Birth To Death Of Barbie In Real Life

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I adopted Barbie in real life and it gets emotional you're having contractions we need to go to the hospital no I need to get this part here it is the last one I was gonna get that from my granddaughter she's sick you know what you can have it no you can take it thank you okay now I'm gonna get some help ma'am I need you to stay calm and give me three big pushes Are you delivering I used to be one two three oh what's her name Emma who wants to take this Barbie home you adopt her and she'll always be there for her thank you I couldn't find anything is this Emma Emma meet your dad and this is Barbie you did this by yourself no the lady helped deliver her for me what lady lady right where'd she go one year old okay Emma Happy First Birthday birthday yeah yeah happy birthday I have a very special gift for you it's a Barbie your very first Barbie yes and when I had you I had gotten this Barbie right before can you believe it do you love Barbie okay Princess Emma I have something very special for you Fortune so if anything happens to Mommy and Daddy you get to keep the key why don't you keep this for now there's one more huge surprise upstairs I just want to make sure it's set up so I'll call you when it's ready okay it's way right here be right back you're one years old already Emma it's gonna be so excited when she sees this Emma's gonna love the secret dollhouse that we built for her [Music] who was that Emma hey wake up wake up wake up wake up wake up your mom has no pause no okay [Music] seven years old class you are here at detention which means you did something bad before we get to working I want you to each let me know why you are here starting with you miss Emma someone tried to take my Barbie I just wanted it back I heard about that altercation there is no reason to get physical yes Sophia I'm here because I personally think Barbie dolls should not be allowed at an elementary school they're literally for babies and nerds that's an opinion not the reason you're in detention Connor I'm here because I was defending my friend Emma I would do anything for her this isn't fair life's not fair [Applause] to take this you guys open your books start working this is detention looks like there's no teacher here to save you nerd girl hey give my Barbie back all you've got is this dumb Barbie give it to me why should I hey you're not supposed to call me I have detention right now sure I'd love to have a date in the library it's not even like this Barbie can help you make friends I gotta go I'll text you okay give me my doll bag girls girls what is going on have a seat in your desk what is happening Sophia took my Barbie doll and she won't give it back did not it just fell on the floor so I picked it up for her that's not what happened Emma you need to stop bringing that Barbie doll to class Sophia give her back her doll fine it's not like this doll's gonna bring your mom back hey Emma detention is not done YouTube start studying and working I gotta take care of this Emma Emma you cannot just leave the tension Sophia's so mean to me she makes fun of my clothes and everything I do and if I don't bring this doll to school I don't know what I'm gonna do listen Emma I know losing your mom was tough but a doll's not gonna make anything better I wish it could hey kids get back to work it's not fair I can't bring you to school near all I have left in my mom okay what's this I'll come to life and be your best friend but once I find your true love my time as a human comes to an end I wish you could come to life but you can't you're just a Barbie [Music] hello Emma Barbie are you real I think so yeah yes I am the note worked no I'll come to life and be your best friend but once I find you true love my time as a human come to an end come on I have to show you to my dad dad [Music] this is Barbie hi Barbie hello isn't Emma the best it's pretty great dad can you please get ice cream I don't know I don't think now's a good time please what's ice cream it's a yummy cold dessert with so many different flavors that sounds delicious see that Barbie hasn't had me please please okay everybody in the car yay you're gonna love ice cream Barbie I can't wait I'm so excited listen Emma I have a lot of work I need to get done but I'm doing this for you look out Barbie are you okay I think so what was that I think we were in a car accident are you okay dad dad dad dad dad he's not breathing we need to call 9-1-1 [Music] I'm really sorry about what happened to your dad I just can't believe he's gone I won't let anything happen to you I promise we're both here for you looks like you have no parents now what are you even doing here this is for friends and family only who are you you look like that stupid doll she used to carry around don't listen to her your dad gave you you're wearing it it's your family fortune I give it all to happen back [Music] I'm Barbie yes and this is the birth to death of Barbie program I didn't think being Barbie was gonna be this emotional emotional well you have to find Emma true love to pass this program okay exam fam make sure that you are subscribed we just hit 40 million subscribers and I'm getting ready to do a huge giveaway do it now 13 years old 98.99 a hundred hairbrush nothing so Emma I was thinking after school today you and I could go get ice cream I actually can't today I have to go hang out with friends you've been hanging out with friends all week I know I've just been super busy is it just me or does it feel like Emma's lying to Rebecca you mean Barbie it's okay you're popular and that is a great thing especially if I'm supposed to find you true love go ahead hang out with your friends maybe we can do it this weekend I have to head to school I'll see you bye Barbie bye you know what maybe I can surprise her after school and invite all of her friends to ice cream great idea Barbie Emma Sophia Connor you three have been in detention all week Emma she's in detention what's going on I'm not gonna be friends with her until she stops making fun of my friends you mean that weird girl that dresses like a Barbie she's not weird and her name is Barbie whatever nerd she sent attention because she was defending me besides her Emma has no friends from her friend shut up nerd hey the neighbor boy's a nerd she should not hang out with him you three need to get along you're gonna keep coming into detention until you get along I get back to work foreign she's taking Emma's backpack you're 14. aren't you too old for Barbie coloring books what happened Emma just hit me your mom she's getting bullied if our other friends were here this would not be happening I need to talk to the principal principal Keeling it's Kenly I knew I can once anyways I'm here to discuss Emma who's in detention right now and she is getting bullied wait who are you again I'm Emma's Guardian I'm Barbie so anyways like I said she's getting bullied and I think you need to do something about it if it's in detention the teachers will handle that okay you know what this would not be happening if all of her friends were there if Emma's friends were here yes Emma's birthday is tomorrow I'll just invite all of her friends and surprise her you know what could I have the class list with all of their names and numbers if you say so send perfect she's gonna be so surprised even though you cannot help with detention you are going to make her surprise party the most epic birthday ever thank you so much oh no Barbie I mean Rebecca thinks she's doing something nice for Emma this is not gonna end well have a Barb tastic day are we talking about the same Emma I thought Connor was her only friend Emma wake up happy 14th birthday s make a wish before you eat this I have a huge surprise for you downstairs really yeah let's go you have to keep your eyes closed oh I can't see that's the point what is it Barbie you have to tell me you can open your eyes [Music] yeah we are having an epic pool party and I invited your entire class all of them yes all of your friends I finally get to meet all of your friends happy birthday Emma Barbie I'm not so sure about this they should be here by now but they're probably running a little bit late why don't we just take the cake I want them to see this entire spread this is for you so let's just wait till they get here Barbie no one's coming what are you talking about nobody got no friends none they all hate me and they think I'm weird I can't no but but she's been hanging out with all of her friends I'm sorry I was at chess appreciation Club but I got her this I know how much she likes Barbie oh yeah can you leave it there I'll be back feel free to take a cupcake I was right she was lying she has no friends why are you so happy about that at least the neighbor boy Connor is nice to her hey Emma I'm sorry I told you I had friends I don't want you to not like me I like you no matter what I'm here because of you and besides I have to find you true love true love I'm not even popular you're right it would be so much easier if you were popular I am Barbie and there is one thing I know and that is how to be popular do you trust me what's Barbie gonna do to her do you think she'll be able to find true love thank you that's Emma Emma you look glamtastic really I am positive you will now become the most popular girl in school step one of finding true love and I almost forgot you need your backpack and your little backpack is that a Louis Vuitton everyone is going to die when they see this now go have the best day ever at class bye bye bye she looks gorgeous I did good [Music] [Applause] look at their reactions hey Emma hey is that a Louis Vuitton backpack yeah it is do you want to get ice cream after school sure I don't like where this is going can I come no it's working that girl that used to bully her now wants to get ice cream with her one step closer to finding true love high five Barbie 18 years old this prom dress is so cute oh my gosh it's so fantastic no wait the bully and her are best friends she must be really popular and this one oh my God I love that one that would look so good on you but it's two thousand dollars who cares Emma I can make that dress for one-fourth of the cost really uh-huh anyways speaking of prom who do you want to go to prom with I don't know but as long as he's popular I think I know someone who wants to ask you to prom really is it Connor Barbie can you get us two Cokes and a glass bottle like now Emma actually that sounds good if you don't mind Barbie yeah so go on sure Emma thanks so anyways you should totally get that two thousand dollar dress you think yeah it looks so good it's super cute okay my mom just texted me I probably have to call her back okay foreign might be popular but she is horrible I must have it but if this doesn't work we'll just go to plan B either way we'll get our family's Fortune I gotta go that boy's not her best friend she's trying to steal her family's Fortune but the bigger question is who is she talking to did I just hear that correctly is Sophia her best friend trying to steal her family fortune I know I didn't like her I need to let Emma know okay Connor hey what did your mom say you know moms anyways well here you go Emma and Sophia here are your Cokes oh we don't eat those anymore Emma I have to tell you something what is it Emma I have a surprise does it have to do with prom uh-huh it's right outside don't worry close your eyes Okay um Emma oh no I'm gonna have to tell her after this are you ready yeah three two one wait you gonna follow me Ryan yes [Music] she's going to prom her necklace is gone Sam fam was it there earlier go back and look I'm so excited I'm so excited I think we're gonna be prom king and queen I'm pretty sure so much this is so cool I have to go get my dress code she's going to prom with the most popular boy and she's one step closer to finding true love but now I have to tell her that her best friend is trying to steal her family fortune oh my gosh I cannot believe that Ryan asked me to come thank you so much Sophia Emma I have something to tell you Sophia is trying to steal your family fortune huh look your key it's gone Sophia I would never I heard her talking to someone on the phone her plan was to take your family fortune this whole time Barbie's just trying to sabotage us because we're friends she's just jealous no I'm not jealous I just want to save Fortune Barbie's just trying to set me up maybe she stole it what I would have never Emma no way that's not true is it let's check your purse fine Emma to prove to you that I wouldn't never feel it look lip gloss powder What Barbies how could you Barbie did it there's no way I would literally you put it in there I'm just glad you know the truth now well I'll see you at prom the bully totally set her up I just don't know how Emma you have to trust me I would never do that to you I would never steal your family fortune then how was it in your purse Barbie you tried to steal my family fortune no I would never please don't come to prom you're joking we've been dreaming about this about this life true love you can leave I need some time alone please Barbie Emma I would never leave oh no Rebecca has to do something but she's not allowed to go to prom what do you think she's gonna do I had to improvise Plan B will happen at prom did you hear that what is Plan B I know that Emma does not want me to go to prompt but I have to protect her so I just have to figure out a way to get to prom without her knowing a disguise well what's the opposite of Barbie [Music] it looks like Wednesday Barbie is going to prom it's Wednesday you know I'm pretty sure prom's on a Friday or Saturday no Barbie is Wednesday I said go away Barbie corner Connor what are you doing hi Emma hey I thought you might want some ice cream I love ice ice cream if you went to prom with me oh that's really nice but Ryan already asked me the popular guy yeah I thought he's he's what a nice guy because he is okay look I'm sorry um this is really nice but you can keep it you've been a really great friend but I can take care of myself now I'll guess I'll see you around see you around foreign Emma has no idea that it's me I'll go get us some drinks thanks perfect thank you I heard you're gonna be prom queen I need to fix my hair I'll be right back Sophia Plan B is all set I made sure she's gonna be prom queen soon we'll have her Fortune meet me by the bathrooms later who is she talking to she has a plan set up to steal a fortune but I don't know who she's working with who is that Connor her next door neighbor has been betraying her this whole time get off me Barbie you're working with Sophia distill her family fortune how could you I don't know I would never do that to Emma I heard everything I would never do that to her but I think I knew who is follow me do you think he's telling the truth Sam fam I don't know but I have to find out I'm gonna go use the bathroom real fast I'll be here okay foreign do you remember the plan yeah Ryan's working with stuff I knew it I took the crown in this the second she puts it on her head Emma and hello Fortune I think we're gonna poison her when she becomes prom queen then there's still her Fortune which is gonna be ours babe what are you doing we need proof what you're gonna see us guys I thought Ryan was our true love I mean he's the most popular but I guess it doesn't work like that in the real world I really hope this plan works out because I can't afford to lose Emma it's time to announce this year's prom king and queen this year's King is Ryan out of my head and this year's prom queen is Emma oh can I Crown her absolutely thank you oh careful the Craig Fortune Barbie I told you not to come to prom not only are they trying to steal your family fortune they are a couple that's so not true and you have no proof actually I do they were kissing earlier when you were in the bathroom Sophia Brian and yeah this is the poison that they dipped the crown in how could you I'll take that and I'll take you to the authorities young man I'm so sorry I'm so sorry about how I treated you you're the only real friend I have you're my only real friend to Emma I love you I love you Barbie now let's get out of here okay it's not so bad [Music] Connor okay young lady you're in a lot of trouble you were never the most popular anyway you don't deserve that fortune I do she was never your friend she was just a bully do you mind if I talk to him of course not I'm really sorry about how I treated you you've always been there for me and you're my true love Barbie oh no what's happening to Barbie wait do you know the note say something when Emma opened it as a kid that's why I fulfilled my purpose you 've hunt your love I'm so happy for you goodbye Emma thank you you are my best friend and I don't know what I'm gonna do without you it's gonna be okay I'm here for you thanks [Music] I beat the program that didn't end like I thought it would zamfam what's the clue Maddie here it is find laptop on Warehouse room zamfam click and watch this video right here add this clue to that one so we can figure out how to stop whoever's doing this are you okay Matt yeah this just hits different being a girl's ass come on
Channel: Rebecca Zamolo
Views: 7,863,579
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: birth, to, death, barbie, adopted, in real life, Rebecca, matt and rebecca, Rebecca Zamolo, matt, rebecca, ben azelart, Lexi Rivera, Brent Rivera, lexi hensler, pierson, sofie dossi, kat hixson, MrBeast, Faze Rug, Carter Sharer, Dhar Mann, Alexa rivera, troom troom, 123go, royalty family, lankybox, sssniperwolf, Jordan Matter, Anazala family, Zadie
Id: qEyVJn69Qog
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 22min 12sec (1332 seconds)
Published: Sun May 21 2023
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