Bioshock Infinite ENDING EXPLAINED! (Complete Analysis)

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what's up guys JB 2017 here and this is my full and complete explanation of the complex emotional revolutionary gut wrenching an incredible ending of BioShock Infinite by the end of this video I hope I will have answered any and all questions you have about the ending to this game and if I don't always feel free to leave a question in the comments below because someone else will try to answer it and of course I will try my best to answer it as well so without further ado kick back grab some popcorn and let's get started I believe the best way for me to explain the ending is to walk through the end step-by-step and jump back to several points in the game to support my ideas I'm going to start from where I think the beginning of the end happens when Booker and Elizabeth finally catch up to Comstock on his hand of the Prophet airship in typical fashion Comstock has this beautiful scene of biblical proportions set up in an attempt to brainwash Elizabeth just like he's brainwashed the rest of Columbia seed of the Prophet shall sit the throne and drown and flame the mountains of man in addition to the Archangel giving him Elizabeth's prophecy to succeed Comstock it also told him that he should protect Elizabeth from the false shepherd Booker DeWitt this false Shepard would keep her from fulfilling her prophecy so kansai can all costs I did all of that to keep you from her when all I needed was to tell her truth what truth we don't know at this point then he does something that doesn't make a whole lot of sense ask him child ask him what happened to your finger asked to wit the finger really why it's pretty obviously pointed out to the player in the first scene Elizabeth has this strange symbol on her finger but big whoopty-doo she actually does mention it earlier in the game when Booker and Elizabeth go through multiple tears to get the guns for the Vox Populi from Chen Lin the Chinese gunsmith about what my finger sorry I didn't alright it's as much mystery to me as anyone else maybe songbird knows that he's not talking I'm sorry what for I get to wear the stylish symbol to cover up my hideous deformity I hear they're all the rage in Paris what actually seemed like non-important small talk turns out to be a huge difference in the end however we're not quite to that part yet so just keep that in mind as we continue on so when Comstock goes crazy over the finger Booker reacts immediately and start strangling him and accusing him of what the player believes to be the truth that Comstock is to blame for all of Elizabeth's troubles in her life which she actually is calm sucks final words are strange - yeah what is finished we don't know yet Elizabeth then remarks about the finger out of all of that Booker murdering her father she points out the finger the finger has been pretty inconsequential up to this point but everyone seems to be making a huge deal out of it now Booker knows nothing about the finger but Elizabeth isn't convinced about you - she just can't remember no this doesn't make much sense since Booker just met Elizabeth on his quest to pay off his debt Booker decides to destroy the syphon where Elizabeth spent her whole life being drained of her tear powers to prove that he knows nothing about her finger the epic battle ensues and Booker finally sends songbird to destroy Monument Island the syphon this is where everything gets trippy songbird goes out of control and swoops back to attack Booker when Elizabeth stops him in his tracks by opening a tear with the siphon being destroyed Elizabeth is in full control of her powers periodically in the game she would mention that she used to be able to control these powers when she was younger it was even able to create and open new tears the siphon drained her of her powers so with that out of the way her power is Unchained this tear that she opens effectively kills songbird and then you start to realize where you are what is this place Elizabeth rapture when I first realize our location my jaw dropped we're in one of the first areas we encounter in the original BioShock but why Elizabeth describes it as a doorway but really doesn't explain much else ascending to the top Elizabeth opens the original lighthouse door to reveal more lighthouses see Stars doors doors to everywhere all that's left is the choosing you what are all these lighthouses where we what there are million million worlds all different all similar constants and variables what there's always the lighthouse there's always a man there's always a city how do you know this I can see them through the doors sometimes something's different the same constants and variables yes so that was a lot to take in in order to understand the whole million worlds concept you have to understand the multiverse theory a theme that has been present throughout the game via a quick Wikipedia definition a multiverse is a hypothetical set of multiple possible universes that together comprise everything that exists and can exist the entirety of space time matter and energy as well as the physical laws and constants that describe them heavy stuff I know in layman's terms there are multiple parallel universes that exist Elizabeth has the power to traverse these universes by opening tears she explains that there are constants and variables which play a huge role in understanding the very ending in the multiple universes that are present in BioShock Infinite there are absolute constants and variables she explains that there's always a lighthouse always a man always a city now you see the dots are connecting that very line reveals the tie-in with the original BioShock which seemed to be up in the air up to this point think about it in one universe we have Andrew Ryan this maniacal ruler who so happened to have an illegitimate son with superpowers that came back to his city and was misguided by a power-hungry Fontaine within the story the conflict of dr. Tenenbaum a genius working for Ryan arises with the little sisters they are innocent but valuable assets to Tenenbaum and are protected by hulking mechanical big daddies but in this alternate but parallel universe the story is very very similar Zachary Comstock is the maniacal ruler of Infinite Daisy Fitzroy is the heretical rebel that entices Booker to fight for the box Populi against Comstock an inner woven into the story the centrepiece of the conflict lies Elizabeth her powers are invaluable a huge asset to Comstock and she is protected by the Macan Cole songbird the lewd Tess's are the geniuses who've masterminded the floating city of Colombia with quantum physics they also happen to work for Comstock but were killed because they became a threat to his goals but where and how is Booker related to Comstock why is Elizabeth so valuable to loot esses these are the few missing pieces at this point Elizabeth leads Booker to another door one that Booker actually recognizes this time it's where he was 20 years ago right after his participation at the Battle of Wounded Knee are you ready to have your past erased are you ready to have your sins cleansed are you ready to be born again take my hand having his past erase seems like it would be a very enticing thing for Booker since he's so full of regret from his horrific acts committed at Wounded Knee however Booker refuses a baptism a request to get the hell out of whatever nightmare he's living Elizabeth keeps dragging him along convinced that Comstock is there even after Booker clearly killed the man through another door were met with a very familiar scene through the many flashbacks of the game we finally see who's behind the hole find the girl wipe away the debt business bring us the girl Robert loot s a man who we see randomly popping up providing sarcastic banter with an identical woman throughout the game and then Booker's forced to give Lou Tess a baby this baby girl whom we've never even seen before Elizabeth explains that she can see through multiple doors or universes that Booker will inevitably give Lou tests the baby because he has to in order for them to find Comstock so of course Booker obliges and they enter another door which brings us back to the very beginning of the game again he questions Comstock's existence but Elizabeth reminds him of the strange occurrences with Chen Lin and lady Comstock these were two instances in which these people were dead at one point but somehow alive and conscious in the separate universe tears that Elizabeth leads Booker through he is alive in a million million worlds it's not over because the Prophet is dead it will only be over when he never even lived in the first place hey hey the deal's off you hear me stable the deal is off your back give her back fine are you mad give her back you son of a [ __ ] no no no give me back my daughter No so there it is Elizabeth led Booker to another scene in his past where it's revealed that Booker does know what happened to Elizabeth's or Anna's finger a younger Comstock hired robber loot s to blackmail Booker into giving Comstock his daughter Anna logically that means the Comstock escaped with Anna through a tear created by the loot Tess's raised Booker's daughter as his own and renamed her Elizabeth so if you're following closely you will realize that the whole plot of Infinite is that Booker is actually sent to Columbia to reclaim his grown-up daughter that he sold in the past and he doesn't know this entire time but that still doesn't explain why Comstock even wants Booker's daughter what relationship is there between Booker and Comstock again were transported back to Booker's p.i office for almost 20 years until one day man came to you offered you a chance our attention sheds for us two together now we see that it was actually Lu test that offered Booker a chance of redemption at getting back his regret being a master of quantum physics lute s has the technology to bring Booker into this universe where he can reclaim his daughter bring us the girl and wipe away the debt the debt is Booker's regret that he's lived with his entire life regret for selling away his daughter Anna so here we see the reality at the beginning of the game the loot esses dragged him into the boat and he began to manufacture his own motives are you sure this is what you want I have to it's the only way to undo what I've taught to him look I do it are you ready why are we back here this isn't the same place okay of course it is I remember right you're not you know who are you you chose to walk away but in other oceans you didn't you took the baptism you were born again as a different man it all has to end to have never started not just in this world in all of ours smother him and the crafts mother's mother for the choice is made before you are reborn she's Zachary Comstock she's booked her to hit boss okay so the many Elizabeth's explained that this point in Booker's past where he goes to the baptism right after Wounded Knee is the exact point where father Comstock is either born or not born remember constants and variables Booker's presence at the baptism is a constant but the variable is the choice that is made take the baptism or don't take the baptism it's simple if he refuses it he remains Booker DeWitt the man that lives his life with regret for his actions at Wounded Knee the man that ends up selling his baby daughter Anna the man that carves her initials in his hand as penance and lives 20 years of his life wallowing in all of his regret until another man lute s comes along and offers him a chance at reuniting with his daughter Anna and then becomes the man that lives the tale of BioShock Infinite or the other choice is that Booker takes the baptism and is washed of all of his sins a race of his past and is reborn as a new man Zachary Comstock either way the decision was made here in the solution to the main conflict of the story drowned Comstock at the source smother him in the crib which in effect drowns Booker as a result the several copies of Elizabeth from alternate universes start disappearing and the one remains remember Comstock's last words he knew this was the result now it's very easy to get lost in the multiverse theory with the story what if Booker was originally born as Hitler what if he was this or that no the constant is Booker's presence at that baptism the millions of worlds and alternate universes branched off at this one point in Booker's past there is no denying this and there are still so many details to iron out so many loose ends still untied why does Comstock want Booker's baby Anna was Ana born or conceived before Wounded Knee or after did the one Elizabeth remaining at the end disappear after the screen went black or did she live this obviously determines if she was born before after the baptism but we can't say for sure because we don't know given what we have I can only think of one logical explanation Comstock never even had a child and when he somehow crossed paths with Alou Tess's he must have expressed his want for a child to fulfill the prophecy seed of the Prophet drown the mountains of men in flame yadda yadda yadda and so they helped him travel to the alternate universe where Booker had Anna and stole him from his alternate self more proof of this being the case is that Comstock is described as being sterile by Lou Tess's also lady Comstock due to too much interaction with the tears and multiple universes and there's no really explanation for that but still doesn't explain why Comstock didn't or couldn't have a baby because he didn't interact with the tears until he met the Lou Tess's so it's not like he expressed the want for a child then became sterile from the tears also we learned from the interactions with lady Comstock that she believed Elizabeth came from some strange experiment so this baby was definitely not born in a universe where Booker had taken the baptism and been born again as Comstock then of course Comstock betrays the lewd test is because he knows how smart they are mastering the ability to occupy multiple universes at once which leads me to another loose end dilute esses is it be Lou Tessa's or just Lou Tess throughout the game the two appear and disappear quite too often the reality is that in Booker's universe Robert Lou Tess existed he's the one that approached Booker in the first place however in Comstock's universe Rosalind is Lou tests that existed that Lou test was born as a woman instead of a man she's the one who mastered quantum physics and allowed Columbia to float in the sky and as a result from their combined genius and brain power they figured out a way to coexist in Comstock's universe absolutely brilliant and even when Comstock killed both of them off they still managed to exist presumably from other alternate universes and follow Booker along in his journey in Columbia they aren't even tied into Booker's Wounded Knee baptism or non baptism constant and that gives them an excuse to disappear and reappear at any moment in time the loot s's are also the primary reason for driving the narrative the whole story their goal is to use Booker to get revenge on Comstock by taking away Elizabeth from Comstock it's almost like they're doing the reverse polar opposite thing that they did to Booker in the past instead of aiding Comstock in stealing Anna from Booker this time they aid Booker and stealing Elizabeth who is still an ax from Comstock Wow I know that was a bit confusing but if you let sink in it makes sense with all this multiverse alternate parallel universe mumbo-jumbo there is still a concrete timeline of events the lutessa always point out that it isn't a question of what or who but when since Comstock is older his universe had to be before Booker's for him to go back steel Anna and raise her as Elizabeth in Columbia the order goes something like this Booker DeWitt lives his past as a hero at Wounded Knee he enters the baptism accepts it and goes on to be Comstock Comstock meets elude Tess's they work for him and offer him away to get a child they help Comstock steal Anna from Booker in an alternate universe and Comstock raises her as his own as Elizabeth then Comstock kills Lou Tess's and prepares himself for the arrival of the false shepherd Booker DeWitt then the loot Tess's seek revenge on Comstock by contacting Booker DeWitt in his universe using the washing of sins as a bargaining chip to get him to reclaim his daughter an exact revenge on Comstock then the story of infinite unfolds and ends with Comstock never been born and DeWitt being drowned at the baptism after Wounded Knee in the process though Booker doesn't know he's actually rescuing his daughter and then he's actually the pond being used by the loo Tessa's to seek revenge on Comstock even though it's clear on the surface that he's doing a deed to wipe away a debt at first I thought the lutessa swiped Booker's mind clean or something but then I realized Booker simply does not understand the whole opening tears and traveling to different universes idea at all Comstock does but there are different people in different universes Booker is simply the man who gave away Anna his baby regretted it for 20 years and accepted an offer at redemption somehow though they did get in his head that his journey to Columbia was just to pay off a gambling debt when actually they were giving him a real opportunity to be with his daughter and that brings me to another point this whole journey with Booker actually ends up as him spending quality time with his daughter it's really a sweet story when you look at it from that perspective and it's too bad that it ends with her drowning him but he does realize it at the end and all he ever wanted to do was undo what he did to her and he actually did one last thing I don't quite understand but isn't 100% contingent on the ending is how does Elizabeth have these powers in the first place the only other person or people in the Bioshock narrative that have the ability to travel through the tears are the Lu tess's and they acquire the skill through sheer intellect and figuring it out how'd Elizabeth gain this skill is it from the act of traveling through to another universe as a baby was she born with it is it the fact that her pinkie came in contact with the tear as a baby did that give her powers or is it just that she was raised in alternate universe did elude Tess's give her the powers perhaps nobody knows for sure and one more theory that I didn't really catch on while I was playing the game or right after I beat the ending I actually found this on the internet you know a lot of people have been talking about this ending of course and that's why I'm making this video but something that I didn't catch on was the infinite loop kind of theory I guess so in the beginning when you meet the lute esses and they had the heads and tails you see on the back of Robert Lou Tess he's wearing chalkboard he's got like a bunch of heads and apparently you like Booker flipped a coin that many times and he got heads that many times I thought that was just a good representation of you know the whole multiple universe thing and there's a universe where you know logically it could happen you know there could be heads every single time I thought it was just a good representation of the multiverse theory but what it really is is it points to the fact that Booker is kind of stuck in this infinite loop and you can kind of relate that to the title of the game BioShock Infinite but he's stuck in a loop and further explanation of this is the song will the circle be unbroken so it's like he's stuck in a loop and they're singing will the circle of him being you know going to Columbia over and over and over and then failing will it end will the circle be unbroken that's what that song is about which is just genius it just gives you that incredible feeling you know the song has been used since the beginning of the game and actually makes a difference in the end of the game and it's referred to several several times so you know Booker being stuck in an infinite loop trying to stop this whole thing that's what that theory is and I didn't pick up on that when I played through originally or when I made this whole ending explanation originally so alright guys I provided the best explanation I could for this ending but I know I'm not 100% correct because these games are meant to be left open to interpretation there are so many clues that relate to the ending throughout the game it's maybe even worth a few videos just to go back and cut all them together so let me know if that's something you all would be interested in because I'm interested in doing it if you think I left something out or are confused or just have another question feel free to leave it in the comments below and I will try my best to get back to it as soon as possible hope you guys enjoyed I will go ahead and take a breather and I will talk to you later peace which is
Channel: jayvee
Views: 2,337,209
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: hd, gameplay, commentary, multiplayer, walkthrough, lets, play, single, player, story, campaign, achievement, mission, strategy, guide, review, tips, tutorial, how, to, montage, xbox, 360, ps3, psn, pc, trailer, confirmed, game, mode, JV2017, JV2017gameplay, machinima, respawn, machinimarespawn, amazing, best, kill, awesome, bioshock infinite, booker, elizabeth, ending, vigor, location, upgrade, combo, infusion, cipher, possession, devil's kiss, shock jockey, secret, end, analysis, explained, explanation, comstock, songbird
Id: MhjKW1S1xvk
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 25min 41sec (1541 seconds)
Published: Fri Apr 05 2013
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