Who's Most Likely To Challenge

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this is the who's most likely to chocolate fondue challenge you guys ask us questions and if our answers don't match we have to spin this wheel all right I'm going to go first who's most likely to start an argument for no reason oh easy 3 2 1 MA come on you you always start arguments you're starting one right now that's just fine spin the wheel I'll go first lemon okay Matt let's go let's go let's go please don't be scorpion sausage we are playing until someone has to eat that disgusting scorpion right there and that's not going to be me it's not going to be me either why do you think lemon tastes why didn't we just get the same answer then we would have to do this m honestly the chocolate makes it better yummy dip your sausage in chocolate can't believe this is happening I'm just going to do all in one bite oh it' be better if the sausage was warm lemon's not that bad who's most likely to make zie laugh yes Matt says Noodle and she laughs at it it's like the weirdest thing and it doesn't make sense it's our inside joke okay you don't get it okay well this one is who's most likely to forget an anniversary 3 2 1 yeah I'm really bad with date Zam I like would forget my own birthday date like I don't know I don't even know what day it is what's today it's the day we're posting this video looks like we haven't got a scorpion yet let's just keep it going keep our answers matching who's most likely to do what zie asks three two Matt no no Matt Matt you will get you will do anything for her you are a sucker for Zade I know but if zadee asked you to do something right now you would do I'm way more strict I I won't fall for that I disagree okay you know what spin the wheel you go first okay please no scorpion please no scorpion oh close Strawberry yes Matt I cookie yeah this is not a bad round but there are way worse ones scorpion definitely hot peppers I'm curious what the toxic waste is like m a cookie dipped in chocolate this is amazing okay Zam fam these are good but it's only going to get harder and you guys asked us some pretty intense questions okay who's most likely to reveal a secret this is easy yeah it is 3 2 1 mat I'm a vault no you're not you've revealed so many secrets you gave so many H okay that's not true has he revealed Secrets I haven't even talked about about what Matt that's a secret I didn't reveal it just spin the wheel okay not a scorpion not a home pepper not an you got broccoli disgusting I know here we go here we go oh oh oh hot pepper no that's Karma you kidding me what kind of pepper is this broccoli no one even really likes broccoli to dip it in chocolate just is wrong what you don't think I'm going to do [Applause] [Music] it oh uhhuh it's not good samam don't get tricked by your parents if they say they'll put chocolate on your broccoli to eat it don't do it it makes it worse here we go oh right down in the middle this is a hot pepper okay good [Music] luck oh my [Applause] God broccoli now not seeing that bad I need milk is there a milk wet so hot if we just get the same answers every single time we don't all the questions okay true just agree from now on okay who's most likely to get arrested 3 2 1 I'll do anything for my family let's go what are you doing to get arrested let's get through these questions please my house is on fire okay who's most most likely to lose her phone 3 2 1 literally every single day wait it's me yeah yeah every single fine I agree with that I do lose my phone every day okay every other sentence she's like hey man can you go get my phone hey can go find phone look the good news we haven't had to spin the wheel not bad chocolate Bond de challenge who's most likely to have weird food cravings oh I somehow feel nauseous right now okay 3 2 1 wait weird food craving I meant to put you no man I come on you know this oh he that one last night oh my God yes thank goodness yes marshmallow no sausage is it that bad it's it's cold it's bad I cannot believe I got marshmallow and you have to have a cold sausage okay here we go okay you don't have to rub it in oh just eat it oh it's dripping all over all over the you know what marshmallow is not extremely fresh but it's delicious I can't wait till you get the Scorpion karma is going to get you can just be throwing it in people's face P es okay all right here we go in the [Music] mouth I kind of like it no I don't know why I told you I've been having weird food gravings right s not that bad you were so dramatic it's not that bad it's bad it's terrible maybe you should have another hot pepper or a scorpion how's that sausage it's not so bad who's most likely to change Z's diaper 3 2 1 pop Matt stop you never change it I do what who did it last night that was once she because she's potty train she doesn't wear them during the day she only wears it at night it makes a lot more sense while you're not changing it come on oh my gosh this is so unnecessary bacon Bacon's not that bad it could be worse you could get Warhead yes yes how do I even put that on a stick you have to use your fingers well well well look who's beging for another pie of this that's so small okay you know that this is the thing people like chocolate covered bacon if you're pregnant no just normal pretty sure that's the only case no man here we go that was like the smallest bite oh it's bad okay how how do you like that I mean I don't think it's that bad oh no no you're not doing one you're doing three three okay well when you go then you'll get three if you get a warhead Bring it on I can't use a stick for this so just let him drip off no I'm just going to 30 seconds you have to hold it for 30 seconds oh so bad you got it is it bad mhm good so bad it's good I think the chocolate M no this tastes like I threw up in my mouth I'm not joking the mixture is I'm much time to have the mixture is so bad right now 10 seconds okay okay I'm good I'm good swallow you swallow them no so dramatic no that actually tastes like barf oh my gosh it it's like it feels like I just threw up in my mouth and swallowed it okay okay who's most likely to forget to flush the toilet Matt we need to start a green on these so we don't have to keep eating these disgusting Foods okay start telling the truth okay tell the truth then okay okay you know what the answer is on this one thank goodness she came clean I'm only saying that so we get the same answer I don't agree because you Rebecca I forget all the time no I walked into the bathroom I was like oh my God who did this Z's body training I'm like who did this I'm like wait a second there's only two people that use this bath and somehow you still deny it okay get another question this is get that's not fair Z's potty train who's most likely to forget deodorant you know it's you know it's true 3 2 1 it's only a few times so gross like how do you forget that well I'm in a rush and I was like I got to get it to the to the okay okay but honestly you sometimes still smell even with deodorant on so I don't know if the deodorant you have works you might need to get another kind I have a strong personal sense okay this and another question okay God I didn't think we're going to be spilling this much tea oh yeah who's most likely to buy baby clothes I'm not buying baby clothes me I have been buying a ton of baby clothes I love them so much for my friends B go Matt anyways we agreed all right all right samam you guys are asking us some crazy questions who's most likely to mispronounce a word this happened the other day 3 2 1 Pop I say words weird I say everything wrong I say chipot chipot Chipotle chipot the L is after the T this is I'm starting to get frustrated okay just batt it with some words who's most likely to forget someone's name 3 two one I'm bad with names I'm really good with faces but I'm bad with names it's really tough when you're like hey yeah like I for you're looking right at me you're looking right at me what is this who's most likely to spoil Z three 2 one go Matt you know that's not true you spoil her all the time with um anything she wants you give her but tell me give me last three items um cyber truck uh vacation um Elmo those are all things that kids deserve are you kidding me are you kidding me clothes food you're over here those are Necessities basic necessities you're combing her hair at night I take care of her the fact that you put the lotion okay Matt just spin the wheel I put lotion on her face her Skin's not dry that's not spoiling her no no Karma mat maybe I'll get something good this time no not the sausage again there's not that much sausages left I mean I liked it but not like that KY Warheads it's the worst one I don't want to smell like Barb okay then maybe you can do the Scorpion I'm not going to do the Scorpion okay fine listen there's an onion right there you can do the onion instead of the Warhead it's your call I'll let you do that here we go you know what I'm just going to enjoy my sausage while you wait hold on let me do mine here I am that's so gross it's not that bad you're really doing an onion over a warhead Zam which one would you do what do you think is worse onions or Warhead oh no I lost it no I got it eight no just go six stop stalling 5 1 oh God it's terrible oh it's hot oh worse than a pepper why didn't I just go War her Zam the bul questions is getting lower and lower if we answer all of these questions we might not have to do the Scorpion so let's just agree to have the same answer who's most likely to have a messy closet boom easy three two two one Matt I'm a million times cleaner than you who's got more stuff in the closet right now are you shouldn't you be trying to get the same as me put away I'm just trying to bring the light the truth now we have to spin the wheel gladly yes Oreos okay I'm going to try to get the Oreo too let's go let's go no mushrooms are you kidding me that sounds terrible okay why can't we just have the same answers who's most likely to we should be AG green we've been married for almost 10 years we have to tell the truth okay should I do one Oreo or two Oreos how many Oreos should I do is there stop rubbing it in it's not cool I'll go first okay I'll go first I'll test wow yeah test it while I eat a mushroom covered in chocolate can't believe I have to suffer it right now chocolate covered Oreo zadee who do you think is going to get the Scorpion Dad okay it's good m no it's not good why can't we just get along and get the same answer I'm so happy right now that was the best one M stop rubbing it in s mushrooms really aren't good with chocolate you're going going first here let's just agree to agree who's most likely to PE pee the pants 3 2 two one if it was against me obviously it's you but Z might win that you're not cool until you pee your pant that's not true what's this it says who's most likely to get randomly nauseous happens more often than you think okay we agree okay we're getting to hang of this Z we're actually answering your question with the same answer yeah who's most likely to be excited for baby number two three two one me Matt okay okay fine we're both ex okay we're both we would no but now I SP okay as long as is I do not get a scorpion I'm good okay I'm going for go for it go lay it out there mushrooms again yes okay honestly though at least I don't get the Scorpion no no yes oh no we were playing okay grab that scorpion M are you kidding me that's what you care good items all of a sudden eating a mushroom does not seem that bad M okay Z right now I want you to subscribe smash the thumbs up if you are happy that M got the Scorpion how was it was it bath honestly it's not as bad anymore it's all about that scorpion we don't have to do this just go this ends it it's either this or you have to shave your head is there poison in here I don't know oh his arm is falling off I know I feel like I got to oh fell off in there you have to eat more than that no you have to eat the whole scorpion okay show show the Zam bam you kidding me if I eat this you have to subscribe right now okay 3 2 1 oh I can hear the crunches I can hear the S make sure to subscribe and click and watch this video right here
Channel: Rebecca Zamolo Shorts
Views: 431,716
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: eoeC_jToEt8
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 14min 44sec (884 seconds)
Published: Sat May 11 2024
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