Bishop Marvin Sapp Preaches at the 2017 PAW Convention

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we're so honored to have son of this church back with us on this evening the Bible says a prophet is not without honor except sometimes among his own family and familiar friends and we're here on tonight to say that the son of this church as we have seen God open doors for him all throughout this country and throughout this world most notably just seeing him featured on the TV one special unsung tremendous our presentations chronicling just some of his accomplishments and notable feats we want to say to him that we will not allow everybody else to celebrate our son and we not tell him we love him we are so very proud of him and we thank God for the anointing that is upon his life we're bringing forth at this time the Honorable bishop Marvin says Amen pastor of the lighthouse Worship Center Grand Rapids Michigan and before he ministers we want to present to him the Pentecostal Assemblies of the world incorporated the bishop William C Abney excellence in music ministry award it is presented to Bishop Marvin L Seth Presiding Bishop Charles E tells the third doctor Livia Cameron Burkett international Wayfarers auxilary president this day August the 2nd 2017 come on and give God praise for the son of this house Bishop Marvin [Applause] [Applause] as you sanding let's receive the speaker of this evening the Honorable bishop Marvin Sam Wow Wow while you get standing I wonder if you take those same hands to put them together for Jesus tonight y'all he's better than that let's celebrate him from the rising of the Sun to the going down of the say my god is worthy to be praised come on y'all could be bending that come on celebrate the King of Kings the Lord of lords the great I am a man you may be seen in the presence of the Lord see you know trying to make me cry tonight and break a brother up before he preaches and all this kind of stuff and I'm just I'm honored I I thank God for this wonderful opportunity that he has afforded us and that he's given us to be able to share in this capacity we recognize without question if it had not been for the Lord who was on our side that we don't know where we would be so it is always a great privilege and an extreme honor to be able to stand before this august body of believers and to be able to share in this capacity I don't take this invitation lightly but I thank God that he has given us such favor with great men that they still enjoy and invite us to be a part of wonderful events such as this so I think you all should just put your hands together and just bless God for great leadership amen I thank God for him indeed to the presiding prelate bishop Charles Ellis and to the first assistant bishop Young who I affectionately call uncle Richard in to the second issue Brooks in to all these wonderful men and women of God that sit in positions of authority and thank God for dr. Smith who has a him and his very lovely wife they have a very very we've been knitted together and let me just say it like that they'll never get rid of me because they did something for me that nobody else did and just to all of you my father's children we greet you in the name of our Lord and our Savior Jesus Christ God has a way of giving you platforms but in doing so he expects you never to forget where you came from because we all have a responsibility watch this to reach back and to bring somebody else along and/or up in the process so I'm just I'm grateful I'm not gonna hold y'all long the hour is without question far spent and then the reality is is that y'all got a long walk back to your rooms I know some of y'all spiritual but I almost drove my car around here I'm telling you and they came and got me I like no they can't be expecting us to walk all this way and but you know what's good cuz some of y'all been eating stuff that you ain't supposed to be eating and just before you go back to your room to go to bed you can get your two miles in on their way back and you can just but I'm just thankful to God for being here I am I grew up in this convention and man it's been a lot of years since I was singing in the inspirational choir and then singing in the choir and then came back with a group of guys that y'all don't even remember called Commission [Applause] later on came back by myself and now I look back over my life and I was telling dr. Smith mr. Smith had the tickling he said I remember he was a toddler I said well I'm 50 now yeah I'm 50 I turned 50 in January yes I am and so if he said if I'm if you 50 I'm dead and I'm like no you're still alive I'm just I just I started young I tell people all the time I started young um but but but but one of the challenges and I passed her to churches and in West Michigan and been pastoring now for fourteen years but but one of the challenges that that that I experienced in my church because my church was was birthed you know it was it was it was planted so what they learned that they kind of learned from me and when one Sunday about about about about 10 years ago Theresa one Sunday about 10 years ago I walked in my church and I noticed you know that they didn't know no hymns you know they think they knew all of the praise and worship songs but but they they didn't know any hymns and I'm finding that one of the challenges and I'm a slow starter but I promise y'all we don't get there before the night is over with one of the challenges that I find that we have in the 21st century church is that you know they know how to do the bump they know how to do the shout they know how to do praise and worship they they know I am a friend of God but they don't know they're it's not a friend like the lowly Jesus and I'm not hating on that because the reality is is that I'm writing the songs that they're singing in church now and I I appreciate that that God is so gifted us that he's allowing us to do it but when I started looking in my own assembly and started saying that even my musicians didn't even know how to play hymns I got scared because there's some songs that we need to just keep it's foundational songs and I'm not talking about doctrinal songs I'm just talking about some songs that we just need to know and and you may not understand them you may not understand them until you get to be a certain age there were songs my mother taught me but I didn't understand and I was singing it but folks is falling out and they was running out of church and I was like well what the heck did I just say because I must have said something and but then I got older and went through some stuff and when I got through it I understood what they were saying so so I found my praise and worship team after they got through singing all these wonderful songs and focuses lift the hands lift it up just so I preached I would get up lavell turn every Sunday and I still do it every Sunday I grab the mic I say pass me not y'all don't know this oh you don't say hey [Music] my um oh crap Wow others Dow I come kollene do not pass me me by I'm calling you say say say yeah why don't you hear [Music] whoa Wow Oh God [Music] we reaches [Music] [Music] [Music] that gives me strength [Music] it will lose its power power wonder-working power I wish I had some help tonight in the there is in the prayer mary had a little lamb little lamb mary she had a little [Music] and his name was Jesus [Music] [Music] there is something about their name that name the name Oh master Savior like a frequent after the rain whoa Jesus Jesus Jesus [Music] let all heaven and earth proclaim [Music] kings and kingdoms away First Samuel chapter number 22 but less that wonderful name Jesus bless that wonderful name our percentage chapter 22 she is us whoa let's that wonderful name Jesus but there is no other name there no father we thank you we give you glory tonight now we pray that you walk up and down each and every aisle that you would hit each and every scene that you had seen on each and every person do not allow them to leave here the same way they came into these doors but indeed allow there to be a metamorphosis that takes place they'll get wait around execute you're willing your authority in this house like never before knowing me indeed afresh and anew the anointing the causes teaching and preaching to be easy what yokes would not be broken because broken things can be fixed but yokes will be destroyed under the weight of your glory I thank you in advance I ask that you would do that what you do best just show up and show out we thank you we give you praise in Jesus name we pray everyone in this place said amen First Samuel chapter number 22 for Samuel 22 neither forsake you [Music] no matter say I Got News for you hi I will be with you Oh First Samuel 22 we gonna start reading at the first verse of scripture when you get there just holler at me say I got it it said David therefore departed from there and escaped to the cave of a deulim so when his brothers and all this father's house heard of it they went down there to him and everyone who was distressed everyone who was in debt everyone who was discontented gathered to him so he became the captain over them and there were about four hundred men with him then David went from there to Missa Moab and he said to the king of Moab please let my father and my mother come here with you till I know what God will do for me so he brought them before the king of Moab and they dwelt with him all the time that David was in the stronghold now the Prophet gad said to david do not stay in the stronghold depart and go to the land of Judah so David departed and went into the forest of her in May the Lord had a blessing to the reading of his word here is a doors thereof be bless verse number one look at what it says it says then David David therefore departed from there and escaped to a cave of a doula first number five it says now the profit dad said to David do not stay in the stronghold apart and go to the land of Judah for a few moments if I could if you have it just give me about 30 minutes just to have a conversation with you all out I just want to talk from this particular thought tonight I want to talk from the thought lessons from the King just touch somebody until I say there are some lessons from the cave that God wants us to learn you may be seated lessons from the cave my beloved brothers and sisters all of you who are part of the household of faith indeed the cause of the death the burial and resurrection of Jesus Christ which has in turn made us all heirs and again joint heirs one of the things that I think all of us who have named the name of Christ should have learned from Scripture all of us who have named the name of Christ who have experienced life with God at any level and in any point one of the things that we should have learned by now is that God's timetable is usually different from ours I'm gonna say that one more time one of the things that each and every one of us should have been learned by now just from studying Scripture one of the things we should have learned by now just from our personal experience with God is that his timetable without question is absolutely different from ours because we as individuals live in a microwave age we believe that that things should happen expeditiously we believe that things should expedited we believe that things should happen immediately but as you begin to mature in the God of your salvation you will begin to understand know and learn that God is more interested in what we are learning in the process than he is with expediting the process that we are in if we would just spend time in spawning the Scriptures if we spend time and just checking out our God if we would just spend time in reading the word we would note and notice that God that usually has a pattern that is repeated over and over and over again in the Word of God we see it on a consistent basis that whenever God gives a promise whenever God gives vision whenever God gives a test he usually delays its fulfillment at least according to our own personal timetables because God in His infinite wisdom and knowledge is trying to get us to learn something before he moves us to our next black toe prove it to me bishop marvin i think i will because if you just begin to read the Word of God you will know the notice for example we would find that there was a man by the name of Abram who had a wife by the name of Sarah the Bible begins to let us know that he made Abraham and Sarah a promise that they were going to receive a son by the name of Isaac but the Bible begins to let us know that even though Isaac was the promise that they had to wait years before its fulfillment if you study a little bit further you'd find that there was a man by the name of Moses who stood up for the people in Egypt those Israelites in Egypt and the Bible begins to let us know that he ended up tending sheep in the wilderness for forty years God delayed its fulfillment just read a little further you'd find there was a man by the name of Joseph who had a prophetic dream and in that prophetic dream he was told that he would be the ruler over members of his family but when he began to share with his brothers about what he was going to be doing in his future the Bible lets us know that Joseph's brothers that they sold him into slavery and that he spent years in prison before the dream was eventually fulfilled something simular beloved brothers and sisters even happened to a man by the name of David because if we begin to just begin to study the Word of God we would know that notice that God had promised David great things he had anointed him at a particular point in his life to be the future king over Israel as declares in 1st Samuel chapter number 16 verse number 13 and it looked like everything everything seemed to be a thing as planned if we go down to chapter number 16 verse number 21 we've been find that David was brought in to King Saul's service when we get to verse chapter number 17 we would find that he defeated Goliath of Gath of great for listin war if you just go a little further and chapter number 18 verses one through four declares that he forges if you will the friendship with Saul son that Jonathan if we just read a little bit further 18 and 5 we find that Saul gave David a high rank in the army and if we just don't even front of the we read 1st Samuel 18 verse number 14 we are told that God was with him in everything that he was doing and that the people of Israel and Judah loved him he he had such favorable of it brothers and sisters that he even eventually married the king's daughter by the name of Michael the Bible begins to show us emphatically that everything was literally falling into place for him to become the next king of Israel but then the Bible begins to blow our minds because even though things look like they were supposed to be looking and it looked like things were lining up the way that they were supposed to line up and it looked like that he was about to enter into the place of promise that God had anointed him to walk into the Bible says that suddenly everything began to shift in a whole nother direction and what some I'm going to meet my beloved brothers and sisters is just because it seems like everything is going right right now it does not mean that something is not up the road and that's why we as individuals have to make a conscious decision that even in good times we have to stay alert even when it looks like everything is going the way that we plan we got to understand that the enemy specializes in throwing things at us in order to get us to fold under the pressure and not when we are in the bottom of the basement but he attacks us right when we are on the mountaintop so just because it seems like everything is going the way that you plan for it to go that doesn't mean that something is not about to happen that's going to shift the very trajectory of your life I wish I had a witness in here so the Bible begins to blow our minds beloved brothers and sisters because suddenly everything began to shift in another direction and the my hold against the let us know that saw grew jealous of David's success and began to be determined to kill him and the Bible says that now that David literally finds himself running for his life the text says that he is now a fugitive but he is hiding from Saul and and his soldiers and that he is sneaking food and weapons from the priests at Nob the Bible those honor begins to tell us that David this beloved individual even begin to act like he was a madman in order to save his life in the land of GAD in order for him to be able to move forward in his purpose and in his destiny the Bible begins to blow our minds because it brings us literally to our subject text today as you begin to look at First Samuel chapter number 22 because it's important to note and to notice again that David is a fugitive that he is literally running for his life that he is fleeing from Saul he's coming to a place now where the Bible begins to tell us that even though God made him a promise we find that David now is hiding in a cave at a deulim it's mind-blowing to me that this is the same individual that's anointed to be king it's mind-blowing to me that this is the same individual that has favoured this is mind-blowing to me that all of a sudden everything in his life is shifting in a whole nother direction so I asked a question and God told me to ask you the same question he said he said Marvin asked him this question that even though they came down here on sugar hill even though they came down here and everything in their life is flowing the way that they plan for it to go he said I want you to ask them this question he said the question that you need to ask them today it's what do you do when the life does not turn out the way that you thought it would what do you do when things seemingly going in opposite direction watch this he says ask them Marvin what do you do when suddenly when you suddenly find yourself in a cave rather than the palace oh god is quiet in this Presbyterian Church he said he said pastor Marvin what do you do when it looks like what God has planned for your life ultimately is put in a holding pattern and in a position of delay because the reality is beloved brothers and sisters is that all of us at some point in time are going to find ourselves in positions and in places where we're going to be questioning God how the world did not get here because this is not how the plan was supposed to be how in the world did I end up in this position because this was not how things was mapped out God why is it that when everything seemingly in my life was pointing the way that I plan for it to go as a matter of fact I did not ask for what you put on my life god I was minding my own business I was doing my own thing I was doing what I like I was called to do you decided to anoint me to do something different and while I'm in your we love doing what you plan for me to do doing that she said that I'm supposed to do it how in the world did I get in a position where now I'm not in the palace but I'm in a cave running from my life what do you do when God puts you in a holding because the reality is beloved all of us I'm going to find ourselves in some holding patterns in life all of us are going to find ourselves in some positions where God just wants us to sit and to have conversation with him it's a strange thing to be anointed but not being the place that you are appointed to be in because it looks like everybody that used to be on your side is stabbing you in the back I can't get no help here so what do you do what do you do what do you do when it looks like the trajectory of your life is shifting what what do you do mark when it looks like things are not going the way that you plan for them to go David in our text begins to give us some examples of what we are supposed to do when we find ourselves in our caves he he shows us how that we are supposed to react and/or respond because some of us while we've been in our cave we've been acting wrong some of us have not been responding right David says I'm gonna teach you some lessons and and even though you may not understand the lesson of the place that you in right now if you just follow my instructions he said that the rest of their days I'm going to be the best of their days look at here looking for things that and I promise you I'm almost finished for four things David wants to teach us Bishop Ellis from this cave he he wants to show us some things that that many of us have not grasped he says that when the enemy is up against you when when you are running for your life when it looks like everything is against you when it looks like the odds I'm not in your favor he says there are four things I need you to remember he says he said the first thing I need you to remember is that when you in the cave don't lose sight of this is a time of meditation impartation and a time to journal oh god I can't get no help up in here because that's what David did that's what David did uncle Richard while he was in that cave you need to understand that while he was in the cave of a deulim that's when he wrote songs 57 I can't get no help here Wow just sit there just just just wondering what's not going to deliver but David shows us how it is luckily we're supposed to happen when we indicate our situations when it looks like stuff it's not going to turn out the way we planted watch the four things he wants us to remember I'm so very glad you asked me if you don't learn anything the first thing that I need you to learn is I need you to learn that you ought to take your refuge in your God touch somebody say take refuge in God take take refuge in God some of y'all looking at me I said touch your doggone neighbor and you tell them take refuge in your God prove it took me while he was sitting at that cave he grabbed Psalm chapter number 457 57 and he begins to write he says in Psalms 57 he says be merciful unto me O God he says be merciful unto me for my soul trust in thee think your Holy Ghost he says he a in the shadows of thy wings refuge until these calamities be over pass understand beloved brothers and sisters that a bit made God his refuge that the refuge by definition it means a shelter or protection from danger or distress it means a place that provides shelter and/or protection it means something to which one has recourse in difficulty I love that word recourse because it means beloved brothers and sisters it was God that would protect him from every danger and calamity in his life he goes on to tell us of the cave was not his refuge but that God was his refuge I got the pause here for a minute because some of y'all y'all think that you're above the place that you run to it's where you find the safety but God told me to tell you don't get so caught up in where you are that you miss the whole concept that the only reason why you made it where you've made it to is because God was there all the time and maybe I'm not encouraging nobody maybe I'm just preaching to myself but I'm so very thankful that when everything around me was collapsing I can run to him because one thing I do recognize is that he will be there in the midst of whatever I face and he's made me a promise that he will never leave me nobody forsake me I wish somebody would just touch your neighbor and tell him say be encouraged because he's your refuge father may forsake you family members may walk off and leave you but I can't depend on nobody else somebody want to touch your neighbor one more time and say he is my refuge so the first thing we need to know how do we need to notice that that payment said that we need to learn is that when you find yourself in a cave when you find yourself in a holding pattern when you find yourself in a position where you don't know how you're gonna get out remember that God is your refuge the next thing that people teaches us in this text is he teaches us not only that God is our refuge but he also tells us that we got to learn how to cry out to God y'all looking at me strange touch somebody say cry out to him David brothers and sisters to cry out to God in the moments of his discouragement the reason why he learned to cry out to God in moments of his discouragement because and a conversation and a communication with God what's going to be the thing that was going to get him out of whatever situation he's in and therein lies the problem with many of us in the church what was my mind in the 21st century church is that we know how to shout we know how to clap we know how to run but we don't know how to pray we're living in a season and we're living in a day where the church has become more entertainment based we have to do too much in order to get people to be involved y'all I gotta say man we got to come up with all types of concepts and all types of ideas and we got to be entertainment focused but when we call for prayer we can't get nobody to come to church you can have a musical you can have a play and you can't get nobody and you can't get a seat in the building but if you call for prayer you can shoot buckshot in the house and not because we have not value communications in my life because I feel like preaching anyway tell somebody prayer still works ah David David begins to let us know as he begins to write in his memoirs he says that I know how to cry out to God prove it dr. Seth I think I will because the psalmist he says in Psalms 57 in verse number two I love what he says he says God Most High he says to God that perform it oh I love that uncle Richard he says he performs all things for me in other words he's not saying that God performs all things he says perform it in other words he's speaking in the past tense he's saying that the reason why I could depend on him now because he made a way for me then the reason why I can depend on him in this situation is because he opened doors in the past situations and the reason why he opened those doors is because I had enough sense that when my back was up against the wall cried out to him not based upon my now situation but based upon my past experience and that's the reason why you got to learn how to cry out to him because you need to understand let's cry unto the God of your salvation it's not based upon him making a way now but this is based upon you understanding and knowing that if he did it for me before me they talked to somebody over here cuz they don't want to hear me that's the reason why some of y'all in hell now because you think that you got to wait for him to bring you out before you acknowledge what he can do in your life just touch somebody and tell him if he did it before he'll do it for me I wish y'all but just touch your neighbor tell him if he did it before he's absolutely going to do it again lessons the first lesson that he teaches us a lot I need to be repetitive because I need you to get this in your spirit says that the first thing that you need to remember is you need to take refuge in your God next thing he tells you needed to learn how to do that we need to learn from his cave experience God took somebody say declare his promises it is very important beloved brothers and sisters no don't hear that David we can't declare the promises of God and declare that God would perform all things while he was in the palace but he declared it he was in the cave I got the policy for a minute because some of y'all need to understand that God is not waiting for you to get there to be clear what he's gonna do in your life I wanna see that you have enough faith you are in some places even though you are in some uncomfortable places I need to see if you got the kind of thing even though you have been detoured from what you thought was supposed to happen in your life hell is breaking loose you always have people in your corner that's going to speak a life to you well learn how to speak a life to yourself life to you somebody all still looking at me strange so let me make it even that much to play dumb no you need to understand that even though David was in the cave by himself the Bible says that there were 400 men that showed up to the cave with him when they heard that he was in the cave the Bible says that 400 men showed up to the cave but that's not what blows my mind I would have thought that God would have sent 400 men to encourage him I would have thought that he would have sitting me in and tell him things were going to get better but that's not what the text says the 400 men that showed up they were all distress I wish shall we reach our Bibles just like the devil to bring people into your space that's supposed to encourage you because you're the one that's running for your life but now you find yourself in a position to be the captain there are more discouraged and depressed than you are I can't get no help ha David's in a crazy place because not only is he running for his life but now he has a responsibility watch the responsibility he asked the responsibility to pour into men that are discouraged to pour into men that I depress he has the responsibility to pour into men who are in debt he has the responsibility to pour into men who I discontented I've got the pause here because that sounds like some of us as preachers folks may not know what you're going through you can share what you're going through sometimes you have to get up on Sunday morning and preach a message that's going to set captives free I can't get no help here I know you know what I'm talking about bad times in your life when all hell is breaking loose from the north the South the East and the West and you wanna have a conversation which tell them how bad your situation is but just when you feel like talking to somebody one of the members of your church come up to you and tell you you know what I really need a word this morning because I've been going through all week long that's what David is in this situation David is in a place now where he has to encourage the ones that should be encouraging him and that's why you've got to understand beloved brothers and sisters it's that there's going to be some times in your life were you not going to have anybody to encourage you that's why you've got to learn how to get by yourself learn how to encourage is a situation so y'all looking at me they wanna take credit for what God has done but is about to shift you and he's about to move you to put you in the position and in a place when mama looks at you they'll begin to wonder how in the world did you get to where you are you won't even be able to explain it you'll be trying to run around trying to tell the people how you put a B C and D together but it won't even make sense to them because it won't even make sense to you so trying to explain it begins to remember is he just to remember that God is our refuge what happens in your life he's got you back the next thing the demon wants us to remember is he wants us to remember situation we got to learn to cry out as he tells us what we need to cry out he tells us that we need to consistently begin to cry out the promises of God of our lives in other words God wants you to remember he wants you to remember what he told you even when you in a bad situation he wants you to remember the promise he made even when it doesn't look like the promise is about to be fulfilled he doesn't want you to get so caught up in your situation that you forget that the same God that brought you here is the same over nothing is the same he was riding when he was riding in the dog when he was riding in the cave he says my heart is fixed he says my heart he says I was singing give praise and fresh the midnight he says I will give praise to thee O Lord he said amongst the people he says I was singing unto the amongst the nation's and made a decision beloved he was going to get dark plays out the cave but he decided to give him praise while he was here in the cave how can you prove that doctor said even some instructions touch somebody and say neighbor somebody are still looking in me I said touch the name and say neighbor the instructions are simple what the instructions bishop the bible says that while it was still in the cave he tells him to do one fish he says depart and go to Judah don't miss that I saw go passion he he says you're gonna hit true long too long you understand what you need to do now now it's time for you to get up from the stronghold and go to shooter now missed it one more time I said the Bible says he keeps him in destruction yeah he says you've been in the cave long enough it's time for you to get up out of this stronghold and I need you to go to shoot before I take my seat that's what God told me to tell you as a prophet of God he told me to tell you you been there too long I was here [Music] [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] hold up this is the key component of the text y'all missed it David did not just praise him on his way to the palace but there was a significant reason why he has him watching his example was going to look at somebody's watching [Music] is supposed to wait until you come watching me [Music] [Music] [Music] listen listen listen hear me hear me the main lesson that David was trying to teach us is that we are examples that other believers are watching what bishop you don't know what I had to go through to get here it's not important I know I just hurt your feelings it's not important what you had to go through to get here you are on assignment a feeling a tough there they get all cozy up shun down to get up I'll go see touch somebody say I'm on assignment tell him some of y'all still looking at me I said touch your neighbor [Music] [Music] [Music] I'm on I'm on assignment I'm on a site I'm on assignment I'm on assignment and because I value my assignment I'm gonna function in my office even when I don't feel like it okay y'all missed it I missed it I'm gonna function in my assignment even when I don't feel like it in other words you may not know what I went through this week but you ain't go nothin oh by the way I please [Music] I got it from David understood who he was Bishop Ellis I just David understood who he was and he understood that the palace nor the crown makes him king I'm gonna let that simmer for a few moments so I let that simmer see cuz y'all think that what makes you a king is the garment that you later lord help me up in here but the palace not the garment made him a king what may David a king is while he was in the field he was anointed to be so and that's what you need to understand get so caught up in your present state that you forget what he anointed you to be have been anointed to be examples to other believers the Bible says this and I promise y'all I'm done I've been away too long but the Bible says it like this it says that in everything not for everything but in everything we supposed give me things and one of the struggles that we have is we know how to praise them for but we haven't learned how to praise them in if you get nothing from tonight's teachings remember that you have one assignment and that assignment is to be an example not because people don't want to see your deepness they want to see your transparency they want to know that you've been through something and not that you didn't come out of it you don't act like you've been abused then book it and and stuff but you still got a dance in your feet that's what they want to see they want to see that you still got a praise on your lips because they heard your complaints but they haven't heard your praise they heard you talking about your struggle but they haven't heard you talking about being all overcomer they haven't heard that lessons david says if you follow my example I'll put you it'll put you back on the right track so that you can get to play sometimes watch this sometimes God will allow you to experience levels of success and then put you in a place called pause just to make sure that you understand who got you where you got to [Music] I can't get no help of it here because sometimes we'll forget that it wasn't our ability our skill or our gifts it because you were never qualified enough you were never gifted enough you were never talented enough but the only reason why you got there is because of him don't allow the process that you in to become a cycle I'm gonna say that one more time don't allow your process to become a cycle don't get in your cave and forget what got you to the place that you in and think you've got to stay longer I think we were supposed to stay sometimes God just wants to see do you remember and once you do the right things that is remember that he's your refuge cry out to him make sure you're crying out the promises that he promised you and then praise him why you in it not when you come out of it because you got folks watching you if you can do those four things the rest of your days will be the best two days clap your hands give God praise quickly come on hallelujah listen I'm not a shout you preacher never been my gift never move I give the shout y'all a shout some other time this week I just wanted to give a little information but before I take my seat I need to ask you a question and I'm wit that you all would close the door so I don't want anybody moving ain't nobody got as far the doors I got to go anybody got to go to Tupelo Mississippi tomorrow so y'all might as well just hang out with me a few more minutes how many always seems something from the word of the Lord tonight waving me quickly y'all could do better than that come on if you receive something wave at me Bishop William CIB taught me something very profound when I was a young man in ministry he said Marvin you need to know to notice that whenever God did something in Word or indeed the patriarchs of old would pause they would set up an altar and they would offer up sacrifice that's not you get the covenant names of God Jehovah Jireh nessing tsking 2l yanmega D so we get these names by the pause they would set up an altar whenever God did something in Word or in deed I asked you all a few moments ago how many I'll receive something from the word of the Lord just about everybody lifted up their hands tonight because you receive something and because you have received something in Word watch this there is an obligation that's attached to it because you receive something in Word we have to offer up sacrifice now catch this in biblical days they offered up livestock they would offer him livestock they going to go through their their herds and they would have to find the very best they couldn't give God watch this turtle doves that couldn't fly they couldn't give down oxen that were blind couldn't give him a sheep that were lame they had to give them their very best their very best I feel it of God to challenge you all in the area of giving and I know this is out of order I'm breaking the tradition of what we usually do I'm breaking it but hear me this moment right now is going to position you in a better position than you've ever been in before I believe it by faith I'm not going to challenge you launch because I don't feel like I need to but I know if a thousand individuals do this God is going to do some supernatural things I'm in a different phase of life I've not only turned 50 this year but as of Monday I became an empty nester strange all of my children are in college now and none of them are on scholarship they're all on the father ship my son is a senior at Howard University about to graduate and go off to law school my two daughters one is a junior at Alabama in him and my other one is a freshman at Alabama A&M and they told me it's gonna cost me $50,000 a year for them to go to school and I had to figure some stuff out because you know $50,000 is a lot of money for eight months after year and I'm like I can't I can't I can't do 50,000 I guess I can't do it but then they told me they said well if you are a resident in Alabama meaning if you pay taxes there you can get in-state tuition so I built a house in Alabama I built a house down there because I was like and it went it went from being $50,000 a year to around $18,000 so it sounds like you know I was I was this week I was moving my daughters into the home and in Alabama and laid hands on them kiss them hug them gave them instructions I got cameras all over the house like worried about much just to buy groceries was more than what I'm about to challenge you on again and but I feel that a God to challenge 1,000 of you all and I know this is not going to be a difficult task but if 1,000 of us do this it's going to be amazing and for those that are watching I don't want you to miss this moment either there's something on the screen I believe it's at the bottom of the screen that you can tap into this link don't miss this moment because it's going to cause and I believe this is gonna cause the rest of your days to be the best today's there's 1000 of us they need to go to your wall let's go to your persons and get a $20 seat now listen I promise y'all I thought $20 a whole lot of money but then I had to go grocery shopping at Whole Foods when my daughters before I left now my middle child she shops with her money at Kroger's with my money we got to go to Whole Foods I can't get no help here I used to think $20 was a whole lot of money but then I had to buy one book last year for my son that was 695 dollars I had to buy one book for my daughter that was 450 dollars and at the end of the year they turned the book in and my son said daddy they only giving me fifty dollars for this book and we only opened it twice I told him you got to rip a few pages out of it you gotta you got to write in it you got put a marker are we not giving y'all of y'all y'all being spiritual I see it already this $20 seed hear me family this $20 see we'll leave your hand but it will never leave your life it's gonna go into your future it's gonna produce much fruit I believe it I'm not a gimmick preacher that's never been my gift I just stand and I understand that I know that the Bible is right he says if you can't strip bread upon the waters it shall come back and I'm not mean anything since if you give he'll give it back to you couldn't measure pressed down shaken together running over shall men give under your bosom I just believe that the Bible is right Galatians 6 and 7 says that we're not supposed to seek neither see God's not not whatever we so that is what we're going to read everything reproduces after its own kind I'm gonna pray quickly when I get me praying Bishop can I just have him just come and just looking at the table is that fine I'm gonna pray quickly and when I get through praying I just want you to move out of your comfort zone plant this $20 seat should be no less than a thousand of us $20 ain't no money go back to your room go back to your room you ain't got to go to Waffle House tonight go back to your room I was saving this to get something to eat no just go back to your room fast tonight don't miss this moment fob out thinking I give you glory this is not a debt we owe but it's a seed we sold we saw in the good round believing that you want to get a snack some 30 some 60 some 100 some 1000 full return for the scene that we're about to plant into the kingdom of God most importantly we give our seed an assignment its assignment is to go into our futures to create avenues and streams of wealth and increase where we would not live off of that which we make but we gonna live on for the overflow of that which we saw I'm expecting a harvest it's gonna rain in my life from the seed I declare and decree that shall never be broke another day and she's a snake my prey everybody said hey man those 1,000 individuals just come from all over the building quick quick quick quick quick I don't want nobody to miss this moment come quickly with that $20 see from all over this building come this way I know y'all got to go y'all been here a long time thank you for your obedience thank you for your beanies let me just can I sing something while they're giving do you all know this [Music] never cool to me I will have you know but now I see thank you for your obedience are you were there for me and now I can say never [Music] see [Music] [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] you [Applause]
Channel: Jason Taylor
Views: 70,245
Rating: 4.8309178 out of 5
Keywords: Marvin Sapp, Bishop Marvin Sapp, Pentecostal Assemblies Of The World (Nonprofit Organization), PAW, Apostolic, Apostolic Preaching, Church, Pentecostal Assemblies of the World 2015 Convention, 2017 PAW Convention
Id: LBhP4HkklLk
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 76min 27sec (4587 seconds)
Published: Thu Aug 03 2017
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