Bishop Eddie L Long Separation from Lot Feb 2008

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and it has worked in my favor somebody holler favor father we honor you and bless you and thank you in this most holy and wonderful place we thank you for this moment we thank you for the rejoicing we're not happy we're joyful which means the world can't destroy the joy that we have we thank you for the peace that surpasses all understanding we thank you for this day of primary we thank you that the rights that folks fought for have not been taken for granted and we're moving forward directing our destiny here on earth in Christ Jesus we bless you now God give us an ear and we have an ear to hear what the Spirit has to say to the church we receive your word with gladness in Jesus name Amen amen and amen give him another wonderful hand of praise and bless the Lord hallelujah you may be seated in the presence of the Lord I want to go ahead and move many of you got a didn't understand exactly what minister wise was speaking when he said question card or something like that and you have a blank sheet of paper the paper never made it to the printer and so so if you have if some of you have a blank sheet of paper at the end what I want to do on Tuesday nights at the beginning of my teaching is to entertain any questions you may have had from last week so you put it in at the end of Bible study we'll go through and see what a consensus and see if we have great deal of questions in one area I'll spend a few moments and deal with those questions I'm not gonna deal with all those questions and nor am i dr. morrow I will not email each one of you though and and please restrict the question to the subject that we're talking about now I do want to do something very quick turn to book Genesis but I do want and it's wonderful to see all of your I voted sticky things my sticker thing fell off somewhere off the wagon but I did vote and so I thank you for your obedience and most of all thank you for exercising your biblical responsibility how many of you and have your cell phone with you okay turn it on turn them on we starting something new on Tuesday night I was ringing already know you're gonna turn it back off in a minute airing on some of you got them old cellphone take about two minutes with you alright is everybody on okay we're introducing something just on Tuesday nights it might go to Sunday but just on Tuesday night it's called text apiece okay and so what I want you to do is to text somebody who's not here give them an encouraging word and then tell them you're at church take somebody who's not here bless them tell them you love them Jesus love you and say I'll hit you later I'm in church now if you don't know how to text [Applause] by next Tuesday come up to speed okay fancy phones email somebody okay you don't have a phone smoke signals when you finish now don't go in and long preach it where's Anthony plate I'm texting somebody peace music when you finish just wave your cellphone in the air then then turn it off after you waved it I know somebody you're gonna put on vibrate as long as it don't ring now you've just entered into some dialogue and they'll have your message back when you go and now you don't start witnessing hello in this fun now when they call you back we go ever you pray for I mean text I'm just about to pray for them so you'll tell them that we pray for them in church today father we honor you and bless you and those that we were able to reach out to through modern technology to bless them in this moment in spite and wherever they are that those words be an uplifting and encouragement that they be timely they bring peace they bring divine covering cover them their families their bloodline if they're unemployed get them employed if they're sick we command healing upon their life if they're confused we speak direction to them if they're going through relationship problems god we speak reconciliation now god we honor you and thank you for hearing our prayer and if any of them was not saved we speak salvation to their lives and this is a wonderful moment that when they takes us back that later on we'll be able to witness somebody prayed for them many prayed for them this night we thank you for their lives and we thank you for the truth that you spoke about them it is in a mighty and wonderful name of Jesus to Christ amen amen and amen hallelujah thank you now go with me again the Genesis 12 we're talking about the separations and I'm going to go back over one that I think I dealt with on a Wednesday but I want to talk about it tonight you got Genesis 12 I want somebody to wave at me it at 8:25 let me know it's that time I want to move you will do it and be gone you have Genesis 12 now the Lord had said to Abram get out of your country from your family and from your father's house to a land which I will show you I will make you a great nation I will bless you and I will make your name great and you shall be a blessing I will bless those who bless you and I will curse him who curses you and in you all the families of the earth shall be blessed so Abram departed as the Lord has spoken to him and lot went with him and Abram was 75 years old when he departed from Iran now look at me for a moment again I'm gonna go backwards Iran what does that mean say it again say it with me no more wasted years that that is my assignment for you this year that there will be no more wasted years that everything that you are doing is productive and I want you to develop a mentality to think generationally the decisions that you may now go beyond your lifetime and they affect more people than you think you're not an island and I'm gonna talk about that at the moment you're not just a separate entity that makes decisions and choices and it does not affect anybody you affect generations God identifies himself again very quickly as the God of Abraham Isaac and Jacob you know if you don't get a Abraham Isaac and Jacob you don't get a Joseph he says he goes from glory to glory faith to faith he is always moving each generation and a greater dimension that's God's intention one of the things I was wrestling with God this morning and I said you knew I was gonna be here before I got there and he said I anticipated several places or that you could have been and I said what you mean you didn't know exactly what no I gave you something free and I said what's that I said I gave you a free will which means that you could have made better choices and you would not have to be dealing with these things that is the reason why it's very important to pray say pray because when in your free will you don't make the right choices you've got to invite God in for miracle because he will not come in to your situation without an invitation let us make man in our image in our likeness let them have dominion let us make them let them have it the reason why prayer is so important is because God is asking permission to deal in the affairs of the earth because he gave us the authority okay now when I when I went so say it again with me no more wasted years and you got to understand your life is more about many other lives you were sent with an assignment to save lives again we're putting together whole package that you'll get the first week in in March is your soul saving kid and you're already two souls behind if you hadn't saved somebody got somebody to Christ in January in February you got to make up for that in March each month every member is gonna be assigned you have a package to show you how to do it and how to keep up with it it's not the pastor's responsibility and we have to shift our mentality of just trying to get in and get your seat amen now when I'm just giving you some review when God says get the out of your country country simply and I minister this brothers one give to you you can write this down country simply means when talks about country he's trying to move Avram from limitations and boundaries so one of the greatest things when Israel or when we sing the song take the limits off no limits no boundaries if we sang that for about 20 or 30 minutes miracles happen because what's happening is there's a destruction by the Spirit of the Lord through the words and you got to hear this through the words of our mouths that start to put us in the position that we were already in but we would not that we did not believe to realize so what he's telling Abram I'm getting you out of the mentality of limits and boundaries that came to you very early I had a young man over my house the other day and he was telling me he painted his basketball and his daddy was a little mad at him because he painted the basketball and he didn't keep the in within the lines so it looks a little ragged so when I took him home he ran in his room to bring me the basketball and I said to him it's really not a problem even if you cross the lines because I don't want you to be stuck with thinking that you always got to stay in a certain line what might look messy to some folk is actually you extending your boundaries and moving out of what somebody said you have to stay in if you research your history there's been fokin your life who you receive words from that have limited your thinking and has limited your ability to move with God because you've already concluded how far you will go so when God speaks to you God is fighting you and he can't get to himself in you because you are in the way from the language and from the stuff because you have established boundaries we're stuck in a mentality not a spirit of poverty but a mentality of poverty and when he tries to speak through the spirit to break that mentality the limits come up so he's saying get away from the limits and boundaries say that with me get away from the limits and boundaries I want you to write that down somewhere God is destroying my limits and boundaries you're bigger than that there was one day I was speaking to you and I'm saying oh you're sitting in a seat and you fit in that seat rather well but I want to tell you you're bigger than that seat if you were to sit in that seat with the vision and the destiny God has spoke to you you'd break that seat wide open you are larger than you could ever imagine and when I talk about lot here in a moment I'm gonna get you to understand that and I wanted to get it deeply in your spirit the next thing he says is to get away from your what say it again now I don't want you to be crazy and get me in trouble because when I ministered that before many of you told your kinfolk I'm getting away from y'all Bishop said cut all your off so you don't you want to talk to your kinfolk you need them text them and we don't mean for you to take that literally what I really mean what is you developed your language say language we developed our language within our family the way we talk now the way we talk helps us to establish where we're going and I just want to say this one time for you what God is really telling neighbor am I'm moving you into a place that you will revolutionize I mean go 180 make a whole turn revolutionize your words please understand the words you have been speaking have got you where you are now if you're if you've been wasting years it's because of what you've been saying and you learned that in your family now wants this it's revolutionized your words because they become your foundation your words are your foundation repeat that after me my words are my foundation now please hear this words produce thoughts and this is really going to take you in words produce thoughts thoughts produce emotions now we got a lot of emotional people we be tripping my emotions ain't spirit and that's the reason why some people meet folk and they just go so crazy you know I just this is my soul mate and Jesse and all just want to marry and all that stuff and you know what I finally read what Paul said love was and nowhere near he said was a feeling matter of fact anybody that starts out to tell you what love is and say love is patient that's a pretty good clue you're gonna have to deal with some stuff now you can be flying and s to see you know all that stuff but God said look Jack you have to wait on some stuff you're gonna have to bite your tongue and why are you doing it be kind and remove that's a hold another message now here's the critical thing let me back up revolutionize your words they become your foundation words produce thoughts thoughts produce emotions emotions produce decisions a lot of us make decisions not based off the spirit we make decisions based off emotions so if you ain't feeling too cool or you don't have peace don't make a decision matter of fact peace is a pretty good pretty good indicator that you can't make a decision on it it's a good decision but if you don't have peace are you angry decisions produce actions then what happens action produces habits and I've said this to you before on a side note they always say practice makes perfect I know I also want to suggest practice makes permanent so what happens now I just I just threw you through words described wasted years because now if I'm saying the same words producing the same thoughts having the same emotions making the same decisions and going through the same habits they become permanent to the point I'm not even really thinking anymore habits produce character all this came out of my mouth it came out of my language and then character produces destiny so so we're we're in were ending up from destiny was actually spoken out of our mouths by things we learn so long ago there's a reason why when you see people really prospering in finance or whatever you'll notice they don't talk like where they where they used to come from it's there's a there's a language to politics there's a language to economics you know sometime I turn on the financial channel and I'll just be real honest with you sometimes I don't know what they talking about but I want to I want on day have a billion dollars you know I want you know you miss and I'm being rich one day and then you turn on the finances and you it's like Chinese now either you're gonna understand this language I'll be judge at dub you can't you can't you you got to be able to speak it and so whatever endeavor or whatever you feel a pull to you have to push yourself into the language of now now here's the thing that we talk about because we get we get so excited in church and we just we get emotional stuff like that in the book of James just write this down James one second verse what's this my brethren count it all joy when you fall into various trials knowing that is the testing of your faith which produces patience but let patience have it's perfect work that you may be perfect and complete and lacking none nothing if anyone lacks wisdom let him ask God who gives it liberally and without reproach and it will be given to him but let him ask in faith not in doubting for he who doubts is like a wave of the sea driven tossed by the wind to a fro for let not that man suppose that he will receive anything from the lord he is double-minded man unstable in all of his ways now the only reason why I read that is the what the trials come up because most of us have not moved until we got sick and tired eventually somebody in your bloodline is gonna get sick and tired of being broke eventually somebody in your bloodline gonna get sick and tired of everybody having divorced that there's a there's a reason there's a language why nobody's getting married in your family but they're having children I'm just gonna be real with you and talk to you that there's that there's a language there that of unsuccessful relationships there's a there's a mentality there's an emotion tied into that there's habits that are tied into that so what God does is I'm I'm countless joy because I'm gonna pressure you in such a way that I can produce some patience in you because what I'm really trying to do is to get you lacking and nothing but you can't stay where you are so I'm gonna have to squeeze you in such a way that you get sick and tired of being where you are and when you ask in faith when you speak in faith you'll speak words that you have not been speaking which will now alter the course of your direction so I need to get you away from your country and I need to get you away from your family vernacular you can go back now and so in all this I want to review again this thing about separation the greater the revelation God gives greater revelation with each separation each time the Lord would speak to Abram he would talk to him again this is from suddenly more about his inheritance and his destiny which means every time God shifts you into something new separates you from one takes you into another Deuteronomy 6 I believe in 23 says he brings us out so he can take us in God is always bringing you out of something it ain't always gotta be I'm bringing you out of sin I'm bringing you out of mentality I'm bringing you out of a habit I'm bringing you out of this you you you were good here I put you here this is the brook and that water's coming and the Ravens bringing you food and you said but now it's time to move because there's a widow I want you to go see there's somebody I need you to go bless there's a place I need you to be in so what I trained you with this now I want to take those gifts here and you're so comfortable sitting here with the wonderful cool water and the food coming that now I got to take and dried it up because that's the only way you're gonna move count it all joy that I'm drying up stuff over here because you're about to go over here and bless somebody and be blessed by that and the only way I can make you move is put you in a tight situation so some of the stuff that seems like it's drying up in your life is is God saying I'm finished with you here you done good here I let's and please hear this there are certain seasons in your life that you it feels like a nothing going on and you ain't got much to do enjoy that Caesar that's called a sale our God is saying chill out for a moment because I'm about to put you back on a fast track but you need the rest and the revitalization that hems in this point get you some sleep get you some exercise eat right and pray and don't sit up here and complain cuz ain't too much going on because I'm about to shift in a minute and take you what you're talking about I'm running too hard there are rest seasons in their work seasons and God brings you into certain places and he's really telling you I'll sit down and rest I'm gonna give you a rest you've been running hard rest for a while cuz I'm about to take I bought you out I'm about to take you in some and you're gonna need your script it's almost like the folk when they were single kept wishing that they were married then when they got married they wish they'd have enjoyed the single days I'm glad I'm married I'm glad about it I'm the other folk this is again so at each widows place I talk to you about he built an altar that means there's a death to something sometimes you have to come Aven build an altar which means that you always got to come to a place sometimes for even yourself to say that there's something that you've come through that you used to do are you that's dead now do you understand what I'm saying means I don't care how hard it gets out here moving forward I can't go back I've already dealt a dip dealt with an altar I already killed that thing that's not something to go back to good bad or indifferent that's over and say and it came to pass because so often when it gets when they brought him out to Egypt what did they start saying oh why did he leave us in Egypt it's just tougher out here no but I didn't altar I killed that I'm separated from that I can't go back so I might as well go go and keep moving forward all right so that settles that and that's the reason why you really need an office and sometimes need a write write yourself a note that's dead you need to keep yourself a journal those things are over and they came to pass do not remember the form of things don't consider things of oh it's I'm doing a new thing if someone tempts you to go back you know cuz it was a time when you were a party animal you partied like a rock star [Applause] such an insipid that's over that's over you know you know you can't go back to the club but see you need to do what my son does right here what's your name again I just Doron did wrong yes see he makes this a dance floor ain't nobody bother him [Applause] so I can't go back to the club but you look Bishop put this big dance flow out here I got a right to praise him I might as well y'all can sit in your seat if you want to [Applause] and so in all that I said suddenly what if the altar also represents a death to self a death to your ambitions a death to desires and everybody prays that God would use them mightily but I don't you know the Bible talks about you know you need to count the cost sometimes you need to sit up and count the cost of what you're praying for now and and and I don't know what this thing is now that people are trying to make ministry so glamorous you know Paul wasn't on the cover of Esquire he was burned upside down or something like that but he I mean we it ain't like you think you you give up your life you give up your ambitions you give up your desires but and-and-and but the joy of it is I'm fulfilled because this is what I'm called to do this is exactly what I'm called to do you know one thing what happens with me and Vanessa the paths of this church and all that we give up a whole lot of privacy and people people have sometime very rude like I try to take my wife out and be nice and dator and stuff like that we'll go out to a restaurant and folk just pull up with your hey bishop and pull up a chair and start talking and they won't even speak to my wife and I'm like hold on hold on number one unless you're gonna pick up this check you better get up and and number two you need to speak to my wife and and and we go but but and then folk be trippin because if we can't go out and have a peaceful dinner then if you have somebody to come out to make sure you have a peaceful dinner then they all he told me he got to have security I ain't trying to have secure I just want to eat out with my wife like y'all do that's all I got that out all right let's move on now go with me I got the mic go with me to Genesis 13 real quick Genesis 13 because now we want to talk we talked about this before but I want to go a little bit deeper and have you fill out something I want to talk about this separation please let say separation from lot and Genesis 13 5 through 13 Genesis 13 5 through 13 lot also who went with Abram had flocks and heard and 10 and now the land was not able to support them that they might dwell together for their possessions were so great that they could not dwell together please note Abram had a lot of possessions alright just want y'all know that and there was strife between the herdsmen of Abrams livestock and the herdsmen of Lots livestock and and of the Canaanites and Friz i'ts then dwelt in the land now so Abram said a lot please let there be no strife between you and me and between my herdsmen and your herdsmen for we are brethren is not the whole land before you please separate from me say that with me please separate from me all right if you take the left then I'll go right or if you go to the right then I'll go to the left and Lotte lifted up his eyes and saw the plane of the jointer it was well watered everywhere before the Lord destroyed Sodom and Gomorrah like the Garden of the Lord like the land of Egypt as you go towards orb then lot chose for himself all the plain of Jordan and journeyed East and they separated from each other Abram dwelt in a land of Canaan and lot dwelt in the city and the plain and pitched his tent even as far as Sodom but the men of Sodom were exceedingly wicked and sinful against the Lord now III told you and you can write this down again I told you this before and I want to move in something Lots one of the interpretations of Lots name is hidden say hidden okay now in Genesis 12:1 as we remembered Lord said to Abram get the out of your country away from your family to a place that I will show you then in the fourth verse it said and law and Abram departed and took lot with him God never asked him to take lot with him now I do want you to understand this how many of you have a personal relationship with God ok if you have a personal relationship with God when God is talking to you directly he is not talking to somebody else ok so when God starts to give you specific instructions he's having a conversation with you he's giving you specific instructions and please understand this one of the things and I'ma be very transparent with you I'm I don't like being alone I honestly don't I I keep noise and folk around and all that I just you know and in some time I said my wife well I need to go on a sabbatical I just need to go by myself and stay away and pray and then I get scared because I just don't want be by myself but on this journey sometimes you go have to go now now now now how many of you hear from God some of you have here okay now what's this how many of you ever ever believed God spoke directly to you of Revelation okay now let me tell you about a revelation when God speaks to you and speaks directly to you revelation often brings isolation because what God will do God will say something to me that he didn't say to Vanessa and I can't even tell Vanessa because I don't even know how to explain it to her and so I'm trying to walk through something that she doesn't understand what I'm trying to do and it works both ways because he'll give her something and she can't communicate it to me and sometimes she don't sometimes I don't because I it's an unction it's a thing it's a something and so now I'm wrestling with God saying it's just really you all that kind of stuff and stuff like that and I and I'm looking for somewhere to get a a man or something because I'm isolated now I'm hearing stuff that I don't I don't know if anybody else is hearing then I don't know they didn't wrestle with it is this the devil or is it God am I am I fooling myself is this real faith and see that's the reason why you got to make sure you at the right church because what keeps my members saying verses other pastors members saying is that when they do come into the place they're supposed to be that the pastor will get up who you ain't talked to all week and say something about what you done heard and you say I crazy eyed I agree crazy but but but oftentimes and all that does is help keep you biblically and and spiritually sane because then you still got to go out and carry that baby and some of you tonight are holding on to something and carrying something that's so big and so awesome man fat he isolates you the point that you can't really sometimes talk to a lot of folk about it because please it is it is by design because what he said is so big that there takes folk of faith to believe you so he rather not you talk to just anybody because if they say the wrong thing you could have an abortion and so he's not gonna let you ain't gonna priest and I just sort of talk it's just I'm trying to keep up with my timing Wow ten minutes what's this now the Lord had never told Abram to take lot with them and I wrote this note in my note the day who is with you that God never ordered to be walking with you I [Applause] just need you to write that question down and answer it on your own who's with you who have you pulled into your into your circle of love Meet the Fockers that shouldn't be in that intimate and intimate environment because you need to make sure that those that you bring into that circle are sent by God once this God had blessed lot just because he went for the ride with Abram now watch this lot had a hidden agenda say hidden agenda and that's that and I talked about that which there's so many opportunists today now here's the part I wanted to lift up early and I had to hold myself and I said this the other night but I want you to hear this when I was talking about the chair is not big enough to contain you see I can look at my elders and stuff like that and and I can see favor honor I can see God's hand on please understand this and you don't even have to be saved to see favor now what lot did was lot saw that something was going on in Abraham's life that is going eat go and be able to cash in on because it seems like there's a lot of stuff here that if I can stay close to him I can be blessed there's some of your friends around you see more God in you then you see about yourself they recognize you God favor they don't say nothing but they're staying close and if you look back they've got blessed with a job because they will with you they got blessed with a spouse because they would near you they got blessed with this because they would need you how many folk getting blessed because they are near you they ain't crazy they realize that there's something going on in your life that you don't even recognize and you have been raised up as bigger than what you think and I'm hanging around and that that is the reason why now you gonna identify this as a reason why one yeah yeah check this out uh-huh why is this now have you ever noticed the people you help the most are the people that are never there when you need they were hanging around for the blessing they had hidden agendas and just as soon as they know you need something calling you they know you going through stuff lot had saw what God had seen in April and he only had eyes for what Abram could do for him hmm and because lot was too lazy to go to the same source he made Abram his source C you got friends you got some lots who don't pray like you do don't tithe like you do don't worship like you do please please hear me but they're always getting something from you because they don't want to go direct they'd rather just borrow and leech off of you while you do the praying while you doing this and that because they always know you're gonna get something and have something and you need but watch this now please hear this people need to learn now you didn't hear me in the spirit hold me down Deacon see my wife give me that look what you gotta learn what church folk got to learn is tough love please it is God ain't asking you to bless her body now some trifling lazy jacked up some folk don't need a handout they need to go through the process of being crushed that they will change and turn and be obedient and giving them a handout is paralyzing them and keeping them from their destiny you need to sometimes say no you're gonna have to go through this thing on your own until you wake up to the Lord answer and the same way I got it you gotta go get it silver and gold have our number yes I have I'm sorry let me go so what sister watch this now I want I want you to see something I want you to see something what's this no strife developed between Abram staff and Lotte staff now watch this look at verses 7 and 8 Genesis 13 again and there was strife between the herdsmen of Abrams livestock and the herdsmen of Lots livestock and the Canaanites and the precise then dwelt in the land so Abram said to lot please let there be no strife between you and me in between my herdsmen and your herdsmen for we are brethren that was just I would just tell minister wise I said I said I got this this I think there's some folk that the devil sent in my life just to distract me I want you to hear this because I'm talking to you right now you can take a risk but your neighbor your neighbor gots so much drama in their life and trying to hang on a lot you got all these issues going in this relationship that is really on that strife has developed the Green Man is there jealousy there's some you you keep comes out why is it that every time I it's just always the arguments and all this going on and all this is always gonna be my just it's all this because there's a hidden agenda please and and and you're sitting there trying to hold on to something that you need to separate from and an evidence of that it ain't never no peace and you know you always get in the short end of the stick who is this remember I tell you devil really can't kill you he can't kill you but the old adage is you know is if you can distract them have you ever knows you know this you're getting real close to something or something's culminating you're coming into a big day and you got to be sharp and this and and and your lot starts acting up y'all know it and then soon as that thing passes then lot chills out I think I didn't say it enough right there we might need to turn the telephones on call lot and say goodbye I [Applause] said this before strife will always set up when when opportunists think that you have something that they deserve just as much as you did what what no strife until you got that car it was alright when both of y'all had the same position at work when you got promoted Lots real motive was revealed when he was offered a servants package abran say what I gotta get you to leave separation from people you have to be wants it you have been with a long time and trust it with so much can be painful but I want you to hear this is for somebody that's what you want I'm just gonna now Sunday morning I'm talking about separation for money what's this but the moment the separation took place now again I don't slow down because I want you to get this then I got a handout to fill out real quick please here it is the moment the separation took place God gave Abram renewed vision no what's this some folks you might have to separate from you been with a long time please understand it's easy to separate from your enemies lot was kinfolk Abram loved lot there's some folk you love that you know you need to be away from now can I take up because the here's that here's that non tough love part now what's the non tough love part well I've been really carrying them all this long if I let them go they'll crash now do you think you love them more than God have watch this now have you become their God and some of you not you you're straight don't you don't do you know take a nap right now some of you are playing God and you're paralyzing folk that God don't want you to paralyze what's this now you're standing between a tough situation decision and a divine revelation of God about your inheritance and your destiny and you said no more wasted years how long are you going to hold on to something or someone that you need to separate from that makes God have to not tell you the rest of your story well what's this now what's this Bishop show me what you're talking about all right Genesis 13 14 and 15 you with me we all right all right and the Lord said to Abram at what's this after say with me after after lot has separated from him remember lot chose what he thought was the best area then God said to him after the separation lift your eyes now and look from the place where you are northward southward eastward and westward for all the land you see I give to you and your descendants forever now I couldn't tell you that why you had lot with you [Applause] there's some stuff I can't tell you until you said some stuff off of you there's some stuff I can't reveal to you till you separate from some things because they didn't earn this I didn't speak this it's only for you and I ain't gonna tell you your big prize until you get in position [Applause] so we you know the people the peoples be saying lies God's silent I prayed and he then said in the name talk to me he waiting on you to get away from lot my parents you know this was this now you know if you got children at home and stuff and one's been real good and you gonna bless him and uh nothing just ain't been that good but you don't want to let him know what you're gonna do for the other one so you wait to the one that ain't been that good go to bed and you told the other one kind of stay up and he stayed up and you told him the greater revelation because he was now mature enough to handle it God is saying when you separated it showed me a degree of maturity now I can sit up here and even though you let go of what was looking like the best I still have the best waiting for you and so let that go even if your enemy got what you thought was the best it's gonna end up like Solomon and Gomorrah I'm gonna tell you lift up your head and look eastward northward southward and westward and as far as you can see in April it ain't just about you but it's about your children and your children and your children's children so don't be holding on the stuff you think you need to hold on to that's really destroying you and causing stripe I've got a vision for you that will go in your bloodline and you need to save your bloodline then letting some sorry hidden agenda Joker steal and Rob your destiny you don't pray too hard have been through too much gave up too much to miss what I got for you and every time I call you I'm drawing you nearer to me to tell you another secret thing he's waiting to tell you something God has something to tell you and I don't care because even what sits down even if you hung out with lot too long and it looked like lot took the best lot took what could be seen but there's some hidden things that you only qualify for vision for where says there's no revelation no vision people perish that means divine revelation from God and about what you see we walk not by sight where there is no unveiling of the secret thing you'll die but when you can get in position to have the veil rent from top to bottom where you can see stuff other folk ain't see and when God declares to you everywhere you see I've given it to you and not only you tell your kids they can't be denied now when you get that from God all you got to do is speak it to your kids and they'll catch it anything God says when you repeat it it'll be caught but if God didn't say it and you're just mimicking a preacher it's not moving from spirit to spirit it's going from flesh to flesh I want you to fill in these blanks real quick you have a sheet says it says my requirement for relationship you have that does anybody have this do you have that if if there are any extras Rush's raise your hand I want you to keep this while they're passing it out I want you to hear this those closest to you will determine the outcome of your life they're saying on the sheet I'm just talking to you right now I want you to hear that again you might need to write that down and then what I want you to study that's homework I'd like you to sit up and write down the names of the people closest to you and then examine where they're gonna take you and where you taking them because I want you to hear this again those closest to you will determine the outcome of your life I suggest your day in other words a single most important factor defining your future is the relationships you embrace your life is built on relationships and you'll receive both the consequences and the rewards of those who are closest to you and for all you folks now I know God told Abram to move but I do want you to understand God makes us relational and you can't isolate yourself and use that old expression I got Jesus and that's enough and then enough he told Adam ain't good for you to be alone proverbs 18 and 1 says a man who isolates himself seeks his own desires he rages against all wise judgment to isolate yourself is to celebrate selfishness am I going too fast for you you alright we are never made to be independent but rather for rather for deep and interdependence now here's for all you heard folk who go all the way back to where I talked about your words and then we get into thoughts and emotions and emotions all that your way your emotions on your sleeve and now you're hurt and you don't want to be in any kind of relationship that God even ordains because you're sitting up there trying to protect yourself so you're isolated all alone nobody can be trusted you got to realize our highest potential is only realized when we take the risk to believe in one another notice I said risk to believe in one another become transparent and celebrate the right people in our lives don't your neighbors say take a risk again you already a few folk over here issues are we out we out we out of sheets okay we're out hold on SEC mr. wise I got to run that over there where yours you you get yours up to you you get I'll give you a copy up in the office or everybody else just got to write this down here's some requirements for relationship watch this you ready yeah so nice eldest number one my friends must be committed to a fill-in long lasting friendship you don't need to be bothered with temporary folk a lot of times what happens we get in a relationship and we build people up and do all this get them on their feet and all that buy time they can help you they go on they have no commitment to you whatsoever you don't have time now there's certain people God assigns you to help and get up but when you talk now that's a mission that's part of your assignment that's part of your garden but your friends it's got to be committed to a long lasting long-term friendship okay what's this please hear this now if you don't do that you'll get hurt by a lot of folk because you let a lot of temporary mentalities that you're trying to pour yourself into get into you and then after a while you get angry now when you get angry if you a daddy in front of anger you get danger you in a dangerous position when you're angry y'all will be alright next my friends must have Empire's EMP IRAs in their brains that must that means they got to be a dreamer they're gonna have big dreams in their head ain't nothing like setting up with your friend talking about possibilities just sit up instead of talking about folk get on the phone imagine what's gonna happen when we does such such shall I was laying up at the prayer and talking today and boy imma but you can you and y'all just get all excited and you start seeing progress see what causes us to get the press as we talk to dead-end folk you you invite people in your space to suck you out and then you wonder why you ain't got no energy you need folk that you know o magnify the Lord with me let us exalt his name and I just I need to talk about you know I'm child imma have a salon in every state [Applause] I'm gonna have hairstyle day ain't seat yet [Applause] why did getting the hair done to get the feet done I mean dream why did air get in the head then i'ma have a finance course online cheese now to pay for them higher price hairstyles I mean when you get with dream well yeah there is a certain people you can get around to just make you excited you need to get around you know there's a lot of times I hang be with John Maxwell John Maxwell seem like he just never I'm be tryna I'll be trying to test them I mean she wears guy how you doing yeah I mean I mean he is just always pumped I'm he blows me away I asked dr. Chen does he ever get depressed he hangs around folk that talked the same talk and you don't need a little mind you'll need a Pina head and since I'ma be with you a long time I need somebody to just keep on dreaming got imagination and you gotta have somebody who will understand your Empire and what I mean by that you talking your Empire they're talking there so while they're working or why they're whatever they saw a book they saw this they saw that that relates to the other come rented I found something for you I found something now that's a friend that's somebody I was talking some I got a car for you I got something you know I found this foot that's somebody's helping you build your empire then just sitting there so they don't never bring you a book or nothing caring about you you're not running all them people all day and ain't nobody said nothing about my Empire you ain't my friend I'll be bringing you stuff all the time every time I go I'm talking about you and your empire bringing you stuff you'll bring me nothing you gotta have somebody you can articulate you know I'm invent a new cake they just start talking all right no see my friend must be a sower s Oh wer must be must be a giver don't spend time with stingy people sowing is how you reach someone it causes you to stretch now let me give you a little test and I know you got an empire mine friend but they don't have Empire money right now now if your friend is telling you when I get some money i'ma get you some [Applause] and they got fits in their pocket it won't get you a quarter if they have $50 they're gonna give you 25 that they have 500,000 ain't gonna get it ain't about the amount it's about the heart and if they won't share now they ain't gonna share when they get anymore so don't fool yourself now if you sitting next to them lifelong friends and they stand you just look at them and tell them to break the curse right now let me hold something so right here stretch this is your opportunity let me hold some [Applause] d my friend must qualify qualified to receive my seed look they don't be throwing your seed around the folk who don't qualify for it have you ever noticed you got folks you waste words with they're not qualifing you hell to get your words you don't studied you have done this gift then go listen how many times I done told you they won't sit on the phone with you and talk hours and this and that and you'll give them advice and they won't do it and then they want to talk more hang up they're not qualified to receive your seed your word has to be respected and then don't take my money and waste it preach on that next my friend must value integrity above relationship in other words they need to value God's Word more than relationship and at the same time with love be strong enough to correct me when I'm wrong everybody has weak moments and and that's the reason why you need a friend that's strong because they're gonna have weak moment when you having a weak moment they got integrity they gonna not say all just go ahead and give in no they're gonna help you no you don't need to do that look here I may help you that's wrong and if you keep doing that then I'm going to cut you something because that's wrong and I don't care if you get mad at me and don't speak to me again I got some integrity and I'm not just gonna do anything to be in relationship with you anybody's gonna do anything to be in relationship with you you need to get away from finally my friends must be willing to confront my enemies I need somebody that I walk with that will stand up for me when I'm not around [Applause] silence is agreement and so when your friend comes back and said Charlie we're talking about you let me tell you what they said stop them and say what did you say because I've had somebody come to me and said they were talking about you and under that another that and then they said hold it for you say something and say I fixed it that what they said to me I fixed you ain't gotta say nothing and I need ask him what they say he said no word I fixed it dangle say nothing else now that's a friend and when you got folk again who come telling you what folks say but they didn't say nothing you got the question now I'd give that out to a lot of people that sheet and tell me if you gonna dis what you got to qualify with and I'd be watching now it took Jesus three years to call his disciples friends do not use that term lightly and let me backtrack a moment and I'm through God separates us and every separation there's a revelation about your inheritance and your destiny okay he's moving you every time he brings you out to take you in so if you're coming out some get excited I'm about to go in something he's about to tell me something and that soothes the pain of separation because what he's gonna tell you is so big and so if you if you're not depressed and you lift your head up he's got something else to tell you and even if it looks like somebody got over on you they didn't get over on you they actually helped position you and now you're able to walk stronger and stand taller okay now sunday morning i'm gonna talk about separation from money and i'm gonna go into that does not take it away from me is to get more to you okay now I want it was this alright tonight yeah come on stand where you are come on bless God and stand where you are now yes I want to close praise team y'all come on a single mouth now if you don't know Christ as your personal Savior now there was a blank sheet of paper again I was handing to you if you got a question that you want me to address on this issue this issue write it down put it in a bucket and we'll deal with two or three of them right at the beginning next Tuesday night okay and the handout is also online with the answer so you can go on our website and pick that up due to all of you by way of streaming faith if you're not saved very quickly I'm gonna ask that you would come from where you are if you're not saved this is your moment of separating yourself from the world and bringing yourself into the glorious kingdom of God and if you don't have a church home and you know that you I've been called and I'm your pastor wherever you are I'm gonna ask that you would come wherever you are right now very quickly wherever quickly I want to be in order I want to do the things that God has ordained I want to move in it wherever you are wherever you are wherever you are salvation and church membership salvation church membership don't be afraid don't be afraid step out step out step out step out step out step out I know there's somebody in here and I'm waiting come on I see you coming see you coming see you coming see you come and see you coming come come come come come come come come come come come come come come come come come come come tap your neighbor on the shoulder ask him are you supposed to be coming just let's check them real quick all right we're not gonna belabor this all right do me this real quick favor grab somebody but don't stretch across out don't stretch girl grab the hand grab a hand father I pray your strength and anyone that has to deal with a difficult separation that you spoke directly to them they have the grace to move in that God we move in divine obedience and we thank you for this night we thank you for this moment we thank you for this empowerment I thank you for the privilege for me and my wife to have to be with such a great people let them realize how favored they are how loved they are how mighty they are destroy every limited boundary in their spirit in mind move them into a greater language of the direction they're going no more wasted years you've come that we would have life and have it more abundantly we receive that life in Jesus name hug five folk before you get up out of here tell them you love them god bless you go in peace Oh [Music] [Music] no bounds should I see Lars don't limit our no boundaries I see it
Channel: michael enjoy life green
Views: 28,078
Rating: 4.6125002 out of 5
Id: 4ELF4herGKQ
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 76min 3sec (4563 seconds)
Published: Mon Jun 11 2018
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