he's standing here uh we we we can't deny it the bible says in verse 14 they were standing there beholding the man which was healed and they could say nothing against it baby that is the insanity of wickedness ah but but but let this let this be encouragement for the church to be more bold because what this tells me is that we are in fellowship with a god who specializes in doing things in people's life that even evil people can't deny it i feel like preach it here god is a master at doing things in people's life that are impossible to deny it now it's sad to say because we live in a world now where everybody say i need results show me some proof show me that it really works because human nature we need results before we invest and if you don't show me no results i'm not going to invest my faith my confidence whatever show me some results here we have the results and unanswerable facts right in these religious men face and they still deny they believe in the power you you you got to see this and now and now peter and john are in the same position that jesus was in because they are going through healing people and the results are impossible to deny now y'all put a pen in that thought i'm gonna come back to it in a minute and so they asked peter and john y'all step outside for a minute and and let us figure out how we gonna manage this thing well step outside come on just don't step outside now imagine this people we have devilish folk we got a wicked group of old men who were currently over taxing the people with temple fees and basically using the people for their own selfish game and now they're gonna sit around and try to figure out how they're going to manage divine momentum now they're trying to figure out how to manage inexorable growth something that they cannot stop it from spreading because it's obvious that this man is right here whole before our eyes you got to consider the madness that they got going on in their mind because in chapter 2 3 000 souls had just got saved and added in one day and now here in chapter four if you look at verse four about five thousand people had just believed and the lord was steady just adding to the church daily they constantly see god moving and drawing people into the kingdom the sanhedrin now they feel like they losing influence they lose in power because the efficacy of the name of jesus is spreading like wildfire so you got wicked people who who can't deny that the man is real who can't deny that the power is real so the next thing they'll do in order to attempt to manage the situation they try to stop it from spreading among others here people will see listen that the church is always under attack i want you to listen i want you to listen i want you to listen that that god's kingdom is always under attack jesus said listen i send you out as sheep among wolves and and here we see people that if you be bold for christ you will have to suffer for christ god i need to say that right there again because because see that's what comes with not shedding up about jesus if you decide to not shut up about it boldness breathes suffering i feel like preaching you got real quiet right there because we don't like to suffer yeah we don't like to deal with it we don't like to face it but listen people we have to face wicked men god i got to keep preaching right here we have to deal with religious people who are in high places and wealthy liars and selfish intellectuals we have to the bible says that we must through much tribulation into the kingdom of god if you preach it like this if you're going to be open and frank about jesus like this let me help you you might be arrested yeah you you you might be ostracized you might be silenced you you might be put in social media jail you you know they might do all kind of stuff they might put your name on the highway they might isolate you you will be persecuted you might even be killed lord i got to warn you of that because we got to deal with wicked people who are trying to stop the spread of the name of jesus i feel like preaching here but i ain't going to shut up about it and so and so when they can't deny the power the next thing they'll do is try to limit the extent of the power here here again people here again is the the insanity of wickedness because i'm thinking in my mind now if you can't deny that the power is real and you see the obvious effects of the instantaneous healing what in the world makes you think you can contain the power if if if it's obvious that a 40 year old man is now instantly walking right before your eyes people believing and giving god the glory for what is not deniable what make you think you can contain it and stop it from spreading you are insane no no you wickedly insane so the enemy attacks and in verse 17 the bible says that they threatened the boys hey listen if y'all keep on talking about this name it's going to get dangerous for y'all you know they just just just you know just did a gangster move we're going we're going to get you bro all right keep on running your mouth and and we're gonna pull up you know y'all come on y'all know how people do you know they was just religious gangsters listen if you don't shut up talking smack about what this jesus dude can do in people's life it's going to get dangerous for you bro we pulling up bro you know on everything you know you know that that's that's how it was and and listen people listen the bible said that they called them in there and they commanded them not to teach at all nor preach in the name of jesus you can talk about moses talk about elijah but don't you say nothing no more cause we don't want this to keep spreading among the people listen people church church church be watchful church glory to god mercy lord be be mindful church be very concerned when people start telling us to leave out the name of jesus don't don't you be surprised some people are so religious some people are so proud some people are so selfish and and hateful and so political some people are so dogmatic some people are so one-sided and evil that they would rather see people stay in horrible conditions than to see people's lives changed in a way it would have never changed had they not met jesus ah they would rather see people stay sick and stay homeless and stay poor and stay begging and stay lame and stay depressed and stay down than to see god's power spreading among the people all because they want to hold on to money and power all because they want to keep power and influence and i'm sitting here reading the text and i'm thinking to myself now this is one less beggar in the community this is one less person that we have to carry from the temple carry him from his house drop him off at the temple let him get his little panhandling on then come back and get him and carry him home again this is one less person who can now get up and make his own money y'all know i said that spiritual independence right there one less person who we got to worry about did somebody get in there today now he got strength in his legs to get his own self there and all these religious people are concerned about is holding on to power and influence they didn't even have the compassion to praise god with the man they didn't even have compassion to say well lord we thank you because we are the religious leaders in the community and we are the ones who set the example about the great things you can do and here's something great has been done and all we concerned about is shut up about jesus what a shame glory to god what a shame when we have leaders and people who are in positions of power who are so in love with money that they'll hold on to it and at the expense of the healing in the community yeah let me say this parenthetically we look at the disparagements in our society look at the disbursements among black people and all other minority groups the disparagements in education and in housing and in employment and in day care and in health care and in the justice system because what i'm trying to say is whenever you have an unfair administration of the resources that means somebody who's over the resources then left jesus out the picture because with god there is no respecter of persons which means god put enough here for everybody to have enough it should be this much homelessness in america there's a problem at the top y'all gonna play games with me listen somebody didn't love god out the picture uh what a shame people when we took prayer out of schools yeah i just said it what a shame because now we got more school shootings than we can count now everybody want to pray listen people the devil wants to attack because the devil knows that the church is unstoppable and the devil only attacks because there is real power in the name of jesus now take the pen out the thought i'm coming back to it even when people deny the power of god they still cannot deny the effect of the power they standing there looking at a lame man healed they standing there looking at it and that's the man's defense his testimony is his defense that jesus is real listen people the best defense for christianity is a christian man or a christian woman i'm gonna say it again till you get it in your spirit the best defense for the name of jesus is somebody who've been saved by jesus lord have mercy up in here you might deny the power of the wind but if you stand in the wind when it's blowing 200 miles an hour you won't be able to deny its effectiveness feel like preaching here jesus lived the people and listened he did things in people's life that nobody could deny jesus did some stuff in lazarus life man was dead for four days lord have mercy jesus just walk up to the two hey lazarus come on bro we we still got more living to do and nobody could deny that lazarus was dead and he is not alive that's country he is not alive you know jesus had done some things in people's life that nobody could deny met the woman at the well and sat there and got in the woman's business so good that she went back and told everybody y'all come see a man that got all in my business you can't deny that lord have mercy jesus you got 10 lepers was healed and it looked like what nobody gonna come back and say thank you but there's always one somebody who want to take a praise break and say lord i got to come back to tell you you've done some in my life that i cannot deny and people yes today this same jesus is still doing things in people's lives that we cannot deny look at all your exes up in here it's liars and ex-fornicators and ex-gang members and ex-cheetahs and ex-abusers used to be paralyzed in our thinking huh look at me baby i'mma x everything i promise you i just thank god you don't know the details but you can't deny that he doesn't change me something on the inside starts glory to god look at all the lame people here look at the people look at it the church has always produced powerful and convincing results that are impossible to deny paul was explaining his conversion to king agrippa and he said king god wasn't moving in a corner you heard about what happened on the road to damascus god didn't heal me and deliver me in a secret place the church was moving and god was doing it out in the open god wasn't sitting in a corner somewhere trying to keep it hush-hush no he wanted everybody to know that there is healing and forgiveness in the name of jesus oh i can't shut up about it this morning y'all that tells me that god is intentional about the gospel spreading so anybody who foolish enough to try to stop it you're fighting a losing battle any time you tell people who've been changed by jesus to hush about jesus you fighting a losing battle because some people don't want to see love spread among the people some leaders don't want to see miracles and signs and wonders and repentance and forgiveness spreading among the people their main concern is that peter and john be silent about jesus but listen the early church was what i call the og super spreaders yeah they wouldn't spread no virus though they were spreading the gospel if the name of jesus was a virus baby ain't no vaccine that's going to slow it down if the name of jesus is a contagion ain't no antidote we can give to stop it from spreading among the people i feel like preaching here people i'm getting ready to go but let me encourage you before i leave i need all of you in here and i need everybody listen i need you to make up in your mind that you're going to refuse to be silent about the name of jesus i need you to get it in your attitude i need you to roll your head back do whatever you got to do baby just get it in your mind that you're going to refuse to be silent about the name of jesus listen the gospel exists to make bad things good the gospel exists to make bad people good people the gospel exists to make bad situations better now we thank god for psychiatry and we thank god for psychology and we thank god for mental health strategies and trauma informed care we thank god for all of the social needs that people have in the world we thank god for scientists and doctors and lawyers but i come to tell you nothing helps people get up on the feet like the gospel nothing helps a man gain some independence like the gospel does nothing helps people uh stand on their own two feet like the gospel peter and john said to the council if it's a question of loyalty to god a man you gone in judge but we cannot but speak the things that we've seen and we heard listen church the things that we've heard and the thing that we've seen this is our confidence peter told him said listen now we heard that moses talk about jesus yeah now we heard david testify of his glory we heard we heard the prophets they announced that this man was coming we heard isaiah predict his suffering we heard him when he said he was ruled for our iniquity we heard we heard he was born in bethlehem i guess we're going to have church practice we heard he turned water into wine we heard david said the lord is my shepherd we heard he was preaching things pertaining to the kingdom of god i heard my mama testify he's a wheel in the middle of the wheel somebody heard their daddy say he'll never leave you nor forsake you i heard the deacon i heard the preacher i heard the missionary i heard the cross saying something about the name of jesus we heard he forgive sins we heard he's a way maker we heard he's a burning bearer i heard he's a friend that's thinking closer than the brother i heard he'll never leave you nor forsake you not only did we hear but peter and john said we saw we saw him transfigured right before eyes we saw him walking on the water we saw him take two fish and follow the bread and he fed a multitude we saw him heal the sick yes we saw him raised the dead we saw him when they arrested him we saw him when we betrayed him we saw him when they put nails in his hand we saw him say father our father stretch my hand let me give somebody high five and said neighbor i can't shut up i can't shut up he's still the same jesus yes i can't shut up about it greater is he that is in me i can't shut up about it the lord is my light and my salvation i can't shut up about it they that wait [Music] [Applause] [Music] come on give somebody high five [Music] [Music] i am his own and the joy the joy we share [Music] i can't shut up about it i saw him die [Music] and then i saw him come back from the dead [Music] i saw him spend 40 days with us teaching things pertaining to the kingdom of god i saw him heal that man i saw him change that woman i saw him change my life and to ask me to be quiet about it i'm insulted but i'm gonna shut up about it the bible says in verse 33 watch this and with great power good after they had just gotten threatened if you check chapter 5 they had beat them again they went back to the same place check chapter five they went back to the same place where they got in trouble and kept talking about the name jesus and if you look at the last verse in chapter five you're gonna see the bible says they cease not to teach and preach it in everybody house because there is something about the name of jesus church let's not get into watering it down call it like it is if god say it's wrong it's wrong if god said that's right that's right we talking about following jesus huh don't be silent about the name of jesus and you might get in some trouble but like when our late politician said it'd be some good trouble yeah we don't get it we're gonna get some good trouble because we're gonna change lives god's gonna mend hearts and the same name people the same name the same name right now is doing the same thing he was doing god's still raising the dead i got a cousin right now in fort worth texas died three times and my kin folk will testify my daddy went to the house and prayed in the name of jesus and king folks still got his little issues but that's his testimony jack jack i was dead i know i was dead i don't care what nobody said i was dead i drunk all the alcohol did i was dead man yo daddy came in here and prayed bro jesus is real boy he can't boy jesus is real i don't care what you're talking about i know he real he's still doing the same right now today at the name of we can't we can't shut up about it god bless you listen i'm through god only wants three things from mankind listen he wants to save us then he wants to use us then he wants to reward us that's it if you if you check the bible from front to back you'll see god saving using and rewarding he saves us by giving us jesus christ he uses us by filling us with the holy spirit and it rewards us with the gift of eternal life you can have that today if you don't know christ if you don't know jesus you can come to the altar right now and give him your life the workers are here to minister to you in the name of jesus whatever your whatever your ailment whatever your whatever you're lame in he can change your life [Music] whatever you're weak at whatever you need to be better at nothing works like the name of jesus [Music] at the name of jesus every niche about at the name of jesus every tongue shall confess will you come will you come will you come to jesus it'll be the best thing you ever did if you're online i'm sure there's a line you can call if you're in social media well i'm sure there's a number at the bottom you can call you can come to jesus right where you are he'll work wonders in your life god bless you father help us to be doers of your word and not hear us only in jesus name i pray amen city of refuge we thank god for pastor jack pastor william davis amen listen you still have time to come if you want to be born on the water in the spirit now the time just begin to come this way for those who watching us online there's a phone number just begin to call that phone everywhere our prayer team is waiting to receive you come on this is your time everybody please stand in the sanctuary and still have time to call if you want to schedule your baptismal please call what a word what experience what a good day amen [Music] listen before we head to our car [Music] make sure you stop by solomon corner to get the dishes of the day amen we are praying for our bishop we are praying for all bereaved families amen you are not alone he will never leave you alone amen please submit your picture of your loved one by next sunday social media at city of refuge and november the 7th it will be an amazing experience first time in history i don't think no church ever have done this but i guarantee you you want to be here because i believe healing restoration will be received on that day the worst thing is to have silence brokenness that you can mastic well but if you come there's a name that we call that you heard about today and that's name is jesus come on you still have time if you want to be baptized born of the wilderness spirits just come after you standing amen finally god in the name of jesus we come we thank you god we give you our worship and god we give you everything now god we want to thank you for your your word god we want to thank you for your name and god teach us god even more how to use your name and god as we apply the word god god let us have a personal devotion time outside of sunday with you god because we just want to be close to you god because we know god if we get close to your god the enemy will feed god if we get close to you lord god we will learn more about your statutes god if we get close to your god you will heal the brokenness god if we get close to your lord god you will heal the wound god god we actually even right now god every silent pain got in the building god we come god in every broken heart lord god every pain that we mask god god let this week be a weak god of healing lord god a week a smile a week of a breakthrough god ain't god we're gonna take what we heard on today god and use it every day of our lives in jesus name we pray amen god bless you i see you next sunday god bless you [Music] is [Music] foreign [Music] you
Channel: Official Bishop Noel Jones
Views: 8,976
Rating: 4.8358207 out of 5
Keywords: #bishopnoeljones, #cityofrefuge, #noeljones, #bishop, #losangeles, #onlineservice, #virtualservice
Id: CkDLgtbYN60
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 48min 0sec (2880 seconds)
Published: Sun Oct 17 2021
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