BIRTH To DEATH of a Minecraft BLOCK!

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this is a simple minecraft block but how do you know some blocks can come to life so today we're going to show you the first death of a minecraft block this little baby block will go through all the challenges in the secret life of minecraft vlogs she'll make friends go on amazing adventures and even come face to face with actual minecraft players blocks can even evolve as they live will this little grass rock block them into a beautiful diamond so let's find out also don't forget to like and find the subscribe button oh wait no not me i'm a vlog [Music] what's happening why am i alive hey hey you next to me next to me you are you alive where am i oh where am i what am i doing wait a minute cliche i think it's happened i think it's happening is it happening look at her oh look at the giant eyes and everything what's going on just a little there it is huh it's all right little one welcome to the big wide world welcome these are diamond blocks whoa but i have a dirt block it's not every day a little block like you gets to be chosen to come to life oh you are so lucky it's fine it's fine blocks are born all the time people just don't see it true true i get dirt get dirt getting dirt get dirt oh oh excuse me black family what what what wait what microplane what art what see something you like pal plus you're talking minecraft what what that all right then now i think it's a good time we'd go ahead and take you to your new home here [Music] welcome home oh go ahead and step on in see what you like oh little mom oh this must look massive for her hey daddy mom how's it going hey look what i found i found it in the dance room it's pretty cool yeah oh i don't i don't know what it was they just i just found it oh okay okay no no i i can explain i can explain look i brought it home because these pickaxes and shovels are our mortal enemies weaknesses before they can hurt anybody else wait they hurt people leave it out well look come on now how dangerous could they really be like in in the right hands i'm sure they are perfectly wait they look kind of cool that they hurt like this oh oh it actually does hurt oh okay what is that it's your new baby sister i i don't like our [Music] okay someday she is going to grow up and possibly be the strongest diamond block there is really but not but not like stronger than me though right because i i might be struggling of course right talking blocks change as they age she might just be a little grass blocked now but someday she could grow up to do amazing things like set her house on fire no no no no no no i don't know how she did that hey what's she wrong clearly she hasn't started already can i go outside and play with pierce it's a beautiful day out there sweetheart you go have a good time okay yay is he in the front yard of the backyard should be out in the backyard okay love you bye okay here we go where is it pierce go wait i don't like what i can punch oh real quick i'm gonna be real with you i don't like having a little sister wow that's not fun and you're not gonna grow up in a big diamond like i am i'm gonna be the best big diamond so i'm gonna keep punching this dirt i'm gonna keep punching what fine i'll punch you you know what how about this i'm a better block than you because i can hide anywhe i can hide anywhere and everywhere you know look at all this place where can you hide way down below you can't even hide up here i can she was not gonna come out dude well you smell like earth you smell like earth too oh yeah what about this let's play a game of hide and seek it would see one of us is the best hide-and-seeker boy good person okay fine bye uh how about i'll let you go first and you can prove how bad you are all right okay i'll prove how bad i am wait a minute i don't perfect i'm gonna hide you can't find me one two no thank you three four five ready or not here i go yell number five i will find you yeah i can't hear him anymore oh my goodness it's fine it's fine i will find him what's that wrestling you're not a diamond monkey i'd i've never met you're not a gold block this i've never seen a gold block before look at you you're so shiny yeah yeah i'm super shiny and everyone likes me and uh yeah uh i uh aren't you aren't she supposed to be found in caves why are you what in the name of blockington are you doing out here well i'm out here playing hide and seek who are you playing with myself oh you don't you see why playing hide and seek by yourself won't work right how are you going to be found well yeah but i've been out here for a really long time i think i'm winning uh i'm not sure if that's how hide and seek actually works but if that's what you think uh i'll play with you too yay yeah we could be best friends forever and where we could go hiding and we go seeking we're gonna do all the things and it's so cool i was supposed to find my brother he's a big diamond block well where is he then you never found me i win you're too bad at this shape hey complete hide and seek oh run away buy someone the game so they're ha ha ha ha ha ha ha okay okay actually it was a little scary i think we're safe hey what hey by the way eva why is it front gold though uh you can't just ask can i go why are you diamond i wanna wire me anything but time is the best you know that ah gold is the best well that is the best because you we you walk on us all the time yeah we walk on you that's not best that's not really happening so you know what you know how about so this is my friend his name is what's your name e m e n hi uh uh and that's my sister affbow she's dirt i have val hi purse mom dad we made a friend oh wow flip flock hello hey aren't you from the uh goldingtons down the street there yep oh i thought so so this is who you were talking about athmo you're making new friends thank you what do we do with gold again boy oh well gold is very useful when the time comes for it uh pierce uh okay yeah very useful oh yeah we've got a nice spread of minerals out here on the table here so let's just go ahead and get situated here wait a minute oh no i kind of no no no no no no that's not good it's butter it's butter awkward oh i like butter oh man i'm having so much fun oh i am a little lonely though but uh maybe if i hop what's happening [Music] hey i can't believe you saw me like this oh no oh everything's bad i don't know i don't know i don't know i i feel all these feelings all the time now and and i just something i just done i just died [Music] [Music] are you the one that destroyed my farm oh yeah yeah sorry about that um you're too powerful you're too powerful please i'm too powerful i'm sorry i'm really sorry wait wait did you call me powerful uh you said i'm powerful right damage you made powerful hey you you said uh sister you said you said they did you yeah but um uh oh now it's gone to his blocky hands i'm powerful i am powerful doesn't mean that you can go around destroying everything no i think that's actually exactly how what i can do now because i'm so powerful i have everything in my disposal i can destroy everything it will besides you are just a dirt block i can [Music] or tnt why does she get to become a diamond block instead of each other's yeah diamonds okay not gonna lie though tnt is pretty cool thank you what's your name i'm mac what's your name my name is athma and those are dumb boys and they're trying to but they're you used to be my friend we were littler but now you're gonna change some powerful teeth yeah wait a minute wait a minute how about we have a nice good vlog there jumping trip all of us but oh baby i don't know look i'm trying to stop them so they can stop blowing up your farm because that's what they're gonna go after yeah yeah i like whispering okay welcome you know actually i never thought about it i really don't do goodness of fire be careful yeah be very scary have you ever heard this story of minecraft steve no i thought that was just a myth yeah that's not real right oh not only is he real i've seen him with my own two eyes he's big and strong and every single legend about it is true no he doesn't takes the block no it doesn't no i don't put them all together to build the house i jumped out of the tree god's you all i i don't know you scared us on purpose well done that's the point of a scary campfire story yeah if you thought that was scary let me tell you about minecraft alex oh please no no no no no no more no more no more guys i don't want to hear anything else all right because wait hey hang on hang on do you guys hear that pierce this better not be a joke that you're playing on just because you turn to tnt you think you're so cool no no no no i think i'm very powerful there's a very different story there but also i didn't i didn't do anything with that yeah this was this wasn't part of the plan i know i didn't do anything what are you guys doing [Applause] what's going on here [Applause] oh [Music] get out here you should hold it up [Music] in order to change like that yeah actually i fell on her no it happened at my farm yeah well we'll talk about it inside i think we've had enough for outdoor camping for one night yeah but i agree on yeah let's get out of here i'm done [Music] okay all right so so what do you want to do you want to go like hang out at the lake and stuff like that or yeah that sounds so fun oh my gosh oh girl check it out oh my gosh daryl is checking you out over there look at that no oh my gosh i've had a crush on him for so long okay okay okay just keep walking keep walking okay okay keep watching okay does my butt look good when i walk does it look good does it look good it looks blocky you're good okay okay good okay so there's this redstone block named aaron and he's super cute i know right okay does he know does he know you like him i know what oh hey pierce [Music] the boys losers over here oh great oh yeah these really look like losers to me hey losers dumb and dumb are over there yeah you guys are so dumb at least we're not talking about boy blocks yeah i like talking about uh [Music] [Applause] anyway you guys are nerds yeah scaredy cats and you can go to a scary mind yeah what i can go to a minecraft player's house if i wanted to it's just i haven't because i've had other things to do like um yeah we've been busy oh oh yeah like what yeah doing block girl stuff oh you're probably yeah you're just too scared you know what i'll do that and then i'll go run around the block all right watch yeah yeah yeah yeah look at you look at fine fine how about this how about how about we go over and see what's up and whoever survives without getting mined wins let's do it oh boy we're actually doing this huh oh there it is a minecraft player yourself are you going to go in yeah of course i'm going to go you got to go in first though cause you're the one who's who's doing the thing you will challenge you fine i'll do it i will do it i'm going to go in i'm going to do it right now i can't believe it i got this again oh whoa guys i opened a door oh [Music] we hey what's this i don't know it smells smells kind of funny i think i'm gonna be sick that's just me [Music] oh you all can do that i'm gonna find a place to hide yeah um where are you be quiet oh i will get it maybe just [Applause] old yeah and it's time we are old how much is for sure it never did go back to being a diamond but you know what i'm proud to be an old cnt i learned a lot yes okay so this is the grandkids um there's diamond one diamond what's your name they are i think that one's back in my day i used to do that too because it was fun you know it's my favorite prank pickaxe you know what my favorite prank is what your face [Music] is you know what they say the older um [Music] the older sounds about right i'm glad to go all the way from birth to death with you my times and now it's time that i joined the great diamonds but not me but i'm gonna live forever [Music] oh um oh that's my brother you got there so i guess it's time that's an ultra rare diamond block okay i'm done i can't lie down so if you can help me out that'd be great first diamond
Channel: Aphmau
Views: 8,149,536
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Aphmau, minecraft, minecraft funny, aphmau minecraft, aphmau birth to death, birth to death block, minecraft funny moments, minecraft pranks, pranks in minecraft, pranking my friends in minecraft, minecraft challenge, minecraft birth to death challenge, birth, death, funny birth to death, from birth to death, minecraft friends, aphmau friends, minecraft baby block, baby block aphmau, aphmau birth to death as block, minecraft block mod
Id: CpZpvN60E1g
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 21min 21sec (1281 seconds)
Published: Sun Jun 06 2021
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