Birth to Death of a Dancer in Real Life

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Jennifer is the first Black Swan to ever be cast while pregnant [Music] what a talent she makes pregnancy look easy my water broke the baby's coming is there a doctor in the house baby's coming are you ready we got one more big push are you ready three two one foreign [Applause] ladies and gentlemen we've just made history with the first live stage first performance yet one year old you're my little birthday girl ballerina today do you know that Mommy was the Black Swan before she had you maybe one day you'll be the Black Swan let's play and up it's looking good yeah I think it's time to celebrate the birthday girl oh yeah celebration you ready Rebecca you know what let me Crack dad probably some more sweet [Music] looks like another birthday kit happy birthday from Nina oh red velvet cupcake she knows how much I love these that was nice of her look what Nina sent Nina sent these I thought she didn't like you well apparently she does because I'm pretty sure those are for me all this amazing food that we have for Rebecca's birthday I know I can't believe how many people said trees okay he's up he's up it is now time to celebrate the birthday girl Rebecca happy birthday to you happy birthday to you now make a wish Rebecca birthday dear Rebecca here you go [Applause] now maybe we give you a little taste oh what's going on are you okay I can't feel my legs hello my hi mom he locked you even his legs so you're saying he might not be able to walk again I'm so sorry but all of our tests show that he is not going to regain his ability to walk we've tried everything but there's just so much nerve damage did you eat something weird I mean it was a birthday party they're a lot of stuff and people were are sending sweets I think you eat a little bit of a lot of things I mean it looks like we can trace it to a food item that he ate caused some sort of nerve damage in his body but we don't know what he exactly ate we can't pinpoint the food they're just sweets that doesn't make sense okay it's okay at least it was me I mean good thing it didn't happen to you you can still dance seven years old now now girls hands on the bar arms out long necks shoulders down excellent and side tandoos tondu tondu Batman as high as you can excellent if you keep training you both will be able to get into the Academy I want to be the Black Swan like you well technically Rebecca I wasn't officially the Black Swan I had to stop my debut early because you came a little bit early which is why I'm training again so I can officially become the Black Swan are you afraid you're gonna get hurt like the other blacks ones did what happened oh okay enough listen Rebecca nothing is going to happen to me just keep training everything's gonna be okay and you are going to get an academy we're both gonna have our dreams come true so let's get back to work girls saitan dues again let's see those excellent just on Jennifer I'm Jennifer what are you doing here this is my room I booked for me I booked the room for my daughter and her best friend to train and we have 15 more minutes you're training them there's no way those girls are getting into the academy the only girl that's getting into the academy is my daughter there's only one person here that's gonna be the Black Swan and it's gonna be me yeah your room's over here I guess you did have the wrong space okay well bye your kids aren't getting in who's that that is Natalie's mom Natalie's a boy seems like your mom is too okay girls enough enough let's get back to focusing on ballet and those Plies you guys have not done Plies so let's see some Plies yeah remember you've got to stay focused to be a good ballerina all right I'll be right back you guys keep going keep going I'm watching you even when I'm not where'd she just go I don't know I'll be back wait but are we supposed to be doing Plies Rebecca what are you doing I told you to do Plies with your best friend Lily I wanted to make sure you were okay I am okay I was just doing a little work to make sure that I'm safe when I'm a Black Swan okay I love you no matter what happens I'll Always Love Academy or not 10 years old I can't believe you're the Black Swan mom my dreams are finally coming true and you got into the academy our dreams are coming true you're gonna do a great job you couldn't be more proud thank you guys yeah congrats on being the black fun break a leg Rebecca you gotta go out to the audience okay okay you got this thank you this is it [Music] [Applause] [Applause] [Music] mom hey wake up [Music] thank you everyone for coming here today Jennifer love the stage our daughter Rebecca would say a few words my mom is the best mom ever she taught me how to dance she always comforted me when I was sad we had so much fun together and I'm gonna miss you because you were the best mom ever and I don't think I could ever do ballet again without you [Music] 18 years old five six seven eight Rebecca Lily what are you doing here who's Lily Lily is my friend since childhood my childhood best friend I'm here to convince you to come back to the academy with me wait oh what Academy the Ballet Academy Rebecca's an amazing ballerina just like her mom you do ballet I did ballet a long time ago I don't do ballet anymore you know what happened to my mom I'm A hip-hop dancer now come on Rebecca Natalie's gonna be the Black Swan and she is so horrible she's bullying everyone Natalie yeah Nina's daughter yeah you're the only one who can stop her you have to come back with me please I I don't think I can just come with me just see how it looks you don't have to make any decisions I gotta go I'm so sorry but I'll be back soon this won't take long okay Lily let's do this thank you practice without me what do we do now I guess we'll figure it out with just us two wow I haven't been here in forever yeah it looks pretty much the same we got new lockers oh new lockers so what do you think I think they're lockers Natalie always tries to take this one but there's no names on them they're for anyone why did you bring me here Lily I really wanted you to see how awful Natalie is but also what because of that the yellow door my mom used to go in there she's the only one who knows the four digit code I'm not sure if you knew it no I didn't know it so no one's been in there since no and I think if we can get in there we can finally see that Nina killed all the black swans you see Nina it's the reason my mom died yeah and we can get justice for all of them hurry hide Natalie's coming foreign that's Natalie Nina's daughter I haven't seen her since I was 10 years old there's no chance you're gonna be the Black Swan that part is mine are you so mean to me I can't help it I said nothing to you but just your face is so big in fact you're actually ruining the equipment though really was right she is a bully well there is no way I'm laying her bully my best friend that is completely unnecessary Rebecca what are you even doing here you're not part of the academy well I'm making sure that my best friend is okay and isn't getting bullied which clearly she is um it's not bullying if it's telling the truth you know I was here to watch my best friend Natalie but now I have a new agenda I'm gonna be the Black Swan you can't be the Black Swan you're not even part of the academy your chances are like basically zero sound a little afraid Natalie me afraid well then I guess I'll see you at tryouts bye what are you smiling about okay Mom I can't believe I'm gonna do this I never thought I'd be able to do ballet after what happened to you but I'm gonna do it I'm gonna find out what happened to you the Black Swan outfit this is the crown she wore huh ballet shoes she wore these all the time they fit hey guys is everything all right yeah why'd you call us here I have something to tell you guys I think I'm gonna try to join the Ballet Academy what yo that's exciting me you can follow your mom's footsteps yeah except I have to get into the academy first I was hoping you guys could help me of course like we got you I heard the academy is really hard to get into so if you want to stand out you got to do something different I think we're gonna have to add a hip-hop Flair to the ballet exactly I like that so clear and releve I think we gotta make it a little groovier yeah yeah let's go oh I like that nice what do you think of my air vest nice but let's add some hip-hop to it okay so how about an Airbus and then moonwalk oh oh my gosh [Music] [Applause] [Music] yeah thank you guys so much now you just have to get into the academy yeah up next auditioning for the Academy is Rebecca you got this Rebecca [Music] [Music] that was different but in a good way you took valet and added hip-hop which keeps it fresh and we need that around here welcome to the academy really yes Academy like everybody else but you're never gonna be the Black Swan yes I am but more importantly you have to figure out how to get in that yellow door 21 years old if we still don't know who the Black Swan is we don't know but it's down to the three of us so I'm pretty sure you and I both still have a shot what is it I don't know this she's been it's a four digit code do you think that's the code to the yellow door it might be my mom hit it in her shoe it's been hiding this whole time I had no idea we can get in there we might have evidence that Nina and Natalie are behind all of us all of the black swans disappearing that's dying hi how many times have I had to tell you don't put your water bottle in my locker or you'll regret it okay I hate it fighting are you girls no no Miss Olga okay let's go it's time for rehearsal hey move let's do this five six seven eight three eight and up three and back Crown bow bow finale Miss Olga I don't feel good can I take a break for a second quickly I'm gonna check on her just two minutes okay they are so not dedicated what's wrong are you okay I don't know what happened I just drank the water from the water bottle do you think she did something to my water bottle I don't know I have to go to the bathroom oh no go back to rehearsal okay I'm sorry Lily she actually do something to Lily's water she's not getting away with this insecure about being a ballerina you have to do something to someone's water I don't know what you're talking about oh and I'm sure you don't know anything about what happened to the black swans either okay I have nothing to do with the fact that all the black swans are dead including your mom you did not just say that tell me what happened to my mom I don't know you're just jealous because you'll never be the Blackstone Natalie you deserve to die just like your mom that is it cool off Natalie Rebecca I need to speak to you she's trying to sabotage every ballerina just like she did all the black swans she just lost her mother a year ago so maybe a little empathy she lost her mom a year ago I didn't know that if the two of you weren't the two best ballerinas in this Academy I would kick you both out but for now go cool off ah my sweater the code to the yellow or who would have taken it Natalie girls I would like to congratulate all of you you've trained very hard but there can only be one Black Swamp and that is Rebecca oh no way I've been training way too hard and I'm not gonna be a white swan again what you know how Natalie never wants anyone going in her locker yeah well I went in and get what I found what your sweater four digit code to the yellow door I knew she took it which means that now we can go in the yellow room and finally get Justice for the black swans eight two four six I finally get to see what my mom's big secret was oh it's a detective board it looks like your mom was trying to figure out who was doing all this those are all the black swans that died a question mark there's an arrow Nina it's Natalie's mom my mom thinks she's behind all these Black Swan murders this is the evidence Rebecca look Dear Mother I promise to carry on what you have done those are pictures of me mother who's mother Natalie Natalie to her mother Nina she's the one carried it on and these are pictures of me which means especially now that I'm the Black Swan she is after me this makes so much sense do you remember when she got you sick with the water bottle yeah she's the one who took my sweater got the code she's been the only one that's been able to be inside of here well if I'm the next Target then we have to figure out a plan to stop Natalie especially if you are the Black Swan great job Lily thank you oh man I'm so nervous I've trained my whole life to be the Black Swan and now it's finally here don't be nervous just stick to the plan stick to the plan so I can stay safe and remember your mom is watching you please welcome to the stage Rebecca you're up [Music] foreign [Music] [Music] the evidence says otherwise come on I'm so glad you're okay she almost used this on me [Music] thank you for keeping me safe and we finally now have Justice for my mom and all the other black swans you did it thank you so much Lily for setting up this tea party you know how much I love them we have to celebrate you being the Black Swan the Black Swan and US solving the mystery of what happened to the other black swans so that it doesn't happen again Cheers Cheers um so good how's your tea Rebecca I have not even tried it yet oh you know I love some tea at my tea party um that's weird my throat's like drying up or something are you okay I don't know drink some more tea it might help you feel better yeah no it's getting worse I'm losing feeling it feels like tingling in my body I I think you should call 9-1-1 it's not gonna happen then the cops would know who put the poison are you doing I thought we were best friends ever since I was a little girl when I saw what Natalie's mom did to your mom I've been wanting to do the same thing I saw how much my mom loved you what are you talking about to kill all the black swans I'm the only ones standing in my way were you in that it all started when I convinced you to come back to the academy and then I could start my elaborate plan to frame Natalie you framed Natalie I put my water bottle in her locker and then when I saw that you got the code I knew I had to have it so I pretended to be sick and I framed Natalie for doing it so Natalie didn't take the code and when I finally got inside I saw all that Nina had done and I decided to take it a step further by doing what to make it seem like Natalie had done it all but the knife stage put the knife in her locker and of course she thought it was you and when the cops came that sealed the deal so so she went to jail for a crime she didn't commit that's right you two were the only ones standing in my way of becoming the Black Swan and now the only one standing in my life is you or was you [Music] I did it I completed the birth to death of a dancer program but you didn't pass it you didn't find out who the real killer was before you died which means that you have to do a punishment Sam fam we need you to comment which punishment you want Rebecca to do no you guys Zambian please be nice comment something really good I'm gonna say cut your hair no start now
Channel: Rebecca Zamolo
Views: 11,330,835
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: birth, death, dancer, in real life, Rebecca, matt and rebecca, Rebecca Zamolo, matt, rebecca, ben azelart, Lexi Rivera, Brent Rivera, Jeremy Hutchins, lexi hensler, pierson, andrew davila, dom brack, sofie dossi, kat hixson, amp, Logan Wodzynski, MyLifeAsEva, MrBeast, Faze Rug, Alex Warren, Lizzy Capri, Carter Sharer, Dhar Mann, Alexa rivera, troom troom, 123go, royalty family, lankybox, sssniperwolf
Id: 590w5AQ6c0s
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 21min 17sec (1277 seconds)
Published: Wed Nov 02 2022
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