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[Music] [Music] in second samuel 13 and i thought i lost the church last week [Music] but we might lose it this week ii samuel 13 and a piece from proverbs chapter 6 and another piece in that i didn't read this morning i don't believe in ii samuel 13 i'm going to read very quickly and it came to pass after this that absalom the son of david had a fair sister whose name was tamer and amnon the son of david loved her and amnon was so vexed that he felt sick for his sister tama for she was a virgin and amnon thought it hard for him to do anything to her now love ought not to make you sick but amnan had a friend whose name was jonadab the son of shemia david's brother and john a dab was a very subtle man and he said unto him why are thou being the king's son lean from day to day will thou not tell me and amnon said unto him i love tamer my brother absalom's sister and jonathan said unto him lay thee down on thy bed and make thyself sick and when thy father cometh to see thee say and they might pray they let my sister tamer come and give me meat and dress the meat in my sight that i may see it and eat it out of her hand amnon lay down and made himself sick and when the king was come to see him amnun said unto the king i pray thee let my let tamer my sister come and make me a couple of cakes in my sight that i may eat at her hand then david sent home to tamer saying go now to thy brother amnon's house and dress him meat so tamar went to her brother amnon's house and he was laid down she took flour needed it made cakes in his site did bake the cakes and she took a pan poured them out before him but he refused to eat and amnon said have out all the men from me and they went out every man from him and amnon said unto tamer bring the meat into the chamber that i may eat of thine hand and tamar took the cakes which she had made and brought them into the chamber to amnon her brother and when she had brought them unto him to eat he took hold of her said unto her come live with me my sister and she answered the name my brother do not force me for such thing ought for no such thing or to be done in israel do not this folly and i whether shall i cause my shame to go and as for thee thou shalt be as one of the fools in israel now therefore i pray thee speak unto the king for he will not withhold me from thee albeit he would not hearken to her voice but being stronger than she forced her and lay with her then amnon hated her then amnon hated her then amnon hated her exceeding so that the hatred where with he hated her was greater than the love where with he had loved her and ammon said unto her arise be gone and she said unto him there is no cause this evil in sending me away is greater than the other that thou didst unto me but he would not hearken unto her so consequently absalom took amnon out at the end of the day i didn't read that i'm just commenting on that proverbs chapter 6 verse 20 and when i deal with the and i'm going to do it not too long hence when i deal with the virtuous woman you will find that lemuel is receiving instruction from his mother here solomon is receiving instruction from his father and i notice now this is six and twenty my son keep thy father's commandment and forsake that the law of thy mother bind them continually upon thine heart and tie them about thy neck when thou goest it shall lead thee when thou sleepest it shall keep thee when thou awakest it shall talk with thee for the commandment is a lamp and the light the law is a light and the reproofs of instruction are the way of life to keep thee from the evil woman from the flattery of the tongue of a strange woman lust not after her beauty in thine heart neither let her take thee with her eyelids winking at you you know for by means of a woman a man is brought to a piece of bread and the adulteress will hunt for the precious life can a man take fire in his bosom and his clothes not be burned can one go upon the coals and his feet not be burned so he that goeth into his neighbor's wife whosoever toucheth her shall not be innocent men do not despise a thief if he steals to satisfy his soul when he's hungry but if he be found he shall restore sevenfold he shall give all the substance of his house but who so committed adultery with a woman lacking understanding he that do with it destroy his own soul a wound and dishonor shall he get and his reproach shall not be wiped away for jealousy is the rage of a man therefore he will not spare in the day of vengeance he will not regard any ransom neither will he rest content though thou givest many gifts he's gonna get you no matter what you bring first john chapter 2 verse 16 simply says for all that is in the world lust of the flesh the lust of the eyes the pride of life is not of the father but is of the world and the world passeth away and the lust thereof but he that does the will of god by them forever touch somebody and say control yourself [Applause] i will preface this by saying that nobody is excluded from lust if i can preach it you can hear and if you can preach it i can hear it i lost a few brothers this morning and some sisters just tuned me out i would call lust a little fox if we were in the victorian age and maybe during the repressive victorian age i could call lust a little fox but there seems to be absolutely no way to place it in such a category today it's it's got to be an elephant today it's it's got to be an awfully big grizzly bear because we have certainly graduated from the days of the repressive victorian puritanicalism we've left the puritans and we have moved to what i might call the obsessive american obscenity it used to be that to say that you have not indulged sexually it used to be a badge of honor but today if you have not indulged sexually at a certain age somebody will think you're crazy oh help me jesus our new morality has actually given lust a new distinction yes certainly sexuality now in its most perverse and obnoxious form has literally been extricated from the closet and is splashed on the billboard there is not too many closet things going on today people hardly even blush now rola may suggests that our predilection our preoccupation our intense proclivity for and with sex is an actual response to our inability to deal with death realistically and if you notice as the world progresses towards its eschatological end violence and sex seem to go hand in hand on the one hand you've got enormous death and on the other side you have the life creating act to offset our attitude towards death some people feel that the more they indulge in the life producing act it pushes the whole facing of death backwards so sex the power of creating life has now become that element that we have woven into our lust craved society it's hard to be faithful today because everything around you is beckoning you it's woven into the fabric of beauty because what is beauty if it's doesn't have sexual content it is woven into the fabric of youth and that's why no matter how old we get we still want to dress like we're [Applause] because some how we begin to feel with our age goes our sexuality wrong it's woven into the fabric of health the whole concept of sexuality and health seems to go together why am i healthy if i'm not sexy it's woven into the fabric of wealth because sex and money so lust and sex then have literally become the central theme of our daily lives i mean after all we wake up with the daily soaps and the central theme of the evening soaps and sex in the city and all of our movies if they're not portraying violence they're portraying sex i mean seriously speaking uh years ago i was with uh one of our old evangelists and uh we went to the movies and he said to me there's not much action here i said not any action everybody got killed in this movie oh he said you missed the point that wasn't the action i was seldom do we even want to go to the movies if it's not rated r how many of us are really trying to go sit in a general movie where there is no action oh help me jesus listen to this angry at susan for continual drinking and lack of care for jason allen decides he wants custody of his son an idea monika abhors heather decides to move in with scotty but scotty decides to move in with susan leela tells edward she knows all about his illegitimate son after going to bed with rose mark realizes he's not over the death of his wife katie claudia's parents are against her marrying brian soap opera it's interwoven to the point where it's sending you subliminal signals and all of a sudden you're feeling aroused and don't know what is arousing you there you have it that's sex advertised luther vandross i remember the song busybody giving all your love to anybody or everybody and it seems to be that lust has many partners you've got sex and clothes sex and money you've got sex and power sex and music you've got sex and fame you've got sex and cars you got drugs and sex you got wine and sex you got sex and friendship you even have sex and household appliances because i can't figure out why a woman in a bikini is necessary to sell a refrigerator ultimately all of the partners of sex leads eventually to sex and disease and that's the way the world is going i never ever imagined in my lifetime that a third of africa could be decimated by sexually transmitted disease it's killing us but the fabric of it is so interwoven in the way we think that the question now is what does love have to do with it [Applause] we have now brought ourselves into a situation that if you say to someone the thing is magnificent you don't get in the response you say well the thing is glorious you might get a response the thing is splendid for us they may look at you oh this thing is stupendous to say a thing is superb is all right but if it's not sexy it ain't anything today i went to buy a tile oh i'm having a good time now i went to buy a tie and i laid two ties out and the man says oh that tie is exquisite exquisite momentum but this one is sexy everything seems to be measured in terms of sex because sex has become the superlative etymological term now it is the epithet that all of us have to have it's an extraordinaire to say oh that is a sexy thing and oh your car is sexy because all of us have now begun to think in terms of desire and in terms of lust you cannot buy anything without a portrayal you you have to have everything now from the jeans commercial to the soft drink and so all of a sudden everything in us is moving us towards gratifying desires so it's so interwoven into our existence that we no longer even try to fight it because it has become such a part of us we indulge promiscuously on all levels in fact if you're not indulging you are the exception because most of us are moving in a sexually motivated society with sexual thoughts all the time you can hardly look at somebody now unless they look at you they just up [Applause] you can hardly talk to somebody and look in their face straight up because their eyes are wandering all over the territory of your body it's just oh god help me help me touch your neighbor just say control yourself control yourself uh touch somebody say i got myself under control tell them tell them tell them uh whichever one you fit that's the one you you say uh it's it's it's an exception if you don't uh the homosexuals cruise and and heterosexuals go bar hopping they just go to check somebody out and see can they find somebody teenagers are hitting on each other even in school and and and the ages are going lower and lower and lower and and there's so much pressure now i mean uh if you go out with somebody then you got the pressure you know you somewhere as you sit out you begin to wonder when is it going to get to that subject because i know it's coming up sooner or later you can't go out and spend two or three hours with somebody before the subject comes up you know uh where do we go from here you see and and and the more money is spent the the the higher the champagne price and and the the bigger the restaurant and the more expensive the setting it it just sets the tone for the question where do we go from here is is this all am i going to drop you off at the door and leave and and go on home because the whole setup here is to move into the place where i'm going to get hold to what i really came about and so every time you sit with somebody you got pressure and enormous pressure you got peer pressure you've got people around you who are talking about you because you were standing on your own and trying to live your life with some dignity and and trying to live your life righteously uh that we set the whole thing up in a sexual manner i mean if i come to pick you up to take you out the first thing i'm going to do is flaunt my money the best way i can whatever i've got if i have to borrow a suit or even uh rent a car i'm i'm going to come up and try to be as as debonair as i can and and you can't get ready in 15 minutes to go out with anybody because you have to go and find the right dress and of course the dress has to accentuate the right parts of your body you will not just cover from the top to the bottom you will you will you will you will dress it up right you will uh show enough of the right places without being unsophisticated but yet still just enough to trigger the imagination and yes yes yes yes and and and i will and i will come and i will show off the best way i can and pull up and open the door and and and very very very sexually open the door and and close it just just with enough to get you to say oh that's really nice and and and move in and and oh my god and i'm working it just real subtle and and you're just working it real subtly not showing too much not acting too anxious not going too fast just just say a little lady but behind the ladies right behind the lady just just a little lady up front and then i'm just so masculine and just so wonderfully mannerly but don't fool yourself behind those manners is a question that's about to come your way and come your way it will and and so so you lie when you don't and and you lie when you do because you don't want it to be known but then either way i don't want you to know i don't and i don't want you to know i do so there's lying on both sides because i've got to give the impression i'm good even though i'm bad and then i got to give the impression i'm bad even though i look good because i don't want to miss what's coming my way so i don't want to be out of place when it comes my way and everybody is living this kind of life loss sometimes seem to deliver a wonderful paycheck of pleasure of joy unspeakable but lust is a two-headed monster because our joy unspeakable often times becomes sorrow unimaginable it takes you three minutes to get into something that'll take you 30 years to get out of you know i feel like preaching whoa i feel like somebody pray with me pray for me help me through this it's it's some funny little monster that that you never ever figure it out especially when the responsibility comes with it because it's easy to have a good time when there is no responsibility you see love will be responsible but lust will find a way out i didn't get in here to have to pay for all of this i didn't get in here to have to have to raise something from age on up i didn't get in here for 18 years of of child support i just got in here for 18 minutes of fun but 18 minutes of fun can become 18 years of child support i wish somebody talked to me but lust finds a way out but love will handle the responsibility you've got to learn not to allow yourself to become climatic before you're known know me before you become climactic don't be climatic before you're known or you might never ever get to be known and that's why after we played the game in the charade we end up ultimately devastated because we declare everybody just wants me for my body well that's all you showed and we declare everybody just wants me for my money well that's all you showed if you want me for your mind then you need to show your mind before you show your body because sex has destroyed a whole lot of good relationships oh i feel like preaching you got to help me patrick because of lust we end up then with unwanted lost babies products of uncontrolled passion offspring of heated desire raised to follow where the grown-ups left off now the ages are coming down i was in louisiana the other day and met a grandmother a grandmother believe it or not she's a grandmother at 26. she had her child at 13 and her child had a child at 13. unwanted conceptions and and then now leads to abortion with its psychological spiritual and physical debilitation it's hard to do and walk away from it it's hard to do and not leave a scar in the woman's mind and in the man's mind because a sensitive man is going to hurt when a sensitive woman is hurting about abortion the enormous pressure that it brings of uncommitted relationship and partnerships of immature decision-making because sex sometimes forces you into something you wouldn't have got into had it not been for the sex god forces you sometimes to marry people you were not equal partners with or would not have ever been with had it not been for the sex oh god i feel it here uh your body alone can't keep me married for 30 years i need more than a body to stay married for 30 years we might as well have church up in here amen touch your neighbor say i'm getting myself together touch somebody and say i got to have myself together i got to i can't keep doing this it becomes then the ungodly cover-ups david for instance look at his situation where he is god's man from the core he's a good person from the heart you don't have to be evil to be caught up in lust you don't have to be ungodly and wanton to be caught up in it david that the lord is my shepherd i shall not want he is responsible for most of the psalms when he should have been fighting somebody said keep your purpose in mind uh you can't give up your purpose for your passion when he should have been fighting he was left at home and he looked over and saw that sheba and his life went all the way down they tell me that since bathsheba he never accomplished anything great in his life there is a partner that you moved in just because of sex who will keep you from being all that you could be because i wish i could preach it there is a partner that became a sex partner before they came a marriage partner or a business partner or any other kind of partner and that was all that they could be to you was a sex partner because they had they were sexy but they didn't have a mind they were sexy but they didn't have a plan they were sexy but they didn't have a purpose they were sexy and they got their hand in your throat so you can't be anything today because you got caught in a lustful situation and when your mind should have been working you were just working your body oh i feel like having church oh oh i'm gonna preach it i'm gonna preach until i get better i'm gonna preach it till i heal myself oh i feel the holy ghost it is here now that the measure but pleasure now turns to numbness because even though you are having this wonderful time you end up becoming numb and here is now where liberation becomes obsession and anytime you have obsession then you no longer have freedom here is what we have done we have said well i'm free to do as i please and i'm free to handle my body as i please but ultimately that freedom turns into obsession and when you're into obsession you're no longer free because freedom should also have the component of no it's not only yes anytime you have to say yes to something and can't say no you have ceased to be free you are now obsessed and an obsession binds you and keeps you from the next level one of the painful things about life is when your passion moves you right by your destiny and pushes you so fast that you can't reach back for what it is god intended god never intended for my eros to run my agape he intended for my agape to control my errors so my life would work for me oh i feel it here lust seems to have what it can't afford lust seems to go after what it will not support lust will indulge in what it does not love lust will move for what it won't keep lost rapes lost enslaves lust disrupts lust kills lust will drive you away from the very calling that god has placed in your life and when somebody lost see they don't lust just for one person their lust for anything that's moving in that direction oh i feel like preaching lust is not an objective problem it's a subjective problem it is not because of how you look it is because of the way i am oh god it'll move for something that is unpleasant as well as pleasant because it's not driven from the outside it's driven from the inside the hebrews have a few words that i thought we could look at one word is yadah to know and it means to have the sexual relationship with if you look in the old testament you will see david knew his wife or they knew their mates and and the concept here is that in order for the sexual act to be of any significance there should be some knowing this is why the proverbial writer is very careful to present to the boy the fact that you have to be careful of the strange person because strange people are people you don't know and let me tell you this picking up folk today is like russian roulette i wish i could talk to you i i want to talk to you it's too many folk in here for me to feel like everybody in here got it straight no we all ain't got it straight so that's why i got to tell it straight just in case we can get it straight people will go with you today and know they are diseased they will not put a sign on their chest they will not put one on their back they will not re-warn you they will not tell you you need to leave me alone i have a problem no because their lust has overpowered their integrity and they will just as soon fill you full of disease and then feel good about the fact that they didn't die by themselves but they got somebody else dying with them the devil is a liar the devil is our life whether it's subconscious subliminal you got to say to yourself i got to get myself under control i can't let the devil ruin my life over 15 or 20 minutes of pleasure that ain't even fun i wish somebody to help me give somebody high five and say you gotta watch it uh you gotta watch it well unless i preach this thing unless i quit i feel something moving here uh it's in the hebrew then associated healthy and fulfilling sexual encounters with knowing somebody what they've done is they brought the unity of desire and knowledge uh people will tell you today i love you you don't even know me [Music] how are you gonna love what you don't even know uh what you you wouldn't need to just tell me the truth i lost you you know yes [Applause] we might as well i mean come on i i was i remember talking to somebody once a few years ago and the person got up in my space and and i just simply said i said now uh what do you i mean just get to don't don't tell me nothing about the lord and all that and jesus and that word and all that stuff just tell me what do you want just just straight out what is it uh don't don't fake it don't mock it don't dress it up just lay it right out here i'm old enough i can handle it if i'm going to i'm i am if i'm not i'm not but don't give me the game just you know when i just you know i just i just feel something in my heart for you you don't know me you don't know me you don't and and it's just desire everybody it seems to be just laden with desire you can hardly have a good conversation now because everybody just has sex on their mind it's just when hurry up and go god you can't tell somebody you're a child of god oh i'm walking in celibacy i'm saved oh no the devil is a lie the first thing somebody would say to you if you go out with them two or three times brother and you don't make a move at all and you decide you're not going sexually at all the first thing somebody wonders is is he gay uh what is wrong with this man don't he see all of this right here something must be wrong with him he ain't said a word about this the devil is alive he must be he can't be sanctified he can't be holy he can't be trying to walk with the lord he's got to be some god to be wrong oh i feel the holy ghost it is here then that the association of knowledge and desire there's another word that the hebrews used and it is called nepash and it's actually used in a good and a bad sense because it's to breathe it actually means soul but it's also used to mean deep yearning it's a it's a longing after it's like something you wake up in the morning thinking about something you go to bed at night thinking about as you drive around in the streets you think about it and it's the soul of that craving and the soul should thirst and crave for god but when the thing has moved from your flesh and is now settling down in your soul and it's less than is not just the thing that is stirred from the outside now but it now becomes literally a spirit where everything you say and every time you look and every thought that comes to your mind is only sexual continual then because it's so deeply seated inside of you you're unsatisfied before and you're unsatisfied after because you can't get any kind of pleasure from what's so deep seated in your spirit when your spirit is really seeking after god and you think you can satisfy what's deep with a sexual encounter some people go to sex like other people go to eat and feel they can drown themselves from the difficulties of their psychological and spiritual mentality in a sexual act only to find that after the act is over you're still as empty as before because after the technique has been perfected you still need love to make it work i wish somebody would help me in here shake somebody's hand and say love has everything to do with it i don't need to be in another loveless relationship with a whole lot of meaningless activities oh i feel the holy ghost i told you to be rough shake somebody's hand and say it's tough but it's all right ah this hamad is another word and hamad has an objective point of view to it because of its desirableness the hebrews have desirableness and the pleasantry and it is interesting that the word hamad from the hebrew is the word that has two sides to it it's to delight in something that is forbidden uh can i say that again it has two sides this word etymological root of hamad is you delight in something that's pleasant but it is pleasant but forbidding sometimes when something is forbidden it intensifies our desire to go after it uh can i can i uh can i present that to you real real carefully because now it brings in the ego ah please don't tell me that you are going to deny me entrance into your world because now i want something that's pleasant but what i want is forbidden i it should not be mine there are some people who just make it their business to go after whatever they're not supposed to have and have a pleasure in dealing with what they're not supposed to have so this word then means and it goes further to mean it is the word in the in the uh in the ten commandments thou shalt not hamad thou shalt not covet thy neighbor's wife you should not have such an inordinate drive such an ungoverned selfish desire that you go out from what's yours because you want somebody that somebody else has and you're not happy until you break into somebody else's world and destroy their nests there are some people who are not happy until they destroy your nest oh i wish i could preach it there are some people who are just seeking whose nest they can destroy and whose life they can wreck oh don't fool yourself they're not going to advertise it they're going to cover it with you know i could treat you a lot better than someone else could treat you and i really don't know why you're with her and please tell me why are you with him and it's just a desire to get to you and they don't care about your future some people just want you now they don't want you tomorrow they don't want you next week they just want you now and they want you now and nothing to pay if you bring up responsibility they're out the door oh i wish i could preach i won't preach anyhow oh god if you bring up responsibility they will run from you isn't it interesting that the sex is wonderful until somebody announces i'm pregnant and they know all of a sudden the man who was knocking at your door every day has gone to another location and now you got to find love under new management because the previous manager is absentee oh i feel like preaching now i gotta tell you oh but don't fool yourself brothers every woman who is looking at you ain't looking at your poker dude someone's looking at your bank account i might as well preach it and she knows your weakness oh i feel like i need to preach this she knows your weakness oh i can get his money because i'm going to give him some of my honey and i then the price goes up i feel the holy ghost in here oh there is a woman that'll bring you to a piece of bread that'll take everything you have and not want you but she knows your weakness she knows you can't get by the poopitude you can't get by the shape you walking with your wife looking over there oh jesus lord have mercy oh god oh and it's free for a while but soon as you get hooked there go you know what i need a little money for my phone bill you know my car payment is due ah you know i'm real sick and and you know i need to fix my my body needs some fixing uh you know you know soon it changes the relationship she was paying all her bills before you got to her bed she was taking care of all her car notes house notes vacation notes but now that you showed up and messed up it's on you here it is and if you don't do it i'll tell you who can i tell i feel like preaching oh i feel the holy ghost in here loss will get you messed up and then of course there is a word called all and it means to draw a line and what it does it suggests now that lust and will once they lock in has already committed you it's not just desire now but all brings the will in and this is the concept of jesus jesus says if a man looks upon a woman to lust after her he has already sinned in his heart and even though we say man it goes both ways oh yes there's a whole lot of fantasizing going on on the female side i might as well preach it because i'm telling you this when the average woman gets in bed with a man it wasn't sudden honey she thought about it a man might jump in a second but a woman's gonna think about it maybe two three weeks maybe two three days and say now if he just mess with me one more time i'm on just you know yeah you know how it works uh she thought about it and if she thought about it long enough and it hits her will she can plan it and especially when she knows you're weak anyway then she got you i might as well tell it i feel out i'm out there now uh one old bishop told me he said boy if a woman is trying to get you it's going to be hard for you to escape you need the holy ghost the prayers of the saints the word of god you need to be locked up in church you need everything because if she decides she coming for you it's gonna be rough that's why sisters don't like sisters because they know how dangerous they can be when it comes to reaching for they i may as well preach it oh you feel it years before it happened you can suspect it miles away you can look at somebody never seen them before and say uh-huh i know what she wants i know what she trying to get to you ain't taking no chances because you know she can make a move on you without conscience but touch somebody say get yourself together god's got just what you need i feel like having church up in here lust needs no contact to destroy or to abuse jesus said you may not have touched but you've done it in your heart one writer said and i quote that lust is the craving for salt of a man who is dying of thirst shoemaker says and i quote lust uses sexuality but it does not satisfy us sexually it has an itch that sex alone cannot scratch i feel lust has moved us into an arena now where everything has got to go abnormal we watch more pornographic junk oh i might as well preach i don't know what you got in your house but everybody seems to have a little bit of some kind of junk somewhere in the house if jesus would have stopped by somebody i'll turn off the tv turn off the tv oh my god that's so now that the family can't even watch together i remember some years ago mom and i we were watching some movie and the movie all of a sudden went steamy and i was sitting there looking at her and looking she's looking and getting nervous and i said mom now either you got to go or i have to go but we can't sit here and watch this scene here together it's gotten so now until that the children are raised on stuff that they sneak and watch and people have got so far out now that if you marry somebody you need to have a dossier and get some kind of written document as to what i might have to do in the years to come because it has got so far out that we have become numb to the whole issue of love you can't hold somebody today and just enjoy their arms without some sexual intent you can hardly reach and hug somebody now without them putting their full body up against you it's like you got to just you know scared to lean on over as i can feel in the hips all the way to their ankles i might as well preach y'all ain't gonna help me i might as well preach till the devil get up out of here no wonder our wives are pulling women off their husbands come on you ain't got to hug him like that baby i know it's a holy kiss but good god almighty oh god sometimes it's all over it's still void after it's over and then you feel a new cheapness you feel a new cheapness because you've given yourself up and now you still feel the same way and sometimes they're distorted even before contact unrestricted fantasies disrupt minds one man said there's a difference in admiring and desiring a person but most psychologists will tell you that there has to be an element of desire and admire you just don't act on it i like the way you look and i'm out of here it becomes now lust becomes a morbid preoccupation dwelling only on bodily contact and lust and becomes the dwelling upon sexual objects it also moves to the obsessive search for sexual satisfaction which derives a thirst that no sexual expression can quench and so ultimately we're using all kinds of things that make us insensitive in order to enjoy the act of sex when sex ought to be involved with feeling you ought to care about who you're with you ain't just trying to be with somebody you ought to care and want to be with them this sexual expression sometimes has deep needs it's the expression of pride sex as an expression of ego 40 year old men trying to prove virility trying to show in 50 even 16 trying to show i still got it it's an ego thing it's a lack of security that drives a man into a sexual binge and after the sex is over he still has the same insecurity it's a devilish device to affect our despondency and what god made to be a wonderful thing between two partners the devil has made it out to be an obnoxious thing so that folk are losing their mind over sex c.s lewis said the attack has a much better chance of success when the man's whole inner world is drab cold and empty sometimes you're climbing up in bed with somebody so empty that there's nothing you can do to gratify or satisfy the emptiness they feel because yours is not a physical emptiness it's a spiritual and psychological emptiness you don't need your body touched up you need your mind touched up i'm running through church i feel something pushing me here then there's promiscuity of free sex which is a big waste the hebrew definition here is is lust is lonely because lust does not satisfy love satisfies it's better to love one person and give them a hundred percent of yourself than to be lusting after five persons picking up 20 of you i feel it here i'm going there today there's no intimate communion there is no deep mutual knowledge just self-gratification no wonder people rape dead bodies what's the difference because there is no connection sexual freedom it cannot be there because it's gone to another level it's just lost like a drug addict it's just adultery like less temptation and it's just tearing up people's houses and tearing up relationships and and demeaning oneself oh i feel like having church here but oh my god you got to learn how to love yourself to protect yourself from folk that's floating around here looking to damage your life shake somebody's hand like you're gonna shake it off and say i'm too valuable to be somebody's sexual toy i got a mind i got a spirit and i'm just too valuable to let somebody walk all over my body and walk away from me can i reach like i feel it can i preach like i've got it give somebody high five and say neighbor you were too valuable to let a woman use you to let a man use you you were too valuable you got a purpose for your life and you can't let sex stop your purpose i feel the holy ghost up in here touch your neighbor say i need a mate for more than sex honey i need somebody with a mind i need somebody who know how to raise children i need somebody sensitive i need somebody to provide so i'm getting ready to get myself together i for you i feel the holy ghost there ain't nothing better and god is always right give somebody high five say god is always right i'm tired of sneaking shake somebody's hand say i ain't sneaking no more if he ain't the one for me i got to go i can't be hiding from my wife sneaking out on my hoes but i got to clean up my life before somebody get killed because this man i'm married to he ain't gonna take no prisoners if he find out i've been messing up can i preach to y'all in here because i wasn't born that yesterday i might have been born at night but it wasn't last night somebody in here is going with somebody's husband somebody in here is going with somebody's wife god told me to tell you cut it out cut it out because if you find out it don't matter what you give him he's coming for your throat cannot reach like i feel it give somebody high five say control yourself i know she fine but don't let the fine fool you you got to have more than fine you got to have more than good looks cause she'll turn your upside down make your life crazy but god told me to tell you if you love me if you let your abdi control your errors i will direct your path i'll have a good woman for a good man and i'll have a good man for a good woman i won't have no seedy man for no clean woman but i'll bring them both together shake somebody's hand so let the lord choose for you he knows what you need he knows how to satisfy you i feel like shouting to pay tonight i feel like having some church i need somebody for more than a body i need a mind too that when i open my mouth i get wisdom coming back i need somebody who can read how i feel when i'm hurt and when i'm down they know how to navigate yeah she can be all right in vain ain't going to be in bed all the time i gotta get out the bed sometime i need some money that'll do the right thing and you better have somebody that loves the lord some money that'll stay with you when you're not all together together then i preach like i feel it shake somebody's hand say wait on the lord he's got your package just what you need in the right rapper quit running around looking around or you're gonna end up with something that you don't need [Applause] i have not been i have not been a choirboy [Applause] i have not been a choirboy i was not chained to the polls of the church [Music] so i know what i'm talking about you make a vow you keep it [Applause] and i'm going to tell you why i thought in matters of sexuality given the drive the drive then the passion that flowed through me i thought god was you know i mean god what you trying to say lord all these fine women because because women don't stop getting fined when i got a holy ghost [Applause] amen the older i get the prettier they look they ain't stopping fine but god is always right [Applause] [Music] and i'm not saying it now in a mystical way in a practical way a man who has to hide a woman [Music] [Applause] because of his career or because of his wife does not feel good about it because he feels like a chump you're going to hawaii and you on flight 1711 and he's coming on flight 802. [Applause] the hotel is the princess uh wakiki beach and so baby when you get in the hotel uh leave my name on the door so i'll just get the key so we ain't got to be coming up together i i don't know who will be there so you're going to the restaurant and and then and then when you're away you you're feeling pretty good because at least uh you're somewhere nobody knows you so then you can hug him like you wanna lean on him like you want and walk down the street holding hands [Applause] but the pain begins on the last night [Applause] because you got to come back home now [Applause] and he got to come back on flight 5 42 and you got to come back on flight 411 and get to the airport and if you're still in baggage claim he just got to walk right by you and then you watch him hug his wine [Music] and give her a big old kiss and and put on a fake he faking somebody and then he gets torn because now he has explored you well enough to know that he likes certain things about you [Music] that he does not want to live without [Music] but he ain't leaving his wife and children baby [Applause] [Applause] because they represent something that you know representing you're feeling demeaned because you're the other woman and you want to be able to go with him anyway in public and sit down anywhere and show him off but you can so you feel demean because you can't express openly how you feel about him and all the gifts and trinkets that you open by yourself for he's got to dance to see you for a minute on christmas and then when he flies away for two weeks vacation with his family you call you every now and then when he escapes them to get a phone because see you can't have nobody don't even fool around with that see in a sense when he calls you don't answer the phone out with who now his wife he in the bathroom with the phone his wife is in the bedroom and he said who you are with because you can't have nobody [Applause] [Music] you can't go to his house but he got a key to yours [Applause] god is always i never thought that when i first moved to los angeles 10 years ago bishop has now done one of them he said to me he said no no people like family pastors and i understood that i was a family pastor a long time but i was divorced and i said well and they like family pastors and i was separated at the time he said get your wife bring her even though you're both not getting along sleep if you got to sleep on the other end of the house just bring us so that the church can see you with somebody and he says if you gotta have a little thing going on inside well just as long as the church sees you the family so but i was always crazy so i told him i said no dear bishop [Music] understand and i know the family thing and yes we probably have a different flavor of church if i had a wife maybe we would yeah in some areas but i said to him sir what happens if when i'm with my wife who we're not getting along i feel like i'm cheating on my girlfriend he said you crazy and he let it alone after that because he figured i was insane but don't fool yourself god is always right you can go outside of your marriage just to do a thing and end up tearing yourself apart carrying with you the guilt of the other person when you're with your family caring with you the pain of it and then carrying the pain of having to leave her after you've got accustomed and there is a pond between you god is always right keep yourself to her alone as long as your boat should live [Applause] and it eliminates it eliminates the split if i could live my life over again i would ask god not to let me have as many relationships as i've had in my life [Applause] sometimes you are so torn that you have no peace and you're trying to find peace in the arms that tore you and so you live your life in duality and never reach fulfillment god is always right one person it's better to give a hundred percent of yourself uninhibited to one person than divide yourself [Applause] two or three four five six because you'll never fulfill [Music] [Applause] what god will have you to fulfill in your life splitting it up with different circumstances i want you to take somebody's hand today and this is not just for you this is for me this is for all of us and don't fool yourself sit here looking at me cause you're 70 years old it's for you too you too the last time i saw you coming here at 70 years old i've been hit on my 70 year old saint yeah hit on me hard to oh pastor i just want to rub your back i said honey you can hardly walk you messing around rubbing somebody's back the devil is alive it's not it's all of us all of us have got to ask god and some of us have to ask the lord i'm not silly you are so entrenched in this duality in this situation that you cannot just break it because it's so much you and it's been you for so long in a circumstance a situation with somebody who may be married but you don't know how you could ever live without them yes at a point where you want to do what is right but you don't have it in you to make the break the prayer has to be lord you do it for me cause i can't get away i've been away for two months three months but i always find my way back and every time you have another encounter it puts you back in the thing for another period of time before you can get your mind together even the breakaway oh how much simpler it would be in your life if you didn't have that connection so strong pulling you from your place of peace and mental and psychological contentment and emotional serenity we need to ask god today to break it lord if it's if it hurts me let it hurt me and then heal me at the end of it hurt me for three months for however long it takes then release me and give me what's mine while you're hurting me be preparing for me what is mine but i can't keep living like this not just because it's bible but i can't live like this because it's killing me and i want to be released from where i should be and beware i will find peace that's what i'm praying now so if you don't want to pray this one with me then don't pray but i'm praying for him to tear up somethin i'm praying from the shadow of that thing in the name of jesus father i come before you so humble today and we come together forgive us and lord we need you to break into our affairs and just stronghold it [Music] those things that are inordinate those things that are threatening our peace [Music] you
Channel: Official Bishop Noel Jones
Views: 145,866
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: YD97Y5sf_Zg
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 74min 59sec (4499 seconds)
Published: Wed May 11 2022
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