Living Like a Royalty Family in Real Life

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my daughter zie is growing up fast and I want to treat her like a princess but my husband Matt thinks treating her like royalty would teach her the wrong lesson we worked hard for a success and she should have to too so Maddie made us a program where we get to live like a royalty family and at the end of this we'll decide if living like royalty is the best thing for our daughter but since mty's not here we only have 1 hour to complete this or else we're going to be tracked well this should be easy I can't wait to live like royalty I'm royalty look at my bed so comfortable I've prepared your breakfast my queen breakfast in bed Sam I can get used to this good morning my lady we must get you ready to meet with Princess Zandy princess zand yes yes I need to see her we must get you dressed first what yeah let me just throw on something what we have many nice dresses for you my lady yeah yeah yeah no no no of course we need to get you dressed properly if you're going to go out to public it's fine I'm just going to go see Z and I'll be right back well at least let me do your makeup it's fine I'll be good no perhaps your hair at the very least [Music] my queen what are you wearing oh I just threw this on I'm going to go see zie no no no no no when you leave your room as a queen you have to be picture perfect hair makeup outfit okay yeah yeah yeah I will as soon as I get back I just want to check on her I'm sorry those are the rules okay I'll be right back pretend you didn't see that okay so I'm not supposed to wear sweats how about this a queen can never show her ankles okay I'll wear this one then this is long has someone died a queen can only wear black at a funeral okay how about this it's a lot but I like it okay yeah where is Matt by the way oh he was up hours ago he's out exploring the palace wa look at this room are you kidding me it's Giant and everything is gold it's a golden piano you know what I deserve this not zie she has to work for this let me keep on exploring this house a golden bathroom I finally have my golden spr and it works oh this hairstyle will look perfect for zade's wedding zade's wedding she's way too young to get married Z's a teenager now she's a teenager in the program okay I have to see here let me just get some lipstick no no no no no no a queen does not wear red here this is your color wow there's so many rules as Queen I had no idea and now it is time for the I have been waiting for I have always wanted to wear a crown a queen does not wear a crown before 6:00 p.m. only for special occasions here this is what you will be wearing okay ready to go see [Music] zie okay Zam famam I am all dressed Bean royalty has a lot more rules than I thought but I am so excited to see Z in the program ah I see you're finally dressed properly now come come it's time to go through your schedule of Royal duties for the day yeah I I just want to see zie oh don't worry it's in the schedule follow me okay a diamond and CED shoe I have no idea what it's for but it looks expensive look at this Throne it's for a king and it has wings I could get used to this sir I've prepared your regular steak and eggs this morning don't forget you have your portrait painting today better get dressed I hope they get my neck right all right Queen let's go through your list of duties for the day first I would like to see my daughter zie first very well uh after after that you're going to meet the parents of one of her suitors Leonardo is that who Z is supposed to be married well they haven't met yet but hopefully wait why should Z marri someone she hasn't even met need I remind you that our kingdom is under attack from Silas he's so powerful he could overtake us in a second the only way to prevent that is if sad marries another Prince and we create allies it's a lot of pressure it's up to you Queen to keep us safe now meet me by the lemon trees we'll go see Z okay zamfam that must be how I beat the program I just have to keep the kingdom safe so as long as zie likes this Suitor we should be fine there she is that zie she's beautiful as a princess who's she with oh that's Theodore he's our Royal Gardener he stays with us because he has nowhere else to go I need to talk to her zadee hello Mother what are you doing just picking lemons I love spending time out here well when your Suitor Leonardo sees you he's definitely going to want to marry you but I don't want to get married to anyone except Le he seems like a very decent Suitor well that is perfect because I am about to meet his parents and I want to make a good impression do you have any tips well Leonardo's parents could be a bit uptight so you're going to want to mention the mother's birth mark she'll love that is there anything they like um they like the outdoors they love bugs and oh they think it's really funny if you burp so make sure you do that to break the ice oh I can do that okay zie I will make sure to do all of those things oh one last thing make sure you mention their wedding it's a really romantic story okay s I've got this and I'm going to make the best first [Music] impression since I am the king I obviously deserve to have my portrait painted paint R away your highness just make sure to focus on my neck it's the best feature on my body I couldn't agree more how's the progress can I take a peek but I don't have a face also if I'm going to wear purple make it purple right away sir but the neck you're on the right track thank you so much if zie had all this power it would go straight to her head that will never happen to [Music] me oh I was never good at the eyes people say being royalty is hard but I believe I was born for this I'm ready to see the painting this is amazing thank you s it's perfect look how you capture my neck it's exactly how I imagine it well done thank you sire okay I'm ready for my next king activity I believe next is jousting thank you both for coming to our Palace Z and I are so excited to chat with you more now if you'd like to head to our living room we can chat more oh and by the way I love your birth mark it's a beauty mark of course I got this siee is this gold even real yes it is we are royalty it doesn't look real so tell us why do you believe that your daughter is good enough to marry our son good question well Zade loves being outdoors she loves bugs and you know she likes to burp every now and then you know what I mean inappropriate I don't know what you mean oh these are stale okay let's just cut to the chase we know why you want your daughter to marry our son with the prince of aora missing his evil brother silus has taken over the kingdom and many of the kingdoms nearby you just want to marry our son to protect your own kingdom what no Zade loves your son I mean she's not met him but she feels like he would be a good fit for her to to [Applause] love it's disgusting have you know manners inappropriate that's anco was planed you know what wait uh you guys should try our pastries D can you hand me them yes our pastries are delicious I got past this one is especially for you it's a bug it's just a bug it's a disgusting wa out of here I don't want to be here anymore I no don't go I would love to hear about your wedding story what is that horrific day that was the worst day of my life nearing this one being the second no no I'm gone there must be something mistake I'm gone too no no no no please come back this doesn't make sense I'm so sorry zie what just happened here I don't know I did everything right exactly what zie told me to do I just passed the nobleman they said that they hated bugs they hated burps and that you asked about their wedding story I just did what zie had me do zie you sabotaged this meeting so you wouldn't have to marry Leonardo okay fine it's just because I don't want to marry someone I don't love you're a princess you do not get a choice he enough no one disciplines my daughter but me zie go to your room you don't get it if you don't find zadee a suor you will lose the whole Kingdom I will find her a Suitor but it will be someone she likes not someone with horrible parents like that and by the way where's Matt I finished my Royal portrait now I'm ready for my next king activity as king you'll be Jing against the Kingdom's fiercest Knight amazing would you like some training a king doesn't need training bring out the fiercest competitor [Music] I'll fight you old man this is the fiercest competitor you have this is a little mini child boy you we even hold a sword noodle arm noodle arm these are King Arms over here let's see if your fighting skills are as bad as your face [Music] did I even stab something ooh looks like noodle arm turned into Ramen now do you want some training yeah okay Sam fam this is it all we have to do is find a prince that Z actually likes so she'll marry him and then we can save the kingdom and beat the program your majesty we've scoured the land and based on your recommendations we've brought you three very eligible bachelors I am so excited to meet them boys thank you all for coming as the queen I'm looking for a prince that is worthy to marry my daughter so please introduce yourselves well my name is Greg and I'm from the land of the most intelligent smartest scientific mathematical equational people you've ever met in your life wow that sounds very smart and if you were to go on a first date with my daughter zie where would you take her well I've never exactly been on a date before I'm sure I could take her to some nice museum and offers her some delicious Frozen finger foods we're from very cold place but thank you um next my name is Jack I come from a kingdom made up of the finest Warriors in the Land There is absolutely nothing I will not be able to protect Zade from I like that but if you and Zade were to get in an argument how would you handle that I am King there are no arguments I'll lock her in her room until she sees reason thater number three my name is William I'm a good King who cares about his people well William why should my daughter zie marry you I promise that if I marry your daughter I will always love her and keep her safe I like him William comes from a very powerful family but you know what I'm still not sure I'm not ready to make a decision might I suggest a talent show a talent show that's an excellent idea Bachelors I would like to see your talent Greg Here is known for his Exquisite pastries yes my kingdom makes the most delicious oh I'm so sorry up there little war pretty sure this one didn't touch the floor okay ooh it's cold yes they the perfect temperature thank you well that croissant was not what I expected next up we have Jack he's known for his strength I figured oh yes okay thank you oh he's he's still going yes yes you are strong I final thank you shall pick this cinder block up with my pinky okay don't don't break a pinky on this quite impressive and finally we have William known for his Angelic voice Z loves men that can sing Zing Grace how sweet the sound that had saved a rich Li [Music] me thank you so much William I know my daughter most and William is the one she would want to marry I couldn't agree more let's let them know thank you all for coming I have now chosen The Suitor that I believe would be the best fit to marry my daughter and that person is me sorry I'm late who is that that's silus the evil ruler of Alura I'm sorry but you need to go don't worry you don't need to fear me just yet I've come to make an offer and what is that as you know I've taken over the throne in practically every other country but if you allow me to marry Zade I promise to spare your kingdom wow that's a generous offer but no you are an evil man and there is no way I'm going to make my daughter marry don't be so Hasty with your decision and I'll give you 24 hours and then your entire kingdom is mine Choose Wisely you are all dismissed I will officially announce who the winner is at the ball tomorrow thank you for coming you heard what he said Zade needs to be married in the next 24 hours or our kingdom is doomed don't worry I'm confident that zie will like William and she'll be totally good with this I just have to let her know that she's about to be married okay step into it keep your body low and remember the best offense is a good defense oh that was amazing every King needs to know this move Spin and you try Spin and down now come at me ready yes yeah come back side try it again Spin and down good good better done the C where did you learn all of this I thought you were the Royal Gardener I like to read books fantastic off to the next king activity your majesty this is the mood board we've put together for the ball did you like the gold or would you prefer silver um the the gold your highness for the Royal menu would you prefer the duck or the steak um steak steak it is yes and would you prefer your blue dress or your red dress I'd prefer my blue M red my red dress and which of these Fabrics do you like um where have you been I mean I had the most amazing day first they pinted my neck and then I justed the most manly man in all the land I heard you lost did I not tell you he was the most manly man in all the land I heard he was 10 not important okayy well I'm glad you're having fun but I have a lot of decisions that I need to make and I need to check on S so you know what why don't you take over you answer the questions a kingdom toes save you're right pick a fabric oh een mini money yes that was so easy I I've seen the setup Zade and trust me you are going to have so much fun at this ball and by the way did I mention how beautiful you look thanks look Zade I know you didn't like Leonardo but I found three eligible bachelors and one of them I think will be your perfect match the princess are so stuck up why can't I just find someone normal because you have to marry a prince if you want to save the kingdom and that's the most important thing so I have to give my happiness to save the kingdom that's so unfair zie you just have to trust me okay one of those princes could be true love so just get dressed and I promise you I'm going to find you your prince charming okay thank you all for coming to my masquerade ball please meet my daughter [Music] zie now you all have seen my daughter's lady and by the end of the night what one of you will not only be engaged but married to her excuse me what is going on here engaged and married in the same day I'll explain everything before I make my final decision I would like my daughter to get to know each of you you may each take turns dancing with her and [Music] chatting too left I'm sorry I'm fine how did this happen you weren't paying attention but but silus is coming and this is the only way that we can stop him save the kingdom and beat this program I don't have time for this I'm going back to the Royal Throne fine I'll do the work just like I normally [Music] do so what do you like to do for fun oh I love the outdoors I love Summers the summer well where I'm from it's exactly 32.0 de below freezing oh very cold how do you feel about Frozen nuggets I think I'm ready for the next dance there's no ways is going to like this guy you seem very strong and fit yes yes I am I think you'd make a great addition to being one of my wives wives he never mentioned that in the interview well yes I have multiple we swap them out every time there's a disagreement or misunderstanding all right well thank you I think I'm ready for the next dance okay that is a hard not for me well if it's not those two it has to be William and it will be William I am confident that stie is going to love him princess you look stunning thank you you look very handsome as well oh thank you I always knew we' fall in love like this I know I feel the same way really I do I think she likes him I know right she's smiling tium this is perfect a look at us Waltzing the night away do you want to go somewhere more quiet of course look she just went with William I think it's working okay this is perfect if she gets engaged and married to him then silus can't take over our kingdom and I can beat the program zie has been with William for over 30 minutes which means she probably really likes him so as long as I can get her to agree to marry him then we can save the kingdom zie mother Hey where's William oh he's just in the bathroom but he'll be back soon and well thank you for setting all of this up and and Mom what I think I found the one what yeah there's someone here that I want to marry really zie yes yes of course we'll make the announcement right away mom goes right here I mean I knew I'd find a Suitor for my daugh my daughter Zade has chosen The Suitor she wishes to marry I will let Zade take it from here the man I choose to marry is you Sirah you may now take off your Mas well that's not William that's Theodore the Royal Gardener you cannot marry him he's not royalty wa Mom tell her tell her what tell her that I can marry him he's my true love ztie I I ztie what happened to William hey what are you doing in my golden bathroom Z I cannot believe you tried to trick me in front of everyone you cannot marry the or he is not a prince I should be able to marry who I want not some random Prince do I need to remind you that Silas is trying to take over our entire Kingdom and you marrying a princess the only way to stop it I never asked to be a princess why do I have to suffer zadee I am queen and what I say goes you are marrying William end of discussion Sam am I making the right decision I mean I have to save the kingdom if I want to beat this program but now s's mad at me being royalty is a lot harder than I thought hey don't cry this is keeping you safe okay just remember that I'll always love you and I'll always love you zie it's time to get married bye all [Music] right [Music] today we are celebrating the union of two royal families whose marriage will provide safety for both kingdoms William do you promise to love and cherish zie in sickness and in health I do and zie do you promise to cherish William and honor him as your husband I Do by the power invested in me as I [Music] now I Now Pronounce You I'm sorry I have to stop this wedding what what are you doing can you please take a seat I wanted to protect this Kingdom but I cannot force my daughter into marrying someone she doesn't love but you Theodore I learned today that finding true love is more important than royalty he's just a gardener how is he going to protect the Kingdom from Silas did someone say Silas I'm here to retrieve my property I mean true love no you won't brother it's the Lost Prince of allora he's royalty it couldn't be you but it is well it's too bad I now rule the strongest Kingdom and you have no allies I'm an ally and so am I so am I so are we I'm definitely an ally it's too bad your allies don't have weapons Oh you mean something like this Mt he doesn't know how to sword fight hold on to that for me I'm going to Slit your beautiful [Music] throat remember what I told you better get out of here when did you learn how to sword fight okay listen this is great and all but we have a wedding to attend I'm sorry my love you see in Aur everyone wanted me because I'm a royal so I had to leave to find someone who love me for me well now do you take zadee to be your wife to love her and you know what never mind I Now pronounce you husband and wife you may kiss your bride [Music] we did it wait how Z we got out Z got us out of the program and you know what I think you are right Matt D should not live as royalty it's a lot harder than I thought are you kidding me my daughter's going to be a queen
Channel: Rebecca Zamolo
Views: 2,874,008
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: living, royalty family, in real life, having a royalty family, having, Rebecca, matt and rebecca, Rebecca Zamolo, matt, rebecca, ben azelart, Lexi Rivera, Brent Rivera, lexi hensler, pierson, sofie dossi, kat hixson, MrBeast, Faze Rug, Carter Sharer, Dhar Mann, Alexa rivera, troom troom, 123go, lankybox, sssniperwolf, Jordan Matter, Anazala family, Zadie
Id: uVuyJZHNe1k
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 23min 43sec (1423 seconds)
Published: Sun Jan 21 2024
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