Birth To Death of a SPOILED BRAT

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this is birth to death of billionaire and it gets emotional Recca Rebecca top designer Katarina is releasing her new jewelry line at 9 months pregnant it's going to be even bigger than the one before the water broke the baby's coming that's going to be the richest baby in the world we need to get your DMO out of the way come on inside driver to the hospital hey don't worry we're almost in the hospital baby's coming now okay just one more big push here com it's a beautiful baby girl Rebecca she's beautiful Becca really is the perfect name I love her so much I can't wait to give her the world sir let me I'm sorry you can't cross this line what happened I'm their Butler none of them made it out alive except the baby baby we also found this that was their mother's I'm sorry for your loss oh baby Rebecca I'm so sorry I'm going to adopt you and the maid and I are going to take great care of you happy second Birthday Rebecca shall we go play with your toys let's go play with your toys this is impossible if we keep giving her exactly what she wants she's going to turn into a I'm not going to say it it's her birthday every day is her birthday you promised me we would raise her to be a well-rounded child now don't be careful with that we kind of went a little overboard on the gifts didn't we she deserves every single one of them there's no reason for a baby to have a designer purse especially when they do that okay be careful oh my goodness watch out watch out what did you just do ow fire fire I've raised you since you were born go away fine I'll leave but I hope that Butler right there makes sure that you're not spoiled 12 years old I can't believe it's been 10 years since they died I wish I would have known them all I know is that they were Rich speaking of parents left you this is it more money all I know it's something very special and you're old enough now to have it what's the password they told me the password was their parents most precious Jewel well then it has to be diamond ruby none of them work we don't have to open it now we'll try it later what's the point of a gift if you can't open it this is stupid and this place is boring shouldn't yell here I can yell if I want to why don't we head to the car and I'm going to take you shopping I love shopping doing my [Music] best TRL Miss yes keep them coming of course anything for our richest I mean best customer is there anything you're looking for where are the jackets oh our fur jackets are right over there our most expensive item I'll be right there to help you it's okay oh let me help you what a great choice it's made of real fur why don't you try it on there we go take a look I want it let me interest you in another F Co just as expensive I mean beautiful oh wow it really brings out your Pinko I'll get this one too $100,000 you know what I want a l of course you do right up is there anything else I can get you no unless you guys so private jets uh no unfortunately we are a clothing store it was so great scene just bag faster of course ew don't buy that one it's from last season oh I wasn't going to my parents said we can't afford to buy new clothes so I was just looking well I don't have that problem cuz I'm rich you are that's so cool I wish I was rich everybody does can I interest you in these sunglasses just throw them in of course here you you go thank you so much again for stopping by my Boutique see you again soon here okay ew I can't possibly wear that now it's t the floor we'll get it clean but it won't get the stench from the ground off of it I'll take it I I'm so sorry now take those back to the car and don't drop them of course so what was your name again Sophia I can work with that so you're rich and you have a butler I want to be just like you well you can't you can carry my bags for me oh my gosh this is your closet this is only half my wardrobe I need a new mansion for the rest wow you have Louis Vuitton Chanel I've never seen these in your life you don't have Chanel no my parents say it's too expensive I do anything to have a closet like this anything yeah why don't you go unpack my clothes [Music] [Applause] stop what what is that in your back pocket I don't know how that got there you said you do anything for a wardrobe like mine maybe even steel Rebecca no I thought we could be friends I didn't know you could be like this we are friends I didn't take this honest I'll do anything to make it up to you then cut your hair what you said you do anything so cut your hair and then maybe we could be best friends do you really want me to do this cut it thanks Sophia I forgive you now let's get out of here before you try to steal something else 16 years old Butler can I get some more fruit water my throat is so dry of course so Rebecca you know how my birthday is this weekend I thought it could be fun to do like a little birthday party or something your birthdays this weekend yeah and I've never actually had a birthday party so it could be really cool to actually have one I can't drink that with no straw my nails are wet my apologies that's good so about my birthday you know what crazy I was thinking about having a party this weekend you were yes I told you about it it must have slipped my mind probably cuz you're old and bald so you're thinking of throwing a party the same weekend as my birthday day yeah it's a good party weekend but it's my birthday I'm doing you a favor no one wants to come to your lame party I mean what are you even giving out in the gift bags candy maybe I'm giving Apple watches okay yeah that is obviously a lot better I know so you're welcome oh you missed a spot fix it sorry I'm just so tired from all the chores my mom makes me do don't bore me with your poor people problems sorry again okay so anyways my party needs to be epic we need valet catering a DJ why are you writing this down oh you want my help with this of course I'm not going to do the work I'm the boss you're the labor okay um I guess I'll go get some paper and we can start a list great hey do you have some paper and a pen apparently I'm planning Rebecca's party instead of my own birthday I'm sorry she could be bossy at times yeah she really should learn to be nicer to her friends you know one day she might not be rich anymore she missed another spot is she even a good friend Butler my throat's dry one more so Sophia how's the planning going for my big party about that uh I was hoping maybe you consider moving your party to a different weekend so we could celebrate my birthday instead it would mean a lot to me what are you talking about we already have the invitations made well maybe they could just come to my party no one wants to come to your poor person party you don't even have valet fine you know what just here's the catering Bell I need you to sign I'm tired to read this take it okay oh sorry don't be sorry I'm happy to bump in you hey Jason are you coming to my party this weekend sounds fun are you going Sophia only if she passes out the invitations so uh chip chop anyways I am so excited that you're coming to my party it's going to be incredible especially with you there I'll be [Music] there Okay Sophia is everything ready of course this is going to be such a memorable night it always is our first guest is here okay everyone place is Jason oh nice place I know right hey Sophia do you want to go get a drink sure oh my gosh do you want to see what's in the gift bags uh sure come on open it oh my gosh it's a brand new Apple watch yeah the deluxe version with a goldplated band that's so cool I bought one for everyone uh excuse me ma'am who are you and why are you talking to me your credit C defin what that's impossible I'm a billionaire not according to the bank okay you know what just give me a sec to clear this up Butler breaking news billionaire Rebecca's now broke what okay team pull everything back This Woman's tooo poor to pay for the party wait stop this isn't right no this has to be a mistake I'll look right into this well we also have to settle the matter of the delivery fee delivery fee second page bottom I didn't realize delivery was that expensive uh Jason uh I'm going to need that watch back no way this was a gift you can't take it back just until I get things figured out guys guys it looks like Rebecca's party is a nogo I'm having kind of a small get together at my place if you want to come Sophia no one wants to go to your dumb party I do uh Rebecca I'd invite you but it seems like you got a lot to figure out are you no you guys come back this is just a big mistake it wasn't a mistake the bank account is empty and the house has been sold what what happened to my money you probably stole it what did you do with my money I would never do that what do we do now life is going to change for all of us we have to move into a smaller Mansion you're going to have to go to an orphanage but isn't that a place for poor kids with no parents I'm so sorry what's that that's the bus they're going to take you there now what no it's okay she's going to make a lot of new friends how am I supposed to beat this program if I'm broke this is birth to death of a billionaire you need to figure out how to become a billionaire hey and if I do zamfam one of you subscribers will win a brand new iPhone so make sure you're subscribed and later in this video I'll tell you how to win it I just don't know what I'm supposed to do I'm going to an orphanage okay he was joking there's no way it's a real orphanage welcome to your new home oh it's a real orphanage it smell in here you'll get used to it this is the girls room you'll be rooming with Kelsey uh do you think I could get something a little more private maybe with a better view sure and I'll send room service up later as well thank god oh you're joking Kelsey please show Rebecca the ropes I am so excited to have a new bunk mate I wish the feeling was Mutual here just this take this you can just leave my bags right there so how often do they change the sheets in beding we do all that and all the cleaning wait you don't have a maid of course not it's our job e gross it's not that bad let me show you around it's almost dinner time what oh this is where we eat and hang out you guys don't have a proper dining room this serves lots of purposes come on let's get some food no no I I'm not eating that it's this or nothing it's not that bad if you're hungry enough ew wasn't this food banned hi I'm Drew nice to meet you I'm sure it's nice for you to meet me you're funny so what do you guys like to do after dinner we do all the dishes and off the floors what no I am not doing that well you have to okay it is kind of rude to sneak up on people this is my orphanage and I can do as I please and you will do the chores like everyone else she's horrible at least she made the mush warm today look I'm not doing any chores I'm not eating this food and I'm not hanging out with poor people like you how is she going to beat this program I don't know I didn't build it who did Maddie she's just letting me run it right now the Box repair is left for her we didn't tell her maybe what's inside of that box is going to help her finish this program it is so cold I cannot feel my toes does anyone know how to make make a fire have you guys heard of a heater poor people even have heaters what are you doing the first night's the hardest I've been [Music] there thank [Music] you that was actually really nice she must want to steal my money but I don't have any money what braet my mom's bracelet thank God it's still here they're poor they must want something from you I should just stay away just in case they don't steal anything they can't take the bracelet no no you can't take me I'm not going I'm not going I'm not going Rebecca it's was just a nightmare oh no it's real good morning come on you got to get dress yes because today we're going to have some fun I thought all you guys did was clean nope we do other things too okay good cuz I could really use a shopping spree or spa day well we can't do those because it cost money but we have something even better even better I'm intrigued better maybe they're going to Disneyland we the Super Bowl this is what you do for fun just wait for it wait for it oh it's coming up now what this is your car but we get to wash it for $20 here you go hurry up we're going to lose a customer who's a customer you've got to be kidding [Music] me [Music] and it looks pretty done to me oh yeah oh $2 up top honestly that was pretty fun now we really have to get to work to work but wasn't wasn't that work that was for fun yeah what are you kidding me how is this birth to death program even supposed to end are you serious m didn't tell me just keep watching I can't believe you guys have to do tours at an orphanage and then wash cars to make extra money and then come and do a real job honestly working at a country club isn't that bad yeah at least we get to Pretend We're rich in dancing she's at a country club maybe she'll find a rich hug when I become a billionaire maybe she should just find the box that her pairs left for her but make sure to work hard otherwise the manager will flip out noted time to clean up by the way how long have you guys been at this orphanage few years so you knew your parents my mom yeah she was great I never met mine now I'm all alone you're not alone Kelsey looks like you missed us spot I think that's a stain oh no no you need to scrub harder ah no no no no no no I cannot see my reflection in this for start again what I just washed them they're clean if you're not careful I'll make you wash them three times you know we'll make sure they're spotless actually why don't you take out the trash he's horrible this is why we don't talk back it's what happens when you're poor well anyone can be poor at any time trust me which means theoretically they could become rich too we'll never get rich cleaning dishes well you have to start somewhere if I were Rich I'd buy a phone I would buy shoes that are actually my size okay those are not luxury items I'm going to help you two dream bigger but for now I got to take out the garbage oh oh I got this why don't you collect the dishes by the pool okay oh leave the chips Rebecca Sophia what happened to you you look terrible oh I just came you know to get a tan so why are you wearing That Hideous Polo oh uh because I played three rounds of golf earlier you know like rich people do so where are your golf clubs um they are back uh there's some gum on that chair that needs to be scraped off I'm sorry you work here oh manager it would just be the greatest Delight if Rebecca could serve me today well she's new but anything for our most favorite customer you now Sophia is our highest spending member she is single-handedly keeping this club open are we talking about the same Sophia listen if you do anything to upset her you're fired okay Rebecca would you be a deer and grab me sparkling water no ice of course that's so Sophia when did Sophia get money okay one water coming right up no ice here you go thank you [Music] MH that water was room temperature you said no ice I said cold cold without ice is it really that hard sorry I'll get you another one wait looks like I'll be needing more food I'll take two lobsters a steak you know what just give me two of everything it's not my money so then whose money is it it used to be your money but now it's my money you're the one that stole my money you gave it to me remember that vendor bill I gave you for the caterer well it was actually a contract for you to sign over your fortune to me we both know you didn't deserve any of it anyway I can't believe she stole off Rebecca's money do you think she has Rebecca's lock boox too no I don't think you know how these birth to death programs work I trusted you I thought we were friends but I'm rich now which is way better than having any friends well they're nice to have when you're not rich don't bother me with your poor people problems just go get my food did you hear how Sophia talked to me she was so mean don't bore me with your poor people problems sorry she said exactly what I used to say to her what if she's acting that way because of me you know what I think I can fix this here you go Sophia look I'm sorry I was mean I wasn't a good friend to you I don't know what you're trying to do but I'm not giving you your money back look I understand you not wanting to help me but my friends really need this job and the manager values your opinion so maybe you could just put in a good word for them fine manager thank you so much Sophia I owe you hi I'm so sorry to pull you away I just wanted to let you know that this employee here and her friends are the absolute worst employees I've ever seen in my life they trashed my seating area it's disgusting what no she's lying she did that oh you let her talk back to customers you think that's okay no no no no I will make sure she is disciplined Drew Kelsey get over here no no no no please I don't think that's enough listen their dirty poor faces are making me lose my appetite no now listen I can fire them I can fire all of them no will that okay we're really hard workers [Music] they oh he is not going to be happy about that what is wrong with you you're fired you're all fired get out of here I guess he does care about my opinion this isn't over Sophia but it is for you bye-bye if Rebecca doesn't become a billionaire the Zam fan will not win an iPhone subscribe I can't believe you all got fired I have never had this many orphans get fired at once it wasn't our fault we're so sorry Miss Burns please don't kick us out I won't but you will have double the chores until you get jobs and you can start by folding laundry that's not fair well you could thank Rebecca for that I'm so sorry you guys now we have to find new jobs who would even hire us yeah who would hire some some orphans what if we hire ourselves what if we start our own business you can't just start a business of course you can't what kind of business uh I don't know we do we have scissors I think so and then can you help me just take off all the clothes except the rags put them on the ground what are we doing I want you guys to cut the edges of each of these Rags Miss Burns is going to be so mad I have an idea so if we just cut these and then we tie them together voila we can create a jewelry line like this that's so cute now what we need to make a lot more [Music] and voila for a little good luck Rebecca are you sure isn't that charm bracelet like the last thing you have from your parents I know I lost their money their house even the lock box but I think using these charms is a great way to honor their memory and now we need to finish the rest of the line and get it out there but how are we going to afford more charms I can have that okay you have to stop scaring people I've been watching what you're up to and I actually think that your jewelry can be very powerful it can be if we can make enough to create a show well we have a fund for arts and crafts I think that would be suitable don't you why do you want to help us I know a good investment when I see one plus I have no use for the rags anymore I think we've got a show to put on let's keep going maybe the jewelry landine will work and she'll become a billionaire Rebecca needs to focus on finding her parents lock box can you just put me in uh Maddie didn't tell me how come [Music] on I think we're good I've never worn a soup before this is so cool you look great and so do you thank you this is an interesting piece how much Rebecca what are you doing here I'm launching my new jewelry line oh what is it jewelry for poor people actually it's jewelry for all people and actually we have a really important client coming oh right no I'm sure can't wait to watch cuz it's going to be very embarrassing for you don't listen to her Rebecca no I won't but this time I want you to say it to my face the client just got here good luck you're going to need it hi I'm Rebecca thank you so much for coming to our jewelry presentation nice to meet you as you know my mom was a famous jewelry designer and and I we decided to incorporate the charms from the past of her line mixed with what's most important to us friendship and a percentage of the proceeds go to orphanages around the world including ours that was very inspiring and I love all your jewelry I think we'd like to have your line in all of our stores how does a million dollars sound for our first order I think that that would be great that'd be a great start we'll be in touch thank you oh we just started Sophia the client obviously had horrendous taste a million dollars for this nobody's going to buy this job you ruined my life once and I'm not going to let you ruin it again oh no get her and then find that lock box I'll get security come on Rebecca don't I'm not going to let you ruin this come on get P Rebeca come on get your hands on our fashion this is not over God man are you okay I'm fine what the heck is her problem hey do not let her get to you we just made a million dooll deal you're right we did and we have a jewelry line to let's [Music] go wow this quiz is amazing it feels good to finally be home cheers to being the number one jewelry line in the entire world cheers Che wo congratulations to buying your house back I'm glad we can all be together she did it she became a billionaire why isn't the program over because there's only one thing left to do now what I've never had this much money in my entire life that's not saying much what should we do with all this money I'm going to buy a boat I'm going to buy a plane or maybe an island what about you Rebecca I kind of had this crazy idea but it's really expensive come here so what do you think absolutely oh yeah I'm so proud of us yay I'm going to go get some more cider cuz this is delicious it is crazy that you grew up here this place is huge yeah when I was a kid I took it for granted but now it's really the only thing that feels like home not even orphanage okay well some good came from that right well I'm going to unpack you enjoy the house dude I can't believe it I just made the biggest deal deal ever hey hey hey hey oh no someone took Drew don't have a good feeling about this this better be the group chat what someone took Drew I have to save him Drew Rebecca get out of here it's a trap he's right and you walked right into [Music] it Sophia you're the kidnapper you know what they say good friends are hard to find rich ones impossible okay no one says that look what do you want your money obviously you already took my money no you don't get it the money's gone your new jewelry line put your parents old jewelry line out of business they don't have any money we donated all to charity you're lying it's true we signed the documents over today well good thing I have a plan B open this box or your Little Orphan friend here is going to die Sophia had the lock told you my parents lock box where did you find this found it in a closet in your old house after I bought it my parents said that the password was their most prized Jewel okay so like try diamonds or sapphires maybe no I think the code is [Music] me it worked it's a bunch of letters what give me that for our most precious Jewel we love you love Mom and Dad there's nothing valuable in here yes there is this isn't fair if I can't get what I want then neither can [Music] you back up Rebecca what have you done you did it you beat bred of a billionaire but more importantly I won an iPhone for one of you subscribers so if you want to win it make sure you are subscribed with notifications on and tell me the three gifts I gave the orphans and the best way to contact you on social media oh I get it birth to death
Channel: Rebecca Zamolo
Views: 3,436,735
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: birth to death, birth, death, billionaire, Rebecca, matt and rebecca, Rebecca Zamolo, matt, rebecca, ben azelart, Lexi Rivera, Brent Rivera, lexi hensler, pierson, sofie dossi, kat hixson, MrBeast, Faze Rug, Dhar Mann, Alexa rivera, royalty family, lankybox, Jordan Matter, Anazala family, Zadie
Id: WHMcscNTIoc
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 29min 24sec (1764 seconds)
Published: Fri Mar 29 2024
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