BIRTH to DEATH of a Gymnast

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on your toes now let's see that handstand oh no oh did you break a leg my water broke i think i'm having a baby sweetie come on break this way lay down i can't believe i'm having my baby in a gym take deep breath have you ever delivered a baby no they're not in a gym three two one punch okay one more big push three two one i got it let me just use this blanket here's your beautiful baby girl who did it i have a girl and she's gonna be a gymnast just like me here i'll get her cleaned up where'd she go this is birthed the death of a gymnast but my mom gave birth to me in a gym your mom's coach delivered you oh coach is kind of cute what okay daniel how do i beat this game well it's birth to death of a gymnast but it looks like it's gonna be hard to get to death why i think you gotta play the game to figure that out i'm about to go back into the metaverse but before i do make sure you are subscribed with notifications on if we get to 13 million by the end of the year we're having a huge zoom party hopefully we get it but daniel get me back in go comment 13 million below if you've subscribed i really want that zoom party okay rebecca mommy's here she wants to do a little bit of gymnastics do you want to do gymnastics rebecca look she runs on the boat as fast as she can she puts her hands up she does two flips and then tada she sticks the landing good job rebecca oh her mom's teaching her gymnastics rebecca's the little baby baby looks familiar though if the metaverse matt everyone looks familiar one day you're gonna win the national gymnastics championships look you're already doing the salute rebecca i hope you love gymnastics as much as i do you were born to be a gymnast now mom's gonna do some gymnastics for you okay rebecca mom's gonna do a cartwheel handstand and i just hold it like this all day look rebecca your first time on a trampoline she goes up she does a double backflip just kidding not yet rebecca but one day you'll be doing all those moves you like it don't you can't fall asleep between gymnastics come here little one jump jump jump i love you so much my little gymnast yes rebecca one day you're gonna be able to do these moves too but the handstand is the most basic and when everything else fails just go back to the handstand oh you guys my mom i mean she really loves gymnastics she wants me to be a gymnast too started really early did you see me jumping on that trampoline oh yeah that's actually your mom jumping okay but i was in her arms anyways i think this bird to death of a gymnast is gonna be easy gymnastics seems so fun i don't know where the hard part's coming in but now you're gonna be about 10 years old back to the gym put me in there you go wait everyone work on your floor routines oh that was great rebecca but remember you have to stick your landing otherwise you might get a deduction this weekend okay yes mom but it's getting really really good oh there's your coach maybe we can see what she thinks hey coach katie how's it going good her mom's coach is now her coach she looks pretty good folks on the program coach okay that hair i just wanted to see if you thought rebecca was ready for this weekend i mean it's a big competition the qualifying meet is important but rebecca has been working really hard i'm excited for you and your husband to watch her and cheer her on actually i have a really big important meeting this week and i don't think i'm gonna be able to make it but her dad will be there mom i need you to be there to cheer me on i can't win without you honey you have all the strength within you to do this on your own but i am going to do my best to get there okay but you have to promise me you can't give up okay and by the way did you know that coach katie was my coach when i was your age i even saw you get born that is true my water broke on the beam and now look at you you're about to do a qualifying competition just like me this is so exciting rebecca needs to get back to work with the others yes yes go with your friends you have a lot of training to do i am so nervous when it was me it was different but now that it's my daughter you really think she's ready yes i think she might be as talented as you i'm gonna do whatever i can to get to that competition all right everyone let's see some kicks chin up rebecca so good oh good practice makes perfect straighter legs point your toes chin up but always have fun smile oh yeah good job rebecca let's take this seriously girls just have fun you guys i remember back when i was your age i was doing straddle jumps get those feet up dance a little no dancing maybe just dance a little bit straight legs just like move the hips a little you girls look a little stiff there move it's all in the hip excuse me parents are usually not allowed one more comment from you when you're kicked out are you serious i was your gymnast do i look like i'm kidding you birthed my child stop making things awkward i want to do a quick shout out to everybody that got merch like these guys right here if you want a shout out make sure that you go to and tag us on instagram we might shout you out in the next video okay rebecca your straddle jump looks really good but you've got to point those toes a little bit harder you see how you're doing it down here you do that on the trampoline you're going to be ready for the meet this weekend wow you're really flexible so proud of you okay i'll get back to the other girls all right girls stand straight now i'm gonna have rebecca's mom take the lead for this bean routine oh she was an olympic champion oh uh i haven't done this in a while but great now everyone knows that balance beam is not that hard but when you have nerves at a competition it can get very scary so i'm just gonna have you guys stand up in fifth position squeezing up high on those toes great job belly's in now hi v and just remember for this weekend you guys have to think the same thoughts you're thinking right now you can't let anything distract you and you guys will all be able to qualify danny what is that right there it looks like something bad is gonna happen in this program we should tell her about no no we can't tell her she won't go back in she's gotta complete the game great we're gonna do five kicks ready and one two three yes four get it girls and five so it looks like there's a qualifying competition and i'm a gymnast and as long as i qualify we're on board to be a gymnast from birth to death just gotta qualify that's the only thing i gotta focus on do you know anything about this competition i think it's just going to be a little challenging okay well as long as my mom's there you guys i've got this okay just put me in three two one guys this is gonna get bad she's gonna qualify though right rebecca this is your final event if you can nail your floor routine then you can qualify for nationals but i don't see my mom i only see my dad this is it honey you've got this i know you're gonna qualify she's done vault bars and beam and floor is her final event oh and her dad is actually kind of cute i want my mom to be here you do not have time to focus on that you have a chance to win nationals now look the judges are saluting you good luck can't believe my meeting ran late they knew my daughter had a gymnastics meet today she has been training four months for this meet i can't be the reason that she doesn't make it i promised her i gave her my word i've gotta get there up next rebecca [Music] where's mom you should be here i don't i don't know where she's at she'll be here though she'll be here soon where is she what's taking her mom so long to get there she's doing her best but i have a bad feeling about this i'm just gonna text your dad and tell her [Music] hello yes i'm her husband car accident but she's at the hospital okay so she's okay she's she what dad what's wrong rebecca where are you going what's wrong dad i have something important to tell you okay mommy was coming here and she got into a car accident she didn't make it baby she can't make it she's not coming this is all my fault no it's not your fault i'm so sorry this is so sad she lost her mom i have to pull her out there it's emotional here we go my mom died and it was my fault i know this is really hard rebecca but you got to keep going you got to keep playing because this is not the end of your journey why how can i it's so sad don't worry it's going to get better am i still a gymnast is she daniel why didn't you tell her that it's not her fault because she needs to find that out in the program i'm older now me and my mom she loves gymnastics this is me as a baby it's my mom she's gone now i always thought i'd be a gymnast just like her but now that she's gone what do i do dad hey dad look what i made you your favorite eggos with a smiley face smiley face waffles just like your mom would make it well my smile isn't as perfect as hers was she was really good at making smiley face eggos she was so what's the occasion dad you know your mom's birthday is coming up and it got me thinking you're at the age now that your mother was when she started getting really serious about gymnastics and i was thinking that if you want to go back it's not too late if you train really hard dad i told you i don't want to do gymnastics anymore you were so happy doing it and you get into the national championships i was younger then i'm a completely different person now think about your mother she loved watching you do it and you knew that was her dream for you yeah and it's also the reason she's not here right now i think it's still your dream you can still have this dream dad i don't want to win the national championships anymore okay that was my dream it's not my dream now stop forcing it on me i don't want any part of gymnastics okay please stop pushing me i'm out of here just thought i'd try she's not doing gymnastics anymore that was her dream how's this supposed to be birth to death of a gymnast if there's no gymnast good point thank you i miss her so much why does he always try to get me to do gymnastics that's the reason she's not here and i miss your mom so much jesus [Music] excuse me hey is something wrong sorry i had to see that i'm that guy today what's your name guy oh your name is guy my name's guy that guy's name is guy okay well that guy is pretty attractive yeah oh come on oh well i'm rebecca i saw you having troubles with something maybe i can help oh your eyes are red what oh it's just allergies every time i come to this bark i just get so many allergies back to you you seemed really frustrated i mean you threw a weight yeah i don't know why i brought the weights out here to begin with but i'm trying to learn a handstand oh yeah i'm trying to pass parkour level two instead of to do a handstand first what is parkour it's a mix between gymnastics and rock climbing it's kind of like being spider-man in real life oh i know how to do a handstand maybe i could help you here look i can show you it's kind of difficult well it's really not that hard once you get used to it that's actually amazing how did you do that my mom taught me actually let me see what you're doing maybe i can figure out what you're doing wrong just like yep okay almost got it hold on i'll show you i'll show you usually longer than that i can see what you're doing wrong in a handstand your shoulders have to go over your hands your shoulders are behind so that's why you're falling here kick up try it again kick it i'll help you do it again yeah just do another handstand here we go okay what now get your shoulders over here no way like that no way she's teaching him gymnastics the same way that her mom taught her wow that was good it's the ones we've ever yeah they said that before but i didn't realize that's what they actually meant my mom was a gymnast and she always told me that a handstand was the basic move that you had to learn before you could learn anything else i wish you can coach me right now i could really use the help me too so what are you doing later i don't really have any plans do you want to do some more gymnastics or catch a movie or something maybe catch a movie that'd be good it's a date yeah i guess she agreed to go on a date with him we gotta pull her out i didn't get her number did you see that i'm going on a date with a guy but when are you gonna do gymnastics okay just stop pressuring me okay i'm sorry it's a lot going into the metaverse okay just leave me alone maybe it doesn't have to be birth to death of a gymnast maybe there's another story in this yeah that's the title but sure yeah that's probably right okay let me go on my date yeah stop pressuring me enjoy the movie don't be that guy daniel is this program starting to affect her in real life not just the metaverse seems like it's inside of her head hold up ah don't go in there oh i'm glad you're back up i mean not like i need you to be here or anything a scary movie i thought this would be like the perfect date movie most people are scared of them but i'm not oh that guy is such a scaredy cat maybe not all guys like scary movies maddie no i wish i was watching a scary movie with that dad no no no with that coach where's the coach being hey just let that guy do what that guy does i thought you weren't scared of scary movies yeah if you get scared i'm right here there's literally no arm rest here at all so let's come on over okay great yeah i don't i don't know if i can watch this well if you can't watch it just close your eyes okay i'm sorry it's so scary i mean those shots are so i wasn't doing anything at all maybe watching this scary movie wasn't a good idea for the date maybe we should go get ice cream we can't go get ice cream because i have a big surprise plan for you really i was going to wait till after this movie but i can tell you're saying i'm scared yeah yeah just me that's scared right you have to close your eyes what where are we going right this way oh my gosh oh yeah the surprise for i wonder what's going to be it's going to be good i can't wait where are you taking me this is a big surprise i'm so nervous a little bit further can i open my eyes please here we go oh it's gonna be bad oh no three really two okay one we're here it's the gym i thought we can come here and do a little gymnastics tumble i can show you how to rock climb maybe like hazelnut go rebecca well that was a bad idea well this is birth to death of a gymnast the gym makes sense what's the matter i brought you to the gym i thought this would bring back really good memories this is the gym that i used to go to you don't understand i want to understand can you explain when i was younger i had a competition and my mom was at a meeting and i made her come and she got in a car accident because of me because of me doing gymnastics i'm the reason she died the person gymnastics made me was selfish and if if i didn't do gymnastics then my mom would still be here you're not selfish rebecca that was an accident that happened and it's not your fault it is my fault you can't control things like that what you can't control is you're following your dreams if your mom was looking down on you right now what version of yourself would you want her to see the one that gave up on herself or the one that would follow her dreams you really love gymnastics i don't know if i can ever do it again though i can help you with that you have to believe in yourself oh he's convincing her to do gymnastics again i can do this i can i can face my fear if my mom were here that's what she would do she'd be proud that you're saying this right now but you know what it's gonna take a lot of work time to get to work i can't believe i just agreed to do that this is great this is back on track this is great what do you mean what happens if things go wrong what if i can't handle it when i go in the gym i mean this is a lot the process my mom did gymnastics and i haven't been in a gym since she died rebecca you heard what he said it's not your fault it just feels like it's my fault rebecca this is not real it's the metaverse i am sorry you guys in real life i was a gymnast and i did have a friend and this happened to her mom in real life this is harder than it seems i don't know if i can do this i'm glad that you're dealing with this right now remember you can do this you can do it okay you got this okay me and daniel it's time to start training this is my first time officially back in the gym working out since my mom's gone she's watching me right now so i i have to be strong i can do this dad what are you doing here i'm here for you go rebecca you got this dad what if i didn't decide to come back into the gym well i would have been outside better luck next time i'm always here to support you come on rebecca time to start training you got this go rebecca i hope she can do this she only has one month till the national championships but she's kind of out of shape no she's really out of shape i haven't done the splits in a long time so please be gentle there is no time to be gentle cartwheel handstand you have a lot to work on and not a lot of time national championships are coming up hurry rebecca this rope isn't gonna climb itself okay oh try again nationals isn't going to take someone who can't finish get back up 19. 18. 17 bachelor [Music] there you go rebecca come on 20 more rebecca we don't have all day let's go 95 96 97 98 99 100 i don't know if i can do this nationals is in a month this is what my mom wanted this was my dream too i can do this at least i think i can keep your legs straight chin up point your toes strength composure balance rebecca don't fall straighter arms point the toes [Music] very nice she's getting better this is great do you think she'll win the national championships you got this she's got a chance now she's got a chance i'm getting it i feel like i'm getting back finally you know your mom went into labor right on this theme right here what she did and then she loved this gym and all that she wanted was for you to be a gymnast just like her that's all she wanted that was her dream well if that's what she wants then i want that too i'm ready now go get it crazy oh my gosh it's hard when you've been out of a sport to go back in but i feel like i picked it up a little bit you were looking right in there you went from noob to pro to hacker i think just now do you guys think that i actually have a chance of winning the national championship definitely that was my mom's dream but that might be my dream too just keep listening to that cute coach i'm gonna come back in a boxing match competition day gotta get my hair right what is going on in here dad you know it's a competition gymnasts can never have enough hairspray their hair can't fall out oh this fuser make me pass out anyways i just wanted to say i am so proud of you this is the furthest you've come in gymnastics and your mom would be so proud of you today i don't know if i can do this i i don't know if i can win nationals it's a lot i know it's a lot better i believe in you and there's someone else here that believes in you too what hey whoa whoa hairspray it's a gymnastics thing there's a lot of it in here i just want to come over and wish you good luck you can do this thank you gymnast now you're gonna win thank you i mean i'm i'm nervous really nervous but since you are here i kind of wanted to just say say thank you i mean if it weren't for you i wouldn't be doing this right now and i wouldn't be back in gymnastics as mad as i was when you brought me on that date to the gym it was honestly the best thing that ever could have happened well i actually want to come over here a little early today before the competition to say thank you i'm actually a parkour level two person now yeah i'm not just a climber anymore they let me do in public congratulations thank you thank you okay i don't know what part core is but parkour you're gonna be late for your competition so let's go i got this just one sec i'll be right there i just need to breathe i can do this mom please help me i've got this super cute pep talk dad and guys we still need to win the national championship there's gonna be a lot of competition rebecca if you nail this floor routine then you will be the national champion i'm so nervous i hope i can do this not just for me but for my mom well whatever happens out there i want you to know that i'm proud of you and your mom would be too now come on thanks coach katie it's down to last and final event this is exactly how it was when her mom died why did you have to pull floor last okay come on rebecca you can do it you know i never got to thank you for getting her back into this this is her mom's dream for her and hers too you know she got herself back in i just had to help her realize that and plus she also made me get a handstand so that was kind of cool yeah she's good at that this is it can do this just breathe come on rebecca she's got this [Music] yes you stuck the landing for keep going keep going [Music] oh okay but we don't know this score oh i want it no you did it yeah national championship i love you mom i love you so much she must be celebrating i did it obviously in the metaverse but i did it you did it and i didn't even feel pregnant pregnant again no but i just gave birth and in the metaverse i felt great well it is not real it's the metabolism okay true speaking of metaverse you're not done yet you need to go back in this is birth to death rebecca oh no who's gonna die she's gotta go back in daniel i need to figure out how this ends here we go are you kidding me she's gotta die mom are you comfortable yes honey and thank you for finding me my nationals leotard is so special to me but it's time for me to say goodbye i'm not ready for this and guy you've been an amazing guy you believed in me when i didn't believe in myself so thank you i'll always be your guy and daughter i know how much you love gymnastics but whatever you decide to do just remember to never give up and to follow your dreams mom i love gymnastics because of you and i'm so proud that i get to call my mom a national champion i love you i love you honey your mom and dad would be so proud of you right now who's most proud of both of you guys is this guy i love you guys i'm not ready to say goodbye oh please come back oh my god [Music] goodbye mom birthday deaths are so hard and so emotional xantham comment below if you have ever experienced the death and how you got through it this gymnast lost her mom but she never gave up and ended up following her dreams and look what it got her a gold medal you guys want to find out what happened to that coach the dad okay no no you know what i think it's time we do a happy program what about that one right there
Channel: Rebecca Zamolo
Views: 14,358,565
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: birth, to, death, birth to death, b2d, gymnast, Rebecca, matt and rebecca, Rebecca Zamolo, matt, rebecca, ben azelart, Lexi Rivera, Brent Rivera, Jeremy Hutchins, lexi hensler, pierson, andrew davila, dom brack, sofie dossi, kat hixson, amp, Logan Wodzynski, MyLifeAsEva, MrBeast, Faze Rug, Alex Warren, Lizzy Capri, Carter Sharer, Dhar Mann, Alexa rivera, troom troom, 123go, royalty family, lankybox, sssniperwolf
Id: dGeDvnvh-F0
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 24min 27sec (1467 seconds)
Published: Wed May 04 2022
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